Check the barcode of the excise stamp. How to distinguish real alcohol from fake

Without exception, all alcoholic products that are imported into the territory of the Russian Federation must contain an excise stamp, the purpose of which is labeling of alcohol-containing liquid.

In fact, there is no need to decipher the excise tax, since all necessary information on the stamp is indicated in Russian and quite clear. For example, an excise stamp for alcoholic products may contain information: “Alcoholic goods from 9 to 256%” or “Alcoholic goods from 25%”, “Wines”, “Sparkling wine” and so on.

The definition of “Excise stamp” means fiscal document, which means full payment of the fee established on the territory of the Russian Federation for the sale of any product.

Excise stamps, which include the name “Alcoholic goods from 25%”, additionally contain information indicating the maximum volume of containers used for alcoholic products of this type.

It is located in close proximity to the excise number. Such an inscription may include “up to 100 grams”, “half a liter”, “no more than a liter”, “over 1 liter”.

In addition, the following information must be indicated on the stamp: “excise stamp” or “Russian Federation”. The presence of such information indicates registration of alcoholic products and full payment of all fees by the manufacturer or distributor.

In the Russian Federation, in addition to alcoholic products, excise tax is applied to tobacco-containing goods and cigarettes. Until recently, it was required for sugar, shag and pepper.

The definition of "EGAIS" means unified state system, which is fully automated and contains a database of information on alcoholic products. All alcohol that is produced on the territory of the Russian Federation or imported into the country, must be indicated in the Unified State Automated Information System.

By and large, the EGAIS system is a tool for careful control of the turnover of alcoholic beverages in the Russian Federation.

The main task of the system is to try to significantly reduce the circulation of counterfeit alcohol throughout the country. Moreover, every company that manufactures or sells alcohol-containing products must enter detailed information about it into the system.

If information is not provided in the system, companies face criminal and administrative liability in the form of huge fines. According to the developers themselves, the introduction of such a system made it possible to reduce the volume of sales of counterfeit goods by at least 40%, which already indicates the positive results of the work of the Unified State Automated Information System.

The basic rules that must be followed when choosing alcohol are: next:

    Initially, you need to remember place of purchase of goods. The purchase of alcohol must be directly related to those companies that have issued the appropriate license. It is strictly prohibited to purchase from hand, in any tents, kiosks, or station areas. It is highly undesirable to purchase alcohol online (via the Internet), unless, of course, the buyer is confident in the honesty of the store.

  1. Once the place of purchase has been chosen correctly, you need to start product selection. It is necessary to study the appearance of the container. You should not opt ​​for a defective bottle. If it has scratches, chips, etc., it is better to refuse the purchase. This is especially true for a possible tear or complete absence of the excise stamp, which often occurs.
  2. Necessary avoid alcohol at low prices. It is important to remember: it is better to buy less, but better.

By following simple rules, you can avoid purchasing counterfeit alcohol. During the verification process, it is necessary to remember that the label must include:

  • name of the product on which it is applied and the manufacturer;
  • information about the location of the manufacturer;
  • detailed information on alcohol capacity (displayed as a percentage);
  • container volume;
  • detailed information about the composition of the product (often indicates the type of alcohol itself - luxury, extra, etc., as well as additional components);
  • what is the shelf life of alcoholic beverages;
  • information about the document on the basis of which the alcohol production process takes place;
  • information that confirms quality compliance.

Don’t forget to also require a license to sell alcoholic beverages. According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, any buyer has the full legal right to demand a package of permits from the seller, and only then purchase the products of interest. As for the excise stamp, today there are many ways to check it.

Today, smartphone owners have a unique opportunity - check special federal excise stamps through the application.

The application was developed by specialists from Rosalkogolregulirovanie and is called "Anti-counterfeitinfo". Thanks to its use, you can easily identify excise violations.

The work concludes with a method of pointing a smartphone camera at a barcode. In addition, the application contains a list of stores that are located near the user and have all the documents and licenses necessary for operation.

Detailed instructions for using the application are as follows: next(it can be used anywhere, be it a cafe, restaurant, store, and so on):

  1. You need to download the application from Google Play.
  2. After downloading and installing, you need to launch it; the main window will show a map of where legal points of sale of alcoholic beverages are located. It is possible, if the user wishes, to link the map to his location.
  3. At the bottom of the main application window there is a subcategory “Scan”. When you try to go to it, the main camera of the smartphone will be activated. The application will ask you to point the camera at the barcode of the alcohol brand or the QR code on the receipt after purchase.
  4. After this, the application reads all the necessary information and displays it on the smartphone screen. The user is provided with: the route of the goods, information about manufacturers, and so on.

If we talk about checking the reliability of FSM or AM, it is initially necessary to remember about the official specially developed service by specialists of Rosalkogolregulirovanie.

The opportunity to check alcohol excise stamps is available through the official portal of the Federal Service dealing with the regulation of the alcohol market at The service is called "Checking brands".

Manufacturing companies that have a license and regulatory authorities have access to inspection.

The capabilities of the service allow you to identify illegal alcohol products in a matter of minutes information verification method, which is printed on the stamp, and information entered into the EGAIS system.

The step-by-step algorithm for checking in this way is as follows: next:

  1. You need to go to the official portal of Rosalkogolregulirovanie and select the appropriate subsection with the name “Electronic services for companies/organizations”.
  2. Next, from the proposed list, select the additional category “Electronic services of Rosalkogolregulirovanie for companies/organizations.”
  3. At the next stage, you will be asked to provide a password and TIN. It is possible to register in the system.
  4. Then you need to select “Check brands” and click on the “Add” button.
  5. After reading the information from the barcode, you must enter it in the appropriate field.

Based on the information provided, the system will generate a request, after which it will be available within a few minutes. information regarding brand details and so on.

If desired, it is possible to print out the received information, which is indicated in the EGAIS system. To do this, just press the key "Seal".

In such a request, you must indicate the need to connect to the service of a certain person, who is a trusted representative of the company and responsible for work in this system. His personal information and email address must be indicated.

Another option that can speak with 100% confidence about the authenticity of the verification is conducting an examination. However, in most cases it is necessary to use it by the relatives of the victim or by law enforcement agencies (if a case of death from the use of alcoholic beverages is identified).

The examination is carried out "Center for Pre-trial Investigations". The test is carried out by decomposing the liquid into molecules and other components, which make it easy to identify the conformity of ethyl alcohol and the possible fact of its counterfeit.

They will not ignore the excise stamp of alcohol, and they will even be able to identify the equipment on which it was made. Unfortunately, this type of verification is very rarely used.

A news release on how to spot counterfeit alcohol is below.

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How to check the documented quality of alcohol

Every citizen should know that licensing is carried out not only in relation to producers of alcoholic products, but also to organizations involved in its storage and sale. Today, the procedure for obtaining a license in the Russian Federation is very difficult, and serious liability, including criminal liability, is provided for violations of the law. Therefore, having a license from the organization where alcohol is purchased almost completely guarantees the quality of the product.

Not only regulatory authorities, but also an ordinary consumer can check the availability of a license. If you ask the representatives of the store where you are going to buy alcohol to show you a document, they have no right to refuse you. In many large retail outlets, a copy of the license is located on the information stand. After reviewing the document, you can find out its validity period and the organization’s TIN, which can be used to later verify its authenticity using the License Register database.

The data is regularly updated, so there is no need to worry that information about a particular organization will be out of date. In the Register of Alcoholic Products Licenses, you can check the alcohol license using the company’s TIN, find out its validity period, and also determine whether the organization currently has the right to produce, store and sell alcoholic products. You can also check your alcohol license details on the PAR website.

What is EGAIS?

Today in Russia there is a special system that allows you to track the path of alcohol and alcohol-containing products from the manufacturer to the end consumer. This system was developed to combat illegal alcohol trafficking and prevent low-quality products from reaching consumers. This system is called EGAIS - a unified state automated information system. In 2016, the system came into force throughout the Russian Federation, and no organization has the right to produce and sell any alcohol-containing and alcoholic products if it is not registered in the Unified State Automated Information System.

EGAIS work scheme

This system is imperfect, despite the fact that it has been developed since the early 2000s by various government research centers. It is subject to criticism; there are problems with the sale of alcohol, for example, in catering establishments. But, despite this, today the end consumer can be confident in the quality of the purchased products if he buys them in a licensed store.

How to check alcohol by excise stamp and barcode online

The excise stamp is confirmation of the quality of alcohol. It is quite difficult to fake it, since it has several degrees of protection. Before purchasing, carefully study the excise stamp. It must contain a hologram, information about the manufacturer and production date, a barcode and an inkjet number. You can also check the excise tax right in the store, if, of course, you purchase alcohol from a serious trading organization. For this, there are special scanners that read the barcode from the stamp.

You can check the quality of alcohol using the excise stamp online through the EGAIS system, but this procedure is provided only for organizations. To check, you will need to register on the RAR website and then log into your personal account.

You can check alcohol by excise stamp online yourself and for free. To do this, you need to go to the website of the Rosalkogolregulirovanie (RAR). A special service has been developed where you can check the authenticity of the brand. By entering the necessary excise tax data, you will receive information that must match that indicated on the stamp. Some manufacturers have developed their own verification programs, available on their official websites. You can also use them. On the PAR website you can check alcohol online not only by excise stamp, but also by barcode.

