Nervous system in diseases of the pancreas. How does stress affect the pancreas?

Depression with pancreatitis. Causes of depression in pancreatitis.

Depression with pancreatitis is normal. Have you ever had a condition when you become indifferent to many things, your mood is depressed, you lose interest in what used to bring pleasure and joy. Deep thoughts appear about the meaning of life, about what you have achieved, whether you are successful or not, whether your life brings you joy and whether you are generally happy.

In general, it seems to me that the question “Am I happy?” is asked precisely when you feel unhappy. I want to retire, think, for some reason life seems to have no prospects and it seems that there is no happiness in it that they talk about and everything is just self-deception.

I want changes in the hope that everything will be better and this stupid mood will pass.

I had this in the beginning. I then thought that it was simple, or I had matured, or it was time for a change, anything but depression. I didn’t even imagine that it was depression, and even because of pancreatitis.

And this was the real one depression due to my chronic pancreatitis. Turns out, pancreatitis In general, it occurs due to frequent experiences, irritations or psychological stress, which then lead to somatic (physical) diseases, among which in the first place are diseases associated with the digestive organs.

And subsequently, during exacerbations of the disease, depression in pancreatitis can manifest itself in the same depressed mood, detachment from pleasures, joy, thoughts of hopelessness, hopelessness and loss of joy. You start poking around your life and yourself in search of the cause of your misfortunes. I want to change, to change my life 180 degrees.

But, when the body is in a state of remission (disease subsides) and you forget about pancreatitis, when you feel like an absolutely healthy person, then the joy and feeling of happiness that overwhelms you has no limits. I immediately want to do this, that, and this. And plans for three floors appear!

But as soon as the disease manifests itself even a little, you suddenly begin to calm yourself down, calm yourself down. This constant calming of oneself and settling down leads to an eternally stable mood, without emotions, and over time to indifference. Maybe this indifference is one of the causes of depression in pancreatitis?

Causes of depression in pancreatitis.

Depression can affect anyone at any age. This happens mainly due to the fact that modern values ​​and needs of our society put pressure on us and, moreover, they have changed a lot. After all, now many strive for well-being, wealth, success, and external attractiveness. People who have not achieved this fall into despair and experience their failures hard, which leads to the development of depression.

But depression can also develop due to psychological trauma, such as the loss of a loved one, family breakdown, breakup of a relationship, or serious illness.

Depression reduces ability to work, concentration, and generally brings a lot of suffering to both the patient and those close to him, so depression must be fought.

Someone pancreatitis appears due to depression, and for some it’s the other way around depression due to pancreatitis, in any case, we must look for a way out. Nowadays, depression is treated both medicinally and psychologically.

Depression in pancreatitis usually appears early in the illness. Subsequently, she expresses herself less and less. The first cause of depression in pancreatitis is non-acceptance of the disease.

A person with pancreatitis does not know what to do or how to live. Everything hurts after every meal. The pain does not go away and he does not know how to get rid of it. It is the pain of pancreatitis that puts pressure on the psyche. It seems to the patient that his life is ruined, that now he is almost disabled, that now he will not be able to live like a normal person. All these thoughts put pressure and lead to depression.

If you look at this purely physiologically, then during such an exacerbation of pancreatitis (and this is the exacerbation of pancreatitis that all beginners go through and do not know what to do), indigestion occurs in the human body due to inflammation of the pancreas. The food is not digested, but beginners eat anyway, loading the pancreas, because they want to eat all the time!

My pancreas hurts, my whole stomach hurts. Due to indigestibility, the body is polluted and toxins enter the bloodstream, which reduce the functioning of all organs in general, including “happiness” hormones. Plus, what joy is there if your body is a mess and everything hurts. Naturally, the body reacts to this mess with a bad state, which is psychologically expressed as depression.

How to get rid of depression with pancreatitis.

First of all, you need to understand that the cause of depression in pancreatitis is pancreatitis. Once you get your body in order everything will improve a lot.

Secondly, you need to stop thinking that your life is not a success. Stop poking around at yourself. It is these thoughts that lead to pancreatitis and other gastrointestinal diseases.

Stop deciding for everyone. Stop taking on everything. Stop blaming someone or yourself for everything. Stop judging someone, God will be their judge. Stop trying to control everything or anyone in particular. Stop being afraid of what they will say or think about you. By doing this you are only making the disease worse. Calm down and live for yourself!

The main thing is to understand that it is these thoughts that usually become the cause of the development of pancreatitis, and then they continue to gnaw at you during depression due to pancreatitis.

The main cause of depression is pancreatitis! I will repeat until you understand this. This pancreatitis causes depression, dark and heavy thoughts, meaninglessness of life, etc.

When the body recovers, you want to live! Even physically you feel lightness! And the thoughts are just as light and beautiful. You begin to see and notice only the good in your life. While during illness, on the contrary, you see only the bad.

Those. To get rid of depression due to pancreatitis, you need to put your body in order. Beginners need to learn everything about the disease as quickly as possible, treat it, and quickly start following a diet for pancreatitis in order to quickly restore the metabolic process in the body.

As soon as the body recovers (and it will definitely recover, because the disease will force you to live and eat as expected) and you change your thoughts in a different direction, not only depression, but also pancreatitis itself will recede.

In a word, depression with pancreatitis, especially at the beginning of the disease, is normal. We need to get our body in order as soon as possible.

Statistics of depressive reactions during chronic pancreatitis.

Now, let's take a look at the results of one interesting study of depressive reactions in people with chronic pancreatitis.

In 1997, Smulevich A.B. and others involved in “Diagnostics and pharmacotherapy of depression in somatic patients” conducted studies of depressive reactions in people with chronic pancreatitis and found that the frequency of depression in people suffering from chronic pancreatitis reaches 50-80%. In addition, if a person succumbs to depression, this contributes to the worsening of the disease and increases the frequency of relapses.

So, 30 patients suffering from chronic pancreatitis and 30 healthy people. The aim of the study was to study the level of depression in people with chronic pancreatitis. The main indicator was the total score, which determined depression - mild (7-16), moderate (17-27 points) and severe (more than 27 points). In addition, the results were supplemented by conversations with patients during which the causes, duration and characteristics of emotional deterioration were clarified.

The results of the study showed that in people with chronic pancreatitis, depression manifests itself only in mild (22 people - 73.33%) or moderate (5 people - 16.67%) forms of severity, while in 3 patients (10%) there was no depression.

