Circus on the water schedule. Big Moscow State Circus on Vernadsky

The circus on Vernadsky Avenue opened in Moscow more than thirty years ago. During this short period of time, he not only became famous, but the most beloved circus for so many people. Today big circus on Vernadsky is the pride of the city of Moscow and Muscovites.

In 1970, Moscow had many cinemas and dozens of theaters. But there was always only one circus - the Circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard. Its auditorium was designed for only 2000 seats and, of course, could not accommodate everyone. Therefore, it was decided to build a new circus on Vernadsky Avenue. So, in April 1971, Moscow acquired another circus into its ranks - a new large circus on Vernadsky Avenue, house 7. From that moment it began circus story Circus on Vernadsky.

The circus on Vernadsky Avenue is the largest stationary circus in the World. The circus building is designed for 3,500 spectators. All seats are located in an amphitheater, which makes the stage perfectly visible from anywhere in the hall. The arena is clearly visible from any point in the auditorium.

The Great Moscow Circus is also unique in that it has five arenas where artists perform: an ice circus arena, a light circus, a water arena, an equestrian arena and an illusion one. This unique and original circus device allows the viewer to immerse themselves in the magical atmosphere of amazing things and phenomena. In the circus on Vernadsky, miracles are possible and happen all the time.

For example, amazing and wonderful things happen in the arena of the big Moscow circus every performance. Circus on Vernadsky is proud of its unique acts, such as the number with trained hedgehogs. No one even suspected that these little prickly balls could fly into the air and land on balloon without bursting it. And also climb through the crossbars of fences, carry small carts loaded with flowers.

Trained pigeons, parodist chimpanzees, bears, northern huskies - both children and adults - everyone is completely delighted after watching circus acts with trained animals. And one can only be proud of the variety of genres in which circus performers perform. Agile tightrope walkers, skilled horsewomen, graceful aerial gymnasts, tightrope walkers... each performance takes the breath away of the entire audience. And from the jokes and antics of the clowns, the hall simply explodes with laughter.

Over the entire history of its existence, the circus on Vernadsky Avenue has developed more than 100 most interesting programs. Many of them are unique in the world. The circus infects with its enthusiasm, activity and positivity. All spectators - both kids and adults - are having fun with the circus, while remaining in good mood for a very long time yet.

The Ryazan Circus will begin operating in September 2018. This is how the head of the Russian State Circus Dmitry Ivanov commented. After an unsuccessful start to repairs and a fire, the reconstruction of the circus is finally nearing completion. On July 12, the head of the Russian State Circus, Dmitry Ivanov, visited Ryazan - he inspected the state of work on the overhaul of the Ryazan State Circus. According to the manager, all engineering systems in the circus building have been installed, chairs have been installed auditorium, installation of sound and lighting equipment began. Currently being purchased optional equipment and furniture. It is planned to sell tickets from August 2, and by the beginning of the new rental season - in September - the Ryazan Circus will be open.

When the circus opens in Ryazan after renovation: fire

The Ryazan State Circus, whose history dates back to 1971, was closed for major repairs on February 24, 2015. On November 25, 2016, a fire occurred in the circus. The circus administration was in the room at that moment. The soft roof between the roof and the ceiling of the hall caught fire. Firefighters arrived at the scene of the fire within minutes. It took about an hour to put out the fire. After this incident, the opening of the circus was constantly postponed. The overhaul work was carried out significantly behind schedule.

When is the circus opening in Ryazan after renovation: reconstruction of the circus

To date, specialists have carried out utilities and completely repaired the roof of the building. The building's floors, partitions and much more were replaced. In the near future, the room will be equipped with modern lighting and sound equipment. The reconstruction of the building is being carried out by the Moscow company Stroyresurs. Cash for these purposes are transferred in full, however, due to adjustments to the original project, additional costs arise. The circus building has two arenas: one for rehearsals, the other for performances. The total capacity of the circus is about 2 thousand seats. Visited the Ryazan Circus on a working visit CEO Russian state circus company Dmitry Ivanov. The head of the company toured the building of the Ryazan State Circus, got acquainted with the progress of repair work, and discussed current construction issues. About 140 people work at the site. Currently, they are starting to decorate the hall, and work is underway in the foyer. Air ducts have been completely laid, a fire alarm and fire extinguishing system has been installed. The administrative and amenity building is ready for finishing. It is planned to change: - The foyer will change - Improved premises for animals, with a separate ventilation system - New stage and sound equipment - Comfortable toilet rooms In the near future, vacancies will open in the circus, and probably several Ryazan residents will have an interesting and unusual job. Employee training is planned.

When will the circus open in Ryazan after renovation: the first performances will take place in September

The Ryazan Circus has announced the date of the first performance after renovation. From September 21, viewers will be able to see the “Circus on Ice” program. This is unique circus show will captivate the audience with incredible tricks, jokes, a unique three-dimensional image of the arena on the ice and, first of all, of course, the filigree training of animals. The “world’s only attraction with polar bears” will be prepared for visitors: the largest northern predators will jump rope, dance and play with balls. Ticket sales will begin in August. Previously, lighting was tested on the circus building. The circus began to be renovated in 2015. The cost of work under the contract was estimated at 410 million rubles. Initially, the repairs were planned to be completed by December 2015, but shortly before this date the circus roof caught fire. The deadline for commissioning the facility was moved to September 2016, but they also could not be met. In May 2017, the head of the Ministry of Culture, Vladimir Medinsky, came to Ryazan. He criticized the pace of construction and demanded that renovations be completed in December 2017 so that the first visitors could attend performances in March 2018. The first sculpture was installed on Lybidsky Boulevard near the circus. A two-meter tall figure of Oleg Popov with a dog made of bronze appeared at the “Moose” fountain. The reconstructed boulevard will also feature sculptures of a bear on a scooter and two elephants on their hind legs.