Indicators of excellent alcohol

Any alcoholic drink has its own indicators and quality characteristics. Alcohol products differ in the following nuances:

  • aroma;
  • fortress;
  • color spectrum;
  • flavors;
  • power of influence on the body.

They check the quality and authenticity of alcoholic products in specialized laboratories. You can order this check yourself by paying for the service. But you can determine your alcohol level yourself. There are many effective ways to do this.

Determining the authenticity of vodka

To determine the quality of one of the most consumed alcoholic drinks in Russia, you should know the external signs of a genuine drink. Vodka is checked according to the following criteria:

  1. Taste.
  2. Color.
  3. Smell.

Therefore, you should not purchase vodka bottled in dark, opaque containers. The strength of high-quality vodka should be 40-56%. You can determine the temperature using a home alcohol meter.

According to statistics, in Russia, about 35-40 people are poisoned and killed every day using surrogate vodka with an existing excise stamp.

Good vodka will not contain any additional suspensions or impurities. It is soft in taste and has a distinct vodka aroma. When testing, the vodka liquid should not irritate or burn the laryngeal mucosa. Try rubbing a drop of vodka in your palm. A high-quality drink will not release any additional flavors (acetone, vinegar and other chemicals).

Studying aromatic foam

For beer, the main thing is the foam. Moreover, when drinking alcohol is spilled, there should not be too much or too little foam. The optimal foam level is medium in size, quite thick and rich. So, how to determine the quality of aromatic hops by the foamy layer.

No foam:

  • beer is heavily diluted with water;
  • hypothermia is present;
  • lacks carbon dioxide.

Too much foam:

  • the drink is too warm;
  • excess of intoxicating carbon dioxide;
  • improper pouring of foam into glasses.

A very significant factor is the stability of the foam. It shows the level of maturity of the foam. A good, high-quality hop foam will have a thick foam, with a layer thickness of 4-5 mm. And it will not leave the surface for about 1-1.5 minutes. Experts advise drinking beer at a temperature of +8-10⁰С.

Determining the quality of wine

This skill is very relevant. In our country, too many fake wines made from powder have recently appeared. Although this type of alcohol has all the necessary papers and permits, it cannot be considered real wine.

First of all, the quality of a wine is determined by its aroma. A too strong, repulsive odor indicates a poor alcohol level. But true wine will delight the user with a whole bouquet of pleasant aromas replacing each other. To better appreciate the wine aroma, pour the alcohol into a wide container and shake a little:

  1. High-quality wine will slowly flow down the sides of the glass.
  2. When you add 2-3 drops of glycerin to it, low-quality alcohol will turn an unusual color.

How not to make a mistake when choosing when buying

Of course, the store won’t let you try alcohol, open a bottle, or smell it. Tasting in the sales area is not provided. Therefore, alcohol is bought almost blindly. How not to make a mistake? To do this, you need to carefully study the container in which the drink is poured and the label of the bottle.

Pay attention to the label of the alcohol. Using it, or rather, using the barcode printed on it, you can find out the manufacturer. Experts do not advise buying products from countries that do not inspire confidence. The label must also contain the following information:

  • compound;
  • the date of bottling;
  • best before date;
  • Manufacturer country;
  • the type of alcohol sold.

An unevenly glued, crookedly placed label should alert the consumer. This is a direct indication that such alcohol is produced by handicraft, clandestine methods and can be poisonous and dangerous. And remember that a full quality check of alcoholic products can be carried out in a specialized laboratory.

It is better to seek the help of specialists if alcohol is purchased in large quantities for a large celebration. And never buy alcohol from hand or from unverified, questionable places.

We check alcohol using the excise stamp

The original purpose of creating excise stamps was to obtain a stable tax on the sale of alcohol. The state thus influenced the cost of alcoholic beverages and monitored the entire alcohol market. The history of this distinctive sign has its own characteristics. Look at the photos of old excise stamps for alcohol and compare them with modern ones:

This simple sign (if you know some rules) helps to distinguish counterfeit surrogate alcohol products from good quality alcohol. To accurately identify a fake, familiarize yourself with the basic rules of verification.

be careful

When you find yourself in the next supermarket in search of good quality alcohol, use all your powers of observation. You will need it when studying the excise stamp. First of all, check the quality of the gluing of the paper holding the bottle itself and the cap together.

Know that counterfeiting is a long and quite expensive process. Therefore, for the most part, handicraft manufacturers of surrogates always pay more attention to simple and uncomplicated aspects. But they ignore complex levels of protection. Experts highlight four points that need to be paid attention to:

  • correct barcode;
  • The excise stamp number is always inkjet printed;
  • the image on the excise tax is foil and holographic;
  • Information about the release date, security level and manufacturer must be present.

Pay attention to the size of the excise stamp itself. For alcohol products, it is officially established and can be presented in two variations:

  1. 90x26 mm.
  2. 62x21 mm.

If the dimensions do not match the established ones, you need to be wary. There is one more nuance in the excise stamp (it applies to larger stamps). Their upper part is separated from the lower part by a golden thread. This thread is dyed quite firmly, does not smudge or wear off. It can be pulled out of paper very easily.

Alcohol scanning

Every supermarket that respects itself and the consumer has special scanners. With their help, alcohol is checked using a barcode. Some of these scanners are present in the trading floors themselves. They are also available at the reception desk.

You can also scan the excise stamp on them. The electronics will automatically check all existing levels of product quality compliance. But many experts do not give a 100% guarantee of the authenticity of such verification.

Useful tricks

Focus on the cost of the alcohol you like. Do not purchase suspiciously cheap products, no matter how attractive their prices may be. Surrogate alcohol will always cost less, bootleggers are especially famous for their cheapness.

The definition of “bootlegger” dates back to the days of Prohibition in the United States. This word denoted underground dealers in alcohol-containing products. Unfortunately, the activities of bootleggers are also flourishing in modern Russia.

Also, to identify surrogate alcohol, you should pay attention to some very small nuances. They are invisible at first glance, but are very important when assessing the quality of alcohol. So, on the excise stamp:

  • the paper itself, from which the excise stamp is made, has the appearance of self-adhesive and does not exhibit luminescence;
  • on the negative strip the word “brand” will be visible, but on the positive strip the abbreviation “FMS” will be visible;
  • the diamonds of the holographic image have a pattern into which the “RF” logo is “woven”, and this pattern is located in the center of the hologram;
  • the stripe where “Federal Special Mark” is written when the color changes gradually turns into a positive reflection from a negative one.

Online alcohol testing program

You can also check the excise stamp for alcohol by number online using the Internet. There are several methods to carry out these checks.

Using a national service

The Federal Service for Regulation of the Alcohol Products Market has developed an Internet service specifically for consumers. To understand how to check alcohol by excise stamp online, you need to go to the official website of the service in the section “Checking stamps”.

You should enter the necessary data from the excise stamp in a special window and receive complete information. The information obtained should be compared with other parameters. They must be identical.

Products webpage

An online check of the excise tax stamp for alcohol can also be carried out on the website of the manufacturer of this alcoholic product. Of course, there are excise tax data only for those products that are produced by the manufacturer. If the product is fake or surrogate, you won’t find information about it there. To do this, you should also enter the necessary information from the excise tax and receive all the necessary information online.


Knowing all the nuances and degrees/levels of protection of high-quality alcoholic products, the consumer will be able to avoid purchasing obviously dangerous substitutes and low-quality alcohol. Of course, all of the above nuances cannot protect you from purchasing a high-quality counterfeit of elite alcohol.

Recently, there has been an increase in the production of surrogate alcohol under the guise of expensive alcohol.

Therefore, it is still worth purchasing alcoholic beverages only in specialized stores and never taking alcohol from your hands, even if tempted by the low price. Remember that the percentage of deaths from methyl alcohol ingestion (which is what is present in surrogates) is extremely high.

Excise stamp

The excise tax does not require special decoding, since all information is written in Russian and is as understandable as possible to everyone. The fiscal document indicates that the payment of the tax (fee) established by special bodies was made. Excise taxes marked “Alcoholic goods from 25%” also contain information that tells about the maximum dimensions of the permitted container volume for the marked type of product. If the alcohol content of the drink is lower, this information may not be available.

It is also worth paying attention to the presence of the “excise stamp” or “Russian Federation” mark, which indicates that the product has passed the necessary registration and the manufacturer or seller has paid all fees.

The Unified State System contains in its database all the important data on alcoholic beverages. All alcoholic beverages that are imported into the country or produced on its territory must be entered into the Unified State Automated Information System. This system is an important regulatory body for the circulation of alcoholic products in the Russian Federation. It is designed to reduce counterfeit products on the shelves of stores, supermarkets, restaurants, cafes, liquor stores, and liquor stores.

Each organization that produces a product containing alcohol is required to enter all information about the product into a single database. If the manufacturer does not comply with this requirement, then he will face legal liability with heavy fines. This system is already producing good results; as statistics show, the amount of low-quality, counterfeit alcohol on store shelves has decreased significantly.

