The history of the wooden matryoshka toy. The history of the appearance of matryoshka dolls in Rus' for children

Preschoolers about the Russian nesting doll

Russian matryoshka for children

History of matryoshka
Although the nesting doll has long gained a reputation as a symbol of our country, its roots are by no means Russian. According to the most common version, the history of the nesting doll originates in Japan.
In the nineties of the 19th century, A. Mamontova brought from Japan a figurine of a good-natured bald old man, the sage Fukuruma, to the Moscow toy workshop “Childhood Education”. Wood turner Vasily Zvezdochkin, who then worked in this workshop, carved similar figures from wood, which were also nested inside one another, and artist Sergei Malyutin painted them to look like girls and boys. The first matryoshka depicted a girl in a simple city costume: a sundress, an apron, and a scarf with a rooster. The toy consisted of eight figures. The image of the girl alternated with the image of the boy, differing from each other. The latter depicted a swaddled baby.
In another version, the toy consisted of: eight dolls depicting girls of different ages, from the oldest (big) girl with a rooster to a baby wrapped in swaddling clothes. Today, only those turned and painted wooden souvenir toys that consist of several nested inside one another are called matryoshka dolls.
The first Russian nesting dolls were created in Sergiev Posad as fun for children, which helped them master the concepts of shape, color, quantity and size. Such toys were quite expensive. But demand for them appeared immediately. A few years after the appearance of the first nesting doll, almost the entire Sergiev Posad was making these charming dolls. The original plot of the Russian nesting doll is Russian girls and women, rosy-cheeked and plump, dressed in sundresses and scarves, with dogs, cats, baskets, and flowers.
In 1900, Maria Mamontova, the wife of S.I. Mamontov’s brother, presented the dolls at the World Exhibition in Paris, where they earned a bronze medal. Soon matryoshka dolls began to be made in many places in Russia. Also in Semyonov, at the Semyonovskaya Painting art factory, in 1922 the traditional Russian Semyonovskaya matryoshka doll was born, which the whole world knows today.
After the first children's nesting doll appeared in different regions of Russia, artists began to paint nesting dolls, they liked this doll so much! And they all did it differently. Sergiev Posad, Polkhov Maidan, Vyatka, city
Semenov - ancient centers of folk crafts, which
Matryoshka helped to become famous, and from here
names of types of nesting dolls - Sergiev Posad
(Zagorskaya), Semenovskaya (Khokhloma) and Polkhov-Maidanskaya.

