From freak to new Marilyn: beauty evolution of Lady Gaga. Fashion freak Anna Piaggi


... (Azazello).

· Blood is a great thing. (Koroviev Margarita)

· (Woland Margarita)

· All people are kind. (Yeshua Ha-Nozri to Pontius Pilate)

· ...he wasn't verbose this time. The only thing he said was that (Aphranius, about Yeshua)

· Congratulations, citizen, lie!(Bassoon)

· Housekeepers know everything - (cat Behemoth)

· why (Woland).

· The most interesting thing about this lie is that it - a lie from the first to the last word. (Woland)

· History will judge us. (cat Behemoth)

· (Woland)

· . (cat Behemoth to Woland)

· (Woland)

· People are like people... Well, frivolous... well, well... ordinary people... in general, they resemble the previous ones... housing problem just ruined them (Woland).

· I will silent hallucination. (cat Behemoth)

· He didn't deserve the light He deserved peace (Levy Matvey).

· (Koroviev)

· I don’t play pranks, I don’t hurt anyone, I fix the primus stove. (cat Behemoth)

· Never ask for anything! Never and nothing and (Woland Margarita)

· . (Author)

· Festive (Woland)

· (Yeshua Ha-Nozri)

· For mercy... This is pure alcohol! (cat Behemoth)

· I wouldn't want to be on the side that this Abadonna is against. (Margarita)The results for both sides are always the same . (Woland)

· Manuscripts don't burn. (Woland to the Master)

· There is only one freshness - the first, and it is also the last. (Woland)

· Well, (Woland)

· ( Woland

This aphorism is used to characterize events, actions, words that cannot be refuted, since their unambiguousness does not raise any doubts. It is often used by journalists, lawyers, critics, teachers...

· Yes, Human sometimes suddenly mortal, that's the trick!(Woland)

· (Woland to Behemoth: Get out.) (cat Behemoth)

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“Dictionary of popular expressions from the novel “The Master and Margarita” (creative work of a student)”


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The concept of “winged word” is very ancient. Already in epic poems Homer’s “Iliad” and “Odyssey” repeatedly contain the expressions “winged word”, “inspired word”...

Without winged words and expressions are impossible to imagine our language; they form the basis of figurative speech. Their sources can be: short quotes and apt phrases of the sages, historical figures, and lines from the Bible or fiction.

The primary source of this dictionary is M. Bulgakov’s novel “The Master and Margarita,” but we should not forget about the fact that some expressions that became aphorisms long before the novel was written were simply used by the writer in his work, and he should not be considered their author.

Using aphorisms from the novel “The Master and Margarita,” you can skillfully emphasize the significance of your words and thoughts, which is the purpose of using catchphrases.

    because you think how can you be dead(Azazello).

This is what they say when a person is disappointed in his life, but reason and reason are still with him.

    Blood issues are the most difficult questions in the world! And if you were to ask some great-grandmothers, and especially those of them who had a reputation for being humble, amazing secrets would open, dear Margarita Nikolaevna. I will not be at all wrong if, in talking about this, I mention a fancifully shuffled deck of cards. There are things in which neither class barriers nor even borders between states are completely valid... Blood is a great thing. (Koroviev Margarita)

This aphorism is used in controversial issues in the science of genetics; during determination of paternity and maternity; and also to emphasize the conditioning of a person’s character and behavior by his heredity.

    Everything will be right, the world is built on this. (Woland Margarita)

This is what they say when supporting a person in difficult times. life situations, encouraging him with the thought that someone from above will certainly take care of the “correctness” of the events taking place.

    All people are kind. (Yeshua Ha-Nozri to Pontius Pilate)

This expression, which has become an aphorism, is used by people in moments of admiration for the kindness and sensitivity of people; it is also used to justify someone, meaning that when committing an act that was later recognized as bad, the person did not want to do evil.

    ...he wasn't verbose this time. The only thing he said was that among human vices He considers cowardice one of the most important.(Aphranius, about Yeshua)

Usually, this expression is used to reproach cowards, recognizing weakness of character as a vice and shortcoming of the person himself, regardless of the external circumstances that could provoke such behavior.

