Accepted from the words of the artist V. Artist is a multi-valued term


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History of theatrical and musical art has deep roots. It first appeared in Ancient Greece, whose amphitheaters were always filled with spectators during artist performances. Various mythological stories and stunt performances, dances and songs were performed. All this was the work of artists with a universal set of professional skills.
In the Middle Ages, artists were people who practiced any of the “seven liberal arts" These were grammar, dialectics (logic), rhetoric, arithmetic, geometry, music and astronomy.
IN English speaking countries the word "artist" is understood primarily as "artist". It is most common for us to associate the activities of artists with performances in front of the public.

Useful articles

Description of activity

The features of the daily activities of artists depend on the field of their creativity. Artists are musicians, and television, . An artist can engage in any other type of activity (sports, craft, etc.). The main thing is that the result of the activity is presented to the public in the form of a spectacle - live or on screen. What unites the artists is that performing in front of the public is preceded by numerous rehearsals and practicing numbers with a partner, a group of colleagues or solo.


average for Russia:Moscow average:average for St. Petersburg:

Job responsibilities

An artist should always strive to present his performances to the public at top level. To do this, he must devote a lot of time and effort to rehearsals, learn new routines, tricks, improve his skills, and train.
In addition to rehearsals and public speaking, the artist often participates in festivals, competitions, and various thematic events. Communication with journalists is also often the responsibility of the artist.

Features of career growth

Artists are not only theater and film actors, singers, musicians, TV presenters, dancers and circus performers. An artist by nature can be almost anything by profession. Do interesting to the viewer You can make a show from making pies or from packaging goods in a store. The success of an artist’s career path depends on his popularity and demand among the public, and this, in turn, depends on the efforts of the artist himself. In order for your career to constantly go uphill, you need to work hard on yourself and develop your skills.
Experienced artists can eventually take up teaching, become

Actor. Artist

Talented actress Liya Akhedzhakova (played in Eldar Ryazanov’s films “Garage”, “ Love affair at work") in a conversation with a journalist said: “Not every actor is an artist.”

Well said. Akhedzhakova emphasizes that the concepts and words actor and artist have their own characteristics. Commendable. Linguists do not always point out the difference.

What are the features of the words actor and artist? They are often mistakenly used as identical synonyms.

The words actor and actress came from French(acteur, actrice - from the Latin actor “performer, actor”. The accent actor is outdated).

Actor used directly and figurative meaning:

A) direct meaning: "player in theatrical performances"(tragic, dramatic, comic, pop actors, film actors).

Now, if only we could find a dramatic, young, good actress (A. Ostrovsky).

b) figurative meaning: “a pretender, a person who shows himself not as he really is.”

What a serious look and dissatisfied look. Yes, I didn’t know that you were such an actor (Lermontov, “Masquerade”).

The nest of cognate words includes: actor, actress, actor, actor, actor, actor, actor.

The word acting, like actor, has a direct and figurative meaning: direct - “the profession of an actor”, performing arts"; figurative - "artificiality, pretense, panache."

Word artist (from French - artiste), g. R. artist. Direct values:

1. “a person who has chosen as his profession activity in the field of stage or pop art.” In contrast, actor - artist, actress - artist emphasizes the difference between profession and talent.

Mrs. Karatygina is truly a gifted artist, in comparison with other actresses Alexandrinsky Theater(V. Belinsky).

2. "a person who is engaged in creativity in the field of any art."

I, grandma, want to be an artist. - As an artist? - An artist... After university I’ll go to the academy (Goncharov, “Cliff”).

The word artist is often used in the figurative meaning of “a person with great art and doing something with love."

Your son is an artist in his field.

The nest of cognate words includes: artistic, artistically, artistry, etc.

In dictionaries of synonyms, the words actor, artist and actor are in the same nest. It should be taken into account that the actor and artist have semantic connotations, and the actor is outdated. In the 19th and early 20th centuries, the synonym for actors was used, as a rule, with a touch of irony.

In the Ukrainian language, the word aktor "actor" and its derivatives, actress, are widely used. As in the Russian language, actor and actorship have direct and figurative meanings.

O. E. Olshansky

An artist is a rather ambiguous term, which is usually understood as a representative of any kind of spectacular art: theater, music, ballet, cinema, pop or circus. In the feminine gender, the word "artist" is used.

The meaning of the word "artist"

An artist is (French artiste, medieval - lat. artista - artist, artist, master from lat. ars - art) a person who conducts his activities in the field of art. An artist is a person who shows his talented skills in front of the audience. The meaning of the word is very voluminous in its essence. It combines several directions in its concept.

So, an artist can be Opera singer, circus worker, dramatic actor, pop artist or performer of roles in films. Artists are also divided into musical, choreographic, stage, and dancers. A figurative, ironic interpretation of this word is also in demand.

