Lyubov Voropaeva singer barbie her project. Doll with human life - barbie singer

For the common man, an artist is practically a celestial being, a man of amazing beauty, elegance and grace. But in fact, these are ordinary men and women who work irregular hours and dream of relaxation. The embodiment of the stereotype about easy life singer Barbie wanted to become a celebrity. It's really very beautiful girl, which no one will remember now. Why did her star set?

It was the 90s

During the formative period national stage there were many successful starts and spectacular ideas. The stars showed off in tracksuits and leggings that are impossible in their brightness. The popularity was comprehensive and unique, and it was easy to fly to the top, but very few managed to stay there. Remember the army of fans of the group “Ivanushki”, fans of Andrei Gubin. They were crying under the windows, dreaming of at least touching the idol! Russian singer Barbie appeared on the wave of popularity of the hip-hop genre and the breakthrough of Zhenya Belousov with his romantic and sexual ballads. The production duo of composer Viktor Dorokhin and poetess Lyubov Voropaeva became seriously interested in the genre and came up with the image of a doll-like beautiful girl with girlish problems and interests. The embodiment of the image was 17-year-old Marina Volkova.

Tribute to fashion

Singer Barbie appeared thanks to the popularity of the doll of the same name. Then crazy about new toy Not only children came, but also their parents. Barbie has become a model of perfection female beauty and elegance. Marina Volkova corresponded to the invented image primarily because of her cute appearance. The repertoire was chosen quite suitable for her. The singer Barbie sang songs about eyelashes, cosmetics, love and other sweet nonsense.

The process has begun

At first I was expecting a girl career: in 1992 she released her debut album “ABC of Love”. This was followed by invitations to the programs “Ostankino Hit Parade” and “Under 16 and Over”. And suddenly it was all over. Marina Volkova broke her contract with the producers. As it turned out, she got married. Information about later life girls are almost completely absent. The producers were very annoyed and complained to journalists about the girl’s lack of responsibility and her frivolity. Fans quickly forgot his cute face.

Life after the stage

Herself former singer Barbie admits that relations with the producers did not work out almost immediately, because they forbade her to communicate with peers, friendship with boys, and dates. There was nothing in the girl’s life except work, which was interesting to her, but still secondary. Nevertheless, Marina tried to build solo career that she didn't succeed. And so the singer Barbie disappeared from the sky. Her biography took a sharp turn, and years later various rumors appeared about the girl. So a number of Russian magazines received letters from former classmates stars, where they talked about the hard fate and alcohol addiction. The letter said that Volkova lives in a tiny Khrushchev apartment. Light was shed on the fate of the faded star after a program on Channel One, which talked about media personalities of past years. We also remembered the expressive singer Barbie with a huge supply of energy and an attitude of eternal positivity. She really gave people joy and many viewers associated her with childhood and carefreeness. Volkova’s personal life did not work out; the family fell apart, never justifying the fact that Barbie sacrificed her nascent career. Marina Volkova still hasn't received higher education towards your 40s.

She works as a secretary general director and gets quite average salary. I must say that Barbie has changed little in appearance. She was satisfied interesting woman, but ceased to be a “doll”. The older viewers could not imagine that there was a girl with the pseudonym “Barbie.” She did not become a rock singer, but she managed to be a bright pop singer and be remembered. People especially remember Barbie's hit "Are You Painting Your Eyelashes", for which many mixes were created. Top ten best compositions also included such tracks as “My teacher”, “Dance”, “Come what may”, “Watch with a secret”. In addition, based on the results audience voting Marina Volkova, known as Barbie, was included in the list of the most beautiful celebrities 90s. This did not bring her success, but at least it pleased the woman’s pride.

The days when their songs were played at every discotheque are long gone. However, this does not prevent the once monstrously popular musicians from appearing in gossip columns from time to time. We invite you to be a little nostalgic and see how things are going with the idols from the past.

