New gems soloists composition. Biography

The first dates of the ensemble’s existence: from 1971 to 1992. And in 1995, the work of the truly legendary group, “Gems,” was resumed. The ensemble was formed by the famous artist Yuri Malikov. By the way, in 2007 he was awarded the title of People's. The composition of the team was constantly changing. In the article we will talk about the lives of both former and current participants.

The ensemble recently celebrated its 35th anniversary. In honor of this, a new project “NEW Gems” was launched, which included younger and more promising stars of the modern scene. But now this team is of little interest to anyone, neither the previous generation nor the current one. More interest is shown in the good old ensemble, whose members are discussed below.

So, the composition of the group “Gems”:

  • Elena Petrovna Presnyakova.
  • Alexander Sergeevich Nefedov.
  • Oleg Minasovich Sleptsov.
  • Georgy Vasilievich Vlasenko.
  • Yuri Fedorovich Malikov.
  • Irina Vasilievna Shachneva.
  • Valery Vadimovich Belyanin.
  • Grigory Rubtsov.
  • Sergey Ukhnalev.
  • Sergey Anatolyevich Kuznetsov.

Former members:

  • Vladimir Presnyakov Sr.
  • Andrey Sapunov.
  • Vitaly Bogdanov.
  • Vladimir Vinokur.
  • Anatoly Mogilevsky.
  • Arkady Khoralov.
  • Alexander Barykin.
  • Vyacheslav Dobrynin.
  • Alexey Glyzin.
  • Vladimir Kuzmin.
  • Valery Khabazin.
  • Sergei Belikov.
  • Valentin Dyakonov.
  • Dmitry Malikov.

Yuri Fedorovich Malikov

Yuri was born on June 6, 1943. He graduated from a technical school in Podolia, and then from a music school. From his youth he toured a lot and was always closely connected with art. For some period he became very interested in jazz and even participated in an ensemble.

In 1965, Malikov entered the conservatory. Almost 10 years later he graduated from it and after a short period of time became the director of the Gems ensemble.

Dmitry Malikov is the son of Yuri, the successor of the musical dynasty, but he was never a member of his father’s team.

Elena Petrovna Presnyakova

Elena Presnyakova is known to many natives of the Soviet Union. Received secondary education in 1965; During the same period, she began working in the Philharmonic ensemble. She married Vladimir Presnyakov Sr. in 1966. And from then to this day, their life has been inseparable. They participate in projects together.

She joined the Gems group in 1975 and still works as a soloist. But this is not where her career began. Everything happened much earlier. Before Elena joined Gems, she performed in other ensembles. For example, I worked for Gyulli Chokheli.

She was invited to the legendary team by Yuri Malikov (the creator) along with her husband. In 2002, the artist received the title of Honored. At a time when Gems were not active, she often helped her son Vladimir in his music programs.

Valery Vadimovich Belyanin

Became a graduate of a creative workshop. He took vocal lessons from Georgy Vinogradov. Previously, he was a member of the “Watercolor” and “Flame” ensembles, and now he works with the famous “Gems”.

Born May 16, 1953. People started talking about him when he began performing with his colleagues in the Vityazi ensemble. He did not participate in “Aquarelle” for long - only a year in 1977. He worked in “Flame” for ten years - from 1979. In the early 90s, he declared himself as a composer and performer of independently written texts. And he came to Gems in 1997 and is still a member of the team.

Alexander Sergeevich Nefedov

Alexander graduated from music school. He is a professional vocalist. Before Alexander Nefedov joined Gems in 1980, he performed in another ensemble called Guitars Sing. Can play drums and rhythm guitar. During the period when Gems stopped their activities for a while, he confidently pursued solo promotion. In 1992, a press poll was held about the best singers in Russia, Alexander entered the top ten of the list.

Sergey Anatolyevich Kuznetsov

Born on June 21, 1954 in the Russian capital. He worked as an aspiring actor in a puppet studio. The army was performed in a song and dance ensemble.

He joined Gems in 1977, where he still works. He performed a huge number of parodies of many artists. He is an honored figure of one of the republics of Uzbekistan.

Irina Vasilievna Shachneva

Irina Shachneva was born 65 years ago, on January 30. She received her education at school and at GITIS. Malikov initially invited her as a soloist in Gems. After the collapse of the first authentic composition of the ensemble, she took part in its development in 1995 and continues to work in this group to this day. He is also an honorary member of the Russian Union of Musicians.

Sergei Grigorievich Belikov

Federation was born in the Moscow region on October 25, 1954. After graduating from music school, he began working in the theater. He was accepted into the Araks team. Around the same time, he entered the Institute of Culture to become a music teacher.

He was invited to join “Gems” in 1976, but a year later he left the team and returned to the previously abandoned group. From 1974 to 1980 he participated in famous theater productions. Closer to '81 he returns to Gems. Four years later he begins his solo career.

Good attitude towards football. He is a member of the pop star team, where he plays the role of scorer.

Oleg Minasovich Sleptsov

Oleg Sleptsov began his career at the age of 3, when he took part in shows of fashion designers originally from the USSR and France. This first happened in 1957. Already in 1960, he received a role in the film “Three Hours on the Road,” which was filmed by Mosfilm. He has quite a large number of diplomas under his belt: he graduated from the academy, college and graduate school. All of his specialties are related to music. In 1991, he decided to create the “Television Pop Show” group, while simultaneously working with Dmitry Malikov’s team. And he joined the Gems group in 1981.

Vladimir Petrovich Presnyakov

Vladimir was born in the Lviv region. His parents were musicians, so he is a continuator of family traditions. He is now 70 years old (born March 26, 1946).

The elder had a hard time in the 1970s. A provocative article was published about him, which spoke about his “vile” repertoire. As a result, the artist was not hired literally anywhere, even in amateur performances. Malikov became his salvation. He invited him to VIA Gems. Yuri could not do without such a talented saxophonist and arranger as Presnyakov, so he gladly took him and his wife into the band that was being created.

However, the artist did not stay in the ensemble for long and left it without unnecessary scandals in the late 80s. This is due to the son’s attempts to start a solo activity. Vladimir Presnyakov Sr. decided to help him and began working as a saxophonist for him.

Andrey Borisovich Sapunov

Andrey is now 59 years old (born October 20, 1956). Since childhood, he and his brother played in an ensemble. After he graduated from school, he entered the Institute of Fisheries, and a little later continued his studies at the Energy Institute. But after a while I quit. He served in the army, where he fell in love with playing the guitar, like Alexander Nefedov. After demobilization, he worked for a little less than a year in the team. In 1979-1983. studied at school. At the very beginning of my studies I started working in the “Sunday” group. After the band broke up, Andrei finally decides to get a higher musical education. For two years from 1984 he worked at VIA “Gems”. After the termination of the contract, he participated in the activities of the Lotos group.

Vitaly Anatolyevich Bogdanov

Vitaly became the participant that every Russian now knows about. He is now 62 years old (born October 6, 1953). The years in which Vitaly was a member of the group, unfortunately, are unknown. And the biography itself remains a mystery; only a few facts appear in the press periodically. Now Bogdanov works in the State Duma. He is one of the members of the Council of the Russian Federation. I communicated well with such an artist as Alexander Nefedov.

Valentin Mikhailovich Dyakonov

He was educated at the Gnessin School. He has been working with Gems since 1971. After the collapse of the team, he collaborated with VIA “Plamya”. In 1978 he began his solo career.