Why was the doll called “matryoshka”?
Matryoshka (diminutive of the name “Matryona”. Almost unanimously, all researchers refer to the fact that this name comes from the female name Matryona, common in Russia: “The name Matryona comes from the Latin Matrona, which means “noble woman”, in the church it was written Matrona , among the diminutive names: Motya, Motrya, Matryosha, Matyusha, Tyusha, Matusya, Tusya, Musya.
Why this chiseled doll began to be called a matryoshka doll, no one knows for sure. Maybe that’s what the seller advertising his product called her, or maybe that’s the name the buyers gave her: the name Matryona was very common among ordinary people, so they began to affectionately call the toy Matryosha, Matryonushka; Thus, the name Matryoshka stuck.
What are nesting dolls made of? Manufacturing technique
Behind long years existence of the nesting doll, the principles of its manufacture have not changed. Matryoshka dolls are made from larch, birch, linden and aspen, always felled in early spring. Each master knows his own secret to wood and preparing it for processing. He spends a long time choosing trees that are straight and not knotty. When clearing a tree of bark, the master always leaves it untouched in several places. This is done so that the wood does not crack when drying. Then the prepared logs are stacked so that air can pass freely between them. For several years, the trunks are weathered, dried on outdoors to the desired humidity. It is very important here not to over-dry or over-dry the log - they know this secret craftsmen. As they say, the tree must ring and sing. Dried logs are sawn into logs and blanks. A fake doll undergoes up to 15 operations before becoming a beautiful, elegant doll. With great skill inherent in sculptors, the turner turns the head and body of the nesting doll from the outside and inside, using simple tools - a knife and chisels. First, the smallest nesting doll is turned from birch - a non-opening figurine. Then - the lower part of the next - the bottom. The master makes bottoms for nesting dolls for a thousand pieces at a time. This is done so that the lower part can dry out. When the turner finishes the tenth hundred, the first hundred has already dried and can be prepared for it top part toys. There is no need to dry the upper part of the nesting doll; it is put on the bottom, where it dries out and tightly clasps the thorn and therefore holds tightly. The figures are carefully sanded, primed with potato paste and dried. Now it is ready for painting, and after painting it is varnished. First, the base of the drawing is applied with a pencil. Then they plan
contours of the mouth, eyes, cheeks. And then they draw clothes for the matryoshka. Typically, when painting, they use gouache, watercolor or acrylic. Each locality has its own canons of painting, its own colors and shapes. Gouache was previously used for painting. Nowadays, their unique images are created using watercolors, tempera, and aniline paints. However, gouache still remains the most favorite paint of artists who paint nesting dolls. As a rule, the face and apron are painted first, and then the scarf and sundress.
A good nesting doll is distinguished by the fact that: all its figures easily fit into each other; two parts of one nesting doll fit tightly and do not dangle; the drawing is correct and clear; Well, and, of course, a good nesting doll should be beautiful.
Original plots wooden nesting dolls were exclusively for women: ruddy and plump red maidens were dressed in sundresses and scarves, depicted with cats, dogs, baskets, etc.
Sergiev Posad (Zagorsk) matryoshka doll
This toy still looks like the first matryoshka doll with a rooster in its hands. The Zagorsk nesting doll is of good quality, steep-sided, and stable in shape. Paint it on white wood with gouache paints, using pure (local) colors. The oval of the face and hands are painted over with a “flesh” color. Two strands of hair are hidden under a scarf, the nose is represented with two dots, and the lips are made with three dots: two at the top, one at the bottom, and the lips are ready with a bow. The Zagorsk matryoshka's scarf is tied in a knot. Next, the master draws the sleeves of the jacket and sundress. The scarf and apron are decorated with a simple floral pattern, which is easily obtained if you apply a brush with paint, leaving a trace of a petal or leaf. A round center of a flower or a “pea” can be obtained by using the poking technique. Having finished painting, the master varnishes the matryoshka doll. This makes it even brighter and more elegant. Laconicism and simplicity of design created a clear and joyful image of a Russian village doll. That’s probably why everyone, young and old, loves the nesting doll.
Semenovskaya matryoshka
Semenovskaya (the town of Semenov, in Nizhny Novgorod region) the toy is also turned on a lathe. For work, use well-dried linden, aspen, and birch wood. Undried wood cannot be used, otherwise a product made from raw wood may crack, split, and it will be a pity for the labor spent on it. The turned product - linen - is similar in shape to the Zagorsk one, but somewhat narrowed at the bottom. But they paint it differently, and use different colors. First, the white nesting doll is primed with potato paste, rubbing it into the pores of the wood. This is necessary so that the paints do not spread over the wooden fibers and so that the nesting doll shines immediately after the first varnish coating. On the dried, primed surface, the craftswomen make a “tip” with black ink: they draw out the oval of the face, eyes, nose, lips, outline a scarf tied in a knot, and separate the border on the scarf (this is important, because the border with flower buds is hallmark Semyonovskaya matryoshka). Then they draw an oval in which hands and flowers are depicted: lush roses, bells, spikelets.
So, the tip is ready. Now painting is done with aniline transparent paints of yellow, red, crimson, green, purple flowers. And finally, the nesting doll is varnished. And here in front of us is a bright matryoshka doll.
Polkhov-Maidan Matryoshka doll
This is the neighbor of Semenov’s nesting doll. And they grind it in the village of Polkhovsky Maidan, Nizhny Novgorod region. The first two stages - priming with paste and brushing - are carried out in the same way as in Semenovskaya, but the painting is more laconic: an oval face with curls of hair, a scarf flows from the head, a rose trefoil on the head, an oval replacing the apron is filled with floral painting. Lush roses, dahlias, bells, rose hips, and berries decorate this nesting doll. And she will be slimmer than her friends: the shape of the nesting dolls is more elongated, the head is small and flattened. Polkhovsky Maidan is the name of the village. “Maidan” is a very old village, and it means “gathering of people.” And Polkhovka is the river on which the village stands.
Vyatka (Kirov) nesting doll
Residents of Vyatka and surrounding villages have long been engaged in the production of toys. The special peculiarity of the Vyatka painted wooden doll is that they began to not only paint the nesting doll with aniline dyes, but also inlay it with straws. The Vyatka nesting doll is easy to recognize by its friendly, smiling face with large blue eyes, reddish-brown hair, a traditional outfit painted with bright aniline dyes. On her apron are bouquets of flowers from large scarlet poppies or roses framed by leaves. Matryoshka dolls are often decorated with patterns made using the straw appliqué technique. For inlay, rye straw is used, which is grown in special areas and carefully cut by hand with a sickle. To obtain a decorative effect, one part of the straw is boiled in a soda solution until golden brown, the other remains white. Then the straw is cut, smoothed, and the details are knocked out with a stamp. the desired pattern. Glue the straws onto the damp nitrocellulose varnish.
The golden color, depending on the change in viewing angle, can become pearlescent; they have learned to paint it in different colors, reminiscent of precious stones under the varnish coating. A matryoshka doll painted with aniline dyes and inlaid with straws is covered
oil varnish.
Tver matryoshka
The Tver matryoshka doll often reveals historical and fairy tale characters: Snow Maiden, Princess Nesmeyana, Vasilisa the Beautiful. Outfits and hats can be completely different, which makes the doll very interesting for children.

Physical education minutes
We are funny Matryoshkas -
(arms in front of chest, forefinger right hand rests on the cheek)
Okay, okay -
(claps hands)
We have boots on our feet -
(alternately put the right and left legs forward)
Okay, okay -
(claps hands)
In our colorful sundresses -
(imitation of holding the hem of a sundress)
Okay, okay -
(claps hands)
We look alike, like sisters -
(hold on to the imaginary ends of the handkerchief and squat)
Okay, okay -
(claps hands)

(floods in place)
We are nesting dolls, these little ones -
(holding onto an imaginary sundress)
And we, and we have clean palms -
(claps hands)
We are nesting dolls, these little ones -
(holding onto an imaginary sundress)
And we, and we have new boots -
(alternately put the right and left leg forward
We are nesting dolls, these little ones -
(holding onto an imaginary sundress)
We went out to dance, dance a little -
(turns with stomps around you)
They clap their hands.
Friendly nesting dolls.
(clap hands)
Boots on my feet,
(hands on the belt, alternately right leg put forward on the heel, then left)
Matryoshka dolls are stomping.
(stomping feet)
Lean left, right,
(body tilts left - right)
Bow to everyone you know.
(tilts head left and right)
The girls are naughty
Painted dolls.
In your colorful sundresses
(hands to shoulders, body turns right - left)
You look like sisters.
Okay, okay,
Funny nesting dolls.
(clap hands)

Riddles about matryoshka

Friends of different heights
They don't look alike
They all sit next to each other,
In this young lady
The sisters are hiding.
Every sister
For the smaller one - a dungeon.
These bright sisters
They hid their pigtails together
And they live as a family alone.
Just open the older one
Another sister sits in it,
That one also has a smaller sister.
You'll get to the crumbs
These girls are... Matryoshka
She looks alone, big,
But the second sister sits in it,
And you will find the third in the second.
Taking them apart one by one,
You'll get to the smallest one.
Inside them all is a baby, a baby.
All together - a souvenir.. Matryoshka
There are different girlfriends nearby,
But they look alike.
They all sit next to each other,
And just one toy.