Definition of counterfeit products

Basic rules for choosing quality alcohol:

  • It is worth making it a rule to buy alcoholic beverages in trusted stores, retail chains or from licensed companies. If you want to save money and purchase alcoholic beverages in a street tent, pavilion, or by hand, be prepared for unpleasant consequences.
  • It is necessary to visually examine the container very carefully; if defects, chips, abrasions, scratches, a tear in the excise stamp, or its unnatural location were noticed, then it is better to refuse this product and choose something more suitable.
  • It is not advisable to choose cheap products. In this case, price may affect quality.

There is one interesting folk method that not everyone knows about. To understand by what method the alcoholic drink was bottled, manually or using special equipment, they take several bottles from the same company, with the same name, put them in a row and look at the neck. If the contents of the container are on the same level and create a kind of line, then most likely it is a high-quality drink that has been packaged at the factory. If the liquid is poured into each bottle differently, in some places more, in others less, then 100% of the alcohol was poured by hand and can pose a potential threat not only to the health of the buyer, but also to life. The essence of this experiment is that even a very trained person will not be able to achieve maximum accuracy, which is easily achieved by special equipment.

Don't forget to pay attention to the label, it should contain the following information:

  1. Name of product and manufacturer.
  2. Address of the plant where the products were manufactured.
  3. Container volume.
  4. Percentage of alcohol.
  5. Compound.
  6. Best before date.
  7. Quality compliance information.

The label must be glued evenly, carefully, applying 4 layers of adhesive. If you have any doubts about the quality of the proposed product, you have the right, according to the law of the Russian Federation, to demand a license and a package of permits.

31.08.16 67 344 0

Fake alcohol

How not to ruin the holiday

From January to July 2016, 4.5 thousand people died in Russia due to alcohol poisoning. The reason was not only vodka with technical alcohol, but also whiskey made from powder, cognac tinted with sawdust and wine made from apple juice with alcohol.

Asya Chelovan


Finding out the quality of alcohol before you are taken away in an ambulance is quite problematic. To stay healthy, let’s figure out how to spot a fake.

Bottle appearance

Let's say Oleg Tinkov produces Tinkoffsky cognac. The vineyards and the factory are located in Russia, therefore, as connoisseurs will note, “Tinkoffsky” is, strictly speaking, brandy.

In order to make the best brandy in Russia, no worse than that from the Cognac province, Oleg studied the Charente technology of cognac production, purchased French equipment “Prulot”, brought barrels from seventy-year-old Tronçais oak, built a factory in Crimea, and grew vineyards with “folle blanche” varieties " and "colombard", and ordered the master of assemblage from Armenia.

Oleg launched production himself and gave the drink his own name, because he is responsible for quality. Any counterfeit is a blow to his name, so Oleg tries to protect his product and is attentive to details. This can be seen even in the bottles in which the drink is bottled.

Before buying expensive alcohol, open the official website of the manufacturer - there are enough photographs there that show the shape of the bottle, the features of the labels, and the details of the engravings. It is difficult to fake all the details and markings of a bottle. Here's what you should pay attention to:

What to look for when buying a bottle

Oleg Tinkov's signature on shrink film

Bottle in the shape of the Tinkoff Bank coat of arms

Label with embossed name

Excise stamp “Cognac” with the name of the drink, manufacturer and container volume

Back label with a description of the drink, composition and storage conditions

Embossed name of cognac

Unfortunately, even the original bottle does not guarantee the quality of the contents. Empty used bottles of famous drinks are sold on eBay. A fake drink can be prepared from concentrate and alcohol:

Excise stamp

An excise stamp is a sign that the manufacturer has paid tax on alcohol. The state knows that such a bottle exists, and, in theory, is responsible for the quality of its contents. However, last year 15 million deciliters of alcohol with counterfeit brands were sold in Russia. Even if taxes were not paid for these bottles, it is much worse not knowing what kind of liquid was bottled.

Drinks are classified by strength and composition, and excise taxes for each class vary by color. There are four main excise stamps for strong alcohol and nine for wine. FS RAR even published a brochure with a description of each brand.

Some of the excise taxes appeared only in 2015, so in the store you will more often see cognac labeled “Strong Spirits” than “Cognac”. And sake can be either a “wine drink” or “an alcoholic drink with an alcohol content of over 9 to 25%.” It's all confusing.

It’s easier to check the brand using the application of the Federal Service “Rosalkogolregulirovanie” - “Anti-Counterfeit Alco”. It is available for iPhones, Android and Windows smartphones. The iPhone app is not currently available, but may be available later.

If you fundamentally do not want to install the FS RAR application, check that the stamp has a hologram and a barcode, the color is not solid, and the name matches the content stated on the label. The stamp must fit tightly on the bottle; it is made on an adhesive basis. If the stamp has come off a little, it is better not to take the drink.

Receipt in store

Since July 1, 2016, a control system for alcohol sales has been in effect in Russia - EGAIS, its use is mandatory for all alcohol sellers.

The EGAIS system receives data from manufacturers, importers, wholesale suppliers and retail stores. For violation of the rules, legal entities are fined in the amount of 150,000 to 200,000 rubles.

Sellers who work according to the rules issue a special receipt with a QR code.

The EGAIS check will not be issued:

  • if you buy beer;
  • if you ordered alcohol in a cafe or restaurant;
  • if you buy alcohol in a village of up to 3 thousand people: these checks will begin to be issued there only from July 2017.

In the cities of Crimea, EGAIS will work only in 2017, and in small settlements on the peninsula - in 2018.

In other cases - if you are not in Crimea, not in a village and you are buying alcohol stronger than beer - the seller is obliged to issue a receipt. Such a receipt is a guarantee that they are selling you legal alcohol.

Before buying alcohol, ask the seller if they work for EGAIS. If they don't work, leave. If a store sells alcohol without EGAIS, most likely the supplier did not enter it into the system either. It’s unlikely that anyone will be responsible for the quality of “invisible” alcohol.

If the store operates according to the rules, the seller first scans the barcode, then the excise stamp, and then issues a special receipt with a QR code.

Regular check

Regular check

EGAIS check

“Signature” of the cash register on which the receipt is punched

To read a QR code, you need to install a program on your smartphone - the aforementioned “Anti-Counterfeit Alco” FS RAR or a regular scanner. I use the Kaspersky Lab application, but the tool is not important here. If you don’t want to install anything or the QR is not readable - this also happens - type the link from the receipt directly into the browser line.

The link will open the Federal Tax Service website: pay attention to the date and time of sale - it should not differ from the real one. The information in the “Series and stamp numbers” block must match the inscription on the label and the data on the excise stamp.

Check the date and time of purchase

The same text should be on the stamp

If you were given a receipt with the correct information, the alcohol is real. The store would not be able to accept and sell alcohol that is not in the state register.

When to check

You need to check the bottle for the excise stamp before you take it to the checkout.

Alcohol, like other food products, cannot be replaced or returned. Therefore, if you gave the money, the seller may refuse to accept the drink back and return the money.

In this case, you can try to back out of the transaction: failure to issue a receipt or incorrect information on it can be considered a violation of the consumer's right to information.

If you fail to cancel the purchase, simply warn the seller about what you will do next. And you need to act like this:

  1. Write an application to the FS RAR and Rospotrebnadzor.
  2. If the FS RAR application is installed, report the violation through it.
  3. If there is no application, then report the incident to the FS RAR portal. In the application, write that you were sold alcohol without an EGAIS receipt, indicate the date, address of the store, attach a photo of the bottle and the receipt if you were given a regular one.

And, of course, do not drink if there is even the slightest doubt about the authenticity of the drink.

The smell of the drink

If you do not have a sense of smell and experience as a sommelier, then you are unlikely to be able to distinguish by smell whether it is French cognac or something bottled at a small factory in the Moscow region.

If you are lucky enough to have a keen sense of smell, then let the drink sit in the glass for a few minutes. The aroma has disappeared, but the smell of alcohol remains - this is a fake, don’t risk it.

When producing counterfeit alcohol, methyl alcohol is often used instead of ethyl alcohol, which does not differ in smell and taste. Methyl is a technical alcohol, which, when it enters the human body, decomposes to dangerous substances - formaldehyde and formic acid. 30 ml of methyl alcohol will kill a healthy adult man.

Symptoms of methyl alcohol poisoning: nausea, vomiting, difficulty breathing, blurred vision, pain throughout the body. If you feel this is happening to you, call an ambulance before it’s too late. Doctors will rinse the stomach and infuse ethyl alcohol.


  1. Pay attention to the price. Elite alcohol for 500 rubles is a fake.
  2. If you are going to buy expensive alcohol, look at the manufacturer’s website to see what the bottle looks like.
  3. If you know that you will be buying alcohol in an unfamiliar place, download the Anti-Counterfeit Alko application in advance - iPhone (currently unavailable), Android and Windows. You will use it to check both the excise stamp and the receipt.
  4. Check the excise stamps: they must be tightly affixed, have a hologram, lot number, and the color must match the contents.
  5. Ask if the store operates according to EGAIS. If it doesn't work, don't buy it.
  6. If you were not given a EGAIS check with a QR code, warn the seller that you will complain to Rospotrebnadzor and the FS RAR.
  7. If you were given a receipt with a QR code, be sure to check it. If the code is not readable, try entering the link below it.
  8. Always check whether the information on the link matches what is indicated on the paper receipt: store TIN, date and time of sale, position on the receipt.