    Congratulations, citizen, lie!(Bassoon)

This is how they speak about a liar who, “without blushing,” allows himself to lie publicly.

    Housekeepers know everything - it is a mistake to think that they are blind. (cat Behemoth)

This aphorism is comparable to another one: “And the walls also have their own ears.” This is said to emphasize the ambiguous position and responsibilities of domestic servants.

    …why chasing after what is already over(Woland).

This is what they say in cases where there is no point in doing anything, since everything was previously done in such a way that now nothing can be corrected.

    The most interesting thing about this lie is that it - a lie from the first to the last word. (Woland)

This is what they say about those words whose untruth is clearly visible. eyes closed and there is no doubt.

    History will judge us. (cat Behemoth)

This phrase is used by someone who is unable to prove the correctness and necessity of his actions today, but is confident that his efforts will be appreciated and understood in the future. These words also mean that time will definitely dot the I’s and judge who is right and who is wrong.

    Each will be given according to his faith.(Woland)

This aphorism is used when teaching and instructing on correct, useful thoughts that should be expressed in a person’s beliefs, bringing into his life exactly what he believes in.

    Everyone decorates themselves with whatever they can. (cat Behemoth to Woland)

This can be said about tasteless or poor appearance person, and also use it in the context of the breadth of his horizons and skills.

    A brick will never fall on anyone’s head for no reason at all. (Woland)

This aphorism emphasizes the non-randomness of the events that happen to people, their conditioning and reasoning either by the life of the person himself or by a message from above (or maybe both).

    People, like people... Well, frivolous... well... ordinary people... in general, they resemble the old ones... housing problem just ruined them (Woland).

This is how they speak about the general problem of shortage or unaffordability of housing.

    I will silent hallucination. (cat Behemoth)

This is what people say who want to convince others that they will not disturb them in the least with their presence.

    He didn't deserve the light He deserved peace (Levy Matvey).

This is what they say to someone who is guilty of something, but is still worthy of leniency and pardon, although not complete.

    No document, no person. (Koroviev)

Typically, this phrase is used by people in professions that are directly related to the processing of documents, papers, etc., in the absence or inappropriate condition of their clients’ documentation.

This is how those who deny their wrongdoings express themselves, citing complete submission, obedience and their humility.

    Never ask for anything! Never and nothing and especially those who are stronger than you. They will offer and give everything themselves! (Woland Margarita)

In this way a person is reminded of his pride. And also that if he really needs something, he will certainly have it.

    Never talk to strangers. (Author)

An instructive aphorism. Parents often say these words to their children, instilling in them the rules of behavior in crowded places and warning them about possible danger from strangers.

    Festive midnight is sometimes nice and lingering. (Woland)

They can say this when they really want to prolong the moment of onset. significant day. And also at the end of a good evening, and the unwillingness to stop it.

    It is easy and pleasant to speak the truth. (Yeshua Ha-Nozri)

It is used in cases where the speaker wants to explain the lightness and melody of his speech, confirming the fact of its truthfulness.

    Have mercy... Would I allow myself to pour vodka for a lady? This is pure alcohol! (cat Behemoth)

Can be used at a feast when variety alcoholic drinks leaves much to be desired.

    I wouldn't want to be on the side that Abadonna is against. (Margarita)The results for both sides are always the same. (Woland)

The aphorism speaks about the equivalence of the consequences for both the winner and the loser, about the advantages and disadvantages for both. For example, it can be used in forensic practice (victim and accused).

    Manuscripts don't burn. (Woland to the Master)

Equivalent to the proverb “What is written with a pen cannot be cut down with an axe.” Emphasizes the meaning of information on paper and its reflection in material things.

    There is only one freshness - the first, and it is also the last. And if the sturgeon is second freshness, then this means that it is rotten! (Woland)

This is what attentive and demanding buyers say when the seller can afford such nonsense in relation to the quality of the product.

    Well, he who loves must share the fate of the one he loves.(Woland)

It can be used as a parting word for lovers, for their support and in the name of their awareness of the responsibility for each other that now lies on their shoulders.

