Creating a geographical image of Russia. Research project on geography "the image of a blacksmith in the paintings of local artists" Geographical pencil drawings

Today I wanted to become a fairy... The real one, at least as my fifth-graders understand)))) After all, it was today that they brought their drawings to the second geography lesson, through which they showed their perception of the science of geography - what it will study, what and who it's about. And to me, each drawing seemed like a small masterpiece, into the creation of which a piece of the author’s soul was invested.

Young artists approached their homework creatively. Of course, there were works simply with a drawn globe or mountain, or a water cycle. But such works remained unmarked in the journal, because they had to not only copy some suitable picture from a textbook or the Internet, but also explain their work.

So what is this new science of geography about?

The favorite object in the drawings is the globe.

The earth can smile when "...people don't spoil it."

And this is a slightly abstract Earth, because “... when I look at the Earth from a space rocket, then I’ll draw exactly what it looks like!”

In this A3 work, what captivated me was not the size or the huge globe, but the small picture at the top.

When I saw the bottom of the picture, I didn’t recognize the oar, it seemed like it was a huge spoon for minerals. But the young author corrected the teacher)))))

Pay attention to this drawing and its small details - it seems to me that the author is very extraordinary and systematic!

And this is a geography teacher who must “... talk about our country in class.” I definitely will!

This is an attempt at a self-portrait)))))

It seems that it could not have happened without the help of parents...

The fairy's boots are red so that "... everyone knows that this is an important fairy."

The Geography fairy's dress is made of water...

Or from countries...
The young artists left the lesson happy - they took “5” in their diaries, anticipating the next lesson, because in it we will continue to get acquainted with travelers and discoverers, and we will also test our knowledge using the electronic manual for the textbook...

P.S. And after the lesson, one young artist ran up to me and said that the Geography fairy in her drawing was me. Well, how did you find out?)))))

Competition of design works of students of educational organizations in Moscow

"Economy. Society. Regional studies. XXI century" within the framework of the open competition platform "Initiative. Creation. Success" of the city career guidance marathon "Career Navigator: scale - Moscow city"

Nomination: “Country Studies. XXI Century”

“Creating a Geographical Image of Russia”

Kukushkina Daria, Tselykovskaya Nadezhda

Class 9 “B”, GBOU School No. 1238,[email protected] , Moscow

Scientific supervisor: Malyarchuk Larisa Vasilievna

Tel: +79150431351, [email protected]

Teacher of the highest category, geography teacher, GBOU School No. 1238, Moscow.

1. Introduction……………………………………………………………………..

2. Main part. Creating a geographical image of the country.

2.1. Personality and the process of its socialization…………………………………..

2.2. Geosciences ………………………………………………………………………………

2.3. Structure of the country's image according toD.N. Zamyatin……………………………

2.4. Contents and resultsresearch – “drawing technique”…..

2.4.1. Typification of drawings…………………………………………………………………….

2.4.2. Thematic analysis…………………………………………………………….

2.4.3. Symbolic analysis………………………………………………………………

2.4.4. General conclusions of the study……………………………………………………….

2.5. Geographical image of Russia at the state level………….

3. Conclusion……………………………………………………………………………….

4. List of references………………………………………………………..

5. Appendix………………………………………………………………………………….

My Rus', my life!
A. Blok

1. Introduction

Geographical images and civilizational identity are interconnected phenomena. The phenomenon of the formation and development of geographical images, one way or another, is associated with civilization and culture, within the framework of which it can be discovered and comprehended. Any civilizational identity contains, to one degree or another, in open or hidden forms, geographical images. They are an integral and natural part of civilizational identity. Another thing is that the “bearer” of civilizational identity may not notice this. A researcher interested in a comprehensive study of civilizational identity must also consider the corresponding geographical images. Unlike others, Russian civilization, despite numerous cultural borrowings from Byzantine and European civilizations, is autochthonous (autochthonous from the Greek αὐτός - himself and χθών - earth - belonging by origin to a given territory, local, indigenous by origin). In addition, the historical time of its independent existence far exceeds the corresponding indicators of other civilizations. Finally, and most importantly, the spaces that found themselves in the zone of influence of Russian civilization were, for most of the historical time under consideration, part of the Russian state, be it the Muscovite Kingdom, the Russian Empire, the Soviet Union or the Russian Federation. Territories that are not currently part of the Russian Federation, but were previously part of Russian state entities, have been largely comprehended and culturally mastered by Russian civilization. Such overwhelming mono-statehood within one civilization, and statehood that has spread over the world's largest continental landmass, is certainly unique.

The image of the country is most clearly presented in works of art - literary, pictorial, musical, cinematic, photographic, etc. In one era or another, this image can acquire specific features, thanks to which it is inseparable from a specific historical time, saturated with certain political and cultural events. However, the picture becomes more complex if we also take into account the creation of the country’s image not only by contemporaries, but also by subsequent generations. In fact, a kind of figurative interference occurs when different and sometimes very different interpretations of the image overlap each other and begin to interact with each other. Finally, it should be taken into account that a researcher who belongs to another, sometimes very distant era, brings his own vision, his own interpretation of such a figurative picture. In our work, we tried to create our own image of the country in which we were born, live and study - this is Russia.

The goal of the work is to create a geographical image of the territory of Russia.

Tasks:1. Study various methods of creating the image of a territory.. 2. Conduct a sociological survey and study of the image of the country among students of GBOU School No. 1238 in Moscow.