Andrey Gubin

The singer officially announced his separation from the stage at the end of the 2000s, and gave his last concert in 2005. The main reason After going underground, health problems arose - the artist was diagnosed with a neurological disorder with severe pain. Since then, the artist has rarely appeared in public. True, his pictures were posted online from time to time by fans who managed to meet their idol and persuade him to take a photo. For example, in 2015, this photo of Gubin with a fan appeared.

After the publication of this photo, the singer’s fans became worried: had Andrey become worse? Fortunately, there was no bad news. And in October of this year, the artist gave fans a reason to rejoice, appearing in public noticeably refreshed and with short hair.

Having taken a good look at the photo, fans began showering the singer with compliments and hinting that it would be nice for him to return to the stage.

Now compare. On the left is Andrei Gubin in the mid-1990s, on the right today.

Igor "Garik" Bogomazov

For 15 years he was the lead singer of the group " Inveterate scammers", traveled around the country on tour, recorded records, signed autographs. Group “Dirty Rotten Scoundrels”, Garik Bogomazov (left)

Today Garik Bogomazov tries to lead a secretive life, hardly communicates with journalists and is not involved in creativity. In the mid-2000s, the artist left the group. By his own admission, this happened at the insistence of his now ex-wife.
It was assumed that parting with the stage should help Garik strengthen family relationships(that year the artist’s daughter was born), but everything turned out the other way around - the singer got divorced, and his wife filed for alimony. The artist did not pay them for several years, for which he was put on the federal wanted list. True, Garik later “gave in” and promised to settle accounts with his wife and child. Today, according to a number of tabloids, Garik drinks too much alcohol and still cannot pay off his debts.

Lada Dance

Things are completely different for the star of the late 90s Lada Dance. The artist willingly communicates with the press and performs at corporate parties, takes part in TV shows and even stars in TV series.

And also, as the tabloids constantly note, Lada is not shy about appearing in public in revealing outfits and show off your figure.

Marina Volkova (Barbie)

The pop project “Barbie,” created by composer Viktor Dorokhin and poet Lyubov Voropaeva, lasted a little more than two years (91-92), but managed to make a lot of noise. Young performer Marina Volkova, who took creative pseudonym Barbie recorded the album “The ABCs of Love”, turned into a star and... disappeared a few months later.

It later turned out (according to the producers) that Barbie gave up music because she got married. Since then, Marina has not been heard from for a long time; she appeared only in 2013 on a talk show on federal channel. The singer said that she has been single for a long time and works in a commercial company as a secretary to the general director.

Victor Rybin

Over the entire period of its existence, the Moscow group "Dune", which thundered in the early 90s with rollicking songs with simple lyrics about Borka the womanizer, beer and communal apartment, changed its composition several times. However, since 1988, it has always been headed by musician Viktor Rybin (in the center).

The group continues to function to this day, although its current army of fans cannot be compared with the one it had in the 90s. The fading popularity does not seem to frighten either the musicians or the lead singer of the group at all: the group continues to work hard. And four years ago, Viktor Rybin’s team began collecting material for a new album.

Sergey Chumakov

In the early 90s, a simple Moscow guy, Seryozha Chumakov, showed the whole country that anyone can become a star. A graduate of a construction college meets composer Valery Bashenev and begins to climb musical Olympus.

First the talented guy is different in the television show " Morning Star" and then starts touring. And soon the whole country is singing his song about the groom and the young girl from debut album 1992, which became truly explosive.

Alas, Sergei was unable to repeat this success. Subsequently, the singer released two more records, but they failed to take off. Today, the once popular artist lives in a marriage, performs from time to time at corporate events and, according to tabloids, records songs, but so far only for himself.

Vika Tsyganova

In 1988, Victoria Tsyganova (then still Zhukova) appeared on stage as a soloist of the group “More”, two years later she built a solo career, and at the beginning of the new millennium she performed a duet with Mikhail Krug - at the same time business card The artist’s song “Come to my house” became the song for many years.
Today, the singer continues to make music, combining the stage with charity and design.

