Italian male names with translation. Italian male names and their meanings

Diagnosis of diseases by the face Natalya Olshevskaya

Palmistry about diseases

Palmistry about diseases

Spots on the Mounts of Venus (elevated bases thumbs) is a possible sign of diseases of the genital organs (Fig. 5).

Rice. 5. Location of hills on the palm

Intermittent, dark coloring of the health line indicates an exacerbation of cholelithiasis (Fig. 6).

Rice. 6. Location of lines on the palm: 1 – life line; 2 – head line; 3 – heart line; 4 – line of fate; 5 – Apollo line; 6 – health line; 7 – Milky Way; 8 – marriage line; 9 – line of the Moon; 10 – belt of Venus; 11 – ring of Solomon; 12 – ring of Saturn; 13 – line of children; 14 – Dragon line

If the health line is interrupted several times and is angular, then this is a sign of gastrointestinal diseases.

Loop on the health line speaks of liver disease.

Loop on the mind line- a sign of brain disease.

If the Mount of Venus is medium in size and smooth- this speaks of short life.

Absolutely flat mount of Venus and a large arch on the first bracelet indicate a difficult birth.

Ugly, randomly rugged Moon Hill(palm hill opposite Mount of Venus adjacent to the base thumb) indicates a tendency to epilepsy, kidney disease and dropsy.

Square on the Mount of the Moon portends opportunity violent death from loved ones.

Network of lines on the Mount of the Moon and on the little finger - a sign of tuberculosis.

Connection at the very beginning lines of the mind and lines of the heart perpendicular to the straight line - suicidal tendencies.

Weakly expressed love line(heart) may be an indicator of stomach disease.

Dark spot on the Mount of Venus– a sign of predisposition to hearing impairment (on the right hand - the right ear, on the left - the left ear).

Winding, branched or wide health line indicates poor health.

Broken line of the heart, on which dots or small lines are visible, as well as a line in the form of a chain indicate heart disease.

If middle part the line of the mind approaches the line of the heart, this may indicate lung disease.

If at the end lines of the mind you can see a cross, a star, or another line intersects it, then this indicates a tendency to mental illness.

Cross or star on the line of the mind indicate that there is a health hazard.

If on lines of the mind can be seen as points or deep holes, then they indicate a predisposition to diseases nervous system.

If the line of the mind is crossed by a line or line, and she breaks off, as if cut with a knife, it means human life may end unexpectedly.

When the mind line is broken– this indicates mental illness.

If the line of the mind ends in two branches, and both of them turn towards the Mount of the Moon, then at the end of life a person may lose his mind.

If the line of the mind is interrupted, then this portends a head injury or a disorder of the nervous system.

Branch to the Mount of Jupiter from the health line provides for internal diseases.

Big Island(oval) formed at the bottom of the life line, a large gap in the life line of both hands; a yellowish or transparent group of callous formations on the Mount of Venus or the Mount of the Moon, or the same on the outer edge of the thumb, near the wrist, is a warning about the possibility of developing cancer. From the book Overcome Grass author Rim Bilalovich Akhmedov

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In conclusion, a word about diseases The name comes to diseases from [various] sides. [They are called] either by the organs that are carriers of the disease, such as [“disease of the] side” and [“disease of the] lung”, or by manifestations, such as “epileptic”, or for reasons, as when we say: “disease from

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Palmistry helped improve my vision. I was never eager to know my destiny. She lived for 50 years without relying on predictions. And at my age, the future is more frightening than interesting. This is how you see a collection of sores and ailments. So vision no longer serves faithfully, as in

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For stomach diseases 1 tablespoon butter, 1 tablespoon of alcohol, 3 drops of iodine and 1 tablespoon of real honey (not May honey, better than summer honey - from herbs). Melt honey and butter in a water bath, add alcohol and iodine, stir and take the entire dose in the morning on an empty stomach.

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ABOUT DISEASES We, as you know, visually perceive the world of consequences. The causal world still remains less visible and clear for us. The same is true with diseases. They are felt so clearly, there are such a great number of them that it is impossible not to be aware of them.