2. Creation of a geographical image of the country.

2.1. Young people’s ideas about their country are the basis for socialization and the formation of civic identity, they determine ideological positions, influence political activity, and determine the prospects for life and self-realization. The image of Russia as a component of a person’s holistic image of the world is characterized by content and semantic multidimensionality, has a level structure in which conscious layers are distinguished, represented by a system of everyday concepts, beliefs, and value and worldview attitudes of the individual. A personality is a product of the social environment, the society in which it develops and lives. During the formation of personality, processes of socialization continuously occur: - personality development; - self-determination; - formation of new qualities; - integration. Of great importance for the formation of personality is the creation of an image of the country in which it is formed. 2.2. Earth sciences, namely the course Geography of Russia (grades 8-9), develop in a teenager such qualities as: 1.patriotism (comparing the geo-ecological potential of Russia and the developed industrial countries of the world); 2.spirituality and morality (specially protected natural areas, folk crafts of Russia); 3. tolerance (ethnic and religious composition of the Russian population). The above examples directly contribute to all of the above processes of personal socialization. Classic Russian economic geography N.N. Baransky in the mid-20th century wrote about the need to build a description of the country’s territory according to a unique scenario, based on local characteristics, from issue to issue, from shelf to shelf. Without selecting features according to their importance, without caring about their internal connections, without trying to explain them, without comparing them with the features of history. The main disadvantage of this approach to creating the image of a country is that it is difficult to highlight the main thing. Ordinary consciousness also builds information about the territory around one or two main topics. This is the basis for the so-called mass images of countries and territories, when the choice of the main theme occurs not according to the “logic of the territory”, but according to the logic of mass consciousness (the image of the territory is replaced by the image of its prominent native or simply a collective image, a symbolic figure). 2.3. While working on the project of creating our own geographical image of Russia, we became acquainted with the works of other scientistsD.N. Zamyatin and E.A. Galumova.According to D.N. Zamyatin, “geographical images are stable spatial representations that are formed as a result of any human activity (both at the everyday and at the professional level). They are compact models of a specific geographical space, created to more effectively achieve any given goal.” D.N. Zamyatin describes the structure of the country’s image as a kind of “matryoshka”: the core image is hidden inside several “packages”.The core image presupposes its own certain “branching”. The main cores, bright features, “highlights” of Russia:

1. Political-geographicalan image that represents a concentration of the leading geographical signs, symbols and features of a country in political terms. This image identifies the state with a certain part of the world (the world) and in a certain environment of states. Russia is like Eastern Europe or Asia.

2. Natural resource image is a concentration of leading features and symbols of national resource wealth in natural, landscape or climatic terms. In the mass consciousness, this image identifies the state with some of its inherent symbols of nature. (Russia - white birch, brown bear, endless steppes, Russian black soil, white nights, pole of cold - Oymyakon, etc.).

3. Civilizational and cultural image in the form of a national cultural symbol, constituting the historical heritage of the country and recognizable throughout the world. This image identifies the state and its people with a cultural and historical heritage of world significance. In the UN register (cultural monuments of world civilization) in Russia, such monuments include the Kremlin architectural ensemble.

4. Sociomental image of the country. Russians are dreamy: theater, poetry, ballet and inventive: radio - A.S. Popov, nuclear power plant - the first in Obninsk, periodic table of D.I. Mendeleev, hydrogen bomb - A.D. Sakharov, synthetic rubber from oil - B. Byzov, Kalashnikov assault rifle, the first artificial satellite, the first cosmonaut, etc.

5. Production and economic image as a symbol of the well-being, power and influence of the state. This image attributes to the state an economic niche in the global economic division. Russia – space, military-industrial complex, fuel and energy complex, metallurgy, etc.

6. The national value image of the country completes the series of listed images - this is a concentration of leading signs and symbols expressing state interests, goals and aspirations in a national and ideological sense. The national value image indicates a priority national goal, identifies the state and its people with the historical values ​​offered to the world and consistently defended by the state on the world stage. In Russia, spirituality is religion, family and morality - respect for traditions and cultures.

The advantages of this assessment method for creating an image of a country:

Allows you to numerically evaluate and compare the external and internal geographical image of both one country and several states;

Allows you to numerically evaluate and compare not only the geographical image of the country as a whole, but also its individual aspects (for example, analyze the internal image from the point of view of natural resources or only the natural component of the external image of the state);

Takes into account the varying degrees of value of characteristics for the geographical image of the state;

It can be used not only in relation to the geographical image of the country, but also to some of its other aspects.

2.4. In order to create an image of Russia in the minds of students in grades 8-9 of GBOU School No. 1238, we interviewed... people aged 13-15 years, of whom 35 were boys and 33 girls. Drawing technique was used as a research method. The guys received blank sheets of paper with the task: “Please draw an image of Russia as you imagine it.” The drawing took 3-5 minutes. During the study, we used a four-level procedure in which image analysis was carried out at the following levels: 1) typification of pictures; 2) content, thematic analysis; 3) symbolic analysis; 4) emotional analysis. 2.4.1. At the stage of drawing typification, the following types were identified:

· Symbolic - represent an image of one or more typical symbols of Russia. They do not express a specific idea, but rather a figurative, symbolic association (30.8% of the total number of drawings).

· Social - the image of Russia as Russian society or as some social situation (20.5%).

· Landscape, “rural” type - represent an image of natural objects, a picture of rural life (17.6%).

· Personifications - represent Russia in the form of a person or animal (13.2%).

· Enumerating - represent a set, enumeration of several elements that characterize, from the respondent’s point of view, the image of Russia (7.3%).

· Type “Map of Russia” - image of Russia in the form of a map (5.8%).

· Military topics - 4.5%.

· Metaphorical - express a certain idea, similar to a verbal metaphor, but uses visual images (1.4%).

· Urban - represent an image of street objects (1.4%).