Vladimir Natanovich Vinokur

Vladimir Natanovich comes from a Jewish family. His father was quite famous in the artist’s hometown - Kursk. Vinokur is 68 years old (born March 31, 1948).

People first started talking about Vladimir in 1962, when he sang a composition at an international competition and received first place for it. By the way, the gold medal was presented to him by Yuri Gagarin himself.

While studying at the assembly college, I tried to enter GITIS. Although he passed all the vocal rounds with a bang, he was not finally accepted due to the fact that he did not have documents about secondary education. He re-entered in 1969, while in the army. The decisive years in his life were 1973-1975. It was during this period that he met Yuri Nikulin and worked in the circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard. In his fourth year, he gets a job at the Moscow Operetta Theater.

Vinokur joined the Gems team in 1975, as did Elena Presnyakova. Two years later he received a prize at the All-Russian Artists' Competition. And since then he has been conducting solo activities.

Arkady Dmitrievich Khoralov

Now Arkady is 65 years old (born January 26, 1961). He went to first grade in Melitopol. He graduated from school with honors. Along with compulsory education, he also received additional education - music. Can play the piano. In the same locality he graduated from the Institute of Agricultural Mechanization. Khoralov is a promising athlete. He was involved in athletics and football at a young age.

Before working in the Gems ensemble, he was active in several not so popular groups. Here he was a soloist since 1976. After the collapse of the group, he did not return for the second time.

Anatoly Isaakovich Mogilevsky

He studied at the local music school since 1995, but, unfortunately, was expelled. This happened due to the fact that Mogilevsky tried to combine study with work. In 1964 he received a place in one of the best restaurants in the Baltics, Lido.

In the summer of 1967, Anatoly was invited to audition for the VIO-66 orchestra. And already in the fall of this year he became a full-fledged soloist.

The father of such a famous artist as Dmitry Malikov, Yuri, took Mogilevsky to “Gems” in 1972. He recorded several hits with the group, but by the end of 1975, due to strong disagreements with the leader, almost all the soloists left the ensemble and founded their own - VIA "Flame".

Alexander Alexandrovich Barykin

Unfortunately, Alexander Barykin left our world at the age of 53 (born February 18, 1952). Since childhood I have been associated with music. He graduated from music school, and in high school he organized his own group.

I had already graduated from the institute in absentia, since I was unable to study full-time due to my busy schedule.

He joined the Gems team in 1976, but left it a year later, even before the arrival of such an excellent artist as Oleg Sleptsov. Working in this ensemble was one of his first attempts to break into the stage. It was after this that Alexander was able to get back on his feet and worked tirelessly. He often wrote poetry. Even being seriously ill, he still never refused to perform. In 2011, after a concert, he had a heart attack, and by morning the artist died. According to eyewitnesses, he had difficulty finishing the last songs.

Georgy Vasilievich Vlasenko

Georgy Vlasenko worked with many once famous Soviet groups that performed on the stage. He is a talented graduate of one of the Kharkov conservatories. He always arranges the songs; plays the keyboard and also tutors. His first professional appearance on stage took place in 1975 at the Philharmonic. He often wrote music for films produced by Mosfilm. Georgy was included in the Gems group twice. The first - from 1985 to 1987, the second - from 1995 to the present day.

Vyacheslav Grigorievich (Galustovich) Dobrynin

The People's Artist, known as a soloist and composer, celebrated his 70th birthday this year (born January 25, 1946). His parents were military men. It so happened that he had never seen Galust Petrosyan’s father (at the front they called him Grigory).

After graduating from school, Dobrynin entered Moscow State University. After some time, he began teaching at the same educational institution.

Vyacheslav's singing career began in 1989. Yuri Malikov invited Dobrynin to join his team. For a long time he wrote songs for the Gems ensemble, and performed some of them himself. The singer's solo career also turned out quite successfully.

Alexey Sergeevich Glyzin

Glyzin is now 54 years old (born January 13, 1954). Along with his general education, he also received a musical piano degree. I didn’t finish school; after the 8th grade I transferred to a technical school. He left this educational institution and began working in an ensemble.

He studied full-time at the Institute of Culture. Before going to work at Gems, he was a soloist in the Dobry Well Done ensemble. He moved to Yuri Malikov in 1977, but did not last more than 12 months. After him he moved to “Rhythm”, which accompanied the pop star Alla Pugacheva.

For nine years he was the lead singer of “Merry Guys”. In this group he performed quite a lot of hits. His career is very successful: he has released many albums and several collections of songs.

“Gems” - This will never happen again.

The history of the Gems ensemble begins, perhaps, with Yuri Fedorovich Malikov. An experienced, excellent musician who graduated from the Moscow Conservatory as a double bassist, he decided to create a new vocal and instrumental ensemble. In fact, at that time there were already too many such groups around the country. So, that’s why we decided to make a new sound that would distinguish them from other VIAs...

Yuri Malikov’s musical preferences for jazz did not in any way affect the style of “Gems”. In fact, his favorite piece was the music from the American film Sun Valley Serenade with Glenn Miller's orchestra. Of course, I liked Ellington, Charlie Parker, and Benny Goodman. And from Soviet jazz, Yuri Malikov certainly noted conductor Oleg Lundstrem, trumpeter Eddie Rosner and singer Leonid Utesov.

Participation in the jazz trio of the famous jazz pianist and composer Alexander Tartakovsky is an interesting page in the beginning of the creative path of the then young musician. Nikolai Mikhailov (real name Rappoport) played drums in the trio. The trio's repertoire included romantic plays by Alexander Ioganovich Tartakovsky himself, as well as Dave Brubeck, Irwin Berlin, John Kern and other masters of American jazz.

Yuri Malikov's passion for jazz gradually turned into an interest in pop music. Work in the accompanying compositions of singers Joseph Kobzon and Oleg Anofriev already in 1968-1969. allowed me to dream about VIA singing and playing at the same time. True, there were already “Singing Guitars”, “Orera”, “Pesnyary”.... Therefore, the goal was to create something different from what had already been created and bring in our own bright and memorable sound.

The dream of "Gems" came true in Japan
Already performing as part of an instrumental ensemble accompanying the singer, film actor and composer Oleg Anofriev, the musicians began to think about a new group. Oleg Anofriev at that time sang fashionable songs from films, and also composed his own. For example, the fairly well-known “What is a song without a button accordion.” In our opinion, the singer’s most popular work was his performance of the song in the children’s cartoon “The Town Musicians of Bremen.”

The melodic song “There is nothing better in the world than wandering with friends around the world...” by composer Gennady Gladkov with lyrics by Yuri Entin, as it were, determined the path to making a dream come true. The musicians decided to take the name for the new ensemble from the cartoon of the same name.

VIA "Bremen Town Musicians" consisting of: bass guitarist Yuri Malikov, drummer Nikolai Mikhailov (Rappoport), guitarist Vyacheslav Antonov (later a famous composer and shlya-germeister), pianist Gleb May, vocalist Eduard Krolik and solo guitarist Alexei Puzyrev - by the will of fate did not happen with this name. The arts councils would definitely prohibit it. So they did it simply: they first appeared as a VIA under the leadership of Yuri Malikov, the main Komsomol member of Mosconcert and also a student at the conservatory, and then a graduate of its anniversary, 100th graduation.

Perhaps this contributed, and the young musician of the accompanying group, as part of the Soviet cultural delegation, went to magical Japan, already famous for its radio equipment. The international trade exhibition EXPO-70 was held there.