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Dreams warn of illnesses “If you dream that things were stolen from you, then this is a prophetic dream,” joked Leningrad satirist Konstantin Melikhan. But often, through dreams, the body warns us about some malfunctions that have occurred in it, signals about impending

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Vedic palmistry, hills on the palm The Lord puts a seal on the hand of every person so that all people know His work. Job 37:7 In this chapter we will talk about Vedic palmistry in terms of health. On the web and printed publications quite a lot of information, but often

1. A completely flat Mount of Venus and a large arch on the first bracelet indicate a difficult birth. Unfortunately, this sign was 99% confirmed.

2. As cancer progresses, the skin of the palm often takes on a greenish tint.

3. In case of colon cancer, a tint may appear on the outer side of each of the palms in the spaces between the thumb and index finger.

4. For cancer of the small intestine - on the outside of the palm, down from the little finger.

5. For lung cancer - on one or both arms.

6. For stomach cancer - on the outside of each leg, especially below the knee.

7. Vertical strokes between the index and middle fingers are a sign of a predisposition to rheumatism.

8. With hyperfunction of the pituitary gland, which can be caused, for example, by a tumor, abnormally large hands with huge, thick fingers develop.

9. And, on the contrary, with dysfunction or underdevelopment of the pituitary gland, small hands with too much thin fingers.

10. Very cold tips of fingers and toes - vascular disorders, atherosclerosis.

11. For hypofunction thyroid gland, we find, especially in women, a small, fat hand white and soft consistency. The fingertips are usually short and conical, the little finger is exceptionally sharp.

12. In contrast, a person with an overactive thyroid gland has a long, bony arm with thin, bony fingers.

13. Insufficient function of the gonads is noticeable by the infantile shortness of the hands and fingers, and especially the little finger.

14. In patients with gout and rheumatism, changes can be easily identified - swollen and deformed fingers.

15. White or blue wasted hand due to Rhine disease.

16. In those suffering from depression, we usually see a thin, pale and flaccid hand.

17. Schizophrenics have a thin and bluish hand.

18. Intermittent and dark coloring of the health line indicates hot temper and illnesses resulting from the spillage of bile.

19. If the health line is interrupted several times and is angular, then this is taken as a sign of stomach and gastrointestinal ailments.

20. A loop on the health line - speaks of liver disease.

21. A loop on the line of the mind indicates a brain disease.

22. Excessive mobility of the arm allows one to draw the conclusion about low blood pressure, which is expressed in fatigue and loss of energy.

23. Ideal - long arm shows a predisposition to hyperthyroidism and related diseases. Owners of this type of hand are often neurotic and tend toward psychosis.

24. If a person's thumb looks more like a finger ape(i.e. very large), then this most likely indicates dementia and degenerative tendencies.

25. People who suffer from harmless or insidious spasms, as well as convulsive conditions, for example, epileptics, hide their thumb in a fist during an attack, which is an expression of their depressive state. People with this position of the thumb experience a general decrease in vitality; these people are depressed and pessimistic, which can cause psychosomatic health problems.

26. Schizophrenics usually have an abnormally long little finger.

27. Too short a little finger indicates not only infantilism, but also “paranoid” schizophrenics, who are very often underdeveloped in the sexual sense.

28. In cases of endocrine system disorders, the little finger is usually not only too short, but also often sharp.

29. If your hands are constantly cold as ice and white, or of blue color, then in this case the fingertips may be wrinkled and their skin roughened. All this says (if a person does not suffer cardiovascular diseases), melancholy, depression or psychosis. In such cases, the palm is also wet.

30. If the Mount of Venus (near the thumb) is medium in size and smooth, this indicates a short life.

31. A red dot in the cavity between the ring and middle fingers indicates caries.

32. A very short little finger is a serious (and almost always justified) sign of mental imbalance and poor health.

33. If the little finger is noticeably bent to the side ring finger, then in women this is a sign of an abnormal position of the uterus.

