Tarasov is with a new girl now. The video with Tarasov’s new girlfriend caused a lot of pain

The once happy marriage of Dmitry Tarasov and Olga Buzova still broke up - this is evidenced by numerous TV shows and articles on the Internet. A happy couple who gave fans constant radiant smiles divorced with a high-profile divorce in the fall of 2016. The couple lived together for 4 years. During this time, they formed jointly acquired property, of which, according to Olga, nothing remained. This is not refuted by Dmitry Tarasov himself, claiming that the football player purchased the house, apartment and expensive car with his own money - this is confirmed earlier given consent Olga to register real estate in the name of relatives of her then-current husband.

But it’s not property litigation that attracts fans to information about divorce famous personalities. It is much more interesting to find out who the ex-spouses are with now. And if rumors have not yet appeared about Olga, then Dmitry is now in a new relationship - and this has been happening for a long time. People have been interested in Dmitry Tarasov’s new girlfriend for a long time – as soon as information about the betrayal of his legal spouse appeared. But who is she? Previously, there was Anastasia Kostenko - it was she who received a flurry of indignation from Buzova’s fans, it was she who was considered an insidious homewrecker happy couple. But who is Dmitry with now?

Where did it all start?

To begin with, we should briefly talk about how the scandal in the Tarabuzik family began. So, at first, fans simply suspected something was wrong in the family, looking at photos on Olga Buzova’s Instagram. If earlier Olga constantly pleased photos together, then now they were gone. The presenter herself began to appear at social parties alone - this for a long time was explained by the footballer’s busy schedule, although the spouses themselves did not comment on the situation. The “last straw” for subscribers and the public in general was Olga’s hospitalization - while famous TV presenter was in the clinic, her previously beloved and loving husband was having fun at the club. This is where it all started.

After some time, the spouses, who did not comment on the situation, began to openly throw mud at each other, not hiding their hatred. Dmitry tried to accuse his wife of indecent behavior, alcohol abuse and other troubles. Olga simply said that this man did not live up to her expectations. But piquant information surfaced on the Internet - Dmitry cheated on Olga! Yes, he didn’t just change, but started dating a girl! After some time, Olga herself confirmed the information - she was aware of her husband’s love affairs, and this happened more than once, but with one girl.

Dmitry Tarasov's new girlfriend

2017 began for Dmitry Tarasov with new love– in which the football player is infinitely happy. His new girlfriend, according to Dmitry himself, now lives in the Moscow apartment in which the football player previously lived with Olga. Surprisingly, Dmitry Tarasov’s new girlfriend does not advertise her romance and new place of residence. He himself is free and ex-husband Buzovoy boasted that with new girl he has been living for a long time.

Appeared new information about cohabitation in the video “I am building Kotelniki”, for the filming of which blogger Amiran Sandarov and co-host Valeria visited the famous football player. The footage showed a slender brunette beauty in the kitchen, peacefully preparing lunch. However, it became unclear to viewers and subscribers why the football player did not introduce the new girl to the visiting guests. Surprisingly, even at the common table everyone was seated except for the beauty in cute and short shorts.

Viewers believed that it was Ananstasia Kostenko who lived with Dmitry - in any case, the girl from the video was very similar to her. Anastasia herself does not comment on the changes that have occurred in her life - on her Instagram only own photos. Tarasov himself has photos with his footballer friends and his daughter.

Rumors and other gossip

Not long ago, information appeared on the network about Dmitry Tarasov’s new girlfriend - she was Anna Ushakova, with whom the free football player even spent New Year holidays in the Maldives. A new passion appeared after Olga Buzova’s fans’ own investigation. The role of the new girl is the winner of the Moscow Beauty 2016 beauty contest. It should be noted that Anastasia Kostenko is the winner of the Miss Russia 2014 contest. Both girls are hot brunettes with long hair– the complete opposite of Olga. Dmitry was spotted with Anna Ushakova in a restaurant, but neither of them comments on the situation.

The second rumor is that Anastasia Kostenko is pregnant from Tarasov. This is clearly good news for every woman for whom simply having a child is happiness. But still none of the defendants comment on what is happening. Spiteful critics only noticed that if Dmitry does not want to introduce his new girlfriend, with whom he now lives, to his guests, it means that he does not consider the relationship serious.

And indeed Dmitry Tarasov is a flighty fellow. Previously, he was “taken away” from the family by Olga Buzova, now Olga herself has suffered - but who became that homewrecker is still unknown exactly. Be that as it may, Dmitry Tarasov and his new girlfriend deserve peace of mind, so you shouldn’t press them. What if Anastasia is really pregnant? And pregnant women shouldn’t worry too much.

Dmitry Tarasov's new passion, Anastasia Kostenko, is ready to give her beloved what Olga Buzova did not give him.

Anastasia Kostenko gave frank interview. New darling Dmitry Tarasov spoke about the ideal man and stated that she was ready to start a family and have a child.