During his eight months in the land of the rising sun, Yuri Malikov managed to save up for equipment for the ensemble. Thus, we managed to bring fifteen containers to Moscow with our own money. And there are speakers, amplifiers, microphones, electric guitars and an electric organ.

At that time, Mosconcert already included “Blue Guitars” by Igor Granov and “Jolly Fellows” by Pavel Slobodkin, who invited Yuri Malikov to their composition. I just wanted to create a new team, which happened later. The average age of the ensemble musicians was 25 years. The first repertoire of VIA under the direction of Yuri Malikov included various songs about love, youth and war.

“Fog” from the film “Chronicle of a Dive Bomber” was performed for the first time in the ensemble by pianist Gleb Mai. While the rehearsal period was going on, Yuri Malikov continued recruiting for the ensemble on a competitive basis. He himself preferred to sing and play bass guitar in the ensemble. But they invited musicians to the ensemble through acquaintances, already knowing their abilities. For example, Slava Antonov (Dobrynin), a graduate of the vocal department of the Gnessin School, Irina Shachneva, brought her.

When Yuri Malikov asked her to perform something, she performed songs in English and French. Irina sang one of her favorite songs, “Oh, my dove,” then it was fashionable to perform foreign works. She was very surprised when Yuri Malikov asked her to sing in Russian. Irina coped with this very well, accompanying herself on the piano.

In the group I began to sing and play the electric organ a little. Ira diligently forced the male team to practice solfeggio. However, she did not come alone, but with her husband Alexei Shachnev. He became the sound engineer of the new ensemble. Also from Gnesinsky, a wonderful vocalist Valentin Dyakonov with a soft lyrical timbre of his voice came to Yuri Malikov’s team.

Singer Anatoly Mogilevsky has already worked in the vocal and instrumental ensemble “Sovremennik” by Viktor Vekshtein, who worked at the Kaluga Philharmonic. Trumpeter, vocalist and pianist, colorful in appearance, with a mustache, Gennady Zharkov, and a wonderful saxophonist, arranger, also playing the piano and electric organ, Sergei Berezin. Both from the fairly well-known professional VIA “Silver Guitars” immediately took their places.

Nikolai Mikhailov, the first drummer of the ensemble, was already in the group from the very first steps and helped in its creative formation. He was also an experienced musician and managed to work in various accompanying ensembles. Singer and saxophonist Yuri Peterson was invited from the first “star” line-up of “Jolly Guys”. There he sang a song about a girl, “It's Easy to Fall in Love” and many others.

As part of the Gems, he also began to play the flute and electric organ. They came to “Gems” together with director Mikhail Plotkin, a wonderful producer and a man who worked with pop singer Emil Gorovets and raised the popularity ratings of the “Jolly Fellows” ensemble. But the young talented solo guitarist Valery Seleznev was invited by telegram when he was touring in Rostov with Silver Guitars.

His guitar solos fit brightly into the musical palette of “Gems”. He also famously played the balalaika and made signature arrangements - “The Rains Came”, “Black-Browed Maiden”. Valentin Dyakonov began playing and singing rhythm guitar. Saxophonist and vocalist Tigran Aslamazyan worked for a very short time. He is in the first star photograph.

The ensemble also featured a wonderful young jazz musician, laureate of the Tallinn-67 jazz festival, Yuri Genbachev, on drums. The musicians of the very first lineup went about their business. Vocalist Eduard Krolik created the vocal quartet “Lada”, which later became VIA and released several interesting records. However, he helped with the vocal arrangements for the Gems.

Pianist Gleb Mai took up serious symphonic music and even in the late 70s composed the rock oratorio “Confession” for the group “Araks” based on the poems of Yevgeny Yevtushenko. Alexey Puzyrev became a guitarist and arranger in “Jolly Fellows”; I remember his wonderful solos on the disc “Love is a Huge Country”.

Mark Fradkin, Mikhail Plyatskovsky “I’ll take you to the tundra”

The first performance of the ensemble took place on July 31, 1971 on the stage of the summer veranda of the Hermitage Theater-Garden, on Bolshoi Karetny in Moscow. A small number of spectators gathered on this warm summer evening to simply relax and listen to music. This was the beginning, and at that time it was impossible to compare them with the “Jolly Fellows” or “Blue Guitars”, which were already gathering huge stadiums.

The performance of a concert number in a large pop concert, which was hosted by the greatest entertainer Boris Brunov, was liked by the audience. At first, the black suits of the “Gems” were in harmony with the light painted Russian shirts. It should be noted that later these were light, bright suits with patterned embroidery.

The first ideological inspirer of the young ensemble, songwriter Mikhail Spartakovich Plyatskovsky, once brought Yuri Malikov to the variety program “Comrade Kino” at the “October” cinema and concert hall on Kalinin Avenue (today’s New Arbat). There he introduced them to the wonderful Soviet composer Mark Grigorievich Fradkin.

During the meeting, a creative tandem emerged. Although Mark Fradkin had doubts about whether anything would come of it. The fact is that the composer then composed mainly music for military ensembles, such as for the “twice Red Banner named after Alexandrov.” After meeting with the composer, the musicians of the newly created group began to sing along with the author at his creative evenings. These were mainly Mark Fradkin's songs from films.

For VIA, under the leadership of Yuri Malikov, the song “I’ll take you to the tundra” was invented. And the history of creation is quite simple.

The poet Mikhail Plyatskovsky often traveled to the North as part of artistic propaganda teams. Then the poems appeared, and Mark Fradkin came up with a wonderful melody. They became the first performers. After them, various performers included the song in their repertoire. In particular, in the 70s it was also performed by the duet of Alexey Kuznetsov and Lev Polosin, and in the 90s in the television film “Old Songs about the Main Thing” by the group “Na-Na” led by Bari Alibasov.

Pop singer and Honored Artist of Yakutia Kola Beldy performed this song at the television festival “Song-72”, instead of “Gems”. However, the government of the Republic of Udmurtia awarded the head of the ensemble, Yuri Malikov, the title of Honored Artist, precisely for this song. The first premiere of the song took place in the Sunday radio program “Good Morning” on August 8, 1971. Along with the song “I’ll take you to the tundra,” the Russian folk song “Will I go, will I go out” was also performed.

The young ensemble, still without a name, was introduced by the editor of the radio program, Era Kudenko. It also asked listeners to come up with a name for VIA. More than a thousand of them were issued and one of them: “Eight men and one girl.” However, the most important thing was already suggested by the lines from the song where it was sung: “We will collect as many “Gems” as you want...” This is how the name appeared, and then the first flexible gramophone record was released, on which all four songs became favorites throughout the country.

And this is “I’ll take you to the tundra” by Mark Fradkin to the words of Mikhail Plyatskovsky, “School Ball” by Sergei Dyachkov to the words of the leading author of scripts for pop concerts, songwriter Pavel Leonidov, “Willow” by Eduard Khank with a clear imitation of the Ukrainian hit “Chervonne Ruta” ”, as well as the lovely “Good Omens” by Mark Fradkin and the poet Evgeniy Dolmatovsky. Regarding “Verba” and “Charivna Boykivchanka”, performed in Ukrainian, it is worth adding that it was made specifically for the ensemble’s tour of the cities of Western Ukraine.

"Gems" begins to be shown on television. In the “Rural Hour” program they perform “I’ll Take You to the Tundra”, in the television festivals “My address is the Soviet Union”, “Beyond the Clouds”, “Near the village of Kryukovo” and “This will never happen again”. Particularly popular at that time was the song “Dovedove” by the then young Novosibirsk composer Oleg Ivanov, who had already composed the popular song “So that a comrade carries friendship over the waves,” based on the verses of the famous Soviet classical poet Alexander Prokofiev.

