Actions according to conscience are examples from life. The problem of conscience: arguments

Lesson summary of the lesson "Fundamentals" religious cultures And secular ethics»

3rd year student of GBPOU SO "Kamensk-Ural Pedagogical College" Anastasia Dmitrievna Anchugova.

Lesson topic: Conscience

Target: formation among students of the concept of “conscience” as one of the moral and ethical values ​​of society
Planned results:
Personal: students demonstrate the development of independence and responsibility for their actions based on ideas about conscience as a moral and ethical value of society, show goodwill and emotional and moral responsiveness, understanding and empathy for the feelings of other people.
Metasubject: show personal UUD(self-determination, meaning formation, moral and ethical assessment); regulatory control systems(goal setting, control, correction, assessment, volitional self-regulation); cognitive UUD(formulation of a cognitive goal, search and selection of information, semantic reading, analysis, comparison, establishment of cause-and-effect relationships, proof); communicative UUD(planning educational cooperation with the teacher and peers, the ability to accurately express one’s thoughts, asking questions).
Subject: students are familiar with the concept of “conscience”, distinguish between the concepts of “Shame” and “Conscience”
Principles of training:
Operating principle
Continuity principle
Principle of integrity
Minimax principle
The principle of systematic and consistent learning
The principle of psychological comfort
The principle of visibility
Principles of education:
Creating a positive emotional uplift
Education through interaction
Education methods:
Methods for forming social experience: pedagogical requirement, exercise;
Methods of stimulating and correcting children’s actions and attitudes in educational process: encouragement.
Methods for children to comprehend their social experience: conversation, artistic expression
Teaching methods:
According to the source of knowledge: verbal (explanation, conversation, story), practical (exercises), visual (demonstration);
By didactic purposes: methods for developing skills and abilities, applying knowledge, methods for testing and assessing knowledge;
According to the level of inclusion in productive activity: partially search, problematic presentation of what is being studied;
Methods for developing cognitive interest: stimulation with entertaining content, creating situations of creative search;
Methods for developing responsibility: developing an understanding of personal significance;
Methods for organizing interaction and accumulating social experience: temporary work in pairs and groups.
Forms of organizing students’ activities: individual, pair, frontal
Means of education:
demonstration: presentation, video fragment, music, task cards
individual: textbook, pencil, pen, task cards, reflection cards, mosaic pieces
Lesson type: a lesson in mastering new knowledge and methods of action (learning new material).
Lesson structure:
1. Organizational and motivational stage
2. Preparing students for work at the main stage of the lesson
3. Planning and setting learning objectives
4. Stage of discovery of new knowledge and methods of action
5. Stage of initial verification of understanding of what has been learned
6. Stage of consolidation of new knowledge and methods of activity
7. Stage of application of knowledge and methods of action
8. Stage of generalization and systematization of knowledge
9. Stage of monitoring knowledge and methods of action
10. Homework information stage
11. Stage of summing up the lesson and reflecting on the activity

During the classes

1. Organizational and motivational stage
Teacher: Hello guys. Please organize your work place, remove extraneous things from your desks.
Sit down.
The more we know, the more we can do,
The more experience we will gain.
And experience will help you succeed,
TO cherished dream will lead us!
2. Preparing students for work at the main stage of the lesson
Teacher: Guys, in previous lessons you learned about honor and dignity, guilt and shame. Let's remember the definitions of these concepts (students correlate the concept with the definition on the smart board)

Teacher: Today we will meet another very important quality person. What kind of quality this is, you will find out by carefully listening to my story.
“One day a young man was walking down the street and saw a blind man with a mug of change at his feet. Either the man was in a bad mood or something else, he just threw shards of broken glass into this mug and moved on.”
Teacher: Who are the heroes of this story? What actions are being described?
What do you think happened next?
Let's read on.
“30 years have passed. This man has achieved everything in life. And children, and grandchildren, and money, and good house, and universal respect - he already had everything. Only this episode from his distant youth haunted him. It was as if something was sitting inside and gnawing at his soul, preventing him from sleeping.”
teacher: How does this man feel?
What do you think the hero of the story will do?
“And so, in his declining years, he decided to find the blind man and ask for forgiveness. I arrived in the city where I was born and raised, and the blind man was still sitting in the same place with the same mug.
- Do you remember, many years ago, someone threw it into your mug? broken glass- it was me. Forgive me,” the man said.
“I threw away those fragments that same day, and you carried them in your heart for 30 years,” answered the blind man.”

Teacher: Guys, what fragments was the blind man talking about?
What was “sitting” inside the man?
Students: there was a conscience inside the man
Teacher: Which main idea this text?
You probably already guessed what our lesson will be devoted to? Name the topic of the lesson.
Students: The topic of our lesson is conscience.
3. Planning and setting learning objectives
Teacher: Please take the cards and mark with a “+” sign what you already know about conscience and what you want to know.

