Vasily Terkin characterization of the hero briefly. "Vasily Terkin" main characters

Vasily Terkinmain character poem of the same name. The author put into his image the features of the true Russian spirit and heroism. Even the last name has a meaning: “grated kalach” is a person who has gone through many hardships, a real warrior. Vasily is a true fighter, which is clearly visible in his image.

A young man who, at twenty-five years old, has already experienced “everything bad,” while maintaining the desire to fight and a fighting spirit. Each new test seems to strengthen him and make him more cheerful. Terkin is not just a soldier, one can read in him the image of a peasant - a man, straightforward and honest, strong, skillful and generous.

At the same time, Vasily perceives military reality very realistically, without romanticizing it. He sees pain, death, hunger, he knows the extent of human deprivation and troubles. But at the same time, Terkin does not lose heart, he believes in his rightness and defends his native land. This helps the hero maintain humanity and courage in any situation.

The image of Vasily Terkin is a bit reminiscent folklore charactersancient Russian heroes. He also combines belligerence and heroism with simplicity, even a certain shade of tomfoolery. At the same time, the description of the hero’s appearance is not at all heroic: he is both short in stature and light in body. And his character is not so wonderful and fabulous, he is a real man, with his weaknesses, ordinary. A real Russian soldier - this is how Vasily looks in the eyes of his comrades.

In conditions of war, the character of the hero reveals his love for native land and the willingness to stand up for her. He “doesn’t care about rain or snow” - Vasily is ready to rush into battle at any time and protect his homeland from enemies.

In addition to courage and patriotism, Terkin also personifies hard work; he is a true craftsman. And he can easily operate a saw, and he can fix a watch. With his simple jokes, ability to support the morale of his comrades and broad soul, the hero immediately wins the sympathy of readers. And the author in the work repeatedly expresses his personal opinion about Terkin through his characteristics: “Russian miracle man”, “in war - a dashing soldier, at a party - a good guest, at work - anywhere.”

Through the image of Vasily Terkin, Tvardovsky showed the reader how brave and courageous a Soviet worker can be. If in quiet times he is a joker and a worker, then during the war all his fighting qualities are exposed, and Terkin, without hesitation, is ready to rush into battle for his Motherland. It was thanks to such a “miracle man” that our great country did not fall to its enemies, but survived, because there were quite a few such “Terkins” in the war.

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"...In a word, Terkin, the one who
A dashing soldier in war,
At a party, a guest is not superfluous,
At work - anywhere..."
Alexander Tvardovsky

Vasily Ivanovich Terkin is one of the brightest collective images of a Russian soldier in the literature of the twentieth century. Terkin is an ordinary soldier, from the “first company, rifle regiment. Vasily’s surname says “But hardly my Terkin, a seasoned man.” He comes from a village in Smolensk region: “your native land, Smolensk, in your native village.”
Vasily the joker and good-natured man “And the great joker looks at people from the outside,” simple and ordinary:
“However, the guy is at least somewhere.
Terkin, kind fellow."
Open soul and a generous heart make him the soul of a soldier’s family:
"Terkin himself is already laughing,
Endowed with a generous heart."
And his playing of the accordion, in moments of rest, fills the soldier’s souls with calmness, a feeling of family and home: “As soon as a fighter takes the three-row, it’s immediately obvious that he is an accordion player.”
Tyorkin’s appearance is typically Russian, not handsome, but handsome in soul, neither big nor small, but a daring hero.
"Let's be honest: endowed with beauty
He wasn't excellent
Not tall, not that small
“But a hero is a hero.”
A lover of life and an optimist, Terkin raises the morale of his comrades with jokes:
Leaving the captive region.
I'll have one political conversation
He repeated: “Don’t be discouraged.”
He morally supports his comrades in difficult times: “Vasily Terkin repeated: “We’ll endure it. We’ll fight it out.” Never despairing, Vasily loved life now, as it is:
Allow me to report
Short and simple:
I'm a big hunter to live
About ninety years old.
Kind and straightforward, Terkin is a man of honor: “In war, forget yourself, Remember honor, however.” A jack of all trades, like all rural men, Vasily does not sit still. He finds something to do everywhere, possessing a lively and restless character. Colleagues they admire his work, he helps everyone and infects everyone with his energy:
It’s gratifying to have a look:
Falling saw
So okay, so complicated
It passed in his hands.
Behind the appearance of a joker and a teller of tales, there is a courageous, brave fighter, a patriot, ready to give his life for his Motherland, for his people: “A gallant guy fights to the death.” cheers for the victory of his people:
I don’t need, brothers, orders,
I don't need fame
But I need, my homeland is sick,
Native side!
Having shot down a plane with a rifle, Terkin receives an order, becoming a hero:
And it's not every day that they get shot down
Airplane from a rifle.
Who is he - one among his own?
Not an anti-aircraft gunner or a pilot,
Is the hero no worse than them?
A favorite of soldiers and commanders, “But already a platoon favorite,” Terkin hides a deep knowledge of life behind a smile, displacing the torments of a hard life with jokes, “He was long before melancholy,” so he saw a lot of grief, death, human melancholy:
I bent such a hook,
I've come so far
And I saw such torment,
And I knew such sadness!
All of Vasily’s relatives were taken away by the war, he was alone, there was no one to accompany him to the war:
My Terkin Vasily.
No one happened
See you on the road.
Vasily is the embodiment of human values, firm in decisions, purposeful in life, he goes through death and grief with honor, believing in victory and instilling hope in his comrades:
Firm in torment and proud in grief,
Terkin is alive and cheerful, damn it!