Although the first performers of “Gorlitsa” were VIA “Lada,” VIA “Gems” also began to perform this song beautifully. The team also fell in love with another song by the author, “Song, My Song.” For the first time, it was performed and recorded by “Merry Guys”.

A number of new songs are heard on the radio - “Young-Green” by the Moscow composer Sergei Tomin, “The Crew is One Family” by Leningrader Stanislav Pozhlakov, “Arctic Ocean” by Muscovite and editor of Yunost radio Rudolf Manukov, who worked at the Yunost radio station, who donated “Gems” also has “Black-Browed Maiden”, but already in half with “Jolly Fellows”. Some have electronic processing, others have acoustics. Quite original and cute options.

In concerts, the audience wonderfully accepts two lyrical ballads “Ivushka” and “Fairy” performed by soloist Valentin Dyakonov (his own
compositions) with acoustic guitar. Yugoslav singer Ivica Šerfezi asked for “Ivushka” to be added to his repertoire. The cycle of songs “Rus” by Yuri Peterson, written by him based on the poems of Sergei Yesenin, will also be heard. One of these songs was performed by the Czechoslovak pop singer Miroslav Licko at the Melodies of Friends-75 festival.

Undoubtedly, “My Home is Russia” by Sergei Dyachkov with lyrics by Leonid Derbenev sounds solemn. How can one not also recall “Ruslan and Lyudmila” by composer Evgeny Filippov with lyrics by Ilya Reznik.

Servfim Tulikov - “This will never happen again”

The song “This Never Happens Again” about a school window and first love did not appear in the repertoire by chance. It was the songwriter Mikhail Plyatskovsky, the author of the words in “I’ll Take You to the Tundra,” who once told Yuri Malikov that there was still a good song. Its author, the wonderful Soviet composer Seraphim Tulikov, composed songs about the Motherland, the party, and Soviet youth.

He also had works of symphonic music. Only the song genre attracted the author more, so his memorable works based on poems by various poets appeared on radio and records. In fact, “This Never Happens Again” has two versions of the text. The first is completely different, it was intended for singer Larisa Mondrus, who never performed the song.

When “Gems” made their version, together with Mikhail Plyatskovsky they came to the composer Seraphim Tulikov and showed the song. Before this, he had never worked with youth vocal and instrumental ensembles and therefore doubted for a long time whether anything would work out. At first he even said when he heard the performance of “This will never happen again” by “Gems” that this was not his song. Only Mikhail Plyatskovsky and Yuri Malikov proved that “I’ll Take You to the Tundra” was a success.

The composer's daughter Alice came to the rescue. She convinced everyone and “Gems” became the first performers of the song. Subsequently, other VIA performed songs by Seraphim Tulikov. These are VIA “Blue Guitars” (“Good Well done”), VIA “Leisya, song!” (“The Last Letter”), as well as “Good fellows”, “Syabry”, “Flame”. A few years later, “Gems” performed another successful song by Seraphim Tulikov, “Bam’s Waltz.” Only this was a different period of creativity, with different songs and musicians.

The first giant disc of the Gems ensemble was released in early 1973. The first signal numbers appeared in ordinary envelopes for sixty rubles. The songs were already quite well known to everyone, since they had previously been released on small records. But the previously unpublished “Black-Browed Maiden” was perhaps an exception.

When the disc came out in a gift envelope, three songs “School Ball”, “Snowflake” and “Song, My Song” disappeared from it. The fact is that it was at that time that the author of the words of these songs, Pavel Leonidov, left for permanent residence in the United States. Therefore, the Melodiya company excluded all of his songs from the released records. Emigration in those years was considered a betrayal of the Motherland.

“Gems” sang Zinovy ​​Binkin’s song “We are building the BAM” and saw off the first builders of the Baikal-Amur Mainline. The musicians took part in a concert on Komsomolskaya Square, where thousands of young enthusiasts were preparing to leave to develop the taiga lands. There, the former Secretary General of the Soviet Union Leonid Ilyich Brezhnev heard “Gems” for the first time.

"Gems" With songs all over the world

A trip to the GDR (German Democratic Republic) to the international song festival “Dresden-72” (October, 1972) as guests of honor was the first trip abroad for the Gems. The musicians recorded eight songs at the German Amiga recording studio. A giant disc was released, and a film about “Gems” was made on television. There was also the popular “Chervona Ruta”.

And then there was Czechoslovakia and a big photograph in the local music magazine Melodiya. There the name of the ensemble sounded in Czech as “Precious Stones”. But in 1973, “Gems” represented the Soviet Union at the X World Festival of Youth and Students in Berlin. There, on the same stage, the artists of “Gems” performed in the same program with our popular Dean Reed, “Pesnyary”, and VIA “Yalla”.

Especially for this, they prepared Vladimir Shainsky’s song “Friendship-Freundschaft”, where the first verse was sung in German. Composition “No to war!” guitarist Valery Seleznev, against the war in Vietnam. There, a song by Sergei Berezin based on the verses of Sergei Ostrovoy “The Tale of the Earth” was performed. At this festival, “Gems” together with the Estonian ensemble “Laine” performed a new song by composer Gennady Podelsky to the words of Lev Oshanin “We are from the same globe.” And at the Intertalant festival in Prague, the ensemble’s soloist Valentin Dyakonov was awarded a special prize for his performance of Mark Fradkin’s song “For That Guy.”

In 1974 they took part in the “International Musical Spring” program in Czechoslovakia. Large tour of Argentina, Peru and other Latin American countries as part of the Soviet cultural delegation (January 1975). In a program called "My Address - Soviet Union", the Samotsvety performed their best songs.

There were many tours to Bulgaria, Poland and Cuba. On these foreign trips, the musicians acquired new musical instruments, microphones, and Valery Seleznev constantly brought various guitar gadgets, wahs and fuzzes.

On one popular small gramophone record “Vocal and Instrumental Ensembles of the World” VIA “Gems” were presented along with the Beatles, Creedence and Shocking Blue. Only it was incognito in those days and all the presented groups were encrypted under VIA England, USA, Holland and the USSR. Ryzhikov, editor-in-chief of the Melodiya company, preferred to make this option. Otherwise, the artistic councils would not have missed this.

“Gems” performed Vyacheslav Dobrynin’s rock-blues ballad “If We Are Together.” And the soloists of the ensemble, Irina Shachneva and Anatoly Mogilevsky, sang this composition there.

And yet, despite various foreign trips, “Gems” performed exclusively songs by Soviet composers. On television, their first performances were shown mainly with the songs “Mok address - Soviet Union” and “I’ll take you to the tundra.” By the way, trumpeter Gennady Zharkov, who could not part with his mustache, was not allowed to appear on television. Mustaches could be worn, for example, by “Pesnyars”. He even later composed his own song about a mustache.

“We, the young ... “ (“From “Gems” - “Flame”))

The second album of the ensemble was called “For us, the young”. In the tradition of foxtrots and Soviet songs of the 30s, the then young composer Vyacheslav Dobrynin (previously named Antonov) and Yuri Malikov came up with the first title song. The poems were composed by the famous poet Vladimir Kharitonov.

As always, the disc contains many already well-known songs - “The whole life is ahead”, “Near the village of Kryukovo”, “Love lives on earth”. A bright and interesting arrangement of a Russian folk song, still from the first concert repertoire of the Gems ensemble. And this, despite the complex problems with songs composed by authors who are not members of the Union of Composers - they were simply prohibited from being released on gramophone records. And at "Gems" - many came out.

