Strange names in Spanish. Spanish names

The dilemma of a modern employer looks like this: lay off employees or work time? An experienced boss often chooses the latter. According to statistics, today every fifth officially employed citizen works a shortened working week.

Any labor relationship by law must be legally formalized. IN Russian Federation such norms are determined by the Labor Code. It also establishes the concept of a standard working week, the duration of which is 40 hours.

Regulations under the Labor Code of the Russian Federation

According to his 15th chapter, a shortened week is one in which net working time is less than 40 hours for permanent and seasonal subordinates. In this case, such a schedule must be legally formalized by the employer.

Please note that exceeding this number of working hours is unacceptable according to the Labor Code.

The only exception is work on a shift system, where the duration of work and the output schedule are fixed in the employment contract.

A reduction in working hours is not always a consequence of a crisis in a company. According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation (Article 92), it is mandatory in the following cases:

  • An employee hired under an employment contract has not yet reached 16 years of age. In this case, the maximum permissible number of working hours is 24.
  • For persons aged 16 to 18 years, the permissible number of working hours is 35.
  • For employees who have I and II disability groups, it is allowed to set up to 35 hours per week.
  • If working conditions have received 3 or 4 degrees of danger, permitted maximum amount hours - 35.
  • If the employee is a student in a working specialty - no more than half of the allowable time.

In addition to these requirements, a shortened week can be established at the initiative of the employer for any other category of employees in accordance with the Federal Law of 2006.

Workers are scheduled once a month, quarter or year. The employer undertakes to clearly keep records of the subordinate’s working time and prepare reports for the past quarter. According to the Labor Code of the Russian Federation, this indicator is the basis for calculating the amount of wages, vacation pay, sick pay, severance pay, and the like.

Does the employer have the right to introduce such a procedure?

Reducing working hours is normal practice in Russia. According to Article 92, the working week is shortened for disabled people based on age, for harmful working conditions, etc. In addition, the federal law from 2006 allows the employer to reduce time on his own initiative. It was he who laid the foundation for the legal right to reduce employees' output by transferring them to a less stressful work schedule.

The duration of the working day, shift or week is initially fixed in the employment contract, which is concluded between the employees and the head of the company. It is possible to change the terms of the agreement under the circumstances set forth in Article 74 of the Labor Code of the Russian Federation. All of them directly relate to the production process:

  • changes in the technological process of production, technology;
  • reorganization of production;
  • other changes.

Reduced working hours in in this case- an alternative to personnel reduction after the reorganization of the production process, as a result of which such a number work force no longer needed to complete assigned tasks. If an employee refuses to switch to a new work schedule, the employment contract with him may be terminated with subsequent financial compensation.

The maximum allowable period of time reduction is 6 months, the employer is also obliged to coordinate any large-scale personnel changes of this type with the trade union organization.

Who is entitled to this by law?

At the request of an employee, the manager can set such work limits for him. According to Article 93 of the Labor Code, the employer is obliged to arrange a part-time/reduced week:

  • for pregnant women;
  • if an employee has a child under 14 years of age, one of the parents is allowed to register;
  • one parent of a child with a disability under 18 years of age;
  • if a subordinate is caring for a sick relative according to a medical certificate;
  • if an employee has taken parental leave while maintaining the right to receive state benefits, the rule applies to both parents or guardians in accordance with Article 256 of the Labor Code.

The employer can also make a proposal for reduction, using the same provisions of the Labor Code.

In addition, the management of the organization is obliged to change the cooperation agreement according to the age criterion: if the person carrying out labor activity, is under 18 years of age or receives a pension benefit.

Registration procedure

A shortened week requires meticulous preparatory work employer, consisting of several stages:

  1. Necessary issue an appropriate order about upcoming changes to the operating mode with legal and systemic justification. It is necessary to note all structural units that will be affected by the changes and highlight the new mode of operation. There is no national standard form of the document.
  2. Necessary notify employees. You can assign people responsible for notifying the team about upcoming changes. Official notification must take place at least two months before the planned changes in writing. Each employee must read the document against signature; this is the employer’s guarantee that his decision to transfer to a shortened week will not be canceled in court. If a person refuses to sign a notice, it is enough to draw up it in the presence of 2 more people
  3. Necessary inform the employment exchange no later than three working days after the introduction of changes to the work schedule. This is required by Article 25 state law from 1991. In case of violation of this clause, a fine may be imposed on the organization.

Some nuances of working hours and rest are discussed in the following video:

The nuances of remuneration

A decrease in working hours means a decrease in wages under any payment system. Even if you received a fixed salary, its size should decrease in proportion to the new output.

With this transition, employees are paid based on the hours worked or the amount of work completed, depending on the type of contract with the organization.

All other payments: sick leave, travel allowance, vacation pay, etc. remain in the same amount as specified in the contract. The unit for calculation is taken to be a fixed average daily wage as for the usual work schedule.

If the reduction in working hours did not occur at the initiative of the employer, but according to the law (Article 92 of the Labor Code), then the amount of wages does not change, despite the reduction in hours of activity.