Consultants: prof. Georgy Aleksandrovich Livanov, prof. Alexander Nikolaevich Petrov, lawyer Vladimir Belyaev

Without exception, all alcoholic products that are imported into the territory of the Russian Federation must contain an excise stamp, the purpose of which is labeling of alcohol-containing liquid.

In fact, there is no need to decipher the excise tax, since all necessary information on the stamp is indicated in Russian and quite clear. For example, an excise stamp for alcoholic products may contain information: “Alcoholic goods from 9 to 256%” or “Alcoholic goods from 25%”, “Wines”, “Sparkling wine” and so on.

The definition of “Excise stamp” means fiscal document, which means full payment of the fee established on the territory of the Russian Federation for the sale of any product.

Excise stamps, which include the name “Alcoholic goods from 25%”, additionally contain information indicating the maximum volume of containers used for alcoholic products of this type.

It is located in close proximity to the excise number. Such an inscription may include “up to 100 grams”, “half a liter”, “no more than a liter”, “over 1 liter”.

A brand that is directly intended for alcohol products with the lowest alcohol content may not include information about the maximum container volume.

In addition, the following information must be indicated on the stamp: “excise stamp” or “Russian Federation”. The presence of such information indicates registration of alcoholic products and full payment of all fees by the manufacturer or distributor.

On the territory of the Russian Federation, in addition to alcoholic products, excise tax is applied to tobacco-containing goods and. Until recently, it was required for sugar, shag and pepper.

EGAIS work

The definition of "EGAIS" means unified state system, which is fully automated and contains a database of information on alcoholic products. All alcohol that is produced on the territory of the Russian Federation or imported into the country, must be indicated in the Unified State Automated Information System.

By and large, the system is a tool for careful control of the turnover of alcoholic beverages in the Russian Federation.

The main task of the system is to try to significantly reduce the circulation of counterfeit alcohol throughout the country. Moreover, every company that manufactures or sells alcohol-containing products must enter detailed information about it into the system.

If information is not provided in the system, companies face criminal and administrative liability in the form of huge fines. According to the developers themselves, the introduction of such a system made it possible to reduce the volume of sales of counterfeit goods by at least 40%, which already indicates the positive results of the work of the Unified State Automated Information System.

Definition of counterfeit

The basic rules that must be followed when choosing alcohol are: next:

By following simple rules, you can avoid purchasing counterfeit alcohol. During the verification process, it is necessary to remember that the label must include:

  • name of the product on which it is applied and the manufacturer;
  • information about the location of the manufacturer;
  • detailed information on alcohol capacity (displayed as a percentage);
  • container volume;
  • detailed information about the composition of the product (often indicates the type of alcohol itself - luxury, extra, etc., as well as additional components);
  • what is the shelf life of alcoholic beverages;
  • information about the document on the basis of which the alcohol production process takes place;
  • information that confirms quality compliance.

The fact that the storage temperature of alcoholic beverages is also important, since a violation of the temperature regime can lead to a change in organoleptic properties, which can not only affect the quality of the product, but also the health of the person who consumed it.

Don’t forget to also demand for the sale of alcoholic beverages. According to the legislation of the Russian Federation, any buyer has the full legal right to demand a package of permits from the seller, and only then purchase the products of interest. As for the excise stamp, today there are many ways to check it.

On one's own

Today, smartphone owners have a unique opportunity - check special federal excise stamps through the application.

The application was developed by specialists from Rosalkogolregulirovanie and is called "Anti-counterfeitinfo". Thanks to its use, you can easily identify excise violations.

The work concludes with a method of pointing a smartphone camera at a barcode. In addition, the application contains a list of stores that are located near the user and have all the documents and licenses necessary for operation.

Detailed instructions for using the application are as follows: next(it can be used anywhere, be it a cafe, restaurant, store, and so on):

  1. You need to download the application from Google Play.
  2. After downloading and installing, you need to launch it; the main window will show a map of where legal points of sale of alcoholic beverages are located. It is possible, if the user wishes, to link the map to his location.
  3. At the bottom of the main application window there is a subcategory “Scan”. When you try to go to it, the main camera of the smartphone will be activated. The application will ask you to point the camera at the barcode of the alcohol brand or the QR code on the receipt after purchase.
  4. After this, the application reads all the necessary information and displays it on the smartphone screen. The user is provided with: the route of the goods, information about manufacturers, and so on.

The application contains the ability to automatically notify law enforcement officers if a point of sale of counterfeit alcohol is detected. To do this, just click on the “Notify” button and write an accompanying comment.

Through the Internet

If we talk about checking the reliability of FSM or AM, it is initially necessary to remember about the official specially developed service by specialists of Rosalkogolregulirovanie.

The opportunity to check alcohol excise stamps is available through the official portal of the Federal Service dealing with the regulation of the alcohol market at The service is called "Checking brands".

Manufacturing companies that have a license and regulatory authorities have access to inspection.

The capabilities of the service allow you to identify illegal alcohol products in a matter of minutes information verification method, which is printed on the stamp, and information entered into the EGAIS system.

The step-by-step algorithm for checking in this way is as follows: next:

  1. You need to go to the official portal of Rosalkogolregulirovanie and select the appropriate subsection with the name “Electronic services for companies/organizations”.
  2. Next, from the proposed list, select the additional category “Electronic services of Rosalkogolregulirovanie for companies/organizations.”
  3. At the next stage, you will be asked to provide a password and TIN. It is possible to register in the system.
  4. Then you need to select “Check brands” and click on the “Add” button.
  5. After reading the information from the barcode, you must enter it in the appropriate field.

Based on the information provided, the system will generate a request, after which it will be available within a few minutes. information regarding brand details and so on.

If desired, it is possible to print out the received information, which is indicated in the EGAIS system. To do this, just press the key "Seal".

To gain access to this service, you will need to submit a written application to the Federal Service, which deals with the issue of regulating the alcohol market in the Russian Federation.

In such a request, you must indicate the need to connect to the service of a certain person, who is a trusted representative of the company and responsible for work in this system. His personal information and email address must be indicated.


Another option that can speak with 100% confidence about the authenticity of the verification is conducting an examination. However, in most cases it is necessary to use it by the relatives of the victim or by law enforcement agencies (if a case of death from the use of alcoholic beverages is identified).

The examination is carried out "Center for Pre-trial Investigations". The test is carried out by decomposing the liquid into molecules and other components, which make it easy to identify the conformity of ethyl alcohol and the possible fact of its counterfeit.

They will not ignore the excise stamp of alcohol, and they will even be able to identify the equipment on which it was made. Unfortunately, this type of verification is very rarely used.

A news release on how to spot counterfeit alcohol is below.

Alcohol products, along with such consumer goods as tobacco and gasoline, are subject to excise tax - a special type of tax. With the help of excise tax, the state can regulate prices, sales volumes and quality of products, which is especially important in relation to alcohol.

In light of recent events related to mass poisoning of the population, quality control of alcoholic products is an important area of ​​the country's policy. What consumer protection mechanisms are currently in place, from what date are sellers inspected, and what rules for the sale of alcoholic products are mandatory for the market of alcohol-containing products?

Excise duty value

According to the Tax Code, namely Chapter 22 “Excise Taxes”, alcohol is recognized as an excisable product, which significantly affects pricing in this area.

Because this type of tax is included in the final cost of products sold, changes in the cost of the excise tax are felt primarily by the end consumer.

Ethyl alcohol, according to a special list, is classified as excisable goods, which obliges the inclusion of excise duty in the price of the following products:

  • alcohols (anhydrous ethyl, food, non-food, denatured);
  • distillates (whiskey, calvados, fruit, wine, grape, cognac);
  • guilt;
  • liqueurs;
  • cognacs;
  • vodka;
  • beer.

The excise tax rate on alcohol increases annually, as reflected in Article 193 of the Tax Code. So, for example, since 2107, rates for alcoholic products (ruble per liter) are as follows:

Drinks containing ethyl alcohol<9%

Wines with Protected Geographical Indication

Wines other than beverages with protected geographical indication

Sparkling wines with protected geographical indication

Sparkling wines, excluding beverages, with protected geographical indication
Beer with alcohol content >8.6%

According to current legislation, any alcoholic product, except beer and its derivatives, must contain an excise stamp on its packaging. Excise stamps can be obtained by organizations that have permits for the production or sale of alcohol-containing products. In addition, the organization must be able to document a shipment of excisable goods.

In addition to the fact that alcoholic products are designated, as well as the fact that the product meets current quality and safety standards, The excise stamp carries very important information about the product:

  • manufacturer country;
  • Name;
  • proportion of ethyl alcohol content;
  • packaging volume.

Legislation in 2019

In 2019, alcohol trade must be carried out by persons connected to the Unified State Automated Information System (USAIS).

This system allows you to collect information on each unit of alcohol sold, from its composition, strength and volume, to the country of origin, as well as the date and place of sale.

In the future, EGAIS should become a universal tool for identifying counterfeits and maintaining records of all alcoholic products in the country. Connecting to a single system complements and in no way cancels compulsory licensing. Both manufacturers and sellers of alcohol-containing products are subject to licensing.


The state organization that monitors the circulation of alcoholic products, as well as performing the functions of a licensing authority, is the Federal Service for the Regulation of Alcohol Products.

