What to drink before, during and after training - the best natural drinks. How to eat before and after training

After intense training and intense physical exertion, you always feel thirsty. How soon can you drink after a workout?

There are certain means (including ordinary water) that ensure the most effective results of a workout - they should be consumed within an hour after completing the workout. These products consolidate the results of your workout, improve muscle tone, and relieve fatigue and muscle pain.

So what should you drink after a workout?

You can and should drink water after training - it is healthy and necessary for the body, but you should follow some rules:

  • remember, stretching your stomach too much is harmful: you cannot drink more than one liter at a time;
  • The volume you need for recovery must be divided into even small portions: one liter into 200 ml cups and so on;
  • drinking in one gulp is harmful: it leads to an increase in blood volume, due to an increase in the amount of fluid in it, and to interruptions in the functioning of the heart;
  • drink small portions of water at intervals of 15-20 minutes;
  • drinking immediately after training is strictly forbidden to drink immediately - wait 15 minutes;
  • do not drink cold water: this constricts blood vessels and impairs blood supply.

It is necessary to drink after physical activity, even if you don’t really want to: the body requires restoration of water balance.

Immediately after finishing a workout, it is recommended to drink a glass of boiled, melted or structured water - this water should also be drunk during training. You can add lemon juice, a small amount of table salt to the water, or dissolve glucose in it.

Muscle Growth Products

During and after sports, muscle fibers tend to break down, which entails new fiber growth. Due to this, overall muscle growth occurs.

In order for the destruction of muscles to occur less rapidly, and their growth in the future to proceed intensively and safely, it is necessary to use special substances. The main components that promote muscle recovery and growth are proteins and carbohydrates.

There is a certain period of time after the end of training during which you need to restore the reserves of carbohydrates and proteins in the body - the so-called nutritional window. As a rule, this is 15-30 minutes.

You can drink a special shake after training: a protein shake, rich in proteins and some carbohydrates, or a gainer, which is a dietary supplement. This is an easily digestible food that is ideal to eat within 15-30 minutes of finishing exercise.

Remember that vitamins and minerals taken after exercise are not meant to increase muscle mass. These are just catalysts that promote more efficient absorption of building components, proteins and carbohydrates.

During training, glycogen reserves are intensively consumed - this is a special type of carbohydrate, which is the main substance that forms the energy released by the body.

Therefore, special attention should be paid to replenishing its reserves - follow the proportions of an ideal recovery cocktail: it should consist of 60-70% carbohydrates and 30-40% proteins.

It should also contain amino acids, sodium, potassium and chlorides - these substances will allow for better absorption of carbohydrates and proteins and accelerate the restoration of physical strength.

Isotonic drinks and natural juices

Isotonic drinks are special cocktails consisting of carbohydrates and a complex of vitamins and minerals that help increase muscle mass. For example, there is chocolate milk that contains the optimal amount of all the necessary components. It significantly reduces the rate of muscle destruction, which has a beneficial effect on their subsequent growth.

Chocolate milk bought in stores is in most cases of low quality, so it makes sense to make such a smoothie yourself.

An hour after training, you can also drink natural juices—natural juices, not nectars or juice-containing drinks. For example, cherry juice helps restore muscles, relieve swelling and inflammation, and reduce pain.

For any of the above cocktails, the question of how much to drink after a workout can be compared with the rules for drinking water: do not drink in one gulp, break the entire volume into small portions.

You can drink a protein shake before bed, but it is better not to consume carbohydrates at night - this will cause the accumulation of excess fat in the body. Do not drink carbonated drinks (including carbonated mineral water) or sweet liquids.

The question of how to properly drink fluid after physical activity is a very important one. You should pay special attention to it and never forget about the rules and recommendations - otherwise you can harm your body.


During intense exercise, the body loses a large amount of fluid as a result of active sweating, reducing blood volume, which is important for receiving oxygen to muscles and organs, and the supply of electrolytes necessary for muscle contraction.

Rehydration plays a huge role in the body's recovery after exercise. And here a natural question arises: need to drink after training, so as not to harm the body.