34. In men, curvature of the little finger towards the ring finger is a violation of sexual function.

35. Absence of a hole on the nail of the little finger - urinary tract dysfunction.

36. An ugly, randomly indented Mount of the Moon (mountain of the palm, opposite the Mount of Venus, adjacent to the base of the thumb), speaks of the danger of epilepsy, kidney disease and dropsy.

37. A square on the hill of the Moon speaks of violent death from loved ones.

38. A network of lines on the hill of the Moon and on the little finger - speaks of consumption.

39. Star on the hill of the Moon - drowning death.

40. The connection at the very beginning of the lines of the mind and the lines of the heart perpendicular to the straight line is a sign of suicide.

41. A parchment-like hand with a yellowish tint to the skin indicates a disease of the liver and gall bladder.

42. Anemia is indicated by splitting nails.

43. A weakly expressed line of love (heart) can be associated with increased sensitivity and great vulnerability of a person. This may also be an indicator of stomach diseases (excessive sensitivity contributes to stomach diseases).

44. An unfavorable sign for a woman in labor is considered to be the combination of a narrow palm (foreshadows a protracted labor) with an upper bracelet line in the middle, rarely curved upward towards the fingers.

45. A dark dot on the Mount of Venus - indicates a predisposition to hearing impairment (on the right hand - the right ear), on the left hand - accordingly, the left ear.

46. ​​Wet hands indicate some kind of internal illness, most often an unhealthy heart.

47. If the color of the hand is “yellow”, this means that the person is sickly and nervous.

48. If the “crescent” on the nails is large or absent at all, then the person may have an unhealthy heart. You also need to look at the Heart line - if it is intermittent, dots or small lines are visible on it, then this is another confirmation of the disease.

49. There are people whose nails “bloom” - they have white, flower-like lines on their nails - this means poor circulation.

50. And striped nails indicate a stomach ailment.

51. If the fingernails are strong, this is evidence of a healthy body.

52. A branch to the Mount of Jupiter from the line of Health, provides for internal diseases.

53. If the Health line is crippled, tortuous, branchy, then this indicates a sick person.

54. A very wide health line indicates poor health.

55. An unhealthy heart is indicated by a broken heart line, on which dots or small lines are visible. This is also evidenced by a line in the form of a chain.

56. If the middle part of the line of the mind approaches the line of the heart, this may indicate a lung disease.

57. If at the end of the line of the mind one can see a cross, a star, or another line intersects it, then the person may be at risk of mental illness.

58. A cross or star on the line of the mind indicates that there is a threat to health.

59. If you can see points on the line of the mind, then they indicate a disorder of the nervous system.

60. Sometimes deep holes are noticeable on the line of the mind, which seem to enlarge this line. And this indicates a disorder of the nervous system that a person has had or will continue to have. In what year of life this can happen, certain years indicate this.

61. If the line of the mind is crossed by a line or line, and it breaks off as if cut with a knife, this means that human life may end unexpectedly.

62. B in rare cases the line of the mind has branches back. When the line of the mind is broken, this indicates a mental illness.

63. It is bad if the line of the mind ends in two branches, and both of them turn towards the Mount of the Moon. Such formations on the lines of the hand indicate that a person’s life may end with a violation of reason.

64. If the line of the mind is interrupted, then this implies a head injury or a disorder of the nervous system.

65. Narrow nails are a sign of irritability and ambition.

66. Nails that are dull, brittle and have colored marks or highlights, characterized by irregular growth and a color uncharacteristic of the skin - this always indicates poor health, and in some cases these signs portend very bad changes. Only a specialist can determine the essence of them.

67. A healthy nail at its base is bordered by a white hole. The absence or presence of an overly large hole indicates a predisposition to nervous diseases(neurosis of the heart).