At the height of the Great Patriotic War, when our entire country defended its homeland, the first chapters of A.T.’s poem appeared in print. Tvardovsky’s “Vasily Terkin,” where the main character was portrayed as a simple Russian soldier, “an ordinary guy.”

The writer himself recalled that the beginning of work on “Vasily Terkin” was accompanied by difficulties: it was not easy to find the required art form, determine the composition and it is especially difficult to choose a main character who would be understandable not only to the wartime reader, but would also remain modern in long years. Alexander Trifonovich Tvardovsky found his hero - Vasily Terkin, whose image helped both the soldiers at the front and their wives and children in the rear, is also interesting to the modern reader. What did literary image Terkina so popular for so many years?

Any artistic image possesses not only individualistic, personal traits, but also carries within itself something collective, general, is an exponent, characteristic hero of its time. On the one hand, Vasily Terkin is unlike the rest of the soldiers in the company: he is a cheerful fellow, he is distinguished by a peculiar sense of humor, he is not afraid of danger, but at the same time, Tvardovsky, when creating his hero, did not take any specific person as a model, therefore the writer succeeded collective image a soldier, defender of the Russian land, ready at any moment to repel an enemy attack:

However, what to think, brothers,

We must hurry to beat the German.

That's all Terkin in a nutshell

I have something to report to you.

Terkin is brave, courageous, he is not afraid of bullets, enemy bombing, or icy water. In any situation, the hero knows how to stand up for himself and not let others down. Terkin is a friend to a fighter at a rest stop, a son to an old man and an old woman in a dilapidated hut, a brother to a young woman who sent all her loved ones to the front. The character of the hero is woven from dozens and hundreds of characters of ordinary Russian soldiers, endowed with universal human traits: kindness, respect for people, decency.

A.T. Tvardovsky gives his hero a telling surname - Terkin, not without reason the most common phrase in the poem: “We’ll endure it. Let's talk." The strength of the Russian spirit is such that a person can endure anything, can survive a lot, but this does not make him angrier, more intolerant, but on the contrary, he strives to help people, tries to make them believe in their own strength:

He sighed right at the door

And said:

- We'll beat you, father...

Terkin is a savvy and resourceful not only in war, during battle, but also in ordinary life. Thus, peaceful and military life merge together. The hero seems to live in war, constantly dreaming of victory, of simple village work.

The writer calls Vasily Terkin differently in the poem, either he is an “ordinary guy”, with the weaknesses inherent in any person, or a hero.

Municipal basic educational institution "Platovskaya secondary school"

Research work on literature

Topic: “The image of Vasily Terkin in the work of Tvardovsky”

Checked by: teacher

Platovka 2011


The poem “Vasily Terkin” is evidence of history. The writer himself was a war correspondent; military life was close to him. The work shows the clarity of what is happening, imagery, accuracy, which makes us truly believe the poem.
The main character of the work, Vasily Terkin, is a simple Russian soldier. His very name speaks of the generality of his image. He was close to the soldiers, he was one of them. Many even, reading the poem, said that the real Terkin was in their company, that he was fighting with them. The image of Terkin also has folk roots. In one of the chapters, Tvardovsky compares him with a soldier from famous fairy tale"Porridge from an axe." The author presents Terkin as a resourceful soldier who knows how to find a way out of any situation and show intelligence and ingenuity. In other chapters the hero appears to us mighty hero from ancient epics, strong and fearless.
What can we say about Terkin’s qualities? All of them are certainly worthy of respect. One can easily say about Vasily Terkin: “he does not drown in water and does not burn in fire,” and this will be the pure truth. The hero exhibits such qualities as courage, bravery, and courage, and the proof of this is in chapters such as “The Crossing” and “Death and the Warrior.” He never loses heart, jokes (for example, in the chapters “Terkin-Terkin”, “In the bathhouse”). He shows his love for life in "Death and the Warrior". He does not fall into the hands of death, resists it and survives. And, of course, Terkin contains such qualities as great patriotism, humanism and a sense of military duty.
Vasily Terkin was very close to the soldiers of the Great Patriotic War; he reminded them of themselves. Terkin inspired soldiers to heroic deeds, helped them during the war, and maybe even, to some extent, the war was won thanks to him.