2.4.2. Thematic analysis is the division of drawings into the following types:

1) isolation - remoteness and isolation of Russia from the whole world; 2) division, fragmentation - Russia is divided or split into 2 or more parts; 3) contrast, opposites - depiction of a specific division into rich and poor; 4) the disconnect between power and society - images that clearly show that power uses the people and their labor. There were no such figures in our study. All students represent Russia as a single whole.

2.4.2. Symbolic analysis consists of identifying and interpreting the symbols present in the drawings: 1) natural symbols - this is the most common type (31%); 2) rural symbols - also often found among the works (9%); 3) official - coat of arms, flag (17.6%); 4) traditional - often depicted matryoshka dolls, felt boots or vodka (17.6%); 5) Soviet symbols - after all, the USSR left its mark on the lives of modern youth, despite the fact that there was only one drawing depicting a Soviet star (1.4%); 6) a symbol of industry and natural resources - images that clearly showed that Russia is associated with factories, oil and gas (7.3%)

2.4.3. General conclusions of the study: 1. Most often, the traditional image of Russia was encountered, associated primarily with Russian nature, pictures of rural life (although urban youth were surveyed), they show a small homeland (40%).

2. On the other hand, at the symbolic level, in addition to actual, natural images, stereotypical, external and state symbols are also expressed - official, Soviet and traditional (37%).

3. Very significant are the resource and geographical characteristics of the image of Russia, in particular the image of the large size of the country, the presence of minerals (13.2%).

4. There were drawings that clearly showed the problems that characterize Russia - namely, roads, or rather the lack thereof, as well as alcohol (4.7%). There were no drawings that depicted submission to the power elite.

5. The presence of a clear, unified image of Russia among the surveyed group.

6. At the value and emotional levels, a positive image of Russia prevails. Emotional analysis allows us to identify a positive attitude towards an object, which is manifested in the thoroughness, accuracy of the image, and the brightness of the colors.

2.5. As an example of promoting the geographical image of Russia at the state level, we would like to cite the holding of the All-Russian competition “Seven Wonders of Russia”. The goal of which would be to revive the sense of patriotism and love for one’s Fatherland, as well as to attract attention to the restoration and preservation of unique historical, cultural and natural sites on the territory of Russia. A special website was organized as part of the project , where it was proposed to vote for the already presented wonders of Russia, as well as offer your own options. Based on the results of the first round, the winning 49 wonders from 7 federal districts of Russia were selected: 7 wonders from each federal district. In the second round, 14 finalists of the competition were selected. Then the super final took place, when 7 desired objects had already been selected. The results of the popular vote were announced on June 12, 2008 in Moscow during the live broadcast of the celebrations in honor of Russian Independence Day by the RTR television channel. The winners were three man-made and four natural attractions: St. Basil's Cathedral, Mamayev Kurgan and the statue of the Motherland, the Peterhof palace and park ensemble, weathering pillars, Lake Baikal, the Valley of Geysers, Mount Elbrus. Competitions of this kind are essentially one of the ways to form a positive image of Russian regions (both within the country itself and abroad) and popularize its natural, historical and cultural attractions.

3. Conclusion.

The method of figurative-geographical modeling and creation of mind maps, which we used in our work, allows us.

Develop creativity; +Build communicative competence in the process of group activities to compile mind maps; +Develop general educational skills: note-taking, annotating, participating in discussions, preparing reports, writing abstracts, articles, analytical reviews, conducting analysis, etc.; +Develop all types of memory (short-term, long-term, semantic, figurative, etc.); + Monitor your own intellectual work; +It is easier to navigate the choice of future professional activity.

4. List of used literature.

1. Bershadsky M.E. Cognitive educational technologies of the XXI century: theory and practice of application. - M.: September, 2011. 2. Vinogradov P.N., Koroleva N.N. The image of Russia in the views of modern youth [Electronic resource] Access mode. URL: (date accessed 02/02/2015). 3. Galumov E.A. . International image of Russia: strategy of formation. M., 2003. 4 .Gureev S.V. Analysis of drawings in sociological research // Sociological Research. - 2007. - No. 10. - P. 132-139.5. 5. Zamyatin D.N. Modeling of geographical images. Smolensk 1999. 6. Zamyatin D.N. Image of the country: structure and dynamics // Social sciences and modernity. 2000. No. 1. 7. Zamyatin D.N. Human geography: Space and language of geographical images. St. Petersburg, 2003.4. 8. Zamyatina N.Yu. Using images of places in teaching regional studies and urban studies // Cultural Geography. Almanac. M, 2003. 9. Official website of the competition “7 Wonders of Russia”

5. Application.

This is one of several map drawing tutorials I create for , an amazing group that I help grow.

If you used this lesson, tell me, show me, I would really like to see what you came up with! And don't be shy, ask questions too!

For this tutorial you will need a font Booter Zero Five(See the link at the end of the lesson).

This map making tutorial involves (imaginary) maps that look more like fantasy or pirate maps. There are no environmental elements on them. If you want to create a map for your world / just because / or for something else, you will get it, in just one hour of work!

Before we begin... you'll need Photoshop, a map file, and a font (see link at end of tutorial). It would also be a good idea to have on your computer a scanned photo of some landscape that you would like to depict. I used Photoshop CS3 Extended to create my map. I also used brushes for some parts of the work.


Take a close look at this screenshot. Don't forget to Save it As... and create a layer for the background.


Click on the picture to view the image in full size and 100% quality.

If you have a sketch, scan it or open a photo. Open it in a separate PS file, increase its brightness if necessary (Image – Adjustments – Brighten/Contrast). Insert an image by dragging it onto the map file. You can resize an image in two ways: either by clicking Edit – Transform – Scale, or by holding down the SHIFT key and dragging the diagonal arrows that appear at the corners of the image.


