Yulia Bordovskikh in a swimsuit. What do you think is the most important thing in raising a child? Star Trek presenter and actress

You have changed your field of activity more than once: athlete, TV presenter, Chief Editor Bosco Magazine. Don't all these changes turn into stress for you?

I love experiments. I love discovering something new in myself, meeting interesting people, and this is inevitable in new projects. I love the adrenaline rush you get when you start doing something new. In general, for me change is always good.

Did you leave television with the same enthusiasm?

You know, I thought that I would suffer without television. A person who has worked anywhere for 15 years becomes attached to that place with his soul. Moreover, TV is such a powerful drug. But my fears were in vain: it turned out that at some point I overate television, just as I overate Bird's Milk cake as a child. Moreover, in Lately I haven’t seen a project that could be a reason to return to television.

The work of a writing journalist, editor-in-chief, which is perceived by everyone as something new for me, actually takes me back to my roots. I graduated from the newspaper department of the journalism department of Moscow State University. I feel comfortable in my new place. I know what to do and how to do it, I am again in a creative flight. I really like the place where I work (GUM, Red Square), my colleagues whose eyes sparkle, our restless imagination young team. So I don't look back.

Was it hard to leave the picture?

And I didn’t leave the frame when I became editor-in-chief. This work is just as public: I communicate with many people every day - artists, writers, actors. Actually, all these 15 years on television I did about the same thing, and now my circle remains the same.

Now, observing from the outside how television is changing, what conclusions do you draw? For example, the NTV channel is not a stranger to you. It started as an independent television, but now you can’t even understand what the letter “n” in this abbreviation means. Violence, perhaps? Negative?

NTV, as it is now, is not my television at all. Out of habit, I turn on the news, except... However, I don’t watch TV at all now - it’s better to spend this time communicating with the children. Or read Pelevin’s new book. If we watch anything at home, it’s selected programs that lift our spirits or those that our friends do. For example, the TV channel "Rain" or the children's channel "Carousel".

And now it is very fashionable to discuss the topic of political bias in television. Do you think the situation has gotten worse recently?

Yes, definitely, today many channels are subject to the directive. In the early 2000s, together with Leonid Parfenov, Alexey Pivovarov, Anton Khrekov and Aset Vatsueva, we made the program “Country and World”. We told about events only what seemed fair and correct to us. We tried to convey information in a more interesting way, went to the shooting ourselves, and wrote summaries for the stories.
It was two most interesting years, research human destinies, what is happening around. Alexey Pivovarov, with whom I started this project, still works at NTV. From his words, I know that the program production system is completely different now. Alexey himself practically does not take part in its creation. He now appears in documentary projects, but not in news. And how important it used to be for all of us!

Among other things, you are also a writer. They wrote about fitness and love. Maybe now you’ll write a fairy tale? They are making a lot of money now.

I already wrote one when I gave birth to Fyodor. A short fairy tale that was sold in small editions to friends and acquaintances. It was a very pleasant experience. I wouldn't mind repeating it if it happens free time. While it is becoming less and less. But there is a book in the plans. Unlike what I've been doing on television lately, in this I find the very creativity I strive for.

What kind of fate do you want for your children, creative too?

Fedor is only 4 years old, so it is not yet clear what he is capable of. I will be glad if he tries sports, creativity, and chess. And Marusya has her own story. At the age of 5, she got into the group "Fidgets", sang there for two years, did solo numbers, but then school began outside the city, and it became impossible to travel to Moscow. Marusya continued to study music, we added swimming and tennis. But singing remained her favorite pastime; she sang at family and school concerts, but sounded very amateurish. And one day my daughter sang for her birthday and asked: “Well, how, well.” I said it was good, but it could be better if she did vocals.

And then Marusya seemed to have matured. After 5 years, we decided to return to “Fidgets,” where Marusya now practices vocals and dance. We were very lucky: we found a teacher who literally pulled such a voice out of her in just a month! Now she practices vocals almost manically, lives with headphones, constantly listens to something and sings. Recently, she and I were at a friends birthday party, and Marusya sang from the stage. I shed tears of happiness, and everyone began to convince me to urgently make a demo recording and show the girl to the producers. However, I don’t want to rush into this, let him study, and then we’ll see. The main thing is that at the age of 12 she is already determined to really work, she knows why she needs it, and most importantly, she enjoys it. Same as from classes English language. Previously, she suffered, but now, with the goal of studying in America, she is waiting for these lessons.