An artist is a person who has high skill in some creative field. From the word “artist” the adjective “artistic” is formed, which characterizes a person as a person possessing creative skills or gifted in the artistic field.

An artist can also be called an artist in in the narrow sense: painter, sculptor, architect, engraver. The word "artist" was not known in ancient times. The Greeks and Romans understood this word in two terms. Thus, an artist could be either an artist-artist or a craftsman.

IN modern world it is difficult to draw a specific line that could determine where it ends artistic activity and the craft work begins. Therefore, the word “artist” is a concept that sometimes refers to masters of one or another industry, bringing into their activities a small part of taste and understanding of the elegant.

The origin of this concept

The ancestors of the artists, oddly enough, were shamans and sorcerers. It was precisely representatives of this type of activity who turned out to be the first people who sang songs and demonstrated various dance moves, transforming into the patrons of the clan - totem animals. However, it is worth noting that shamans and sorcerers did not make any effort special effort, in order to arouse sympathy among their contemporaries, since their main goal was to connect with the other world.

It turns out that, in terms of its internal content, the word “artist” can be applied to anyone who strives in any way to make an impression of beauty, gracefulness or harmoniousness. At the same time, it makes no difference whether the embodied idea of ​​beauty is a personal creation and manifestation of the talent of a particular person, or whether it is an example of skillful imitation.

Artist or actor

Both concepts come from French. They are, of course, interconnected. However, thinking that they are synonymous is a mistaken assumption.

So, an actor is a person with a profession that can be applied to theater stage, in a film frame or advertising video. Actors are performers of diverse roles.

Comparison of consonant words

Basic distinctive feature the actor is his narrow specialization. A person is exclusively occupied with playing roles. He can play both a comedic role and a tragic one. An actor must have the skill of masterful impersonation and perfectly fit into the image of a particular hero. Externally, such a transformation occurs with the help of successful makeup and selection of costumes. Actors must have the appropriate characteristics to succeed.

However, it is worth noting that a person who has reached heights in her creative activity, is called an artist. This word always included in the honorary state rank.


The French word art means art; its derivative artist is translated into Russian as artist. But Russian concept“artist” doesn’t quite fit him. You are probably accustomed to such phrases as “Honored Artist of the Republic”; "National artist Soviet Union", "actors of the Youth Theater", "artists of Moscow theaters"... The same word means in them different concepts. Here, in some cases, the word “artist” becomes synonymous with the word “actor,” in two others it component honorary title. Actor and artist are not complete synonyms. The term "artist" is much broader. It is used to refer to musicians, both singers and instrumentalists. And if a singer who perfectly plays his role in an opera performance can be called with praise a singing actor, then a violinist or flautist cannot under any circumstances be called an actor. Circus, pop, various musical genres and, of course, dramatic performers - they are all united by this word, which in our opinion has a connotation of recognition of skill and artistic perfection. It is no coincidence that he developed such derivatives as artistry and artistry. It is no coincidence that the honorary titles of Honored and People's Artists, which are given to the most worthy.

Creative portraits composers. - M.: Music. 1990 .


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    - (French artiste, from Latin ars, artis art). A person who practices any fine art. Dictionary foreign words, included in the Russian language. Chudinov A.N., 1910. ARTIST 1) a person engaged in any art as a profession... ... Dictionary of foreign words of the Russian language

    ARTIST, artist, husband. (French artiste). 1. Engaged in public performance of works of art. Opera artist. Drama artist. Ballet dancer. Variety artist. Circus performer. Rank People's Artist. || Actor. Artists art theaterDictionary Ushakova

    See actor, virtuoso, connoisseur, musician, rogue, artist... Dictionary of Russian synonyms and similar expressions. under. ed. N. Abramova, M.: Russian Dictionaries, 1999. artist actor, virtuoso, connoisseur, musician, artist, dancer, jumper, magician,... ... Synonym dictionary

    Military (military artist). 1. Jarg. corner. Iron. A swindler, a swindler. SRVS 2, 164. // Approved. Scammer high class. Homeowners' Home, 14. 2. Jarg. homo., lag. Passive camp homosexual. Kz., 120. Artist [from] the burnt theater. 1. Unlock Iron. Human… … Big dictionary Russian sayings

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  • Ballet dancer Mikhail Mikhailovich Mordkin, E. Ya. Surits. The book is dedicated to one of the most famous Russian ballet dancers of the 20th century - M. M. Mordkin. Premier Bolshoi Theater in the 1900-1910s, he performed on his stage all the famous...

An actor is a person playing a role. In the cinema, theater, office, at home and away, where a person portrays an image he has invented, he is engaged in acting. The artist is a virtuoso of transformation. For anyone creative person to be an artist is to reach the pinnacle of excellence.