Regardless of whether you imported an image or not, create a new layer on top of the Map layer, grab a brush and start painting your landscape. It's better to make it a little larger than the image itself.


After completing the sketch, take the eraser and go over the outer edges of the sketch. They will be crooked and out of line, so you will need to go over these lines several times to clean everything up. If you want to make islands, make them now.


Click on the picture to view the image in full size and 100% quality.

Now you can take the quick selection tool and select everything that is outside of your land. After that, we start doing even more erasing; no continent or country is perfectly straight, round or angular. Let's add debris, depressions and cracks all over our map! =P Also, add some less-than-ideal-shaped rivers and lakes. Your people will surely need water to survive!


Click on the picture to view the image in full size and 100% quality.

Population! Open the Cities group, and make the Capitol...more precisely the Capital (capital mistakenly turned into capitol) and the Town visible. The capital is circled in red. You'll probably have more than one town/city/village/etc., and here's how to duplicate them: second-click on the Town layer and select Duplicate Layer from the list. , which will appear. The new city will appear on top of your original city. Remember this for the next step!


Open the Landscape group. You have a choice of more realistic and hand-drawn objects. To prevent the picture from looking ridiculous, use only one of these styles. You can place these objects wherever you want, and you can also duplicate (multiply) them. When you “plant” trees on your property, place mountains, rocks and forests, and consider the environment if you have not already done so. Civilization and vegetation, for example, tend to appear where there are sources of water. If you need to resize something, use the technique described in STEP 2.


Click on the picture to view the image in full size and 100% quality.

Open the Text group. It contains the following layers: River/Forest name, Town name, and Continent name. You can use a wider variety of fonts (eg Calibri for forest names, Juice for country names, etc.). The easiest way to make the font fit is to create a duplicate of the original text and change its font. Next, let's play with the effects. In this case, the outer glow and drop shadow look very good here. Don't forget to name all the worlds, continents, countries, regions, states, villages, towns, cities, capitals, oceans, rivers, lakes, mountains and plains. You don't have to name every detail on the map, but it will be annoying.

And you're done! WOW! Well, at least unless you really want to make your card something one-of-a-kind. If you still want...


Scroll down the page to see the most interesting, but completely optional effects that can be applied to the card.


The following is optional, but it contains some information to help improve your map.

Card Paper

If you want more emphasis and texture on your card, you can change the background! First, create a new layer on top of the Map layer. Take a brush, select a white color, and get to work. Personally, I like scatter brushes for this, but you can use any other brushes, for example, with coins, ships, animals, plants, etc.

Pay attention to the screenshot below, where you can see the changes after brushing. If you are using a scatter brush (or any other brushes with unusual patterns), work it over the entire surface of the card so that there are no empty spots.

Add Brightness

Does your map seem not bright enough? Click Image – Adjustments and you will see the following options: Hue/Saturation, Brightness/Contrast and Curves, which are the best adjustment options for our map. Go ahead, experiment! Notice the difference between this screenshot and the one above. Thanks to the Brightness/Contrast correction.

Guide Arrows

Click on the picture to view the image in full size and 100% quality.

No decent map can do without a compass!

The layer with the Compass (compass) is placed under the group of layers Landscape (landscape). Place it in an area where there is no dry land, adjusting it to size if necessary. I also like to add all sorts of effects to the compass. Experiment! In the screenshot you can see my favorite settings (the words highlighted with a “marker” are the names of various effects).

Click on the picture to view the image in full size and 100% quality.

A watermark is protection from paranoids (me included). Watermarks can protect your work from theft. If you have your own signature - or even if you want to use your name, email, dA page address - you can add it. Create a new layer (normal or text). All you need to do is add a watermark to a new layer, adjust it to size and reduce the Opacity (Opacity) or leave it as you like. Speaking of watermarks and liking... this entire tutorial is watermarked... don't even think about stealing it!

Also, if you want to create paths and signs on the map to give it a taste of ADVENTURE, just add a new layer on top of the land layer, grab a brush, pick a color close to the color of the map, and paint! You can also use humorous brushes, like the sea dragon in my map.

Click on the picture to view the image in full size and 100% quality.


Download font Booter Zero Five you can here: You cannot download files from our server
- Download with object layers

You can also watch this lesson in video format!

Ministry of Education of the Russian Federation

Budgetary municipal educational institution

Secondary school No. 14

named after 354th Infantry Division

Kuznetsk, Penza region

The image of Kuznetsk in paintings by local artists

(research paper in geography)

Completed by: 7a grade student

Bolyaeva Anastasia

Head: O. B. Klyauzova,

Research structure.

Introduction. Images of space are formed not only under the influence of the physical properties and parameters of the territory, but also under the influence of a whole range of factors: history, culture, politics, traditions, events. Topic, subject, goals, objectives, research methods. Updating the work.______________________________________________ 3

Chapter 1. The image of territory in geography and art

    1. The nature of Russia on the canvases of Russian artists________________________ 4-5

1.2 Holistic image of the territory________________________________________________ 5

1.3 Natural tones of the landscape_______________________________________________ 5-7

Chapter 2 The image of the nature of the native land in the paintings of artists

2.1 My land is a little bit of Russia. _________________________________________ 8

2.2 Endless movement and changing colors.________________________________ 9

.Chapter 3. History and economic development of the city of Kuznetsk through the eyes of painters 10

Conclusion______________________________________________________________ 11

Bibliography ____________________________________________________________ 12

Appendix No. 1. Table

“Natural areas of Russia in paintings by Russian artists”______________________ 13

Appendix No. 2. Sample booklet “Artists of Kuznetsk about their native land”__________ 14

Appendix No. 3. Presentation “The Image of Kuznetsk in the Paintings of Local Artists”


Each new person looks at the area described many times in his own way. Gradually, a generalized portrait of the place is being assembled, highlighting the main features. The image of a place has become one of the key concepts of local history and regional studies.

