Types of extracurricular activities in elementary school. Speech at school MO: “Innovative forms of conducting classroom hours

Extracurricular activities are events, activities, team situations organized by teachers or anyone else for students with the purpose of direct educational influence on them.

The success of learning largely depends not only on the choice of effective methods and forms of teaching in the classroom during the lesson, but also on the organization of extracurricular activities in the subject. Experienced teachers know that very often interest in a subject and choice of profession is influenced by extracurricular activities.

The purpose of extracurricular activities is to ensure the comprehensive and harmonious development of schoolchildren. This requirement meets the basic idea of ​​education - to raise a person who harmoniously combines spiritual wealth, moral purity and physical perfection. One of the tasks of extracurricular activities is to enrich schoolchildren with new, interesting facts and concepts that reflect various aspects of human life and society.

The purpose and objectives of extracurricular activities determine its functions - teaching, educational and developmental.

The educational function of extracurricular activities does not have the same priority as in educational activities. It is auxiliary for more effective implementation of educational and developmental functions and consists not in the formation of a system of scientific knowledge, educational skills and abilities, but in teaching certain behavioral skills, collective life, communication skills, etc.

However, the right combination of extracurricular and academic work provides greater flexibility of the entire system of educational activities. Extracurricular activities can serve as an effective means of differentiating teaching and education while maintaining a unified and compulsory curriculum. Extracurricular work can compensate for his shortcomings, which are difficult to eliminate within the framework of educational activities due to its high saturation with compulsory classes.

Of great importance in extracurricular activities is the developmental function, which consists in identifying and developing the individual abilities, inclinations and interests of students through their inclusion in relevant activities.

The content of an extracurricular activity represents an adapted social experience, various aspects of human life emotionally experienced and realized in the child’s personal experience. The specificity of the content of extracurricular activities is characterized by the following factors: the predominance of the emotional aspect over the informative: for effective educational influence it is necessary to appeal to the child’s feelings, his experiences, i.e. to reason through emotions; In the content of extracurricular activities, the practical side of knowledge is of decisive importance, i.e. The content of extracurricular work is aimed, first of all, at improving various skills and abilities. In extracurricular activities, learning skills are improved, independent work skills are developed when searching for information, organizing various extracurricular activities, communication skills, cooperation skills, and the ability to comply with ethical standards. Since the practical aspect prevails over the theoretical in the content of extracurricular activities, it is more reasonable to consider the content from the perspective of students’ activities, through which they master this or that area of ​​social experience.

Features of extracurricular activities

1. An extracurricular activity is a combination of various types of activities of students, the organization of which, together with the educational influence carried out during training, forms the personal qualities of students.

2. Delay in time. An extracurricular activity is, first of all, a collection of large and small activities, the results of which are distant in time and are not always observed by the teacher.

3. Lack of strict regulations. The teacher has much greater freedom to choose the content, forms, means, and methods of extracurricular work than when conducting a lesson. On the one hand, this makes it possible to act in accordance with one’s own views and beliefs. On the other hand, the teacher’s personal responsibility for the choice made increases.

In addition, the absence of strict regulations requires the teacher to take initiative.

4. Lack of control over results. If a mandatory element of the lesson is control over the process of students mastering educational material, then in extracurricular activities there is no such control. It cannot exist due to the delay of results. The results of educational work are determined empirically through observation of students in various situations. A school psychologist can more objectively evaluate the results of this work using special tools. As a rule, overall results and the level of development of individual qualities are assessed. The effectiveness of a specific form is very difficult and sometimes impossible to determine. This feature, which is also recognized by students, gives the teacher advantages: a more natural environment, informality of communication and the absence of stress for students associated with evaluating results.

5. Extracurricular activities are carried out during breaks, after classes, on holidays, weekends, vacations, i.e. during extracurricular hours.

6. Extracurricular activities have ample opportunities to engage the social expertise of parents and other adults.

One of the conditions for the success of extracurricular work is a special mental state that arises when there is a unity of the motive for the activity (the need for it) and the corresponding situation, called an attitude.

Shapes: subject clubs and scientific societies. The content of circle classes includes: a more in-depth study of individual curriculum issues that arouse the interest of students; familiarization with the life and creative work of outstanding scientists, writers and other figures of science and culture, with the latest achievements of science and technology; holding evenings dedicated to individual scientists or scientific discoveries; organizing technical modeling and experimental work in biology, organizing meetings with researchers, etc. Accompanying forms of teaching creativity are a variety of reading, viewing, and listening activities conferences, exhibitions, public holidays, excursions. Conferences on a book, a writer’s work, a film, a theater or television production, or a radio play put a current work of art in the center of students’ attention and activate their independence in assessment, judgment, and opinion. During the preparation process, schoolchildren carefully study the work of art and think through their performances. In the introductory speech, the teacher outlines the range of main problems that are discussed in reports and speeches. Summing up, the teacher focuses on the most important conclusions and generalizations.

