The name of the holiday is circus. International Circus Day

Every year on the third Saturday the entire world circus community and fans of it amazing art celebrate an unusually cheerful holiday - World Circus Day. It was established not only with the purpose of showing the circus in all its splendor and delighting fans of this art new programs and ideas, but also aims to pay tribute to the contributions circus art into culture. After all, not only children, but also adults love the circus, and different corners planets.

The initiators of the establishment of this holiday performed in 2009 by the European Circus Association and the World Circus Federation (Federation Mondiale Du Cirque), operating under the patronage of Princess Stephanie of Monaco. Then the President of the European circus association, which currently includes 21 circuses, Urs Pils and Princess Stephanie invited all circuses to support the initiative of an annual celebration International Day circus, which was first celebrated in 2010 and has since become an annual event for many countries.

By the way, the World Circus Federation (Federation Mondiale Du Cirque), whose headquarters is located in Monte Carlo, was founded in 2008 with the aim of promoting the development of circus art and culture throughout the world. It was she who initiated the holiday dedicated to the circus - in 2008 (on the third Saturday of April) the European Circus Day was held for the first time, and it was decided to continue this tradition with the establishment of world holiday– International Circus Day. Currently, the issue is being discussed with UNESCO regarding the inclusion of this holiday in the list of annually celebrated dates.

It must be said that there are national Circus Days in many countries. In Russia, ideas about establishing such a holiday have been heard for many years, but so far Russian circus performers have not had their own holiday. But an international day appeared. Thus, more than 25 countries, including Russia, took part in the celebration of the first International Circus Day in 2010.

Although the circus is considered one of oldest species art, since mention of all kinds of performances acrobats, jugglers, horse riders, clowns... date back to the times of the Ancient World, but the circus in its modern form appeared only at the end of the 18th century. And its founder is considered to be the English rider Philip Astley, who experimentally found that it is most convenient for horses to run and perform tricks in a full gallop in a circle with a diameter of 13 meters. Today, this arena diameter is observed in almost all circuses in the world.

Being a skilled rider, Astley showed various tricks on horses in the arena, and later other artists entered the arena - acrobats, jugglers, tightrope walkers, clowns, trainers... Since the mid-19th century, the number of circus genres has increased and expanded technical capabilities performances and performances. For example, after the introduction of a safety net in the rooms aerial gymnastics it became possible to complicate the tricks.

In Russia, the circus, in its modern sense, appeared much later than in Europe. The oldest circus station is the Gaetano Ciniselli Circus in St. Petersburg, opened in 1877, which is still functioning today. But the creators of Russian national circus considered to be the Nikitin brothers, who, having given the first performance of the “Russian Circus of the Nikitin Brothers” in Penza, subsequently opened a whole network of high-quality circuses in a number of Russian cities.

Modern circus is clowning, acrobatics, balancing act, musical eccentricity, illusionism, pantomime, sideshow and much more. There are thousands of circuses in the world, and a number of them are world famous. For example, one of the most ancient circus troupes in the world is the Chinese Acrobatic Circus. Paradise show from the Celestial Empire,” or the Canadian “Cirque of the Sun” (Cirque du Soleil), the main advantage of which is that it is not just a separate circus organization, but is a huge circus corporation with offices in several countries around the world. And in the French “Circus Fratellini” the main characters- clowns, and the famous American “Ringling Brothers and Barnum and Bailey Circus” is considered one of the first in the process of modernizing the circus business.

Our domestic circus is no less famous. Big Moscow state circus on Vernadsky Avenue - the largest stationary circus in the world. During his activity, he presented more than 100 different programs where he took part best artists Russian and foreign circus. And in the arena of the Moscow Circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard, one of the oldest circuses in the country, world-famous artists performed - Anatoly and Vladimir Durov, Vitaly Lazarenko, Williams Truzzi with their horses, acrobats Okeanos, tightrope walkers the Koch sisters, magician Kio, clowns Karandash, Oleg Popov, Yuri Nikulin, Leonid Engibarov, Mikhail Shuidin. Valentin Filatov’s “Bear Circus” was created here...

It should also be noted that there are a lot of dynasties in this profession, continuing the best circus traditions. The Golden Fund of the Russian Circus includes such famous dynasties as: the Durovs, Zapashnys, Kio, Filatovs, Kantemirovs, Tuganovs, Bagdasarovs, Volzhanskys, Doveikos. And the list of ringmasters can be continued for a long time. Many books and pictures have been written about the circus, many films have been made, and International circus festivals, the oldest and most prestigious of which is the Monte Carlo Festival, where its circus Oscars are played.

