Everyone loves jazz. Music and personality

Marina Moskvina

My dog ​​loves jazz

Autumn of my summer

I love the morning of the first of September. When it's time to go to school. Mom and Dad always shower me with gifts. This time they bought me a flashlight and solemnly presented it to me with the words that learning is light! Dad also handed over a kit to a young mechanic and said the following phrase: labor made a man out of a monkey.

Dad also bought me a good Schwarzenegger - a portrait of him with one bulging eye.

“Idols are idols,” said dad, “you have to smoke incense for them.”

And mom - pointed-toed, rag boots, the kind only fat women wear. I put them on, and they turned out to be sewn to each other with a harsh thread. Dad cut the thread with scissors and said

Well, take a long step into the fifth grade!

Then it suddenly became clear that my mother had not lengthened my school trousers. And a minute before leaving, I stood at the door, as they say, in “knee-length trousers.” Plus dazzling White shirt With yellow spot on the chest. This is my dear cousin Roma always messes everything up, and then gives it to me.

My socks are striped like a clown's, although my favorite colors are grey, black and brown.

Damn, why are all these misfortunes haunting me? - I say.

Come on, says dad, pay attention to your clothes! This is not a man's business.

And he gave me a bouquet of wilted dahlias - he bought them in advance the day before yesterday. And just today they withered.

Well, well,” I say, “I see you, dad, have no nerves.” If you were in my place.

No,” said dad, “I don’t want to be in your place, I don’t want to be ten years old.” Growing up and growing up...

Only Keith understands me. He, of course, went with us.

Ruben was waiting for us at the entrance. His dad Armen didn’t buy any bouquet at all, so Ruben carried a stuffed hedgehog as a gift to the teacher.

“He lived and lived,” Ruben decided to explain, so that no one would think that it was he who killed him, “he lived and lived, and then he grew old and died. By your death.

Well, Ruben,” says my mother, “shut up, don’t torment our hearts.”

And Keith got terribly excited when he saw the hedgehog. He probably thought that the hedgehog was a cat. He chases and hunts all the cats. He probably thinks they are sables or ferrets.

Ruben says:

Andryukha! You have boots like Lomonosov's. Lomonosov goes to school to study.

Ruben is good with shoes, his mother loves going to the shoe store. But my mother doesn't like it. She says:

I'm not cut out to go to a shoe store.

What are you created for? - Dad and I ask.

But for nothing! - she answers. - It’s impossible to adapt me for anything.

Let's go. The clouds have dispersed, the sun is golden, the sky is blue. How I love the holiday of the First of September! On school yard plays funny music- it lifts your spirit! Old bald tenth graders shake hands. All of us are here - Vadik Khrul, Senya - narrow eyes, Falileev, who walks around without a hat in an unbuttoned jacket in any bad weather. And no one will tell him:

Wrap your jacket, Falilei!

Everyone spread out and spread out. It's a pity that our physical education teacher can't see us. This was a real teacher. He taught us so much. From him we learned that the best smell in the world is the smell of the gym. And the best joy is muscular joy. The most A big dream he had - to walk along Red Square with his class: everyone with ribbons, flags, hoops, in front he was in wide white pants, in a T-shirt, and “Dynamo” was written on his chest, and his students were walking behind. This year he dropped out of school and became a robber.

The rest are all here, our favorite teachers.

Worker Vitya Panichkin in a black suit. The sleeves cover his calloused hands. He's been polishing pointers all his life. He grinds, sharpens, and polishes himself. We know very little about his life. We only know one thing: when Vitya’s heart was checked with ultrasound, his heart turned out to be like a dried lemon.

Vitaly Pavlovich in Russian and literature. The teacher, as they say, is from God, covered in black hair from head to toe. Takes us every year on an excursion to Execution place. So that we know and love the history of our country.

What is this little checkered thing there? Oh, this is an Englishwoman!

Leave with the dog! - she shouts to my mom and Keith. - Children and a dog are not things together! Like genius and villainy!

She is kind, but strict, and very uncultured. “The table, the table,” while she picks her nose. My whole nose was twisted. And everyone looks at her seriously. And the English office always smells of something - either sour watermelon or rotten tomato. Impossible to sit! But she doesn’t open the window, although it’s warm outside...