68. White spots on the thumbnail indicate nervousness, anemia, insufficient blood circulation and other diseases.

69. White spots on index finger(nail) foreshadow heart disease, passions of the heart.

70. On the middle finger - difficult state of mind, and for some, suicidal tendencies.

71. If the nail is of normal shape, then the person is practically healthy.

72. A short and flat nail is an organic heart disease.

73. Big size crescent - tachycardia.

74. Absence of a crescent - neurosis of the heart.

75. Very cold tips of fingers and toes - vascular disorders, atherosclerosis.

1. A completely flat Mount of Venus and a large arch on the first bracelet indicate a difficult birth. Unfortunately, this sign was 99% confirmed.

2. As cancer progresses, the skin of the palm often takes on a greenish tint.

3. In case of colon cancer, a tint may appear on the outer side of each of the palms in the spaces between the thumb and index finger.

4. For cancer of the small intestine - on the outside of the palm, down from the little finger.

5. For lung cancer - on one or both arms.

6. For stomach cancer - on the outside of each leg, especially below the knee.

7. Vertical strokes between the index and middle fingers are a sign of a predisposition to rheumatism.

8. With hyperfunction of the pituitary gland, which can be caused, for example, by a tumor, abnormally large hands with huge, thick fingers develop.

9. And, on the contrary, with dysfunction or underdevelopment of the pituitary gland, small hands with too thin fingers are visible.

10. Very cold tips of fingers and toes - vascular disorders, atherosclerosis.

11. With hypofunction of the thyroid gland, we find, especially in women, a small, fat hand of white color and soft consistency. The fingertips are usually short and conical, the little finger is exceptionally sharp.

12. In contrast, a person with an overactive thyroid gland has a long, bony arm with thin, bony fingers.

13. Insufficient function of the gonads is noticeable by the infantile shortness of the hands and fingers, and especially the little finger.

14. In patients with gout and rheumatism, changes can be easily identified - swollen and deformed fingers.

15. White or blue wasted hand due to Rhine disease.

16. In those suffering from depression, we usually see a thin, pale and flaccid hand.

17. Schizophrenics have a thin and bluish hand.

18. Intermittent and dark coloring of the health line indicates hot temper and illnesses resulting from the spillage of bile.

19. If the health line is interrupted several times and is angular, then this is taken as a sign of stomach and gastrointestinal ailments.

20. A loop on the health line - speaks of liver disease.

21. A loop on the line of the mind indicates a brain disease.

22. Excessive mobility of the arm allows one to draw the conclusion about low blood pressure, which is expressed in fatigue and loss of energy.

23. Ideal - a long arm shows a predisposition to hyperfunction of the thyroid gland and related diseases. Owners of this type of hand are often neurotic and tend toward psychosis.

24. If a person’s thumb is more similar to the finger of an ape (i.e. very large), then this most likely indicates dementia and degenerative tendencies.

25. People who suffer from harmless or insidious spasms, as well as convulsive conditions, for example, epileptics, hide their thumb in a fist during an attack, which is an expression of their depressive state. People with this position of the thumb experience a general decrease in vitality; these people are depressed and pessimistic, which can cause psychosomatic health problems.

26. Schizophrenics usually have an abnormally long little finger.

27. Too short a little finger indicates not only infantilism, but also “paranoid” schizophrenics, who are very often underdeveloped in the sexual sense.

28. In cases of endocrine system disorders, the little finger is usually not only too short, but also often sharp.

29. If your hands are constantly cold as ice and white or blue in color, then in this case the tips of your fingers may be wrinkled and their skin roughened. All this says (if a person does not suffer from heart disease) vascular diseases), about melancholy, depression or psychosis. In such cases, the palm is also wet.

30. If the Mount of Venus (near the thumb) is medium in size and smooth, this indicates a short life.

31. A red dot in the cavity between the ring and middle fingers indicates caries.

32. A very short little finger is a serious (and almost always justified) sign of mental imbalance and poor health.

33. If the little finger is noticeably curved towards the ring finger, then in women this is a sign of an abnormal position of the uterus.

34. In men, curvature of the little finger towards the ring finger is a violation of sexual function.

35. Absence of a hole on the nail of the little finger - urinary tract dysfunction.

36. An ugly, randomly indented Mount of the Moon (mountain of the palm, opposite the Mount of Venus, adjacent to the base of the thumb), speaks of the danger of epilepsy, kidney disease and dropsy.