In honor of today's holiday, many circuses organize open days, various street events, special programs, exhibitions, carnivals, charity events and other events. International Circus Day is a special event for all masters and fans of circus art, such a kind, slightly naive, but sincere and beautiful miracle, whose name is CIRCUS.

Waved conductor's hand,
Music major roars,
And the drum struck again,
And everyone took their places!

Spectacular performances by acrobats, funny jokes clowns, gymnasts flying under the dome and trainers with pets - all this is a circus. To world society was able to fully appreciate the contribution of this type of art to culture, a holiday was dedicated to it.

International Circus Day is celebrated on the third Saturday of April every year. In 2019 it falls on April 20.


The initiator and creator of the celebration is the World Circus Federation. This idea was supported by the European Circus Association. The circus performers themselves were the most happy about the new holiday. In 2010, they celebrated their professional day for the first time on international level.

Two years earlier, European Circus Day was celebrated on the third Saturday in April. In order not to break tradition, the date of the new holiday was left unchanged.

The first circus that was built in Ancient Rome, bore little resemblance to what is considered classic entertainment, with clowns and trained bears. The Romans used the circus as a venue for horse racing and chariot racing. Fights between gladiators were also held there. Entertaining people is the only similarity between the circus that existed in the Roman Empire and the one familiar to contemporaries.

After the collapse of the Empire, circuses lost popularity and ceased to operate until the 18th century. The circus craft owes its resurrection and new look, which resembled the one familiar in the 20th century, to the English Astley. Father and son held their first performance in Paris. In the built round arena they showed performances with horses and acrobatic exercises.

In the German city of Stuttgart, a circus bear was issued a driver's license.

The circus arena has a strict size. Its diameter is 13 m. This value is optimal for horses galloping in a circle.

In circus jargon, throwing sharp objects is called the “picket fence art.”

Holidays are an integral part of our social life, many of which concern us personally, our loved ones and friends.

Almost every day in Russia some holiday is celebrated.

The human world is full of entertainment. The origins of many of them are in the distant past. These are, for example, theater, cinema, amusement parks. The same can be said about the circus. The latter was dedicated to a separate holiday: International Circus Day. It is celebrated on every third Saturday in April. In 2019, International Circus Day falls on April 20.

General information about the holiday

International Circus Day appeared in 2010 on the initiative of two organizations: the World Circus Federation (Federation Mondiale Du Cirque) and the European Circus Association. At first it was an exclusively European holiday. And, by the way, the solemn date itself was tied to that of the European Circus Day, which has existed since 2008. And in 2010, by and large, it simply acquired international status, which became possible thanks to the support that the idea received from dozens of European states, including Russia.

International Circus Day is a very emotional holiday. His goal is quite transparent: the development of circus art in all countries of the planet. This is very important, since the latter is one of the oldest types of world art and culture. The circus gives its spectators laughter, joy, in one word - positivity. Circus performances taking place in the arena make children experience incomparable pleasure, and adults - temporarily escape from their own problems and troubles. The circus is a place of rest from the hustle and bustle, it’s different, fairy world, located very close to us. And one of the tasks of International Circus Day is to preserve this miracle, created by the hands and creative thought of mankind, as well as to improve it.

On every third Saturday in April on International Circus Day, anyone can go to the circus of their own or a nearby city, see the brightest, most colorful shows, and also take part in master classes held as part of the holiday by jugglers, acrobats and other employees of the institution, where atmosphere of lightness and fun. In many countries around the world, International Circus Day is a day of carnival processions and street celebrations. Another interesting opportunity provided to citizens within the framework of the announced solemn date is that, if desired, they can plunge into the world of the circus behind the scenes. What you see will make you fall even more in love with entertainment that has deep historical roots.

It should be noted that the world circus has its own headquarters. It is located in Monte Carlo - a small-sized kingdom. Princess Stephanie of Monaco herself monitors the development and activities of the Circus Federation, being the patron of the organization. She also became the initiator of the creation of this association, the main goal of which was to popularize circus art and attract public interest in it.