Last updated: 03/12/2012

Is it possible that the music tracks hiding on your iPod actually reveal information about your identity? A study conducted by psychologists Jason Rentfrow and Sam Gosling suggests that knowing the type of music you listen to can actually lead to surprisingly accurate predictions about your personality. For example, researchers have found that people can make accurate inferences about a person's levels of extraversion, creativity, and openness after listening to their top ten favorite songs. Extroverts tend to look for songs with heavy bass lines, while those who like more complex styles, such as jazz and classical music, tend to be more creative and have a higher IQ.
Another study conducted by Heriot-Watt University researchers was conducted on more than 36,000 participants from around the world. Participants were asked to rate more than 104 different musical styles, in addition to being given information about aspects of their personality. Below are just a few personality traits associated with certain musical styles.


Do you prefer listening to top 40 hits? Are the latest tracks from Rhianna, Selena Gomez and Flo Rida making up your player's main playlist? If so, then most likely you are an extrovert. While pop music fans tend to be hardworking and have high self-esteem, researchers suggest that pop music fans tend to be less creative and more shy.

Rap and hip-hop

Are Snoop Dogg and Dr. Dre more your style? Despite the stereotype that rap fans are more aggressive and violent, researchers have not actually found such a connection. Rap fans tend to have high self-esteem and a desire for freedom.


Do you prefer watching CMT instead of MTV? Country fans tend to be hard workers. While country songs often focus on heartbreak, people who gravitate toward the genre tend to be very emotionally stable.

Rock/Heavy Metal

Despite the sometimes aggressive image that rock and heavy metal projects have, researchers have found that fans of this style of music tend to be very affectionate. They tend to be creative, but are often introverted and may suffer from low self-esteem.


Do you love searching for unknown bands and indie artists? Fans of the indie genre tend to be introverted, intellectual, and creative. They also tend to be less hardworking and less affectionate, according to the researchers. Passivity, anxiety and low self-esteem and others General characteristics personality.


You love fast pace and dance music rhythms? According to researchers, people who prefer dance music, as a rule, are assertive and goal-oriented.


Classical music lovers tend to be more reserved, but also at ease with themselves and the world around them. They are creative and have a strong sense of self-esteem.

Jazz, Blues and Soul

People who love jazz, blues or soul turn out to be extroverts with high self-esteem. They also tend to be creative, highly intelligent and laid-back.

I love the morning of the first of September. When it's time to go to school. Mom and Dad always shower me with gifts. This time they bought me a flashlight and solemnly presented it to me with the words that learning is light! Dad also handed over a kit to a young mechanic and said the following phrase: labor made a man out of a monkey.

Dad also bought me a good Schwarzenegger - a portrait of him with one bulging eye.

“Idols are idols,” said dad, “you have to smoke incense for them.”

And my mother wore pointed-toed, rag boots, the kind only fat women wear. I put them on, and they turned out to be sewn to each other with a harsh thread. Dad cut the thread with scissors and said:

- Well, take a long step into the fifth grade!

Then it suddenly became clear that my mother had not lengthened my school trousers. And a minute before leaving, I stood at the door, as they say, in “knee-length trousers.” Plus a dazzling white shirt with a yellow spot on the chest. It’s my own cousin Roma who always messes everything up and then gives it to me.

My socks are striped like a clown's, although my favorite colors are grey, black and brown.

“Damn it, why are all these misfortunes haunting me?” - I say.

“Come on,” says dad, “pay attention to your clothes!” This is not a man's business. And he gave me a bouquet of wilted dahlias - he bought them in advance the day before yesterday. And just today they withered.

“Well, well,” I say, “I see you, dad, have no nerves.” If you were in my place.

“No,” said dad, “I don’t want to be in your place, I don’t want to be ten years old.” Growing up and growing up...

Only Keith understands me. He, of course, went with us.

Ruben was waiting for us at the entrance. His dad Armen didn’t buy any bouquet at all, so Ruben carried a stuffed hedgehog as a gift to the teacher.

“He lived and lived,” Ruben decided to explain, so that no one would think that it was he who killed him, “he lived and lived, and then he grew old and died.” By your death.

“Well, Ruben,” says my mother, “shut up, don’t torment our hearts.”

And Keith got terribly excited when he saw the hedgehog. He probably thought that the hedgehog was a cat. He chases and hunts all the cats. He probably thinks they are sables or ferrets. Ruben says:

- Andryukha! Your boots are like Lomonosov's. Lomonosov goes to school to study.