Teacher: Based on what you would like to learn about conscience, formulate the objectives of the lesson.
4. Stage of discovery of new knowledge and methods of action
Teacher: Guys, do you think shame and conscience are the same thing?
What do you need to know to answer this question?
Students: To do this you need to know the definition of the word "conscience"
Teacher: Open page 48 of the textbook, read the first two paragraphs. Find the definition of the word conscience and look for similarities and differences between shame and conscience.
(Shame is a difficult experience of shame in front of other people for one’s behavior. Conscience is shame in front of oneself)
Teacher: What is the difference between shame and conscience?
Teacher: The word conscience is a Church Slavonic word. Literally, conscience is translated as “holy news,” that is, correlation with what is holy, true, and not subject to any editing.
The word “conscience” itself carries a lot of information. Let's try to listen to the word CONSCIENCE and make other words from these letters, only so that each letter is used in the word only once. Write these words in your notebooks.
Teacher: Guys, let's check what words you made up.
Teacher: Each of the words you compose has its own meaning. Let's find out what they mean.

Teacher: Conscience is a feeling that is unique to humans, a sense of responsibility to oneself and to other people for one’s actions. Therefore, conscience develops and is nurtured in a person.
5. Stage of initial verification of understanding of what has been learned
Teacher: Let's answer next question. What is conscience needed for? To do this, let's read a parable. The parable is on the card. When you read, remember what is hidden in it life lesson. Define main idea works. And also come up with 2 questions in pairs about the main idea of ​​the parable. Bloom's Chamomile will help you write questions.

Parable. Once a person’s conscience told him that he was wrong, another, a third...
On the fourth he decided to get rid of her. Not for a day or two - forever!
I thought and thought about how to do this, and came up with an idea...
“Come on,” he says, “conscience, play hide and seek!”
“No,” she says. – You’ll deceive me anyway – you’ll peep!
Then the man pretended to be completely ill and said:
- I’m sick for some reason... Bring me some milk from the cellar!
My conscience could not refuse him this. I went down to the cellar. And the man jumped out of bed - and closed it!
He called his friends in joy and with a light heart: he deceived one, offended another, and when they began to be offended, he completely kicked them all out. And no remorse for you, no reproaches - your soul is good, calm.
Good, good, but only a day passed, then another, and something began to be missing for the person. And a month later he realized what - conscience! And then such melancholy fell upon him that he could not stand it and opened the lid of the cellar.
“Okay,” he says, “come out!” Just don't give orders now!
And in response - silence.
I went down to the cellar: here, here - there is no conscience anywhere!
Apparently, he really got rid of her forever...
The man burst into tears:
- How can I live without a conscience now?
And suddenly he hears a quiet, quiet voice. Not from the cellar - in the heart:
- Here am I…
To rejoice, the man called his friends, apologized and gave them such a feast!
Everyone thought it was his birthday and congratulated him on it. But he did not refuse, and his conscience did not object. And not at all because I was afraid of ending up in the basement again.
After all, if you look at it, that’s how it all happened.