The disc “We, the Young” contains songs from the band’s musicians. Here is the very first song by Vyacheslav Dobrynin, “Love Lives on Earth,” with lyrics by Leonid Derbenev. Touching lyrical ballad “Ivushka” by Valentin Dyakonov with lyrics by Valery Lozovoy. A fun and cheerful song with opening chords in the spirit of “Led Zeppelin” - “Tit” by Yuri Peterson. “Song of Joy” by Yuri Malikov reflected the wonderful mood of “Gems”.

At that time, changes occurred in the ensemble. The wonderful, talented lead guitarist Valery Seleznev left the star lineup. At the Kemerovo Philharmonic, he headed the Vityazi VIA, which was previously led by Viktor Kanishev, who was in a car accident. Then Valery had “Leisya, song!”, and he was replaced in “Gems” by guitarist and vocalist Evgeny Kurbakov from the same “Vityazi”. Together with him, second trumpeter Valery Besedin and vocalist Alexander Brondman joined the band.

It really seemed like “your whole life is ahead, hope and wait...”. Only everything turned out differently in this stellar life. Practically, the entire main composition of the musicians left “Gems” in 1975, leaving the name, costumes and equipment to the leader. We acted as the song says, “one for all and all for one.”

They supported Valentin Dyakonov, whom Yuri Fedorovich punished for the fact that the singer did not make it to the concert. He was, in fact, the leader in all parties and an irreplaceable unit. By and large, this is a serious violation, since the audience must be respected, but on the other hand, anything can happen in life.

And the guys created a new VIA “Plamya” - they literally immediately returned to radio and television, began releasing records and traveling abroad. But the first repertoire, only in a different arrangement, was taken from “Gems”. These are “No need to be sad”, “This will never happen again”, “We are building BAM”. Singer Alexander Brodman, trumpeter Valery Besedin and guitarist Evgeny Kurbakov remained in Gems. It took time to gather new musicians worthy of the star name.

Literally in a short time, the situation for concert and touring activities in “Gems” quickly stabilized. Talented musicians joined the team: guitarist Yuri Valov (Miloslavsky) from “Blue Guitars”, saxophonist and winner of jazz festivals Vladimir Petrovich Presnyakov (previously the head of the VIA “What the Guitars Sing About”), singer Alexander Barykin (at that time still Byrykin ), soloist Elena Kobzeva from VIA “You, Me and the Song” (later Presnyakova), drummer Vladimir Polonsky from “Jolly Fellows”, pianist, arranger Vitaly Kretov (Kretyuk), saxophonist Lev Pilshchik, guitarist, arranger Valery Khabazin, who worked in “Jolly Fellows”, singer Sergei Belikov from Krasnogorsk near Moscow, as well as singer Vladimir Vinokur, guitarist and vocalist Vladimir Kuzmin (after VIA “Nadezhda”).

At that time, “Gems” also included trumpeter Valery Besedin, guitarist and vocalist Evgeny Kurbakov and singer Alexander Brodman. Vladimir Vinokur, who then became a singing entertainer, worked for only a short time, and Sergei Belikov, after recording “Everything I Have,” moved to "Araks" group at Leikom. There he takes part in the recording of the rock opera “The Star and Death of Joaquin Murieta”, as well as in the recording of the album “On the Wave of My Memory” by David Tukhmanov.

The first recordings of the new “Gems” on the radio appeared almost simultaneously with VIA “Plamya”. These were the songs “Farewell” by Vyacheslav Dobrynin (the third performance after “Leisya, songs!” and Lev Leshchenko), “I will be known later” by Yuri Malikov, “Believe in Love” by Ales Serdyuk, “Motherly Love” by Oscar Feltsman, “Promise” Mark Fradkin.

“Gems” also prepared for and performed at the V All-Union Competition of Variety Artists, where they received third prize. Among the competition participants were: Chelyabinsk “Ariel”, Riga “Modo”, Minsk “Verasy”, Moscow “Singing Hearts”, Armenian “Armina”, Georgian “Aisi” and other musical groups. Participation in the competition laid the foundation for a new creative biography of “Gems”.

Everything “Gems” need in life is “The Path to the Heart”
The first small disc, “Summer, Summer,” became the discovery of “Gems” in recording. It is worth noting the interesting author's tandem in the songs of Yuri Malikov and Vladimir Presnyakov.

In 1976, their new songs “Through Two Winters” and “Corner of Russia” by Vladimir Shainsky, “Hello, Mom” by David Tukhmanov, “I can live without you” by Yuri Antonov, “Sportivnaya” by Vyacheslav Dobrynin on words by Leonid Azarkh. A real success was the new song by Vyacheslav Dobrynin “Everything that I have in life”, the words were composed by the famous songwriter Leonid Derbenev - it immediately entered the hit parade of the Moskovsky Komsomolets newspaper, and singer Lev Leshchenko included it in his repertoire , and the English duo “Peter and Lee” recorded it - in their version it was called “Love” - as a separate single on the Philips company, which was released in Germany, Italy, and Japan.

The main soloist in “Gems” is singer, composer and pianist Arkady Khoralov. His beautiful voice, with a colorful timbre, becomes recognizable and beloved in the songs “Bitter Honey” by Oleg Ivanov and “Let’s Try to Return,” composed by himself with lyrics by Andrei Dementyev.

His musical biography began in the VIA “Chervona Ruta”, and then in the orchestra of Konstantin Orbelyan and the Kostroma VIA “Youth, Dream and Song”. After “Gems”, Arkady Khoralov works at the VIA “Red Poppies”, and then embarks on a solo career as a composer and singer. His magnificent albums “Infinity”, “This World” and “Where Are You” are being released.

The bright, memorable song “I Love This World” by composer Vladimir Miguli became a laureate of the television festival “Song-78” performed by “Gems” with soloists Elena Presnyakova, Alexey Glyzin, Arkady Khoralov and Alexander Brodman. It was also performed by the Estonian singer Jaak Joalla, arranged by Valery Seleznev.

At the same time, Vladimir Kuzmin was working in Gems as a vocalist and guitarist. And among the soloists appears Alexey Kondakov from VIA “Nadezhda”. The ensemble's repertoire includes songs such as “The Freckled Girl” by Boris Savelyev (soloist Evgeniy Kurbakov), “In the cold of winter” by Zinovia Binkina (soloist Elena Presnyakova), “My Incomprehensible Happiness” by Yuri Malikov, “Tynda - the extreme point of Moscow » Zinovia Binkina.

The most successful is “Bamovsky Waltz” by composer Seraphim Tulikov to the words of Mikhail Plyatskovsky; “Gems” performed it at the “Song-78” television festival. “Releasing the Tit” by Alexei Mazhukov, “First Date” by Vladimir Miguli, “Everything I Have in Life” by Vyacheslav Dobrynin are released and become popular in recordings...

“Gems” performed not only in stadiums and concert halls, but also in the workshops of factories and factories for workers during the working day. In the concert programs of the ensemble, entire cycles of songs “Russia is my Motherland”, “Courage”, “This time is calling - BAM” were heard.

In 1979, “Gems” recorded the third giant disc “The Path to the Heart” at the company. Unlike the first two albums with songs promoted in advance, this one maintained the style, but the content was new, perceived as one work, because good songs were performed talentedly and the ensemble had its own face, recognizable even from the recording.

It is worth noting “The First Time” by Yuri Malikov, “Quite Recently” by Boris Emelyanov, “Someone else’s Wedding” by Vyacheslav Dobrynin...