In our article we will look at what drinks you should not drink after a workout and why.

What not to drink after training

1. Sports drinks

Sports energy drinks are nothing more than a mixture of salt, sugar, water and coloring. Very often, you can find other ingredients in the drink that are credited with energy and fat-burning properties. Most often it is guarana, caffeine, yohimbine, etc. Manufacturers claim that drinking the energy drink will give you a boost of energy and replenish all fluid losses. In a sense this is true. Sugar, as a 100% carbohydrate, is indeed a source of energy for the body, but its effect is unstable and ultimately only harms health. After a quick spike, your energy levels drop and your body does its best to balance out the toxic effects of sugar.

The beneficial effects of other additives may also raise doubts: the effect of guarana on the body has not yet been fully studied, and, for example, caffeine is a diuretic, i.e. a drink containing it will not saturate the cells with moisture, but, on the contrary, will work towards dehydration. Additionally, sports drinks contain a lot of refined salt. This is done to replenish what the body has lost through sweat. However, salt added to sports drinks is not the best way to restore sodium levels. In large quantities, it can only cause damage to the body, in particular damage the arteries.

2. Alcohol

Another drink that should not be consumed after training is alcohol. The main problem is that it slows down the recovery process by inhibiting the functions of the hormones that are normally involved. Alcohol reduces the production of the male hormone testosterone and protein synthesis, which prevents muscle building. But on the contrary, it increases the production of estrogen, which is responsible for fat deposits. Exercise stimulates the production of the enzyme lipoprotein lipase, which helps break down fat. But just 40 g of strong alcohol almost completely inhibits the production of this enzyme. Add to this the increased appetite that alcohol causes, and you will understand that drinking alcohol not only ruins your workouts, but also causes significant harm.

3. Carbonated drinks

Sweet carbonated drinks, as well as sports drinks, contain large amounts of sugar. We have already written above about the harm sugar causes to the body. Sugary carbonated drinks are also bad for the heart. Sometimes phosphoric acid may be used in carbonated waters. It can usually be found in cheap sodas. If you don’t want to wash calcium out of your body, increase bone fragility and worsen your health, give up this drink.

Many people like to drink sparkling mineral water; it seems tastier than regular water. It all depends on the physical activity and the reaction of your body. Due to the carbon dioxide content, sparkling water can cause belching, flatulence or bloating. Also, due to the presence of gas, it takes up more space in the stomach compared to regular water. You can drink soda after exercise if your body tolerates these types of drinks normally. If you are unaccustomed to drinking a new type of liquid, it is necessary in small quantities, monitoring the reaction of the digestive system.

4. Packaged juice

The dangers of packaged juice can be compared to carbonated sweet drinks. A glass of reconstituted orange juice contains as much as 5 tsp. Sahara. With regular consumption of such a product, the risk of developing diabetes increases several times. In addition, packaged juices do not contain the vitamins and healthy fibers found in fruits. The nutritional value of fruits is lost when you juice them, and you end up consuming pure sugar in the form of fructose. Many manufacturers do not skimp on adding various stabilizers and aromatic components to the juice in order to embellish the taste of the concentrate from which the drink is made.

5. Coffee

There is a lot of talk about the benefits of coffee: this drink increases energy levels, gives vigor, and restores strength. Coffee accelerates the removal of lactic acid from muscle tissue. It is this acid that causes nagging muscle pain after training. Caffeine can partially relieve this effect. This is the positive side of coffee. But, in addition to the benefits, drinking caffeine after a workout can also cause harm. Caffeine interferes with the reloading of glycogen into the muscles and liver and the take-up of protein for muscle repair. In addition, caffeine has an stimulating effect on the cardiovascular and nervous system. After training, the whole body is in good shape. Therefore, additional stimulation of the body with caffeine increases the load on the entire body as a whole. This can be dangerous, especially if you have problems with the cardiovascular system.

In the field of sports nutrition there is a term nutrient timing- this is a special nutritional scheme in which it is important which nutrients, in what quantity and at what time are entered into the body. But specialists from the organization of professional trainers and nutritionists Precision Nutrition came to the conclusion that an ordinary person who exercises regularly does not need any supplements or a special regimen.

