Significant events of October 5. Important events in Russian history

Climate week at Kazan Federal University began with a press conference dedicated to the problems of climate change and its socio-economic consequences. The press conference was attended by Director of the Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management S. Selivanovskaya, Head of the Department of Climatology, Meteorology and Atmospheric Ecology Professor Yu. Perevedentsev and Head of the Hydrometeorological Center of the UGMS for the Republic of Tatarstan F. Gogol. The meeting was attended by more than 20 representatives of information structures of the Republic of Tatarstan.

On the initiative of the Advisor to the President of the Russian Federation on climate issues A. Bedritsky, climate weeks are held in May in the regions of the Russian Federation in order to popularize knowledge about ongoing and expected climate changes. The need for such events is associated with the realization that climate challenges are among the greatest threats to the sustainable development of humanity.

In her speech, S. Selivanovskaya spoke about the events carried out by employees of the Institute of Ecology and Environmental Management, aimed at familiarizing students and the population of the republic with the achievements of modern science on the Earth's climate. S. Selivanovskaya noted that it is no coincidence that these events are held by Kazan University. Indeed, the age of the first meteorological station officially opened at the university is 205 years old, and meteorological observations themselves have been carried out since the beginning of the 19th century.

The message drew attention to the fact that climate change issues are directly related to the functioning of the environment and the need for plants, animals and humans to adapt to them. It was noted that it would seem minor change A temperature regime of 1°C may entail dramatic changes in soil processes, lead to a rise in sea levels due to melting ice, an increase in greenhouse gas emissions due to the melting of permafrost soils, and the spread of harmful insects.

In a detailed presentation by Professor Yu. Perevedentsev, trends in changes in climate parameters over the past 200 years, mechanisms of formation of the climate system, and issues of temperature anomalies were discussed. Yu. Perevedentsev spoke in detail about the causes of climate change, the losses of the world community that are its results, and in general about climate threats.

On this page you will learn about the significant and memorable dates of the autumn day of October 5, which famous people were born on this October day, events that took place, we will also tell you about folk signs and Orthodox holidays this day, public holidays different countries from all over the world.

Today, as on any day, as you will see, events have taken place over the centuries, each of them was remembered for something, and October 5 was no exception, which was also remembered for its own dates and birthdays famous people, as well as holidays and folk signs. You and I should always remember and know about those who left their indelible mark on culture, science, sports, politics, medicine and all other areas of human and social development.

The fifth day of October left its indelible mark on history; events and memorable dates, like those who were born on this autumn day, once again confirm this. Find out what happened on the fifth October day, October 5, what events and significant dates it was marked and remembered for, who was born, folk signs characterizing the day and much more that you should know about, it’s just interesting to find out.

Who was born on October 5 (fifth)

Kate Elizabeth Winslet. Born 5 October 1975 in Reading, Berkshire, UK. British theater and film actress. Oscar winner (2009).

Victor Pavlovich Pavlov. Born on October 5, 1940 in Moscow - died on August 24, 2006 in Moscow. Soviet and Russian actor theater and cinema. People's Artist of Russia (1994).

Irina Yurievna Metlitskaya. Born on October 5, 1961 in Severodvinsk - died on June 5, 1997 in Moscow. Soviet and Russian theater and film actress.
Guy Edward Pearce. Born on October 5, 1967 in Ely (UK). Australian stage and film actor, British-born musician.

Inna Mikhailovna Churikova. Born on October 5, 1943 in the city of Belebey (Bashkir Autonomous Soviet Socialist Republic). Soviet and Russian theater and film actress. People's Artist of the USSR (1991). Laureate State Prize Russia (1996).

Mario Lemieux (French: Mario Lemieux; October 5, 1965, Montreal, Canada) is an outstanding Canadian hockey player, center forward, long-time captain, and now the owner of the NHL club Pittsburgh Penguins (since 1999).

Denis Diderot (French Denis Diderot; October 5, 1713, Langres, France - July 31, 1784, Paris, France) - French writer, educational philosopher and playwright who founded the Encyclopedia, or Explanatory Dictionary of Sciences, Arts and Crafts (1751).

Foreign Honorary Member St. Petersburg Academy Sciences (1773).

Pavel Popovich (05.10.1930 [Uzin] - 30.09.2009 [Crimea]) - Soviet cosmonaut;

Meliton Kantaria (05.10.1920 [Jvari] - 27.12.1993 [Moscow]) - junior sergeant, one of the heroes who hoisted the Victory Banner over the Reichstag;

Vladimir Nevzorov (05.10.1952 [Maykop]) - Soviet judoka, the first Soviet World champion in 1975;

Robert Goddard (10/05/1882 [Worcester] - 08/10/1945 [Baltimore]) was an American engineer, scientist and inventor. Considered the creator of the world's first liquid-fuel rocket;

Ray Kroc (10/05/1902 [Oak Park] - 01/14/1984 [San Diego]) - founder of the McDonald's fast food restaurant chain;

Louis Jean Lumiere (05.10.1864 [Besançon] - 06.06.1948 [Bandol]) - French inventor of cinema;

Alexey Orlov (Chesmensky) (05.10.1737 [village of Lyutkino] - 05.01.1808 [Moscow]) - Russian military leader and statesman;

Chester Arthur (10/05/1829 [Fairfield] - 01/18/1886 [New York]) - 21st President of the United States;

Vaclav Havel (05.10.1936 [Prague] - 18.12.2011 [Hradeček]) - Czech writer, playwright, dissident, human rights activist and statesman;

Emomali Rahmon (05.10.1952 [village of Dangara, Dangara district, Kulyab region]) - President of the Republic of Tajikistan.