Scarlet silk handkerchief,
Bright sundress with flowers,
Hand rests
On wooden sides.
And there are secrets inside:
Maybe three, maybe six.
I got a little flushed.
This is a Russian... Matryoshka.
The children sit quietly in it,
They don't want to show themselves.
What if their mother loses them?
What if someone scatters them?!
Hiding from you and me
One doll into another.
There are polka dots on the scarves.
What kind of dolls?
Like a turnip, it's steep-sided,
And under the scarlet scarf on us
Looks fun, smart, wide
A pair of black currant eyes.
Scarlet silk handkerchief,
Bright sundress with flowers.
The hand rests on the wooden sides.
And there are secrets inside:
Maybe three, maybe six:
Got a little flushed
Our Russian… Matryoshka

Poems about matryoshka

Take a quick look -
The cheeks are turning pink,
A colorful handkerchief
Floral dress
Chubby babes -
Russian nesting dolls.
Just a little scared
Everyone runs into a circle,
Hiding in each other
Smart girlfriends.
T. Lisenkova
colorful dress,
Rosy cheeks!
We open it -
The daughter is hiding in it.
Matryoshkas are dancing
Matryoshka dolls laugh
And they happily ask
Make you smile!
They jump towards you
Right into your palms -
How funny
These nesting dolls!
Wooden girlfriends
They love to hide in each other,
They wear bright clothes
They are called nesting dolls.
A. Grishin
There are many dolls in one doll,
This is how they live - in each other's lives,
Their size is strictly calculated -
Wooden girlfriends.
E. Krysin
Like in a big, big nesting doll,
There is less, a little bit,
Well, there’s a little more in it,
Well, there’s a tiny nesting doll in it,
Well, there’s no one in the crumbs.
There are four of them in total.
R. Karapetyan
Gave it to Masha
Matryoshka - there is nothing more beautiful!
Everything is so fine:
Bright, elegant!

It's fun to play with her
You can even open it.
Open it up a little bit
There's another nesting doll inside!
Just a little shorter,
Otherwise, they're just twins!

We began to look for the third one,
It turned out to be five!
Five nesting dolls - all in one
They can hide sometimes.
L. Gromova

There is a doll on the shelf,
She is bored and sad.
But you will take it in your hands
And you will find another one in it.
And in that one... And now in a row
Five cute dolls are standing.
Although the height is different, but still
They're all surprisingly similar.
In elegant colorful sundresses
Ruddy nesting dolls-sisters.
There was one, but there were five,
They have no time to be bored anymore!
And the girlfriends will play enough,
And again they will hide in each other.
N. Radchenko
These Russian nesting dolls
Multi-colored clothes,
To the secrets of the craftswoman,
The sisters are hiding in the older one.
You won’t understand how many of them there are,
If you can't find the younger one.
Julia Room
-Oh, you matryoshka young lady,
I'll take you in my hands
Show me those girls
What is sitting inside you!

Oh, you matryoshka young lady,
Multi-colored clothes,
Everyone knows huge world
This Russian souvenir!
S. Ivanov
Nice doll - matryoshka,
Where are the pens?
Where are the legs?
Oh, what cheeks
Red, ruddy,
Flowers on the apron
And on a sundress.
Here is a matryoshka mother,
Here are the nesting dolls - daughters,
The mouth is like berries,
The eyes are like dots!
Mom sings a song
The daughters dance in a round dance,
Mom wants some peace,
They hide in one another!
A. Kuleshova
Polkhov-Maidan Matryoshka doll
From Polkhov-Maidan matryoshka
slimmer and a little stricter.
Loves the color raspberry and scarlet.
All in poppies of unprecedented beauty!
Olga Kiseleva
Polkhov – Maidan Matryoshka
I am a matryoshka from Maidan.
My outfit is decorated with flowers.
With shining petals.
And different berries,
Ripe and red.
Matryoshka dolls from Sergiev Pasad
I'm from Sergiev Pasad
I am very glad to meet you.
Given to me by artists
Bright Russian sundress.
I have for a long time
There is a pattern on the apron.
My handkerchief is famous
Multi-colored border.

Semenovskaya matryoshka
From Semenov's nesting doll,
and inside there are matryoshka crumbs.
I can count them -
one two three four five!
To count to ten,
I need to grow up a little.
Red bottom and yellow top
all these nesting dolls.
Holds roses in hand
and spirals on a scarf.
Olga Kiseleva
Semenovskaya matryoshka
I'm from quiet green
The town of Semenov.
I came to visit you
Bouquet of garden flowers
Pink, burgundy
I brought it as a gift.
Vyatka matryoshka
Our lips are like a bow,
Yes, the cheeks are like apples,
Have known us for a long time
All the people are at the fair.
We are Vyatka nesting dolls
More beautiful than anyone in the world.
Painted, bright
Our sundresses.
colorful dresses,
Rosy cheeks!
We open it -
Daughters are hiding in it.
Matryoshka on the window
Under a bright sundress,
And the whole family is in a nesting doll.
Like in a wooden house.
Everyone loves nesting dolls very much
Multi-colored clothes:
Always amazingly painted
Very bright and beautiful.
They are noble toys,
Folding and good.
Matryoshka dolls are famous everywhere.
We really like them!

This is indeed the most dear toy, ours, Russian. It’s not for nothing that any foreigner, having visited Russia, returns home with a souvenir - matryoshka. Wooden spoons, samovars, clay toys, but still a matryoshka - main symbol Russia.

It will be all the more surprising to learn that the nesting doll in the form of a wooden figurine, inside of which the same ones are hidden, but smaller, smaller, comes from Japan. This toy, namely a figurine of a Japanese sage Fukuruma, brought to our Russian workshop of children's toys.

It doesn’t matter for what purpose this was done - simply to show off an overseas curiosity or purposefully adopt the experience of foreign masters, but the result of the appearance of a Japanese toy in a Russian workshop and the experiments of our craftsmen and artists was the matryoshka doll. It was a wooden toy - a figurine of a girl in an unpretentious everyday city outfit, which is traditionally repeated in many modern toys: remember an apron, a headscarf, although the first nesting doll also had a chicken under its arm.

