Why do you dream about a falling plane, a plane crash or a miraculous rescue? Basic interpretations of why a falling plane dreams. Plane crash Miller's dream book, Juno

Our experts will help you find out what it means to dream about an airplane crash, just write your dream in the form below and they will explain to you what it means if you saw this symbol in a dream. Try it!

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    Hello!! From the side I saw a low-flying plane between residential buildings, then once it turned over in the air just as low at the level of a third-floor building and the tail of the plane flew into the window. There was nothing more. And I didn’t see the explosion.

    I'm flying on a large comfortable plane to relax. Everything is fine. The flight and mood were excellent. We are flying over the ocean. Suddenly we hear a knock on our plane from outside. I look out the window, and there is an airplane, a little larger than a model, that children fly, but with people. His wing fell off. I see the faces of the passengers on this plane, distorted with horror. But this plane is so small that it manages not to fall like a stone, but inevitably glides downwards. Soon these people (they were Asians) must drown. Our ship captain decides to land on the water next to this plane. As a result, in a matter of minutes we open the exit and save everyone. This is such a fantasy. They thank us, cry, and we fly on to rest. What would that mean?

    I'm flying on a plane and suddenly it starts to plummet down. I try to buckle up, but the belt is not like on an airplane, but like in a car. And it’s as if the plane is already breaking up and I seem to see from above the burning wreckage of the plane already lying on the ground. but I didn’t have the feeling that I crashed along with the plane. I didn’t see any other people in the salon. Everything happened very quickly, and I didn’t even understand whether I had time to fully fasten my seat belt or not.

    I had a dream: I wake up on the plane, my mother is sitting next to me. After 5 minutes, he begins to fall and spin really hard. My mother gives me a very bright vest and the yellow one really glows. I was putting it on and was in a hurry, it took me a long time to put it on, but I put it on anyway. Then I looked out the window, we were flying past a large river. Then we fly up to a beautiful island, there is sand everywhere and there are palm trees and there are 3 meters left and from the window I see a man in a gray suit and tie, he waves to us and smiles. And at one moment the plane seemed to be landing and I fell out of the hole in the plane from the explosion, fell to the ground and was happy to jump that I had survived. It was evening and sunset when I was happy there were a lot of people and they were dancing
    What could it mean?
    What could it mean?

    Good morning. Today I saw a large plane crash in a dream. The dream was brightly colored. In the dream there were three large airplanes, like a Boeing. With flowers of Belarusian and Russian symbols, they flew very close and one of them crashed behind the forest in my village and large fragments flew towards us, we began to run away and hide, not a single fragment hit us. Thank you.

    I had a dream (I’ve had it many times already) of a plane (plane crash) flying right out the window, I’m in fear and waiting for death, an explosion occurs and I don’t remember anything else, as if I was no longer there... I wake up with a fright, and sometimes, on the contrary, with a joyful thought,” that it was all over and the whole family died at the same time.”

    Please tell me. My 9-year-old child had a dream that the plane on which he was flying on vacation with his grandparents fell into the sea and everyone died... He has a trip coming up soon, so we are very worried.
    Thank you!

    At first 2 people fell, after that I saw the plane falling on me, I jumped to the side and the plane began to burn. I opened the emergency door and started saving people. I don’t remember further.

    I dreamed that I was standing on a dark street in front of me there was a large stone, but at the same time I was standing in the middle of the stone, a plane was flying into the stone, then it disappeared for a moment between the stone and after a while on the other side of the stone it fell next to me but I was not afraid then I went then I met a boy who tells me and shows me where to go but at the same time tells me that I will now meet my husband, I followed this road that the boy showed me and I really met my husband but I don’t know him, but at the same time I can see from afar and next to him I was walking, a copy of me, that is, a girl, then the same boy appears again and says to go along a different road, like I’ll meet my child there, I went there and saw my future husband with a child and a baby, then I squatted, pressing my back against the wall of the house, then I see myself again I calmed down because I looked like a girl and went to them and found myself next to my future husband and child, but there was no copy of the girl

Why do you dream of a plane crash (a falling plane) 5.00 /5 (1 votes)

A plane crash can be dreamed of by a person who is terribly afraid of flying an airplane. Such a dream is a reflection of fears and worries, especially before the upcoming flight. But in some cases it can be prophetic. Therefore, you definitely need to find out why you dream of a falling plane.