Exhibitions are dedicated to the results of children's creativity in the field of labor, visual arts, local history and tourist trips. Preparatory work, in which all schoolchildren are involved, is of great educational importance. The children themselves act as guides at such exhibitions: they give explanations, answer questions, and organize an on-site exchange of experiences in creative activities. Mass holidays as a form of educational work, they are organized in the form of days, weeks, months of increased attention to music, fine arts, cinema, theater or the work of an outstanding writer, poet. Among them are weeks of children's books, theater, music, days of poetry by Pushkin, Lermontov, Mayakovsky, Yesenin. During such holidays, children learn about new works of art, meet writers, artists, composers, and get acquainted with their creative plans. Excursions - a form of educational organization that allows for observations, as well as the study of various objects, phenomena and processes in natural conditions. Olympics, competitions, associations of children with similar interests. To stimulate educational and cognitive activity of students and develop their creative competitiveness in the study of mathematics, physics, chemistry, Russian language and literature, foreign languages, as well as in technical modeling, Olympiads, competitions, and exhibitions of children's technical equipment are organized in schools, districts, regions and republics. creativity. These forms of extracurricular work are planned in advance, the best schoolchildren are selected to participate in them, which gives a great impetus to the development of their abilities and inclinations in various fields of knowledge. At the same time, they make it possible to judge the creative nature of teachers’ work, their ability to search for and develop talents. Great material for the educational process is provided by special educational expeditions. They are devoted to the collection of folklore, song material, historical information about revolutionary and military events in the region, as well as reconnaissance of the environmental situation, issues of the development of productive forces.

Modern extracurricular school activities are considered to be one of the most important parts of any teacher. The implementation of such activities leads to an educational influence on schoolchildren.

At the moment, extracurricular activities within a school institution are usually understood as certain classes or activities in a team, which must be carried out directly by the teacher himself or by other school employees. Such actions, as a rule, should be educational in nature for students of any age category.

Today, there are a variety of forms of events at school, but more on that a little later. In principle, most often such events include a variety of games, educational excursions, visits to museums, etc. The effectiveness and efficiency of such teaching methods largely depends on the selection of methods and techniques for such a learning process.

But at the same time, the importance of influencing schoolchildren to behave correctly and effectively selecting types of school activities cannot be overlooked. Any teacher knows that quite often a student’s interest in a certain school discipline can only be aroused through some extracurricular activity. Exactly the same methods can significantly influence the selection of a future profession for a modern schoolchild.

So, probably many people want to know what types of school events exist today? In principle, conducting events in a school can be based on a variety of methods. The most common activities in a school institution are considered to be creative activities, the organization of various clubs, various exhibitions, olympiads and collective competitions.

No less interesting school events are considered to be the organization of mass holidays by the teacher or other school staff, as well as conferences for older students. Moreover, each such event implies its implementation in several stages. The first stage is to prepare for the event. The second stage involves the process of holding a specific school event. And finally, the third stage is to analyze the work done.

Organizers of school events at the extracurricular level usually require certain expenses from teachers, which are intended to prepare this type of activity, since it is necessary to find interesting and educational material on a certain topic. After all, this event, first of all, should not only simply interest schoolchildren, but also lure them into such an amazing world of science.

In this case, it is necessary to carefully plan all the available stages of a particular event, select methods and techniques for presenting information, and decide on the type of organization of the lesson. After all, only in such a situation will all such developments of activities at school be able, in the end, to bring the most effective results.

In addition, with regard to what types of scenarios can be used by a teacher in his work, it is worth noting that the very scenario of an event within a school institution implies a careful development of the content of the event, which is presented in the correct logical chain. Directly in the script itself, the main theme of the event must be fully disclosed, as well as the final goals.

The most important condition during the writing of any such school script is considered to be the specification of the general task, the search and coverage of the most problematic aspects of the raised issue that worries society the most. Any extracurricular school event is often timed to coincide with a specific celebration, a specific person or significant event.

It is considered to be largely important here that the pre-compiled script for any school event must necessarily correspond to the age of the students. Today, quite often events are organized within the school that raise such a rather important problem as the effects of narcotic substances on the human body or safety rules during contact with certain species of animals.

So, everything is probably clear about what types of events exist in school today, but what they are intended for still needs to be clarified. In order for such work done to bring the maximum amount of benefit as a result, the event scenario must in any case consist of a well-developed and logically presented specific plot.

At the same time, the presence of a conflict situation is considered to be a mandatory element. After all, a script without such an element may not be so bright and not so arousing the attention of schoolchildren. After a school event of various forms has been completed, the teacher needs to analyze this event. At the moment, there are several varieties of modern school activities under the guise of psychological and pedagogical analysis and, accordingly, subject-content analysis.

In the second option, the content base of the event and the methods of moral education used are analyzed. But in the first case, it is necessary to consider the event from the point of view of the teacher himself. In this situation, the validity of the topic of a particular event is assessed. And only then can you begin to analyze the main goals and established objectives of a certain event within the school institution.

The activity of schoolchildren during such classes allows us to assess how well the teacher managed to convey the selected school material to the students and whether the methods of conducting the event were chosen correctly. And finally, the very last stage of such independent analysis is considered to be the determination of the pedagogical value of the event and the significance of the actions for the subsequent development of any student individually or directly in the team itself.

