The union of beauty and goodness is fine art. Beauty-Truth-Good

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Meaning of the word az

az in the crossword dictionary

Explanatory Dictionary of the Living Great Russian Language, Dal Vladimir


Church and old first person, I; in conversation they speak jokingly. I am a sinner. I got stuck and couldn't get enough of it. Yes, I'm good at everything. I drink kvass; but if I see beer, I won’t pass it by. I’m not without eyes, I see (in) myself. I - the last word in the ABC (answer: yes, first one).

Explanatory dictionary of the Russian language. D.N. Ushakov


    An ancient name for the letter "a".

    only plural Initial, elementary information (colloquial). Start learning from the basics. Not aza (not to know, not to understand, not to understand) - nothing.

New explanatory dictionary of the Russian language, T. F. Efremova.



AZ- two-letter abbreviation. Can mean:

AZ ( football club)

"Alkmaar Zanstrek", or simply AZ - Dutch professional football club from the city of Alkmaar. Formed on May 10, 1967 as a result of the merger of two Alkmaar clubs "Alkmaar'54" And "Zanstrek", having received the name Alkmaar 67(later AZ’67 and simply AZ). Home matches are played at the AFAS stadium, which seats 17,023 spectators. Traditional colors club - red-white-black.

In the 2015/16 season, the club competed in the Eredivisie, the Dutch top division, finishing in 4th place. The highest achievement AZ in the Dutch championship is 1st place in the seasons 1980/81 and 2008/09, in addition, the club won the Dutch Cup four times and reached the UEFA Cup final once.

The team's head coach is John van den Brom, who was appointed to this position in September 2014.

Examples of the use of the word az in literature.

Inquiry on an important issue requires repetition and verification of evidence - in the training camp Ali Amir himself taught him this basics military art.

Vizh ti kakva beat rabotata - na negovaya people tova didn’t beat interestingly, mislya si az, kato kracha podire mu and malko vlyavo.

Our police, informed by right-thinking people, from them I am the first az, - but only the first one!

And he is an unrivaled specialist in driving in Azov musical literacy into the violent heads of schoolchildren.

It was impossible to understand from the newspapers what was going on, but Marko Voinovich, Proshka’s boss, hurried the guy, who himself did not want to stay in Kazan, and was drawn back to Azov, to the family, to the black eyes of Kamertab.

The creature rated only the spies killed by Raven at the Fence above tens, yes Azu lying in the van.

A firewood harvester, also named Aza.

When Aza He began collecting dead wood in Vygorodka, and he acquired old coins.

At the age of forty I had to relearn again, mastering basics physics of the Earth, gravimetry, geothermy, tectonics, volcanism, paleomagnetism and so on.

Of course, a hook screwed into the blind end of a telescopic rod will be much more convenient and aesthetically pleasing, but my goal is to convey to the amateur the basics, so to speak, basics fishing with girders, and a smart angler will later figure it all out on his own.

Serpilin figured it all out yesterday together with Boyko and the artillerymen, planned it out in rough form, this morning briefed Zakharov on the matter and, on his way here, remembering Batyuk’s character, he thought: the sooner we report, the better, let the front commander feel involved in this idea with from the very beginning, from Azov.

We were torn with bewilderment, That divine providence prevents them from being closer to their work Olympus or Parnassus, - That it came to them to leave them about az And, like an ordinary ghost, appear to the Many-eyed One at the vigil - To stand with everyone else on az.

Azov over there, Volchikha, in that side over there is Taganay, and there is Grace, then Kachkanar and others.

Personnel loss in Civil War forced him to resort to the Stalinist commissar on the Southern Front, where, if he wanted, he could at least learn basics military affairs from a colonel in the tsarist service and future Marshal Egorov.

He found the Kotovs' apartment and began to live with Stas and his grandmother, beginning to introduce the ten-year-old boy to martial arts with Azov, fortunately, no one stopped him from raising the guy in accordance with the traditions of Tao, although modified to suit the mentality of Russian roots.

>>What is beauty

Beauty in art and life

What is beauty?