Don’t be surprised, you probably imagined a branded poultry farm package with a broiler chicken packed into it... and the first nesting doll had a live cockerel under its arm. It is not clear where the matryoshka got such a name. Firstly, it is feminine, although the very first matryoshka consisted of boys, and from girls- they alternated, and there were eight of them in total.

Apparently, the fact that the largest outer figurine was still female played a role, and if it were the other way around, the matryoshka could have become, for example, a willow tree. The name itself " matryoshka", according to most opinions, is derived from Matryona or Masha, in general, the most Russian names. Let's dwell on this theory and see why the nesting doll is good. In addition to the fact that it is an internationally recognized symbol of Russia, first and foremost, it is a traditional Russian children's toy.

I think I won’t be mistaken in saying that every child who grew up in Russia had it. Its uniqueness lies in its versatility. The child can play independently, without the participation of adults. If parents have time, a nesting doll can become a teaching aid. Development of fine motor skills, logic, learning abstract concepts « more less», « higher lower», « thicker-thinner“, in general, you can learn anything, if you have the desire, and the nesting doll will help.

So, let's play with a matryoshka doll. No matter how wonderful a toy is, if you simply shove it at a child, a miracle will not happen and the baby will not be delighted with the mere sight of it, if you don’t even make an attempt to interest it. A classic is simply handing a figurine to a child, disassembling and reassembling it before his eyes. This is an option for busy parents - to distract their child for half an hour in order to quickly redo a bunch of things. We will not dwell on this, especially since we will especially discuss it in in this case and nothing.

Much more interesting option– dedicate at least twenty joint activities to getting to know the nesting doll ( mom+baby) minutes. What’s easier is to show surprise and immense joy on your face when you find a second one inside the first nesting doll, and the child will not be slow to react in the same way. This reaction is easy to take hold of, and in the future this toy will always cause joy and anticipation of a small miracle in the baby. Let's turn to educational educational games. The classic nesting doll, the most common, is made in the form of a girl in Russian attire.

There are nesting dolls that are equally decorated, starting from the largest and ending with the smallest. On the contrary, different non-repetitive outfits are also possible. Using this feature, you can line up all the figures in a row and compare them “ clothes” by asking the child to note the differences. This series of nesting dolls is ideal for mastering the concepts of “ more less" If you wish, you can add here “ older-younger”, especially since the figures are often painted according to this principle: the largest is the grandmother, the smaller is the younger aunt, the even smaller is the girl, then the girl and the last is the baby.

Very good matryoshka dolls on the theme famous fairy tales – « Turnips», « Kolobok», « Zayushkina's hut», « Teremka», « Roasted hens" or " Masha and the bear" It is clear that in these cases the figures depict fairy tale heroes, and not necessarily living ones, for example, in the set “ Zayushkin's hut» the largest figure – directly bast hut . What can you come up with with such “ nesting dolls"? In addition to playing a fairy tale, you can try mixing several fairy tales. Not all children immediately understand and welcome this, but many are delighted with such a game. If the option is when the daughter stubbornly waits for a verbatim story from her beloved “ Frog Princesses“every evening before going to bed and at the slightest deviation from the familiar text requires you to correct an inaccuracy about your child, then this game will come in handy. Offer to come up with something interesting heroes different fairy tales We could do it together, and then use nesting dolls to play out the invented plot. Perhaps that same evening, instead of a hackneyed fairy tale, the child will ask you to tell a story that was invented together during the day, and will even help with this.

If you have more than one nesting doll at home, but at least two or three, each, of course, with its own set of nesting figures, then you can play “ confusion" To begin with, you can take out all the figures, collect them, mix them and invite the child to distribute them according to “ families" Then complicate the task - mix the figurines of different nesting dolls, disassembled into halves. You can, when folding individual figures, deliberately mix up the halves (for example, the top is a green nesting doll, and the bottom is a red one) and ask the child to correct the mistakes.

Complex, but well developed fine motor skills The task is to collect all the nesting dolls so that the clothing pattern of the two halves matches. If you choose a high-quality carved toy for this task, then everything will work out.

The matryoshka is truly a universal toy. She hides almost limitless possibilities for games. Teaching a child to see them is not an easy task, but it can be overcome if you just start playing.

When and where did the nesting doll first appear, who invented it? Why is a wooden folding doll-toy called “matryoshka”? What does such a unique piece of folk art symbolize?
From the very first attempts, it turned out to be impossible to find clear answers - the information about the nesting doll turned out to be quite confusing. For example, there are “Matryoshka Museums”; you can read many interviews and articles on this topic in the media and on the Internet. But museums or exhibitions at museums, as well as numerous publications, as it turned out, are devoted mainly to various artistic samples nesting dolls made in different regions of Russia and in different time. But little is said about the true origin of the nesting doll.
To begin with, let me remind you of the main versions of myths, regularly copied as carbon copies and wandering through the pages of various publications.

An often repeated well-known version: the nesting doll appeared in Russia at the end of the 19th century, it was invented by the artist Malyutin, turned by the turner Zvezdochkin in Mamontov’s “Children’s Education” workshop, and the prototype of the Russian nesting doll was a figurine of one of the seven Japanese gods of luck - the god of learning and wisdom Fukuruma. Aka Fukurokuju, aka Fukurokuju (in different sources different transcriptions of the name are indicated).
Another version of the appearance of the future nesting doll in Russia is that a certain Russian Orthodox missionary monk, who visited Japan and copied a composite toy from a Japanese one, was allegedly the first to carve such a toy. Let’s make a reservation right away: there is no exact information about where the legend about the mythical monk came from, and there is no specific information in any source. Moreover, some strange monk turns out from the point of view of elementary logic: would a Christian copy an essentially pagan deity? For what? Did you like the toy? Doubtful, although from the point of view of borrowing and the desire to remake it in your own way, it is possible.