Reflection of spirituality

According to some interpretations of various dream books, flying on an airplane is a reflection of a person’s spiritual development. It is enough to carefully analyze the dream about it, and it becomes clear that the plane crash in this case reflects spiritual doubts and torment. Perhaps some event occurred in real life that radically changed views on faith.

A plane crash dreams of trials

However, more often than not, a falling plane warns of upcoming trials in life. If, miraculously, a catastrophe was avoided, then in real life there will be a way out of the current circumstances.

If the image of a falling plane is regularly dreamed, then most likely the person himself is doing something that leads him to self-destruction. Therefore, there is an urgent need to change something in behavior, lifestyle or thoughts.

Give up plans

Why else do you dream about a plane crash? It symbolizes outside interference in fate. Sometimes it can even indicate deliberately caused damage.

If you dreamed that you were in a falling plane, then in reality you should not build far-reaching prospects. It still won't work. On the other hand, a sudden plane crash predicts an imminent declaration of love.

The dream book warns: Be careful!

If in a dream your plane falls to the ground, it means that in real life you do not feel the security of your position. Seeing the remains of a crashed aircraft means that you should not rely on others at all. However, everything will have to be controlled personally.

Any accident, including a plane crash, calls for maximum caution in further actions. This dream symbolizes possible mistakes and wrong decisions, which can ultimately lead to complete collapse. Try to trust your intuition more, even if hunches go against logic.

A falling plane in a dream is a real threat

In extremely exceptional cases, a plane crash in a dream is a warning of real trouble. A prophetic dream differs from others in its absolute realism. Every detail, down to the smells, is etched into memory.

One can argue endlessly about whether to believe or not to believe in dreams. Some people laugh at nightly “movies” and under no circumstances take them seriously, others prefer to consider as true only those dreams that promise wealth and good luck in love.

There are also those who believe in dreams unconditionally and after each vision they rush to the dream book, trying to understand what events to expect in real life. And there’s no point in arguing - after all, everyone has the right to their own opinion. However, a long, realistic nightmare seen in a dream is probably capable of plunging any even slightly suspicious person into thought. Many people know firsthand that feeling when you wake up and realize that the events you saw were just a dream, and you sigh with relief - and you’ll dream about something like this! However, one should not always expect an equally terrible interpretation from a terrible dream; sometimes even murders and accidents symbolize something good. Today we will talk about what dreams of a plane crash mean.

What do such night visions promise?

Sometimes people have such dreams that you just wonder - where does it come from? The same planes. It seems like there is no trip planned, and the vacation is still like walking to the moon, there is nothing to do at the airport, there was no talk about fighter jets during the day... But come on, it was a dream. And even in a nightmare! What does it mean to see a plane crash in a dream? Let's try to figure it out.

Psychologists' opinion

According to psychologists, such a dream speaks of hidden internal problems of a person. Seeing a plane crash in a dream means that some old grievances are surfacing in the subconscious, from which you have not been able to completely free yourself. In this case, it would be good to remember whether the culprit of the crash was in the dream, and if so, who exactly it was.

Perhaps some acquaintance or relative. You need to analyze the dream, think: isn’t it time to forgive the insults inflicted on the offenders and let them go in peace? After all, as a result, your own psychological trauma will heal, relief will come, and after this the nightmares will leave.

Why do you dream of a plane crash according to the eastern dream book?