Teacher: Guys, what would you title this parable?
Now remember the questions you came up with. The first row will ask their questions to the third row, the third row will address their questions to the second row, and the first row will answer the questions of the second row.
Teacher: So, has a person managed to hide his conscience? Why?
So we threw up our hands,
As if they were surprised.
And to each other to the ground
Bowed to the waist!
Bent over, straightened up,
They bent over and straightened up.
Lower, lower, don't be lazy,
Bow and smile.
6. Stage of consolidation of new knowledge and methods of activity
Teacher: Guys, express your assumptions about how conscience works.
What importance does conscience play in a person’s life?
People use the word conscience very strong expressions, for example, such as: “conscience gnaws”, “conscience does not let you sleep.” What other expressions with the word “conscience” do you know?
The first option will be to think about the meaning of the expression “gnaws at the conscience”,
The second option ponders the meaning of the phrase “conscience sleeps”,
3 - “clear conscience”,
4 – “conscience has spoken”
5 – “pangs of conscience”,
6 – “come to an agreement with your conscience.”
Teacher: Now we listen carefully to the speakers.
Teacher: Guys, I suggest we build a model of conscience. Each pair has a proverb card on their desk. You need to discuss the meaning of this proverb in pairs, and choose a key synonym word from the aphorism (possibly a phrase) to get a definition of the type of conscience - this is (what?) wisdom. And write it down on a piece of the mosaic. When you're done, we'll put this mosaic together. Who doesn’t understand the work we are doing now?
1. Conscience is the best moralizing book we possess; we should look into it most often. (Blaise Pascal)
2. The law that lives in us is called conscience. Conscience is, in fact, the application of our actions to this law. (I. Kant)
3. Conscience is an inner, closed luminary, which illuminates only the person himself and speaks to him in a quiet voice without sound; gently touching the soul, brings it to its senses, and, following a person everywhere, does not give him mercy in any case. (A.V. Suvorov)
4. Conscience is our internal judge, unmistakably testifying to how much our actions deserve respect. (P.A. Golbach)
5. Conscience is mainly memory, which is accompanied by a moral assessment of what has been done. (D.S. Likhachev)
6. I believe that conscience is fear in everyone individual protecting the rules that society has developed for its safety. (S. Maugham)
7. Conscience is inner voice, warning that someone is watching us. (H.L. Mencken)
8. Conscience is a moral norm realized by reason and experienced by feeling. (Seneca)
9. Conscience is a moral lamp that illuminates good way; but when they turn to a bad one, they break it. (G. Hegel)
10. Conscience is a personal cache in which the spiritual qualities of its owner are stored. (I. Golyuk)
11. Conscience is the emotional guardian of beliefs. (V.A. Sukhomlinsky)
12. Conscience is a faithful guide in people's lives. Beware of everything that is not approved by your conscience. (L.N. Tolstoy)
Teacher: Now, one by one, the pairs will come out, read how they defined conscience and attach their card to the board.
Teacher: Guys, based on the definitions that you wrote, you will agree that Conscience is our internal judge who lives in each of us.
Before choosing, conscience tells us what we should do. After a mistake, conscience triggers like an alarm: “You can’t do that! Get better!")
A person’s whole life consists of similar situations. At every step we make a choice between good and evil. In order not to make mistakes, you need to constantly hear the voice of your conscience. This voice will tell us whether our actions are good or bad.
7.The stage of applying knowledge and methods of action
Teacher: To become dexterous and strong, people exercise their bodies; to learn to solve problems well, people exercise their minds. Is it possible to exercise your conscience? How?
You need to force your conscience to constantly work and do exercises. Exercises of conscience are inner work mind and heart, when a person thinks about what good and what bad he has done during the day, mentally puts himself in the place of another, tries to see the consequences of his actions, knows how to look at his actions through the eyes of other people. With such work, conscience will not be silent and will always be the inner judge of a person.
Let's look at three situations. How to act according to your conscience? Let's try to hear the voice of conscience.
Form groups of 4 people.
Situation one.
The teacher had to leave the classroom during the lesson during test work, and she asked Katya to watch the students so that no one cheated. Some guys, of course, cheated. When the teacher returned to class, she asked Katya if anyone had cheated (it is known that they will give a bad mark for this). The teacher trusts Katya. What should Katya do and why?
Situation two.
You copied the entire dictation from your neighbor at your desk. But the teacher gave your neighbor a “3” and you a “5” because he didn’t notice the two mistakes he saw in her notebook. Your actions?
Situation three.
For spring break, you and your class teacher are planning a trip to the forest. Rapid preparations are underway for a fun trip. But suddenly an emergency occurs in the classroom: someone tore off the tap from the fire extinguisher and filled the entire floor in the office with foam. The class teacher asks the culprit to confess and put the class in order. But no one admits. Then classroom teacher punishes the entire class and the trip is cancelled. Do you know that your friend tore the tap off the fire extinguisher? How can you act according to your conscience in this situation?
(Very important point! It is necessary to reduce the conversation to ensuring that a conscientious person actively helps others act according to their conscience, and does not “tell the story.” In the first case, Katya, addressing the class, would ask those who cheated to admit it themselves. Likewise in the third case. A friend must convince a friend to be brave and answer for his actions).
8. Stage of generalization and systematization of knowledge
Teacher: Guys, let's listen to the groups, what situation was offered to them and how they would act (since there are three situations, and there are more groups, then one group will leave, and the rest will complement)
And everyone else listens carefully to each other, and prepares to complement and ask questions.
Does anyone think differently? What would you like to add?
Teacher: The most important thing in a person’s life is to be in harmony with his conscience. You must be able to hear it and act on its prompts.
But what to do if you stumbled, made a mistake and acted against your conscience.
Sometimes they say “conscience is like a splinter”
I wonder why?
An unclean conscience is like a splinter that constantly reminds of itself, aches, itches, depriving a person of joy and peace.
If our conscience begins to bother us, annoy us, what medicine should we turn to?
This medicine is called REPENTANCE.
The feeling of remorse is a great feeling. It cleanses and heals the human soul. Even doctors admit that the most terrible diseases, before which medicine is powerless, repentance cures. “The sword does not cut off a guilty head,” says a Russian proverb.
Think for a moment, has it ever happened that you were tormented by your conscience for some action? Maybe repentance will help heal your mental wound. (no discussion)
9. Stage of monitoring knowledge and methods of action
Teacher: Guys, what kind of person is called conscientious?
People who act according to their conscience are called conscientious.
Conscientiousness - characteristic Russian person. Let's try to “Draw” a portrait of a conscientious person (on cards individually). Fill in the missing words in the text.

Topic: "Conscience"

The purpose of the lesson: create conditions for the formation of the child’s world of values; formation of concepts« conscience», « shame».

Planned results

Personal results:

    the formation of a conscious need for human moral behavior, conditioned by socially accepted ideas about conscience;

    development of independent and personal responsibility for one’s actions based on ideas about moral standards;

    formation of the ability to formulate one’s own moral obligations, exercise moral self-control, and demand from oneself the fulfillment of moral standards.