Dates October 5

In Tajikistan - State Language Day

Republic Day celebrated in Portugal

In Indonesia - Armed Forces Day

In Vanuatu - Constitution Day

By folk calendar this is Ion and Foka, otherwise this day is also called Deciduous

On this day:

in 1502 Columbus landed on the coast of Costa Rica

in 1793, France, by decree of the Convention, introduced its own revolutionary calendar

in 1864, one of the worst natural disasters of the 19th century occurred - a powerful tropical cyclone demolished the Indian city of Calcutta, killing more than 60 thousand people

Jacques Offenbach, the composer best known for his adaptations of Hoffmann's tales into opera, died in 1884.

in 1908, Bulgaria declared its independence from the Ottoman Empire and its first modern ruler was Tsar Ferdinand

in 1918, Roland Garros, a pilot and tennis player, died after whom one of the Grand Slam tennis tournaments - the French Open - was named

The World Conservation Union was founded in Switzerland in 1948.

in 2011, Steve Jobs, the founder of the famous bitten apple corporation Apple, a man who knew how to give presentations for billionaires the most relaxed look, died.

Events of October 5

World Smile Day

The first Friday in October is World Smile Day. The holiday was established in 1999, its initiator was the talented American artist Harvey Bell, who in the mid-60s of the 20th century came up with a funny logo for an insurance company - the famous emoticon with a smile.

Harvey Bell's invention quickly spread throughout the world and today it is difficult to imagine a person who has never seen this amazing emblem in his life. World Smile Day is a time for good cheer and splashing out positive emotions. Don't miss the chance to have a great time when there is such a wonderful occasion.

October 5, 1966 – the legendary ensemble “Singing Guitars” performed for the first time in Leningrad.

The most popular songs musical group became “Blue Frost” and “Cyclist’s Song”.

October 5, 1991 - The Soviet Union signed an agreement with the International Monetary Fund, an organization that provides loans to states experiencing a clear lack of funds to stabilize economic processes.

When lending financial resources to certain states, the management of the International Monetary Fund requires compliance with certain conditions, which to some extent guarantee timely repayment of the loan.

On October 5, the peasants finished harvesting radishes and prepared a variety of dishes from them. There was an opinion among the people that October 5 was an unlucky day, since the wind was blowing strong, and it could bring with it damage, illness, and evil spirits.

There were several prohibitions that had to be followed to prevent strong winds. Thus, on October 5, it was forbidden to burn old brooms, destroy anthills, curse the wind, or beat the ground with a stick or whip.

In the church on October 5, the memory of the prophet Jonah is honored, and therefore it was forbidden to catch, eat or sell fish. According to the Holy Scriptures, Jonah visited the belly of a whale and remained unharmed. So, one day God told him to go to a city called Nineveh to preach.

However, Jonah decided to go to Joppa instead and boarded another ship. During the voyage, a storm began, and the sailors decided to cast lots to understand whose fault it was that they failed. The lot fell on Jonah, after which he confessed that he had violated God's decree.

Then he asked to be thrown into the water - and the storm would subside, which the sailors did. At sea, Jonah was swallowed up by a large whale, in whose belly the preacher stayed for 3 days and 3 nights, praying incessantly. He was then thrown ashore and after his miraculous salvation went to Nineveh.

Also on October 5, the memory of the martyr Phocas is revered, who is considered the patron saint of drowning people and protector from fires.

According to legend, he was born in Sinop and led a virtuous life. Became a bishop in mature years and preached Christianity, thanks to which he managed to convert many pagans to the faith. He suffered during the persecution organized by Emperor Trajan, who forced Phocas to renounce his beliefs.

On Jonah there are still leaves hanging on the birch tree - a sign that the snow will fall on the ground late

We hope you were interested in reading the material on this page and were satisfied with what you read? Agree that it is very useful to know the history of events and dates, as well as those who famous people was born today, on the fifth day of October, October 5, what a mark this man left with his actions and deeds in the history of mankind, our world.

We are also confident that the folk signs of this day helped you understand some of the subtleties and nuances. By the way, with their help, you can check in practice the reliability and truthfulness of folk signs.

Good luck to all of you in life, love and business, read more of what is necessary, important, useful, interesting and educational - reading broadens your horizons and develops your imagination, learn about everything, develop diversified!

Why is October 5th interesting and significant in world history, science, sports, culture, politics?

October 5th, what events in world history, science and culture make this day famous and interesting?

What holidays can be celebrated and celebrated on October 5th?

What national, international and professional holidays celebrated annually on October 5th? What religious holidays are celebrated on October 5? What is celebrated on this day according to the Orthodox calendar?

What national day is October 5th according to the calendar?

What folk signs and beliefs are associated with October 5th? What is celebrated on this day according to the Orthodox calendar?

What significant events and memorable dates are celebrated on October 5?

What significant historical events October 5th and memorable dates in world history are celebrated on this summer day? The day of remembrance of which famous and great people is October 5?

Which great, famous and famous died on October 5th?

October 5, Remembrance Day of which famous, great and famous people of the world, historical figures, actors, artists, musicians, politicians, artists, athletes is celebrated on this day?

Events of the day October 5, 2017 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of October 5, 2017, find out who was born among famous people, folk signs and other things that are necessary, important and useful to learn about the fifth October day of the month of the seventeenth year.

Events of the day October 5, 2018 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of October 5, 2018, find out who was born among famous people, folk signs and other things that are necessary, important and useful to learn about the fifth October day of the month of the eighteenth year.

Events of the day October 5, 2019 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of October 5, 2019, find out who was born among famous people, folk signs and other things that are necessary, important and useful to learn about the fifth October day of the month of the nineteenth year.