Athletes have special needs

Nutrient timing makes sense if:

  • You are training for endurance. You participate in high-level competitions, running many kilometers every week at high intensity. Then during training you can drink drinks with added proteins and carbohydrates (P + C).
  • You are a bodybuilder. You lift heavy weights and work to increase muscle mass, you want to gain weight. Sports drinks will also help.
  • You are preparing for a fitness competition. You train for hours on end. You want your body fat percentage to be able to be written down in one number. To achieve this goal, branched chain amino acids (BCAAs) help stimulate and maintain muscle fibers.

Diet not for athletes

  • you exercise to improve your overall health and fitness;
  • you do not have far-reaching goals;
  • you have no special physiological needs;

...then you don't need a special nutrition strategy. It cannot be said that the regime is good or bad. It's just a tool that you need to know how to use.

The regime is not needed by office workers who have never exercised and have brought themselves to a pre-diabetic state, but it is needed by professionals.

In fact, only athletes can benefit from a strict nutrient schedule. The regime is not a magic wand; it will not have an immediate effect on your well-being and appearance. Especially if you only stick to it occasionally.

First, let's figure out what happens in the body before, during and after training, and then we'll find out what you need to eat to get the maximum in each case.

Before training

Three hours before exercise, you should eat something that will help:

  • stock up on energy;
  • increase activity;
  • protect against dehydration;
  • maintain muscle mass;
  • recover quickly.

Squirrels When eaten pre-workout, they help maintain or increase muscle size, prevent too much muscle damage, and flood the bloodstream with amino acids at a time when the body needs them most. It is important for everyone who improves their health along with their body proportions.

While you haven’t rushed to do it yet: protein before training is important, but the speed of its digestion does not affect the result so much. So any protein product eaten a few hours before training will lead to the same effect.

Carbohydrates provide fuel for long, multi-hour workouts and accelerate recovery after intense exercise, stimulating insulin production. They also store glycogen in the muscles and liver, thanks to which the brain receives signals of satiety, so that the body can calmly spend energy on muscle growth.

Influence fat the quality of the upcoming training has not been confirmed. But they slow down the digestion process, which helps maintain constant blood glucose levels and a stable state, and are involved in the absorption of vitamins and minerals, which play an important role in any diet.

Pre-workout nutrition: practice

Have lunch (or breakfast) a couple of hours before your workout. Or take a smaller portion almost before class (and if you want to gain weight, then eat twice).

2–3 hours before training

Eat a set lunch and drink something low-calorie (preferably plain water).

For men, lunch should consist of the following products:

For women, the composition is slightly different:

One hour before training

Some people prefer to eat something light immediately before training. One problem: the less time left before the start, the faster you need to digest the food. Therefore, it is better to use something liquid like.

Example recipe:

  • 1 spoon of protein powder;
  • 1 cup vegetables (spinach is great in smoothies);
  • 1 cup of carbohydrate-containing foods (such as bananas);
  • 1 teaspoon of fatty foods (nuts or flax seeds);
  • water or unsweetened almond milk.

Or a more delicious option:

  • 1 spoon of chocolate protein powder;
  • 1 cup spinach;
  • 1 banana;
  • 1 teaspoon peanut butter;
  • chocolate almond milk (no sugar).

This may not be worth mentioning, but before exercising you should only consume foods that do not irritate your stomach. Otherwise... Well, you know what could be different.

Nutrient Requirements During Training

List of nutritional goals during training: prevent fluid loss, provide immediate fuel, increase activity, maintain muscle and recover quickly.

Admission proteins protects against damage to muscle tissue, promotes rapid regeneration and increases the effectiveness of training in the long term. This is especially important if more than three hours have passed since your last meal. To maintain muscles, you need a little, 15 grams per hour. But this advice is only relevant for athletes who train hard, who train daily and follow a varied program, or for athletes who are trying to gain mass.