Ruben is good with shoes, his mother loves going to the shoe store. But my mother doesn't like it. She says:

“I’m not made to go to a shoe store.”

-What are you created for? - Dad and I ask.

- But for nothing! - she answers. “I can’t be adapted for anything.”

Let's go. The clouds have dispersed, the sun is golden, the sky is blue. How I love the holiday of the First of September! Cheerful music is playing in the schoolyard - it lifts the spirit! Old bald tenth graders shake hands. All of us are assembled - Vadik Khrul, Senya - narrow eyes, Falileev, who walks around without a hat in an unbuttoned jacket in any bad weather. And no one will tell him:

“Smell your jacket, Falilei!”

Everyone spread out and spread out. It's a pity that our physical education teacher can't see us. This was a real teacher. He taught us so much. From him we learned that the best smell in the world is the smell of the gym. And the best joy is muscular joy. His biggest dream was to walk along Red Square with his class: everyone with ribbons, flags, hoops, in front he was in wide white pants, in a T-shirt, and “Dynamo” was written on his chest, and his students were walking behind. This year he dropped out of school and became a racketeer.

The rest are all here, our favorite teachers.

Worker Vitya Panichkin in a black suit. The sleeves cover his calloused hands. He's been polishing pointers all his life. He grinds, sharpens, and polishes himself. We know very little about his life. We only know one thing: when Vitya’s heart was checked with ultrasound, his heart turned out to be like a dried lemon.

Vitaly Pavlovich in Russian and literature. The teacher, as they say, is from God, covered in black hair from head to toe. Every year he takes us on an excursion to Lobnoye Mesto. So that we know and love the history of our country.

What is this little checkered thing there? Oh, this is an Englishwoman!

- Leave with the dog! - she shouts to my mom and Keith. – Children and a dog are incompatible things! Like genius and villainy!

She is kind, but strict and very uncultured. “The table, the table,” while she picks her nose. My whole nose was twisted. And everyone looks at her seriously. And the English office always smells of something - either sour watermelon or rotten tomato. Impossible to sit! But she doesn’t open the window, although it’s warm outside...

I love the holiday of the First of September! A sea of ​​flowers, a stuffed hedgehog... Welcome speeches!

- Dear children! Let the school be our home.

- Dear Parents! Your children are in good hands!

– Dear first-graders! Now the call will ring, the voices will fall silent, and you, kids, will begin a new streak in your life!

– Dear adults! You know how stressful things are now! Strangers can come in and steal your children's things.

- Happiness to you, Dear friends!

- Good, yes? - Dad asks me.

“Very good,” I tell him.

“But in general, are you glad,” he says, “that we gave birth to you?”

“Of course,” I answer, “I’m so grateful to you for that.”

“There’s no need for gratitude,” Dad says generously.

And then I couldn’t stand it and cried.

- What are you doing? – everyone started asking me. - What are you???

And I cried because summer was over.


Me and Ruben – we laugh all the time. When we are together with him, we want to laugh terribly.

“So always be friends and don’t quarrel,” our classroom teacher Sergey Anatolyevich. - You become like two old men - “ha-ha-ha” and “hee-hee-hee” - everyone has to pour out. And now,” he says, “I have a serious matter to deal with our third “G.” We will nominate candidates for pioneers. And not just put forward, but give a reason why.

Ruben nominated me. If he had not nominated me, then I would not have nominated him. So he nominated me.

“I nominate Andryukha Antonov,” said Ruben, “because he rarely fights, is an average student and does not offend small children.

I blushed and began to smile.

- Who agrees"? – Sergei Anatolyevich asked cheerfully.

Kosolrukov says:

- I'm against. I have known Andryukha for a long time, we went to one kindergarten. It has some disadvantages.

“He has no flaws,” Ruben said threateningly.

“Andryukha has a dime a dozen shortcomings,” Kosolrukov did not flinch.

It's hard for Kosolrukov not to act smug. He is the first everywhere - both in studies and in work. He even kept records of who was the first student in the class, who was the second... And he always put himself first.

“Explain yourself,” Sergei Anatolyevich asked Kosolrukov.

stood early spring. Since April, Sergei Anatolyevich has been wearing sandals on his bare feet. He showed up to be nominated as a pioneer in new trousers - straight from the studio. Sergei Anatolyevich's trousers rustled deafeningly, stood up like a stake, false pockets protruded all around! And on the back of the teacher’s chair hung a rag bag with a flower pattern, from which Sergei Anatolyevich’s old trousers peeked out - blue, patched and sewn up a hundred times by his mother.