Recently, football player Dmitry Tarasov and Vice-Miss Russia 2014 Anastasia Kostenko have stopped hiding their relationship. After several months of complete silence, the girl finally gave an interview to reporters.

Kostenko considers himself absolutely an ordinary person with "banal" family values, despite the fact that her parents divorced. “I can safely say that I am very happy man. Since childhood, I was taught to enjoy everything that happens in my life. Yes, sometimes it’s very difficult, but I’m already at that age when I fall asleep and wake up with gratitude to God for everything I have,” Kostenko said.

It is no secret that soon after it became known about the breakup of Dmitry Tarasov and Olga Buzova, a hail of criticism and even abuse from fans of the host of “House-2” fell on Anastasia Kostenko. Kostenko even closed her profile on in social networks to shut up this negativity drain. “It became clear to me that, in fact, there was no one to justify, report and crucify to. All the people around us are things that come and go. All they know about me is practically nothing,” noted Anastasia.

Being married to Tarasov, Buzova actively demonstrated her feelings, and also regularly shared details of her family life. By the way, later Olga was accused more than once of the fact that she should not have put this side of her life on display. Kostenko adheres to the position that personal things should be left only to oneself.

“As today shows, excessive awareness and publicity only harm personal relationships. By opening up what is most valuable to everyone, you let everyone into your innermost life. Such a choice is fraught with the fact that later all this may turn into spitting on your open soul,” the model reasoned. However, Anastasia noted that she is not a fan of completely hiding from everyone.

We also started talking about the ideal man. According to Kostenko, her chosen one should be caring and responsible. “Honesty also plays a paramount role in the lives of each of us. In a man, I also appreciate the willingness to become a family man. For me, a man is the opposite of a woman, which means strength, intelligence, strong character and kindness. A woman, by her nature, is fragile, wise, with an easy-going character, a real keeper of the hearth,” Tarasova’s chosen one expressed her point of view.

For Anastasia, the priority is not career, but family. “The basis of life is love, but it can easily be lost in the pursuit of a career. People constantly rise and fall, and it is important to have a reliable and loving shoulder nearby. A person himself feels when it is time for him to start a family and give birth to a child. I can say that I’m already ready for this,” Woman.ru quotes Anastasia Kostenko.

It seems that very soon fans of the #tarabuziki couple - the ex-spouses of TV presenter Olga Buzova and football player Dmitry Tarasov - will learn the whole truth about their breakup. And also about what kind of relationship the athlete actually has with the vice “Miss Russia” from Salsk, 22-year-old Anastasia Kostenko. The latter were invited to the transfer of one of federal channels. Filming will take place on Friday, March 24th.

As Elena Stepura, director of the modeling school at the Image-Elite agency, told the Komsomolskaya Pravda-Rostov newspaper, the producers of the program called them and invited them to go on air after reading the publication in Komsomolskaya Pravda. They said that the invitees were the football player himself and his new girlfriend. It is possible that this is where they will tell the truth about their relationship.

On air, the Rostov leaders of the Image Center modeling agency will remember how they remembered their pupil, how she came to them and what kind of start in life they gave her. The program will also feature “Rostov Beauty 2012” Anna Sorokina, who appeared on the same stage with Kostenko and shared the victory with her in the beauty contest, from which, in fact, Anastasia’s bright start began.

In addition, the Donetsk woman will be supported by her other stage colleagues, whom she knew from modeling school.

By the way, in one of the interviews with KP, Anastasia Kostenko admitted, that she really likes the professional training and activities of Andrei Malakhov. And she said that it would be nice to try herself as a TV presenter. In addition, she would not refuse the role of co-host of Ivan Urgant, as she loves jokes. But for now she will have to answer questions on the program.

It is unknown whether the footballer’s ex-wife Olga Buzova will be on the program. Judging by her Instagram page, she is located in Vienna. Perhaps the abandoned spouse will take part in the program via video conference. Or maybe he’ll come in person after all.

It is known that the program will be shown only next week.


Advice to other girls on how to be beautiful

Most valuable advice- this is to replenish your spiritual cupboard with everything you need while you are young, because it is better absorbed - Anastasia Kostenko answered the KP journalist.- Read more, listen to music. Still, a Russian girl should know all the classics, not only literature, but also ballet, everything that our rich country is famous for. Respect nature and be beautiful from the inside. Take care of yourself and your diet. Never give in to standards, be unique. And before doing anything, ask yourself: “Won’t I be ashamed to tell my family about this later?” In my case - my mother and my younger brothers and my sisters, of whom I have three! And then everything will work out!

The day before, it appeared on the Internet new release Internet project of Amiran Sardarov “I am building Kotelniki”. One of the main characters in the video dedicated to apartments and design was Dmitry Tarasov. Famous football player invited Amiran and his filming partner Lera to his home to show off the luxurious apartments.

According to Tarasov, he purchased the apartment with his own funds. “I bought it, I earned it for a very long time,” Dmitry explained. Amiran and Lera saw the football player’s collection of balls, as well as a large dressing room. According to the athlete, he stopped buying a lot of things for himself because most of the money was spent on the construction of a cottage, which he wants to move to in the near future.