Subject results:

    understand concepts« conscience», « shame», « repentance», « feelings», « will»;

    objectively evaluate your own and others’ actions;

    understand the significance tolerant attitude to other opinions.

Meta-subject results:

Regulatory UUD:

    together with the teacher, discover and formulate the educational task;

    highlighting and awareness by students of what has already been learned and what still needs to be learned.

Cognitive UUD:

    select what is necessary for the solution educational task sources of information among dictionaries, encyclopedias, reference books and other materials proposed by the teacher;

    obtain new knowledge: extract information presented in different forms (texts, tables, diagrams, etc.);

    process the information received: draw conclusions, establishing analogies and cause-and-effect relationships.

Communication UUD:

    convey your position to other students: express your thoughts with sufficient completeness and accuracy in oral and written speech, taking into account your educational and life speech situations;

    listen to other people, consider their point of view, treat them with respect, be willing to change your point of view;

    collaborate in jointly solving a problem, performing different roles in a pair or group.


    computers with Internet access,

    interactive board

Didactic materials:

    textbook "Fundamentals of secular ethics. Grades 4-5." Daneluk A.Ya.-M.: Education, 2014

    handouts for group work(texts, envelopes with proverbs, reference material, colored circles, word boards, group work sheets, pens)

Lesson epigraph:

Happy is he who has a clear conscience!


During the classes.

l . Organizing time.

The more we know, the more we can do,

The more experience we will gain.

And experience will help you succeed,

Will lead us to our cherished dream!

II . Updating knowledge.

1. Checking homework.

In previous lessons we were introduced to some concepts. Let's remember them.

What feelings does a person experience if he has a severe, depressed state from judging others for wrong behavior, for an unfulfilled duty to himself? This is... (SHAME and GUILT)

What qualities will prevent a person from committing an immoral act will help to avoid enmity, mutual insults and reproaches, even revenge. This is... (HONOR and DIGNITY)

(Words are written on colored cards on the board, children show a circle of the desired color; explain their choice)

Teacher's summary:

Shame and guilt form a person's CONSCIENCE. German philosopher Arthur Schopenhauer said that "Honor is external conscience, and conscience is internal honor." I think you guessed what we will talk about in class today? (ABOUT CONSCIENCE)

2.Formulation of the topic and purpose of the lesson. The beginning of mental activity.

That's right, the topic of our lesson is CONSCIENCE. The epigraph of our lesson will be the proverb “Happy is he who has a calm conscience!”

Guys, what would you like to learn in this lesson? (Children's answers)

(What is conscience? How is it formed? What kind of conscience is there? What do the expressions “clear conscience”, “voice of conscience”, “lose conscience”, “pangs of conscience”, etc. mean?)

Let's try to understand these issues together.

III . Work on the topic of the lesson.

1. Deepening into the topic of the lesson. Work on the content of the fairy tale "The Story of Pinya".

I suggest getting acquainted with the fairy tale “The Story of Pinya”.
The fairy tale is a lie, but there is a hint in it! Good fellows lesson! (sounds like a fairy tale)

Did you like the fairy tale?

Did you like the main character of the fairy tale? Why did big troubles happen to Pinya? (Pinya thought only about himself)

Why did only Aunt Snail sigh and pat Pinya on the back? (It was a pity, the ant was small and stupid, he didn’t want to understand what was good and what was bad)

Why do you think Pinya changed? (I felt ashamed, I asked for forgiveness from everyone I had offended, they forgave him and he made friends and began to live according to his conscience)

What lesson did you learn for yourself after reading the fairy tale? (Children's answers)

Teacher's summary: Sincerely experiencing the consequences of a bad deed, blaming himself, repenting, a person most often does not understand, does not realize that at this moment his voice is heard own conscience, does not know what to call what is happening to him.

Conscience is the voice that sounds inside us. He tells you what to do and what not to do. If you did something wrong, your conscience torments you and says: go and apologize. You are ashamed. Conscience and shame are close things. You must be able to listen to your conscience.

2. Working with the textbook text.

The concepts of “SHAME” and “CONSCIENCE” are also different from each other. With what? Our textbook, page 48, will help you answer this question. Read the first three paragraphs yourself.

What surprised you? What are you thinking about? What did the ancient Greek philosopher, born in 460 BC, advise?

His words are still relevant today for us living in the 21st century.

3. Work in groups.

And how do people known to us explain the concept of CONSCIENCE? Read the quote and try to explain the highlighted phrases.(Discussion in groups)


1st group: Conscience -clawed beast , scraping the heart. (Pushkin A.S.)

Group 2: I have a conscienceinner luminary , closed, which illuminates only the person himself and speaks to him in a quiet voice without sound; gently touching the soul, brings it to its senses, and, following a person everywhere, does not give him mercy in any case. (Suvorov A.V.)

Group 3: Conscience -faithful leader of people's lives . Beware of everything that is not approved by your conscience. ()


1 group. Let's try to listen to the word CONSCIENCE and make other words from these letters. Write it down on your sheet.