Japanese doll Fukuruma

Russian doll

The third version is that the Japanese figurine was allegedly brought from the island of Honshu in 1890 to the Mamontovs’ estate in Abramtsevo near Moscow. “The Japanese toy had a secret: his whole family was hiding in the old man Fukurumu. One Wednesday, when the artistic elite came to the estate, the hostess showed everyone a funny figurine. The detachable toy interested the artist Sergei Malyutin, and he decided to do something similar. He, of course, did not repeat the Japanese deity; he made a sketch of a round-faced peasant young lady in a colorful headscarf. And to make her look more businesslike, he drew a black rooster in her hand. The next young lady had a sickle in her hand. Another one with a loaf of bread. What about the sisters without their brother - and he appeared in a painted shirt. A whole family, friendly and hardworking.
He ordered the best turner of the Sergiev Posad educational and demonstration workshops, V. Zvezdochkin, to make his incredible work. The first nesting doll is now kept in the Toy Museum in Sergiev Posad. Painted with gouache, it doesn’t look very festive.
But, firstly, the turner Zvezdochkin did not work in the Sergiev Posad workshops until 1905! This will be discussed below. Secondly, other sources say that “she (matryoshka - approx.) was born right here, in Leontyevsky Lane (in Moscow - approx.), in house No. 7, where the workshop-shop “Children's Education” used to be located,” belonged to Anatoly Ivanovich Mamontov, brother of the famous Savva. Anatoly Ivanovich, like his brother, was fond of national art. In his workshop-shop, artists were constantly working on creating new toys for children. And one of the samples was made in the form of a wooden doll, which was turned on a lathe and depicted a peasant girl in a headscarf and apron. This doll opened, and there was another peasant girl, and there was another one in it...”
Now confusion has already arisen, according to the principle of “who, where and when was or was not.” Perhaps the most painstaking, thorough and balanced research was carried out by Irina Sotnikova - the article “Who Invented the Matryoshka Doll”. The arguments given by the author of the study most objectively reflect the real facts of the appearance of such an unusual toy as the matryoshka doll in Russia.

Japanese daruma doll

ABOUT exact date appearance of the nesting doll I. Sotnikova writes the following: “...sometimes the appearance of the nesting doll is dated back to 1893-1896, because These dates were established from the reports and reports of the Moscow provincial zemstvo government. In one of these reports for 1911, N.D. Bartram 1 writes that the nesting doll was born about 15 years ago, and in 1913, in the Bureau’s report to the handicraft council, he reports that the first nesting doll was created 20 years ago. That is, relying on such approximate reports is quite problematic, therefore, in order to avoid mistakes, the end of the 19th century is usually called, although there is also a mention of 1900, when the nesting doll won recognition at the World Exhibition in Paris, and orders for its production appeared abroad.”
What follows is a very interesting remark about the artist Malyutin, about whether he was actually the author of the matryoshka sketch: “All researchers, without saying a word, call him the author of the matryoshka sketch. But the sketch itself is not in the artist’s heritage. There is no evidence that the artist ever made this sketch. Moreover, turner Zvezdochkin attributes the honor of inventing the nesting doll to himself, without mentioning Malyutin at all.”

Japanese daruma doll

As for the origin of our Russian nesting doll from the Japanese Fukuruma, Zvezdochkin does not mention anything about Fukuruma here either. Now we should pay attention to an important detail, which for some reason eludes other researchers, although it is clear, as they say, naked eye– we are talking about a certain ethical moment. If we take as a basis the version of “the origin of the nesting doll from the sage Fukuruma”, a rather strange feeling arises - SHE and HE, i.e. The Russian nesting doll, they say, came from him, from the Japanese sage. A symbolic analogy with the Old Testament tale, where Eve was created from Adam’s rib (that is, she came from him, and not vice versa, as happens naturally in nature), suggests itself in a suspicious way.
Let’s return to Sotnikova’s research: “Here is how the turner Zvezdochkin describes the emergence of the matryoshka doll: “...In 1900 (!) I invent a three- and six-seater (!) doll and send it to an exhibition in Paris. I worked for Mamontov for 7 years. In 1905 V.I. Borutsky sends me to Sergiev Posad to the workshop of the Moscow provincial zemstvo as a master.” From the materials of the autobiography of V.P. Zvezdochkin, written in 1949, it is known that Zvezdochkin entered the “Children’s Education” workshop in 1898 (he was originally from the village of Shubino, Podolsk region). This means that the nesting doll could not have been born before 1898. Since the master’s memoirs were written almost 50 years later, it is still difficult to vouch for their accuracy, so the appearance of the nesting doll can be dated to approximately 1898-1900. As you know, the World Exhibition in Paris opened in April 1900, which means this toy was created a little earlier, perhaps in 1899. By the way, at the Paris exhibition the Mamontovs received a bronze medal for toys.”

Russian doll

But what about the shape of the toy and did Zvezdochkin borrow the idea of ​​the future nesting doll or not? Or was it the artist Malyutin who created the original sketch of the figurine?
“E.N. managed to collect interesting facts. Shulgina, who in 1947 became interested in the history of the creation of the nesting doll. From conversations with Zvezdochkin, she learned that he once saw a “suitable block of wood” in a magazine and, based on its model, carved a figurine that had a “ridiculous appearance, seemed to resemble a nun” and was “deaf” (did not open). On the advice of masters Belov and Konovalov, he carved it differently, then they showed the toy to Mamontov, who approved the product and gave it to a group of artists working somewhere on the Arbat to paint. This toy was selected for an exhibition in Paris. Mamontov received an order for it, and then Borutsky bought samples and distributed them to the artisans.
We will probably never be able to find out for sure about the participation of S.V. Malyutin in the creation of matryoshka dolls. According to the memoirs of V.P. Zvezdochkina, it turns out that he came up with the shape of the nesting doll himself, but the master could have forgotten about painting the toy; many years passed, the events were not recorded: after all, then no one could have imagined that the matryoshka would become so famous. S.V. Malyutin at that time collaborated with the publishing house A.I. Mamontov, illustrated books, so he could easily paint the first matryoshka doll, and then other masters painted the toy based on his model.”