Has Marusya been there before?

Not in New York, but we often go to Miami. In addition, she is so into the series “Gossip Girl” that, like in that joke about Santa Barbara, she already knows everyone there! But I believe that first, you need to learn the language, learn the history of America.

You are not only a mother of two children, but also an ardent supporter of healthy eating. Shouldn't Fyodor and Marusa hope to beg candy from you?

Come on, we’re not monsters, we have candy at home. But, of course, not in constant access and in any quantity. At times it is difficult, because there are still grandmothers who always have chocolates and buns in their pockets. So I try to educate them by example, well, I use some tricks and rules. Children need rules. I try to explain a lot, and not just spread prohibitions. I found several books that help distract children from sweets with the help of fairy tales. For example, children learn that they have unpleasant sweet tooths in their bodies, whom they feed with sweets. Another trick is fructose and gluten free cookies. Children hardly feel the difference. And of course, the main assistant in manipulation is the iPad! Played a lot - without sweets!

Don't kids really know the taste of hamburgers and fries?

Yes they do, of course! We spend a lot of time in America. Understand, I don’t forbid them, but I try to talk to them. I'll explain why you can't eat this. For example, my grandmother brought doctor’s sausage. Marusya began to drool. I allow her - whatever, I can eat a piece myself - but she must understand that this cannot be her regular meal. We have the same routine with cereal: we eat it for breakfast only on Mondays. Children know this and don’t ask for cereal on other days; they wait until Monday. But then they gobble it up with pleasure.

Is your personal nutrition plan just as strict?

Oh, that's quite a story. I can talk about this for hours. I'll try to keep it short. I researched and tested many nutritional systems on myself, went to different clinics, and tried to combine products in different ways. It was important for me to find something that would help me look and feel good. I found a system that completely conquered my heart and body: macrobiotics. It was invented by Pythagoras. This means a lot of vegetables, grains, no meat, dairy products and coffee.

I eliminated bread a long time ago, but with meat everything happened by itself. Somehow I felt that I didn’t want to eat it anymore and that’s all, I didn’t feel good. But this does not mean that I cannot steal a cutlet from children. It’s just that vegetables are my passion, we cook a lot of vegetable dishes, and I always take lunch with me, I always have miso soup with me. We brew it according to a special recipe that the doctor gave me at the detox clinic. I realized a long time ago that nutrition requires a special approach. But it is important to understand that just eating the right food is not enough. To launch all the correct processes in the body, sport is necessary. The body needs to properly process and distribute energy, otherwise one day this system will simply stop working. That's why I do a lot of sports: functional training, yoga, Pilates.

With your deep interest in healthy eating and it would be logical for sports to assume that you would head some kind of fitness magazine.

I already write a lot on this topic. I have columns in several magazines, and I have decided to write another book about a healthy lifestyle.

Or maybe you’ll write a culinary book, in addition? Collection of macrobiotic recipes.

Well, no, people like Yulia Vysotskaya should do this. I don’t want to be an amateur - I’m used to doing what I can.

You often appear at social events. Is this a pleasure or a professional necessity for you?

As the editor-in-chief of a fashion publication, I get to attend many social events. This is necessary from a professional point of view. This is a duty, but by no means a duty; I still get a certain pleasure from communicating with people. Especially now that I have learned to properly distribute time between family, children and work.

Every going out is also a discussion about what you are wearing. Do you choose the outfits yourself, or are there specially trained people for this?

No, I don't have a stylist. Perhaps my life would be simpler if I had one, but for now I like to choose things myself and come up with original images.

But originality is not in honor now. Today, ladies appear at major social events mainly in floral dresses from Ulyana Sergeenko. From the outside, such imitation sometimes looks comical. And from the inside?

No, the girls are just friends. And in this way they help each other. I know Ulyana, but we don’t communicate. I don't have her things. But I enjoy wearing things from our other designers. For example, Lublu from Kira Plastinina, dresses A la russe. My good friend Yana Raskovalova recently made an amazing collection jewelry. I enjoy wearing them because they are really sophisticated and fashionable. Everywhere I go, her jewelry is a source of compliments.