ADVICE (conscience is what is inside us and gives us advice;

NEWS (conscience is what gives us the news: we are doing the right thing or the wrong thing;

NET (that which catches all our good and bad deeds;

IS (conscience is something that everyone has;

LIGHT (conscience is the light within us;

WEIGHT (conscience is something that has weight (significance);

VETO (that which prohibits bad actions;

Teacher's summary: Conscience is a feeling that is characteristic only of man, a sense of responsibility to oneself and to other people for one’s actions. Therefore, conscience develops and is nurtured in a person.

2nd group. Your group needs to look at different sources, how the concept of CONSCIENCE is revealed there and highlight the main words.Write it down on your sheet.

Dictionary V.N.Dal:

« Conscience - internal her consciousness of good and evil, thai soul nickname , in which he recallsapproval or condemnationevery action, abilityrecognize the quality of actionska,feeling that encourages truth and goodness."

Conscience - this is one of the ways thatthe soul teaches a person to do the right thing; this is a strong influence of the soul on a person coming from the heart (the cry of the soul).

Conscience - a powerful voice of the heart in defense of another and a force that destroys selfishness.

Conscience - A sense of moral responsibility for one’s behavior before other people and society .

Internet Wikipedia:

Conscience - the ability of the individual to independently formulate moral duties and implementmoral self-control , demand that she fulfill them and evaluate her actions; one of the expressions of a person’s moral self-awareness.

Conscience -a sense of moral responsibility for one’s behavior before other people or society (as well as oneself).

3rd group. In the textbook on page 49 you can find the answer, what feelings accompany conscience? Write these feelings down on your paper.

Try to explain how you understand this.

(If you do something conscientiously, then you getpleasure. Dissatisfaction gives birthpangs of conscience, repentance.)

Teacher's summary: The feeling of remorse is a great feeling. It cleanses and heals a person. Even doctors admit that the most terrible diseases, against which medicine is powerless, are cured by repentance. “The sword does not cut off a guilty head,” says the Russian proverb.

IV . Working with proverbs.

- You have words from proverbs in your envelopes. Make up your own proverb.

1. There is conscience, there is also shame, but there is no shame and there is no conscience.

2. If you lose money, you can make money, but if you lose your conscience, you will find out trouble.

3. Submit to your conscience and master your will.

V . Working with parables.

Parable - this is what it is short story, which has a deep meaning.

Working with parables. (In groups )

    Read the parable.

    What did you feel and think when you read the parable? Talk about your feelings and thoughts.

1 group. Conscience without torment.

( Author of the parable: Monk Barnabas (Evgeniy Sanin))

Conversation on a parable.

What will the hero of the parable do? Your opinion.

Why will he return the wallet to the owner?

What helps a person distinguish good from evil?

Which proverb is appropriate?

2nd group. Master or servant.

( Author of the parable: Alexandra Lopatina)

Conversation on a parable.

Which lines contain wisdom? (To overcome obstacles, a person needs will, reason)

Which proverb is appropriate?

3rd group. Conscience.

( Author of the parable: Monk Barnabas (Evgeniy Sanin))

Conversation on a parable.

Guys, in what situation did the main character hear the voice of conscience?

Which proverb is appropriate?

Teacher's summary: The voice of conscience is the internal work of the mind and heart, when a person reflects on what good and bad he has done during the day, tries to see the consequences of his actions, and knows how to look at his actions through the eyes of people he respects. With such work, conscience will not be silent and will always be the inner judge of a person.Conscience, rejected by a person, manifests itself in incomprehensible states of anxiety, fear, and dissatisfaction. In a word, my soul hurts. To prevent this from happening to you, let's try to determinethe sequence of your actions to solve your problem.

    Coming peace with yourself . (5)

    You're thinking over what he did . (1)

    This thought you pursues. (2)

    You're making things right . (4)

    You understand , What you need to correct your behavior. (3)

VI . Application of knowledge.

1. Problem-search situation. Teamwork.

Do you agree with the statements:

    all people have a conscience;

    it is easier for an unscrupulous person to live;

    bad people, criminals, are not tormented by their conscience;

CONCLUSION ( Teacher's summary):

Remember! Unscrupulous people No! It’s just that the conscience of such people has become hardened, like skin after a callus or burn, where the healed tissue becomes insensitive.

Don't ignore or suppress the voice of your conscience and you will always walk the right way!

VII . Reflection. Grade.

So, remember the objectives of the lesson. Give us your feedback on how well we have achieved our goals. (Children briefly analyze the achievement of goals)

Teacher's summary:

We worked actively in the lesson...

The statements were interesting...

VIII . Bottom line.

The most important thing in a person’s life is to be in harmony with his conscience.

There is so much evil in the world.

So, we must always remember:

It's never too late or too early

Do good deeds.