    Fact is the most stubborn thing in the world. ( Woland head of Mikhail Alexandrovich Berlioz)

This aphorism is used to characterize events, actions, words that cannot be refuted, since their unambiguousness does not raise any doubts. It is often used by journalists, lawyers, critics, teachers...

    Yes, Human mortal, but that would not be so bad. The bad thing is that he sometimes suddenly mortal, that's the trick!(Woland)

This aphorism is remembered in cases of unexpected deaths that happen not where they should be, and not to those for whom they could be fully expected.

    (Woland to Behemoth: Get out.) I haven’t had coffee yet, how can I leave? (cat Behemoth)

This phrase can be used by both a welcome and an unwanted guest when he is politely asked to leave, either seriously or jokingly.

September 11, 2013, 11:35

He who loves must share the fate of the one he loves.

Do you judge by the suit? Never do this. You can make a mistake, and a very big one at that.

The second freshness is nonsense! There is only one freshness - the first, and it is also the last. And if the sturgeon is second freshness, then this means that it is rotten!

I’m not being naughty, I’m not bothering anyone, I’m fixing the primus stove,” the cat said with an unfriendly frown, “and I also consider it my duty to warn that the cat is an ancient and inviolable animal.

The most interesting thing about this lie is that it is a lie from the first to the last word.

We are talking to you in different languages“, as always,” Woland responded, “but the things we are talking about do not change because of this.

Why chase after the footsteps of what is already over.

someone who until recently believed that he was in control of something suddenly finds himself lying motionless in a wooden box, and those around him, realizing that the person lying there is no longer of any use, burn him in the oven

People are like people. They love money, but this has always been the case... Humanity loves money, no matter what it is made of, whether leather, paper, bronze or gold. Well, frivolous... well, well... ordinary people... in general, they resemble the old ones... the housing problem only spoiled them...

No force can silence the crowd until it exhales everything that has accumulated inside it and falls silent itself.

Yes, man is mortal, but that would not be so bad. The bad thing is that he is sometimes suddenly mortal, that's the trick!

After all, how many times have I told you that your main mistake is that you underestimate the values human eyes. Understand that the tongue can hide the truth, but the eyes can never! You are asked a sudden question, you don’t even flinch, in one second you control yourself and know what needs to be said in order to hide the truth, and you speak very convincingly, and not a single wrinkle on your face moves, but, alas, the truth is alarmed by the question from the bottom the soul jumps into the eye for a moment, and it's all over. She's spotted and you're caught!

Is this vodka? – Margarita asked weakly.
The cat jumped up in his chair from offense.
“For mercy, queen,” he croaked, “would I allow myself to pour vodka for the lady?” This is pure alcohol!

Well, what is this? - Woland exclaimed. - Why did you gild your mustache? And why the hell do you need a tie if you're not wearing pants?
“A cat is not supposed to wear pants, sir,” the cat answered with great dignity, “won’t you order me to put on boots too?” Puss in Boots only happens in fairy tales, sir. But have you ever seen anyone at a ball without a tie? I don't intend to find myself in a comical position and risk being pushed into the neck! Everyone decorates themselves with whatever they can.

No document, no person

Insult is a common reward for good work.

A brick will never fall on anyone’s head for no reason at all.

In general, it does not happen that everything will become as it was.

Oh my Gods! I'll poison you, I'll poison you!

I don’t know who hung your tongue, but it’s hung well

Forever! This needs to be understood...

There are no evil people in the world, there are only unhappy people.

Follow the old wise rule - treat like with like.

Is there no devil either?
- There is no devil!
- Well, this is positively interesting<...>What do you have that you can’t miss? There’s nothing!

Never go back to the past. It kills your present.
Memories are meaningless, they only take away your precious time. Stories don't repeat, people don't change. Never wait for anyone, don't stand still...
Those who need it will catch up. Do not look back.
All hopes and dreams are just illusions, don’t let them take over you.
Remember! Never, under any circumstances, give up, go ahead, without turning back.
This is the only way you will achieve what you want.
And always love, you cannot live without love, but love this present, the past cannot be returned, and the future may not begin...

…Nonsense! In three hundred years this will pass. /Woland/


Which country's wine do you prefer at this time of day? /Woland/

...never ask for anything! Never and nothing, and especially among those who are stronger than you. They will offer and give everything themselves!