A person producing or selling alcoholic products is required to submit an application and the corresponding package of documents to the territorial office of the FSRAR for timely receipt.

In addition to submitting an application, manufacturers and sellers must pay a state fee, which, depending on the applicant, is equal to:


Changes in the retail trade of alcoholic products associated with the Unified State Automated Information System allowed the state to significantly increase budget revenues in just six months. Thanks to the forced legalization of some manufacturers and sellers, the volume of manufactured products increased by 30%. As for the increase in payments to the federal treasury, they amounted to about 120 billion rubles over six months, which is almost 20% more than in the previous year.

Changes in the alcohol retail trade dictate their requirements already at the stage of purchasing products from suppliers. In order for alcohol to appear on the counter. It is necessary to match the data on the products of both parties to the transaction. If, after verification, the unified system confirms the fact of delivery, then the alcohol can be sold; otherwise, information about discrepancies in information is reflected in the Unified State Automated Information System.

When selling alcohol to the end consumer, the seller is obliged to conduct the transaction through EGAIS. Only after reading the information about the product, the system allows the sale to be made and issues the buyer a receipt with a barcode confirming the quality of the product.


Persons selling alcoholic beverages by the glass are also required to join the unified system. In addition to this requirement, sellers must adhere to the following rules:

  • Only permanent premises should serve as points of sale of draft alcoholic beverages, with the exception of temporary catering establishments;
  • the point of sale should be located away from educational, medical and cultural institutions;
  • The point of sale should not be located at gas stations, train stations, markets and other crowded places;
  • persons can buy alcohol at least 18 years old, from 10.00 to 22.00.

It is worth noting that the sale of draft beer, cider, mead, etc. can be carried out by individual entrepreneurs without a license, which cannot be said about the sale of strong draft drinks.

How to spot a fake product

Despite the fact that excise stamps are made using various security technologies, bootleggers manage to successfully counterfeit them. At first glance, such brands do not differ from real ones and do not raise any doubts. However, having examined the container more carefully, and also having several recommendations at your disposal, you can easily distinguish counterfeit products from quality products.

Visual inspection

First of all, you should carefully examine the container of an alcoholic product - often this is enough to recognize a counterfeit:

  1. If, when you touch a tax stamp, the paint on it smears, leaving marks on your hand, you should definitely be wary.
  2. Stamps are made at Goznak, so their appearance must be appropriate.

Scanner check

In many large retail chains and specialized alcohol stores you can see so-called scanners - devices that read barcodes, displaying information about the product on the screen. Such a check can allow you to check the quality of the selected alcohol without going to the cash register.

Dimensions of current stamps

  1. Excise stamps have the following dimensions: 9cmx2.6cm and 6.2cmx2.1cm. If the packaging of alcohol contains brands of different sizes, then most likely the product does not correspond to the declared quality.
  2. In addition, it is worth paying attention to how tightly the stamp holds, and whether there are any uneven or crumpled edges.

Receipt and barcode

When purchasing alcohol in a store connected to EGAIS, the buyer is provided with a special receipt with a QR code. By scanning the code or clicking on the link below it, you can go to the Federal Tax Service website, where detailed information about the product, its seller and manufacturer will be provided.

Among other things, the stamp must have the following features:

  • luminescent inscription “alcohol products”;
  • microtext negative/positive “brand/FSM”;
  • hologram in the shape of a diamond, inside of which is the inscription “RF”;
  • fibers, like those used for banknotes.


In order to easily distinguish a counterfeit tax stamp from a real one, you need to carefully examine a known high-quality bottle of alcohol and pay attention to the signs indicated above. Since a good fake will require significant costs, it is unlikely that all security features will be present on such a tax stamp. For clarity, it makes sense to put real and fake products side by side.

Checking alcohol by excise stamp online

The Federal Service for the Regulation of Alcoholic Products has launched an online service “Stamp Check”, which allows you to use the excise stamp number to compare whether the information in the Unified State Automated Information System corresponds to the information that is actually available. In addition, some manufacturers of alcoholic beverages offer connoisseurs of their brands to check the quality of purchased drinks using their unique services.

Video: Checking the excise stamp

Federal special (FSM) and excise stamps are used to label alcohol and tobacco products.

Example of federal special and excise stamps for alcoholic beverages

Example of federal special and excise stamps for tobacco products

These brands belong to level “B” security printing products. This means that they are printed on special security paper, one of the security features of which is an encapsulated anti-Stokes phosphor, factory applied to its surface. The brands themselves are applied to bottles and cigarette packs, respectively.

Most counterfeit federal special and excise stamps are printed on paper without security features, including without anti-Stokes phosphor. The simplest, fastest, and at the same time most reliable way to detect such counterfeits of federal special and excise stamps of all years of issue in the field is to determine the presence of security features of the paper on which they are printed.

Tax stamp detector

To check the presence of anti-Stokes phosphor on federal special and excise stamps, the Cassida EasyCheck device has been developed.

It is enough to place the device close to the surface being tested, as shown in the figure below, and press the button. The red indicator will light up.

If the indicator color changes to green and the device emits a sound signal, then the security element is present on the stamp. This means the brand is genuine.

If the color of the indicator does not change (red) and there is no sound signal, then the protective element on the stamp is missing. This means the brand is fake.

There are no numbers (numbers) or letters on the device, only an indicator for the most simplified use.

The user does not need to contact the service center for maintenance; it is enough to independently monitor the battery charge (V23GA battery).

Note: The Federal Service for Regulation of the Alcohol Market monitors the quality and safety of alcoholic products (products). Information on the degrees of protection of special and excise stamps to verify their authenticity is presented on the official website of Rosalkogolregulirovanie.

Bottle appearance

Let's say Oleg Tinkov produces Tinkoffsky cognac. The vineyards and the factory are located in Russia, therefore, as connoisseurs will note, “Tinkoffsky” is, strictly speaking, brandy.

In order to make the best brandy in Russia, no worse than that from the Cognac province, Oleg studied the Charente technology of cognac production, purchased French equipment “Prulot”, brought barrels from seventy-year-old Tronçais oak, built a factory in Crimea, and grew vineyards with “folle blanche” varieties " and "colombard", and ordered the master of assemblage from Armenia.

Oleg launched production himself and gave the drink his own name, because he is responsible for quality. Any counterfeit is a blow to his name, so Oleg tries to protect his product and is attentive to details. This can be seen even in the bottles in which the drink is bottled.

Before buying expensive alcohol, open the official website of the manufacturer - there are enough photographs there that show the shape of the bottle, the features of the labels, and the details of the engravings. It is difficult to fake all the details and markings of a bottle. Here's what you should pay attention to:

What to look for when buying a bottle

Oleg Tinkov's signature on shrink film

Bottle in the shape of the Tinkoff Bank coat of arms

Label with embossed name

Excise stamp “Cognac” with the name of the drink, manufacturer and container volume

Back label with a description of the drink, composition and storage conditions

Embossed name of cognac

Unfortunately, even the original bottle does not guarantee the quality of the contents. Empty used bottles of famous drinks are sold on eBay. A fake drink can be prepared from concentrate and alcohol:

Excise stamp

An excise stamp is a sign that the manufacturer has paid tax on alcohol. The state knows that such a bottle exists, and, in theory, is responsible for the quality of its contents. However, last year 15 million deciliters of alcohol with counterfeit brands were sold in Russia. Even if taxes were not paid for these bottles, it is much worse not knowing what kind of liquid was bottled.

Some of the excise taxes appeared only in 2015, so in the store you will more often see cognac labeled “Strong Spirits” than “Cognac”. And sake can be either a “wine drink” or “an alcoholic drink with an alcohol content of over 9 to 25%.” It's all confusing.

It’s easier to check the brand using the application of the Federal Service “Rosalkogolregulirovanie” - “Anti-Counterfeit Alco”. It is available for iPhones, Android and Windows smartphones. The iPhone app is not currently available, but may be available later.

To check the authenticity of a stamp, you need to scan its top part - PDF−417, then the bottom. Check the manufacturer, name and strength with what is printed on the stamp and on the labels. If the information does not match, report a violation. If the brand was not considered, then let us know

If you fundamentally do not want to install the FS RAR application, check that the stamp has a hologram and barcode, the color is not solid, and the name matches the content stated on the label. The stamp must fit tightly on the bottle; it is made on an adhesive basis. If the stamp has come off a little, it is better not to take the drink.

Receipt in store

Since July 1, 2016, a control system for alcohol sales has been in effect in Russia - EGAIS, its use is mandatory for all alcohol sellers.

The EGAIS system receives data from manufacturers, importers, wholesale suppliers and retail stores. For violation of the rules, legal entities are fined in the amount of 150,000 to 200,000 rubles.

Sellers who work according to the rules issue a special receipt with a QR code.

The EGAIS check will not be issued:

  • if you buy beer;
  • if you ordered alcohol in a cafe or restaurant;
  • if you buy alcohol in a village of up to 3 thousand people: these checks will begin to be issued there only from July 2017.

In the cities of Crimea, EGAIS will work only in 2017, and in small settlements on the peninsula - in 2018.