This suggests that basically depression with pancreatitis It is mild in nature and can be treated independently and with the help of loved ones. Here are some tips for relatives of patients with pancreatitis:

  1. Support comes first, even if the patient does not show interest in it.
  2. Depression is an illness that requires sympathy, but this does not mean that you need to plunge into illness and despair along with the patient. We need to keep an emotional distance and remind ourselves that depression with pancreatitis it is a temporary emotional state.
  3. Depression occurs poorly in families where critical remarks are constantly made towards the patient. On the contrary, you need to make it clear to the patient that this is not his fault, but a misfortune that we all need to fight together.
  4. Do not give the patient the opportunity to dwell on the disease. Try to bring positive emotions into your life, his life, and the life of your family in general, involve him in active activities, and do not remove him from business.

With a mild form depression with pancreatitis, usually the patient has a low level of mood, loses interest in what he previously felt passionate about, and has a feeling that everything is boring and he is tired. But a person is able to mobilize, gather, and if he is stimulated, supported, and shown interest in him, then most often he comes out of depression.

Also, as depression is pronounced and lived, its symptoms begin to weaken and go away. This suggests that you should not ignore and avoid depression, you need to understand it, soberly and reasonably assess your condition and the causes of your difficulties, be able to get through them and let go.

Prevention of depression in pancreatitis.

In order for depression not to develop, you need to learn to overcome difficulties and learn to think correctly. Stop picking at yourself, judging no matter who, stop replaying situations that have happened a hundred times over. In such cases, you need to learn to do like Scarlett O’Hara in “Gone with the Wind.” She said: “I won't think about it now. I’ll think about it later!” and didn’t think about what I didn’t want to think about. This way you will learn to get rid of boring thoughts.

If I have dark thoughts, I just do like Scarlett and tell myself: “I won’t think about it. I’ll think about it later, when the need arises,” and switch to something pleasant or dream.

Sometimes I try to distract myself with work, so I don’t have to whine all day long! I do my business and the depression disappears imperceptibly.

Stay healthy, healthy body, healthy thoughts!

That's all. I hope the article will be useful and interesting. Good luck everyone!

Have you been depressed during pancreatitis? How did you get out of it and what advice would you give to others?

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Inflammation of the pancreas (pancreatitis) is a serious disease that causes damage to the digestion and other organs. The causes and symptoms of the disease are studied by the branch of medicine - gastroenterology. Urgent surgical intervention helps save patients. However, the main problems of the patient are often determined by the psychosomatics of pancreatitis.

What is psychosomatics?

An alternative direction in medicine is psychosomatics. Translated from Latin, the name means “the influence of the soul on bodily illnesses.” It turns out that different human organs react vividly to stress, emotions, and mood.

Specialists: psychotherapists, psychiatrists, psychologists help to identify dangerous mental causes in a timely manner. The results of psychosomatic studies relieve a person from the disease and prevent exacerbations.

The science of psychosomatics does not operate with conventional analyzes, but with the results of monitoring the behavioral reactions of patients. The psychological approach to therapy problems is not readily available to general practitioners.

The study of psychosomatics - helping health workers establish contact with patients. It has long been proven that only a trusted doctor can treat a sick person.

Common causes of pancreatic diseases

Official medicine points to the most obvious causes leading to pancreatic pathology:

  • violation of the regime and rules of healthy eating (long periods of hunger, overeating, alcohol abuse, habit of fatty meat dishes, spicy seasonings);
  • functional disorders of the intestines and stomach with hyper- or hyposecretory function, biliary dyskinesia associated with anxiety in a child with experienced fear;
  • chronic pathology of the digestive organs, cholecystitis, gastroduodenitis, peptic ulcer and cholelithiasis, hepatitis, which create difficult conditions for the release of pancreatic secretions into the intestines, stagnation, and contribute to the spread of inflammation;
  • negative influence of the nervous system during the development of pancreatitis from stress, against the background of depressive states.

The reasons include everything related to the “nervous soil”. Who will answer how the patient should overcome his life problems in treatment?

Scientific basis for psychosomatic causes of pancreatitis

Psychosomatic causes are based on the processes of excitation and inhibition in the centers of the brain and the reticular formation of the hypothalamic region. Neurophysiology has proven the validity of the connection between the pain syndrome in pancreatitis and the influence of emotions, such as nervous activity.

There are ways in which factors influencing the pain response are studied. They can even be measured and recorded on an encephalogram.

How can we explain that not all heavy alcoholics develop pancreatitis? Why do the peoples of the Caucasus prefer spicy dishes when eating and do not suffer from pancreatic necrosis?

We get information if we remember the psychological behavior of each person in similar situations. In a state of discomfort (including fatigue, depression), the natural choice of the psyche is to feel sorry for itself, to evoke the opposite emotions (joy).

It is important that at this time we do not think about the benefits or harm of the chosen measure. The diet is no longer under control: you want something tasty. At the same time, physical activity is reduced. Over time, this behavior will lead to overload of the pancreas and other digestive diseases.

Psychosomatics considers important causes of pancreatitis:

  • fear;
  • anger;
  • anxiety.

The development of pancreatitis is promoted by the following conditions:

  • doubts, temptations, internal struggles;
  • subconsciously attracting the attention of others (benefit from care);
  • mental depression;
  • guilt;
  • strengthening the problem through constant thoughts (self-hypnosis).

Metaphysics includes causes and concepts hitherto unexplained by modern science. This includes alternative medicine and forms of spiritual life.

It is interesting that the conclusions are based on an analogy between the functioning of an organ of the body and human behavior.

We will present the most popular metaphysical opinions about the nature of pancreatitis.

Opinion 1. The pancreas, by the nature of its functions, is associated with the digestion of food. Accordingly, in the transfer to a person’s abilities - acceptance and assimilation of the situation. Just as iron is capable of self-digestion (destruction), so some people destroy and do not recognize themselves as individuals.

This is an eternally doubting, insecure, apathetic melancholic person who “nags” himself. The typical focus of activity is not on the problem, but on oneself, lack of goals, lack of faith in one’s own capabilities.

Opinion 2: Pancreatitis develops due to the body’s incorrect response to emotions. Positive emotions expand the body, negative emotions narrow it, slow down the flow of energy, and fill a person with cold.

Each of the emotions is necessary to express the state of the body (for example, anger promotes defense). An adult is not always able to express his emotions; he suppresses them. Therefore, first there is a feeling of discomfort, then pancreatitis.

Opinion 3: The pancreas is located in the third chakra of the solar plexus. She is responsible for collecting experience, knowledge, relationships with people. Capable of picking up frequencies of other bodies. Based on these signals, a person subconsciously chooses the optimal communication tactics. The chakra directs strong desires into creative energy and reveals talents. The energy failure along the way destroys the pancreas.