Japanese doll Fukuruma

Now about the prototype of the nesting doll. Was there Fukuruma? Some doubt it, but why did this legend appear then, and is it even a legend? It seems that the wooden god is still kept in the Toy Museum in Sergiev Posad. Perhaps this is also one of the legends. By the way, N.D. himself Bartram, director of the Toy Museum, doubted that the nesting doll “we borrowed from the Japanese. The Japanese are great masters in the field of turning toys. But their well-known “kokeshi”, in principle, are not similar to a matryoshka doll.”
Who is our mysterious Fukuruma, the good-natured bald sage, where did he come from? ...By tradition, the Japanese New Year They visit temples dedicated to the deities of luck and buy small figurines of them there. Could it be that the legendary Fukuruma contained the other six deities of fortune within itself? This is just our assumption (quite controversial).
V.P. Zvezdochkin does not mention Fukuruma at all - a figurine of a saint that would split into two parts, then another old man would appear, and so on. Note that in Russian folk crafts, detachable wooden products were also very popular, for example, the well-known Easter eggs. So it’s difficult to find out whether Fukuruma was or wasn’t, but it’s not that important. Who remembers him now? But the whole world knows and loves our nesting doll!”

Russian doll

Why original wooden doll toy called "matryoshka"? Almost unanimously, all researchers refer to the fact that this name comes from the female name Matryona, common in Russia: “The name Matryona comes from the Latin Matrona, which means “noble woman”, in the church it was written Matrona, among the diminutive names: Motya, Motrya, Matryosha, Matyusha, Tyusha, Matusya, Tusya, Musya. That is, theoretically, a matryoshka could also be called motka (or muska). It sounds strange, of course, but what’s worse, for example, “marfushka”? Also a good and common name is Martha. Or Agafya, by the way, popular painting on porcelain is called “agashka”. Although we agree that the name “matryoshka” is a very apt one, the doll has truly become “noble.”
The name Matrona itself actually means “noble woman” translated from Latin, and is included in the Orthodox church calendar. But, regarding the statement of many researchers that Matryona is female name, very beloved and widespread among the peasantry in Russia, there are interesting facts here too. Some researchers simply forget that Russia is big. This means that the same name or the same image can contain both positive and negative, allegorical meaning.
So, for example, in “Tales and Legends of the Northern Territory”, collected by I.V. Karnaukhova, there is a fairy tale “Matryona”. Which tells the story of how a woman named Matryona almost tortured the devil. In the published text, a passerby potter rids the devil of a lazy and harmful woman and, accordingly, subsequently scares the devil with her.
In this context, Matryona is a kind of prototype of an evil wife, whom the devil himself is afraid of. Similar descriptions are found in Afanasyev. The plot of an evil wife, popular in the Russian North, was repeatedly recorded by GIIS expeditions in “classical” versions, in particular, from A.S. Krashaninnikova, 79 years old, from the village of Meshkarevo, Povenets district

Russian doll

At one of the forums on the topic of culture, in particular, deployed on the Internet, the following was literally said: “The prototype of the Russian nesting doll (also has Indian roots) is a Japanese wooden doll. They took a Japanese toy as a model - a daruma, a tumbler doll. According to its origins, it is an image of the ancient Indian sage Daruma (Skt. Bodhidharma) moved to China in the 5th century. His teachings spread widely in Japan in the Middle Ages. Daruma called for the comprehension of truth through silent contemplation, and in one of the legends he is a cave recluse, fat from immobility. According to another legend, his legs were paralyzed from immobility (hence the legless sculptural images Darumas).
Nevertheless, the nesting doll immediately gained unprecedented recognition as a symbol of Russian folk art.
There is a belief that if you put a note with a wish inside a nesting doll, it will certainly come true, and the more work put into the matryoshka, i.e. The more places there are and the better the quality of the matryoshka’s painting, the faster the wish will come true. Matryoshka is warmth and comfort in the home"

It’s hard to disagree with the latter - the more places there are in a matryoshka, i.e. The more internal figures there are, one smaller than the other, the more notes with wishes you can put there and wait for them to come true. This is a kind of game, and the matryoshka here acts as a very charming, sweet, homely symbol, a real work of art.
As for the eastern sage Daruma (this is another name of the “predecessor” of the nesting doll!) - frankly speaking, plump from immobility, and even with weak legs, the “sage” is extremely poorly associated with the Russian toy, in which every person sees a positive, elegant symbolic image. And thanks to this beautiful image Our nesting doll is extremely famous and popular almost all over the world. We are not talking at all about “matryoshka dolls” in the form of male (!) political figures, with whose caricatured faces enterprising artisans flooded the entire Old Arbat in Moscow. We are talking, first of all, about the continuation of old traditions different schools in the painting of Russian nesting dolls, about the creation of nesting dolls of different numbers (the so-called “terrain”).