Carbohydrates, eaten during training, is a source of energy that will be used here and now. The result is activity and a high recovery rate. Plus, carbohydrates reduce the production of the stress hormone (cortisol) and increase it. But! Again, only from the pros. How many carbohydrates do you need? It depends why. The maximum that the body can process during exercise is 60–70 grams. But if you mix carbohydrates with proteins, then 30–45 grams of the former will be enough for you.

Fats before and after training is good. But in the process they must be discarded due to difficulties in digestion. Fats combined with exercise put too much stress on the stomach.

Nutrition during training: practice

If you work on yourself for less than two hours, then all your attention should be paid to the flow of water, especially if you have properly organized your nutrition before and after training. for classes less than two hours are not needed.


  • you exercise in the heat and sweat a lot;
  • in less than eight hours, another workout awaits you;
  • you are working on gaining weight;
  • you drink a few sips at the very end of your workout to keep your energy up.

If you spend more than two hours exercising in the heat, don't rely on water alone. Otherwise, you risk critically reducing sodium levels, which will cause heart failure.

Post-workout nutritional needs

List of goals:

  • recovery;
  • replenishment of fluid reserves;
  • refueling;
  • muscle formation;
  • improved endurance in the future.

Use squirrel after training leads to growth or at least maintenance of the amount of muscle tissue. There are still proteins in your blood from the food you ate before your workout, so the speed at which the new portion arrives is not too important. This leads us to conclude that the fast-digesting proteins from protein powders are no better than normal food. But it’s no worse. What you like - choose for yourself. For speed and convenience, make a protein shake, or if you want a “real” meal, make a high protein lunch. For men, the norm is 46–60 grams, for women – 20–30 grams.

Contrary to popular belief, it is not at all necessary to consume refined carbohydrates and to ensure insulin release and muscle recovery after exercise as quickly as possible. In fact, a mixture of minimally processed carbohydrate foods (whole grains, for example) and fruit will work better because it is better tolerated, helps maintain glycogen levels for about 24 hours, and leaves you feeling more energetic the next day. Athletes who perform two difficult sessions within eight hours are, of course, the exception. For everyone else, a normal lunch and fruit are preferable.

Fats It is strictly forbidden to consume them after training: they slow down the absorption of nutrients. This is a truth that in most cases no one needs. Because the rate of nutrient intake is not important, as we have already found out.

Post-workout nutrition: practice

No need to skip to the refrigerator as soon as you leave the gym. But you shouldn’t forget about food either: you need to have time within two hours after completing the exercises.

What you eat before training will affect what you eat after it. If you just had a snack before training or several hours passed between lunch and exercise, then it makes sense to hurry up with your reinforcement and have time to eat within an hour. If you trained on an empty stomach (for example, did exercises before breakfast), then you need to chew something as quickly as possible.

But if you've been following the nutrition tips in this article, you may want to wait an hour or two after your workout to get the most out of your body's nutritional benefits.

Immediately after training

The approach is the same as for pre-workout nutrition: balanced food.

Sample diet for men:

  • 2 cups of protein products;
  • 2 cups vegetables;
  • 2 cups carbohydrates;
  • a teaspoon of fat;
  • non-calorie drink (water).

The approximate diet for women is exactly the same, just smaller in volume.

Sometimes after training you don't feel hungry. In this case, we return to the smoothie.


There are no uniform recipes for nutrition before, after and during training. This is obvious and has been said many times.

Nutrition always depends on individual conditions. A runner who weighs 70 kg cannot eat the same as a bodybuilder whose weight has crossed a hundred. They have different needs and different types of training. The duration of classes also dictates the conditions and needs of the recovery period. The same bodybuilder will change his diet when he begins to prepare for a competition.

For you and me, people for whom participation in a sports competition is not on the horizon, high-quality varied food will be enough, in which all nutrients, vegetables and fruits, vitamins and microelements, and antioxidants will be proportionally present. Such food will fill you with energy, provide material for building muscles, relieve irritation and dramatically speed up recovery. You can eat your usual food or drink a smoothie. You can eat more or less depending on your feelings and preferences.