...but here’s the question that worries me: if there is no God, then, the question arises, who controls human life and the entire order on earth in general? - The man himself controls. /Woland/


I like to sit low - it’s not so dangerous to fall from low. /Woland/


People are like people. They love money, but this has always been the case... Humanity loves money, no matter what it is made of, whether leather, paper, bronze or gold. Well, frivolous... well, well... ordinary people... in general, they resemble the old ones... the housing problem only spoiled them... / Woland /


Why pursue in the footsteps of what is already over? /Woland/


There are no evil people in the world, there are only unhappy people. The most interesting thing about this lie is that it is a lie from the first to the last word. / Woland /


Everyone will be rewarded according to their faith. /Woland/

A brick will never fall on anyone’s head for no reason at all. /Woland/


It's sometimes nice to linger on the festive midnight. /Woland/


Manuscripts don't burn. /Woland/


There is only one freshness - the first, and it is also the last. And if the sturgeon is second freshness, then this means that it is rotten! /Woland/


What would it do your good, if evil did not exist? /Woland/


Yes, man is mortal, but that would not be so bad. The bad thing is that he is sometimes suddenly mortal, that's the trick! /Woland/


...he wasn't verbose this time. The only thing he said was that among human vices, he considers cowardice to be one of the most important. /Aphranius, about Yeshua/

After all, you think about how you can be dead. /Azazello/


Housekeepers know everything - it is a mistake to think that they are blind. /cat Behemoth/

History will judge us. /cat Behemoth/


Maestro! Shorten the march! /cat Behemoth/


I don’t play pranks, I don’t hurt anyone, I fix the primus stove, and I also consider it my duty to warn that the cat is an ancient and inviolable animal. /cat Behemoth/


I will be a silent hallucination. /cat Behemoth/


I haven’t had coffee yet, how can I leave? /cat Behemoth/


For mercy's sake... would I allow myself to pour vodka for the lady? This is pure alcohol! /cat Behemoth/


It's nice to hear that you treat your cat so politely. For some reason, cats are usually called “you,” although not a single cat has ever drunk brotherhood with anyone. /cat Behemoth/


...Everyone decorates himself with whatever he can... /Behemoth cat/

*** wife, if only I had one, risked being a widow twenty times! But, fortunately, sir, I am not married, and I will tell you straight out that I am happy that I am not married. Ah, sir, is it possible to exchange single freedom for a painful yoke!.. /cat Behemoth/

Love jumped out in front of us, like a killer jumps out of the ground in an alley, and struck us both at once! That's how lightning strikes, that's how a Finnish knife strikes! /Master/


She carried yellow flowers! Bad color./Master/

​*** general, a person without a surprise inside, in his box, is uninteresting... /Master/


...when people are completely robbed, like you and me, they seek salvation from an otherworldly force!../Master/

*** never happens that everything will be as it was... /Master/

No document, no person. /Koroviev/

No, wait... I know what I'm getting into. But I’ll do anything for him, because I won’t do anything in the world. more hope I have no. But I want to tell you that if you destroy me, you will be ashamed! Yes, it's a shame! I'm dying for love! /Margarita/


...still, even in pleasure you need to be at least a little prudent... /Margarita/


...sadness before a long journey. Isn’t it true, sir, it is quite natural, even when a person knows that happiness awaits him at the end of this road?.. /Margarita/


He didn't deserve light, he deserved peace. /Levi/


...Intourists... How much you all adore foreign tourists! And among them, by the way, there are different ones... /Ivan Bezdomny/


...I must admit that among intellectuals there are also extremely smart ones. This cannot be denied!../Ivan Bezdomny/


All power is violence against people.


A person without a surprise inside, in his box, is uninteresting.

An unhappy person is cruel and callous. And all just because good people mutilated him.

What would your good do if evil did not exist, and what would the earth look like if shadows disappeared from it?

Understand that the tongue can hide the truth, but the eyes can never!

No matter what pessimists say, the earth is still absolutely beautiful, and under the moon it is simply unique.