Opinion 4. Pancreatitis occurs as a result of dissatisfaction with life, anger, and feelings of hopelessness.

Opinion 5. The reason for the destruction of the pancreas is greed. It causes a disruption in the synthesis of hormones, and with unbridled greed - cancer.

Opinion 6. By prohibiting oneself from emotions, forcing oneself to exercise restraint, a person increases the craving for unhealthy eating. Obesity and overload of the pancreas appear.

Opinion 7. Envy is considered the main negative emotion. It is caused by the need to have what others have. Accompanies increased demands and dedication to work.

The given options indicate the connection between a person’s personal qualities and risk factors for pancreatitis. If the personality is in order, then the pancreas will not hurt.

Psychotypes at risk of disease

With the help of psychosomatics, people are distinguished between psychotypes that are most at risk of developing pancreatitis. These include:

  • tough-willed individuals who constantly control family members and employees, taking responsibility for problems;
  • weak people who experience constant fear for themselves, pity, who have no willpower, who are unable to deny themselves anything;
  • people who did not receive proper attention and love in childhood, require the care and participation of loved ones, they need the disease as a means of manipulation.

Emotions characterize an individual’s experiences, feelings, attitude towards reality and towards oneself.

The main human emotions are:

  • fear;
  • joy;
  • anger;
  • anxiety;
  • resentment;
  • guilt.

Vital emotions include those associated with a threat to well-being, health or life: fear of death, anxious anticipation of misfortune.

Some varieties can be confirmed objectively. For example, manifestations of depression are recorded based on indicators of blood circulation, respiration, and blood composition (glucose levels, adrenal substances).

It is believed that all emotions are associated with the pancreas. There is a distribution of psychosomatic “responsibilities” between the liver and the state of the gland: the liver contains information about the past, and the pancreas reflects the present. Her health is determined by the degree of adaptation of a person to life, connection with other individuals.

Overload is observed with unpleasant changes, feelings of jealousy, melancholy, sadness, and other negative emotions. The organ functionally weakens, pancreatitis is accompanied by diabetes.

Functioning is restored if the individual accepts the traumatic situation on an emotional level, stops being nervous, and sets goals for himself.

What is the character of a person with nervous pancreatitis? What to expect from him? Can he be spotted in a crowd?

The disease changes the psychological appearance of a person. The basis of character is will. Depending on the vital significance of motives, firmness, perseverance, and determination are manifested. Negative traits: impulsiveness, passivity, indecisiveness.

Psychosomatics allows you to determine the psychological portrait (“face”) of a person prone to damage to the pancreas. Outwardly, they do not stand out in any way in the crowd, but the inner world has its own characteristics.

At home and at work, these people stand out for their strong character, intelligence, and purpose in life. They are constantly developing plans and want to achieve their goal. They decide how to implement them. They care about family and friends and like to control situations. They blame themselves if trouble happens or problems arise.

Their energy gives them the opportunity to work hard and fruitfully. Such people achieve leadership positions and do a good job as organizers.

Against the backdrop of vigorous activity and an active position in all matters, the “man in the portrait” has inner secrets that he hides under a mask. These include:

  • sadness;
  • experiences due to lack of love and affection;
  • need for care;
  • suspiciousness;
  • feeling guilty for others.

Psychosomatics claims that, like the pancreas, which breaks down food into final substances, healthy people must constantly “digest” the information received and develop experience. But a person at risk does not pay attention to this process: he thinks a lot about the situation, but does not process it into the necessary experience. Therefore, his pancreas gradually “fails.”

How to treat a disease caused by nervousness?

It is impossible to combat the psychosomatic causes of illness with medications. In addition, we should not forget that acute forms of inflammation of the pancreas are not treated with the help of psychosomatics. Science offers ways to cope with chronic long-term illness.

First of all, you need to carefully, without hiding anything from yourself, think about your own psychological state. By contacting an experienced psychologist, the patient will be able to identify those problems of the soul, negative emotions that support the disease. There is no need to be offended by your doctor's advice. Techniques in psychology have been sufficiently tested and do not raise doubts.

A strong and caring person is advised to stop patronizing his loved ones, interfering in their affairs, and controlling other people’s lives. Psychologists advise you to think about yourself, decide how to make your own life happy in the near future, and alternate full-time work with relaxation and rest.

The ancient teaching of Ayurveda identifies the culprit of pancreatitis as a loss of harmony in a person’s relationship with nature and the inner world. Treatment requires the elimination of sinful thoughts and restoration of attitude towards oneself and the environment.

  • acupuncture;
  • hypnotherapy.

Indications for use:

  • increased irritability;
  • feeling of fatigue;
  • insomnia;
  • constant unmotivated bad mood;
  • decreased performance.

The scheme of non-traditional methods of Ayurveda includes:

  • water procedures;
  • own diet with herbal medicine;
  • hatha yoga.

The teaching attaches great importance to cleansing the body with the help of metal therapy, talismans, and spells.

Prevention of nervous pancreatitis

A person does not know how to perceive the world around him without irritation or resentment. We often miss moments when thoughts about serious illnesses in our friends, or the sight of an enlarged lymph node in a baby, cause our own “far-fetched” illnesses.

It is advisable to think about a sense of proportion not only in food and not to overload your thoughts with “fat” goals, the achievement of which is unlikely due to education and character traits. When reading fairy tales to children, pay attention to the possibilities of a happy way out of a difficult situation, and not to the fact that Ivan the Fool became the Tsar’s son-in-law.

You shouldn’t give up on your dreams, but you should first concentrate on solving simpler goals.

To prevent pancreatitis, it is important to avoid too strong emotions. Overexertion occurs even against the backdrop of a long, joyful holiday. You can't go to extremes.

It is very harmful to “keep” experiences to yourself. It is better to talk about your discomfort with your loved ones. Sometimes a psychologist advises changing a job you don’t like.

In case of severe stress, the most convenient way out is to “breathe out” it using breathing movements. Other options:

  • walk outside for at least two hours;
  • take a contrast shower.

Psychosomatics agrees with official medicine about the dangers of alcohol, and therefore rejects abuse.

The expected patients of a psychologist for chronic pancreatitis are active people who find it difficult to identify the cause of exacerbations of inflammation against the background of strict medication intake. Perhaps psychosomatic methods will help to understand the problem and restore the functional state of the pancreas.