Any teacher, in addition to everything else, must also carry out self-analysis of the actions performed. Such an analysis makes it possible to correctly assess whether the school event was carried out as effectively as possible. In addition, the teacher can also determine the level of his own teaching skills. It is likely that the event organizer will then be able to clearly determine what needs to be adjusted and what needs to be excluded altogether.

Thus, although there are many varieties and forms of school activities today, they are all aimed at the development of the child and solving certain important problems.

The forms and types of cultural and leisure events, methods of conducting various kinds of events have one common skeleton in their structure - these are organizational stages, preparation stages, a rehearsal period, the final stage - the direct implementation of the plan. Cultural events provide free expression and formation of opinions, introduction to culture, stimulation of creative potential, development of spirituality, self-development and self-education. They act as a means of involving children and adults in joint action according to the plan and theme.

In the modern world, where the availability of computer technology is high, where censorship does not stand up to criticism, where the culture of society is becoming lower and lower every year, there is a need to conduct various kinds of events aimed at self-development, familiarization with culture and sports.

The level of education of children, compared to previous decades, is becoming an order of magnitude lower. It is enough to read the correspondence of teenagers in chat rooms and be convinced of this. Children spend all their free time on the computer, which also negatively affects their physical fitness.

Children stopped reading

Forms of activities for school institutions include educational measures aimed at introducing children to reading. The book has always been a source of information. In the moral, intellectual and aesthetic development of children, its role is undeniable - reading improves literacy, increases the general cultural level, opens up new horizons, emotionally enriches, reveals creative potential and, importantly, has a fairly strong influence on the formation of the spiritual basis of the individual.

But the more information and computer technologies penetrate human life, the less often children pick up a book. This is primarily due to their reluctance to read. After all, it’s much easier to turn on the tablet and start the game. The book makes you work.

The event for children in the library sets a goal - to introduce the child to the world of literature, to show that one can get aesthetic pleasure from reading, to teach the child to empathize with the heroes of the work, to prove that the book and only the book is the only true, inexhaustible source of information, that it can become a friend and advisor. Through literature, children learn to see what is good, reasonable, and eternal.

Organization of Open Book Day

All organizational and preparatory stages are assigned to the librarian. The program of events is drawn up taking into account the age category of children, range of interests and current trends. The primary task is to decide on the theme and form of the event. Then a sample scenario for the event is written. To achieve the goal (introducing children to reading and books), there are many options for its implementation that vary in complexity and labor intensity in preparation. These are various quizzes, literary courts, KVN, literature lovers' circles, book clubs and much more.

As for the form of holding events, it can be arbitrary, but in any case it is important to consider the following factors:

  • The event should not be overloaded (its duration should correspond to the age category: for children of primary school age - 20-30 minutes, taking into account their restlessness, for older children, teenagers and high school students - about an hour).
  • If this is a quiz or competition and all participants present are involved, then the questions should be of an optimal level of difficulty. Due to very difficult and overly easy questions or tasks, children will quickly lose interest in the event.
  • An event is not an end in itself, but a means of education.
  • The event should be interesting, exciting, evoke strong emotions and experiences among participants and visitors, and stimulate the creative abilities of children.

The library is the foundation of culture

The library is an important social institution of society, the main task of which is the harmonious intellectual and creative development of the younger generation. During the academic year, the library holds many promotions, events, and exhibitions; throughout the year, students and book lovers actively attend literary clubs.

Summer camp

In the summer, when the period of games and entertainment begins, when there is an opportunity to take a break from school, relieve stress, and replenish energy resources, the city authorities, together with teachers, organize a summer school camp.

It plays a very important role in the health and education of children. For children attending summer camp, the most comfortable conditions have been created for an exciting and useful pastime. The program includes hikes and excursions to iconic places of the city, holding various quizzes, competitions, and literary games. High school children are often invited to summer camp as counselors in younger groups, thereby developing their leadership abilities. Exercises are carried out daily, dances and all kinds of quests are often organized. Children in such camps are often provided with food to replenish the energy expended in active games.

Truth is born in dispute

The phrase “Truth is born in dispute” is attributed to Socrates, but at the same time it is said that Socrates “opposed dialogue to dispute.” Every high school student comes to a point when he no longer has enough information about the rules and norms of behavior provided by the teacher. At this time, a person exhibits such qualities as self-esteem, criticality, and social activity. There is a desire for self-development, as well as a desire to independently understand difficult situations. At this age, high school students have a need for debates - this form of extracurricular work helps the student express their point of view and defend it.

A literary dispute is a clash of opinions, a difference of opinion, a verbal struggle of one participant (dispute-monologue), when one participant argues with himself in the presence of listeners (such a dispute is also called an internal dispute), two or more participants (dispute-dialogue) when everyone present takes part in a dispute regarding a specific topic.

The manager’s task is to determine the form of holding events, ensuring their quality, and attracting participants to an organized debate. The main goal is to train young men and women to confront opponents, which will have a positive impact in their adult lives, when, having already left the care of parents and teachers, they, getting into spontaneous disputes, will be able to withstand and prove themselves with dignity. The ability to behave correctly in a debate and defend your point of view can also help in the future when applying for a job. Similar debates are held among schoolchildren in order to develop emotional resilience in front of an opponent, the ability to control their emotions during a heated argument.