In other cases - if you are not in Crimea, not in a village and you are buying alcohol stronger than beer - the seller is obliged to issue a receipt. Such a receipt is a guarantee that they are selling you legal alcohol.

Before buying alcohol, ask the seller if they work for EGAIS. If they don't work, leave. If a store sells alcohol without EGAIS, most likely the supplier did not enter it into the system either. It’s unlikely that anyone will be responsible for the quality of “invisible” alcohol.

If the store operates according to the rules, the seller first scans the barcode, then the excise stamp, and then issues a special receipt with a QR code.

Regular check

“Signature” of the cash register on which the receipt is punched

To read a QR code, you need to install a program on your smartphone - the aforementioned “Anti-Counterfeit Alco” FS RAR or a regular scanner. I use the Kaspersky Lab application, but the tool is not important here. If you don’t want to install anything or the QR is not readable - this also happens - type the link from the receipt directly into the browser line.

The link will open the Federal Tax Service website: pay attention to the date and time of sale - it should not differ from the real one. The information in the “Series and stamp numbers” block must match the inscription on the label and the data on the excise stamp.

Check the date and time of purchase

The same text should be on the stamp

If you were given a receipt with the correct information, the alcohol is real. The store would not be able to accept and sell alcohol that is not in the state register.

When to check

You need to check the bottle for the excise stamp before you take it to the checkout.

Alcohol, like other food products, cannot be replaced or returned. Therefore, if you gave the money, the seller may refuse to accept the drink back and return the money.

If you fail to cancel the purchase, simply warn the seller about what you will do next. And you need to act like this:

  1. Write an application to the FS RAR and Rospotrebnadzor.
  2. If the FS RAR application is installed, report the violation through it.
  3. If there is no application, then report the incident to the FS RAR portal. In the application, write that you were sold alcohol without an EGAIS receipt, indicate the date, address of the store, attach a photo of the bottle and the receipt if you were given a regular one.

And, of course, do not drink if there is even the slightest doubt about the authenticity of the drink.

The smell of the drink

If you do not have a sense of smell and experience as a sommelier, then you are unlikely to be able to distinguish by smell whether it is French cognac or something bottled at a small factory in the Moscow region.

If you are lucky enough to have a keen sense of smell, then let the drink sit in the glass for a few minutes. The aroma has disappeared, but the smell of alcohol remains - this is a fake, don’t risk it.

When producing counterfeit alcohol, methyl alcohol is often used instead of ethyl alcohol, which does not differ in smell and taste. Methyl is a technical alcohol, which, when it enters the human body, decomposes to dangerous substances - formaldehyde and formic acid. 30 ml of methyl alcohol will kill a healthy adult man.

If you want to know what happens to the body during poisoning, read the national guide to medical toxicology, chapter “Poisoning by alcohol and its surrogates.” Also look at the monograph for doctors “Acute poisoning with ethanol and its surrogates.”

The excise stamp of a product indicates that the product has passed the GOST test and fully complies with the declared quality. Stamps have various types of protection, for the creation of which special technologies and materials are used.

It is quite difficult and financially expensive to counterfeit all levels of protection, so those involved in clandestine production often reproduce only certain levels of protection. So if any security feature is missing or does not meet the standard, this indicates a fake.

Large retail outlets should have a special scanner that helps identify the authenticity of excise stamps. To use this service, you should contact the administrator with a request to provide the opportunity to check the products. If the scanner confirms a discrepancy, the excise stamp is fake; if no differences are found, this, unfortunately, is not a 100% guarantee of authenticity.

If the scanner shows that the stamp is genuine, but you still have doubts, you can contact the Forensic Science Center to conduct a forensic examination.

If you check a brand yourself, without a scanner, you are faced with the task of finding the differences between this and the genuine brand. The brand type and its details are checked for compliance. It is important to understand that the fresher the brand, the higher the reliability of visual inspection. During long-term storage, it is subject to abrasion and moisture. It is also important what material the stamp is glued to. In any case, suspicion may be raised by:

  • uneven, crooked edges;
  • paint comes off quickly when rubbed with a fingernail.

Detailed instructions for checking excise tax stamps for alcohol have been developed by the Federal Service for Regulation of the Alcohol Market. The color of excise stamps depends on the type of product and can vary from pink-lilac to green-blue-yellow. The paper used for stamps is self-adhesive, without luminescence. There are two types of security fibers: red non-luminescent and yellow-red, luminescent.

On the reverse side, “RF” is printed in brown paint and there is a luminescent inscription “Alcohol products”. When processing paper with the “Ts-2” indicator, a yellow color will appear.

There is microtext at the top of the stamp. The word “brand” is written in the negative, and “FSM” is written in the positive.

The hologram is a complex pattern, in the center of which the inscription “RF” is located in rhombuses.

The inscription “Federal special stamp” gradually changes from a negative to a positive form (a special raster is used for this).

At the bottom of the stamp there is the inscription “RF”, the color of which varies from dark bronze to purple. Other methods of protection are also provided. On the website of the Federal Service for Alcohol Market Regulation, you can check the authenticity of the brand online.

Separate excise stamps are produced for tobacco products. Detailed requirements for excise taxes on imported goods into the Russian Federation can be found here. There are 11 types of excise stamps (“smoking tobacco”, “hookah tobacco”, “cigars”, “filter cigarettes”, etc.) The following main characteristics of the stamps can be identified:

  • the color of the stamp is an iris transition from blue to lilac, size 44X20 mm;
  • there are 2 blue squares that luminesce under UV radiation;
  • red protective fibers do not have luminescence, and yellow-red fibers have luminescence (yellow part) under the influence of UV;
  • The coat of arms of the Russian Federation should be printed on the left, with the repeated phrase “RUSSIA IMPORT” written around it in small print;
  • above the coat of arms is written “RUSSIA”, and in the center - “EXCICE STAMP” (a tobacco leaf is drawn above it, the type of tobacco product is indicated below it);
  • all inscriptions, coat of arms and drawings are printed in black paint;
  • “TOBACCO” is written across the middle (negative execution);
  • A letter (A, B, C, D) and 2 numbers should be printed at the top right: the letter indicates the quarter, and the numbers - the last 2 digits - the year when the stamp was produced;
  • On the right, the black stripe indicates the series of the brand.

As for brands of goods produced in the Russian Federation, they have a size of 47X21 mm. The stamp must contain the inscriptions “tobacco products”, “Russian Federation”, “special brand”. We use paper with a single-color light watermark (no luminescence is observed under ultraviolet light). The paper contains protective fibers (at least 2 types). Optically variable paint is used.

If you have any doubts about the authenticity of the excise stamp, it is better not to purchase this product. Take care of your health, protect yourself from counterfeits, paying attention to at least the most memorable signs and designations.

The use of excise stamps allows you to quickly detect goods on sale that have not been paid with excise duty (that is, for which the state has not received the necessary money to the treasury). Excise stamps guarantee the client not only the quality, but also the number (correctly indicated volume) of the goods. Excise stamps in our country arose in accordance with the decree of the Government of the Russian Federation of April 14, 1994 “On the introduction of excise duty stamps into the territory of the Russian Federation.” Edible alcohol, wine and vodka products, tobacco and tobacco products imported into Russia are subject to mandatory labeling. The sale of these goods without excise duty stamps on the territory of our state has been prohibited since January 1, 1995.

You will need

  • Alcohol and tobacco products.


1. Modern excise stamps have been produced in Russia since 2005 - this is already the 3rd, especially counterfeit-proof issue. They are made using four printing methods on self-adhesive paper with a security thread. Under the adhesive layer there is a mesh and a pattern containing at least 2 types of protective fibers and chemical protection. Stamps with the inscription “Alcohol products over 9 to 25%” are designed in gray-red tones, with the inscription “Natural wines” - in green-yellow tones, with the inscription “Wines” - in lilac-green tones, with the inscription “Champagne wines and sparkling" - in yellow-blue tones, with the inscription "Alcohol products over 25%" - in pink-orange tones.

2. Alcohol brands have a holographic image applied to them. Excise stamps have a space free of images and text for displaying information about the products they mark. In addition, it is worth paying attention to the background grids and elements with paint color transitions in these grids.

3. In November 2002, new examples of excise stamps for marking tobacco and foreign-made tobacco products were approved. Modern tobacco stamps are printed in 20? 44 mm on white paper with a three-tone watermark in the form of a star with three points. The paper contains red security fibers and green fibers that glow when exposed to ultraviolet radiation. On the front side of each area (in addition to the side stripes and the central part with the image of the coat of arms of our country), the stamps are shaded with thin dotted lines - this protects against photocopying and, consequently, counterfeiting of the goods. In the central part of the stamps, the coat of arms and text with the repeated words “Russia import” are printed in black ink. The inscriptions on the stamps are also made in black paint. At the top of the stamps above the frame in the center is written “Excise Stamp”. To the right of the frame, a series of stamps consisting of letters and numbers is applied vertically. To the left of the frame there is a vertical designation “CIS”, “SEZ” or “Import” (depending on the country of manufacture of tobacco products). The type of tobacco product is also indicated - filter cigarettes; cigarillos; cigarettes without filter, cigarettes; cigars; smoking tobacco; pipe tobacco.