Theater is events in life that can be experienced every time until you realize the true essence of what is happening. Both on stage and in life!

Theater excites, pleases, shocks, inspires and helps you experience or rethink life in a new way. It helps to look at the same problem from a different angle, through the eyes of the actors, the director and society as a whole. I would even say that theater, like a good psychotherapist, heals and shows the course of events in a given situation. Precisely as a psychotherapist, and not fashionable in modern society, such a specialist as a psychologist. What is the difference? The psychologist only listens carefully and asks suggestive questions and tries to help you make the most appropriate decision for you in a given situation. The theater, on the contrary, like a good psychotherapist, clearly explains and shows the problem, as well as the possible development of events based on a specific situation. Moreover, this is shown in such an unobtrusive form, and in such a general atmosphere involvement, that a person on a subconscious level decides for himself some life problems, draws analogies with his life, better understands the behavior of people with whom he comes into contact every day. Sometimes this gives pleasure, and sometimes it shocks. It happens that just for one idea, a person experiences a whole range of emotions from blind indignation and impotent anger to grateful perception real life and all-encompassing love.

Each performance is like a small life, lived not only by the actors, but also by the audience, who are silent participants in the actions taking place on stage. Just as you cannot step into the same river twice, the performance will be new and unique in its performance each time. And those emotions, excitement and experiences will beckon and attract like a magnet, so that again and again you can plunge into that magical atmosphere of mystery and being at the same time, in order to know yourself through great power art.

Many years ago I watched a youth theater performance based on the play “The Blind” by Maurice Maeterlinck. It was a mass cultural trip to the theater, organized by the company's management for its employees. Everyone expected a pleasant time together, after which it was planned to continue communication in some cafe, with all the pleasant additions. After the performance everyone left in silent silence. I was not only shocked, I didn’t want to talk about anything or anyone for a week - I and those who were with me at the performance were silent for a long time. That is, the conversation went on all the time, but it was an internal dialogue with myself. After we shared our impressions with one of our familiar directors, he responded with the words of one of the greats (I don’t remember who now): “Good theater amazes, bad theater gives pleasure. Congratulations, you have found yourself in a good theater.”

Today I am glad that I am directly involved in the world of theater. Theater psychological school"Image" teaches acting skills to everyone who wants to learn magical power this art. There are no restrictions on age or profession; people are not selected according to any special criteria. After all, every person has been an actor since childhood, only some improve their skills over the years, while others try hard to suppress them, putting on a comfortable mask of pleasant coexistence with everyone. Over the years, such a person gets used to the chosen image, as to his second “I”. And only occasionally, completely alone, being with himself, does he allow his true nature to come out. Sometimes this is a rather painful process, so a person strives to put on his usual look again as soon as possible, so that no one notices. But is such a person happy, can he sincerely rejoice and be sad in order to feel the fullness of life? Of course he can if he wants...

The theater-school "Obraz" invites everyone to take acting courses for life and for the stage. This slogan, which has become over the 18 years of the existence of our school famous brand, is more relevant today than ever. Today, almost every one that has not proven itself through years of successful work theatre studio, already states in full voice about their masters teaching acting skills necessary for a person in life. But what does such a concept include, what is the training system based on, and, in the end, what is the result of their work embodied in? Ask them all these questions and come to us for a free introductory lesson. Get to know our training system better and you will feel the difference!

What it consists of is simple. There are watches of real Swiss quality, and there are fakes made in Korea or China. Both look the same, but the quality is different, and this is an important fact, you must agree! Theater-school "Obraz" is the most numerous drama school in Europe. Has more than 20 branches. All branches work according to the original patented training program of the school’s founder S. Bazarov (actor, director, psychologist). Over 18 years of successful operation of the school, there are more than 15,000 graduates. Upon completion of training a certificate is issued uniform sample, which has already proven itself in theatrical circles throughout the entire post-Soviet space and abroad. Our graduates successfully use the acquired knowledge on stage and in life. Some continue their studies at higher theater institutions, while others, with the help of the knowledge gained, successfully build their careers and become directors. own life, and some stay with us. The best graduates have the opportunity to join the troupe of the theater-studio "Obraz", which constantly performs repertoire performances on small stage Palace Ukraine and others stage areas Kiev. But those for whom the Obraz theater school has become a second home during their studies do not remain on the sidelines. They, of course, continue their career according to their chosen professional activity, but in their free time they continue to improve their acting according to the club system. Under the guidance of selected masters, they continue to stage new performances, work on new images that allow them to experience new sensations and enjoy the world of theater and communication with like-minded people. Theater is a whole world that absorbs you completely and never lets you go!