  1. Merzlikin N.V., Pancreatitis. – M.: GEOTAR-Media, 2014.
  2. Merzlikin N.V., Pancreatitis. – M.: GEOTAR-Media, 2014.
  3. Korkina M.V., Lichiko A.E. Psychiatry. M.: Medicine, 1995.
  4. Lipatov V.A., Evdokimova E.M. Study of depressive reactions in patients with chronic pancreatitis. Russian biomedical journal. 2007, vol. 8, pp. 161–168.
  5. Blagovestnov D.A., Khvatov V.B., Upyrev A.V. and others. Complex treatment of acute pancreatitis and its complications. Surgery. 2004 No. 5 pp. 68–75.
  6. Mikhailov B.V., Serdyuk A.I., Fedoseev V.A. Psychotherapy in general somatic medicine. Clinical guidelines. Kharkov Prapor, 2002

Nervous pancreatitis is one of the types of inflammation of the pancreas. Other factors in the occurrence of the disease are alcohol abuse, poor diet, hereditary predisposition, and related chronic diseases. What is the peculiarity of pancreatitis on nerve mail? Review of symptoms and treatments.

Pancreatitis from stress: causes and symptoms

Stress can be a trigger that triggers inflammation in the pancreas. Signs of deterioration in organ health are:

  • General weakness;
  • Increased fatigue;
  • Painful sensations in the upper abdomen, which are girdling in nature;
  • Increased body temperature;
  • Disturbances in the digestive process;
  • Gastrointestinal disorders, etc.

If you notice such ailments, you should contact a gastroenterologist.

Can pancreatitis worsen due to nervous conditions? Doctors believe that in patients with chronic pancreatitis, nervous problems can lead to a relapse of the disease:

  1. Increased anxiety;
  2. Depression;
  3. Emotional instability;
  4. Stressful situations, etc.

Thus, the so-called nervous pancreatitis can be either primary or secondary.

Increase the likelihood of developing inflammation in the pancreas:

  • Heavily seasoned and fatty foods;
  • Poor chewing;
  • Abuse of coffee and alcoholic drinks;
  • Products containing a high content of “chemicals”;
  • Long-term use of certain medications.

Psychosomatics of pancreatitis of the pancreas

Pancreatitis and nerves are closely interrelated, as confirmed by psychological studies. A relationship has been discovered between personality type and propensities for certain diseases.

Nervous pancreatitis, more often than others, is observed in people with the following character traits:

  1. The desire to control everything;
  2. Ease of excitement;
  3. Strong-willed character;
  4. Success in realizing planned activities and dreams;
  5. Independence;
  6. Inability to obey;
  7. Extroverts;
  8. Selfishness;
  9. Self-flagellation;
  10. Touchiness.

As a rule, the formation of the above traits occurs due to lack of attention from parents. The lack of affection and care in childhood is reflected in adulthood. Behind the mask of successful and active people often hide people who are insecure and deeply sad inside.

“Eating” our childhood grievances and indignation, the emphasis in nutrition unconsciously shifts to sweets, processed foods, spicy and salty foods - all those harmful things that seem incredibly tasty and satisfying to us, and most importantly, soothing. In addition, due to changeable mood, stress and depression, a person’s performance decreases and hormonal levels are disrupted.

How to treat nervous pancreatitis

The basis of treatment is correction of diet.

  1. Alcohol, coffee and carbonated drinks are necessarily excluded;
  1. During the day, food is consumed in small portions 6 times a day;
  1. You will have to give up granulated sugar, baked goods, spicy and fatty foods;
  1. Protein predominates in the diet;
  1. The consumption of carbohydrates and coarse fiber is minimized;

To increase the effectiveness of treatment, a course of vitamins and sedatives is prescribed to relieve emotional stress.

Prevention of nervous pancreatitis

Overeating due to stress threatens to result in nervous pancreatitis. In order not to lose sight of this, it is important to realize that the habit of “eating” worries and fears will not bring anything good!

  • Eating food should be accompanied by a feeling of hunger. There is no need to eat with company without feeling the urge to be full, or succumbing to boredom. A strict menu and meals at certain time intervals will help with this;
  • Having a hobby is the best cure for boredom! Bring something interesting or useful into your life. This could be physical activity, a section, a hobby, etc.
  • If you can’t prevent “eating”, replace junk food with fruits, berries or vegetables. Eat a few berries, nuts or dried fruits instead of reaching for soda, fast food or a bun.

Herbal medicine contributes to the regulation of digestion and the psychological state of the patient. For example, herbal teas and decoctions can have a mild sedative effect. Relaxing baths and massage treatments will also help you find harmony with yourself.

The properties of the pancreas are difficult to overestimate. The organ performs many vital functions, from secreting pancreatic juice to providing the endocrine system with the necessary hormones - insulin and glucagon. The pancreas works “for two”, actively protects the body from breakdown products, and regulates the metabolic process. Therefore, the organ is quite vulnerable and capricious, and you need to take care of its health from a young age.

What foods, drinks and other factors does your pancreas not like?