If you don’t work for Rospotrebnadzor, it can be very difficult to determine the quality of alcohol by eye. And poisoning from alcohol-containing products in our country invariably ranks first. In any case, before drinking the drink, if you have any doubts, check it using the following methods.

Let's take vodka first. The first method is to pour 25 g of sulfuric acid into 25 g of vodka. If the liquid has turned black, it is absolutely impossible to drink such vodka. In any case, the resulting product must be poured out. For the second method you will need litmus paper. If it turns red when immersed in vodka, it is also better not to drink such alcohol - it contains too high a number of harmful acids. For wine, there is a different examination. Place a small container of wine in a glass of water with the neck down, while the opening of the vessel should be clamped with your finger. When the neck is completely in the water, you can carefully remove your finger. If wine is mixed with water, it means the wine is “scorched”, not natural. The faster the wine settles to the bottom of the glass, the more trashy it is. The quality of the beer is checked opposite. Add acetic acid to a glass of beer (until a precipitate forms). The resulting liquid should not be bitter. Otherwise, this drink contains a lot of foreign impurities. Picric acid is occasionally found in beer. She is also very dangerous. Its presence is also easy to determine. Place the pan with beer on the fire and wait until it starts to boil. After this, dip a white woolen cloth into the pan for 10 minutes. If the beer is excellent, the cloth should remain white; if it turns yellow, do not drink this beer. Take care of your health and remember the warnings of the Ministry of Health.

Video on the topic

In modern stores and supermarkets there is a choice guilt primitively huge. White, red, rose, dry, sugary, dessert wine - it’s easy to get confused by such a choice. But, despite such diversity, not all drinks presented on store shelves are of great quality. Quite often among them there are fakes. Consequently, the question is how to check quality wine, is relevant for many Russians.


1. If possible, it is better to purchase wine in special wine stores. There, the data for storing this drink is created appropriately, and the likelihood of buying a fake is lower. It’s even better to buy wine in places that have great reviews, or you yourself have already purchased this drink there.

2. Pay attention to the price of the bottle. If the wine costs less than 100 rubles, then this is obviously a fake. Excellent wine cannot cost less than $10 per bottle, and often this price is higher.

3. When purchasing wine, pay special attention to the label. An excellent one will contain information about the manufacturer, place where the grapes were grown, year of harvest, category and main collections of wine. Some labels indicate that the wine is natural, but this is not a guarantee of quality. Look at the name. Some careless manufacturers, replacing each one letter in a word, under the guise of a famous brand, can sell you low-quality wine. Let’s say, due to inattention, you can buy “Bardalina” instead of “Bardolino”. These will be perfectly different wines.

4. Buy wine in bottles. Drinks sold in cartons are easier and easier to counterfeit.

5. Another method to check the quality of wine is to tip the bottle upside down and look at the amount of sediment. If there is too much of it, then this is a reason to think about the authenticity of the wine. Of course, sediment in natural wine is allowed, but there should not be a lot of it, and the consistency should be quite dense.

6. If you have purchased wine, but you have doubts about its quality, then there are several methods to refute or verify them. Pour water into a large bowl and wine into a bottle. Pinch the hole tightly with your finger, submerge the bottle under water and tip it upside down. Remove your finger. If the wine begins to mix with water, it means that it contains additional impurities and dyes. The faster the mixing occurs, the more unnatural the wine.

7. Drop a few drops of glycerin into a glass of drink. If it sinks to the bottom and does not change color, then this is a natural wine. If fake, glycerin will turn red and yellow.

Video on the topic

Excise stamps of the 2005 example, unlike all previous issues, are applied when marking alcoholic products not on the neck of the bottle, but on its side. When opening the container, you can try to leave the stamp intact. Empty containers are often reused in the illicit market. In September 2007, a bill was submitted to the State Duma for consideration, which proposed to return excise stamps to the necks of bottles. The amendments were expected to come into force on January 1, 2009.

Indicators of excellent alcohol

Any alcoholic drink has its own indicators and quality characteristics. Alcohol products differ in the following nuances:

  • aroma;
  • fortress;
  • color spectrum;
  • flavors;
  • power of influence on the body.

They check the quality and authenticity of alcoholic products in specialized laboratories. You can order this check yourself by paying for the service. But you can determine your alcohol level yourself. There are many effective ways to do this.

Determining the authenticity of vodka

To determine the quality of one of the most consumed alcoholic drinks in Russia, you should know the external signs of a genuine drink. Vodka is checked according to the following criteria:

  1. Taste.
  2. Color.
  3. Smell.

Therefore, you should not purchase vodka bottled in dark, opaque containers. The strength of high-quality vodka should be 40-56%. You can determine the temperature using a home alcohol meter.

According to statistics, in Russia, about 35-40 people are poisoned and killed every day using surrogate vodka with an existing excise stamp.

Good vodka will not contain any additional suspensions or impurities. It is soft in taste and has a distinct vodka aroma. When testing, the vodka liquid should not irritate or burn the laryngeal mucosa. Try rubbing a drop of vodka in your palm. A high-quality drink will not release any additional flavors (acetone, vinegar and other chemicals).

Studying aromatic foam

For beer, the main thing is the foam. Moreover, when drinking alcohol is spilled, there should not be too much or too little foam. The optimal foam level is medium in size, quite thick and rich. So, how to determine the quality of aromatic hops by the foamy layer.

No foam:

  • beer is heavily diluted with water;
  • hypothermia is present;
  • lacks carbon dioxide.

Too much foam:

  • the drink is too warm;
  • excess of intoxicating carbon dioxide;
  • improper pouring of foam into glasses.

A very significant factor is the stability of the foam. It shows the level of maturity of the foam. A good, high-quality hop foam will have a thick foam, with a layer thickness of 4-5 mm. And it will not leave the surface for about 1-1.5 minutes. Experts advise drinking beer at a temperature of +8-10⁰С.

Determining the quality of wine

This skill is very relevant. In our country, too many fake wines made from powder have recently appeared. Although this type of alcohol has all the necessary papers and permits, it cannot be considered real wine.

First of all, the quality of a wine is determined by its aroma. A too strong, repulsive odor indicates a poor alcohol level. But true wine will delight the user with a whole bouquet of pleasant aromas replacing each other. To better appreciate the wine aroma, pour the alcohol into a wide container and shake a little:

  1. High-quality wine will slowly flow down the sides of the glass.
  2. When you add 2-3 drops of glycerin to it, low-quality alcohol will turn an unusual color.

How not to make a mistake when choosing when buying

Of course, the store won’t let you try alcohol, open a bottle, or smell it. Tasting in the sales area is not provided. Therefore, alcohol is bought almost blindly. How not to make a mistake? To do this, you need to carefully study the container in which the drink is poured and the label of the bottle.

Pay attention to the label of the alcohol. Using it, or rather, using the barcode printed on it, you can find out the manufacturer. Experts do not advise buying products from countries that do not inspire confidence. The label must also contain the following information:

  • compound;
  • the date of bottling;
  • best before date;
  • Manufacturer country;
  • the type of alcohol sold.

An unevenly glued, crookedly placed label should alert the consumer. This is a direct indication that such alcohol is produced by handicraft, clandestine methods and can be poisonous and dangerous. And remember that a full quality check of alcoholic products can be carried out in a specialized laboratory.

It is better to seek the help of specialists if alcohol is purchased in large quantities for a large celebration. And never buy alcohol from hand or from unverified, questionable places.

We check alcohol using the excise stamp

The original purpose of creating excise stamps was to obtain a stable tax on the sale of alcohol. The state thus influenced the cost of alcoholic beverages and monitored the entire alcohol market. The history of this distinctive sign has its own characteristics. Look at the photos of old excise stamps for alcohol and compare them with modern ones:

This simple sign (if you know some rules) helps to distinguish counterfeit surrogate alcohol products from good quality alcohol. To accurately identify a fake, familiarize yourself with the basic rules of verification.

be careful

When you find yourself in the next supermarket in search of good quality alcohol, use all your powers of observation. You will need it when studying the excise stamp. First of all, check the quality of the gluing of the paper holding the bottle itself and the cap together.

Know that counterfeiting is a long and quite expensive process. Therefore, for the most part, handicraft manufacturers of surrogates always pay more attention to simple and uncomplicated aspects. But they ignore complex levels of protection. Experts highlight four points that need to be paid attention to:

  • correct barcode;
  • The excise stamp number is always inkjet printed;
  • the image on the excise tax is foil and holographic;
  • Information about the release date, security level and manufacturer must be present.

Pay attention to the size of the excise stamp itself. For alcohol products, it is officially established and can be presented in two variations:

  1. 90x26 mm.
  2. 62x21 mm.

If the dimensions do not match the established ones, you need to be wary. There is one more nuance in the excise stamp (it applies to larger stamps). Their upper part is separated from the lower part by a golden thread. This thread is dyed quite firmly, does not smudge or wear off. It can be pulled out of paper very easily.

Alcohol scanning

Every supermarket that respects itself and the consumer has special scanners. With their help, alcohol is checked using a barcode. Some of these scanners are present in the trading floors themselves. They are also available at the reception desk.

You can also scan the excise stamp on them. The electronics will automatically check all existing levels of product quality compliance. But many experts do not give a 100% guarantee of the authenticity of such verification.