Photographer: Andrey Bashlykov, Alexander Tataev

Yulia Bordovskikh’s mother was in the hotel business, and her father was a professional simultaneous translator. But Julia did not want to follow in her parents’ footsteps; since childhood, her main hobby was sports.

In 1986, she graduated from the Olympic Reserve Sports School with the title of Candidate Master of Sports in basketball. However, after completing her studies at school, oddly enough, instead of a sports university, she chose the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University, thereby forever determining the type of her future activity. But sport has always been present in Julia’s life. IN student years she played for the university volleyball team. And later, after receiving my diploma, sport played a role important role in her life.

Star Trek presenter and actress

After graduating from university in 1991, Yulia began working as a presenter for newscasts on Radio Maximum. After working at the radio station for two years, she received two offers to work on TV: from Leonid Parfenov and from the NTV television company. And from that moment on, sport returned to Julia’s life again, but in a different form.

Since April 1994, Bordovskikh became a sports commentator for the Today program. Supervised the NTV and NTV+ Sport channels thematic areas: artistic gymnastics, Olympic movement.

In 2001, due to a change in the channel's management, Yulia and a group of other journalists left the NTV editorial office and began collaborating with the TV-6 channel, after the collapse of which she moved to NTV+, where she hosted author's program"New day with Yulia Bordovskikh." Career was going uphill.

In 2002, she made her acting debut: Yulia Bordovskikh played main role in film" Sunstroke» Rudolf Fruntov. In 2004, she hosted the charity marathon “SOS Suffering” on NTV, conducted by the radio station “Our Radio” to help families affected by the terrorist attack in Beslan. Julia does not forget about sports: in 2004, the first book “Fitness with Pleasure” was published, and in 2006 - “Fitness for Two”.

Personal life of Yulia Bordovskih

In 1999, Yulia Bordovskikh gave birth to a daughter, Maria, whose father’s name she hid. In 2007, Yulia married the famous businessman Alexei Kravtsov, and in 2008 they had a son, Fedor.


The TV presenter’s mother is an engineer by training, she graduated from MEPhI and did not work in her specialty for long. After that, she went into the hotel business. Julia's dad works as a professional simultaneous interpreter.

As a child, Julia dreamed of becoming a doctor. She treated everyone who came to visit the family. The girl had many toy pharmacies, and she constantly “gave injections” to everyone she could. Until the ninth grade, Yulia was sure that she would go into medicine.

Julia herself has been interested in sports since childhood. In 1986, she graduated from the Olympic Reserve Sports School and, by the way, became a candidate for Master of Sports in basketball.

“At school they didn’t want to accept me into the team. I was a dissident, an anti-Soviet. I wore things that dad brought from trips abroad, and I liked it. I wore what my mother knitted; she knitted half of Moscow. Only boys were friends with me, but not girls. I know that the class now meets periodically, but they don’t call me. It is not right. It seems to my classmates that I will either fly in my own helicopter or arrive from a limousine full of security guards. And this is not true,” says the TV presenter.

In her youth, Bordovskikh played in the Dynamo team and even won the championship of the central council of the society. But Julia did not connect her life with sports; at one point she decided to radically change her field of activity and went into journalism.

Journalist career

Bordovskikh entered the Faculty of Journalism of Moscow State University. True, with difficulty, but on her own. The future TV presenter girl barely completed her first year, due to her studies at a sports school, where the main subject was not Russian language and literature. However, already in the next courses Yulia caught up with her fellow students. Bordovskikh graduated from Moscow State University in 1991. By the way, during her studies the student did not forget about her passion for the ball; she played for the university basketball team throughout the years. The athlete was the main point guard.

A year after graduating from university, Yulia Bordovskikh got a job on the radio. She dedicated two years of her life to “Maximum”. There she oversaw musical, theatrical and film life. And in 1994, the young journalist began working as a sports commentator on NTV. She was invited to the television company by Leonid Parfenov and Anna Dmitrieva. And within a few months the girl was appointed sports commentator for the “Today” program. She broadcast on NTA and NTV Plus. Sport". The girl was in charge there artistic gymnastics and the Olympic Movement.

By the way, before reaching the sports editorial office, Yulia Bordovskikh worked for some time for Leonid Parfenov in the “Namedni” program. However, the girl realized that one person’s program was not for her and left to storm other peaks.