- a soldier (then an officer) from the Smolensk peasants: “... the guy himself is ordinary.”
Terkin embodies the best features of the Russian soldier and the Russian people. Terkin has been fighting since the very beginning of the war, he was surrounded three times and was wounded. Terkin’s motto: “Don’t be discouraged,” despite any difficulties. So, the hero, in order to restore contact with the fighters located on the other side of the river, swims across it twice in icy water. Or, in order to establish a telephone line during the battle, Terkin alone occupies a German dugout, in which he comes under fire. One day Terkin enters into hand-to-hand combat with a German and, with great difficulty, still takes the enemy prisoner. The hero perceives all these exploits as ordinary actions in war. He does not boast about them, does not demand rewards for them. And he only jokingly says that to be representative, he simply needs a medal. Even in the harsh conditions of war, Terkin preserves everything human qualities. The hero has a great sense of humor, which helps T. himself and everyone around him to survive. Thus, he jokes and encourages fighters fighting a difficult battle. Terkin is given the accordion of the killed commander, and he plays it, brightening up the soldier's moments of rest. On the way to the front, the hero helps old peasants with their housework, convincing them of an imminent victory. Having met a captured peasant woman, T. gives her all the trophies. Terkin does not have a girlfriend who would write letters to him and wait for him from the war. But he does not lose heart, fighting for all Russian girls. Over time, Terkin becomes an officer. He vacates his native places and, looking at them, cries. The name Terkina becomes a household name. In the chapter "In the Bath" a soldier with a huge amount awards are compared to the hero of the poem. Describing his hero, the author in the chapter “From the Author” calls Terkin “a holy and sinful Russian miracle man.”

Terkin unexpectedly shoots down a German attack aircraft with a rifle; Sergeant T. reassures the envious him: “Don’t worry, this is / Not the German’s last plane.” In the chapter “General,” T. is summoned to the general, who awards him an order and a week’s leave, but it turns out that the hero cannot use it, since he home village while occupied by the Germans. In the chapter “Fight in the Swamp,” T. jokes and encourages the fighters who are fighting a difficult battle for a place called “ locality Borka,” from which “one black place” remained. In the chapter “About Love” it turns out that the hero does not have a girlfriend who would accompany him to the war and write him letters to the front; the author jokingly calls: “Turn your gentle gaze, / Girls, to the infantry.” In the chapter “Terkin’s Rest,” normal living conditions seem to the hero to be “paradise”; Having lost the habit of sleeping in bed, he cannot fall asleep until he receives advice - to put a hat on his head to simulate field conditions. In the chapter “On the Offensive,” T., when the platoon commander is killed, takes command and is the first to break into the village; however, the hero is again seriously wounded. In the chapter “Death and the Warrior,” T., lying wounded in a field, talks with Death, who persuades him not to cling to life; he is eventually discovered by members of the funeral team. The chapter “Terkin Writes” is a letter from T. from the hospital to his fellow soldiers: he promises to definitely return to them. In the chapter “Terkin - Terkin” the hero meets his namesake - Ivan Terkin; they argue which of them is the “true” Terkin (this name has already become legendary), but cannot determine because they are very similar to each other. The dispute is resolved by the foreman, who explains that “According to the regulations, each company / Will be given its own Terkin.” Further, in the chapter “From the Author,” the process of “mythologizing” the character is depicted; T. is called “a holy and sinful Russian miracle man.” In the chapter "Grandfather and Woman" again we're talking about about old peasants from the chapter “Two Soldiers”; after spending two years under occupation, they are awaiting the advance of the Red Army; the old man recognizes one of the scouts as T., who became an officer. The chapter “On the Dnieper” says that T., together with the advancing army, is getting closer to his native places; troops cross the Dnieper, and, looking at the liberated land, the hero cries. In the chapter “On the Road to Berlin,” T. meets a peasant woman who was once kidnapped to Germany - she returns home on foot; together with the soldiers, T. gives her trophies: a horse and team, a cow, a sheep, household utensils and a bicycle. In the chapter “In the Bath,” the soldier, on whose tunic “Orders, medals in a row / Burn with a hot flame,” is compared by admiring soldiers to T.: the hero’s name has already become a household name.