Ensemble "Gems" - FROM THE 70'S TO THE 80'S

The creative biography of “Gems” begins with participation in the cultural and entertainment programs of the “Olympics-80”, in the anti-war festival, which took place at the Dynamo stadium in 1983. Among the fashionable rock groups are “Cruise”,
“Rondo”, “Carnival” - “Gems” have become modern and professional.

In the ensemble, the place on keyboards is occupied by former member of the group “Cruise” Sergei Sarychev from Volgograd, who was brought by poet-text writer Valery Sautkin, who worked closely with “Gems”. After “Cruise”, he recorded his solo project - the magnetic album “Team Alpha” with hits: “I am a Moscow mischievous reveler”, “Storm”, “Theater”... But with the new project he failed to get a job in any philharmonic society, in The “Gems” musician brought his songs “The Top Is Spinning” and “Stop, Mister Reagan.”

Singer Sergei Belikov from “Araks” returned to the ensemble. It should be noted that Sergei became interested in composing compositions in the style of lyrical rock. The most interesting is “Nocturne” based on the poems of Pavel Grushko, created by combining several voices by one performer. In “Gems” Sergei Belikov takes an active part in the recording of the fourth giant disc. His bright vocals were especially evident in the compositions “Mirror and the Fool” by Yuri Malikov and Vladimir Presnyakov and “Flowers on the Asphalt” and “How John Got Married,” written by the singer himself.

The album with the name of a fashionable American jazz-rock band - “Weather Forecast” - was produced by “Gems” in a modern way and with a high-quality recording. And the instrumental piece “You are my only one” was a success, performed by the musical director of the ensemble, laureate of all-Union and international competitions, tenor saxophonist Vladimir Presnyakov in his own arrangement.

The wonderful song “Everything That Happened Without You” by the band’s bass guitarist Sergei Gorbachev to the verses of the famous songwriter Vladimir Kharitonov is also interesting in its musicality.

In 1984, the repertoire of “Gems” was replenished with new songs “Amazing Horses” (soloist Alexander Nefedov), “Paper Boat” (soloist Alexander Nefedov), “Trainer”, “Song about Football”, “Ali Baba” (soloist Andrey Sapunov ), “Salute, salute” by Yuri Malikov and Vladimir Presnyakov.

“Gems” are recruiting new professional musicians with experience. Thus, Alexander Slizunov, known for his work in “Flowers” ​​and the group “Krug,” comes to play keyboards. Wonderful guitarists work in Gems. Among them is the amazing Igor Myalik with a unique playing technique, who then moved to “Flowers”. Oleg Prigozhev learned a lot from Igor; before “Gems” he worked in the famous VIA “Rovesniki”.

Lead guitarist Boris Lobanov was sent to Mosconcert to work in Stas Namin’s group, and by pure chance he ended up in Gems. His sister sang in a vocal trio, and they sang along on two records of the group “Flowers”. After “Gems,” Boris himself tried his hand at the “50x50” television competition and recorded a solo album in the folk-rock style.

Singer and bass guitarist Andrei Sapunov (soloist in the song “Ali Baba”) before “Gems” studied at the vocal department at the Gnessin School with Mira Lvovna Korobkova and played in the amateur group “Olympia”. He also took part in concerts of the Resurrection group. Also on bass guitar for some time was Yuri Gorkov (VIA “Nadezhda” and Stas Namin’s group). Andrey Miansarov, keyboards, (son of the famous singer Tamara Miansarova) previously worked at VIA

"April" under the direction of Valery Seleznev. Singer Oleg Sleptsov (later in the “Tel Pop Show”), keyboards and vocals Dmitry Malikov, guitarist Oleg Po-Gozhev, vocalist Andrei Rybakov, keyboards Viktor Kudryavtsev (his younger brother Eugene Kudryavtsev in “Prime Minister”), singer Alexey Kondakov, Alexey Kovylin, ballet actress Lyudmila Vyunkova (wife of Yuri Malikov).

In 1985, the Gems ensemble took part in the international festival of youth and students in Moscow. The group performs at the chamber level and performs quite complex compositions, for example, “Francisco Goya” (author Vladimir Presnyakov). Theatrical performance “Game of Magic Shooting Range” - music for which was composed by Yuri Malikov and Vladimir Presnyakov, lyrics by Boris Purgalin, Grigory Kantor and Boris Salibov

The program also featured songs by composers V. Solovyov-Sedoy, M. Fradkin, D. Tukhmanov, V. Miguli, G. Movsesyan, S. Belikov with poems by poets M. Dudin, E. Dolmatovsky, V. Firsov, I. Shaferan, M. Tanich, L. Kozlova, V. Sautkin - ran for seven whole days in the capital's Variety Theater to a full house.

It was an impressive musical performance with beautiful lighting, scenery and sound about a dream, about what is and what will be, about the world in which we live, and about Moscow - the capital of the festival. The large, serious work of “Gems” was never honored to be included on the double album of the “Melodiya” company.

On television, the ensemble could be seen in almost every episode of Morning Mail; their songs are also heard on radio and television performed by various pop performers. For example, the works of Yuri Malikov and Vladimir Presnyakov are wonderfully performed by Mikhail Boyarsky (“The Trainer”) and the ensemble “Girls”.

In 1989, Yuri Malikov created the creative studio “Gems”, where young performers work.

Revival of the soloists of the group "Gems"

In 1995, Gems celebrated their 25th anniversary. The anniversary concert from Ostankino is broadcast on the central television channel. In the same year, director Vladimir Ivanovich Solovyov gathered the soloists of the Gems ensemble: Elena Presnyakova, Alexander Nefedov, Oleg Sleptsov and Georgy Vlasenko (ex-keyboard groups of Stas Namin and the group of Mikhail Muromov).

We recorded “The World Is Not Simple”, “Summer, Summer”, “I’ll Take You to the Tundra”, “This Will Never Happen Again” and many other songs and medleys. Georgy Vlasenko helped with the arrangements. The group's debut took place in the Avtoradio program, and the first live performance took place at the United World charity festival in the summer theater of Gorky Park.

Then they performed in the Kremlin at the festival “Our Address is the Soviet Union,” organized and created by the theater of the wonderful singer Renat Ibragimov (2001), on the VIA hit parade at the Olimpiysky (2002). They released the CDs “Twenty Years Later” (1996), “We Became Different” (1997), “First Love” (2003).

In 2000, Yuri Malikov revived the second line-up of Samotsvety soloists and asked to present them in concert programs as VIA Samotsvety. Although in reality they perform as soloists. The first line-up of the new team included Irina Shachneva, Valentin Dyakonov, Valery Belyanin from the group “Plamya” and Yuri Fedorovich Malikov.

The first performance took place at a creative evening of composer David Tukhmanov, then they took part in the “Wider Circle” program, in the Kremlin at the second festival “Our address is the Soviet Union”, where “Belarusian Songsters”, “Singing Hearts”, “Good Well Done” also performed. .

Valentin Dyakonov, who left due to illness, was replaced by guitarist and singer Evgeny Kurbakov. In 2001, at the Olimpiysky, “Gems” took part in the VIA hit parade; in 2002, Yuri Malikov organized the “Favorite VIA in the Kremlin” festival. Unfortunately, after a serious illness in 2004, Evgeniy Kurbakov passed away. Grigory Rubtsov from the group “Flame and Company” comes to “Gems”.