Several years ago, the artist created her own clothing brand, and recently released a fur line called “Imperial Style,” which seriously outraged some media with its pomp.

Group "Bachelor Party"

In the early 90s, they thundered throughout the country with rude and even somewhat indecent for those times songs about sex. The team included Andrei Lysikov (the same Dolphin who later took up solo career), Pavel Galkin (Mutabor) and Andrey Kotov (Dan).

The project lasted until 1997: Dolphin took up a solo career, and Dan and Mutabor organized the electronic project “Barbitura”. In 2000, the guys made an attempt to revive “Bachelor Party 2” (without Dolphin) and even stayed afloat until 2006. Today former members The teams perform from time to time for old times' sake and sometimes take part in TV shows talking about the riotous period of the early 90s. In 2013, one of the songs of the “Sex Control” team from the 1992 album “Miss Big Breasts” was recognized as extremist.
The top photo shows “Bachelor Party 2” in the early 2000s, the bottom photo shows it today.

You don’t have to ask Lyubov Voropaeva how many years she has been in show business, because it was thanks to her that this very business appeared in our country. Despite the fact that many changes have occurred in Russia since then, the poetess and producer in one person is still in great demand. However, first things first.

-During the times of socialism, the word “show business” was a dirty word and was used exclusively in relation to Americans. At that time we had Soviet pop music and Soviet songs. And my late husband Viktor Dorokhin and I became pioneers in the USSR. It was we in show business who created the first production project - Zhenya Belousova - and did it in accordance with Western canons. We created this project in front of the whole country. Literally breathing down our necks, Igor Krutoy and Sasha Serov came after us.

– What about the example of the group “ Tender May»?

– This group was more a social phenomenon than a musical one. She began to develop into a show business phenomenon only after the appearance of Zhenya Belousov.

– What difficulties did you encounter at the beginning of your production career?

– With everything you could imagine: from accusations that everything we did was complete vulgarity, to racketeering. But the times were interesting and even funny; it was possible to make a film in the spirit of Once Upon a Time in America.

We literally took a girl from the street and met her when she was finishing school. We trained her, improved the well-being of her family - without going into details, I will say that the situation there was very difficult. But the project ended disastrously, because at that moment the girl was rapidly going through puberty
- Or write a book. Are you already finishing yours?

– Unfortunately, I write very slowly. I started writing when my husband was very ill, and then he died. These memories hold me by the throat so much that when I started actively writing some time ago, I realized that it was causing me a lot of pain, and I paused.

– What is this show business like now? It seems to me that it has become somehow cliched and formal.

- Against. People who are actively involved in this field of activity call themselves show businessmen with a degree of pride. Now he has become more professional compared to when we started. In those years, the country was closed, and Victor and I were incredibly lucky to have an American friend, he worked at the American embassy. Especially for us, he subscribed to all music publications and constantly brought us all MTV releases on cassettes. We were very informed people. And Victor was one of the first musicians who learned to work on a computer. In our house there were real universities and educational programs. Tukhmanov and Garanyan came to us to study with my husband, many people constantly called with questions, and Victor advised everyone. We were just lucky we had access to information.

– Why did you move from Moscow to the countryside?

- I'm very tired. Until 2009, for 13 years, I did a lot of club events, also becoming one of the founders of the event industry in Russia, produced shows, and constantly lived the Moscow nightlife. These parties greatly undermined my health and even my creative state. When you produce five or six original programs a month, you work your ass off. My nerves began to fail. Life turned into rest days between shows. And I bought myself Vacation home. This allowed me to calm down, look at my life differently and change it. I joined the online community, immediately opened my blog on LiveJournal and began writing a book. Now the rhythm of my life has changed. Although everything can happen again if I meet people with sparkling eyes. Only with such people, with talented like-minded people, could I work. If I meet such people, I will return to the event industry without hesitation. I don't rule it out.

On this topic

– But money won’t be able to bring you back to this activity?