Choosing the right profession is half the success

A way to help a student or teenager approaching the final stage of their studies at a comprehensive school, at least to a small extent, decide on the direction of further education and profession is an event that is often called an Open Day. Such events have become a good tradition and are held in all higher (and not only) educational institutions at least once a year. On this day, parents and students visit various universities.

The purpose of the event is to convey important information about a particular educational institution for a future student or applicant, highlighting its advantages and benefits. Naturally, for the educational institution holding this event, this is the key to attracting as many students as possible; there is a commercial benefit here. But for parents who are unsuccessfully trying to persuade their child to devote themselves to one profession or another, this is a chance to clearly demonstrate all its positive aspects and persuade the child to make the right decision.

It is difficult to overestimate the importance of such an event as Open Day. It has a lot of positive aspects, for everyone - both for the organizers and for the visitors. In addition to the informative part of the event, guests will enjoy excursions around the classrooms, the opportunity to communicate with future teachers and other students, learn from them about their successes, and much more. This means that this provides a unique opportunity to change a suddenly made decision or once again be convinced of the correctness of it. Therefore, the applicant should definitely visit the chosen university on the open day.

Extracurricular activities as a means of education

Another important component of the educational process is an educational event such as an extracurricular activity conducted directly by a teacher or instructor with the aim of direct educational impact on children. The organization of extracurricular activities in the subject contributes to more successful learning, and also ensures the comprehensive and harmonious development of children. This corresponds to one of the main ideas of the educational process.

Carrying out extracurricular activities helps to build a bridge between theoretical knowledge and practical experience, and develops professional qualities. Developmental educational activities contribute to the identification and development of individual abilities, the disclosure of creative potentials through the involvement of schoolchildren in the implementation of various projects.

A feature of the extracurricular activity is the absence of any strict regulations in the choice of means and methods. In most cases, control of results is carried out empirically, based on observation of the team.


Since ancient times, various kinds of intellectual games have been held as cultural and leisure activities; chess, checkers, and mahjong are considered one of the most ancient such entertainments. These are forms of children's leisure activities, where erudition is the main tool. In such games, as a rule, it is required to answer questions regarding various areas of a person’s life, and the winner is awarded some kind of prize. The following games are very common: “Own Game”, “Intellectual Olympiads”, “What? Where? When?" and many others.

As a form of the educational process, such an event is able to transform the quite serious intellectual activity of students into a holiday, an exciting action, in which not only children of primary school, but also high school students take part with pleasure.

The forms of holding events of an intellectual nature, in contrast to serious subject Olympiads, are more interesting and exciting. Intellectual games cover a wide range of human activities. The purpose of conducting them in educational institutions of a wide variety of levels is to identify the abilities and stimulate the development of the creative potential of students. They help teach children to think outside the box, make unexpectedly correct decisions in limited time, allow children to express themselves and apply knowledge and skills in specific situations. Children's participation in intellectual games allows them to broaden their horizons, train their erudition and logical thinking. After all, without proper nourishment, even the brightest talent will fade away over time.

Sport - is life

Sports events and physical culture-mass forms of holidays play an important role for the development of a strong body and a healthy mind in the younger generation. The main goal of sporting events is to popularize sports, as it is the key to the health of the nation. Physical activities distract young people from harmful habits, instill worthy qualities, and contribute to the formation of sustainable mental health (sport helps disabled people adapt to normal life, taking into account their individual characteristics). Sports activities help channel adolescents' physical aggression into a peaceful direction.

The history of sports competitions dates back to ancient times, when the idea of ​​the ancient Romans to hold the Olympic Games was born. Such events help generate group energy and direct it towards positive social action, eliminating the danger of disrupting the established order. By holding sports competitions, you can amazingly unite members of one group and create a real team! Now, in addition to standard competitions such as wrestling, running, shooting, and so on, the most unimaginable and funny sports competitions are appearing, which are nevertheless interesting and useful.

As part of the school program for physical training of children, sports propaganda teams are annually organized in the form of a music and sports festival, in which children who promote a healthy lifestyle take part.

Holiday for everyone

A large number of people, sometimes the entire city’s population, take part in cultural and leisure events. The very definition of the term “cultural event” has a fairly wide range of options. It can be held in the form of noisy celebrations, various celebrations, festivities and fairs. Typically, cultural events are held outdoors, in stadiums and city squares. They can be of a political, leisure, or advertising nature.

This is an opportunity for city residents to relax, relax, and for musicians and various amateur groups to show themselves. Politicians through such events can attract as many electorates as possible to their side. Such events organically combine spirituality and physical culture, sports and art.

A musical and poetry evening, as one of the forms of a cultural event, is a performance by one or more artists dedicated to a particular artistic event or figure; often such evenings are held in a pleasant romantic atmosphere, with the reading of poems by great poets, famous figures, and the performance of songs to the words of the poems of the poet to whom the memorable day is dedicated.