Useful tricks

Focus on the cost of the alcohol you like. Do not purchase suspiciously cheap products, no matter how attractive their prices may be. Surrogate alcohol will always cost less, bootleggers are especially famous for their cheapness.

The definition of “bootlegger” dates back to the days of Prohibition in the United States. This word denoted underground dealers in alcohol-containing products. Unfortunately, the activities of bootleggers are also flourishing in modern Russia.

Also, to identify surrogate alcohol, you should pay attention to some very small nuances. They are invisible at first glance, but are very important when assessing the quality of alcohol. So, on the excise stamp:

  • the paper itself, from which the excise stamp is made, has the appearance of self-adhesive and does not exhibit luminescence;
  • on the negative strip the word “brand” will be visible, but on the positive strip the abbreviation “FMS” will be visible;
  • the diamonds of the holographic image have a pattern into which the “RF” logo is “woven”, and this pattern is located in the center of the hologram;
  • the stripe where “Federal Special Mark” is written when the color changes gradually turns into a positive reflection from a negative one.

Online alcohol testing program

You can also check the excise stamp for alcohol by number online using the Internet. There are several methods to carry out these checks.

Using a national service

The Federal Service for Regulation of the Alcohol Products Market has developed an Internet service specifically for consumers. To understand how to check alcohol by excise stamp online, you need to go to the official website of the service in the section “Checking stamps”.

You should enter the necessary data from the excise stamp in a special window and receive complete information. The information obtained should be compared with other parameters. They must be identical.

Products webpage

An online check of the excise tax stamp for alcohol can also be carried out on the website of the manufacturer of this alcoholic product. Of course, there are excise tax data only for those products that are produced by the manufacturer. If the product is fake or surrogate, you won’t find information about it there. To do this, you should also enter the necessary information from the excise tax and receive all the necessary information online.


Knowing all the nuances and degrees/levels of protection of high-quality alcoholic products, the consumer will be able to avoid purchasing obviously dangerous substitutes and low-quality alcohol. Of course, all of the above nuances cannot protect you from purchasing a high-quality counterfeit of elite alcohol.

Recently, there has been an increase in the production of surrogate alcohol under the guise of expensive alcohol.

Therefore, it is still worth purchasing alcoholic beverages only in specialized stores and never taking alcohol from your hands, even if tempted by the low price. Remember that the percentage of deaths from methyl alcohol ingestion (which is what is present in surrogates) is extremely high.

Purpose of certified signs

To protect citizens from counterfeit products, special stickers are produced. They have several degrees of protection:

  • high quality paper;
  • distinctive signs;
  • barcode verifiable online;
  • reflective sticker that shimmers in the light.

The use of expensive equipment in the production of high-quality stickers allows us to achieve the main goal - the ineffectiveness of excise tax counterfeiting. It is not profitable for underground manufacturers to produce original signs - they will have to fork out money for this. Therefore, on store shelves there are alcoholic products certified in accordance with established standards.

People pay little attention to the external signs of clandestinely produced products, consuming toxic mixtures. But for the safety of the health of your loved ones and guests, you need to know how to check the excise stamp for alcohol. There are two ways to determine the quality of alcohol products:

  • visual;
  • by number: scanner or on the Internet.

How to visually distinguish an original from a fake?

You can check the authenticity of alcohol using a tax stamp by familiarizing yourself with the main features of the original sticker:

  • The edges of the label are smooth, the design is streak-free;
  • on the reverse side there is a luminescent inscription “Alcohol products”;
  • with a magnifying glass you can see the words “brand” and “FSM”, the colors of the inscriptions are shown inversely;
  • there is a holographic sticker on the excise tax;
  • there are two blue squares glowing under a fluorescent lamp.

The question of how to check the excise stamp for alcohol is not given due attention. People believe that counterfeit drinks are purer in composition than the original drink. However, official statistics show cases of severe poisoning when people die during festive feasts. Unknown substances cause liver damage, loss of visual acuity, and hearing.

Additional verification methods

You can check the alcohol excise stamp by number right in the store by entering the number into your smartphone browser. The official website is intended for such purposes - There are applications for the Android system that offer barcode scanning using the camera.

An employee of the relevant department at the supermarket will tell you how to check the excise stamp for alcohol. It can scan the barcode of the label and display the information on the device display. But this method does not always become a reliable indicator of the quality of alcohol. It is necessary to take into account all the degrees of protection listed in the article.

Choosing the right alcohol

It’s rare that a festive feast is complete without alcoholic beverages. In order not to darken your holiday mood, you should learn to choose alcohol correctly.

Let's consider the process of purchasing alcohol point by point:

  • The first thing to think about is where you are making your purchase. The purchase of alcohol must be associated exclusively with those retail establishments that have a license. It is not recommended to buy alcohol from hand, in tents, kiosks, stalls, and other unsuitable places, including in crowded places - at train stations and markets. You should not order alcohol over the Internet either.
  • Having decided on the place of purchase of alcoholic products, we proceed to the choice. The appearance of the bottle is important here. We are talking, first of all, about defects, the presence of which must be avoided. These could be scratches, abrasions, sealing leaks, label breaks, etc.
  • Next is the cost of the product, which should not be too low.
  • When reading the product label, pay attention to its contents, which, according to labeling requirements, must include certain information.

The label must contain:

  • name of product and manufacturer;
  • information about the location of the manufacturer;
  • information about the strength expressed as a percentage;
  • volume size;
  • information about the composition (usually the type of ethyl alcohol is indicated here - luxury, extra, highly purified, main ingredients, as well as food additives);
  • expiration date – subject to the manufacturer’s designation, bottling date;
  • information about the document in accordance with which the product was manufactured;
  • information confirming compliance.

Equally important is the temperature conditions under which alcoholic products were stored, since their violation can lead to changes in the organoleptic properties of the product, such as color, taste and sedimentation. For vodka, this indicator ranges from -15 to +30 degrees, for alcoholic beverages - from -10 to +25 degrees, for sparkling wines - from +5 to +20.

And, of course, this is the presence of a license and other accompanying documents for the relevant products (declaration of conformity, consignment note and a certificate for it, a certificate for the cargo customs declaration when importing products).

The legality of the production and circulation of alcohol, where the alcohol content exceeds 9%, is evidenced by the presence of federal special stamps (when produced in the Russian Federation) and excise stamps (when imported).

Checking the excise stamp

Speaking about verifying the authenticity of both FSM and AM, first of all, we should mention here the official service developed by specialists from Rosalkogolregulirovanie. The “Brand Check” service is available today on the website of the Federal Service for Regulation of the Alcohol Market at: http://fsrar (dot) ru/.

Licensed purchasing organizations and authorized bodies can take advantage of the service's capabilities.
The functionality of the service allows you to identify illegal alcohol products by checking the data printed directly on the brand and the information recorded in the Unified State Automated Information System. To do this, the scanner should read the information contained in the two-dimensional barcode and enter it in a special column of the service.

Step-by-step instructions for obtaining information through this service look like this:

  • On the official portal of Rosalkogolregulirovanie, select the “Electronic services for organizations” tab.
  • In the presented list, follow the link “Electronic services of Rosalkogolregulirovanie for organizations.”
  • The next window is for entering a password and TIN or completing registration.
  • Next, click “Check brands” – “Add”.
  • After reading the barcode, save it in the appropriate column of the service.
  • The service will provide information about the brand details, the date and time of submitting the application for verification.
  • To obtain information about the requested brand, indicated in the Unified State Automated Information System, click on the “Print” button.

Important! Gaining access to the service must be preceded by a written application to the Federal Service for Regulation of the Alcohol Market.

The request usually indicates the need to connect a specific person who is appointed by the organization as responsible for working with the information portal, including full name and email address.

How to check counterfeit alcohol using the app

Today, smartphone owners have the opportunity to check federal special and excise stamps for authenticity using a mobile application developed by Rosalkogolregulirovanie. The Anti-Counterfeiting Info application is able to detect excise tax violations using a barcode scan performed by the phone’s camera. In addition, users have access to maps of stores that have licenses to sell alcoholic beverages.

The application is available for download on GooglePlay and AppStore.

Let's take a step-by-step look at how to check the legality of alcoholic beverages from anywhere, be it a cafe or a store.

Algorithm of actions:

  • After installing the application, launch it. A map will open in the start window where legal points of sale of alcoholic beverages are located. The map can be converted into a list georeferenced to the user's location.
  • At the bottom of the window there is a “Scan” tab, when you click on it, the mobile phone camera will be activated at the same time. The system will offer to point the camera at a specific barcode of the alcohol brand or QR code displayed on the receipt issued by the seller.
  • Next, information about the product and possible routes from the manufacturer to a specific retail outlet will appear on the screen. If there is no information, the product is considered counterfeit.


According to Art. 12 of Federal Law No. 171-FZ, responsibility for the correct application and authenticity of stamps (excise, federal special) rests with persons who produce alcoholic products, supply them, import them, as well as retail sales. The production and sale of alcoholic products without the required labeling or in violation of the procedure for its application is regulated by Art. 15.12 Code of Administrative Offenses of the Russian Federation.

In addition, criminal liability is provided in accordance with Art. 171.1 for the acquisition, production, storage, transportation and sale of products without labeling, and Art. 327 – for the production, forgery and sale of documents, stamps, seals and forms.