He claims that the crash he sees warns of unforeseen life circumstances that can take a person by surprise. If you dreamed of the ruins of a crashed plane, this indicates that you need to be as attentive as possible and, when implementing your plans and moving towards your goal, rely only on yourself. Such a dream suggests that you need to tirelessly control the situation and the people on whom achieving what you want in one way or another depends.

What does a plane crash mean in a dream, according to the Newest Dream Book? Such a dream means jealousy and a possible quarrel with a loved one on this basis or a stormy family scandal. You need to be more restrained and cautious and take care of your nerves and the health of your loved ones.

in accordance with the Wanderer's dream book?

Such a dream speaks of a loss of position, a concession in a dispute, and sometimes even serious trials in the form of betrayal by a loved one, loss of property, or the conclusion of an unsuccessful contract.

Now let’s see what the seen plane crash means, according to the Dream Book from A to Z. A dream in which a person witnessed a plane crash suggests that he should pay close attention to his health. If you dreamed that there was a plane crash, but managed to stay alive, this means that in real life a person will be able to get out of difficult situations with dignity and become a winner in the fight against spiteful critics. Seeing an airliner crash from afar means that some trouble will happen, but it will not cause any significant harm.


Felomena's dream book gives this interpretation of dreams. A plane crash symbolizes money-related problems and a not-so-successful streak in business. He also claims that a person who sees something in a dream in the near future should not expect changes for the better - for now, everything in his life will remain the same.

Why do you dream of a plane crash that killed people? This means that the dreamer needs to pay more attention to spiritual development and self-improvement. You need to stop for a second, stop thinking about pressing issues and everyday problems day and night, and devote part of your time to thoughts about the eternal. But if in a dream a person hears a message about a plane crash on the news on the radio or television, this means a calm life.

According to popular interpretations, a plane crash means that some unfavorable events, illnesses or failures lie ahead. The dream seems to warn a person that in the near future one should keep one’s ears open. As they say, forewarned is forearmed. For example, you need to take special precautions if the cold season is in full swing, or not rush to sign an agreement if your intuition tells you that the prospective partner is not very reliable. Perhaps you should not rush into a wedding if you are not one hundred percent sure of the bride or groom, and at the thought of getting married, no, no, and a worm of doubt will begin to gnaw. When you dream of a rapidly falling plane, this means unexpected, shocking events, and in real life you need to be as collected and concentrated as possible, ready to repel the blow at any moment. If in the dream there were also other people involved in the plane crash, then perhaps the problems will affect all family members.

A little conclusion

These are the interpretations of dreams about a plane crash, different and unpredictable. Whether to believe them or not, everyone decides for themselves. However, in any case, no matter what you dream, you should not regard it as some kind of inevitability, because people are the masters of their destiny, and with their thoughts, actions and deeds they can change everything for the better at any moment. Good and pleasant dreams to you!

Why do you dream about a plane crashing? If the day before you did not watch a film about a plane crash and your experiences are not related to the planned flight, the dream may warn of impending danger. However, the details of interpretation will depend on many nuances. Let's look at it in order.

General interpretation among the people

Most dream books are unanimous in their opinion: the dream warns of the collapse of planned plans. If you have not planned any major events, an airliner crash may warn you that a party or special meeting will be disrupted.

If the dreamer during a plane crash was in the salon with his beloved, we have to go through a stormy scene of a showdown. Peace and harmony will be disrupted, perhaps strangers will interfere in the relationship.

Also, a plane crash in a dream can warn about:

  • imminent serious illness;
  • high risk associated with finances;
  • loss of position in society/at work;
  • misfortune of a loved one.

However, if I have a dream after experiencing unrest or stress in reality, the plot with the crash may be a continuation of what was experienced in the dream. It is impossible to interpret such a dream from a dream book.

Dream about a plane falling into water shows upcoming worries and emotional outbursts about negative events in the dreamer’s life. Water always symbolizes emotions and speaks about the psychology of a specific person’s perception of an event.