At fairs, manufacturers have the opportunity to show their products, talk about them, and visitors have the opportunity to try this or that product and make a first impression about it. At this time, young talents from all fields of art show musical and theatrical performances, thereby advertising themselves. Guests of the fair will also enjoy festive trade, an exhibition of equipment, elite poultry breeds, craft rows and attractions, and sports competitions.

The program of events usually consists of a description of the events, an indication of the time they will take place, and is published in advance on the city website. Posters are also prepared and booklets are issued so that everyone can attend a celebration dedicated to any event. Events that involve the gathering of a large number of people are regulated by law. During the entire holiday, enhanced security is provided for all areas covered by the festivities.

New Year holidays: holding events

New Year and Christmas are holidays celebrated all over the world. Everyone is waiting for them - from kids to their grandparents. They are dedicated to events in the main squares in all cities, matinees in all cultural and creative centers, schools and kindergartens, New Year's performances in higher educational institutions. Organizers and participants, as a rule, begin to prepare for the New Year holidays long before they begin. The event scenario is approved by the highest competent body of the specific institution that conducts this or that event. In schools and kindergartens, children are involved in the celebration, competitions and various entertaining scenes are prepared.

The main attribute of the holiday, naturally, is a decorated Christmas tree, around which it is customary to dance in circles. Cultural events associated with New Year's celebrations were introduced in Russia at the end of the 17th century by Peter the Great. In truth, the idea of ​​celebrating the New Year not on September 1, but on January 1, quickly caught on.

By decree of Peter the Great, an approximate scenario for the holiday was developed - decorate the entrance to the home with pine, juniper, spruce branches, light bonfires from January 1 to January 7, have fun, and give gifts to each other. New Year's events came to Russia from Europe, and Peter I personally monitored the implementation of all the rules of the celebration. In 1700, people saw never-before-seen fireworks. The idea of ​​moving New Year's events to the winter period was that Peter the Great was eager to go to Europe, which at that time was 1699 from the Nativity of Christ, while in Russia it was 7208 from the creation of the world. Such a large calendar difference brought great inconvenience to political relations with Europe. The transition to chronology from the Nativity of Christ solved a lot of problems at once.

Mass festivities

Mass celebrations in the spirit of the original Russian traditions of a cheerful mass holiday, such as Maslenitsa, Christmastide, Bright and Radonitskaya weeks, the Semitsko-Trinity cycle, have been held in Rus' since ancient times. Usually they took place in the open air with dancing, mummering, games, round dances, playing accordions, nozzles, pipes, with characteristic rituals of lighting fires, and the symbolic burning of effigy.

Mass events, accompanied by multi-day folk festivities, date back to pre-Christian times. Their ancestor was Maslenitsa. This holiday can be considered the brightest and most cheerful, because it is timed to coincide with the spring solstice, that is, the beginning of the new year. The date of Maslenitsa celebration is not fixed, it is celebrated exactly a week before the start of Lent, so the solemn festivities are celebrated every year at different times.

An open extracurricular event is a form of demonstration of advanced pedagogical developments, a way to implement them in practice and improve the qualifications of teachers. The most important condition for conducting open lessons is publicity, through which the above goals are achieved.

The peculiarity of extracurricular activities is their unusualness, so to speak, the unconventional choice of types and forms of implementation, which helps to awaken children’s interest in the learning process and motivate them to independently learn a specific subject.

Classification of extracurricular activities

The main types of extracurricular activities can be considered educational, leisure and sports.

Educational extracurricular activities are aimed at enhancing the cognitive activity of schoolchildren, deepening their knowledge, broadening their horizons, and developing the civic position of students.

Leisure activities make it possible to specify the interests of students aimed at acquiring certain skills and abilities, and to diversify school life with entertaining moments.

Sports and recreational activities ensure the physical development of schoolchildren and help improve and maintain their health.

In our proposed classification of types of extracurricular activities, the emphasis is on the purpose of the event. It is this aspect that determines the choice of the form of conduct.

Forms of extracurricular activities

Each type of extracurricular activities has its own methods of implementation. Of course, the list is not static and limited: the objects in it can vary, intersect, and be combined.

Educational extracurricular activities can take the following forms: conversation, discussion, meeting with interesting people, quiz, theater, training, conference, Olympiad, review, competition, excursion.

Leisure extracurricular activities have more applied goals - teaching skills, which is implemented in the following didactic models: workshop (cutting and sewing, culinary, fine arts, photography, modeling), plein air, master class, theater studio. In addition, leisure activities are carried out for entertainment purposes, which contributes to the unification of children's entertaining leisure activities - competitions, games, theatrical performances.

Sports and recreational open extracurricular activities are held in the form of sports games and hikes.

The age characteristics of students when choosing the content and forms of extracurricular activities are of decisive importance. Let's study this aspect of the problem.

Primary School

Of particular importance is the holding of open extracurricular activities in primary schools. Children in elementary school are the most sensitive to learning new things; they require a clear demonstration of the proposed knowledge; in addition, the level of learning for younger schoolchildren is very high.