Painting, which is inconceivable without images of landscapes and an image of a place, turned out to be fruitful for the development of geography.

Kuznetsk artists love to paint their city and its surroundings. They are writing the history of Kuznetsk. They write as it really is, they write in colors, with love. The changes that are taking place in the city can be tracked in the paintings.

Research topic: " The image of Kuznetsk in paintings by local artists"

Hypothesis: paintings not only cultivate the spiritual principle in a person, but also help create the image of a territory and are a source and keeper of valuable information about it.

Subject of study: 1) paintings by artists of the city of Kuznetsk;

2) art history literature;

3) a block of geographical materials about the city of Kuznetsk.

Target: shape the image of Kuznetsk with the help of paintings by local artists

Based on the hypothesis, subject and objectives of the study, it is necessary to decide the following tasks:

1) get acquainted with the paintings of local artists and the history of their painting;

2) systematize cultural materials;

3) study literature on geographical and historical local history;

4) promote information about Kuznetsk artists and their paintings.

5) prepare a booklet “Artists of Kuznetsk about their native land.”

Research methods:

1) study of scientific literature;

2) analysis and synthesis;

3) project method.

Updating and practical significance of the work: research materials

1) can become a chapter in a textbook on local history of the Penza region;

Chapter 1. Image of the territoryin geography and art.

    1. Holistic image of the territory

Geographic space forms a special image of the surrounding world, expressed in the space of the earth as a habitat.

Images of space are formed not only under the influence of the physical properties and parameters of the territory, but also under the influence of a whole range of factors: history, culture, politics, traditions, events.

Usually, as a result of travel, when the observer’s gaze evaluates fairly large parts of space, a completely holistic image of the territory is formed, easily conveyed through, for example, a slogan and a visual picture. “Siberia is the wealth of Russia”; “The Urals are the stronghold of the Power”; “Sochi – the pearl of the Western Caucasus”; “Kuban is the breadbasket of the Great Country” - well-established expressions.

By assessing the territory from the inside, linking all impressions and events to a specific place (street, district, house), clearer images of the specific places within which it is located are formed. So, for example: “...Ah, Arbat, my Arbat, you...” - the literary center of Moscow”; “St. Petersburg - the embankment of Europe”; “Sparrow Hills: all of Moscow “in the palm of your hand”, “Komsomolskaya Street” - “Arbat” for Kuznetsk.,

A continuation of the process of studying space is the creation of images. They help a person find his place in the system of geographical space.

Science and art, reason and feelings jointly created a unified picture of the world.

The first ideas about the world around us were based on artistic speculation. The first geographical maps were works of art with the attributes inherent in painting.

Geography experienced its real flourishing during the Renaissance, which was also the era of great geographical discoveries.

It seemed that these days the golden age of geography was over. However, everything turned out to be completely wrong. Geography has become an inexhaustible vein for creativity . Each new person looks at the area described many times in his own way. Gradually, a generalized portrait of the place, its image, is being assembled, highlighting the main features.

The image of a place has become one of the key concepts of local history and regional studies. Painting, which is inconceivable without depicting landscapes, turned out to be fruitful for the development of geography.

In architecture, the term “landscape architecture” appeared, implying the connection of buildings with the landscape. But architecture has no right to be different: the most elegant building looks out of place if the features of the landscape were not taken into account during its creation. Real architecture is always integrated into the landscape.

Geography is the science of visual ideas, visual memory. A geographer can only be one who is able to more or less clearly imagine the placement of objects in space and, moreover, observing the relative magnitude of the distances between them.

A true geographer is in love with the cartographic forms of continents, islands, bays, seas, lakes, rivers and mountain ranges. For him they are living beings. This alone already contains an element of artistic creativity.

When depicting a landscape, a painter is physically unable to draw every leaf, every twig, every blade of grass and convey the exact color of each of them. He selects from them only some of the main forms, lines, colors, outstanding, beautifully contrasted. This generalization presents the viewer with the general impression and mood that the artist himself experienced while contemplating this picture in nature. The geographer does exactly the same work, but within a strictly scientific objective framework, selecting for his geographical landscape only everything that is bright and not noticing everything that is unimportant and obscures the picture. Moreover, this geographical picture is presented using a whole series of symbols, equivalent to the strokes, spots and strokes of the painter, for example, through schematic drawings and maps. Here geography has the closest contact with art.

    1. The nature of Russia on the canvases of Russian artists

The classics of Russian painting depicted the nature of different latitudes on their canvases; they seemed to read the main geographical pattern - latitudinal zoning.

Alexander Borisov, inspired by his travels around Novaya Zemlya, paints landscapes of the Arctic desert. Before Borisov, no artist had ever gone so far north with sketchbooks. In his travel notes, the pioneering artist describes the difficulties he had to face on his journey. And he named the book of memoirs accordingly - “In the Land of Cold and Death.” And yet

However, Borisov was so enchanted by the north that he never wrote anything else. He immortalized landscapes on canvas, and his contemporaries, painters, on maps. The Tretyakov Glacier, capes and, and, and appeared on the map of Novaya Zemlya after the expeditions of Alexander Borisov.
Vasily Perepletchikov is another artist who fell in love with the unkind northern nature. While traveling around the Arkhangelsk province, Perepletchikov found the main themes of his paintings and acquired an original style. For 12 years, the artist went on long trips, as he himself said, “again to the Arctic Ocean, to big, strong people.” Contemporaries called him “the enthusiastic singer of the far North.”
Apollinary Vasnetsov was truly fascinated by the harsh nature of the Urals and Siberia.