Events of the day October 5, 2020 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of October 5, 2020, find out who was born among famous people, folk signs and other things that are necessary, important and useful to learn about the fifth October day of the month of the twentieth year.

Events of the day October 5, 2021 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of October 5, 2021, find out who was born among famous people, folk signs, and other things that are necessary, important and useful to learn about the fifth October day of the month of the twenty-first year.

Events of the day October 5, 2022 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of October 5, 2022, find out who was born among famous people, folk signs, and other things that are necessary, important and useful to learn about the fifth October day of the month of the twenty-second year.

Events of the day October 5, 2023 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of October 5, 2023, find out who was born among famous people, folk signs, and other things that are necessary, important and useful to learn about the fifth October day of the month of the twenty-third year.

Events of the day October 5, 2024 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of October 5, 2024, find out who was born among famous people, folk signs, and other things that are necessary, important and useful to learn about the fifth October day of the month of the twenty-fourth year.

Events of the day October 5, 2025 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of October 5, 2025, find out who was born among famous people, folk signs, and other things that are necessary, important and useful to learn about the fifth October day of the month of the twenty-fifth year.

Events of the day October 5, 2026 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of October 5, 2026, find out who was born among famous people, folk signs, and other things that are necessary, important and useful to learn about the fifth October day of the month of the twenty-sixth year.

Events of the day October 5, 2027 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of October 5, 2027, find out who was born among famous people, folk signs, and other things that are necessary, important and useful to learn about the fifth October day of the month of the twenty-seventh year.

Events of the day October 5, 2028 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of October 5, 2028, find out who was born among famous people, folk signs and other things that are necessary, important and useful to learn about the fifth October day of the month of the twenty-eighth year.

Events of the day October 5, 2029 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of October 5, 2029, find out who was born among famous people, folk signs, and other things that are necessary, important and useful to learn about the fifth October day of the month of the twenty-ninth year.

Events of the day October 5, 2030 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of October 5, 2030, find out who was born among famous people, folk signs and other things that are necessary, important and useful to learn about the fifth October day of the month of the thirtieth year.

Professional holidays October 5, 2019

World Teachers Day

Many countries around the world celebrate this holiday on October 5th. The celebration was founded in 1994. This professional event Suitable for all educators, teachers and education workers. This day was created to honor the quality education of teachers at all levels and to honor their invaluable contributions to society.

The historical prerequisite for the creation of the event was the Special Intergovernmental Conference that took place in Paris in 1966. World Teachers' Day was first celebrated in 1994. Since then, festive events have been held every year on the same date. The most important thing is that the celebration does not coincide with the autumn holidays in the northern hemisphere, as well as with the spring holidays in the southern hemisphere. Since 1994, our country has been celebrating this day on the 5th. But before, the celebration took place on the first Sunday in October. Canada Post issued a commemorative stamp in 2002 in honor of world day teachers.

These days, the UN invites parents and everyone else to think for a moment about how a good teacher helped change their lives. IN last years One can see a massive exodus of teachers, which is caused by factors such as the lack of normal working conditions, budget cuts for workers, the upcoming retirement of older teachers, and so on.

They also celebrate October 5, 2019

Day of formation of the Republic of Adygea

Every year on the 5th of October, the Day of Education of the Republic of Adygea takes place. The official date was fixed in 1995 on February 14. A lot of festive events, fairs, exhibitions, sports competitions and so on take place throughout the republic on this day. According to tradition, celebrations in Maykop end with bright fireworks.

The republic is located in the central part of the North-West Caucasus. Due to this geographical location of the area, there is favorable conditions for its tourism, economic and recreational development. The history of the settlement of Adygea begins even before our era. In the works of ancient Greek writers one can find references to the ancestors of the Circassians - the people who gave the name to the republic.

In the middle of the century, the Great Silk Road from Europe to Asia was located on the territory of the country. In 1922, on July 27, the Adygea Autonomous Region was formed. The main attraction of the republic is its unique nature.

Russian holidays October 5, 2019

Day of Criminal Investigation Workers of Russia

Employees of the criminal investigation department of our country celebrate the occasion on October 5th every year. Even in Tsarist Russia, Russian detectives showed their importance and strength. In 1918, on October 5, the People's Commissariat of Internal Affairs of the RSFSR approved the Regulations on the organization of criminal investigation departments. Tsentrorozysk was created in October 1918.

At local authorities Since then, the police began to operate special units to maintain order. This service has developed and improved long years. Criminal investigation can be called one of the largest and most important divisions of the Ministry of Internal Affairs. Employee service always involves risk and dedication.

Every year, criminal investigation professionals solve almost 70% of criminal cases. The main tasks of the department’s employees can be called preventing representatives of criminals from entering government structures, fighting organized crime, and so on.

Other events October 5, 2019

Republic Day in Portugal

This celebration marks the anniversary of the fall of the monarchy and the proclamation of the Republic on October 5, 1910. In all previous centuries, power in the country fluctuated between a constitutional monarchy and a dictatorship. As socio-economic conditions began to become more difficult towards the beginning of the 20th century, the republican movement gained momentum: the economy was in bad shape, the government stopped paying interest on most of its national debt, and so on.

In 1902, a wave of republican uprisings swept through the navy and army. Parliament due political crisis was dissolved, and Joao Franco was appointed head of government. In fact, he was the dictator of Portugal. However, Frank failed to suppress the republican movement. There were protest demonstrations in Lisbon in 1908. At the same time, the king's son Manuel II took the throne. Only the guy had no political experience, so he had to change the ruler. Subsequently, the king fled, and after that a Provisional Government was created headed by T. Braga. At the same time, a series of decrees were passed.