Each of you has experienced admiration for beauty at least once in your life. winter forest, blooming garden, sunrise over the sea, enchanting folk tunes, timeless melodies of classical compositions, fiery rhythms of modern music. Why do we understand that all this is beautiful? Answering this question is both easy and difficult. You can say without thinking: “I see that this is beautiful,” or “I feel that all this is beautiful.” But no one can answer for sure what beauty is. After all, the understanding of beauty extends to objects, phenomena, and appearance man, and on his inner, moral essence. When we speak " beautiful person"What do we mean? Proper facial features, slim figure? Or his spiritual beauty, kindness, nobility? Or maybe both together? What is more important both in life and in art - form or content?

...what beauty is,
And why do people deify her?
She is a vessel in which there is emptiness,
Or a fire flickering in a vessel
N. Zabolotsky

At all times, man has sought to capture his attitude to life in different types art. All life impressions are refracted through inner world the artist and are addressed to the experience of every viewer, reader, and listener. Feelings embodied in art are not identical to life. They are always mediated artistic ideal, a system of value ideas. Artistic emotions are not a cast of momentary experiences, but the result of reflection and life experience.

Perceiving a work of art, a person can experience delight, joy, admiration, shock, anger, sorrow, pain, etc. But the miracle of art lies in catharsis - in overcoming ordinary feelings, enlightenment, purification, and elevation of the human soul. And fear, and pain, and excitement, when they are caused by art, contain something beyond what they contain. Psychologist L. Vygotsky wrote: “Art encourages us to search and find the main thing, to think, to worry again and again about the fate of the heroes, correlating them with own life».

What feelings do the landscapes captured on the canvases of artists and in the works of photographers evoke in you?

Remember the musical and literary works, which are in tune with these landscapes.

Look closely at the picturesque portraits different people. What attitude did you express towards your characters?artists in these works?

Why do we associate the understanding of beauty with art? Does art only represent beautiful images?

How do you explain the phrase: “Art brings out the artists in people”?

Listen to a few musical works. What feelings do you experience under the influence of this music and what life associations do you have?

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A brilliant artist weaves a wreath of flowers of earthly and heavenly beauty! This is evidenced by Homer's Iliad, " The Divine Comedy"Dante, "Faust" by I. Goethe.

Art weaves a tapestry of beauty. Such a colorful tapestry is the whole European painting from Giotto to V. Kandinsky!

In a brilliant work of art, beauty is simple, modest, angelically pure and tender. Her bright face is present in the paintings of Giotto and A. Rublev.

In works of art from the same era there is different ratio beauty and truth: in the paintings of Leonardo da Vinci beauty prevails, in the works of Michelangelo truth prevails, in the paintings of Raphael harmony is achieved between beauty and truth.

Beauty is the fruit of mature art. The painting of V. Titian crowns the Renaissance with majestic beauty!

Beauty ascends from the flesh to the spirit, from the spirit to the Most High. Divine beauty is embodied in the music of J. Palestrina and I.S. Bach.

At the center of great works of art is a spiritually beautiful person: even the reckless knight Don Quixote of M. Cervantes is internally whole and beautiful!

In William Shakespeare's tragedies there is an invisibly present spirit of denial of goodness and beauty. The devilish intrigues are opposed by humanistic ideals and faith in man.

Heavenly beauty illuminates the music of C. Monteverdi, A. Vivaldi, V. Mozart!

Beautiful art is enjoyed by both the good and evil people: It gives every person hope for happiness. We encounter this already in childhood, when we read the charming fairy tales of C. Perrault and H. Andersen.

The beauty of nature opens the earth's windows towards Divine beauty. Compare the violin music of A. Vivaldi, completely dissolving in the earthly universe with organ music I.S. Bach, the sounds of which take us to the kingdom of the Heavenly Father.

Solar beauty in art is the golden rain of Zeus pouring on Danae. Heavenly light illuminates the music of A. Vivaldi and G. Rossini.

In the name of beauty, artists in their music die more than once and are resurrected more than once. This kind of metamorphosis occurs with the music of A. Vivaldi, G. Purcell, I.S. Bach and his sons.