“It’s a thing of the past,” said Kosolrukov. – When Antonov and I were handed over to junior group, he immediately broke away from the masses.

- How did he do it? – Sergei Anatolyevich was surprised.

- And he ran away! - says Kosolrukov. - The main thing is that it rushes down the street. Behind him are nannies, a teacher, a doctor, Andryukhin’s mother, Andryukhin’s father! And he runs and shoots back!..

The new project of the “Culture” channel caused a mixed reaction from Russian musicians

Screenshot from the site tvkultura.ru

On May 18, the second episode will be aired on the Kultura TV channel. new program"Big Jazz" It will be dedicated to music Soviet composers. However, after the first issue, which sent to American jazz, a discussion has flared up in the professional community about how logical it is to popularize the genre by forcing young performers to copy someone else’s music rather than perform their own.

Izvestia turned to the leading masters of Russian jazz for comment.

But first, about the project itself.

Over the course of two hours, young musicians - trumpeters, drummers, saxophonists, double bassists, percussionists, pianists and vocalists - prove to the distinguished jury their creative potential by performing well-known jazz standards. The jury consists of reputable musicians - David Goloshchekin, Alexey Kozlov, Arkady Shilkloper, Andrey Makarevich and others.

The lineup is periodically diluted by judges who have an indirect relationship with jazz, for example, Alexander Filippenko (reciter of Aksenov’s jazz miniatures) and Karen Shakhnazarov (director of the film “We are from Jazz”).

Young musicians on stage feel noticeably awkward, and not at all because most of them,attracted by the unprecedented opportunity to play for a huge audience,came to Moscow from other cities. These are fully formed artists living in the jazz genre. It’s another matter that fulfilling even great standards for the hundredth time, having your own view on modern jazz, they clearly don't want to.

The same is experienced by professionals who were initially excited by the idea of ​​a program promoting jazz.

— If the goal is to popularize jazz, you need to give musicians air and the opportunity to express themselves. “Big Jazz” shows jazz on the one hand, squeezing the musicians, and with it the viewer, into some kind of narrow, mothball-like framework -Maria Semushkina, general producer of the main Russian jazz festival “Usadba Jazz”, told Izvestia.

- This competition is not able to touch the most valuable thing that exists in modern Russian jazz - young, original musicians performing their music. As a result, despite all the usefulness of this program, it turns out to be absurd. “I contacted the channel’s management, offered myself as a consultant, but received no response,” famous jazzman Alexei Kozlov told Izvestia.

Another famous musician has an even more tense relationship with the project -horn player Arkady Shilkloper, who said that he was leaving the jury because musicians “are given the opportunity to show themselves only as American copies, thereby almost completely killing the creativity and originality of talented creative individuals.”

The jazzman’s position reached the channel’s management, who issued a response statement to the media. Arkady Shilkloper was accused of blackmailing the creators of the program, demanding that his composition “Cobra” be included in the repertoire.

Mr. Shilkloper, at the request of Izvestia, provided correspondence with the leadership of Big Jazz, where he was told that the piece he proposed for performance was out of the general standard sound. To which the indignant musician remarked that thereby the chance was lost “ show the Americans and everyone honest people“that we, Russians, were able to find our face in the aesthetics of jazz music.”

“Nobody needs the third and fifth Breckers, Coltranes, Parkers, Jarretts and Davises,” the jazzman concluded.

The channel's management, without entering into controversy, replaced the obstinate Arkady Shilkloper with Nikolai Levinovsky, conductor and arranger of the Igor Butman band, who has nothing against standards, including American ones.

Andrei Makarevich does not share the position of his protesting colleagues.

— The overall standard of the program is high, and for the “Culture” channel this is generally a feat. As for the reluctance to perform American jazz standards, when our musicians write something similar, perhaps in fifty years they will also be able to be performed with pleasure,” stated the leader of “Time Machine”,in the 1970s, he suffered a lot from colleagues who believed that rock music could only be performed in English.

Saxophonist Igor Butman decided to stick to the golden mean - he said that for him “it’s surprising that no one consulted with the musicians, who would have given a lot of practical advice,” but at the same time stated that “he likes the repertoire.”