Transition to TV-6

In 2001, Yulia Bordovskikh left the sports editorial office of the NTV channel and, together with colleagues who did not accept the new management, moved to TV-6. NTV Bordovskikh had a hard time going through the crisis.

“It was very difficult. It was as if I lived in the house and knew absolutely everything about it. But suddenly the move came. Speaking figuratively. The wound in my soul has not yet healed. NTV has become a new company new country. There were no Soviet relations, like other channels that experienced Soviet Union. Everyone at NTV knew that there would be no need to squeeze in a trip abroad. Everyone could afford a European-level human dinner,” says the TV presenter.

In 2000, Bordovskikh began acting in commercials. Her first job was filming the “Pepsi light” video.

After the collapse of TV-6, Yulia Bordovskikh moved to NTV Plus. She was in charge of the author’s program “New Day with Yulia Bordovskikh”.

Yulia Bordovskikh on video

In 2002, the TV presenter already appeared on wide screens. She played the main role in the film “Sunstroke” by Rudolf Fruntov. In total, the girl has three films to her credit. In 2003, she appeared in an episode of the series “Guys from Our Yard”, and in 2011 Julia starred in cameo role journalists in the film “Generation P”.

In 2004, Bordovskikh went on air on NTV as the host of the charity telethon “SOS Suffering”, which was held by the radio station “Our Radio”. The marathon was organized to help families affected by terrorist attack in Beslan.

Books by Yulia Bordovskikh

Yulia Bordovskikh has published three books. In 2004, the publication “Fitness with Pleasure” was published from her pen. Three years later, the book “Fitness for Two” appeared, but the journalist dedicated her next creation to love: in 2008, the book “Space of Love” was published.

Julia says she was inspired to sit down to read a book by a vivid personal experience. After this, the girl immediately wanted to describe everything, so the first story followed. After its completion, Bordovskikh called her editor from the EKSMO publishing house. He replied that he needed a book. As a result, she was written and published.

Personal life of Yulia Bordovskikh

Yulia Bordovskikh is married. Her chosen one is the President of the Russian Skating Union Alexey Kravtsov. The couple has a growing son, Fedor, who was born in 2008. However, the TV presenter has an eldest daughter, Maria, who was born in 1999. The celebrity hid the name of the baby’s father for a long time, but it still became known that Marusya was the fruit of love between an athlete and a young banker named Ivan Bronov. Julia is also raising her husband’s son from her first marriage.

Yulia Bordovskikh cooks

With warmth, Yulia Bordovskikh remembers her first feelings. The TV presenter first fell in love as a schoolgirl. In the sports class, one of the basketball players, a boy from Zelenograd, took a liking to the blonde. But the girl, the leader of the basketball team, liked the young athlete, and when she found out that the object of her affections preferred Yulia, she declared a boycott of her, with the whole class. In his conditions, Bordovskikh studied, trained and lived for two years. The relationship with her lover had to be hidden so as not to aggravate the situation of the future celebrity.

Yulia Bordovskikh posed nude for the popular men's publication Playboy. And after filming, she is not at all afraid of the influx of fans and, especially, maniacs. After all, the girl practically never appears on the street.

She goes to work by car from her garage and returns there in the evening, so she is not afraid of surprise from men. By the way, with famous TV presenter Mostly looking for meetings...women. They are all confident that Bordovskikh is able to solve their problems. Julia is passionate about the wine business and runs her own wine club, which includes her friends. Moreover, a hobby does not prevent a girl from being a propagandist healthy image life.

“Wine is a special area of ​​knowledge. The point here is not the drinking; if you approach wine from a professional point of view, then it will not harm you. In addition, it has already been proven that a glass of red wine every day is good for the heart,” says Bordovskikh.

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Biography, life story of Yulia Nikolaevna Bordovskikh

Family, sports

Yulia Nikolaevna Bordovskikh was born on July 5, 1969 in Moscow. Yulia's father is a professional simultaneous interpreter. My mother is an engineer, graduated from MEPhI, and later became involved in the hotel business. In high school, Yulia wore only things brought from abroad and was a zealous anti-Soviet. My mother was a professional knitter and knitted things for friends. Up to ninth grade high school Julia was sure that she would definitely become a doctor. girl with early childhood She was fond of sports and played basketball professionally.