And so that the heart does not feel frosty,

No matter how much trouble you do,

It's never too early or too late

Apologize honestly and seriously

In what you once did. (E. Asadov)

Learn to listen and hear the voice of your conscience and act on its prompts, correcting your past mistakes without making new ones. After all, as the proverb says: “Happy is he who has a clear conscience!”

I X. Homework.

1. Remember the fairy tale by A. Pogorelsky “The Black Hen, or Underground inhabitants"What feeling did the hero experience because of his action?

2. Draw what you think conscience looks like.

3. Select proverbs about conscience.


Conscience without torment.

A conscientious man found someone else's wallet. And there is so much money in it that he, who lived on the threshold of poverty, would have had enough for his whole life. And there's still some left! The man was happy.

But not money. And because... the owner’s business card was in the wallet. With an address to which the find could be returned. Otherwise, this whole well-fed and comfortable life would be complete torment. Moreover, it would be enough for eternity!


Master or servant.

One day a rich gentleman came to the teacher and said:

- You probably don’t remember me, but I have remembered your lessons all my life. “Be the masters of your feelings - will, reason, perseverance. Let them obey you,” you told us. These words helped me achieve everything.

- “I’m glad,” the teacher smiled. - But why did you come again?

- Help me cope with one feeling. Life is cruel, and I often had to deprive my debtors of shelter and land. Lately Memories of them keep me awake.

- Your heart has not hardened if it can still hear the voice of conscience. A person must serve this feeling. Be the master of will and reason, but a servant of conscience, my dear student,” said the teacher.



Once a man’s conscience told him that he was wrong, another, a third... On the fourth he decided to get rid of it. Not for a day or two - forever! I thought and thought about how to do this, and came up with an idea...

Come on,” he says, “conscience, play hide and seek!”

No, she says. – You’ll deceive me anyway – you’ll peep!

Then the man pretended to be completely ill and said:

I'm sick for some reason... Bring me some milk from the cellar!

My conscience could not refuse him this. I went down to the cellar. And the man jumped out of bed - and closed it!

He called his friends in joy and with a light heart: he deceived one, offended another, and when they began to be offended, he completely kicked them all out. And no remorse for you, no reproaches - your soul is good, calm. Good, good, but only a day passed, then another, and something began to be missing for the person. And a month later he realized what - conscience! And then such melancholy fell upon him that he could not stand it and opened the lid of the cellar.

Okay, he says, come out! Just don't give orders now!

And in response - silence. I went down to the cellar: here, here - there is no conscience anywhere!

Apparently, he really got rid of her forever... The man began to sob:

How can I live without a conscience now?

And suddenly he hears a quiet, quiet voice. Not from the cellar - in the heart: - Here I am...

To rejoice, the man called his friends, apologized and gave them such a feast! Everyone thought it was his birthday and congratulated him on it. But he did not refuse, and his conscience did not object. And not at all because I was afraid of ending up in the basement again. After all, if you look at it, that’s how it all happened!


The story about Pinya.

One day, a baby appeared in a respectable ant family. He moved his legs so quickly, as if he was kicking, for which they called him Pinya. He grew up lively, loud-mouthed and very disobedient.
One morning he left the house, grabbing the rest of the pie, and went for a walk. He walks and yells at the top of his voice. A beetle looked out from under a leaf:
- Do you have a conscience? Everyone is still sleeping, and you are screaming.
“I only have a piece of sweet pie, but I have no conscience,” thought Pinya, looking into his panties pocket, and rushed on with a squeal.
Noticing the slowly walking Worm, he decided to play a joke. He pulled the leaf and all the cold dew fell from the flower onto the unfortunate passerby. Dropping the cane in surprise, the Worm yelped and cowered in fear.
And Pinya jumped around the trembling old man and laughed.
- I’ve completely lost my conscience! – the bumblebee buzzed angrily, trying to smack the ant with its wing. The prankster got scared, ran as fast as he could, not making out the road, and almost fell into the pond. He hid behind a pebble, caught his breath, and grumbled with resentment:
“And I didn’t lose anything.” And here it is, the pie.
Pinya took out a pie and let’s gobble it up. The elegant Butterfly carefully sat down next to her, hoping for a treat, but the sweet crumbs instantly disappeared in the ant’s mouth. Having rested, Pinya, having nothing else to do, began throwing pebbles at the white lilies. The petals break with a crunch, and the mischievous man laughs throughout the neighborhood. The dragonfly wanted to protect the delicate flowers, but the stone hit it too. Then a Frog emerged from the water, followed by several more, and how they croaked:
- What are you doing, hooligan! Ignorant! How dare you hurt defenseless flowers? Let's throw you into the pond, you'll see, and your conscience will awaken.
Instantly the ant found himself in the water! But he doesn’t know how to swim. He chokes, calls his mother for help, but no one is in a hurry to save him.
Luckily for him, Vetrushko flew past, and it was he who pushed the drowning man to the shore. He lay down on the sand, barely breathing, and Vetrushko said, fluttering over the water:
- Who are you, where are you from? Why did you go into the water if you don’t know how to swim? Why are you walking alone? Answer, otherwise I’ll fly away, what if something happens to you again or someone offends you?
- He’s the one who offends everyone! No one can rest from him. Ill-mannered! Lives without conscience! - the inhabitants of the reservoir began to make noise.
- How is it without conscience? This cannot be! – Vetrushko was surprised.
“I didn’t have any conscience, just a piece of pie, but I ate it.” I live with my mom and dad, there are also brothers and sisters, but no conscience lives with us! – Pinya shouted in despair, stomping his feet and waving his fists out of habit.
Aunt Ulitka came out in response to the noise, and everyone began vying with each other to talk about what had happened. The respected aunt shook her head, sighed and, gently stroking Pinya on the back, said:
“You’re still small and stupid, although you should already understand what’s good and what’s bad.” Was it scary in the water? And others are scared when trouble strikes. How will you go home, the sun will soon set, darkness will cover the path, you cannot do without a guide. But who will help you?
The baby burst into burning tears, but then Vetrushko rustled:
- Okay, I’ll show you off, auntie. Your parents must be off their feet, looking for you, the good-for-nothing, crying, worrying.
Pinya remembered his mom and dad, felt some heat in his chest and groaned.
“This shame burns, it will awaken your conscience,” said the Snail quietly, leaning towards the unfortunate Pina. “You need to ask forgiveness from everyone you offended, then your conscience will never leave you, then you will live correctly, according to your conscience.”
- I offended many people. Will I have time to get around everyone before dark? – the poor fellow whined again.
- Stop whining! Run after mom! The two of us can handle it in no time! Thank you, kind Aunt Snail! Good night, Friends! - Vetrushko made a noise and flew, carrying Pinya with him.
All the inhabitants of the anthill came out to meet the missing baby, and Bumblebee, Worm and Beetle sincerely forgave him. From then on, Pinya became obedient, kind, and if he accidentally offended someone, he asked for forgiveness, because Conscience now lived in his ant-like soul.