Publications in the Theaters section

A native Muscovite from Tsvetnoy Boulevard

Magicians and trainers, jugglers and horse riders, acrobats and clowns. In 1880, a whole new world. The circle of the arena and, like rays, rows of chairs in the auditorium. In place of the booths near the flower market, a circus opened. Not the first in Moscow, but from its very first performances it became a favorite. Natalya Letnikova collected 10 facts from the history of the first state circus of the USSR.

From booths - to circus art . The Moscow circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard has Italian roots. One of the first successful stationary circuses in Moscow was opened by an Italian, hereditary circus performer Albert Salamonsky. Initially as part international project. The “siblings” of the Tsvetnoy circus were scattered throughout Europe: in Berlin, Odessa, Riga.

Salamonsky Circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard. Photo:

Circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard. 1947 Photo:

Circus on Tsvetnoy Boulevard. 1965 Photo:

Famous circus building- the work of the architect August Weber. Graduate of the Vienna Academy fine arts in Moscow he built a lot - the Actor's House, once the Katkovsky Lyceum - now the Diplomatic Academy of the Ministry of Foreign Affairs, Grandfather Durov's Corner. Weber built the Salamonsky Circus with the money of the merchant Danilov. By the way, the first audience of the new entertainment venue consisted mainly of representatives of the merchant class.

Circus place. Circus booths were traditionally held at the Flower Market in Moscow. The place is familiar. Before construction began, Salamonsky did not have a penny - he built on credit. After the opening, he provided stalls and boxes and the most democratic places - a standing gallery, where a ticket cost a penny. Salamonsky hung the first ruble he earned in a frame at the cash register - for good luck, and the circus fortune did not disappoint.

The circus has become the world of childhood. WITH light hand Salamonsky, children's Sunday performances - matinees - appeared in the circus arena. A special petition assured that “the programs will be adapted to children’s understanding.” Especially for young viewer At Christmas, circus New Year trees with gifts, ballets and pantomimes were held. One of the most popular, The Doll Fairy, was published in 1895.

Decree... about the circus. In 1913, the circus's shine faded with the death of Salamonsky; six years later, the circus on Tsvetnoy became the first state circus. The document was signed by Lenin. The troupe did not come under the wing of the young republic at its best. In the early years Soviet power artists went hungry and even performed in the streets. The new repertoire proved: “the Soviet circus can do miracles.” Mayakovsky himself participated in the creation of the reprises.

Yuri Nikulin, Mikhail Shuidin, Dmitry Alperov. Scene "Log". 1981 Photo:

Yuri Nikulin and Mikhail Shuidin in the circus arena. Photo:

Yuri Nikulin and Mikhail Shuidin in the circus arena. 1958 Photo:

"In the arena - Pencil"- Pravda wrote in advertisements about the life of theater in Moscow. People's Artist of the USSR Mikhail Rumyantsev with his constant companion Scotch terrier Klyaksa entered the circus arena on Tsvetnoy in 1936 and worked for half a century. He brought Yuri Nikulin and Mikhail Shuidin, who made up the clown duo famous throughout the country, to the arena. The arena remembers both the “sunny clown” Oleg Popov and the clown with “autumn in his heart” Leonid Engibarov.

Memory of generations. There is a memorial sign in the circus foyer - in 1941, an ensemble of Don Cossacks went straight from the arena to the front. The artists not only went through the entire war, but also reached Berlin. In the circus itself, the performances did not stop. The famous pantomime “Our Three”, motorcyclist fights, acrobatic clowning, and in the finale - in the arena a tank crushed “enemy pillboxes”. The circus on Tsvetnoy did their best to raise morale.

Yuri Nikulin Circus. After the war, my favorite artist graduated from the clowning school, worked for 30 years in the famous duet with Mikhail Shuidin, and in 1982 headed his native circus. Circus tours did not allow the actor to play many roles - for example, Yuri Detochkin in the film “Beware of the Car”. But with the light hand of the clown Nikulin, the short film “Moonshiners” appeared. Yuri Vladimirovich proposed the interlude played out in the arena to Gaidai. I liked the idea and made it onto the screen.

New building of the old circus. Having served the circus art for one century and five years, August Weber's building required modernization. House number 13 with a 13-meter arena was broken down after the performance on August 13, 1985. "Hello, old circus" - new program the artists at Tsvetnoy said already in 1989. Technical progress touched the filling of the building, appearance They tried to preserve the auditorium in its historical form.
Cinema and circus - on Tsvetnoy The works of the sculptor Alexander Rukavishnikov were combined in the monument to Yuri Nikulin. Nikulin in clown boots and a boater hat - near the famous convertible that shone in the comedy “Prisoner of the Caucasus”. A bronze car “parked forever” at the doors of the circus. There could have been a circus trapeze or a falling curtain, but in bronze the sculptor embodied the idea of ​​​​unifying circus and cinema. Everything is like in the life of Yuri Nikulin himself. The circus on Tsvetnoy has been named after him for 20 years now.