Folk calendar October 5, 2019

Jonah and Foka, Deciduous

On this day people honor two saints - the martyr Phokas and the prophet Jonah. The story tells us that Phocas was born in the city of Sinope. It was from his youth that he led a virtuous life. He became a bishop in his mature years and was able to convert many pagans to Christianity. In those same years, Emperor Trajan ruled, who did not like Christians.

The ruler wanted Foka to renounce his faith, but the bishop remained faithful to God. Then the king put him to torture. But the following legend can be told about the prophet Jonah. One day, God told him to go to Nineveh in order to predict the death of the city because the inhabitants were leading an ungodly lifestyle. Only Jonah did not listen to God, but went to Spain. He was sailing on a ship that was caught in a big storm.

The sailors decided to cast lots and find out for whose sins they were suffering. The lot pointed to Jonah. He asked him to throw him into the water in order to atone for his guilt. On such a day in Rus' they celebrated with a ban on eating fish, because Jonah was swallowed up by a whale in the sea. But on the tables one could see radishes in abundance. Typically, this vegetable was served with kvass, salt and onions.

Name day October 5, 2019

Alexander, Andrey, Veniamin, Kuzma, Makar, Martin, Nikolay, Peter, Fedor.

October 5th in history

  • 1733 – the electoral Sejm elected the Russian-Austrian protégé Frederick Augustus to the Polish throne.
  • 1782 – Denis Fonvizin’s comedy “The Minor” was performed for the first time.
  • 1793 - Christian chronology was abolished in France and a revolutionary calendar was introduced.
  • 1918 - by resolution of the NKVD of the RSFSR, the Soviet criminal investigation department was founded.
  • 1930 – the first issue of the Moscow News newspaper was published in English.
  • 1948 – day of formation of the International Union for Conservation of Nature.

Birthdays October 5

  1. Denis Diderot 1713 - French philosopher.
  2. Chester Alan Arthur 1829 – 21st President of the United States.
  3. Evgeny Trubetskoy 1863 – Russian philosopher.
  4. Louis Jean Lumiere 1864 - inventor of cinema.
  5. Fedor Uglov 1904 – Russian surgeon.
  6. Vaclav Havel 1936 – Czech writer.
  7. Inna Churikova 1943 – Russian actress.
  8. Alexander Mikhailov 1944 – Russian actor.
  9. Bob Geldof 1951 – Irish musician.
  10. Brent Ward Jett 1958 – American astronaut.
  11. Kate Winslet 1975 – English actress.

On October 5, 1502, Christopher Columbus discovered Costa Rica (translated as Rich Coast) - or rather, the territory on which this Central American republic later appeared. A few centuries later, Costa Rica, as they say, entered the annals. In 1949, after the civil war, it became the first country in the world to abolish the army. A unique case against the general background.

On this day in 1599, at the residence of the Ottoman sultans - Topkapi Palace, organ master from England Thomas Dulham gave Padishah Mehmed III a gift from Queen Elizabeth I - a 5-meter high organ. Trumpets rose above his keyboard, between them was an hour dial with silver figures of trumpeters, and even higher was a figurine of Elizabeth and a bush with blackbirds. The organ sounded independently for 6 hours, and it could also be played manually. The clock struck each of the 24 hours with melodies on 16 bells, followed by a fanfare of trumpeters and the singing of blackbirds. The Sultan was so amazed that, in gratitude, he even allowed Dalem, the first of the Christians, to look at his harem through the bars and, promising two wives from among his concubines, invited him to stay forever in Constantinople.

Charles Genevieve Louis Auguste André Timothée d'Eon de Beaumont was born on October 5, 1728. He was destined to become a diplomat and secret agent of the French royal court. Fate threw him, according to eyewitnesses, who spent half his life in female guise, to a variety of countries. He also came to Russia during the reign of Elizabeth I, by the way, also under the guise of the maiden de Beaumont, and was greatly honored by the Russian Empress. De Beaumont died on May 21, 1810 in London. From his name comes the term “aeonism” - men’s imitation of women’s manners and behavior, as well as dressing in women’s clothing.

On this day in 1782 in St. Petersburg, in the wooden theater of the merchant Karl Knipper on Tsaritsyn Meadow (now Field of Mars) on the occasion of a benefit performance of an outstanding artist, theatrical figure and teacher Ivan Dmitrevsky, “the court actors of Her Imperial Majesty (Catherine II) with written permission from the government” performed for the first time the five-act comedy “The Minor” by Denis Fonvizin. The beneficiary performed the reasoning role of Colonel Starodum, which was among his signature works. And the author of the play, who took an active part in the production, wrote with satisfaction to a Moscow acquaintance: “It was a complete success...”

On October 5, 1793, the French Convention introduced a revolutionary calendar, according to which the first year began on the first day of the republic - September 22, 1792. The year was divided into 12 months of 30 days each. Remaining 5 days (6 - by leap years) were declared holidays. Each ten-day period of the month ended with a day off. The new names of the months reflected the characteristics of the seasons: Vendémière (grape harvest), Brumaire (fogs), Frimère (frost), Nivoz (snow), Pluviose (rains), Vantose (winds), Germinal (sprouts), Floral (blooming), Prairial (meadows), messidor (harvest), thermidor (heat), fructidor (fruits).

On this day in 1869, the “water bicycle” was patented in the United States. Its creators were Fisher Spofford and Matthew Ruffington of Columbus, Ohio.

On October 5, 1880, a certain Alonso Cross patented the first prototype of a ballpoint pen. But this idea was clearly unlucky - its time came no earlier than 50 years later. And in our country, for a long time, the ballpoint pen was disgraced - who? That's right, teachers. They were taught to write (and live) from dictation - in neat handwriting, using a No. 86 pen.

