Biography of Ron Weasley. Forbidden Love or: Ronald Weasley's Secret List! "Harry Potter and Half Blood Prince"

The victims in Krasnoyarsk were not poisoned by burnt vodka, not at all - people bought a more expensive drink, American whiskey Jack Daniel’s. The examination found that the alcohol contained deadly methyl alcohol.

And here we are no longer dealing with an ordinary counterfeit, not with the issuance of cheaper alcohol instead of a branded branded drink, but with bottles filled with low-quality alcohol, possibly made in artisanal conditions.

Where does methyl alcohol come from in alcohol?

Methyl alcohol is found in almost all strong alcoholic drinks. But they contain it in very small quantities - from 100 to 300 milligrams of methanol per liter. But this dose may be exceeded if the strong drink is distilled at home.

When distilling the distillate, the so-called “head” is separated - which includes poisonous alcohols, acetone, and including methanol. It is also contained in the “tail” fractions, in the distillate, the strength of which is greatly reduced, as well as the quality. The danger is that the tail fractions smell almost the same as the middle fractions - a good and strong distillate. But the “head” smells noticeably of acetone. That is why it is important to follow the technological process of distilling moonshine and rectifying alcohol, and removing the heads and tails.

Methanol can also be added to alcoholic drinks to increase their strength and pickiness. And this is much more dangerous than unscrupulous and illegal rectification of alcohol, since the concentration of methanol in the bottle increases greatly.

How to determine if there is methanol in a bottle

Without chemical analysis, only by organoleptic method - no way. The fact is that methanol is similar to ethyl alcohol, so a drink with methyl impurities will not have any pungent odor or taste.

At home, it is advised to try to set fire to the liquid, but we want to disappoint you: methyl alcohol burns very similar to ethyl alcohol, and also in pure form You won’t find it in a bottle of alcohol anyway, so it’s useless.

One of the most reliable ways: heat a copper wire and dip it in a drink. When sharply heated, methyl decomposes into formaldehyde (the strongest poison; in fact, it is the decomposition products of methanol that poison us). If a sharp, unpleasant odor appears, it means there is methanol in the drink. Ethyl alcohol does not give off a strong odor when heated.

How to avoid buying “burnt” alcohol

Choose civilized places of trade, well-known stores where they take responsibility for the products. In the end, they can be taken to court, in the worst case scenario.

Take a close look at the bottle:

  • the cork must be intact, the seal of the bottle must not be broken
  • Labels must be intact and even
  • excise stamps must be affixed to the bottle
  • on the back label there should be a sticker with the coordinates of the manufacturer and importer
  • Most bottles have a cork wrapped in plastic and the plastic wrapper has the brand name on it. It must not be damaged.

The price should not be low; before purchasing, you can check how much the alcohol of the chosen brand should cost.

Most bottles from foreign and domestic manufacturers are protected using convex and concave inscriptions, coats of arms, holograms, embossing on labels and other things. Information about this can be found on the Internet. But knowing all these nuances will not give you a guarantee against poisoning: it’s really very expensive to make bottles for counterfeit alcohol yourself; instead, criminals get the original containers, which large quantities remains at bars and restaurants after holidays and weddings.

The first signs of poisoning

Methyl alcohol poisoning appears 8-12 hours after consumption. The first signs: headache, weakness, vomiting, blurred vision, blurred vision, flickering before the eyes. There may be loss of color vision as well as blindness.

First aid measures

Be sure to consult a doctor. Urgently!

Exit to Fresh air, induce vomiting, take a laxative.

Save any leftover alcohol you may have poisoned yourself with. They will be needed to accurately identify toxic substances.

Fake whiskey is fraught with mortal danger, so it should not be purchased or consumed under any circumstances. There are a number of signs by which it is easy to determine the authenticity of a drink. Before purchasing, you should carefully examine not only the bottle and label, but also the liquid itself.


How to distinguish a fake? When purchasing, pay attention to certain features of the product. Considerable importance has the cost and place of purchase of the product. The original product must be purchased exclusively in specialized places where alcoholic beverages are sold.

It’s good if the label says Premium, Deluxe. This fact signals the elite nature of the drink. For complete safety, you should ask the sales representative for a quality certificate: it must be provided upon the client’s first request.

Whiskey quality certificate

A good advantage of specialized stores with alcoholic beverages is the help of a consultant in choosing the right product. By using his services, you can significantly save time, since it is enough to voice the appropriate cost and wishes regarding quality. The store employee will quickly select the appropriate copies.

If you can’t go to a specialty store, it’s best to buy whiskey in a large store. mall. Beware of counterfeits, you should not go to kiosks and other small shops for a drink. outlets. According to experts, it is necessary to buy whiskey in a store whose products have been tested by time, and whose products are satisfied with taste and quality.

It will be possible to recognize a surrogate by its cost. When a particular store sells a certain brand of whiskey at a lower price compared to others, it is better not to risk your health. It is likely that this is a fake, since such savings are not at all justified.

It is important to know!

The destructive effect on the brain is one of the most terrible consequences of the influence of alcoholic beverages on humans. Elena Malysheva: ALCOHOLISM CAN BE DEFEATED! Save your loved ones, they are in great danger!