Based on this, when planning extracurricular activities for students in grades 1-4, preference should be given to conducting classes with elements of physical activity, games, competitive tasks, and excursions. An open extracurricular activity for 2nd grade should take into account the minor practical experience of children of this age category and form basic knowledge, skills and abilities.

High school

Children of senior school age are capable of longer static perception of material, of reproducing a larger amount of text, they are stress-resistant, which plays a decisive role when choosing the form of extracurricular activities. In such cases, it is worth giving preference to theatrical performances, KVN, brain-ring, tourist trips, and career guidance excursions.

Educational extracurricular activities

Considering that the primary task of the school is learning, let us take a closer look at educational open events.

Open extracurricular activities of an educational nature promote in-depth study of material in certain subjects, systematization of acquired knowledge using non-traditional forms of presenting information.

Extracurricular activity in mathematics

The main purpose of conducting an extracurricular lesson in mathematics is the practical application of knowledge acquired in class. Such events are most effective in the form of games, travel, competitions, excursions, theatrical performances, and subject weeks. There are different types of extracurricular activities.

The cognitive functions of the game are very wide. The main advantage of the game over other forms of extracurricular activities is its accessibility. Solving mathematical charades, puzzles, crosswords is a very exciting process that allows you to systematize acquired knowledge, develop logical thinking, and ingenuity.

Traveling to the land of mathematics gives children the opportunity to get closer to mathematical terms, realizing their reality and necessity in life.


Competitive forms of open extracurricular activities in mathematics solve not only purely subject-specific problems, but also form a team, demonstrating real relationships in the classroom.

Conducting excursions aimed at studying mathematics allows children to project book knowledge onto the world around them.

Theatrical productions, based on a script based on a subject such as mathematics, clearly demonstrate the pattern of cause-and-effect relationships, form concepts about geometric shapes, sizes, etc.

Subject weeks in mathematics are a set of open extracurricular activities held in the following forms: open lesson - extracurricular activity, game, competition, quiz.

Extracurricular activities in mathematics activate students and promote the formation of logical thinking. The most effective way to conduct classes that form interdisciplinary connections is: an open extracurricular event in mathematics in the form of a theatrical performance, which will improve the level of humanities and mathematical knowledge; an excursion to nature to consolidate the skills acquired in natural history and mathematics lessons.

Practical significance of extracurricular activities on technology

This formulation of the question is especially relevant for the new subject “Technology”, the main goal of introducing it into the curriculum was the practical application of knowledge acquired at school.

Considering that the school curriculum devotes a critically small number of teaching hours to the study of the subject “Technology,” extracurricular activities play a vital role in mastering this discipline.

The target orientation of this subject towards bringing theory and practice closer together allows us to talk about the peculiarities of conducting extra-curricular activities in technology.

The development of students' work skills is the most important component in school. Work fosters such personality qualities as independence and responsibility for decisions made, which contributes to the formation of a full-fledged citizen.

An open extracurricular event on technology will demonstrate independent practical skills of students acquired in the classroom and motivate their work activities. In addition, technology lessons make it possible to identify children’s inclination towards a certain type of activity, which, in turn, will help them in the future decide on their choice of profession.

Extracurricular activities on technology are held in various forms: workshop, master class, quiz, game, competition.


Any open lesson (extracurricular activity) allows students to consolidate their knowledge in a particular subject. In addition, this form of conducting classes arouses great interest among the children. The teacher should plan extracurricular activities in advance. You can take help from students during the preparation process.

Methodology for organizing and conducting extracurricular activities

There is a certain sequence in organizing extracurricular activities. It can be used both for individual and mass work. In extracurricular work there is a lot of room for teacher creativity in choosing the content, forms and methods of classes. However, the methodology for their implementation should have some general points: first of all, it is necessary that the main stages of the implementation of the educational event be traced. This is the study and setting of educational tasks, preparation and modeling of the upcoming extracurricular activity, practical implementation of the model and analysis of the work done.

1. Study and setting educational goals. This stage is aimed at studying the characteristics of each student and the class as a whole and identifying the most pressing tasks for implementing effective educational influence. The purpose of the stage is an objective assessment of pedagogical reality, which consists in determining its positive aspects (the best in the child, the team), and what needs adjustment, formation and selection of the most important tasks.

The study is carried out using well-known methods of pedagogical research, the leading among which at this stage is observation. Through observation, the teacher collects information about students and the team. An informative method is conversation, not only with students, but also with parents and teachers working in the classroom.

In individual work, the study of the products of a child’s activity is of great importance: drawings, crafts, poems, stories, etc. In the study of a group, the method of sociometry is informative, with the help of which the teacher learns about the most popular and unpopular students, the presence of small groups, and the nature of the relationships between them.

2. Preparation and modeling of upcoming extracurricular educational work involves the teacher constructing a model of a certain form of activity. Even for a talented teacher, the success of extracurricular activities depends largely on previous preparation for them. Therefore, each event should, first of all, be methodically developed and its implementation modeled.

The plan is drawn up by the teacher with the involvement of students. In high school, they can do this work themselves under the guidance of a teacher. The ability to plan an educational event is one of the elements of the scientific organization of work of teachers and students in the field of extracurricular activities.