  • Alcohol. It is difficult to overestimate the harmful effect of the green snake on the body as a whole, especially if it is consumed in uncontrolled quantities or too often. The pancreas is no exception here. Once in the blood, alcohol toxins penetrate the organ, causing spasms of the ducts. As a result of this effect, gland enzymes cannot be released normally and begin to accumulate in the pancreas. They begin to digest the gland and corrode its walls from the inside. Therefore, as a result of alcohol abuse, you risk developing severe forms of pancreatitis.
  • Fast food. Like other fatty foods, fast food causes serious harm to the digestive system. Once in the digestive tract, the body requires additional consumption of resources to digest fast food. In addition to disruption of digestive functions, regular consumption of fatty heavy foods can provoke the development of gallstone disease, which also leads to pancreatitis. Try to limit your consumption of foods flavored with spices; smoked and fatty foods, fast food, food containing flavors, preservatives and dyes.
  • Chocolate. A healthy treat for humans, however, if it is consumed in reasonable quantities. No matter how much you love it, the pancreas does not love it at all. When we consume a large amount of chocolate, a shock dose of glucose enters our blood. At this time, the pancreas begins to actively synthesize the hormone insulin, drawing on its natural resource. As is known, its deficiency in the blood leads to the development of diabetes mellitus. In addition, chocolate does not provide adequate satiation, and soon after eating a bar of delicacy, a person again loads the pancreas with another meal. All these factors have an extremely negative impact on the functioning of the organ. By overusing chocolate and derivative sweets, you risk developing diabetes mellitus or acute pancreatic insufficiency.
  • Tobacco. Smoking harms more than just your lungs. All vital organs, including the pancreas, are greatly affected by it. Nicotine disrupts the secretory functions of the organ, as well as the endocrine system. May contribute to histopathological changes in the pancreas. It should be noted that active smoking often leads to the development of pancreatic cancer. Approximately 1/3 of cases of pancreatic cancer have a direct relationship with the patient’s nicotine addiction.
  • Carbonated drinks. Effervescent gases contained in drinks irritate the endothelium and mucous membranes of the gastrointestinal tract, without bypassing the pancreas. Frequent consumption of these drinks can lead to chronic gastritis and pancreatitis. Sweetened carbonated drinks are considered especially harmful. Indeed, in addition to the action of the bubbles, they contain shock doses of sugar, preservatives and dyes, which the pancreas simply cannot cope with.
  • Coffee. Coffee lovers will have to seriously think about limiting the consumption of their favorite drink, especially if the harbingers of problems with the pancreas are already making themselves felt. It is especially harmful to drink coffee in the morning without breakfast. This has a detrimental effect on the entire digestive tract, and especially on the pancreas. The fact is that coffee stimulates appetite, all digestive organs are put to work. The stomach begins to actively secrete pancreatic juice, and the gland begins to release special enzymes. The organs are ready for the digestion process, but food does not enter the stomach. Therefore, they begin to “eat” themselves, the mucous walls of the organs become irritated and inflamed. This applies not only to morning coffee, but also to drinking between breakfast and lunch, when the body also experiences a feeling of slight hunger. If you cannot resist a cup of hot, invigorating drink, drink it no more than twice a day, and try to do this only after the main meal.
  • Stress. The destructive effect of stress on the body and nervous system is known to everyone. But how can a psychological shock or chronic fatigue affect the digestive organs? Any stress automatically reduces the effect of immune defense, aggravates chronic diseases, or exacerbates hidden dysfunctions. It is the pancreas that is the first to respond to various stresses and insomnia. The development of pancreatitis, in most cases, is observed in people who have suffered severe stress. In addition, everyone knows cases of acquired diabetes mellitus against the background of psycho-emotional factors. Regular nervous shock and depression increase blood glucose levels, thereby having a reverse effect on insulin function and sensitivity.
  • Antibiotics. Antibiotics are also harmful drugs for the pancreas. Long-term use of them causes toxic processes in the body, causing inhibition of organ functions.
  • In order to ensure the health and protection of the pancreas, there is no need to adhere to a special diet or lifestyle. It is quite enough to limit truly harmful foods and drinks, as well as get rid of bad habits. And then, your pancreas will only thank you, and certainly will not make you suffer.

    Psychosomatics of pancreatitis

    One of the most common diseases associated with pancreatic dysfunction is pancreatitis.

    This disease is characterized by the occurrence of inflammatory processes, and subsequently, possibly, erosion of the walls of the pancreas, its inability to secrete secretions for the digestion of proteins, fats and carbohydrates, as well as the breakdown of glucose.

    The disease is accompanied by severe abdominal pain, nausea, vomiting, diarrhea, heartburn and other debilitating symptoms that make normal food consumption impossible.

    This disease is typical for older people with age-related changes in hormonal levels and metabolic disorders.

    How to determine nervous pancreatitis and the causes of the disease

    It does not matter if pancreatitis develops from stress or other factors if the disease is not noticed in time and treatment is not started. The disease can be recognized by the following characteristic signs:

    1. severe girdling pain and pain in the upper abdomen;
    2. weakness, fatigue;
    3. nausea turning into vomiting;
    4. increased body temperature without other visible reasons;
    5. disruption of the digestive process, accompanied by diarrhea with inclusions of undigested food and mucus.
    6. If you observe the following manifestations in your body, this should be a reason to immediately contact a medical institution for an appointment with a gastroenterologist.

      In many ways, the occurrence of this disease depends on a person’s diet, but there are also psychological causes of pancreatitis:

    • emotional instability;
    • anxiety;
    • depression;
    • unfavorable social factors.
    • The risk of pancreatitis may increase if a person consumes:

    • very fatty, salty, sour or spicy foods;
    • fibrous and hard, poorly chewed foods;
    • large quantities of strong coffee, tea or alcoholic beverages;
    • junk food with chemical additives (dyes, preservatives, emulsifiers);
    • some medicines.
    • Also, the risk of developing pancreatitis increases significantly if the human body does not receive enough essential substances and vitamins, or if the diet is disrupted. In this case, the patient often experiences obesity or anorexia.

      Research in the field of psychology has confirmed that nervous pancreatitis and other diseases of the pancreas and gastrointestinal tract are characteristic of a certain personality type.

      Nervous pancreatitis is more often observed in people who:

    • strive to control all aspects of their lives and the lives of their loved ones;
    • easily excited by external factors;
    • have many plans for the future and succeed in their implementation;
    • have a strong, strong-willed character;
    • are independent and do not like to obey;
    • are extroverts;
    • indulge in their problems and think about them often;
    • they get angry if something doesn’t go according to their plan, if they don’t listen to their advice.
    • The listed qualities are mostly positive, however, as practice shows, such character traits are formed due to a lack of parental attention, love, care and affection in childhood. Under their activities and activity, people with this psychological type hide their sadness and self-doubt.

      Pancreatitis from nerves is formed as a result of “eating” stress and nervous outbursts with sweets, unhealthy fast food, fatty, spicy, salty foods in large quantities, since it seems to a person the most tasty and satisfying, and also able to calm the nerves.

      Depression and pancreatitis, pancreatitis and stress are inextricably linked, which explains and proves the psychosomatics of pancreatitis. Due to sudden changes in mood under the influence of frequent depression and stressful situations, a person’s psychological background and performance gradually deteriorate, and the process of hormone production is disrupted.

      The consumption of low-quality alcohol and its surrogates is a consequence of alcoholism, which, one way or another, is inherent in the patient’s psychology.

      Treatment and prevention of pancreatitis from stress

      The main task for pancreatitis is to establish a food consumption regimen and eliminate the consumption of unacceptable foods. Here are some tips to help you properly distribute your diet:

      • eat 5-6 times a day in small portions so as not to feel hungry;
      • exclude sugar, sweets, fatty, spicy and fried foods;
      • add most protein products to the menu, minimize the consumption of foods high in carbohydrates and coarse fiber;
      • give up alcohol, strong tea and coffee;
      • take vitamins.
      • The doctor may also prescribe some sedatives that will relieve your emotional tension. Do not make decisions about food consumption without consulting a specialist; follow the diet and treatment prescribed by your doctor.

        Rules for preventing the development of the disease

        Overeating due to stress is one of the main causes of nervous pancreatitis.