"I dreamed about big house, big family so that everyone lives together,” Tarasov noted.

Netizens drew attention to the girl who was captured during filming in Dmitry’s apartment. Some believe that the brunette in pink shorts is Anastasia Kostenko, with whom the football player was credited with having an affair. Tarasova's supposed chosen one was bustling around in the kitchen to feed the guests and did not want to appear on the video. The athlete informed in advance that there were people in the apartment besides him.

“Only I don’t live alone, with a girl,” Dmitry warned before letting the guests into the apartment.

Collages appeared in fan groups in which people combined an old photograph of Olga Buzova in exactly the same shorts and a still from the video with the alleged new lover Tarasova. Social network users actively discussed the girls and compared them. Probably, these screenshots reached the star of “House-2”. According to fans, Buzova saw how her ex-husband now lives in the apartment where they were once happy. Olga left an ambiguous post on the social network.

“I just saw something that hurt me again... I promise myself every day not to cry anymore... I promise myself every day to start sleeping and eating... But so far it’s not working... When will it get easier?” - the star shared her experiences with fans.

Fans of the reality show host supported their favorite, urging her to forget about the difficult time and move on along her chosen path. According to many, after her divorce from the football player, Olga became much more successful. Subscribers believe that she will still find her happiness.

“Olya! No need to torture yourself like that! You need to love yourself again!”, “Olenka, don’t worry, everything will be very good, but for envious people and those who betray, everything is bad!”, “Olya, hold on, everything will be fine, you just need to get through this moment of your life,” - followers of the TV presenter wrote.

Published 09.11.16 23:47

Buzova divorces Tarasov 2016: Dmitry Tarasov’s new girlfriend turned out to be model Anastasia Kostenko.

Buzova and Tarasov are getting divorced 2016: it became known for whom Tarasov exchanged Buzova

All the public attention and Russian show business riveted by the divorce of Olga Buzova and Dmitry Tarasov. As noted, they unsubscribed from each other’s pages on social networks, removed wedding rings, and, if rumors are to be believed, they even separated.

Anastasia Kostenko. PHOTO

It also became known that the football player had been cheating on his wife with model Anastasia Kostenko for the past few months. Eyewitnesses of this novel intkbbach They claim that the girl looks exactly like Angelina Jolie.

According to some reports, Buzova found out about her husband’s infidelities, packed her things and now lives in a rented apartment. Moreover, now she Instagram filled with sad lyrical poems.

"Autumn paints with magical colors... The singing of birds. The smell of a fire... My heart sometimes yearns so much. I'm tired of this whole game... Everything that is real is only from God. Everything that is real is only inside. Everyone has their own path in life. Someone else's , don't you dare, never judge!
And under any circumstances listen
Only yourself. Only your heart. Don't sell your soul to anyone.
Try to protect it from falsehood... There are already too many masks in the world. To the point of nausea. To the point of salty tears... Everything that is real comes only from God. The wind has carried away everything lightweight...", - Buzova accompanied her photo with such a lyrical verse.

Note that ex-lovers They don’t give any comments and pretend that nothing special is happening.

"Life will put everything in its place
She will punish and judge,
For the fact that not then, not there,
We turned out to be the will of fate.
We got along with the wrong people, not then,
And they looked in the wrong direction,
That's not how we valued life
They didn’t say what they wanted...
We were looking for something a mile away,
Without seeing what is next to us,
Without hearing the words that our name is called,
Not perceiving views that way.
We met the wrong plane
And they were waiting on the wrong platform,
We were looking for the wrong pier
We didn't know the route number.
Although fate is sometimes strict,
We won't lose our smiles
Life will put everything in its place,
Forgiving, perhaps, for mistakes!”, Buzova published these lines quite confidently.

Dmitry Tarasov himself recently published a photo on his blog where his entire family is posing, including Buzova, who is reflected in a Martini bottle. Many decided that it was recent, and the couple was simply fooling people that they would have a divorce.

In fact, five years ago the football player’s father died of cancer. And this photo was taken during his lifetime.

“Family dinner #family#mom#dad#who knows#5years old,” reads the caption in the photo.

As a result, Buzova’s fans began to condemn the football player for his relationship with the model, but many wish Dmitry happiness and success in sports.

“And your new girl is very beautiful,)) we hope that she is smart, and for her you are more important than 24-hour selfies and junk, and they won’t throw mud at you next to her, as was the case with Buzova,” “Hold on Tarasov, she has fans mentally unhealthy people, they want to force you to come back and love Buzova back))) yes, the psychiatric hospital is crying for the fans. love your Anastasia and don’t worry,” write Tarasov’s fans.

24-year-old Anastasia Kostenko is "Vice-Miss Russia - 2014". She also placed second in the Miss World 2014 pageant. They also write that Nastya is studying at the philology department.

The football player’s new passion refuses to comment on his personal life. The brunette succinctly commented on her novel like this: “personal, that’s why it’s personal.”