VASILY TERKIN - This is realistic image of great generalizing power, an “ordinary” hero, according to Tvardovsky, born in the special, unique atmosphere of the war years; image-type Soviet soldier, organically entered into the soldier environment, close to his collective prototype in his biography, way of thinking, actions and language. According to V. T, “having lost his heroic physique,” ​​he “gained a heroic soul.” This is an amazingly correctly understood Russian national character, taken in its best features. Behind the illusion of simplicity, buffoonery, and mischief are hidden moral sensitivity and organic inherent feeling filial duty to the Motherland, the ability to accomplish a feat at any moment without phrases or poses. Behind the experience and love of life is a dramatic duel with the death of a person who finds himself in war. Developing as the poem was written and simultaneously published, the image of V.T. acquired the scale of a hero epic work about the fate of the Soviet soldier and his homeland. The generalized type of Soviet warrior became identified with the image of the entire warring people, concretized in the living, psychologically rich character of V. T, in whom each front-line soldier recognized himself and his comrade. V. T. became a household name, ranking with such heroes as Till Eulenspiegel by S. de Coster and Cola Brunyon by R. Rolland.

After the end of the war and the publication of the first poem about V.T., readers asked Tvardovsky to write a continuation about the life of V.T. in peacetime. Tvardovsky himself considered V.T. to belong to wartime. However, the author needed his image when writing satirical poem about the essence of the bureaucratic world of the totalitarian system, which was called “Terkin in the next world.” Personifying the vitality of the Russian national character, V.T. demonstrates that “the most terrible thing for the state of the dead is a living person” (S. Lesnevsky).

After the publication of the second poem, Tvardovsky was accused of betraying his hero, who became “submissive” and “lethargic.” in the second poem he continues his dispute with death, begun in the first, but according to the laws of the genre in fairy tales about a journey to the underworld, the hero is required not to actively fight, which is impossible among the dead, but to be able to go through trials and withstand them. The positive beginning in satire is laughter, not the hero. Tvardovsky follows the traditions of the works of Gogol, Saltykov-Shchedrin, Dostoevsky (“Bobok”), Blok (“Dances of Death”).

With triumphant success he brought it to life on the stage of the Moscow Theater of Satire (directed by V. Pluchek).

The reader asked Tvardovsky for a continuation from V.T. “Our Vasily,” Tvardovsky reports, “arrived in the next world, but in this world he departed.” The poem ends with a hint-address to the reader: “I gave you a task.” Both V. T. and Tvardovsky remained true to themselves - the battle “for the sake of life on earth” continues.

They look into the joker's mouth,
They catch the word greedily.
It's good when someone lies
Fun and challenging.
Just a guy himself
He's ordinary.
Not tall, not that small,
But a hero is a hero.

I'm a big hunter to live
About ninety years old.

And, save the crust
Having broken off the ice,
He is like him, Vasily Terkin,
I got up alive and got there by swimming.
And with a timid smile
The fighter then says:
- Couldn’t I also have a stack?
Because well done?

No guys, I'm not proud.
Without thinking into the distance,
So I’ll say: why do I need an order?
I agree to a medal.

Terkin, Terkin, kind fellow...

In Tvardovsky's poem "Vasily Terkin", Terkin is fictional literary hero, personifying the collective image of the Russian soldier, embodying all of his best qualities. The heroes next to Vasily Terkin are abstract, they have no names, these are his colleagues, the general, the elderly. The work of Alexander Tvardovsky is a story about the roads of war along which the main character Vasily Terkin walks, along with the soldiers Soviet army. Heroic poem A. Tvardovsky is considered one of best works in his work, which received universal recognition.

Characteristics of the heroes “Vasily Terkin”

Main characters

Minor characters

Grandfather and grandmother

An old soldier, a participant in the First World War. Grandfather and grandmother have already survived the occupation, but the old man is confident in the victory of the Soviet army. He justifies all her failures and losses; he is convinced that the main blow is still ahead, and the enemy will be defeated. He acts like a real hero and a defender, in defense of his old woman, his native home, he is ready to enter with an ax. The old woman began to treat her husband with respect, feeling protection and defense in him, now she treats him with respect and gratitude.


An old general who has experienced many battles and battles in his lifetime. He has gone a long way in battle, and he, like all soldiers, is concerned about the fate of his beloved country. He rewards Terkin and additionally sends him on vacation. Terkin explains that his native side is occupied by the Germans. And the military general promises the soldier of the Soviet army that their troops will liberate all the cities and villages occupied by the Germans, and Terkin will be able to go on vacation. He says goodbye to the soldier, hugging him in a friendly manner and shaking his hand firmly in farewell.

Here is a description of the heroes of “Vasily Terkin”, which can be used to write an essay, as well as for reader's diary.