In the process of working on this material, it became necessary to use related sources, not only those devoted to the topic of Russian folk toys. We should not forget that in ancient times, and not only in Rus', various jewelry (women's and men's), household items, as well as toys carved from wood or made from clay, played the role of not just objects that brightened up everyday life - but were also carriers of certain symbolism, had some meaning. And the very concept of symbolism was closely intertwined with mythology.
So, amazingly there was a coincidence of the name Matrona, which migrated (according to the generally accepted version) from Latin to Russian, with ancient Indian images:
MOTHER (Old Indian “mother”), the emphasis is on the first syllable - in Hindu mythology, divine mothers, personifying the creative and destructive forces of nature. The idea of ​​an active feminine principle has become widely recognized in Hinduism in connection with the spread of the cult of Shakti. Matri were considered as female personifications of the creative energy of the great gods: Brahma, Shiva, Skanda, Vishnu, Indra, etc. The number of Matri ranged from seven to sixteen; some texts referred to them as a "great multitude"
Does this remind you of anything? Matryoshka - aka “mother”, which symbolizes, in fact, a FAMILY, and even consisting of a different number of figures that symbolize children of different ages. This is no longer just a coincidence, but proof of common Indo-European roots, which is directly related to the Slavs

From here we can draw the following conclusion: figuratively speaking, if the symbolic “journey” of an unusual wooden figurine begins in India, then continues in China, from there the figurine ends up in Japan, and only then “unexpectedly” finds its place in Russia - a statement that that our Russian nesting doll was copied from a figurine of a Japanese sage is untenable. If only because the figurine of a certain oriental sage itself is not originally Japanese. Probably, the hypothesis about the extensive settlement of the Slavs and the spread of their culture, which subsequently influenced the cultures of other peoples, including manifesting itself both in the language and in the divine pantheon, has a common basis for Indo-European civilization.
However, most likely the idea wooden toy, which consists of several figures inserted into one another, was inspired by the master who created the matryoshka doll from Russian fairy tales. Many, for example, know and remember the fairy tale about Koshchei, with whom Ivan Tsarevich fights. For example, the plot about the prince’s search for “Koshchey’s death” is heard by Afanasyev: “To accomplish such a feat, extraordinary efforts and labors are needed, because Koshchey’s death is hidden far away: on the sea on the ocean, on an island on Buyan there is green oak, under that oak tree there is an iron chest buried, in that chest there is a hare, in the hare there is a duck, in the duck there is an egg; All you have to do is crush the egg and Koschey dies instantly.”

The plot is gloomy in itself, because... associated with death. But here we are talking about symbolic meaning– where is the truth hidden? The fact is that this one is almost identical mythological story found not only in Russian fairy tales, but also in different options, but also among other nations! “It is obvious that in these epic expressions lies a mythical legend, an echo of the prehistoric era; Otherwise, how could such identical legends arise among different peoples? Koschey (snake, giant, old sorcerer), following the usual method folk epic, communicates the secret of his death in the form of a riddle; to resolve it, you need to substitute metaphorical expressions with generally understandable ones.”
This is ours philosophical culture. And therefore, there is a high probability that the master who carved the nesting doll remembered and knew Russian fairy tales well - in Rus' the myth was often projected onto real life.
In other words, one thing is hidden in the other, enclosed - and in order to find the truth, it is necessary to get to the essence, opening, one after another, all the “slapped caps”. Perhaps this is precisely the true meaning of such a wonderful Russian toy as the matryoshka - a reminder to descendants of historical memory our people?

Russian matryoshka is one of the most famous characters Russia. This is a toy whose popularity has gone far beyond the borders of the state itself. The birthplace of the Russian nesting doll is Sergiev Posad. It was there that the wooden young lady was first invented, from which similar toys appeared when opened. different sizes.

Unlike many folk crafts, the popularity of which was lost due to the emergence of new techniques and materials, the Russian nesting doll is still very popular all over the world.

History of the emergence of the fishery

(Turner Vasily Petrovich Zvezdochkin, creator of the first Russian nesting doll)

The appearance of the first Russian nesting doll dates back to 1898 - 1900. It was at this time that the famous turner, Vasily Petrovich Zvezdochkin, who was engaged in the manufacture of wooden toys, at the request of Sergei Malyutin, made a blank from wood, into which the same opening blanks, but of different sizes, were inserted. The subject for painting the very first toy was the everyday activities that Russian beauties did. The matryoshka consisted of eight wooden dolls.

(Classic matryoshka)

Later appeared various variations nesting dolls, the number of dolls in which varied. So, at the beginning of the 20th century, products consisted of 24 elements, and the famous turner Nikita Bulychev created a doll consisting of 48 wooden young ladies. Matryoshka dolls began to be produced on a mass scale in Mamontov’s artel in Sergiev Posad.

A few years after its production, the Russian nesting doll was presented at an exhibition in Paris. Foreigners liked the toy so much that Russian craftsmen received orders for it not only from the vastness of the Motherland, but also from other countries. Less than a dozen years have passed since the first precedents for making counterfeit nesting dolls appeared in other countries.

Elements of fishing

Russian nesting dolls differed not only in the number of dolls that were included in one product. The depicted subjects and painting techniques were different.

(Matryoshka family of 8 dolls)

The most common were dolls consisting of 3, 8 and 12 elements. Masters also produced matryoshka dolls of 21, 24, 30 and 42 dolls.

Traditional subjects for depictions on matryoshka dolls were everyday themes. Most often, the occupations of Russian young ladies of one period or another were reflected. The girls were depicted in traditional dresses with scarves on their heads. In their hands they could hold sickles for the harvest, jugs of milk, baskets of berries, etc. A little later, other subjects began to be depicted on matryoshka dolls, for example, characters from fairy tales and fables, heroes of stories by famous writers.

Also, instead of young ladies, generals, politicians and other prominent figures could be depicted.

(Old late XIX the beginning of the 20th centuries and modern nesting dolls of the 20th-21st centuries)

At some point in time, even the shape of the nesting dolls changed, for example, cone-shaped dolls appeared, inserted into one another. Such forms did not gain popularity among the common people, and quickly fell into oblivion.

Traditional nesting dolls also differed in their painting style. Today there are:

  • Zagorsk style with bright and rich colors and many small, clearly drawn elements;
  • Merinovo matryoshka doll with painting of large flowers;
  • Semenov style with strict symmetrical painting;
  • Polkhovskaya with the obligatory image of a rose hip flower;
  • Vyatka doll depicting a northern young lady, modest and shy.

(Types of nesting dolls different regions Russia, as well as Ukraine)

The traditional material for making nesting dolls are rocks deciduous trees, since they are the easiest to process. Most often, craftsmen use linden; colored gouache, ink, and aniline paints are used as paints for painting. Already protects ready product wood wax or clear oil-based varnish.