        To avoid the development of this disease, it is necessary to get rid of the bad habit of overeating and “eating” anxiety, emotional instability. The following tips will help prevent this pancreatic disease:

      • Eat food only when you really feel hungry. Learn to understand your body and discern whether you really need to eat any product or dish, or whether you are doing it out of stress or boredom. Strict adherence to the developed menu and eating in set portions at certain times will help to establish a diet.
      • Don't let yourself get bored. Keep yourself busy with work or acquire a new hobby. Physical activity and some kind of gentle sports activity are great ways to cope with overeating.
      • If nervous “eating” could not be avoided, replace the consumption of unhealthy foods with low-calorie and healthier ones: fruits, vegetables, nuts, berries. This will help avoid overloading the stomach and pancreas, and will also saturate your body with vitamins and nutrients.
      • In more severe cases, medications are prescribed as prescribed by a doctor to quickly but temporarily stabilize the patient’s condition. During the day, it is recommended to take decoctions and teas from herbal mixtures that have a sedative effect.

        Rest both physically and mentally. Visit for a massage, relaxing baths, salt caves.

        Realize your problem and draw conclusions from the situations that have occurred. Observe yourself and determine the situations in which you are most likely to overeat. Such situations are the most stressful and should be avoided in the future.

        Review from our reader - Irina Kravtsova.

        I recently read an article that talks about a natural effective remedy for pancreatitis, Monastic tea. With this drug you can permanently get rid of inflammation in the pancreas. I’m not used to trusting any information, but I decided to check and ordered a package. Every day I felt improvement. My attacks of vomiting and pain stopped, and within a few months I recovered completely.
        Read the article.

        The worst enemies and best friends of the pancreas that you need to know by sight

        The pancreas is one of the most capricious organs of the human body. Therefore, if it is already making itself felt, and pancreatitis is a nightmare, you should definitely familiarize yourself with what the pancreas does not like and avoid it.

        What foods do the pancreas not like?

        So, here is a list of what is harmful to the pancreas.

      • Carbonated drinks. Gas bubbles, which are found in abundance in all kinds of drinks, cause great damage to all digestive organs. They irritate the internal membranes of organs and cause the development of chronic diseases of the gastrointestinal tract, in particular gastritis and pancreatitis. Sweet carbonated drinks are considered the most dangerous, since in addition to gas bubbles, they contain many preservatives, flavors, dyes and a huge amount of carbohydrates, which burden the already overworked pancreas.
      • Fast food, processed foods, ice cream and fatty foods. If we talk about harmful foods for the pancreas, then it is simply impossible not to mention all kinds of hamburgers, pizzas, hot dogs and other delights of fast food restaurants, but ice cream, which at first glance seems safe, is not at all a healthy dish for the sensitive gland. All these foods contain a huge amount of fat, and since fatty foods are extremely harmful to the pancreas, eating fast food, ice cream, processed foods and similar products is like death for it. In addition, frequent eating of such foods can cause the development of gallstones and pancreatitis. But ordinary fatty food prepared at home will not benefit the capricious organ.
      • Chocolate and sweets. In reasonable quantities, high-quality dark chocolate is beneficial for the human body, but excessive consumption of treats can be a death sentence for the full functioning of the pancreas. This is explained by the fact that chocolate and sweets contain large amounts of glucose. This substance is almost immediately and completely absorbed into the blood and, therefore, requires the release of huge doses of insulin, which is responsible for its breakdown. The pancreas is responsible for the synthesis of insulin, and it is also partially responsible for the digestion of food eaten, which, as a rule, is not low in fat. Therefore, with frequent and excessive consumption of chocolate, it gradually ceases to cope with its functions, resulting in the development of diabetes mellitus.
      • Coffee. Coffee has the most negative effect on the state of the digestive system when consumed on an empty stomach. This is explained by the fact that the substances it contains stimulate appetite and involve the entire gastrointestinal tract in its functioning. Consequently, enzyme synthesis processes are started in the stomach and pancreas, but since food does not enter the body, these enzymes begin to destroy the walls of the organs, resulting in inflammatory processes. In general, coffee and the pancreas can be combined, but only on condition that the invigorating drink, beloved by many, is consumed not before, but after a hearty breakfast or lunch and no more than 2 times a day.
      • Spices, spicy dishes, smoked meats. In addition, the pancreas does not cope well with digesting jellied meat, aspic, and strong bone broths.
      • Oddly enough, taking antibiotics also has a negative effect on the pancreas. This is due to the fact that with prolonged use of drugs of this group, toxic processes begin in the body, which cause interruptions in the functioning of the pancreas and a decrease in its activity.

        Attention! The pancreas categorically does not like heat, so if you have pain in the side, you should not apply a hot heating pad to the sore spot. This will only provoke an increase in symptoms and a worsening of the severity of the disease.

        Bad habits and the pancreas

        What about bad habits? Are they capable of causing the development of pancreatic diseases or worsening a person’s condition if they are present?

        Alcohol. One of the most detrimental substances affecting the condition of the pancreas is alcohol. When drinking alcohol, toxins enter the bloodstream, which cause spasms of the gland ducts. This prevents the normal release of the enzymes it produces and leads to their accumulation in the tissues of the organ, resulting in the formation of ulcers on its walls. Thus, the negative impact of alcohol on the pancreas is difficult to overestimate, since its frequent use, especially in large quantities, leads to the destruction of the organ and the development of such an extremely unpleasant disease as pancreatitis.

        Attention! Alcohol and the pancreas are absolutely incompatible if a person has already developed pathologies of this organ. Therefore, once diagnosed with pancreatitis or another disease, it puts an end to alcohol consumption (even on holidays and special occasions).

        Smoking. People have been talking about the dangers of smoking for many years, but for some reason the number of people who smoke is not decreasing too rapidly. However, the pancreas also suffers from the destructive effects of nicotine, since it has a negative effect on its secretory function.

        Important: scientists have noticed a pattern according to which in 1/3 of all cases of detection of cancerous tumors in pancreatic tissues, its formation was directly related to the patient’s active smoking.

        When taking care of your health, we must not forget about the destructive effect of stress on the entire human body. Strong emotional shocks cause immunity to decline, any chronic diseases to worsen, and previously hidden pathologies to appear. But it is the pancreas that is among the first to respond to chronic fatigue and stress. For this reason, pancreatitis, as a rule, develops and is diagnosed soon after suffering a strong emotional shock. Moreover, today there are often cases of diabetes mellitus developing against the background of serious psychological shocks.

        What does the pancreas prefer?