— After all, jazz is American music in terms of repertoire and quality, and this program is a musical educational program. Let people understand whether they like jazz or not, and then you can bring original ideas, one of the main Russian jazzmen told Izvestia.

There is still much more professional controversy surrounding the new project than there is information about the success of the public. “Big Jazz” airs on a channel aimed at a purely marginal “intelligentsia” audience, and it makes no sense to talk about the program’s mass success and high ratings. We can rather talk about trying, worthy of respect, albeit not without a share of absurdity, which professionals caught in it.

Competitions, even the most idiotic ones, in which venerable pop and humor stars compete, are, of course, much more popular than competitions for young pop performers, and even more so for jazz musicians. So the creators of “Big Jazz” are going all-in.

Whether the management of the “Culture” channel planned the “Big Jazz” show as a response to the ratings “Voice” and “One on One” of Channel One, one can only guess, but to walk through a “jazz” show on a frankly pop show would be beautiful, bright, unexpected, and The difference in match formats is obvious.

The conference of the presenters - choreographer Alla Sigalova and trumpeter Vadim Eilenkrig - evokes obvious analogies with “One to One”. In the Channel One show, the role of an admiring clown is played by actress Lyudmila Artemyeva, whose deliberate, very active facial expressions that precede any performance have already been parodied in KVN.

Choreographer Sigalova does not resort to facial expressions, but performs something similar with the help of questions: to the jury - “Does it matter to you how the musician answers your questions?”; to Olga Rostropovich - “Can you imagine how your father would play the drums?”; to the contestants - “Who carries such a heavy instrument for you?”, “Did you manage to find something of your own in this so often performed melody?”

I would like to believe that the creators of “Big Jazz” themselves will be inclined towards the most important jazz component - jazz improvisation, capable of sometimes drawing out the most hopeless musical themes.

29/03/01, Johnson
because in the name of this direction there are two letters Z at the end... why why - I just like it, acid jazz plays better, but jazz is also great. although in our country it is poorly represented, or maybe you just need to know the places..

04/04/01, Johnson
Am I here, in splendid isolation, loving jazz?

13/05/01, jazzzz
no, I also love it for some reason... and I even know why... it’s just stylish - everyone listens to acid jazz, and I’m the real one... thump-turum-tum-tum...

28/08/01, Yornik
Eternal music. Pop will die, rave will die, but jazz will play forever. It is not simple musical style, it's a way of life. This is a worldview. Some stupid people think that jazz is “not fashionable.” I don't care about such opinions. Yes, I'm oldfashioned and I like it. Jazz is my music, and you can't convince me otherwise. I love jazz. DIXI.

09/11/01, taktil
At first I didn’t know that I loved him.. but one sleepless (as usual) night the radio “stations” didn’t play anything intelligible, and I decided to click through the channels... that’s where I met him. When I found out at what frequency it was turned on, I was simply stunned - radio "mayak". You can’t listen to such a radio in a sober mind... but then I started listening to it constantly at night. and most of all I like the composition “take 5” performed by an uncle whose name I don’t know, in saxo...fa-a-u! this is very good. good music..and I also adore female vocals, but not with a creaking old man, but with a smooth... beautiful... but I hate Dixieland... but that’s for another column..))

09/11/01, STEROID
This is pleasant to listen to, and even very pleasant. The melody just flows. Professional music. In Jazz, I personally don’t cut anything. But Petrovich plays the sax well. He is a brilliant jazzman. I saw him once, he played "The Godfather". You can listen to him :-) Volodin’s dad just inspired him.

14/11/02, Fly
I was just at a jazz concert - there were two pianists just improvising brutally. Generally fear. I realized that everything I listen to is a little primitive, though I haven’t grown up to jazz yet, as it turns out...))) But the labali is just wild. I didn’t even know that fingers could move like that. Jazz Foreva

09/12/02, FAGOSHA
JAZZ is awesome! Freedom of thought and free embodiment of these same thoughts. Very intelligent music. This is just amazing...... good jazz! It makes you think but at the same time relaxes you. Only people who are musically gifted can truly understand it... And acid jazz is great too!

09/12/02, drunk
Previously, I didn’t perceive jazz very well, but one day, with a hangover, we found Armstrong, turned it on and... now we’re still listening to him with a buzz. How relaxing - that's something!