Do you judge by the suit? Never do this. You can make a mistake, and a very big one at that.

Eyes are a significant thing. Like a barometer. You can see who has a great dryness in their soul, who can poke the toe of a boot into their ribs for no reason, and who is afraid of everyone.


Sometimes The best way to destroy a person is to let him choose his own fate.


Most terrible anger- anger of powerlessness.


Evil lurks in men who avoid wine, games, the company of lovely women, and table conversation. Such people are either seriously ill or secretly hate those around them.


Fact is the most stubborn thing in the world.


He who loves must share the fate of the one he loves.

We speak to you in different languages, as always, but the things we talk about do not change...

I don’t understand! They sat peacefully, completely quietly, having a snack...

The tongue can hide the truth, but the eyes never. Alarmed by the question, the truth from the bottom of the soul jumps into the eyes for a moment, and it is noticed, and you are caught

For these stars, life is a real fashion carnival, where they can change shocking outfits several times a day and shock the public. While we select the perfect white blouse for formal suit, these stars step out in multi-colored furs, torn tights, African jewelry and hoof shoes. In our today's review - 10 stars of fashion freaks with an extraordinary style that is simply impossible not to notice and discuss!

Fashion freak Lady Gaga

The appearance of Lady Gaga on the starry horizon changed the world of show business - now we can hardly remember the names of all her albums, but we can easily list at least ten of her shocking outfits. Lady Gaga is the leader of all fashion freaks. Even if her music is already beginning to seem not very original, it is fashionable looks Lady Gaga's stylists always work hard and never cease to amaze us day after day!

Fashion freak Iris Apfel

Iris Apfel is the grandmother of extravagant fashion and a true fashion freak. She is easily recognizable by her signature accessory - huge round glasses with dark frames, in which Iris looks like a dragonfly, and, of course, by her extraordinary eclectic style.

Iris Apfel, together with her husband, owns a textile factory that produces fabrics, and has been collecting clothes for 50 years. In her collection, haute couture outfits from Christian Dior and Oscar de la Renta peacefully coexist with vintage accessories found at flea markets and outlandish jewelry brought from trips to Africa.

Fashion freak Kesha

The American singer and big fan of shocking Kesha, of course, cannot compare with Lady Gaga, but she is trying very hard to get at least a little closer to her. Kesha dances on stage in feathers and torn tights, and breaks guitars, and doesn’t comb her hair, and strange drawings does it on the face, but still looks more ridiculous than original - exactly like a bad copy of Britney Spears at her worst. In short, she is a real freak!

Fashion freak Anna Dello Russo

Fashion director of Japanese Vogue Anna Dello Russo is the most popular person at all Fashion Weeks. Dello Russo boasts an impressive collection of hundreds of designer outfits ( most of of which are frankly shocking) and 4,000 pairs of shoes that she collected over 20 years, even renting a separate apartment for her wardrobe. “I am a fashion fetishist,” Anna Dello Russo is not modest, and we also classify her as a fashion freak.

Fashion freak Snooki

The young actress and star of the American reality show “The Beach” Snooki is a real walking nightmare. Having landed a role in a show about the debauched lives of Italian immigrants in the States, Snooki had clearly found herself. This fashion freak boasts an absolute lack of taste - despite her short stature and full hips, Snooki is not shy about “walking” miniskirts with fur boots, leopard print dresses and stockings and other trash in the style of call girls.

Fashion freak Courtney Love

Rebellious youth, a career as a rock star and a former marriage to grunge icon Kurt Cobain simply oblige Courtney to be different from everyone else, and she excels in the role of a fashionable freak.

Courtney Love's public appearances are almost always a shock. The singer still loves to experiment with the image of a vicious virgin in torn dresses with a provocative neckline, and then suddenly she can turn into “strict Courtney” in a black suit, with a Birkin bag and a granny-style headscarf.

Fashion freak Helena Bonham Carter

Helena Bonham Carter is an extraordinary actress and fashion anarchist. In interviews, she happily states that her favorite clothing is knickers and that it is good for her to lose her temper from time to time.