– Money doesn’t turn me on; I have long known the value of both myself and my business in this life. I treat them normally, but I don’t put earnings first.

I am a creative person, the first place for me is the implementation of my creative ideas, and I am happy only when they come true.

– Why did you work only with men? Zhenya Belousov, Herr Anton, Andrey Vertuzaev with the group “Kartush”...

– Viktor Dorokhin and I once had a wonderful project “Barbie”. But this experience turned out to be bitter for me. , and we could not keep her from the vicissitudes of life. And when she was two and a half hours late for her solo concert the most fashionable in those years night club"Carousel" on Tverskaya, we terminated the contract with her. There were few nightclubs at that time, and people gathered specifically for it; all the places were sold out. And our girl came straight from her bed, all disheveled, and she had to go on stage and work for two hours... After she sang the entire program with grief, Victor and I took her home and told her that our contract was no longer there. That's it... Working with girls goes fruitfully until the first man. Whoever loves the girl dances. That's why I don't like working with girls. I prefer cooperation with men. Although, if singers approach us with my new permanent collaborator - composer and music producer Nikolai Arkhipov - with a request to write a song, we do not refuse, another thing is that I will never take on a women's project. Although there were a lot of offers. I don’t want to waste my nerves on other people’s sexual instincts.

– At the very beginning of your production activities, there was romance in your songs, just remember the song “My Blue-Eyed Girl,” but now other themes, more cynical, are coming to the fore. Does romance really remain only retro?

– It all depends on the performer you work with. Nikolai Arkhipov and I are still writing wonderful lyrical songs for the most subtle lyricist Leusz Lubitsch, and our joint song with him “I am alone, you are alone” even aroused the admiration of Didier Marouani, the founder of legendary group“Space”, who unexpectedly suddenly left me the warmest comments on this song, which I posted on my LiveJournal, and even sent me a letter with an offer to work on the Russian texts of his works. If you mean the project “A Lonely Man” by Herr Anton, a Russian artist from Hamburg, then I can say that Lyubov Voropaeva is not new to ironic poetry. Back in the 80s in the section “ Ironic poetry Club 12 chairs" in " Literary newspaper"there was a regular author - Lyubov Voropaeva, and this author wrote great amount ironic and humorous poems. Recently, one person asked me: “Love, you write such wonderful lyrical poems, where did you get “Lonely Man” from? How so?" And I answered him: “Do you know all the works of the author Lyubov Voropaeva? I also work with three rock bands that play in the styles of new alternative and new punk. So Lyubov Voropaeva calmly writes punk lyrics, sometimes even using obscenities!” "How! – he was horrified. - Can't be!" - “Go to the Yandex search on the Internet, find the groups “Stinger”, “Reactor” or “Bryzgi”, listen to the songs, read the lyrics. And understand that Lyubov Voropaeva is a multifaceted person. And in the same project “Herr Anton”, of course, there is an element of punk somewhere!”

– How did Anton come into your life?

- Through the Internet. In general, he knew my name and my projects for a very long time. He was associated with music and TV. I can't say anything more about this yet. Then he went to Germany and decided, by communicating with me via the Internet, to fulfill his old dream. He just tried to sing, and our first song together, “Lonely Man,” immediately became a hit that blew up discos in Germany, Russia, and now Ukraine..

– Do you go to discos yourself?

- IN this moment, of course, I don’t go, but I watch them all the time on YouTube on the Internet. I really love it dance music and in the car I listen exclusively to dance radio stations. So I follow all the news happening in this musical direction, very carefully, collecting and analyzing all the information. In our tandem with Nikolai Arkhipov, who not only writes music, but also arranges all our songs himself and records them in our studio, also working as a music producer, the result today, in my opinion, is a very musical product. High Quality.

– Isn’t it a shame that songs are now called, like everything else in a consumer society, products?