        The list of what the pancreas loves includes foods such as:

      • stewed vegetables, especially zucchini and carrots;
      • yesterday's yeast-free bread;
      • porridge, including rice, oatmeal, buckwheat;
      • vegetable soups;
      • plums, blueberries, cherries, apricots, black currants, pomegranate, watermelon;
      • lean meat and fish, for example, veal, chicken, rabbit, sea fish;
      • eggs;
      • low-fat yoghurts, curdled milk, kefir;
      • natural fruit juices that do not contain preservatives, dyes and large amounts of sugar;
      • water;
      • rosehip decoction.
      • Thus, to protect your pancreas, you do not need to radically change your lifestyle. Usually it is enough to give up truly harmful foods and consume more of those foods that the pancreas loves.

        But perhaps it would be more correct to treat not the effect, but the cause?

        Pancreas: psychosomatics, depression, stress - nervous pancreatitis

        Veronica Zueva: “I overcame my pancreatitis myself, at home. "

        In the 21st century, the impact of stress on the human body has increased several times. This is due to the increase in the amount of information that a person must process every day. A person becomes more irritable, which leads to the mobilization of the body's resources to combat irritants. This process is called stress. This is something that patients with pancreatitis of the pancreas must struggle with (if you believe the psychosomatics of the disease).

        Breaking the misconceptions of many people, it is worth noting that stress can be both positive and negative. Prolonged experience of stress leads a person to a state called depression (develops on a nervous basis). And these circumstances affect the body with purely unfavorable consequences.

        Depression can also cause other illnesses, and this is quite common. Psychosomatics explains this by the dependence of the general condition of the human body on his emotional state.

        Galina Savina: “How did I manage to defeat pancreatitis at home in 1 week, spending 30 minutes a day?!”

        One of these diseases is pancreatitis. It occurs under the influence of stress and depression, due to nervousness. This is due to excessive alcohol consumption or eating disorders. Pancreatitis is a dysfunction of the pancreas. An excess of produced substances and enzymes leads to the fact that a small part of these substances remains in the pancreas. This leads to the destruction of the primary tissues of the gland and their replacement with tissues more tolerant of such conditions. As a result of these processes, the function of the pancreas decreases, which leads to other more serious complications. Scientists have long identified the psychosomatics of these processes - a noticeable effect on exacerbations of pancreatitis under conditions of constant stress and depression, due to nervousness.

        Since the pancreas is one of the main organs for digesting food, complications can be extremely unpleasant and can lead to serious consequences. After all, the nutrition system is a tool for supplying energy to the body, and without it, human existence is impossible.

        If you are diagnosed with pancreatitis, try to avoid prolonged emotional stress, because the processes that occur with pancreatitis are irreversible. Nervous experiences and pancreatitis are two not so distant things (psychosomatics subtly hints at this), because problems at work or overly active weekend celebrations can cause irreparable harm to your body.

        In some cases of chronic pancreatitis, doctors advise not only changing your lifestyle, but even changing your job in order to eliminate stress. Treat everything with humor and do not go to extremes, watch your diet, limit your alcohol consumption, and pancreatitis will not bother you for a long time.

        Veronica Zueva: “The doctors were shocked! I was cured of pancreatitis at home. "

        Symptoms of pancreatitis: coffee, alcohol, cigarettes and stress hit the pancreas

        The pancreas in the human body is a delicate instrument, which also “sings” on two levels.

        And, as you know, it breaks where it is thin, which is why it suffers in the first place.

        Our expert - Gastroenterologist Lyudmila Vinokurova.

        "Pyrrhic victory"

        If a person lacks proper rest, if he eats dry food and, saving time, often visits fast food establishments, a moment inevitably comes in his body when an energy imbalance begins to develop - energy consumption exceeds its accumulation. Not calories, mind you, but energy.

        To cope with a high load, the body draws it from its “reserves”. And cigarettes, coffee and alcohol “help” him with this. In the absence of these dopings, the depletion of internal reserves immediately makes itself felt: a person feels tired, overwhelmed, yawning and his eyes literally stick together. In the morning it can be difficult for him to lift his head from the pillow. But these symptoms instantly disappear after a “breakfast” consisting of a cigarette and a cup of coffee, and now a cheerful and seemingly fresh young careerist runs to work.

        >> Dietary disorder, irregular, unbalanced diet with a large amount of fatty, spicy foods in the diet, excess fat and protein (which is much more common) or lack thereof.

        >> Smoking – it significantly increases the risk of pancreatic cancer.

        >> Alcohol abuse. This is the most common cause of acute pancreatitis in men aged 25–40 years.

        >> Long-term and frequent stress.

        >> Gallstone disease, which most often affects young women.

        >> Uncontrolled use of medications, self-medication.

        Gradually, you need more and more coffee and cigarettes to get in shape, more and more alcohol to relieve stress after a long day of work.

        The indispensable “companions” of a careerist and workaholic (coffee, alcohol and cigarettes, frequent stress, overwork, eating dry food, on the run, snacking here and there, eating with a mobile phone handset near your ear) – all together add up to one big “cannon” ”, which will definitely shoot and, without a miss, one might say, will hit the pancreas with direct fire.

        The result is the development of pancreatitis, inflammation and subsequent destruction of pancreatic tissue by its own enzymes. With the development of pancreatitis, these enzymes are not released, as expected, into the duodenum, but begin to work in the pancreatic tissue itself, which leads to its destruction (self-digestion).

        As a complication of acute pancreatitis, pancreatic necrosis, necrosis (necrosis) of large areas of the pancreas occurs. This is a very serious condition that, if not treated promptly, can lead to death.

        Until it's not too late

        What symptoms should definitely alert you? Of course, pain in the upper abdomen on the left, or “in the pit of the stomach,” often irritating. In addition, stool upset (diarrhea), an abundance of gas, nausea, vomiting, loss of appetite.

        If pain in the upper abdomen bothers you quite often (at least 3 times a week), if diet and normalization of lifestyle do not lead to an improvement in the condition, you should definitely contact a gastroenterologist, who will recommend the necessary examination and prescribe treatment.

        When treating acute pancreatitis and exacerbations of chronic pancreatitis, the patient should completely abstain from eating for the first 2–3 days. In addition, the doctor prescribes special enzyme preparations.

        After a period of fasting for 5–7 days, a strict diet is prescribed. Eating 5-6 times a day in small portions. Spicy, fatty foods, smoked foods, raw vegetables and fruits, legumes, meat, fish, mushroom decoctions and broths, coffee and cocoa, sour fruit and vegetable juices, carbonated drinks, kvass are excluded from the diet.

        Alcohol in all forms is excluded.