Bonham Carter's images on the red carpet and in life are always controversial, controversial and original. Perhaps only Helena Bonham Carter can wear different shoes to the Golden Globes ceremony! It's no surprise that Helena's favorite designer is Vivienne Westwood, a famous fashion freak like herself!

Fashion freak Anna Piaggi

Fashion journalist Anna Piaggi is impossible not to notice in the front row of any designer show. Piaggi is a real fashion freak who does not hesitate to combine incongruous things. Blue hair, hat geometric shapes, a bag with a leopard print, leggings with sequins and a military uniform - this may seem crazy to some, but for Piaggi, fashion is just a theater in which she has been successfully playing for 50 years.

Fashion freak Daphne Guinness

The heiress of the Guinness brewing company grew up in a bohemian environment, often visited Salvador Dali and was friends with Andy Warhol. A huge fortune and a billionaire husband allowed Daphne Guinness to choose social gatherings and a fanatical passion for fashion as her profession. Close girlfriend Alexander McQueen, Daphne was one of the first to decide to “walk” his crazy hooves. Guinness loves shocking haute couture outfits and can turn her appearance into a real fashion freak show.

Fashion freak Vivienne Westwood

You won't be able to confuse this fashionable red-haired beast with anyone else. Vivienne Westwood is the living embodiment of rebellious fashion and a symbol of her country. Although she recently turned 70, Westwood remains the world's most famous freak designer. She can easily criticize Kate Middleton's style and at the same time dress like a real punk!

Photo: Splashnews/

Canadian Rick Genest, nicknamed Zombie Boy, who became the star of Lady Gaga’s new video “Born This Way,” unlike the singer, cannot wash off his creepy drawings- because this is not makeup, but real tattoos

Rick Genest and his tattoos

Lady Gaga's personal stylist Nicolas Fomicetti found Genest, whose head and torso are covered with dark tattoos, literally on the street - back in January of this year, Rick was living on the streets of Montreal, doing odd jobs - from washing windows to performing in the circus: everything for this to earn money for another tattoo. Nowadays, Genest is a catwalk star and recently showed the latest collections of leading designers during Paris Fashion Week. Genest is widely known in the Canadian province of Quebec, where he has spent more than $7,000 on his tattoo hobby over the past three years. In a 2006 interview with Bizarre magazine, he said that his tattoos “depict human body in the form of a decaying corpse. It's a tribute to the horror films that I love so much."

Genest during the show new collection Thierry Mugler last week in Paris

Genest grew up in the suburbs of Montreal and left home at age 17 after graduating from high school. Despite his unusual image life, his mother says she is proud of her son and he always responds to her text messages, even during Paris Fashion Week. “He does what he likes,” says Mrs. Genest, “he has always been very artistic. Rick has always lived by his own rules." Genesta's mom calls her son "unique" and says he's a fantastic brother to his younger brother and sisters are 20 and 22 years old, respectively. My brother studies at the university, and my sister works in a hospital. Mrs. Genest describes herself and her husband Rock as very conservative people, but says they have accepted their son for who he is. "Rick is very loving son, true friend, his grandparents love him very much, he never misses family celebrations, everyone has always accepted him for who he is. In the family he is very good boy respecting elders. People usually stare at him in stores, but he is never ashamed of his tattoos. He's a very quiet boy."

Just a few years ago, Rick (left) looked like an ordinary guy

Genest waited until he was 16 before getting his first tattoo, out of respect for his parents. Most of scary drawings on his body is the work of Montreal tattoo artist Frank Lewis, who says Genest first showed up at his shop when he was 21 years old. Together they select designs for future tattoos, then Lewis draws them on the body with a marker and then fills them in with paint, each session taking two to four hours. According to Lewis, when Genest wanted to get facial tattoos, he refused, and Genest went to another artist, whose work Lewis then had to redo. Lewis says that top part Genest's body is completely covered with tattoos, and the most painful procedure was the tattooing of his nose. However, that's not all - Genest is going to cover the second part of the body with drawings and in a recent interview shared plans for forking the tongue so that it looks like the tongue of a reptile.

VIDEO: Lady Gaga- "Born This Way"

Marina Golubeva, photo: AFP/LETA, Bulls Press, Facebook

Maria Poroshina left little son for the sake of work