On this day in 1906 in London, hairdresser Karl Nessler showed his invention - perming hair, or, as he beautifully called it, “permanent wave”.

On October 5, 1921, on the initiative of the English writer John Galsworthy, in order to protect the rights of writers and journalists, the International PEN Club, an international association of writers, was founded in London. The purpose of the organization is to promote creative collaboration among writers around the world. The Pen Club strongly encourages the practice of literary translation and is constantly concerned about the fate of writers who are in prison, experiencing material need, or hushed up by repressive regimes. This is the only non-governmental, non-governmental international organization that unites professional writers, writers, editors, translators from more than 120 countries and about 140 national PEN centers. The first active participants in the organization were Anatole France, Paul Valery, Thomas Mann, Karel Capek. At the same time, the PEN Club Charter was written, proclaiming the principles of this organization, which still remain fundamental in its work: these are the rules for protecting freedom of speech and writers. Quite quickly, from an organization of mutual aid for writers, the International PEN Club grew into an international human rights movement of writers. International PEN helps writers from different countries in the fight not only for freedom of speech, but also for personal freedom. Over the eight and a half decades of its work, the world PEN Club has saved many writers from physical destruction.

On this day in 1925, Ernest Hemingway's first book was published in the United States. It was a small collection of stories called “In Our Time.”

The Locarno Conference of 1925 was an international conference with the participation of representatives from Belgium, Great Britain, Germany, Italy, Poland, France, and Czechoslovakia. It took place from October 5 to October 16, 1925 in Locarno (Switzerland) in order to conclude a series of guarantee agreements (Locarno Treaties of 1925). The course of the Locarno Conference was determined by the desire of the Western powers to bind Germany with certain obligations on the inviolability of the Franco-German and Belgian-German borders; destroy the relationship between Germany and the USSR that developed on the basis of the Rapallo Treaty of 1922; achieve the isolation of the Soviet Union and create a single anti-Soviet bloc with the participation of Germany. The issue of Germany's participation in anti-Soviet actions was discussed at the Locarno Conference in connection with the issue of Germany's entry into the League of Nations.

The Moscow News newspaper traces its origins to the English-language newspaper Moscow News, the first issue of which was published on October 5, 1930. The newspaper was created as a newspaper for foreign specialists in the USSR. At first, Moscow News was published once every five days, then it became a weekly publication, and for some time it was published daily. From 1949 to 1955, the newspaper was closed by decision of the Politburo of the Central Committee of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks), Chief Editor removed from work and put on trial in the case of the “Jewish Anti-Fascist Committee”. In 1955 the newspaper was restored. IN different time"MN" was the organ of the All-Union Society for Cultural Relations with Foreign Countries, and subsequently the organ of the Novosti Press Agency and the Union Soviet societies friendship with the peoples of foreign countries. During this period, MN was published, in addition to English, in French, German, Italian, Spanish, Arabic, Estonian, Greek, Hungarian, Finnish, international language"Esperanto" and a number of others. In connection with the Olympic Games in Moscow (1980), the Politburo of the CPSU Central Committee decided to organize the publication of MN in Russian. “Pilot” issues were prepared in March-May 1980; the newspaper began publishing regularly in July 1980.

On October 5, 1952, the 19th Congress of the All-Union Communist Party (Bolsheviks) opened in Moscow. It was on it that the CPSU (b) was renamed the CPSU. This was the first congress since 1939. Stalin planned to change the balance of power in the country's ruling group that had developed over the 13 years between congresses. He did not have time to realize his plans. At the very first Plenum of the Central Committee, he attempted to remove two people from the Bureau formed within the Presidium - Molotov and Mikoyan. However, already in March 1953, literally at the moment of his death, these politicians were returned back, and the composition of the Presidium was reduced to the size of the previous Politburo, easily ignoring the decision of the 19th Congress. However, this happened later. And at the congress they approved the Directives on the five-year development plan of the USSR for 1951-1955. For the first time, guests from other countries now constituted an entire socialist system. You can read more about everything that happened at the congress in the speeches and memoirs of its participants.

On October 5, 1962, the premiere of the film Dr. No, the first of more than 20 James Bond films to date, took place in the building of the old music hall of the English capital - the London Pavilion. The 105-minute film was directed by Terence Young, already a very experienced and famous director by that time. But the leading role was played by a then little-known actor who did not require high fee, Scotsman Sean Connery. His girlfriend was played by Swiss-born Ursula Andress. The low-budget ($1.1 million) film gained enviable popularity. It was seen at the global box office by 23 million viewers, and brought in $56 million for its creators, not counting a number of prestigious awards. It was there that the famous phrase with which agent 007 begins meeting girls was first heard: “My name is Bond... James Bond.” The next day the film began to appear in cinemas.

On October 5, 1966, the first concert of the vocal and instrumental ensemble “Singing Guitars” took place on the stage of the Voenmekha assembly hall in Leningrad. This group became the first big beat performer on the Soviet professional stage. In fact, “Singing Guitars” gave the very name to the popular song genre - “VIA”.

On this day in 1974, American David Kunst from Waseca, Minnesota, completed his first walk trip around the world. This venture took him 4 years and 21 pairs of shoes. Almost at the very end of the journey, he told what prompted him to undertake such a long adventure. “I’m tired of Vasek, I’m tired of my job, I’m tired of people who don’t want to think, I’m tired of my wife,” Kunst said.

On October 5, 1984, singer Alexander Novikov was arrested, and in 1985, by verdict of the Sverdlovsk court, Novikov received 10 years in maximum security camps “for the manufacture and sale of electrical musical equipment.”