“The character of the Urals and its nature reminded me very much of the Vyatka region: the same coniferous forests, ridges, only of enormous size, and the forests are taiga bristles along the mountain ridges, instead of single spruce trees there are giant cedars. That’s probably why I spent several years painting Ural landscapes,” the artist wrote.
One of his key works was the painting “Steppe during the Day,” where the steppe appears as a space stretching to the horizon, filled with soft golden light. It is now stored in
The artist chose three leading themes for himself: the depiction of the sea elements, historical battles and Crimean landscapes. Crimean nature attracted the artist with its changeability. Capturing its elusive shades is as difficult as capturing the successive sea waves. (Appendix No. 1)

1.3 Natural tones of the landscape

Painting is more complete than sculpture and architecture in depicting the characteristics of countries.

Every nation at different stages of its historical development sees a different number of shades of the solar spectrum. Thus, the Russian people are alien to the concept of the color orange, which, according to its shades, it ranks among its neighbors - either red or yellow, as well as the concept of lilac, which it recognizes only as a shade of the neighboring blue. At the same time, he has firm concepts about blue and blue, while among the Germans and French both are designated by the common word “blau”, “bleu”. At the same time, to a Russian person, red and crimson colors seem more or less independent.

It is known that not only the shapes of earthly objects in their distribution over the surface of our planet have their own strict geography, but the natural tones of the landscape also have it. Thus, the Siberian and Ural taiga from a distance has a general strong bluish tone, and the taiga of Fenno-Scandia is darker brownish; pine trunks on the Russian Plain are gray below, red-orange above, and on the North German Plain they are very blackish, etc.

Observing the surrounding nature, human tribes choose from them their favorite colors for their ornamentation and painting, and this paint is often the one that produces the most vivid and effective contrast with the prevailing color of their native land. Thus, against the almost exclusively green, in general, spring and summer background of the great Russian Plain with its forests, meadows, steppes and fields that are not yet ripe before the harvest, the most effective contrast in sunny weather produces an optically complementary red, crimson and pink color to green, characteristic of ripe berries, poppy, rose hips, fireweed from forest fires, red mushroom and fly agaric. This color is just the favorite color of the majority of the population of our plain. Yellow and orange colors, as optically not complementary to green, do not produce such a spectacular contrast with greenery, and besides, they are characteristic of the sadly dying foliage in autumn, and in the north, yellow color is a characteristic local, but not common for the entire plain, feature of its blooming in the spring and early half summer meadows. Both of these colors are unpopular with us, while among the Chinese and Tibetans the yellow color is sacred as characteristic of the golden rays of the sun, the sources of all living things. Probably for the same reason, the Finns like to use the yellow color almost exclusively for the interior decoration of windows and some other objects of theirs. rooms sparsely illuminated by the winter sun, because during the long cloudy winter they manage to yearn for the caresses of the sun's rays and their marvelous summer dawns all night long. The color red, or rather purple, similar to the color of blood, is sacred among many southern peoples as the difference in the nobility of the blood of one from another and as the color of the blood of animal sacrifices. The white color, snowy, is considered by significant masses of the population of our plain to be “sad,” that is, “mourning,” because it coincides with the lifelessness of winter. Some ancient peoples of the Mediterranean, such as the Greeks, considered blue to be the color of mourning, probably due to the relative lifelessness of the blue color of the sky and sea surface compared to the living and varied colors of the land. In Fenno-Scandia, the Baltic region and Germany, in the region of north-western windy seas, lakes and rapids rivers, a very strong and effective contrast with the greenery, especially meadows, as well as with the gray color of rocks in sunny weather is the steel-blue color of restless, strongly rippling water, which is a favorite among the Lapps of the Western Finns, Scandinavians and Germans. Let us remember Pushkin’s “and in front of the blue ranks of his warlike squads,” said about Charles XII. The Finns also hold black in high esteem... probably in contrast to the white snow. In general, the black color, characteristic of those nights when you can’t see anything, as well as dungeons, is considered mourning everywhere. Among some southern Muslim peoples, due to the most spectacular contrast of sun-scorched rocks and deserts, with the rare bright green oases there, the green color is sacred and associated with the banner and cloak of the prophet. The Siamese sacred color is white, characteristic of the local elephant and lotus, which is relatively rare against the bright background of tropical nature, and therefore produces the strongest contrasting impression.

The sharpness or softness of color shades is favored by individual tribes, depending on the climatic conditions in which they live. In general, in countries with a harsh continental climate, the population is more committed to the sharpness and brightness of color shades in their ornamentation and painting, because nature itself is sharper here than in coastal countries, where natural shades are softened by air humidity and evaporation. Thus, the French and Japanese are organically inclined to always delicate colorful shades, Russian and Turkish tribes - to sharp, bright, flashy ones.

Chapter 2. The image of the nature of the native land in the paintings of artists


And the long singing of dragonflies,

And the echoing wave of the last dreams,

And the yarn predicting lightning,

And the singing of migrating birds, -

And nests of saffron milk caps, milk mushrooms,

And the dregs of October rains,

And the carpet fell out overnight

Snow covering the meadow and forest -

And the first weak stalk,

Signifying the spring term,

And the sound of a sharpened braid,

And all the minutes and hours, -

All that was in the abyss of days,

Doesn't fade in my memory,

And there is nothing more desirable

Than the image of my edge.

Konstantin Balmont

2.1. My land is a little bit of Russia .

Every person is especially fond of the corner of the earth where he was born and grew up.