16/02/03, Johnson
Jazz is very good music. It should only awaken positive traits human soul. If a person really loves Jazz, there is no need for him to hate anything.

01/04/03, KH
Because this is lively and pleasant music, it makes me think, and often helps me do this, it is able to express feelings and emotions, to be happy and sad with me. This is m live music, and like all living things, she has a soul, character, emotions. I respect and love this music dearly.

09/04/03, Johnson
I consider jazz to be the crown of evolution of music. Of course there are plenty of other high-quality trends and styles, but classical jazz This is still a figure of the highest order. Despite the fact that I probably love acid house most of all, jazz is still the tip of the musical iceberg. This is something you really don’t regret spending money on.

28/05/03, Giselle
I love jazz for the feeling of freedom, the fresh breath that it gives me. You can hum under your breath or sing at the top of your voice and dance at the same time - it doesn’t matter. You can take any melody and give it a second life. And these shifted accents, swing!!! Nothing can be better than this!

16/10/03, Varyliss
“The crown of evolution”, “fresh breath”, “second life of the melody”... How accurately everything is expressed! There were objections that jazz is “the music of fat people,” but classical music Previously it was not for the poor! Who was it written for? For the most illustrious persons! And now only a hopelessly backward person will yap something against the classics. I somehow manage to be evil... I wanted to express my admiration for this elegant, light, relaxed, non-committal music! A sense of self-esteem, relaxedness - such feelings do not leave me when I listen to jazz, especially when performed LIVE.

04/11/03, Lobsterrrr
Jazz (and this is mainly improvised music) is a real flight of the soul, even brighter than in rock. This is very sensual music. And the tools that are usually chosen are great. Piano, saxophone, drums, percussion of all kinds. I can write a lot of good things about jazz. I can also send compositions by Louis Armstrong, Dave Grussin and others like them.

12/12/03, ugly_jud
This is light, pleasant music, so why not love it. It’s great to relax with jazz and not think about anything, but with slow jazz, i.e. blues is great to make love... By the way, today I just bought a Miles Davis CD, it sounds so good.

24/02/04, Jost
Jazz is good music. Kind, sincere... But replaceable, like everything on this earth!

07/04/04, Johnson
I’ve been listening to jazz for 7-8 years, and during this time I not only didn’t get tired of it, but on the contrary, I began to like it even more. And in general, I don’t differentiate when people listen to one thing or something completely different. Jazz is forever. However, we'll see about me in another eight years.

12/04/04, Roman Sergeevich
I love jazz because it's the most interesting music in the world. If we compare jazz with the same rock, we will see how much more acoustic the upper bass sounds in the DB standard. Jazz is not even music, but a picture that is being completed every day. I learned that capricorns do not like jazz (90%). Jazz rules.

07/06/04, Sloth
Jazz is music that you can listen to anytime and in any mood. It is also very rhythmic music. And in jazz there are simply wonderful drums and bass. Perhaps that's enough...

21/06/04, Johnson
Hands off Jazz! Hate your neighbor on the site Zina, but don’t touch jazz. Jazz is the evolution of music, the height of evolution, at least until the 70-80s. But then there was just another parallel, and this parallel has its peaks right up to the present day. If you want your child to grow up real man, get used to Jazz from the first days.

30/08/04, Vanguard
I'm a jazz bassist...studied on jazz standards. Now I listen to and play avant-garde jazz, such performers as Don Cherry, Ornette Coleman, Dolphy and the early compositions of John Coltrane... and our performers, especially such as Alexey Kozlov and Oleg Kireev, are not deprived of my attention. In jazz, improvisation comes first. ,Early BeBop and Mainstream Dixieland are no longer relevant!!! Loving jazz is one thing, but living it is quite another. I LIVE FOR JAZZ!

11/09/04, Novel
Because Jazz is live music, you can always feel the PERSON and his mood behind the playing. And if at a concert (because you have to listen live, if possible of course) the musician doesn’t like what he’s playing or simply doesn’t go, there will be no music, but if it’s the other way around, then PLAGUE! On jazz musicians Besides, it's also interesting to watch. Because jazz is very diverse, not constrained by different frameworks - commerce (because there are many interesting projects, not at all massive), musical genres- because you can include in the work the howl of a shaman and a Japanese flute and just the sound of a spoon on a saucepan and...