Often, when producing a counterfeit product, the manufacturer decides to save money on the bottle, guided by the inexperience of the consumer and the low cost of the product. The appearance of the package will tell you a lot; for example, an incorrectly attached label indicates a fake; it may be poorly made. Having chosen a suitable brand of drink, before making a purchase, you should go to the manufacturer’s website and familiarize yourself with the bottle’s protective equipment and its appearance.

Bottle protector

The consumer should immediately be wary if there is no excise stamp: this is the first sign of counterfeit or illegal entry of goods into the country.

You cannot purchase such a drink, as there is no guarantee of its quality.


You should always pay attention to the color of the product. High-quality whiskey is characterized by transparency, which is an indicator clean water. This is a guarantee of full compliance with the technological process. Unlike fake whiskey, real whiskey is free of sediment and is not cloudy. Its shade can vary from light yellow to rich yellow color, sometimes reaching a brown tint. It all depends on the recipe and aging.

You can determine the original using one simple method: you need to shake the bottle thoroughly and take a closer look at the bubbles that form. Their size must be large, and they must be preserved for a long time. IN natural drink drops flow down the walls of the vessel slowly after shaking, which cannot be said about a fake specimen.

Determining the naturalness of an alcoholic drink

When the bottle is opened, the drink should emanate a malt aroma, with a slight whiff of oak notes. If there is a strong smell of alcohol, then the quality should be questioned. It leaves a long, very pleasant aftertaste in the mouth.

To make a good finished product, malt is used, but ethanol and methanol are often found in cheap scotches and bourbons. It should be borne in mind that whiskey made from by-products of alcohol production will never have decent taste.


In England and others European countries making counterfeit Scotch whiskey is a serious crime. If whiskey is distilled inappropriately or contains alternative components, then consuming it is very dangerous to health. If a person drinks a small amount of a drink containing methanol, he experiences abdominal pain and malfunctions in the digestive system and visual organs.

If you abuse counterfeit whiskey, after a short period of time there is a high risk of deterioration in your health. The most terrible diagnosis is cirrhosis of the liver. The body experiences a restriction of blood flow through this organ; the liver will become unable to destroy toxic substances and control blood clotting.

Abuse of counterfeit alcohol

It should be noted that natural whiskey has a very high level of strength, and there is no need to talk about fake whiskey. The minimum is 40%. Even if you drink a high-quality drink in large quantities, you can get poisoned. When the blood composition reaches excessive high level alcohol concentration, breathing problems are observed, vomiting occurs, and rapid heartbeat.

Attention should also be paid to the fact that uncontrolled consumption of whiskey causes the disappearance of the edge of permissibility. Severe intoxication leads to risky actions, drunk driving and other manifestations of aggression and agitation. Deadly consequences often occur if there is no feeling of fear.

Many characteristics can indicate a fake, so you need to approach the choice of drink responsibly, so as not to regret the consequences later. True gourmets and whiskey connoisseurs give preference only to natural products; imitation products are created for people who want to know the approximate taste of whiskey.

And a little about secrets...

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Jameson whiskey cannot be called the most expensive alcoholic drink on the market, but this does not bother the “craftsmen” who produce counterfeit goods. This drink is counterfeited as actively as other brands of elite alcohol. This is largely due to the high demand for Irish whiskey.

To avoid becoming a victim and avoid buying counterfeit alcohol, go to a large specialty store. To finally make sure that this is an original drink, ask the seller to show a certificate of quality. By law, the seller cannot refuse this request, but if there is no certificate, then you have counterfeit products.

Always look closely appearance bottles, the contents of the inscriptions on the labels. Even minor discrepancies and errors in the names of alcohol will indicate counterfeiting.

Another way to make sure that this is an original product is the presence excise stamp. Its counterfeiting is possible, but for these purposes special expensive equipment is required, which not all counterfeit manufacturers can afford. Let's look at all this in more detail using examples.

Above and below the label there is a relief that repeats its shape. The shape of the relief should be clearly distinguishable.

Below the label there is a clearly readable inscription - “Product of Ireland” and two men with barrels. At the very bottom of the bottle there is a dotted relief, which the fake does not have at all.

On back side bottles?under a back label? johnjameson inscription and bottling date. On a fake last information missing, the first one is not clear.

Above the back label is the inscription Since 1780 - pay attention to its quality.

At the bottom of the bottle there is clearly felt (relief) and readable information for the consumer, as well as an even mark from the pressing machine.

On the label, under the name of the drink, there is a company logo. In original products it is embossed. The fake doesn't have anything like that.

Another important fact is the traffic jam. The fake has the inscription JohnJenneson - you've probably never heard of this! pay attention to mysterious symbols in the center of the traffic jam. They also cannot be on the original.

There is a similar inscription around the cork on the neck. Remember, no JohnJenneson has anything to do with our drink!

The original plug looks like this

Around the neck of the original bottle, the name of the company's founder, Jameson, is repeated three times. No other spelling options for the original's surname are allowed.

The fastest way to identify a fake is by shaking the bottle. After this you will notice bubbles large size, slowly dissolving in the bulk of the drink. Drops of drink slowly flow down the glass. All this is typical for original alcohol.