– I talked about the product as the result of labor. But it doesn’t offend me, because I am an Internet person, I live in the spirit of time and nothing breaks me in this time. My LJ blog has a huge number of young friends, 18-19 year old readers. This means that something attracts them to me, if they read me, write me letters, consult with me. Sometimes I even suggest where it is better for them to go, which institute, I give advice to someone in their personal life, they do not run to their parents, but to me. This means that they trust me and feel that I understand them, that we are contemporaries.

At the end of 1991, the production duo Viktor Dorokhin and Lyubov Voropaeva broke off relations with singer Zhenya Belousov. needed new soloist, which would correspond to the trends of the times - after all, together with Soviet era The popularity of Disco Perestroika was ending. At that time, the trendy trend was hip-hop, whose popularity reached Russia just by the beginning of the 90s. And the name of the project was given by the super hit of the American company Mattel - the Barbie doll, cherished dream every Soviet girl!


Without exaggeration, Viktor Dorokhin and Lyubov Voropaeva can be called one of the very first professional Soviet producers! The family union of the ex-drummer of the VIA “Singing Hearts” and a professional poetess became the basis for a creative union. And the advent of the synthesizer era made it possible to create first-class hits literally without leaving home!

Before that, they had already recorded several successful hits for Ekaterina Semyonova, Ksenia Georgiadi and Roxana Babayan, but their most successful project undoubtedly there was Zhenya Belousov, who chose the career of a rock musician in the group “Integral” over the path of a pop idol, the favorite of a million Soviet girls– blue-eyed people and more!

Viktor Dorokhin’s rich family had the latest synthesizers and drum machines (his foreign colleagues were working on the same ones at that time), and he was also the proud owner of a Commodore A1000 multimedia computer. A clear electronic rhythm combined with a powerful guitar solo (as you know, Belousov was a professional bassist) became the basis of Dorokhin’s signature sound! And although today the sound of retro synthesizers like the Yamaha DX-11 seems archaic, it is simply impossible to imagine “Blue-Eyed Girl” and “Night Taxi” in any other arrangement!

“Vitya was essentially the first real producer in our country”

All profits were divided fairly in half. But for Voropaeva and Dorokhin, Zhenya was more than a partner. Having no children of their own, they took care of him as if they were their own son. They took their responsibilities as creative “parents” seriously - through American friends living in Moscow they received Western magazines for professional musicians and producers to stay informed the latest trends world show business. A linguist by training, she spoke excellent English and constantly translated new books and articles for her husband.

In commercial terms, cooperation with Belousov was very successful, although not very fruitful. Viktor Vasilyevich worked alone in his studio, so in two years only seven songs were recorded. The once warm relationship also fell apart. Zhenya was increasingly burdened by strict control - not only creative, but also personal. The singer's problems with alcohol, aggravated by increasing depression, eventually led to a break in the relationship. Zhenya’s new producer was Igor Matvienko, who at that time was working with the Lyube group, and Voropaeva and Dorokhin urgently needed new artist, because by that time producing had become their main income...

ABC of love

In 1991, the idea of ​​creating a large-scale project “The ABC of Love” was born. At first it was conceived as a kind of “Star Factory” - a production center for young and aspiring talents. The casting was announced through the newspaper. The requirements for candidates were not very typical: high efficiency, sociability, kindness, sincerity...

Dance and vocal teachers worked with the children, raising them to be future stars. But the growing economic crisis buried good initiatives. There was no money to pay for the rent of the premises. Of all the children, 16-year-old Moscow schoolgirl Marina Volkova was chosen - a girl with a doll-like appearance and good vocal abilities.

“I was small, stupid, but beautiful.”

(Marina Volkova)

“We nurtured her like loved one, hired teachers, brought clothes from America... I even ran to her market for cottage cheese when I was putting her on a diet before an important performance. They didn’t let her go on tour alone, they protected her from intimate attacks from the organizers. They wanted to make it real big star» .

Having barely embraced the new “daughter” in their strong creative embrace, the producers got down to business. Soon the magnetic album “Hip-Hop Barbie” was recorded. To promote it, Dorokhin and Voropaeva connected all the promotion mechanisms available to them, with which they last years have mastered it almost perfectly!