On this day in 1991, the USSR signed the first cooperation agreement with the International Monetary Fund.

On October 5, 1993, Boris Yeltsin banned the activities of opposition parties and newspapers in Russia.

On this day in 2009, the largest cruise ship in the history of the enterprise entered the Odessa port. As Delta Pilot reported, the company’s employees brought the largest cruise ship in the history of the harbor to the Odessa port. Thus, the Norwegian Jade liner (flying the flag of the Bahamas) has a length of 294.13 m and a width of 32 m. The ship belongs to the Norwegian company Norwegian Cruise Line. It is also reported that there are more than 2 thousand passengers on board the Norwegian Jade cruise ship. From September 29, they make an 11-day voyage along the route Athens-Heraklion-Rhodes-Izmir-Yalta-Odessa-Constanza-Varna-Istanbul. It is worth noting that the largest cruise ship that called at the port of Odessa until that time was considered the Queen Victoria (length - 294 m). For a long time, the record holder was the ship Aurora (length 272.1 m). At the same time, old-timers remember the visit to Odessa of the Queen Elizabeth passenger liner (length - 293.5 m) in the 70s, but it did not dock at the pier. Then passengers were delivered to shore by ship's motorboats.


Significant events in the world of music - BIRTHDAYS

October 5, 1787 born Russian composer, conductor and music teacher of German origin.

In 1811 he went to St. Petersburg, where he was accepted to the post of bandmaster of the Court singing choir. IN 1815 moved to Moscow, where he gave private music lessons and very quickly established himself as a good teacher.

Once in Russia, he studied not only the Russian language, but also became interested in Russian national music. IN 1819 Scholz wrote a note on the need to establish a music conservatory in Moscow. But the idea did not find a response among the broad masses, who were not yet ready for it. Scholz received an invitation to return to work in the structure imperial theaters, but already to the Moscow troupe. WITH September 27, 1820- conductor of the Moscow Imperial Theater Troupe, which performed on various stages, and with the opening in 1825 Bolshoi Theater with the entire Moscow troupe continued to work there. Thus, he stood at the very origins of the musical culture And musical theater Moscow.

P In addition to teaching and conducting work, he was engaged in composing activities, composing music mainly for productions for the Moscow imperial stage. Every year he gave concerts from his compositions.

Died in Moscow from cholera October 27, 1830 at 44 years of age. His descendants, having received noble title, lived in Russia.

D jazz and cabaret artist and teacher was born October 5, 1923 in Bombay. Her stage career spanned 60 years and spanned 26 countries. Known mainly to British audiences, during the second half of the Second World War it also became famous outside the United Kingdom, in Eastern Europe, including the Soviet Union.

Jerry became the first Western jazz musician to tour the USSR, selling 3 million records there in 1961. While in the USSR, she performed "How High the Moon» in his concert, which took place at the Kyiv Opera. This event coincided with another one - Yuri Gagarin's first flight into space.

IN during the tour in the USSR, its producer was Pincus Falik- director of the Chernivtsi Philharmonic - who was one of the first producers.

Lung cancer was diagnosed. December 14, 2005 she died in a hospice in the capital of Australia, Canberra, at the age of 83.

F French singer and actress (Maitena Marie Brigitte Doumenac) was born October 5, 1939.

IN 20 years, replacing my sick sister, Laforet won the competition of young talents. A few years later, together with my sister Marie went to audition at the theater, where she was noticed by director Rene Clément, who was looking for a heroine for his new film “In the Bright Sun.” Having played in this film together with Alain Delon, the girl became a celebrity and received many roles in 1960s.

IN During this period, she married Jean-Gabriel Albicocco, who directed her in some of his works, including the film “The Girl with the Golden Eyes.” After this film Laforet the nickname stuck "The Girl with Golden Eyes".

IN USSR Laforet was known mainly by interpretation orchestra Fields of Moriah her songs "Manchester et Liverpool", the melody of which accompanied the weather forecast in the “Time” program with 1968 By February 1981 and with June 1990 By August 1991.

Arthur Ira(Art) Garfunkel was born November 5, 1941. American singer, actor, traveler and writer who 1957 By 1970 performed in a duet with Paul Simon entitled Simon and Garfunkel. Wrote all the songs for this project Simon, the main contribution Garfunkel was his clear, high voice.

P After the duo broke up, he moved away from music, playing in the films “Catch-22” and “Carnal Knowledge.” IN 1973 released his first solo album, which consisted mostly of cover versions of famous hits. Subsequently he worked with such songwriters as Jimmy Webb And Randy Newman. Twice topped the British pop charts - in 1975 ("I Only Have Eyes for You") And 1979 ("Bright Eyes"). IN Lately He writes songs for himself on his own.

October 5, 1943 American guitarist born. At the age of 12 he created a blues rock band, which 1968 got the name The Steve Miller Band.

ABOUT once Steve wrote a simple song "The Joker", which I decided to release as a single. The pop-oriented tune became a major hit, reaching number one on the Billboard Hot 100. It was released in the UK 17 years later and, being used in a commercial, also topped the national chart.

Miller continued recording in a similar style, designed for the tastes of the widest public. His albums "Fly Like an Eagle" (1976 ) And "Book of Dreams" (1977 ) sold millions of copies, and the single "Rock'n Me" became another super hit.

P the latest and biggest bestseller Steve Miller was released in June 1982 dance single "Abracadabra".

October 5, 1945 was born Brian Francis Connolly– Scottish musician and singer, best known as the lead vocalist of the band Sweet.