The path to journalism

Yulia Bordovskikh, having completed regular secondary secondary school, managed to enter the Faculty of Journalism at Moscow State University. Before that, she also graduated from a sports school. The first year was difficult, but she soon surpassed her classmates in her studies. While studying, Yulia began playing on the university basketball team. She graduated from the university in 1991.

Radio work

Yulia Bordovskikh came to Radio Maximum during her student years. After graduating from university, she worked there starting in 1992. She hosted news programs about music and theater. While working at the Maximum radio station, Julia gained weight up to 70 kg. As she explained, the time was full and cheerful.

Personal life

In 2009, Yulia Nikolaevna Bordovskikh married Alexey Yuryevich Kravtsov, who was already the president of the Skating Union at that time. Before this, Yulia Nikolaevna had already given birth to a daughter, Marusya, from banker Ivan Bronov in 1999. She hid from the public for a long time who exactly the father of the child is. Son Fedor was born from Kravtsov in 2008. During her pregnancies, Yulia Nikolaevna had severe toxicosis, so she did not gain weight, but returned to a normal figure with difficulty.

Yulia Nikolaevna was never afraid of an influx of fans; she always left the garage in the morning with her husband and returned in the same way in the evening. After Yulia Nikolaevna’s marriage, the family began to raise her husband’s son, born in his first marriage.


NTV Sports Editorial

I invited Yulia Nikolaevna Bordovskikh to the sports editorial office of NTV. She began working there as a sports commentator on the “Today” television program. Yulia Nikolaevna, first of all, went on a diet and began to control her weight. For some time she also worked in the television program “Namedni”.

Work on TV-6

Having not accepted the new management of NTV, Yulia Nikolaevna Bordovskikh moved to the NTV Plus channel, where she began hosting her own program. The program was called "New Day with Yulia Bordovskikh."

Charity Marathon

The charity marathon, led by Yulia Nikolaevna Bordovskikh, was held after the terrorist attack in Beslan. It was organized by the radio station "Our Radio".


Yulia Nikolaevna Bordovskikh played the main role in the film "Sunstroke", which was directed by Rudolf Yurievich Fruntov. In total, she had three works in cinema. She also appeared in one television series, but in a small cameo role.


Yulia Nikolaevna Bordovskikh is the author three books. A book called “Fitness with Fun” and another creation on the same topic, “Fitness for Two,” were published in 2004 and 2006, respectively. She constantly worked on her figure, went on many diets, and played sports. I learned to control myself when I eat at university. Later I did yoga and swimming. Julia completely gave up red meat, coffee and milk, and began to eat animal proteins not every day. She began following a macrobiotic nutrition program. She learned to give up meat at the Merano clinic. In 2008, a third book entitled “Space of Love” was published, in which Yulia Nikolaevna described her experiences.

Yulia Nikolaevna Bordovskikh starred in advertising in 2000. It was an advertisement for Pepsi light. After that, she was constantly invited to appear in commercials. Yulia Nikolaevna was also photographed naked for the pages of Playboy magazine.

Interesting biography facts

It’s interesting that Yulia Nikolaevna Bordovskikh recalled her first love in the press. She said that she fell in love with a basketball player from Zelenograd. The leader liked the boy basketball team and she announced a boycott to Yulia Nikolaevna on behalf of the entire team. And she had to hide her love.

Star daughters who have become more popular on the Internet than their famous parents [photo]

Alesya Kafelnikova is one of the young stars of Russian Instagram. Photo: Instagram.

They are young, beautiful and actively gaining popularity on the Russian-language Internet. So far all they have behind them is big name their parents. Agree, this is a good bonus that can be successfully used in the future - which some of them are already doing, trying themselves as a model or actress. Star parents They encourage their princesses in every possible way, knowing full well that fame on Instagram can bring good dividends over time, and “selfies” and pictures hugging their best friends can move to a new level and turn into photos on the covers of popular magazines. Which of the young heiresses famous families today shines brightest in the vastness of social networks?