If we talk directly about our country, then in Russia a lot is also being done in this area. Solving organizational issues related to the International Circus Day, as well as the development and maintenance of domestic circus art as such, is the responsibility of representatives of the Russian State circus company. The latter is nothing more than a union of the largest circuses in the country. This organization established its own award, awarded for special merits in the circus arts. She is also the personification, a kind of emblem, of International Circus Day in Russia. This award is a figurine of a cheerful Harlequin standing on one hand on a circus ball.

Circus art

And why not on this wonderful April holiday - International Circus Day - talk about the history of the emergence of circus art.

When did circus art begin? This question is quite easy to answer if you remember antiquity. IN ancient Hellas Holidays dedicated to pagan gods were often organized. These celebrations were accompanied by brilliant performances by actors - is this not a prototype of the modern circus? In Ancient Rome, this trend was developed even more, because the great power had numerous circuses, in the arena of which real circus acts were demonstrated for the amusement of the audience. The well-known Colosseum is rightfully considered one of the famous ancient Roman circuses. Our country has also distinguished itself in this regard. Since ancient times, buffoon booths and fairs have existed here, charging people with enduring fun for a long time. Even the dark Middle Ages were marked by numerous scenes in which cheerful jesters took part.

A full-fledged circus with tightrope walkers, jugglers, acrobats and trained wild animals appeared more than late Europe. However, at first the performances took place on the street or in specially designated places, and the circus, as a rule, was nomadic. And only in XVIII century Finally, a real stationary circus appeared, settling in a building with a round arena and a domed roof. It opened in London in 1777 (according to other sources in 1768). The author and owner of the circus was Philip Astley. Initially, the round arena was intended for theatrical performances involving mainly horses. Later, you could see numbers in other genres here: historical melodramas, plot musical performances, extravaganzas. By the way, it was Philip Astley who was credited with determining the diameter of the circus arena (13 m). He also became the founder of the first circus dynasty. In 1782, a branch of the Astley Amphitheater opened in the French capital. In general, the circus of the resourceful Briton existed until 1895 and was considered a very popular entertainment establishment in London.

At the beginning of the 20th century circus show dramatically changed its structure. The stationary circus acquired clowns: carpet handlers and trainers. The tricks have become more complex trapeze artists due to the introduction of the safety net into circus practice. As a result, a number called “cross flight” was performed for the first time, and the role of “lovitor” also appeared.

The art of tightrope walkers has undergone some changes. In particular, the hemp rope was replaced with a metal cable, which had greater strength. This allowed the tightrope walkers to master complex acrobatic pyramids. The technical revolution of those years gave the go-ahead for the introduction of various mechanisms into circus art. As a result, absolutely incredible performances such as “extravaganza on the water” or “races along a vertical wall” began to be demonstrated in the arena. Subsequently, this trend was further improved, and today we have the opportunity to enjoy circus performances, developed taking into account all the latest technical innovations.

Each country has its own leaders in the field of circus art, but only a few of them managed to become famous throughout the world. Earth. What world circuses are included in the list of the best? This is, undoubtedly, Cirque du Soleil (Canadian “Circus of the Sun”), “Paradise Show from the Middle Kingdom”, Australian Circus “Oz”. It is worth including in this list the Great Moscow Circus on Vernadsky Avenue, famous for its incredible performances with trained animals. Go to the circus more often - and life will seem brighter!

We cordially congratulate all residents of our country on April 20, International Circus Day! We wish you more interesting and exciting performances.

The third Saturday in April is a holiday for those who have anything to do with the circus. Trainers and their charges, clowns and mimes, acrobats and tightrope walkers, and just those who love this unusual look art, celebrate International Circus Day. The holiday has international status, which means that it is celebrated all over the world.

history of the holiday

International Circus Day is a very young holiday. Its history dates back to the first years of the 21st century. In 2002, the European Circus Association was established, which declared its mission to protect cultural heritage Europe and the recognition of the circus as special type art. One of its main achievements is the creation of European Circus Day in 2008. It was celebrated on April 19, the third Saturday of the month. This holiday was supposed to unite everyone circus performers and pay tribute to their achievements. One more task memorable date– to instill a love for this type of art not only in children, but also in adults.

The same 2008 became the year of the creation of the World Circus Federation. Its headquarters are located in the European state of Monte Carlo. The federation sees its goal as the development of both classical circus art and its innovative forms. According to the founders of the organization, this combination should take the circus to a new level and attract more spectators.