37. A square on the hill of the Moon speaks of violent death from loved ones.

38. A network of lines on the hill of the Moon and on the little finger - speaks of consumption.

39. Star on the hill of the Moon - drowning death.

40. The connection at the very beginning of the lines of the mind and the lines of the heart perpendicular to the straight line is a sign of suicide.

41. A parchment-like hand with a yellowish tint to the skin indicates a disease of the liver and gall bladder.

42. Anemia is indicated by splitting nails.

43. A weakly expressed line of love (heart) can be associated with increased sensitivity and great vulnerability of a person. This may also be an indicator of stomach diseases (excessive sensitivity contributes to stomach diseases).

44. An unfavorable sign for a woman in labor is considered to be the combination of a narrow palm (foreshadows a protracted labor) with an upper bracelet line in the middle, rarely curved upward towards the fingers.

45. A dark dot on the Mount of Venus - indicates a predisposition to hearing impairment (on the right hand - the right ear), on the left hand - accordingly, the left ear.

46. ​​Wet hands indicate some kind of internal illness, most often an unhealthy heart.

47. If the color of the hand is “yellow”, this means that the person is sickly and nervous.

48. If the “crescent” on the nails is large or absent at all, then the person may have an unhealthy heart. You also need to look at the Heart line - if it is intermittent, dots or small lines are visible on it, then this is another confirmation of the disease.

49. There are people whose nails “bloom” - they have white, flower-like lines on their nails - this means poor circulation.

50. And striped nails indicate a stomach ailment.

51. If the fingernails are strong, this is evidence of a healthy body.

52. A branch to the Mount of Jupiter from the line of Health, provides for internal diseases.

53. If the Health line is crippled, tortuous, branchy, then this indicates a sick person.

54. A very wide health line indicates poor health.

55. An unhealthy heart is indicated by a broken heart line, on which dots or small lines are visible. This is also evidenced by a line in the form of a chain.

56. If the middle part of the line of the mind approaches the line of the heart, this may indicate a lung disease.

57. If at the end of the line of the mind one can see a cross, a star, or another line intersects it, then the person may be at risk of mental illness.

58. A cross or star on the line of the mind indicates that there is a threat to health.

59. If you can see points on the line of the mind, then they indicate a disorder of the nervous system.

60. Sometimes deep holes are noticeable on the line of the mind, which seem to enlarge this line. And this indicates a disorder of the nervous system that a person has had or will continue to have. In what year of life this can happen, certain years indicate this.

61. If the line of the mind is crossed by a line or line, and it breaks off as if cut with a knife, this means that human life may end unexpectedly.

62. In rare cases, the line of the mind has branches back. When the line of the mind is broken, this indicates a mental illness.

63. It is bad if the line of the mind ends in two branches, and both of them turn towards the Mount of the Moon. Such formations on the lines of the hand indicate that a person’s life may end with a violation of reason.

64. If the line of the mind is interrupted, then this implies a head injury or a disorder of the nervous system.

65. Narrow nails are a sign of irritability and ambition.

66. Nails that are dull, brittle and have colored marks or highlights, characterized by irregular growth and a color uncharacteristic of the skin - this always indicates poor health, and in some cases these signs portend very bad changes. Only a specialist can determine the essence of them.

67. A healthy nail at its base is bordered by a white hole. The absence or presence of an overly large hole indicates a predisposition to nervous diseases (heart neurosis).

68. White spots on the thumbnail indicate nervousness, anemia, insufficient blood circulation and other diseases.

69. White spots on the index finger (nail) portend heart disease and passions of the heart.

70. On the middle finger - a difficult mental state, and for some, a tendency towards suicide.

71. If the nail is of normal shape, then the person is practically healthy.

72. A short and flat nail is an organic heart disease.

73. Large crescent size - tachycardia.

74. Absence of a crescent - neurosis of the heart.

75. Very cold tips of fingers and toes - vascular disorders, atherosclerosis.