The simulation results are reflected in the extracurricular activity plan, which has the following structure:

1. Title.

2. Goal, objectives.

3. Materials and equipment.

4. Form of conduct.

5. Venue.

6. Plan of implementation.

The title reflects the theme of the extracurricular activity. It should not only accurately reflect the content, but also be concise and attractive in form.

It is advisable to begin preparation by defining the educational and educational goals and objectives of the event, selecting appropriate forms and methods of implementation, as well as the purpose and place in the system of work with this team. This, first of all, demonstrates an integrated approach to education. Therefore, it is important to identify in advance as fully as possible the educational possibilities of the planned activity, to establish a connection between this event and others that together make up the system of educational work. When preparing an event, it is useful to take into account previous educational activities in this group of students and its results.

The purpose of an extracurricular activity should reflect developmental, corrective, formative, educational functions, while the teaching function can act as one of the tasks. Obviously, just communicating new knowledge cannot be the goal of an extracurricular activity. Objectives must be very specific and reflect this content. They should not be universal. The more specific and diagnostic the purpose and objectives of an extracurricular activity are formulated, the more specific the teacher’s ideas about the desired results will be.

In accordance with the purpose, objectives, priority functions of extracurricular work and the results of the study, the content is clarified, specific forms, methods, and means are selected.

Equipment for extracurricular activities includes various means: manuals, toys, videos, slides, software, literature, information resources, music, etc. It is important to prepare tables and chairs for the jury and teams on time; Whatman paper, paper, pencils and pens; assignment boards, crayons and rags, etc.

The central place in the preparation of an educational event is occupied by the selection of material. Depending on the nature of the work, this requires different amounts of time. Thus, a lot of time is required to select material for a debate, evening, review: it is used by the teacher and students to read literature, students to complete various tasks and projects, collect facts, prepare reports, speeches, etc. This preliminary work with students sometimes turns out to be the most significant in educational terms. But even if the selection of material does not require a long time (an excursion to a computer center or a trip to the cinema), the teacher needs to familiarize himself with the object of the visit in advance.

The form of extracurricular activities can be an excursion, a quiz, a competition, an Olympiad, etc.

The venue is determined by the number of participants, the form of the event, requirements for material resources, etc. (informatics room, assembly hall, gym, etc.).

The lesson plan includes a description of the content, methods of education and can be either a detailed, sequential presentation of the scenario or a thesis plan. When modeling the course of a lesson, you need to take into account its duration and structure. An extracurricular activity can range from 15-20 minutes for elementary school students to 1-2 hours for middle-aged and older students.

It should be noted that such an important element of event preparation as organizational work. The teacher leads it, involving students. He monitors the distribution of orders, helps them complete them, and controls them. Responsible tasks can be given to classes and groups of students. To organize large events, it is advisable to create organizing committees and hold competitions for the best preparation. At the same time, relying on the initiative of students, the teacher helps them develop organizational skills and abilities, teaches them independence and responsibility.

Announcements about the event should be prepared and posted on time, and posters with reminders should be posted the day before the event. It is important to prepare prizes for the winners.

3. The practical implementation of the model is aimed at implementing the planned educational work in the real pedagogical process.

To maintain the interest and attention of students, the event should be organized, dynamic, and without pauses. Much depends on the presenter, his preparedness, erudition, ability to be a good organizer, show resourcefulness and flexibility in unexpected situations, win over listeners, and establish contact with them. In unestablished groups, regardless of the age of the students, teachers usually conduct educational classes themselves. In the process of strengthening the team, the leadership of students’ activities becomes more and more indirect (influence through an asset, reliance on amateur performance). As they gain experience, the teacher can assign them to conduct some forms of extracurricular activities themselves, while maintaining control of the situation.

When conducting extracurricular activities, the teacher must also ensure that all participants are on site on time, that technical means do not fail, that the planned work plan is maintained over time, otherwise a well-conceived, carefully planned lesson may turn out to be ineffective.

Particular attention should be paid to holding complex events (long game, computer creativity show, computer science week, month of physical and mathematical sciences). They should represent a cycle of links connected by a single plan and purpose.

For the purpose of effective practical implementation in general class lessons that are varied in content and methods, one should adhere to four main stages of the lesson.

1. Organizational moment (0.5-3 min).

Pedagogical goal: to switch students to extracurricular activities, to arouse interest in it and positive emotions.

Typical mistakes: duplicating the beginning of the lesson, prolongation.

Recommendations: the effective switching of students to extracurricular activities is facilitated by non-traditional, entertaining material in the organizational moment: the use of a riddle, a problematic question, a game moment, sound recording, students moving to another room, etc.

2. Introductory part (from 1/5 to 1/3 of the time of the entire lesson).

Pedagogical goal: to activate students, to position them for educational influence. The teacher determines how much his pedagogical forecast coincides with reality regarding the students’ capabilities, their personal qualities, level of awareness on a given topic, emotional mood, level of activity, interest, etc. At this stage, the teacher needs not only to captivate the students, but also to determine whether adjustments need to be made to the course of the lesson and what nature they should be.