Execution technique

A turner is traditionally involved in making matryoshka dolls. It is his task to prepare linden blanks. Only mature and thoroughly dried tree samples are taken for cutting.

(Making nesting dolls)

First, the craftsman grinds out the smallest solid figurine. After that, he moves on to the next largest figurine and makes only its lower part. After processing, this element is well dried, and only then the upper part of the figurine is adjusted. According to this scheme, all the components of the nesting doll are prepared.

Dried parts must be treated with starch glue. It is applied as a primer layer and serves as the basis for painting. After the primer has thoroughly dried, the craftsmen begin painting the nesting dolls. For this they use goose feathers, brushes, sponges, etc.

(Painting the finished matryoshka doll)

The painting techniques used today are different, but the traditional images are very simple, since the doll was originally intended for children to play with. Masters draw a simple face. The doll's head is necessarily depicted covered with a scarf, which is painted in traditional Russian patterns. The type of clothing most often depicted is a sundress; sometimes it can be complemented by an apron. The figurine is decorated with floral ornaments.

After the paint has dried, a finishing layer is applied, which protects the nesting doll from moisture and chips.

Research project on the topic
“Matryoshka: souvenir or toy?”

2nd grade students

MBOU Secondary School No. 108 named after. Yu.V.Andropova


Serbina U.V.


2015/2016 academic year


2. Main part:

2.1. The appearance of the nesting doll in Rus'.

2.2. Types of Russian nesting dolls.

3. Conclusions on the topic. Conclusion

4. List of used literature.

1. Introduction.

Our work is dedicated to the Russian nesting doll. We became interested in this doll after learning about folk crafts in the World of Childhood club. We wanted to know about the origin of this doll and what the first Russian nesting doll looked like, who was its author, where they were made and what types of nesting dolls there are.

Our home target– find out what a matryoshka is today – a toy or a souvenir, and create your own matryoshka (author’s).

My friends don't play with this doll, and it's not among my toys either, so I think that these days the nesting doll is a souvenir, not a toy.

We have put forward two hypotheses research: 1st hypothesis: the nesting doll keeps many secrets. Hypothesis 2: each of us can become a master of painting Russian nesting dolls.

During the study we used the following methods:

    studying various information sources;

    visiting a kindergarten and talking with the teacher;

    analysis of profiles of our peers;

2.1. The origin of the Russian nesting doll.

While collecting material on this topic, we learned that the first Russian nesting doll appeared in Moscow at the end of the 19th century.

The prototype of the Russian nesting doll was the figurine of a good-natured bald old man, the Japanese sage Fukuruma, which contained several more figures nested one inside the other.

They brought her to the family of famous Russian landowners, the Mamonovs, from Japan. They really liked this toy and asked master Vasily Zvezdochkin to carve a doll out of wood like a Japanese one, and commissioned artist Sergei Malyutin to paint it in the Russian style.

She was a chubby, ruddy girl in a colorful scarf, sundress and apron, with a black rooster in her hand. The toy consisted of 8 figures.

Then in Russia the most common name was Matryona, which translated from Latin meant “mother” and the Russian wooden doll was called matryoshka.

The first Russian nesting dolls began to be made in Sergiev Posad as fun for children. But the nesting doll was also a useful toy. With its help, children were taught to compare objects by shape, size, color, and were taught to count. Such toys were very expensive and only rich people could buy them. But, despite this, the demand for nesting dolls did not fall, but only grew. Therefore, centers for the production of these dolls began to appear in the country.

2.2.Types of nesting dolls

There are several types of nesting dolls and in each area it has its own distinctive features:

Sergiev Posad (or Zagorskaya) The matryoshka is dressed in a shirt, a sundress, and a scarf with patterns on her head. In her hands she holds a bundle, a basket or flowers. Her head flows smoothly into her body.

At Semyonovsky bright, lush large bouquets of nesting dolls on aprons. The main color in the painting is red. The doll's shape is slightly elongated.

Polkhov-Maidanskaya Matryoshka can be recognized by unusual shape

head, elongated figure and characteristic crimson color.

Nowadays you can find not only traditional nesting dolls, but also original ones. On the aprons of such nesting dolls you can see architectural monuments, picturesque landscapes, stories folk tales. Among modern nesting dolls you can see political figures, popular artists, and athletes.

Research results.

To find the answer to the question that interests us: What is a nesting doll these days - a toy or a souvenir, we used various methods. One of them was a survey of second grade children. A total of 97 people were interviewed. To the question: “Do you have a matryoshka doll at home?” 12 people responded positively.

Next question sounded like this: “Is your nesting doll a doll or a souvenir?” All 12 people answered that the nesting doll is a souvenir. After analyzing the questionnaire data, we came to the conclusion that modern children do not play with nesting dolls, and those who have one use it as a souvenir.

At the Zabava kindergarten we talked with the teacher junior group and looked at the children's toys. Among them was a nesting doll, but it was also there as a souvenir. This once again confirmed our findings.

We also tried to become masters of painting Russian nesting dolls and created our own nesting dolls. From salt dough We made matryoshka dolls and painted them in labor class.

3. Conclusion.

In conclusion, we would like to say that this work has brought us great benefit.

Firstly, we learned a lot of new and interesting things about the Russian nesting doll.

Secondly, we have learned to work with various information sources, analyze the data obtained during the study.

Thirdly, we found answers to questions of interest and were convinced that the nesting doll is a national Russian souvenir.

Conclusion: The first hypothesis we put forward has been proven. Matryoshka really does keep a lot of secrets.

The second hypothesis we put forward has also been proven. Each of us can become a master of painting Russian nesting dolls.

4. List of references 1.. Matryoshka: Methodology for teaching matryoshka painting. Aleksakhin N. 2. Russian nesting doll. M.: Mosaic 1995.
3. Matryoshka - Wikipedia 4 . Russian doll . 5. History of the nesting doll.