It should be noted that the two compositions of “Gems” feel great on the Russian stage. There is absolutely no competition, since both compositions have full legal and historical right to their own, happy, continuation of their creative biography.

Friendship, love and health - to you, dear “Gems”!

New Samotsvety is one of the most successful cover bands in Russia, created by Yuri and Inna Malikov in 2006. The project, conceived as a modern continuation of the legendary Gems in a new style and new sound, is now not only performing old, time-tested hits, but also recording its own compositions.

History of creation

In the spring of 2006, as part of the celebration of the 35th anniversary of VIA “Gems”, Inna Malikova and musical soloist Alexander Postolenko performed one of the group’s songs as a duet. Yuri Malikov liked the idea of ​​the duet so much that it was decided to create a group that would continue the work of the legendary Gems. Like-minded people were found quickly, and within a month Inna assembled a team. Thus the New Gems were born.


Inna Malikova is the soloist and producer of the group. Inna is the daughter of the leader of Samotsvetov, People's Artist of Russia Yuri Malikov and the younger sister of the famous singer Dmitry Malikov. Honored Artist of Russia, singer, actress, host of concert programs, graduate of the variety department of the Russian Theater Academy (GITIS), graduated from the Institute of Television and Radio Presenters. Inna Malikova recorded her first song “At the Summer Festival” in 1993. Brother Dmitry gave it to Inna for her 16th birthday. With this song, Inna took part in such television projects as “Morning Star” and “Under the Zodiac Sign”. In total, Inna Malikova recorded two solo albums: “Who Was Right” and “Coffee and Chocolate”. She worked with famous composers: Evgeny Kuritsyn, Pavel Yesenin, Sergei Nizovtsev. In addition to her vocal career, Inna played in enterprise performances and hosted television programs. For example, in 2010, together with Dmitry Kharatyan, Inna was the host of the “Good evening, Moscow!” program. on the TV Center channel. Since 2004, for 8 years, Inna Malikova has been the face of the Swiss watch company MILUS. Now Inna is the face of the Crystal jewelry house. She also collaborates with various Russian designers and fashion brands.

Alexander Postolenko – soloist. He was born in the city of Biysk, Altai Territory, and, in his own words, began to sing before he spoke. He graduated from the music school (choral conducting department), then the variety department of the University of Culture and Arts in St. Petersburg. Later he worked at the Moscow Operetta Theater. He performed as a soloist in the highest-grossing musicals. Since 2002 he has performed the role of Gringoire in the musical “Notre Dame de Paris”, since 2004 - the role of Benvolio in Romeo & Juliette. He also took part in the musicals “The Prophet”, “The Count of Monte Cristo”, “Count Orlov”. Participant of the project “Voice-4”.

Yana Daineko – soloist. Daughter of the lead singer of the group “Belarusian Pesnyary” Valery Daineko. Yana sang throughout her childhood in the Big Children's Choir of Radio and Television Ostankino, but received her higher education at the Russian Economic Academy. G.V. Plekhanov. She is a financial manager by training. Yana Daineko’s father helped her find a unique style of performing songs. At first, Yana performed solo under the pseudonym Diana. From 2002 to 2004, she was a member of the group “Singing Together,” which became famous for the hit “Such as Putin.”

Mikhail Veselov – soloist. Mikhail is the son of the host of the popular Soviet program “Wider Circle” Svetlana Menshikova. His first solo debut took place at the age of five within the framework of this program. Little Misha performed the hit “Grass near the House” from the repertoire of the group “Zemlyane”. In 2000 he graduated from the variety department of GITIS. In his solo work he collaborated with Lev Leshchenko and Igor Krutoy. Bronze medalist at the Star Factory under the leadership of Alla Pugacheva. He voiced one of the main roles in “High School Musical.”

Creative activity

Today, the repertoire of New Samotsvets includes everyone’s favorite Samotsvets songs, the most iconic hits of domestic and foreign pop music, as well as compositions of their own composition. The band's musicians are actively experimenting in the studio, coming up with new sounds for famous songs. The group also has its own tracks, but the group’s second album included only one new composition – “Remember Modern Talking”. As Inna Malikova admitted in an interview with the Moskovsky Komsomolets publication, the public has difficulty accepting new songs from a group whose name includes “Gems.” But despite this, “New Gems” continue to create and are now forming two programs: one will consist entirely of cover versions of famous hits, and the second will consist of completely new songs.

Concert activities

“New Gems” is one of the most popular cover bands in the country. They tour Russia a lot, performing both at private, closed events and corporate events, as well as at various large concerts. The group has repeatedly performed at major concert venues, including the Kremlin and the Rossiya State Central Concert Hall. The presentation of the second album was celebrated with a big concert in Vegas Crocus City. In 2016, New Gems celebrated their 10th anniversary with a big festive concert at Backstage Crocus City. In 2018, for the 12th anniversary of the group, “New Gems” released their third album with the symbolic name “12”. The age of the main audience of New Gems is 30 years and older.


2009 – “Inna Malikova & Gems NEW”

  1. I just can't believe it
  2. Everything I have in life
  3. Where have you been
  4. The music is flowing
  5. Our favorites
  6. Summer summer summer
  7. Ali Baba
  8. New Year's toys
  9. Bad weather
  10. Chunga-Changa
  11. Birthday of a police lieutenant
  12. Whole life ahead
  13. The song is my song

2014 - “Your whole life is ahead, hope and burn!”

  1. Intro
  2. Whole life ahead
  3. This Will Never Happen Again
  4. Last time
  5. Everything I Have in Life
  6. Goodbye my love
  7. Venus
  8. I'll take you to the Tundra
  9. Blue frost
  10. Bei Mir Bist Du Schoen
  11. Goodbye
  12. I Don't Dream About You
  13. Mamma Maria
  14. New Year's Toys
  15. Eternal love
  16. Do you remember Modern Talking?
  17. My Address Soviet Union (Remix)
  18. Do you remember Modern Talking (Karaoke version)
  19. This Never Happens Again (Karaoke version)
  20. Whole Life Ahead (Karaoke version)
  1. Let's glue it together
  2. Green eyes
  3. You will never be mine
  4. The world is not simple
  5. Gorgeous
  6. The heart is not a stone
  7. Goodbye my love
  8. Last time
  9. Cosa Sei
  10. Mamma Maria


  • Do you remember Modern Talking (2012)
  • Heart is not a stone (2012)
  • Whole life ahead (2014)
  • The world is not simple (2015)
  • Heart is not a stone (2016)
  • Let's Glue It Together (2018)

“New Gems” is a group created in 2006 by Inna Malikova and her father, Yuri Malikov. In honor of the 35th anniversary of the group "Gems", Yuri and Inna Malikov decided to create a new group, which will become a continuation of VIA "Gems". The idea appeared after Inna Malikova and Alexander Postolenko performed the song “Dawn, Sunset” and began working in a duet.

The new group included Inna Malikova, Alexander Postolenko, Yana Daineko and Mikhail Veselov. The first performance took place at the State Kremlin Palace at the Anniversary concert in honor of the 35th anniversary of the Gems group (November 2006).

In 2009, the ensemble released its debut album “Inna Malikova & Gems NEW”, including 13 compositions: “Everything I have in life”, “Music is flowing”, “New Year’s toys” and others. In 2012, composer Sergei Revtov wrote the first solo single “Remember Modern Talking” for the group. The band shot a video for this composition, directed by Hindrek Maasik.