1. Stefania Malikova

“My Stesha has more than a hundred thousand subscribers on Instagram, I’m not that popular there,” singer and composer Dmitry Malikov says proudly about his daughter. Despite her young age, 15-year-old Stefania is already busy giving interviews and posing for covers. The girl inherited charm famous father and the beauty of her mother, and she is often invited to appear for glossy publications. And recently, Dmitry Malikov’s daughter took part in a photo shoot for American version edition of "Teen Vogue" - the most famous magazine about fashion for teenagers. A photograph of Malikova Jr. graced the cover of an overseas glossy magazine. By the way, Instagram helped her in this: Americans saw her photographs on the Internet and contacted Stefania's parents to agree on filming

It would seem that the girl has a direct path to the stage or to show business. Stesha learns to play the piano and guitar, dances and draws. Meanwhile, Stefania herself assures that she is not going to continue the musical dynasty and follow in the footsteps of her father-composer and founding grandfather famous group"Gems". Stesha intends to become a pharmacist and plans to enter the Faculty of Fundamental Medicine at Moscow State University.

2. Alesya Kafelnikova

The daughter of tennis player Yevgeny Kafelnikov is no less famous on the Runet than her father. The girl, who started with “selfies” on social networks, recently signed a contract with the famous Elite modeling agency and went to work in Paris. Alesya has actively acted before, but mostly in Russia. And now, when the girl turned 16, she was able to get a work visa. In order to keep up with her studies, the athlete's heiress does her homework and sends it to her teachers, and also works with tutors.

Since 2001, after the divorce proceedings of the tennis player from ex-wife, Lesya lives with her father. Evgeniy’s parents raised the girl from childhood. The 40-year-old sports veteran has repeatedly commented on his daughter’s popularity on the Internet: according to Kafelnikov, extra PR will never hurt their family. Lesya not only takes part in photo shoots, but also takes part in fashion shows Russian designers. And when there are no fresh professional shots at hand, the girl posts a “selfie”, demonstrating long legs and a pretty face. The tennis heiress does not hide the fact that she is determined to become a famous model.

3. Kristina Pimenova

When Western tabloids declared Christina “the most beautiful girl in the world,” the young star’s shares on the modeling market soared several times. The daughter of football player Ruslan Pimenov and model Glikeria Shirokaya lives with her mother in London and has been conquering the world's catwalks since the age of three - it was at this age that her parents sent her to modeling school. Over the past years (largely thanks to the efforts of her mother, who energetically took her daughter’s career into her own hands), Christina has become very famous in the children’s modeling business. The girl takes part in shows of leading fashion houses, shoots for Vogue and participates in several advertising campaigns. Her angelic face captivated photographers and won many fans - she has about 300 thousand followers on Instagram.

However, not everyone likes the rather mature poses and light makeup on the face of the young model. “It’s too early for her to act - her peers are still playing with dolls!” - many publications believe. And the British Daily Mail was completely concerned that in many of the pictures Christina looks too sexy for a girl of her age, and parents should pay attention to this. Glykeria Shirokaya had to answer the British accusations: according to the mother of the young model, “only pedophiles could see sexuality in her.”

4. Sonya Brezhneva

Vera Brezhneva is considered one of the most attractive artists national stage. It is not surprising that the star’s eldest daughter, 13-year-old Sonya, copies her star mother in everything. The Kiev schoolgirl loves beautiful outfits and has long been familiar with cosmetics: the girl skillfully applies bright makeup, paints her lips and draws black arrows on her eyes. Sonya often boasts about her results on her Instagram page. At one time, the singer strictly forbade Sonya to appear on social networks and post her pictures there. The girl followed the instructions for a long time strict mother, but having accounts on the Internet is now so fashionable that Sonya couldn’t resist.

My daughter and I talked and decided that she should no longer communicate with people on the Internet,” Vera Brezhneva said in an interview. - So I can officially declare: Sonya has no pages on social networks.

However, Sonya continues to actively notify friends about events in her life by publishing photographs and statuses on social networks. For example, recently, under the guidance of Sofia Rotaru’s granddaughter Sonya Evdokimenko, the girl baked a cake for her mother’s birthday. Last summer Sonya Brezhneva spent time in Los Angeles, where she studied acting. So there is no doubt: Brezhneva Jr. will follow in the footsteps of her artistic mother.