A typical mistake is ignoring this stage because the teacher is afraid of an unexpected reaction from the students, that they might say or do something different from what the teacher expects. The teacher builds the introductory part not on the child’s activity, but on his own, excluding feedback, assigning students the role of passive listeners, without attaching importance to the emotional mood of the students.

In the first case, the questions, in the second, the tasks should not only be interesting, but also structured in such a way that they provide information to the teacher about readiness to perceive the prepared material. In the introductory part, students’ initial ideas about the upcoming event should be formed, their activities should be organized (familiarity with the assessment system, event plan, division into teams). Clear evaluation criteria must be given and the necessary rules explained.

3. The main part should be the longest in time (slightly more than 1/3 of the total class time).

Pedagogical goal: implementation of the main idea of ​​the event.

Typical mistakes: the activity of the teacher with partial or complete passivity of the students, lack of visibility and general poverty of the use of means and methods, the predominance of methods of forming consciousness over methods of forming behavior, creating a learning atmosphere in the lesson, edification, moralizing.

Recommendations: the educational effect in the implementation of extracurricular activities is higher if students are as active as possible. In activating students in extracurricular activities, the creation of a special emotional atmosphere, different from the lesson, is of paramount importance.

The effectiveness of the main part increases if the teacher uses as many methods as possible for shaping behavior: exercise, game, assignment; includes various types of activities: labor, creative, gaming, etc. When uniting students into teams when organizing various types of activities, the teacher must place students so that they can freely communicate with each other, distribute responsibilities so that everyone feels part of the team, and did not speak only for himself. When giving time to complete an assignment, you should allow a few minutes for the team to discuss and ask for the team representative that students choose. Only in this case do students have a common goal of activity, different functions and motives for cooperation.

Methods for forming consciousness should contribute to the formation of students’ beliefs and effective ethical concepts. For these purposes, it is effective to modify the story method into a message, a student’s report, and use discussion more often. In extracurricular mass forms of educational work, students should be taught the rules of discussion.

4. Final part (from 1/4 to less than 1/5 of the time).

Pedagogical goal: to set students up for the practical application of acquired experience in their extracurricular life and determine to what extent they succeeded in realizing the idea of ​​the lesson. Thus, the final part gives the teacher the opportunity to realize educational influence on the child in a different environment.

Typical mistakes: this part is ignored altogether or reduced to questions like: “Did you like it?”, “What new did you learn?”

Recommendations: specific test tasks in an attractive form for students: crossword puzzle, mini-quiz, blitz, game situation, etc. to determine primary results. Various recommendations for students on how to apply their acquired experience in life. This could be a display of books on a given issue, a discussion of situations in which students can apply the skills and information acquired in class. Advice to students on applying the experience gained: what they can tell their loved ones, what to ask about this topic; where you can go, what you need to pay attention to, what you can play, what you can do yourself, etc. In the final part, you can find out whether the topic of the lesson needs further development and how this can be done? The teacher can use the final part to develop students’ initiative in carrying out subsequent activities.

4. Analysis of the work performed is aimed at comparing the formed model with the real implementation, identifying successful and problematic issues, their causes and consequences. The element of setting a task for further educational work is very important. This stage is very important for adjusting educational tasks, content, forms and planning further extracurricular activities.

Summing up the results of the educational event is an important point that is often underestimated. Here the role of the teacher and methodologist is especially responsible, who must make a qualified conclusion, evaluate the advantages and disadvantages of the work done.

The analysis of the results of the event should be carried out systematically, since only by relying on what has been achieved can one successfully move forward, consolidate the best, and get rid of shortcomings. Such an analysis of the results has two main functions – organizing and educating. Regular analysis contributes to better organization of work and encourages you to take the assigned work more seriously, since its results and results do not go unnoticed, but are evaluated. Analysis is also a good school for developing observation, self-criticism, demandingness, forming public opinion, correct attitude to criticism, and improving pedagogical skills.

When analyzing an educational event, you should first of all record positive results, indicate those techniques, conditions, methods that led to success, and look for the reasons for failure. A qualified summing up creates the conditions for informed planning and improving the quality of all educational work in the future. Pedagogical analysis of each event conducted can be carried out in accordance with the following main criteria:

1) presence of a goal;

2) relevance and modernity of the topic;

3) its focus;

4) depth and scientific content, compliance with the age characteristics of students;

5) the preparedness of the teacher and students for work, the organization and clarity of its implementation.

The quality of an educational event can also be judged by the reaction of students. Their attention, emotional mood, interest in what is happening, activity or, conversely, indifference speak volumes. More distant observations of the behavior of schoolchildren, conversations with them, and questionnaires allow a deeper assessment of the effectiveness of the work done.

The state and results of extracurricular and extracurricular work must be systematically discussed at pedagogical councils and methodological associations. Schoolchildren should also be involved in evaluating the educational activities carried out, and school radio, wall newspapers, and exhibitions should be used for these purposes. The results of such forms of work as competitions, shows, contests, months, etc., require extensive discussion in the team.