As for time, we have two hours before training and the same amount after. And the total amount of proteins, fats and carbohydrates that are consumed throughout the day has a much greater impact on our body, weight, fat percentage and endurance than a clock-based regimen.

Eat and exercise with pleasure.

To record the results achieved after training, get rid of fatigue and pain, and increase overall tone, athletes take special means. This must be done no later than an hour after the end of the lesson. Thanks to the use of the right supplement, training becomes much more effective, since the gains achieved are consolidated, and recovery is many times faster.

Serious power loads lead to the destruction of muscle tissue. Compensation for this unfavorable effect of intensive training is carried out due to large energy expenditures during exercise. In order for muscles to grow, it takes a certain amount of time and feeding the body with components that give an impetus to increasing the volume of muscle fibers. Substances entering the body from food are not always sufficient to achieve such an effect. Protein and carbohydrates inhibit the destruction processes and stimulate muscle mass to grow. They are indispensable for athletes.

These components are intensively spent during training and require replenishment. There is a special period of time called the protein and carbohydrate window. It is best to consume these substances and occurs within the first 15-30 minutes after completing a workout. The ideal choice would be highly digestible foods. These can be gainers or protein shakes.

Minerals, vitamin complexes and other supplements do not have a direct effect on muscle growth. They are catalysts that help stimulate the process of transformation of proteins absorbed in the body into muscle fibers. During training, not only protein is consumed, but also glycogen, which is a special type of carbohydrate that has a direct impact on energy production. In other words, this connection allows you to have the strength to carry out the training. Its deficiency, on the contrary, causes lethargy and the inability to exercise and swing normally.

And if you train intensively, it is necessary to restore lost reserves of proteins and carbohydrates. The best time to take carbohydrates and proteins is considered to be the first 15-30 minutes after completing a workout. The cocktail must be balanced. Proteins should account for about 35-40, and carbohydrates - 60-65%. Along with these components, the drink must contain amino acids, as well as substances with chloride, potassium, and sodium.

During training, not only carbohydrates and proteins are consumed, but also life-giving moisture, which comes out in the form of sweat. When completing your workout, be sure to drink plain water. Boiled will do, but if possible, it is better to give preference to either structured or thawed. Some athletes who have been training for many years add lemon juice, salt, and crushed glucose to the liquid.

Protein shakes aren't the only supplement you can take after an intense workout. There is also a type of sports drinks called isotonics. They contain a mineral and vitamin complex that promotes muscle growth, and are also rich in carbohydrates. For athletes who lift weights, chocolate milk is best. It contains a balanced ratio of carbohydrates and proteins. In addition, its composition is rich in minerals and vitamins.

This is not true for all chocolate milk. Store-bought does not always meet the desired quality, so it is best to prepare such a drink, if you are not sure of the quality of the product, at home. The main benefit of chocolate milk is that after intense training, it can reduce the breakdown of muscle fibers.

Natural juices have a good effect. Not to be confused with nectarines and factory-made ones with additives. We are talking only about natural juices. Cherry is considered the best. It not only helps restore muscle tissue, but also helps relieve swelling, inflammation, and also suppresses pain.

You should not focus your attention solely on the drinks that you need to drink after completing your workout. Food is also of great importance. A full meal should be after the protein window closes, that is, replenishing protein reserves. Eating should be no later than one to two hours after training. During this period, a protein shake is recommended.

This drink should also be drunk before going to bed, since deep rest after a day's exercise is the time when muscles begin to recover. Casein shakes are also good. It is recommended to avoid carbohydrates before bed. This is due to the fact that in the evening they provoke the accumulation of excess weight in the body.

Sports supplements for weight loss

To lose weight by actively exercising, you need to give up high-fat foods. Regarding the inclusion of proteins, everything here depends on the final goal. Leaving protein in the post-workout diet is recommended for those who want to not only get rid of extra pounds, but also tone their muscles. Not all proteins are suitable, but only low-fat ones. Otherwise, instead of benefit, they will only bring harm.