5. Alexandra Zhulina

The daughter of famous figure skaters Tatyana Navka and Alexander Zhulin, unlike her parents, decided to devote her life not to the skating rink, but to the court. 15-year-old Sasha Zhulina is seriously involved in tennis and is already competing in prestigious competitions for juniors. However, the girl also loves winter sports. Heiress famous athletes enjoys skating and skis confidently on the ski slopes. After her parents’ divorce, Sasha lives with her mother, and her fans often ask the girl for details of Tatyana’s personal life, especially after the figure skater became a mother for the second time. But Alexandra, a flint, let it slip only once when she mentioned that her newborn sister was named Nadezhda. Sasha often leaves home to train in Europe. But she doesn’t indulge herself at home either: according to Navka, her daughter is often so exhausted during training that she has difficulty getting to bed.

6. Anna Zavorotnyuk

19-year-old Anna is like two peas in a pod like her 43-year-old mother Anastasia Zavorotnyuk, except that she is blonde. To make the similarity even greater, the girl even changed her father’s surname, which she had had since infancy - Stryukova - to her mother’s more famous one. On Anya’s page on social networks there is a full glamorous set of a rich heiress: “selfies” with the inevitable duck lips, pictures in a bikini against the backdrop of the sea (in the summer the girl prefers to relax on the Cote d'Azur, in the winter in Miami) and lift looks showing off her thin figure and long legs. Judging by the photo, the heir to the “beautiful nanny” spends the money her mother earned, not counting: Anna either poses in the luxurious interiors of an expensive hotel, or photographs herself on a sun lounger by the pool of a five-star hotel. And this is taking into account the fact that last year turned out to be not very successful for Anastasia financially: "Russian mortgage bank" filed a lawsuit against Zavorotnyuk demanding to recover the $540 thousand that the star owed on the loan.

7. Ariadna Volochkova

Nine-year-old Arisha's Instagram page doesn't have many followers yet. But thanks to her ballerina mother - an active user of social networks and the owner of a luxurious stretch mark - the whole country has known Ariadne almost from infancy. Anastasia has repeatedly stated that she is preparing her daughter for a career in show business: Ariadna practices ballet, sings, participates in shows of Russian designers as a model, and from time to time goes on stage with her mother. Last year, Volochkova registered her daughter on Instagram and advertised her page: “Come in, Arisha is very interesting person! As her star mom, Ariadne loves to pose in beautiful outfits and wears shoes with pleasure high heels, which the ballerina willingly buys for her.

8. Marusya Bordovskikh

The 15-year-old daughter of TV presenter Yulia Bordovskikh and President of the Russian Skating Union Alexei Kravtsov recently also decided to try herself in the modeling business, like Stefania Malikova or Alesya Kafelnikova. Marusya took part in a photo shoot for a domestic glossy magazine. Watching her heiress take her first steps in her career, Yulia Bordovskikh photographed the work process and published it on Instagram. However, the girl herself willingly shares “selfies” and “looks” with fans, causing groans of envy and indignation from everyone. Some believe that the Bordovskys' daughter ideal figure, others - that she is too thin and urgently needs to be fed.

9. Anastasia Shubskaya

The youngest daughter of Vera Glagoleva, Anastasia Shubskaya, grew up to be a rare beauty. Heiress famous actress and businessman Kirill Shubsky, since childhood, had no shortage of either money or fame. The 21-year-old VGIK graduate delights her many fans on Instagram with bikini photos, landscapes of the beautiful cities in which she spends her vacations, and designer outfits that decorate her appearances. Anastasia actively inspires fans to exercise - she runs in the morning, does pole dancing and does not miss training in the gym. It is not surprising that the daughter of Vera Glagoleva has such beautiful legs and a beautiful slender figure.

“I naively believed that children would always be small,” the artist said in a recent interview, “And now – since my daughter is already an adult!” And she has her own interests, her own problems. She is embarrassed to tell me something, I feel awkward talking to her about something. And it turns out that she and I stop understanding each other.

The singer is afraid that her daughter Alexandra may repeat her mistake and give birth too early (Slava herself became a mother for the first time at the age of 18).

“Everything must happen on time,” the artist believes. – To give birth to children, you need to be independent and prepared. You need to have a husband, an apartment, a job. For me, Sasha’s entire childhood became hell. Because I had to work, have time to redo a million things. I practically didn’t see the child, it was very difficult.

However, for now Sasha has no time for boys and nonsense - the girl is immersed in her studies. In 2013, Alexandra begged her mother to send her to study in Switzerland, and the singer, reluctantly, agreed to let her daughter go to Europe alone.