The choice turned out to be extremely successful: a beautiful and undoubtedly charismatic girl instantly turned the room on. She may not have sung like Margarita Sukhankina, but she was emotional and sincere – perhaps the most accurate epithet would be the nickname “lighter”, which one of the Internet commentators awarded her!

The future film director and then still aspiring video maker Fedya Bondarchuk shot a video clip for the song “Try it on.” happy face”(the producers themselves played small roles in it, playing strict parents), which was included in the rotation of the new commercial TV channel 2x2. The same song was included in the collection of the Soyuz studio No. 4, and its notes, along with a color poster, were published by the Peasant magazine under the heading “At your request.” At first next year Barbie appeared on the prestigious Ostankino hit parade (it was held instead of “Song of the Year - 92”), as well as on the TV game “Limpopo”.

“Mask, open! It's not fair. I agree not to touch yours marital status, but at least tell me the name"

(From a letter from a Barbie fan to Peasant Woman magazine).

Of course, no one knew the real name of the “star” then. This is sung in the song “Hip-Hop Barbie”: “I have no secrets, only my name is a secret, but in a few years I will reveal my secret.”

Barbie was not alone. There was a whole galaxy of young people working in the hip-hop style back then. Russian musicians- by today's standards, still quite teenagers. Lika MC and Vzglyad MC, Igor Seliverstov and Bachelor Party, Black and White and Master Laki, and Barbie fits perfectly into the pop crowd post-Soviet Russia, where the widespread cult of America and the fashion for bikers reigned, leather jackets with studs, multi-colored leggings (“the loins are damn good”) and torn dumplings...

"The standard of vulgarity"

Almost all the songs from the first album instantly became hits. However, today texts like “come to me, teacher, I’ll teach you how to kiss” would cause indignation among many advocates of traditional values. But this was the key to success! An eccentric rebel, and at the same time, oddly enough, very romantic, Barbie was collective image Moscow schoolgirl, who has not yet decided on life position, whose main guideline in the stormy sea of ​​life was love...

Four years earlier, when Dorokhin and Voropaeva were just trying themselves as producers, the texts for Zhenya Belousov did not work out for a long time. The gap between the lyrics of an adult lady and the “Moscow mischievous reveler” was too great. And the stereotypes of the past were still alive, Soviet stage. The texts turned out to be serious and were instantly rejected by both the husband and the artist...

Then, as if in revenge, Voropaeva wrote the most vulgar thing that, in her opinion, she was capable of - the song “My Blue-Eyed Girl,” and, oddly enough, it was received with a bang! It was followed by others: “Golden Domes”, “Little Liar”, “Forget Me, Forget” for which some considered Belousov “the standard of vulgarity”, others - their idol for life. The same scheme was used with Barbie and it worked again! Of course it wasn't hip-hop pure form, rather a commercial pop version of it, and a very Russian one at that. However, there were many similar “white” hip-hop projects on American MTV at that time, on whose videos Voropaeva and Dorokhin learned the basics of the style.

Following the first album, the second “Watch with a Secret” was recorded, the sensual lyrics of the title track of which, according to the author, are one of best works Lyubov Voropaeva.

It is worth mentioning separately about Marina’s movements: today they cause nothing but bewilderment - it seems that her body does not know peace for a second, and only for long close-ups save the situation a little. But this also expressed the signature style of Dorokhin and Voropaeva - Zhenya Belousov moved in approximately the same way, performing his “ Night taxi"in a red suit with sequined epaulettes. Without further ado, we can assume that these knees and jumps were supposed to imitate some kind of dance by Michael Iosifovich Jackson (in the case of Barbie, MC Hammer and the newfangled movements of Robocop and Running man were probably added to them). But if every Michael Jackson dance was choreographed the best choreographers world, and months of exhausting training were devoted to its rehearsals, in the case of Zhenya and Barbie it was more of a posturing, and even Valery Leontiev would have given them both a huge head start.