If you I had a dream before flying on an airplane, it’s better to return the ticket and not tempt fate. Perhaps the flight will end with a successful landing, but heavy thoughts about the crash will leave a mark on the psyche for a long time.

Different dream plots

If in a dream you watch an airliner crash, this foreshadows the destruction of all hopes and aspirations for changing your life or planned business. However, not everything is bad: perhaps your plans were not very feasible or brought a lot of troubles after implementation.

  • A fallen airliner is a symbol of severe disappointment in anything. This could be disappointment in love, in people, in life itself or in your views on life. A plane crash is a disaster in your life. Does it always promise bad things? Sometimes without unhappiness there is no happiness. Take everything philosophically.
  • Jump out by parachute from a falling airliner - you will be able to get out of the current catastrophic situation with dignity, and even learn a positive lesson from it for the future. For the dreamer, life will provide a different chance to realize his dream, or a new dream will appear in life, more real and feasible.
  • Fly on a faulty plane- make a mistake by mistake. A reprimand from superiors, dissatisfaction with colleagues, loss of reputation is possible.

Interpretations from dream books

Miller's Dream Book considers this plot to be an omen of collapse in the personal, social and financial spheres. If a businessman pilots a plane in a dream, this foretells the collapse of a business. First there will be an incredible rise, and then a crash.

Vanga's Dream Book interprets the vision of the plane crash as follows: troubles and misfortunes will bypass the dreamer. A hurricane will rush past without hitting a person. It is considered a bad omen if the dreamer is on board a falling plane - this foreshadows a dark streak in life, worries and troubles. However, the dreamer will be able to overcome troubles and even emerge from difficult circumstances with honor.

Loff's Dream Book believes that the dreamer has low self-esteem. Confidently piloting a plane - coping with various problems on your own, suffering a wreck - is an indicator of lack of confidence in your strengths and capabilities. The dreamer must overcome his inferiority complexes and learn to be proud of himself and his achievements.

Longo's Dream Interpretation advises to postpone the flight if it is scheduled for the next few days. If air travel is not planned, you should be careful at home and on the street. The risk of injury is very high. The plane crashed into a mountain - in reality, the dreamer will make a mistake due to inattention. Crash on a plane - the beginning of a new stage in life. Falling out of an airliner means being fired from your job.

Universal dream book believes: the dream has no unambiguous interpretation. This may be a warning about the transience of life and a hint to reconsider your life values. If you are wasting your life in carelessness or eternal dissatisfaction, you should think about the meaning of life.

The dream book also warns of the onset of a difficult life period, full of trials and troubles. Cherish life, don’t get distracted by trifles. Perhaps the fear experienced in a dream will have a beneficial effect on real life. You will become bolder and more confident, and you will be able to find the dormant strength within yourself to overcome obstacles.

Esoteric dream book sees this story as a disappointment. If the plane exploded during the fall, financial problems are coming. For a young girl, this dream prophesies the disruption of a wedding celebration. Crashing while flying is a very bad omen. Making an emergency landing due to a malfunction means financial losses.

Dream Interpretation Meneghetti regards this plot as a latent tendency to suicide. At an unfavorable moment in life, the dreamer can commit suicide. On the other hand, a plane crash can also indicate a tendency towards murder. To see a dream in which the dreamer is in the cabin of a crashed airliner is a subconscious desire to die with the help of another person.

Modern dream book interprets the plot of the plane crash as a foreshadowing of failures in important matters or projects. Surviving after a plane crash means having a large supply of vitality to successfully overcome negative events.

Seeing the crash of the airliner on which you were supposed to fly is good luck. The dreamer in reality will avoid a serious catastrophe. A plane crashing onto the water means you are trying to save a obviously failed project. A plane crashed into a house - take care of your property. Flying with the deceased - refuse any planned trips.