    Wisdom of millennia. Encyclopedia. -M.:OLMA-PRESS, 2005.- Author-compiler V. Balyazin.-848 p.

    Monk Barnabas (Evgeniy Sanin). Little parables for children and adults.
    http://ray of light.rf/?p=32886

    Parable from Alexandra Lopatina "Master or Servant"

    Pletneva G.S. "The story about Pinya"

    Internet - Wikipedia

In the fairy tale "for children" of considerable age» Saltykov-Shchedrin raises the problem of conscience. Using allegory, he depicts this human quality in the form of a rag, an old unnecessary rag that everyone is trying to get rid of. First, she falls into the hands of a pathetic drunkard, then to the owner of a drinking house, then to the quarterly overseer, Lovts, after which she passed on to the financier Samuil Davydovich Brzhotsky. Passing from hand to hand, conscience arouses in each new owner an explosion of emotions, suffering and torment, from which only death can be a release. Committed sins, thirst for profit, crimes against honor - all this is a heavy burden. At the end of the tale, the author conveys a plea to conscience, which asks to be put into the soul of the baby. Small man would have grown up with her and would no longer strive to get rid of his conscience, so that he would walk through life, measuring his steps with this worthy of respect human quality.

2. V. Bykov “Sotnikov”

In the story, the main character of the partisans Sotnikov, being captured by the Nazis, endures torture, but does not give up important information. The night before the execution, he recalls an episode from his childhood that left a deep imprint on his soul. One day he took his father’s award-winning Mauser without asking, which suddenly went off. Mom immediately found out about this as soon as she entered the room. On her advice, the boy confessed to his father what he had done, who softened his anger with mercy, because he believed that the son himself had guessed to confess. And again Sotnikov Jr. shook his head. This cowardly nod remained in his memory for the rest of his life: “It was already too much - to buy his father’s thanks with a lie, his eyes darkened, the blood rushed to his face, and he stood, unable to move.” The pangs of conscience haunted him all his life: “And he never again lied to either his father or anyone else, he held an answer for everything, looking people in the eyes.” Thus, an insignificant episode in a person’s life can decide one’s fate and determine all one’s actions.

3. A.S. Pushkin "The Captain's Daughter"

Petrusha Grinev after the first evening adult life I lost a hundred rubles in a circle of newly made friends. This money was a significant amount. When he demanded that Savelich give him the necessary amount to pay off the debt, the man, a serf peasant, Petrusha’s teacher, suddenly objected. He said he wouldn't give me any money. Then Pyotr Andreevich demanded, using the stern severity of a master: “I am your master, and you are my servant. The money is mine. I lost them because I felt like it.” The debt was repaid, but remorse arose in Petrusha’s soul: he felt guilty before Savelich. And only after asking for forgiveness and making a promise that from now on only he, the faithful servant, would manage all funds, Grinev calmed down. But from now on he no longer argued with Savelich on financial issues.