“I admit, she sang and moved terribly, but she had charisma - she lifted the audience with her energy.”

But not spoiled by spectacular performances, the Russian public accepted this with a bang, because no one really knew “how to do it.” According to the recollections of some readers, in the wake of her popularity, Marina appeared in the program “Under 16 and Over,” where she gave a master class in hip-hop dancing!

Where did Barbie go?

Barbie can safely be called the “crown” of professionalism of Dorokhin and Voropaeva! Never before have Viktor Vasilyevich’s arrangements sounded so complete and flawless, but along with quality came quantity - if in two years only seven songs were recorded for Zhenya Belousov, then for Barbie in one year - as many as ten!

But having flashed very brightly, the star went out just as quickly, disappearing forever from the musical horizon. Her first-class dance hits were played at Russian discos for a long time, but no one remembered who performed them - either Nick or Lika MC? The producers told the press about the reasons for the separation, although their versions differ somewhat...

“...she repaid us with black ingratitude. You see, the hormones started playing in her. Somewhere on the subway I met a guy - and off we go...

...she was two and a half hours late for her solo concert at the most fashionable nightclub of those years, “Carousel” on Tverskaya, we terminated the contract with her. There were few nightclubs at that time, and people gathered specifically for it; all the places were sold out. And our girl came straight from her bed, all disheveled, and she had to go on stage and work for two hours... After she sang the entire program with grief, Victor and I took her home and told her that our contract was no longer there. That's it... Working with girls goes fruitfully until the first man. Whoever loves the girl dances. That's why I don't like working with girls. I prefer cooperation with men."

“She had a stellar future and career ahead of her. And she got married and terminated the contract.”

(Victor Dorokhin)

Barbie was the last major project of Dorokhin and Voropaeva. The following year, 1994, they will become the founders Russian Association music producers(RAMP).

As for Barbie, that is, Marina Volkova, then about her for a long time no one heard anything. There were ominous rumors on the Internet that Marina had divorced and was living in a tiny Khrushchev-era apartment with her mother in the Sviblovo area, where she was literally drinking herself to death.

The few articles about the singer (mostly collections of ephemera from the 90s) simply copied these rumors from each other, without bothering to track down Marina and ask her for a first-hand interview. Only in 2013, 20 years later, Marina Volkova appeared on air talk show Malakhov“Let Them Talk” with the symbolic title “Your Song is Sung,” where she finally spoke about the reasons for breaking up with strict “parents” and who was the first to break off the relationship.

“I was forbidden to meet young people, neither girlfriends nor friends, that is, there was no one. Only work and only producers. They gradually drove me crazy, and I decided how much I could push me and decided to end it there.”

(Marina Volkova)

So, the song " Bad Boys" turned out to be prophetic. But were Barbie's future prospects in show business so rosy? We all remember well how short the age of singers of the 90s was, most of whom were protégés of famous bandits and businessmen. If not in 93, her career could have ended in the same way in 94 - and in a completely natural way. For a girl raised in a Soviet school, love, not career and money, came first, and she preferred freedom - personal and creative - to a golden cage. Her stage image– a brave rebel who lives by love, turned out to be not fake, she played herself.

Barbie walked away undefeated, before she outlived her fame and became a laughing stock for her past. The generation of the 90s will forever remember her as a young and sexy nymphet, and not as a low-cut lady over forty with silicone lips and pigment spots on a flabby neck - such characters, alas, are becoming too many on the rapidly aging Russian stage.

Like the ex-members of the group Tender May, she only briefly touched another, better life, after which she found herself thrown into the harsh post-Soviet reality. Such withdrawal does not pass without a trace. In the talk show “Let Them Talk,” Marina admitted that problems with alcohol did occur, but she successfully dealt with them. Today she is an ordinary Muscovite who works as the secretary of the general director, and only her neighbors in the yard know about her stellar past, still seeing her off with the forgotten nickname “Barbie”...