Dream interpretation of plane crash

A plane crash is a rather unpleasant sight. And this applies not only to visions in real life, but also if such a plot occurred in a dream. It is worth noting that indeed the interpretation of night vision is not very well formulated.

Plane crash

Why do you dream about a plane crash? If on the eve of the dream you watched a program or film with this plot, then this may simply be a reflection of what you saw. In other situations, a dream with a disaster foreshadows changes in the dreamer's life.

Remember why the plane crash occurred.

Explosion on board

Seeing an airliner explode in a dream means unpleasant news. The dream book advises you to pay attention to the events that will occur in the near future, perhaps by doing this you can avoid troubles.

If you saw a plane crash in a dream

Why do you dream of a burning plane? The interpretation of the dream book indicates that the dream symbolizes a favorable period in the dreamer’s life.

Where did the liner fall?

  • Watching from the side as a plane falls into the water - a dream foreshadows conflicts with family and friends. Try to avoid conflicts, as this can cause a nervous breakdown.
  • In the air - this plot indicates financial losses.
  • To see from the outside that he destroyed the house - due to illness you will have to step away from work.
  • If you dreamed of a plane crash and the plane fell near the house and did not hit it, you will not be able to control the situation at work.

Who dreams of a disaster?

A plane crash has a bad interpretation when seen on the eve of a wedding. Whether the young people will be happy in family life remains in question.

If a person is secretly in love, a night dream foreshadows a quick unexpected meeting that will bring a lot of bright emotions.

Random witness

If you dreamed of a story in which you saw a plane crash on television, your subconscious is sending you a signal: you haven’t calculated something in your business plan and this will lead to trouble. If such a plot is dreamed before an important event in life, then this foreshadows an unpleasant outcome of the plan.

If you saw the scene of the accident - you don’t devote enough time to yourself, it’s time to engage in self-development.

Be on board an airplane

Did you dream about a plane crash and you were a passenger on board? It is worth noting:

  • The dreamer remained unharmed - all his plans are being successfully implemented.
  • We saw various wounds and burns on our body - in reality, the goals set were not destined to come true.


Have you been injured in a plane crash?

In a night dream you saw that a disaster had occurred and an acquaintance was on board with you - the interpretation of the plot indicates that you were completely immersed in memories. Leave the past where it belongs and live in the present. This plot also advises you to remember life situations that connected you with this person; perhaps communication with this person is the cause of your troubles.

For a person engaged in business, to see himself as a passenger on a plane that crashed - the dream book advises to be more careful in your actions, and it is also worth taking a realistic and sober look at the life situation. Try to avoid risky ventures, otherwise you will suffer complete financial ruin.


You dreamed of a war and you were flying a plane - the dream indicates that you are too self-confident in your successes. Try to realistically assess your sexual capabilities. There is another meaning to the plot in which you dreamed of a war: planes dropped bombs and you saw explosions - some unexpected event will happen in real life.

Miller's Dream Book

The dream book of the famous psychologist G. Miller indicates that if you dream of a plane crash, and you were just an accidental witness, it means that in real life you will face difficulties at work. Most likely, you will not be able to complete the task assigned to you on time.

Did you dream that you were on board when an airliner crashed? The dream book indicates that such a disaster is dreamed of as a bad sign, foreshadowing troubles that will occur in your life for quite a long time.

Modern dream book

If you dreamed that bombs were being dropped from an airplane - you will go on a trip, but you will not get positive emotions.

Dream book of the 21st century

Did you see a bomb exploding in a dream? This means that an unexpected event will happen in real life.

If you heard an explosion from a bomb, you will be deceived. You not only heard a bomb explosion, but also saw a fiery glow - a good dream that predicts joyful events in life.

I dreamed about the explosion of a bomb falling from an airplane - the dream foreshadows an unpleasant meeting.

There is a folk method that helps to avoid a negative interpretation of the plot you see. In the morning you need to stand under the flowing stream of water and “wash away” the unpleasant aftertaste that the dream caused.