In 1968 year Connolly joined Wainwright's Gentlemen, which disbanded, leaving several recordings, including a cover of the song Hollies "Ain't That Just Like Me", released in February 2011 on the collection "Rare Mod, Volume 3". Connolly and Tucker formed a group Sweetshop, but it turned out that the name was already taken, and they shortened it to Sweet. Their first single "Slow Motion" failed. The next 3 singles were also unsuccessful.

In March 1971 of the year Sweet released their first successful issue - "Funny Funny", which made it into the British Hot Twenty. Next single "Co-Co", went out to June and took second place. TO end of 1971 album released "Funny How Sweet Co-Co Can Be", on the recording of which the participants Sweet Only vocals and backing vocals were sung, while the instrumental parts were performed by session musicians.

group Sweet

Z and this was followed by heavier songs like "Wig Wam Bam", "Little Willy" And "Blockbuster", with the latter becoming the only single Sweet, which took 1st place in the British charts.

Sweet wore long hair cut in a “ladder” fashion, bright clothes, used makeup and behaved provocatively on stage. Indecent gestures and expressions led to their performances being banned at several venues, but the press started talking about them. They became recognizable and acquired an audience of fans all over the world. Despite the growing skill of their playing, they had the image of a “visual” group, and people came to their concerts not to listen to the music, but to watch how Connolly breaks the microphone stand.

In 1973-74 years Sweet released a series of successful glam rock singles. Then there was a lot: the collapse of the team, its reunion, the creation of a new one.

IN As a result of long and heavy drinking, he fell ill, but continued performing. He was gone February 9, 1997.

was born October 5, 1947. English rock musician and poet, former vocalist of the band Geordie and current member of the Australian rock band AC/DC.

In 1971 Brian created with two friends Buffalo, a year later they hired a new guitarist and changed their name to USA. IN May 1972 the group signed a contract with the London label Red Bus Records and received the name Geordie. Until the collapse 1976 Geordie never gained popularity.

In 1975 Brian recorded a solo single "I Can't Forget You Now/I Can't Give It Up", which, however, also did not become known. Two years after that Johnson made an attempt to create George II, at this time he was engaged in car repairs. Around this time he heard the band AC/DC. To the team Brian got there by accident. An unknown team fan submitted a nomination Brian to the band's manager, Peter Menchi. I was one of the last to know about my enrollment - April 1, 1980.

Was born October 5, 1951. Irish musician from an early age was fond of punk and rock music.

Geldof became a vocalist Bound For Glory. IN 1977 the group recorded their first single "Lookin' After No. 1" and released her first album. But the punk rock movement was not popular. The album did not bring the expected success. Next album "Tonic for the Troops" was rewarded with fan recognition. The group became the leader of the charts.

In 1986 Bob decided to lead solo career, and the band gave a farewell concert. The debut took place in the same year Bob Geldof, as a soloist, a disc was released "Deep in the Heart of Nowhere", which didn't bring much success.

In 1992, Bob Geldof performed at a tribute concert with the remaining members of the band at Wembley Stadium, performing a song he had written with Mercury song "Too Late God".

Geldof worked as a radio DJ. Returned to musical career with release in end of 2005 box set "Great Songs of Indifference – The Anthology 1986-2001", containing all solo albums. After this release Geldof went on a tour that met with mixed success. And in 2011 The first studio album in 10 years was released "How To Compose Popular Songs That Will Sell".

established himself as a businessman. His net worth was estimated by Broadcast magazine at 2001 at 30 million pounds.

Nicola Maria Roberts was born October 5, 1985. British singer, songwriter, actress, model and entrepreneur.

AND fame came to her in 2002 after she became a member of a girl pop group Girls Aloud V reality show Popstars: The Rivals. WITH Girls Aloud Roberts released 21 singles (all entered the top ten of the UK Singles Chart, four singles took 1st line), five studio albums, one collection greatest hits and two remix albums (two albums reached number 1 in the UK Albums Chart), and was also nominated five times for the BRIT Awards, winning Best Single for the song "The Promise".

In 2009 Girls Aloud announced that they would be taking a break to study solo projects. Roberts recorded a solo album "Cinderella's Eyes", which was released September 26, 2011.

She created her own line of cosmetics aimed at people with pale skin, and took part in the filming of a documentary about the dangers of tanning for BBC Three.

Significant events in the world of music – REMEMBRANCE DAYS

June 20, 1819 was born - French composer and musician, founder and most prominent representative of French operetta. For seven years he was the musical director of the Comedie Française theater, but in 1855 left this post and opened own theater "Bouffe-Parisien".

TO essay Offenbach treated with the same ease as he approached life. According to observation Saint-Saens, his scores were swarming with microscopically small notes that scurried across the paper like flies’ feet and, in their haste, barely touched it. Offenbach didn't like loneliness. He even composed music where there were a lot of people. According to the researchers: “Imagination Offenbach awakened human seething.”

U the amazing fate of his opera "The Tales of Hoffmann". As one of the composer’s friends, Albert Wolf, wrote: “The maestro put his whole soul into this score. She was supposed to be the crowning glory of his life, the last word his art."

T became difficult for the composer 1878 , is the year of the World Exhibition in Paris. Offenbach returned from America and was full creative ideas. But he tried in vain to get the text to write a play for the opening of the exhibition - his name never appeared on theater posters.

"Ffantastic tales of Hoffmann" became a kind of requiem to a man who devoted his life to operetta. In this work the composer's lyrical talent was most clearly demonstrated. Opera "The Tales of Hoffmann"– this is the composer’s musical testament, his “swan song”. Was October 5, 1880 when in the house Offenbach went to him old friend- the comedian Leons asked how the owner was feeling. "Mr. Offenbach fell asleep quietly and didn’t notice anything,” answered the doorman. “He’ll be surprised when he notices,” the comedian said gloomily.