4. L.N. Tolstoy "War and Peace"

Nikolai Rostov lost money to Dolokhov. The amount was astronomical - forty-three thousand rubles. This is after his father asked him not to spend too much, since the family’s financial situation is critical. But despite this, the debt of honor must be paid. Nikolai asks his father for money in a deliberately careless, even rude tone, saying that this happens to everyone. When Ilya Andreevich agrees to give his son the necessary amount, he, sobbing, shouts: “Daddy! pa... hemp! … excuse me! “And, grabbing his father’s hand, he pressed his lips to it and began to cry.” After that, Nikolai promised himself to never sit down at the card table and to do everything to improve the well-being of the family.

Once upon a time in the Russian language, the word “conscience” carried the meaning of some message, a hint that a person could use (“conscience”). And this hint always came in the form of a certain feeling, with the help of which one could determine the correctness of one’s actions.

How is this phenomenon currently viewed?

If the action was done correctly, a feeling of inner satisfaction, self-confidence, and pride came. This is the first thing a student can indicate in his essay. But if a person committed an unseemly act, then after that he experienced a feeling of guilt, melancholy and annoyance. And this was and is the negative side of the experience of conscience. Let's look at this in more detail.

The problem of conscience in modern psychology usually viewed from the point of view of its negative influence. It is considered a source of unnecessary feelings of guilt and depression. It is known that the philosopher F. Nietzsche treated conscience in this way. He believed that it was directly related to feelings of guilt. Emphasizing at the same time that it is a kind of internal “tribunal”. With the help of this feeling, a person always finds himself subordinate to society.

What do philosophy and theology say?

Conscience often merges with feelings of guilt and shame. The problem of conscience has been discussed since the time Ancient Greece. For example, the orator Cicero said: “Conscience means more to me than the conversations of everyone around me.”

IN ancient Greek culture there was the concept of “en theos”, or “inner god”. Now the closest term to it is the word “intuition”. In Orthodoxy, conscience is explained as “the voice of God within a person.” Its supporters believe that a person can communicate with God without intermediaries with the help of conscience.

In the essay “The Problem of Conscience” one can also mention the attitude towards this issue ancient Greek philosopher Socrates. He sought to revive the tradition of listening to the “inner god.” He argued that every person has a "personal daimonion" ("demon"). Socrates believed that through communication with him a person acquires real morality and becomes truly free. But the philosopher was accused of rejecting the power of authorities and negative impact on the youth and then executed.

P. A. Golbach called conscience an “inner judge.” Shame and responsibility are the highest moral qualities, which over time have become universal to humanity. Morally mature is someone who is able to regulate their own actions regardless of the influence of external factors.

For normal person the problem of conscience is solved only by fulfilling a duty, because otherwise he will face punishment in the form of internal remorse. You can hide from others, get away from any events. However, it is impossible to escape from yourself.

How is conscience formed?

The problem of conscience interests many researchers in the field of psychology. For example, the phenomenon of child cruelty allows us to conclude that children, like animals, do not know conscience. It is not an innate instinct. It is believed that the mechanism by which conscience arises is as follows:

  • Adults teach the child to distinguish between the concepts of “good” and “evil.”
  • This distinction is established through the process of reinforcing good behavior and punishing bad behavior.
  • At the same time, the child is not only punished, but also explained why his actions turned out to be bad.
  • Then, as the child grows up, he learns to judge himself for his wrongdoings.

Conscience in literature

One of the most frequently cited arguments from the literature on the problem of conscience is the moral dilemma of Rodion Raskolnikov. Main character novel by F. M. Dostoevsky “Crime and Punishment” decides to kill. Raskolnikov is embittered because of his powerlessness to help his family and is depressed because of poverty. He seeks revenge for poor people and decides to kill the disgusting old woman pawnbroker. The problem of conscience in this work is revealed in the actions of the main character: he makes a deal with himself. The crime must prove to Raskolnikov that he is not a “trembling creature”, but “a ruler who can create the destinies of people.”

At first, he is not at all affected by the crime he committed, because the hero is confident in the correctness of his own actions. But over time, doubts begin to overcome him, he begins to overestimate the correctness of the committed action. And such torment of conscience is absolutely natural - after all, an illegal and immoral act was committed.

One more example

A student can use arguments from literature that is not included in the essay “The Problem of Conscience” school curriculum. He could read these books on his own. For example, M. Bulgakov’s novel “The Master and Margarita” also covers this problem. For the writer, the question of conscience reaches enormous, all-human proportions. Pontius Pilate, one of the main characters works, did not sacrifice his career to save the innocent Yeshua. For this, the prosecutor should be tormented by his conscience for two thousand years.

However, Pilate is subsequently forgiven because he realizes his guilt and repents. Everything falls into place, the “harmony of the world” is restored. On the topic “The Problem of Conscience,” arguments on the Unified State Examination can only be convincing if the student has worked through the topic independently. Otherwise, there is a high risk of introducing inaccuracies in the essay and receiving an unsatisfactory grade. If the student knows well literary works and is able to correctly express own opinion about the problem - this is a guarantee successful completion exam.