In 2014, the second album of the New Gems, “Your whole life is ahead, hope and burn!” was released. The album includes 20 songs, domestic and world hits: “The Whole Life Ahead”, “Farewell”, “Blue Frost”, “Venus”, “For the Last Time”, “Eternal Love”, “Mamma Maria”, “Remember Modern Talking” " and others. On October 12 of the same year, a concert-presentation of this album took place.

In 2015, the team came up with a conceptually new solution for the song “The World is Not Simple,” and director Marat Adelshin implemented the visual solution by shooting a video.

In the spring of 2016, in honor of their 10th anniversary, the group gave a concert at Backstage Crocus City. Soon the group’s second original song, “Heart is not a Stone,” was released. The video was directed by Evgeny Kuritsyn.

In 2017, for the 30th anniversary of Dmitry Malikov’s song “You’ll Never Be Mine,” “New Gems” made a remake of this composition.

In 2018, for the 12th anniversary of the group, “New Gems” released their third album with the symbolic name “12”. The album includes both well-known compositions from different years and new original songs: “Glue”, “Wounds” and others.

Best of the day

In the spring of 2018, the group presented a video for the song “Glue It Together.” The main roles were played by Inna Malikova and actor Dmitry Pevtsov. The director was Gleb Sushchev.

For more than 12 years of work, “New Gems” have given a new sound to such hits as “The World is Not Simple”, “The Whole Life Ahead”, “Farewell”, “Blue Frost”, “Venus”, “For the Last Time”. The band also recorded a number of their own songs and shot several videos for both old and new compositions.

“Over 12 years of work, we have made more than 150 songs. Yes, these are mostly covers, but you have no idea how difficult it is to make an old Soviet song relevant today. »

Over the years, the artists have managed to tour the whole country. At the same time (which is very rare for Russian show business) the composition of the team has never changed. In the press, “New Gems” are often called “the best cover band in Russia.” In response to comments that the group simply used a well-known brand, I. Malikova replied:

“Maybe that’s why our band gained such popularity because we found the right modern sound for old songs. Of course, there are people who recognize the compositions of that era only in their authentic sound, while at the same time the younger generation wants to listen to them in our adaptations. »

Team composition

Inna Malikova is the leader and producer of the New Gems group.

Yana Daineko - studied at Moscow school No. 1113 with in-depth study of music and choreography. She sang in the Great All-Union Children's Choir of Radio and Television under the direction of Vladimir Popov. Graduated from Plekhanov Academy with a degree in financial management. At the same time, she studied vocals with private teachers from the pop-jazz school and her father, the soloist of the Belarusian Pesnyary ensemble Valery Daineko. In 2002, she began working in the “Singing Together” project, known for the song “Such as Putin.” “Singing Together” recorded an album, shot two video clips and ceased to exist. She worked with singer Natalya Podolskaya for two years and performed with her at Eurovision.

Alexander Postolenko - graduated from music school and music college in Biysk. He worked as a choir artist at the Opera and Ballet Theater in Novosibirsk. He played in a vocal and instrumental ensemble. Participated in a competition for young pop singers. For five years in a row he performed with the KVN team at the international festival in Sochi. In 2003 he graduated from the conducting and choral department of the Novosibirsk Conservatory, and at the same time from the Academy of Arts in St. Petersburg. in 2005 he took part in the New Wave competition. Alexander Postoleko is one of the first Russian performers of the role of Gringoire in the musical Notre Dame de Paris, a participant in the musicals Romeo and Juliet, The Prophet, The Count of Monte Cristo, and Count Orlov. In 2015, he became a participant in the popular television show “The Voice”, Channel 1.

Mikhail Veselov - studied at Moscow school No. 1113 with in-depth study of music and choreography, then studied at GITIS - RATI, specializing in pop actor. My father was a musician and worked in jazz bands. Mom sang in Lev Leshchenko’s musical ensemble and was the host of the “Wider Circle” program. At the age of five, Mikhail went on stage, performing the hit song of the group “Earthlings” - “Grass at the House”. He recorded his first songs at Lev Leshchenko's studio. Collaborated with Igor Krutoy and Joseph Prigogine. In 1999 he graduated from the variety department of GITIS. Took third place at the fifth “Star Factory” under the leadership of Alla Pugacheva. He voiced one of the main roles in High School Musical.

Filming in television programs

The ensemble is a guest of television channels: Channel One, Russia 1, RuTV, MUZ-TV, Life News, TV Center, Rusong TV.

“New Gems” took part in television programs and concerts: “Saturday Evening”, “Guess the Melody”, “Blue Light”, “Old Songs about the Main Thing”, “Property of the Republic”, “Guests on Sundays”, “Fashionable Sentence”, “ MUZ-TV: 20 years live”, “Heat in Vegas”, “You are allowed to laugh”, “Tonight”, “Stars of Russian Radio”, “Anniversary concert of Lev Leshchenko”.

Radio rotations

The music of New Gems is rotated on the radio stations Russian Radio, Avtoradio, Radio Dacha, Militsiskaya Volna, Vesna Fm, Radio Melodiya.


“Inna Malikova & Gems NEW” (2009)

“Your whole life is ahead, hope and burn!” (2014)

group NEW GEMS - a project created by Inna Malikova, became a successful continuation of the legendary ensemble "Gems" in a new style and new sound.
In honor of the 35th anniversary of the legendary VIA “Gems”, Inna and Yuri Malikov created a new musical project. The repertoire of “New Samotsvetov” consists of old hits of “Gems”, but the principles of working with musical material that is more than three decades old are special. Young artists choose compositions that, during the years of the insane popularity of “Gems,” did not gain wide popularity and were undeservedly forgotten. There were more than 50 of them (for example, “Summer”, “Ali Baba”, “I Just Can’t Believe”, “Be Happy”, “Path to the Heart” and others). All selected songs are performed in new fashionable arrangements, while the signature vocal sound of “Gems” is preserved. In addition to the popular hits of “Samotsvety”, each of the soloists of “New Samotsvety” performs their famous solo songs in concert programs. The leader of the group NEW Samotsvety Malikova Inna is the soloist and producer of the group. Singer, actress, presenter of concert programs, graduate of the Russian Theater Academy (GITIS), graduated from the Institute of Television and Radio Presenters. Personal assets include two solo albums “Who Was Right” and “Coffee and Chocolate”, video clips for the songs “I Don’t Want to Be Serious”, “Who Was Right”, “Everything That Was”, “Coffee and Chocolate”, etc. Plays leading roles in the enterprise performances “Divorce Moscow Style” and “The Bat”. For several years now, Inna has been the face of the Swiss watch brand Milus. In the spring of 2016, New Gems celebrated their 10th anniversary with a big festive performance at the concert venue in Backstage Crocus City. In addition, the team is a frequent guest on television channels such as Channel One, Russia 1, RuTv, Muz TV, TV Center. The group constantly takes part in various television programs, including: “Blue Light”, “Saturday Evening”, “Guess the Melody”, “You Are Allowed to Laugh”, “Property of the Republic”, “Party Zone”, “Russian Radio Stars” and many others. “New Gems” actively tour the cities of Russia and take part in large-scale holiday concerts. To find out the conditions for inviting NEW Samotsvety Malikova Inna to your event, call the numbers posted on the official website of the group’s concert agent. Information about the fee and the concert schedule will be given to you so that you can invite NEW Samotsvety Malikova Inna to an event or order a performance by NEW Samotsvety Malikova Inna for an anniversary or party. The official website of NEW Gems Malikova Inna carries video and photo information. At your request, a group rider will be sent. Check in advance and book available performance dates NEW Samotsvety Malikova Inna.