Beautiful art never fades. The paintings of A. Watteau and J. Ingres will forever remain spring-fresh.

The beauty of art reveals the divine face of Jesus Christ. We see this not only in church music by J.S. Bach, but also in the secular music of V. Mozart, F. Chopin and even S. Prokofiev!

Logic is a reliable support for beauty in art. The majestic oratorios of G. Handel are both proportionate and beautiful.

Art recreates divine beauty, which is its enduring meaning and value. The music of K. Gluck and W. Mozart is amazing!

Art is an inexhaustible source of beauty. People will draw beauty from the poetry of the great I. Goethe until the end of time.

Beauty in art is its sign eternal youth. Is this why most people associate the works of W. Mozart with cloudless youth?

Art is artistic embodiment beauty that exists in nature and man. This truth is confirmed by the music of W. Mozart, G. Rossini, F. Schubert, F. Mendelssohn-Bartholdy.

Great composer remains “faithful to the image of beauty” (Theodor Adorno). In brilliant music, beauty asserts itself through truth, truth through beauty. L. van Beethoven, G. Verdi, J. Bizet, P. Tchaikovsky, S. Prokofiev feel this especially acutely.

Beautiful art chaste. The music of F. Schubert, V. Bellini, M. Glinka breathes morning freshness.

Beautiful art is characterized by ideal perfection. As an example, we can name the novel in verse “Eugene Onegin” by A. Pushkin, the painting “Mission” by A. Ivanov, the Sixth Symphony by P. Tchaikovsky.

Art helps us see the beauty in nature and life. In this sense, the novels of V. Hugo and George Sand are priceless.

Art refracts life and nature through the prism of beauty. To be convinced of what has been said, it is enough to read the novels of V. Hugo, I. Turgenev, L. Tolstoy.

Beauty leads to God. Light music of young F. Mendelssohn-Bartholdy in his mature years rises to majestic biblical oratorios.

IN dramatic music G. Verdi, J. Bizet, M. Mussorgsky, beauty is transparent and hard, like a diamond!

Without the desire for spiritual beauty, F. Dostoevsky would have sunk to gray naturalism, and then, perhaps, Russia would have lost a genius!

In the paintings of V. Serov there is sunny beauty, in the paintings of M. Vrubel there is twilight beauty. Can they find it? mutual language antipodean friends?

Beauty makes art immortal. The monumental symphonies of G. Mahler are no exception.

The music of G. Mahler and the poetry of A. Blok shines with the shimmering beauty of symbolism.

I. Stravinsky is a genius of artistic inventions, S. Prokofiev is a genius of artistic beauty.

Experimenting with beauty, I. Stravinsky does not create, but invents new music. He is followed by D. Shostakovich and A. Schnittke.

The expressionist naturalism of A. Berg and the naturalistic expressionism of D. Shostakovich are equally fruitless, because they expel beauty from opera.

The abstract music of A. Webern is illuminated by the light of beauty. That's why it will never fade!

Often naturalism in music turns into its opposite - aestheticism. Such a change of “scenery” occurs in Prokofiev’s early operas “The Gambler” and “The Love for Three Oranges.”

Realistic epic " Quiet Don"M. Sholokhova exposes the dirty underside of life. This action is performed against the backdrop of the pristine beauty of nature.

The artist is the priest of beauty: without beauty, art is obscene. The flaw of triviality devalues ​​the music of D. Shostakovich.

Art makes a progressive movement towards the highest, divine beauty. strives for her genius composer XX century O. Messiaen.

Outstanding works of art “expand the aesthetic horizons” of people (T. Adorno), which cannot be said about the music of disasters by K. Penderecki or the experimental music of K. Stockhausen. Everything created in their style sounds monotonous and painful! The spiritual beauty of S. Prokofiev's Seventh Symphony takes music out of the vicious circle of modernism and postmodernism, helpless stylization and posturing.

The ugly in art is created by the hand of the devil. Realizing this, K. Penderecki rejects dissonant music for the sake of neo-romantic beauty.

Be in love earthly world as God's beautiful creation does not mean condoning evil. Unfortunately, A. Schnittke does not always protect himself from demonic behavior.