Landscape is an integral part of national culture, forming national identity.

Man and space are an eternal theme for Russian culture. Here are the artists of the Kuznetsk land A. Alferov, A. Batarshin, O. Batarshina, A. Krayushkin, N. Lukyanov, N. Larin, A. Vakhrameev, G. Barannikova and others, inspired by the unique beauty of their native land, depict it on their canvases.

Most of Penza, lying on the Volga Upland, has an almost ideal landscape from the point of view of psychological perception. It reflects a harmonious combination of spatial vertical and horizontal, as it is located on the border of mountain and plain landscapes. Psychological comfort is created by the paintings “Early Evening” by N. Lukyanov, Olga Batarshina “Truev. Beginning of May."

The term "picturesque" literally means "pictorial". Beautiful views have always been highly valued and have long ago become a special type of economic offer for travelers. Thus, the Russian historian N. Karamzin wrote in “Letters of a Russian Traveler”: “If they asked me: “What can you never enjoy?”, then I would answer: “Good views.” How many beautiful places I have seen! And with all this, I look at new ones with the liveliest pleasure.” It is no coincidence that the outskirts of Kuznetsk become a favorite vacation spot for visiting guests: the Nadezhda sanatorium, recreation centers in Sosnovka and Tarlakovo.

The natural features of the landscape are very highly valued in a market economy, when land is the object of free purchase and sale.

2.2. Endless movement and changing colors.

The Penza region is located in a temperate continental climate, and this causes harsh winters and hot summers, a long spring shimmering with all shades of colors, in which every week brings with it something new, so the artist’s favorite theme is the depiction of the seasons.

Seasons - favorite topics of Batarshina A.R., Batarshina O.A., Alferova A.P., Barannikova G.A., Lukyanova N., Eliseeva Yu.P. and others. In Andrei Vakhrameev’s painting one can clearly see a sunny winter day, complete calm, the air ringing with frost. Pushkin’s lines come to mind: “Frost and sun are a wonderful day...”

And most importantly, they contain unchanging elements of native nature, where there are no sharp edges: early or late autumn, spring waters, melting snow, rain, thunderstorms, the winter sun peeking out for a moment from behind heavy winter clouds. In the nature of temperate latitudes there are no eternal objects that do not change at different times of the year. Everything in our nature is variable in color and condition. Trees - either with bare branches, creating unique winter patterns, or with bright, spring, picturesque foliage, as in Olga Batarshina’s painting “Truev. Beginning of May." The autumn forest is diverse in shades and degree of color saturation. In my work “Colors of Autumn”, I depictedthe play of color and the boundless imagination of nature, which is reflected in the autumn pond. It seems that nature is surprised at its own creation.

Andrey Krayushkin depicted on his canvas the end of March, when the reservoirs in our area become free of ice, and even small rivers begin to experience floods. Different states of water, taking on the color of the sky and surrounding shores, road puddles changing under the influence of strong or weak winds, different colors of the air itself, fog, dew, frost, snow - dry and wet. An eternal masquerade, an eternal celebration of colors and lines, eternal movement - within a year or a day.

Haymaking is a favorite time for provincial Russia - the height of summer, the fragrant smell of herbs, fresh milk. You find yourself in this wonderful time in A. Krayushkin’s painting “Haystacks”.

In central Russia, unlike in the south, there are unusually long evenings with the setting sun, which creates a shimmer of colors on the water, changing literally in five-minute intervals, a whole “ballet of colors”, and wonderful - long, long - sunrises. There are moments (especially in spring) when the sun seems to “play.” N. Lukyanov in the painting “Early Evening” caught the pinkish glow of the tired sun going beyond the horizon.

Dark days in December create not only a certain range of colors, but also an extremely rich, special emotional palette (“Kuznetsky Yard” by A. Krayushkin).

Chapter 3.

History and economic development of the city of Kuznetsk through the eyes of painters

In the painting “Old Mill in the Gothic Style,” Anvyar Batarshin reflected the traces of past eras, when Kuznetsk developed as a city of artisans: blacksmiths, shoemakers. A significant segment of the population was the merchant class; they had shopping arcades and mills.

Soviet times were marked by rapid industrial growth, which was accompanied by the expansion of the city limits. Alexander Porfiryevich Alferov captured urban construction on Komsomolskaya Street, one of the main streets of the city. The Western microdistrict becomes the industrial heart of Kuznetsk. The painting “The Road to the Western Microdistrict” recalls the time when giant factories related to the military-industrial complex appeared here, and the city became the second machine-building center of the region after Penza.

Kuznetsk occupies a favorable geographical position. Not only roads, but also a railway line lead to the city. A.P. Alferov left for descendants a fragment from the past about the construction of the railway section of the track in the painting “The Last Meters"

The smoking pipes of the city's thermal power plant remind us of the time when it still ran on fuel oil and heavily polluted the city.

Canvas N.P. Larina talks about the period when helicopters circled over Kuznetsk every summer - cadets of the Syzran Helicopter School made training flights and there was an operating airfield in the city.

The main asset of any time is people. A huge portrait gallery was created by the artist A.P. Alferov. The paintings show famous people in the city: Z.S. Trefilova - Honored Doctor, P.S. Dunaev is a journalist, WWII veteran, E. Baranovsky is a musician. Director of the Russian folk ensemble, l. Simakova - head of the culture department of the city administration, V.P. Zavyalov - poet and journalist, A.A. Stepanov - history teacher and others.

The city, like the whole country, was going through godless times. A. Batarshin depicted the destroyed Ascension Church of the Soviet era and the revived one, sparkling with splendor in our days. The same artist paints both an Orthodox church and a Muslim mosque, because in Kuznetsk Russian and Tatar culture developed together over many centuries, mutually enriching each other. This fact contributes to the formation of tolerance in modern society.