In 2010, the World Federation came to the conclusion that Circus Day should become larger and go beyond Europe. In the first International holiday More than 25 countries participated. The Russian circus community could not stand aside and supported the celebration. From then on, it began to be celebrated internationally. They decided not to break the tradition, so the date of the celebration was left the same as that chosen by the European Association.

Today April 16 and every year, on the third Saturday of the month, all circus performers and circus lovers celebrate one of the most fun holidays - International Circus Day.

The Circus Association has created a new holiday

website / Day in history. The purpose of this holiday is not only to show the circus as it really is, but also to preserve the memory of all those who devoted their lives to this wonderful branch of culture. Circus lovers live all over the planet, their ages range from young to old, because circus is for everyone.

The creation of this holiday was inspired by the performance of the European Circus Association ( European Circus Association) and the World Circus Federation (Federation Mondiale Du Cirque) in 2009, which operate under the patronage of Princess Stephanie of Monaco. It was then that Princess Stephanie and the President of the European Circus Association, which numbers 21 circuses, told all circuses about the initiative to create an annual holiday - International Circus Day, which was celebrated for the first time in 2010 and thus became a holiday that is celebrated every year in all countries.

The initiator of the holiday in 2008 was the headquarters of the World Circus Federation, which is located in Monte Carlo. Since the first European Circus Day was held on April 19, 2008, it was therefore proposed to celebrate Circus Day on the third Saturday of the month.

Many countries celebrate national circus days. For several years in Russia there have been debates about the establishment Russian day circus, since there is no specific day in Russia. On the day of the celebration of the first International Circus Day, it was celebrated by more than 25 countries, together with Russia.

Despite the fact that the circus is one of the ancient forms of art and mentions of riders, jugglers, equestrians, and acrobats date back to the times Ancient world, in the form in which we can observe circus art now, it appeared only in late XVIII century. The unofficial founder of the circus is considered to be the rider Philip Astley, who conducted various experiments and found that the diameter of the circle in which it is convenient for horses to perform various tricks while galloping is a circle of 13 meters. These recommendations are still used today in almost all circus arenas in the world.

Since Astley was an excellent horseman, he performed his tricks while on a horse. Later, in the arena, clowns, trainers, tightrope walkers and acrobats began to join him. TO mid-19th century centuries, circus genres expanded. For example, when the safety net appeared, the tricks associated with it were quite complicated.

The emergence of the circus in Europe

In Europe, the circus, in its current form, appeared much earlier than in Russia. The oldest circus is considered to be Gaetano Ciniselli's circus, located in St. Petersburg, which still operates today. Famous Nikitin brothers, were the founders of the Russian circus, as they were the first to give a circus performance called “Russian Circus of the Nikitin Brothers” in the city of Penza, Saratov region. Later, they opened many circuses throughout Russia.

Circus in the modern sense is acrobatics, illusionism, clowning, pantomime, musical eccentricity, sideshow and many other genres. Some of the most famous circuses in the world are the Canadian “Cirque of the Sun” (Cirque du Soleil), or the Chinese acrobatic circus “Paradise Show from the Celestial Empire”. In America there is the Ringling Bros. and Barnum and Bailey Circus, which is known for modernizing the circus business; there is also the famous French Fratellini Circus, in which the main role is played by clowns.

Russian circus

In Russia the most famous circus The Great Moscow State Circus, which is located on Vernadsky Avenue, is considered to be the largest circus station in the world. Over the entire period of its existence, it has produced more than 100 various programs, in which the best artists of the foreign and, of course, our circus took part. Names associated with the circus are known throughout the world, such as Vitaly Lazarenko, Oleg Popov, Yuri Nikulin, Mikhail Shuidin, Anatoly and Vladimir Durov, Williams Truzzi and Valentina Filatova, who created the “Bear Circus”.

Many circus teams make up entire dynasties. Such names as Kio, Zapashny, Tuganov, Doveiko, Durov, Kantemirov, Volzhansky were included in the golden fund of the Russian circus. Many films have been made about this art form, thousands of books have been written, and a lot of festivals have been created. The oldest festival takes place in Monte Carlo, where awards similar to the Oscars are awarded.

On International Circus Day, many circuses open their doors to everyone. Circuses are making free shows of masters obsolete, holding various exhibitions, carnivals and programs. International Circus Day is important event for all those who love the circus in all its forms.