        A week after acute inflammation has resolved, when the recovery phase begins, the diet is still followed: food should be mechanically and chemically gentle. Juice products are excluded (promoting the abundant secretion of digestive juices): raw vegetables, juices, meat and fish broths, as well as carbonated and alcoholic drinks, mushrooms, milk, honey, jam, chocolate, cocoa, coffee, legumes, vinegar.

        Anyone whose work involves repeated stress and long hours needs to learn how to restore strength after a hard day at work and relieve mental stress in more useful ways:

        >> Using autogenic training.

        >> Water treatments (a warm bath relaxes, a cold or contrast shower invigorates, eliminates lethargy and fatigue).

        >> Physical exercises and sports (they help fight stress, use up the adrenaline accumulated during the day, saturate the body with oxygen, muscle load helps relax the nervous system).

        >> Change of environment (outings into nature, trips out of town, to the country, hiking trips, etc.).

        >> Hobbies – collecting, knitting, dancing, music, etc.

    Nervous pancreatitis is a disease characterized by inflammatory processes in the pancreas and impaired outflow of pancreatic juice due to overexcitation or prolonged depression. This is explained by a sharp increase in the level of secretion with simultaneous spasm of the ducts and vessels of the organ.

    An attack of pancreatitis may occur in the workplace during times of severe stress.

    Clinicians note that quite often patients complain of nervousness. This phenomenon has a scientific basis; it lies in the close relationship between the work of the nervous and endocrine systems of the body.

    The work of all endocrine glands directly depends on the state of the nervous system

    During times of stress, the consumption of fatty foods increases, which can trigger pancreatitis. There is an explanation for the fact that a person tries to “eat something tasty” on his problems. The fact is that serotonin and dopamine, related to the hormones of joy, are released when eating tasty food, and especially sweets. That is, the intuitive craving for chocolate, in this case, is a manifestation of the instinct of self-preservation, which prevents one from falling into depression.

    Chocolate promotes the production of serotonin, one of the hormones of joy.

    Foods that can lift your mood also include:

    • citruses;
    • orange fruits;
    • avocado;
    • eggs;
    • sea ​​fish of fatty varieties;
    • buckwheat, oatmeal;
    • seaweed;
    • chicken bouillon.

    Attention! Happiness hormones are synthesized during physical activity, exposure to sunlight, massage, sex, laughter, even... solving logical puzzles, calm contemplation of nature.

    But the human psyche is designed in such a way that during times of moral fatigue, people prefer a simpler way out of the situation; going to the gym is replaced by a hearty dinner, often combined with drinking alcohol. An aggravating factor is a decrease in the activity of the gastrointestinal tract during this period with a simultaneous increase in the synthesis of pancreatic enzymes.

    All this allows us to assert that pancreatitis due to nervousness is a pathology that can be avoided with the appropriate knowledge and the desire to get out of the current situation with the least loss to health.


    The mechanism of pain in the pancreas due to stress should be attributed to a greater extent to physiological phenomena, since the main provoking factor of inflammation is an excess of fatty, carbohydrate foods. But scientists have proven that there is another way of developing the disease, which is caused by so-called psychosomatic causes.

    Frequent attacks of anger can trigger pancreatitis

    A number of negative emotions and internal attitudes, which are the basis for the formation of pancreatitis, have been identified. These include:

    • anger;
    • greed;
    • inability to accept reality;
    • the need to keep everything under control;
    • hopelessness;
    • the need for love and support from loved ones.

    A very detailed description of the psychosomatics of the pancreas and other organs is in Louise Hay’s book “Heal Yourself.” It contains tables of the most likely causes of the pathology, as well as new settings that will eliminate or avoid the disease.

    The desire to control all aspects of life leads to constant anxiety. On the one hand, a person creates for himself the illusion of order and stability, but at the same time his nerves remain tense, not allowing him to enjoy the results of his work. Most often, such people cannot openly express their emotions for fear of losing control over them, as a result of which they accumulate negativity and anger within themselves.

    Pancreatitis, the psychosomatics of which is determined by a small amount of care and attention from parents in childhood, in adulthood can develop as a result of a feeling of inferiority due to a lack of love. This can be expressed in a feeling of material wealth, recognition of merit and talent, as well as in a constant state of hunger, turning into bulimia or anorexia.

    These conditions provoke an increase in the volume of the pancreas and increased production of pancreatic juice, which does not have time to completely drain into the duodenum and begins to digest the tissues of the organ itself.

    Feelings of uselessness for parents can form complexes in the child that lead to diseases


    Prevention rules

    Happiness is the enemy of all diseases

    The main danger lies in not understanding the underlying cause of psychosomatic diseases. Therefore, when the pancreas begins to hurt, a person starts using pharmacological drugs, not realizing that the root of the evil lies in his head.

    There is a list of methods that help to avoid depression and get rid of complexes that lead to the development of organ pathologies at the physical level. Having learned about them, you should choose the appropriate option and constantly apply it in practice.

    The most effective methods include:

    • playing sports in accordance with physical capabilities and temperament;
    • yoga;
    • dancing;
    • long walks until you feel physically tired and feel peace in your soul;
    • cold and hot shower;
    • consumption of foods that enhance the synthesis of happiness hormones;
    • repeating appropriate affirmations;
    • communication with positive people.

    Doing what you love has truly healing properties. Drawing pictures, baking cupcakes, putting together puzzles, dancing, collecting various collections and many other hobbies that bring joy will displace negative thoughts and give a feeling of inner fullness. After all, no material good can fill the soul, no matter how expensive and valuable it is.

    Doing what you love to get rid of depression and complexes

    1. Laugh more often. If this is difficult to do right away, then start forcing a smile. The contraction of certain muscles will trigger the production of hormones responsible for improving mood, and gradually the artificial smile will be replaced by a sincere, infectious laugh.
    2. Stay hydrated. The fact is that a lack of fluid in the body reduces the synthesis of dopamine, which is responsible for a good mood.
    3. Communicate with children and pets more often. They are sincere in expressing their feelings, they do not lie or betray, so you don’t have to pretend with them and you can be yourself.
    4. Never prove that you are right in a dispute. Firstly, a dispute can quickly escalate into a quarrel, and secondly, having won it, you can lose good relations.
    5. Do not communicate with pessimists and envious people.
    6. Learn to notice and appreciate the beauty around you.

    This one will tell you how to cope with gastrointestinal neurosis.

    At first glance, it may seem that these rules have nothing to do with pancreatitis. But, having eliminated the psychological causes of depression, felt the joy of life and loved himself, a person stops consuming unhealthy foods, gets rid of bad habits and does not “eat” for his own weaknesses and mistakes. And these factors already have a beneficial effect on the functioning of all internal organs, including the pancreas.