Silvestre Revueltas Sanchez was born December 31, 1899. Mexican composer, violinist and conductor. The greatest national musician of the 20th century.

Z Graduated from the Conservatory in Mexico City, studied in Austin and Chicago. Gave violin concerts, acted as a conductor (assistant to the chief conductor of the National Symphony Orchestra of Mexico), and propagandist latest music. The composer also worked in cinema and wrote vocal and symphonic music. Silvestre Sanchez– author of 4 string quartets, several symphonic poems, ballets "Tadpole Reveler" And "Colonel"(not completed), chamber instrumental works, music for cinema.

IN During the years of the Republic and the Spanish Civil War, he collaborated with the Republican forces; after the victory, Franco returned to his homeland. Silvestre Revueltas Sanchez He lived in poverty, drank, got sick, and ended up in psychiatric hospitals.

N German composer Giselcher Wolfgang Klebe was born June 28, 1925. He received his primary musical education from his mother, a violinist. Gertrude Klebe.

WITH He wrote his first compositions at the age of 13. IN 1940s His intensive training began in violin, viola and composition classes. Then Klebe called for military service signalman. When Germany surrendered, Giselcher captured by Russian troops. The composer's poor health influenced his early release from prison.

TO when do you feel well Klebe improved, he continued his musical research in Berlin ( 1946-1951 ). Klebe worked at the Berliner Rundfunk radio station, and after that completely switched to composing.

IN The composer drew inspiration from the works of writers and artists, being especially fascinated by his contemporaries. The first opera appeared in 1957 based on Friedrich Schiller's play "The Robbers". He also wrote two operas based on the plays of Odon von Horvath. Giselher replaced Wolfgang Fortner as an assistant professor at the Detmold Higher School of Music. He was appointed professor at 1962 and taught many students over the years. Some of them became famous composers, including Theo Brandmüller, Matthias Pinscher, Lars Woldt and etc.

In 1964 Klebe became a member of the Academy of Art, and a year later received Westphalian Prize for Music(Now prize named after Hans Werner Henze ).

Died at the age of 85 October 5, 2009, in Detmold, after long illness caused by liver cancer. The composer became the author of over 140 musical works, including 14 operas, 8 symphonies, 15 solo concerts, chamber works, as well as sacred and piano works.

IN influential Scottish folk rock musician, “guitarist of guitarists” and one of the founders of the ensemble Pentangle was born November 3, 1943. His revolutionary spirit and unique guitar playing influenced countless musicians.

Recorded at least 25 albums and toured extensively, starting with 1960s. Early in his career he was sometimes described as British Bob Dylan. His early entry "Blackwaterside" picked up Jimmy Page, it was recorded by the ensemble Led Zeppelin as "Black Mountain Side". Jansch did not initiate an expensive lawsuit for violation of his copyrights.

N and was known to the British folk scene before the formation of the ensemble Pentangle, fascinated by blues and gravitating toward folk rock. June 29, 1967 the band performed at London's Royal Albert Hall: the recording of the concert became the basis of the album "Sweet Child". January 1, 1973 Jensch announced his departure from the group. IN early 1980s he returned transformed Pentangle and stayed with him until 1995 .

M The musician always drank large quantities of alcoholic beverages, right up to the point where it began to threaten his life. died October 5, 2011 in hospice after a long battle with cancer.

Significant events in the world of music - SIGNIFICANT DATES

P first concert State Academic Symphony Orchestra of the USSR took place October 5, 1936. The performance of the group took place in Great hall Moscow Conservatory.

Since mid-1950s with the arrival of the chief conductor Evgenia Svetlanova the orchestra began making recordings, including a unique project "Anthology of Russian symphonic music".

G The orchestra often became the first performer of new works written specifically for this group, as well as forgotten and long-unperformed works. So, in 1945 was performed for the first time in almost fifty years First Symphony of Sergei Rachmaninoff.

In 2006, the orchestra given name Evgenia Svetlanova.

WITH now State Orchestra of Russia– one of the leading symphony orchestras in the world. The group gives concerts both in Russia and abroad.

A album The Beach Boys "Endless Summer" October 5, 1974 soared to number 1 in the US.

N on the eve of death, October 5, 1991, performed alone with an acoustic concert at a technical school in Gzhel, where a string on his guitar broke. This was the singer's last appearance on stage.

October 5, 1991 Guns N' Roses ended up in 1st place on the American album chart with the album "Use Your Illusion II".

P esnya Beyoncé "Baby Boy" October 5, 2003 began a week-long marathon of being in 1st place on the American charts.

D Jeffrey Bohrer, who secretly filmed on a private plane, October 5, 2006 was sentenced to 6 months of house arrest and a fine of $10,000. Bohrer, the owner of the private airline company XtraJet, ordered his employees to install two hidden cameras on the pop star's plane.

October 5, 2007 Scottish singer Annie Lennox released an album "Songs Of Mass Destruction", which included 11 new songs.

WITH English singers Pink "So What" October 5, 2008 took 1st place in the UK, where it stayed for 3 weeks.

October 5, 2010 was awarded for achievements in music industry USA. The singer was noted for the song The Police "Every Breath You Take". According to BMI estimates, since its release in 1 983 The composition was played on American radio stations at least 10 million times.

October 5, 2011 Barack Obama signed an order appointing Advisor to the President on Education Quality for Hispanics to a key administrative position.

October 5, 2011 The presentation of the band's new album took place "Aria" entitled "Phoenix". Music authors – V. Kholstinina, V. Dubinina And S. Popova.