11/09/04, Jude
Especially the 50-60s. It's so sweet, so incredibly romantic, so deep and at the same time elegant... Miles Davis, Chat Baker, Stan Getz... They were not just musicians, but professionals, masters... Jazz is played only by those who know how to play , and therefore no mistakes or mistakes, everything is coherent and precise, the melody is captivating, and it is extremely difficult to guess how it will unfold, but if it works out, you feel at least like God :)

26/09/04, Talita
I used to listen to music, but I didn’t hear it... Jazz opened my ears and the only word was freedom... We had a Jazz Carnival in Odessa and I just came from the final concert - it felt like all the negativity had been blown out of me by the wind of freedom - jazz....Thank you...

01/09/05, Natusik from work
I recently became a follower of this style of music. Something unlike the rest, incredibly personal, open and honest. It kindles curiosity, makes you listen to this music of the soul, admire and indulge in nostalgia. Serene, bright, strong, quiet - all these sounds are woven together. It turns out something that is not so easy to give up. What spurs you on. What motivates. Which just gives you moments of rest

05/10/05, ollie
jazz is really music good mood. When I go to the Alps with my ancestors to ski, I immediately imagine myself as the heroine of the “sun valley serenade”! Glenn Miller, George Gershwin - this is real jazz! I play and improvise on the piano - it’s an unforgettable feeling to be on the same wavelength with the music. Jazz is a separate era, it is a way of life.

18/02/06, AveMariaAmen
Because this music is my flesh and blood. Sometimes I feel like I'm in my own past life was jazz singer. And in this life, I’ve been performing jazz since I was 17, naturally in English language. I was even invited to a jazz school, but I was an evening student and couldn’t take advantage of the offer, and now I regret it. I love all kinds of improvisations. I collect collections of jazz performers. And I always liked it better jazz vocals than instrumentation.

20/05/06, Nubarron
You need to listen to music to maintain (or improve) your mood. Listen to gloomy metal and walk blacker than a cloud - for what? And jazz... sometimes difficult, sometimes lazy, sometimes funny, and sometimes sad, but it always brings something positive. Personally, I prefer instrumental (no lyrics) jazz with saxophone solos, such as Fausto Papetti. Jazz has always helped me learn large amounts of text. Jazz is good for relaxing or even planning for the future. But - alas! - in music I am almost a complete (fat?) layman, and beyond my favorite composers, performers and previously adored groups, I vaguely imagine this art, not to mention participation: I know a couple of chords on the guitar, and that’s all. Let us leave ourselves to the happiness of talking about musical directions professionals and music lovers!

27/05/06, Cadium
Very beautiful and complex music. I somehow prefer ordinary classical jazz without any special avant-garde influences and so on. One of the few styles, to dilute, select and mix with others, which I personally consider blasphemous. Although I understand jazz even worse than politics...

07/06/06, Spitfire
Heh, today he plays jazz, and tomorrow he will sell his homeland ((: I love jazz for one completely subjective reason: the whole style is based on improvisation. An unrefined, naturally flowing mood develops amazingly into a harmonious musical series. Nothing extra. And everything is in good spirits. This is valuable (: Now Ella Fitzgerald and Louis are inspiring me for this post...) And jazz is a purely evening style. After all, “how one loves lazily in the evenings! How a feeling of passion, languishing, releases the flesh under beer, without asking the throat” (c) mine =) Heh, all this jazz...

03/09/06, Human
I really didn’t like the rather unfounded opinion of the user Cosmic Man that Jazz is impossible to love, and positive opinions about it can only be expressed by those who love the USA and blindly praise everything that they have created. You may not love a culture, but love certain manifestations of it, or vice versa, by the way. For example, with all your love for France, you may not love the sound of the accordion, but with all your love for Italian culture It's quite disgusting to treat Spaghetti. also with Jazz. For example, I consider Jazz to be free, light, airy music with many variations, perfect for relaxation. It just so happens that I accept American culture quite well, for the most part. But... music is beyond politics. Even indignant American values You can enjoy listening to jazz, blues, Frank Sinatra, watching the film "Sun Valley Serenade" and so on.

03/09/06, Princess Viper
And I love jazz. I like this kind of music... you just feel like you're in a far, far away place gangster years in expensive fur (even though I will NEVER wear fur), smoking a cigar and blowing smoke in rings. and next to him is a gangster with a revolver in his hands. MA - RA-ZM =)