Both before the start of the workout and after completing the session, you need to drink enough fluid. If you want to achieve quick results, then a full meal after exercise should be replaced with half a liter of kefir. It should be low-fat, that is, with a fat content of no more than one percent.

There are special supplements that are recommended for those who want to lose weight. These substances include L-cartinine. It helps to get rid of excess fat during workouts. By taking this supplement, fat burning is accelerated. The substance has no direct effect on the learning process. The action of L-kartinin is indirect. If you want to take a more powerful supplement, you should choose Animal Cuts, Lipo-6x or Tight Hardcore, which have a direct effect on fat utilization.

There is a whole separate category of sports nutrition, which has the general name BCAA. It is an amino acid complex. This supplement, like the listed fat burners, suppresses the feeling of hunger, accelerates fat processing, and also protects muscles from destruction.

Muscle breakdown is a negative effect of training. To restore fiber, athletes must take special substances, the most valuable of which is creatine. The component is incredibly useful, but requires certain nuances:

  1. It is necessary to drink a cocktail containing creatine only in fresh form. If it stands, the beneficial properties will simply be lost.
  2. Adhere to the recommended daily dosage of 5 to 10 grams. One half should be drunk before the start of training, and the other half after completing the activity.
  3. Add a small amount of sugar to the creatine cocktail, which increases the absorption of this substance, which is exclusively beneficial.

Another important substance for muscle tissue repair is beta-alanine. It increases endurance, relieves pain and prevents the accumulation of lactic acid. It is recommended to take the substance in an amount of two to three grams after completing the training.

After completing a workout, it is best to take whey protein, which contains a large number of compounds that an athlete needs to satisfy hunger, improve metabolism and absorption of substances. The optimal dosage is about 40 grams. We must not forget about branched amino acids. This is especially true for isoleucine, valine and leucine, which can improve endurance. Enough 5 grams after class.

Another important substance is glutamine, which helps restore the body’s protective functions, increase hormones responsible for increasing muscle mass and affecting (indirectly) fat burning. This component contains nitrogen, the optimal dosage of which is 5 g.

What to choose - gainer or protein?

Protein is a substance that strengthens the body's protective functions and normalizes the nitrogen balance in the body. It contains a sufficient amount of amino acids to meet the body's needs. Protein supplements come in fast and slow forms. The first ones are suitable for those who want to quickly build muscle mass. The second ones are intended for athletes who are in the drying phase.

Gainers, unlike protein, consist of a mixture of various components, including proteins and carbohydrates. Both components are important for the training athlete. Protein helps build, and carbohydrate helps restore muscle tissue. In other words, one without the other does not have a complex effect and does not allow you to increase volumes. Therefore, bodybuilders should not limit themselves to just taking protein. They also need carbohydrates.

Gainers, as a rule, contain more carbohydrates than protein. There are expensive products that have an increased percentage of protein. An alternative and more affordable solution would be to purchase a high-carbon gainer that is mixed with a protein shake.

The main advantage of a gainer is that it allows you to quickly restore glycogen expended during training, as well as increase performance and improve recovery processes. The downside of the supplement is that it provokes an increase in body fat and is not suitable for people who tend to be overweight.

Abuse of gainers is not good for the athlete. If you drink the supplement in unlimited quantities, it can lead to an increase in subcutaneous fat. In other words, mass gainers are suitable for people with a naturally thin build or a high metabolism. The rest either need to purchase an expensive high-protein supplement or mix protein shakes and gainers together.

The gainer must contain complex carbohydrates. It is best taken one hour before training and 20 minutes after completing the activity. Beginning athletes who quickly gain excess weight should limit themselves to protein in the initial stages of training. Beginners who lack mass are recommended to give preference to gainers.

Aching pain that intensifies during movement is a common occurrence after training. They are the result of the release of lactic acid during intense exercise. To remove acid from the body faster, it is recommended to drink plenty of liquid after exercise. This can be either regular drinking water or green tea, which has good antiseptic properties.