Natalya Pavlovna Koblova, a professional artist and talented teacher, teaches the younger generation to see beauty by conducting art lessons at MBOU Secondary School No. 14 in the city of Kuznetsk. Her work “Temple of the Transfiguration of the Lord”, Natalya Pavlovna Koblova, a professional artist and talented teacher, teaches the younger generation to see beauty by conducting art lessons at MBOU Secondary School No. 14 in the city of Kuznetsk. Her work “Temple of the Transfiguration of the Lord” was written in the village of Radishchevo on the family estate of A.N. Radishchev, returns to the historical roots, to the source of spirituality, which is characteristic of our ancestors.

The creativity of accomplished masters inspires young artists to create images of their native land. Drawing corners of Kuznetsk is a favorite theme of the young artist

Kalmykova Elina.

Student of the Savitsky Art School Elena Blinkova exhibits her works in the city youth library with views of her beloved Kuznetsk for the fourth time.


    Observing the surrounding nature, human tribes chose their favorite colors from it and formed the image of their territory.

    Kuznetsk artists saw the subtle beauty of their native land, so it is perceived as unique and incredibly beloved.

    Paintings are carriers of information about the past of the region, by studying which you can see and build prospects for its development in the future.

    Science and art work together to create the image of a specific territory.


1.Vereshchagin V.V. Stories. Essays. Memoirs. M.: Soviet Russia, 1990.

2. Likhachev D. S. Notes about Russian. M.: Soviet Russia, 1984.

3. Semenov Tian-Shansky V. P. Geography and art // Geography at school. M.; L.: Moscow joint-stock publishing company, 1925. P. 5-24.

4. Gorbanevsky M.V., Dukelsky V.Yu. Through the cities and towns of the “Golden Ring”. - M.: Mysl, 1983. -
190 pp., ill.

5. Gauthier T. Travel to Russia / Trans. from French and comment. N.V. Shaposhnikovay; Preface A.D.
6. Mikhailova.-M., Mysl, 1988.-396, p.: ill.

7. Entertaining geography / Scientific. Editing and comments by K. S. Lazarevich. 3rd ed. - M.:
8.Larin O.N. In the rhythm of Pinega. M.: Mysl, 1975, - 139 p.

9.Encyclopedia for children. T.7.Art.Part 1/Chapter. ed. M.D. Aksyonova. -M.: Avanta+, 1997. -688s: ill.

10.Encyclopedia for children. Additional volume. Russian capitals. Moscow and St. Petersburg.
11.Encyclopedia for children. T.12. Russia: nature, population, economy / Head, ed. M.D. Aksyonova. - M.: Avanta+, 1998. -704 p.: ill.

12. Kuritsyn I.I., Mardensky A.N. Geography of the Penza region.

13. Klestov All Kuznetsk

Appendix No. 1. Natural areas of Russia in paintings by Russian artists

"Tundra" Alexander Borisov


Vasily Pereplyotchikov

Apollinary Vasnetsov “Ural taiga”

Mixed forest

“Birch Forest” Andrey Shilder


“Volga near Simbirsk” Mikhail Klodt

« Steppe during the day"


« » Konstantin Bogaevsky


“Evening in Crimea. Yalta"

Although the Lord caused many problems (not counting illness, crime, hunger, poverty, wars, corruption and Russian pop music), he still managed to create a good atmosphere of life on our planet. Land and water are often capricious, arranging mass sacrifices. But in some places it turned out quite well, you can even take a bunch of cute photos. But we can dig even deeper. In this lesson you will learn how to draw nature using a simple pencil. After that, you can take your drawing tools and safely go to a cozy place to create an indescribable masterpiece. Nature is a symbolic name for everything that the eyes see. The only exceptions can be considered plastic or reality TV, the rest refers to one formal organism that controls life and has some strange plan for the production and provision of its vital functions. Like an ordinary stern boss, nature easily removes any office plankton, sometimes entire species, and, like any girl, loves whims and antics. The last critical days of this lady ended with the birth of Hitler, Hussein and Justin Bieber, which had a tremendous impact on the state of the planet as a whole. It may seem that nature is evil and impeccable, but in fact it doesn’t care just as much as a dog cares about the ethnic origin of the fleas in its fur. Suddenly it turns out that nature needs help, and some people firmly believe in this, while at the same time they cannot even protect themselves from the local punks. If it suddenly turns out that you are nature itself, then here are your privileges:

  • You are beautiful because you are the very concept of existence.
  • You exist, although you will never really understand it.
  • You own all the valuable metals on the planet, which means you don’t suffer from a lack of funds.
  • Your portraits hang in almost every house on every wall.
  • There is no need to worry that you made a mistake, your mistake will either end up in a freak circus or in the red book.
  • You can always have fireworks from volcanoes.
  • You put a bolt on the theory of relativity, since you can be in all places at the same time.
  • You can cure cancer, but no one will believe you.

Now take a pencil in your hands and try to draw Mother Nature step by step.

How to draw nature with a pencil step by step

Step one. We immediately highlight with lines a small pond with banks, and on the banks we will draw several trees with the same lines. A few circles in the water will serve to transform them into ducks.
Step two. Below we draw tall grass, the circles slowly turn into birds. We carefully outline the edges of the banks with a thick line.
Step three. In this step, turn your attention to the background behind the horizon line. Let's draw some clouds there.
Step four. Now draw small waves and shadows on the water, make the grass thicker, and shade the background.
Step five. Sketch the rest of the missing places on the trees and ground, and then carefully finish the drawing by shading the ducks.
See more similar lessons on drawing landscapes.