Preparations with creatine and glutamine relieve pain. The latter also restores the body's protective functions. A cup of coffee will also be a good help. Substances such as vitamins, taurine, antioxidants, betaine, and L-arginine also relieve pain symptoms. Valine, leucine and isoleucine deserve special attention. They prevent the breakdown of protein as it is absorbed in the body, which has a positive effect on a person’s well-being during training.

Sometimes pain begins to appear right during training. This is not normal and may be a sign of injury. If this happens, stop the exercise immediately and consult a doctor. The specialist will make an accurate diagnosis and prescribe rehabilitation. To recover in this case, you must follow the doctor's instructions.

If the pain that occurs after training does not give you peace, you can take anti-inflammatory non-steroidal drugs, which include Ketorol and Diclofenac. It is recommended to take such a step only after consulting a specialist, since they have side effects and require strict adherence to dosages. These drugs are excellent for pain relief, but can negatively affect the metabolism of articular cartilage and the gastrointestinal system.


The main motivation for looking for post-workout drugs and supplements is the desire to speed up weight loss or muscle gain. Another common cause is pain that occurs after exercise. To avoid having to resort to painkillers, beginners should avoid strenuous exercise and work the entire body rather than focusing on one or a few muscle groups. Experienced athletes should consult with their coach and review their training program, since constant pain for an athlete who has been training for a long time may be associated with excessive overexertion.

Those who are actively involved in sports know that during training, along with sweat, many useful substances leave the body and their supply must be replenished. This could be small sips of water during training, but if you did not drink during the training, then you should not drink immediately after it. You need to wait 30-40 minutes and only after this time has expired, replenish your resources. And if during training it can be water (no soda), then after it there are much more options.

Let me make a reservation right away that this list was based on one of the articles plus several other sources, so you can treat this as advice that is not dangerous to health.

1. Cocoa. American researchers recommend that we drink cold cocoa. Studies have shown that this drink quickly restores the necessary reserves of proteins and carbohydrates in the body (proteins are building materials, carbohydrates are energy). But there is one big “BUT” - you cannot drink drinks containing caffeine (and cocoa is one of them) immediately after training, because caffeine interferes with the functioning of insulin and prevents the body from absorbing proteins and carbohydrates. But after 2 hours you can enjoy a cup of coffee to cheer yourself up, or cocoa to replenish your reserves of carbohydrates and proteins.

2. Milk. Milk contains a lot of useful substances: proteins, electrolytes, calcium, vitamin D, etc. A drink that is ideal for “repairing” your muscles, as protein in your muscles is destroyed during exercise.

3. Fresh juices. You can drink them half an hour before training, if you did not have time to have a snack 2 hours before it, or after it. You can add orange, grape and cranberry juice to your list.

4. Special sports drinks. You can drink them both during training and after. It all depends on its composition and effect on the body. If you decide to start drinking special mixtures, then it is better to consult with your trainer, since he knows your load and can calculate how much you need to drink and what kind of drink Replenish electrolytes, improve anaerobic capacity, increase endurance, rapid recovery - everyone is drunk after or during time of certain loads (a series of short power loads, running, climbing, etc.)

5. And I left the strangest and not particularly healthy drink for last. According to the latest research by Spanish scientists from Granada beer contains a huge amount of substances that the body loses during training. The only and huge BUT is alcohol. It should not be consumed immediately after training, and it is also not recommended in the next couple of hours. Therefore, if you want to experiment a little, then drink it with water in a 1:1 ratio.

Now here are some sports drink recipes that you can easily make at home!

Hypotonic drink (during exercise): 120 ml diluted orange juice + 1 liter of water + pinch of salt. You put all this in the refrigerator and take it with you to training.

Hypertonic drink: 570 ml orange or apple juice without sugar + pinch of salt. But you should take it with water, as it does not replenish your water reserves.

Saline: 120 g sugar + pinch of sea salt + 2 liters of water.

Citric: 120 g sugar + pinches of sea salt + 3 tablespoons lemon juice + 2 liters of water.

Honey: 1 liter of water + 100 g of honey + pinch of salt

And don’t forget that due to the high sugar content, after drinking these drinks it would be a good idea to brush your teeth thoroughly or at least drink a glass of plain water.