Mexico is a country in culturally amazing. It united and coexisted such different traditions that this in itself is comparable to a miracle. Of course, such a synthesis was reflected, among other things, in the names that local residents choose for their children. These are what we will discuss below.

Names in Mexico

It must be said right away that modern Mexico is a country where the main language of the population is Spanish. The colonial policies of European states and the mass migration of Europeans significantly influenced cultural background Mexico. Therefore modern mexican names for the most part it is of Spanish, and not local - Indian - origin. This is due to the fact that naming is a religious ceremony. And since most of population belongs to the Catholic Church, then the names are those indicated in its calendar. Local, original names have lost their relevance along with the decline of original, pagan beliefs. Therefore, Mexican names are actually derivatives of overseas prototypes and direct borrowings.

Features of names

The names that the Spaniards brought to these lands, as already mentioned, are Christian. Accordingly, many of them, although they underwent Spanish inculturation, have roots in Greek, Hebrew or Latin. And some also go back to ancient Germanic roots. It also needs to be said that the Mexican form of the Spanish language is somewhat different in sound from the European prototype. Therefore, you should not simply equate all Spanish and Mexican names, because some Mexican variants may differ significantly in sound from their purely Spanish counterparts.


Of course, like all peoples, Mexicans are inclined to believe that a name in one way or another influences the fate and character of its bearer. This makes choosing a name a particularly important procedure. Most often, options are used that are somehow based on religious tradition. Thus, children are often named after particularly revered saints or more abstract religious concepts. Sometimes Mexican names are chosen according to personal qualities that parents want to develop in their child.

Popular names

Below we list some of the most common names. It must be said that Mexicans do not really like to invent and show originality and mainly use what is in trend. So, the most common Mexican names are male.

  • Alejandro. Derived from the name Alexander, which means “protector.”
  • Diego. A very popular name in Mexico, the meaning of which is “scientist”.
  • Leonardo. Antique noble name. In Russian it means “brave like a lion”
  • Manuel. Derived form from the Hebrew Emmanuel, that is, "God with us."
  • Mateo. A name that is one of the main ones in Mexico. It literally translates as “gift of God.”
  • Nestor. This is a Greek name. It can be translated into Russian with the word “returning home”, or more broadly - “wise wanderer”.
  • Osvaldo. This option is translated as “the power of God.”
  • Pedro. A famous and popular name among Spanish speakers. Comes from Greek and means "stone".
  • Sebastian. What is known in Russia as Sevastian. A name of Greek origin meaning “highly revered.”
  • Jesus. A name that no one in Orthodoxy will ever give to a child. In Catholicism this is acceptable. Jesus is the Spanishized form of the name Jesus. Translated from Hebrew as “salvation from God.”

Now we list the top Mexican female names.

  • Bonita. In Russian it means “beautiful”.
  • Dorothea. Very beautiful name, usually translated as “given by God.”
  • Isabel. Derived from the Hebrew Jezebel. Means “dedicated to God.”
  • Camila. Given name can be translated by the expression “the best”.
  • Consuela. Translated into Russian, this name means “consolation.”
  • Pauline. Conveys the concept of modesty and insignificance.
  • Pilar. Usually this name is translated as “column”, that is, the base of something.
  • Regina. Roman name meaning "queen".
  • Esperanza. A name that is a direct translation of the Russian name "Nadezhda".
OTHER COUNTRIES (select from the list) Australia Austria England Armenia Belgium Bulgaria Hungary Germany Holland Denmark Ireland Iceland Spain Italy Canada Latvia Lithuania New Zealand Norway Poland Russia (Belgorod region) Russia (Moscow) Russia (aggregated by region) Northern Ireland Serbia Slovenia USA Turkey Ukraine Wales Finland France Czech Republic Switzerland Sweden Scotland Estonia

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Spain, 2014

SELECT YEAR 2014 2013 2008–2010

State in southwestern Europe. Located on the Iberian Peninsula. It borders Portugal, the British possession of Gibraltar, Morocco in northern Africa, France and Andorra. The capital is Madrid. Population – 47,370,542 (2013). Indigenous people– Spaniards (Castilians), Catalans, Basques, Galicians. official languages– Castilian (Spanish); in the autonomous regions, along with it, there are other languages ​​(Catalan-Valencian-Balearic, Basque, Galician, Aranese). 95% of believers are Catholics.

On the Institute's website national statistics(El Instituto Nacional de Estadística) has a section with data on the 100 most common first names of newborns in Spain (based on birth records) for each year since 2002. The most recent data is for 2014. The leader in male first names was the name Daniel. For girls, the most common was Lucia. The statistics on the Institute’s website are presented in such a way that you can find out popular names both nationwide and for each administrative community of the country plus two autonomous cities. Also of interest are data on the top 10 names of people from different countries Europe, Asia, Africa, America.

There is a lot of other things on the Institute’s website interesting material on the history of choosing names in Spain and on modern system names So, there is a list of names that appear at least 20 times. As of January 1, 2014, there were 24,853 men and 24,781 women. One can imagine the amount of work facing Spanish linguists if they set themselves the task of compiling an etymological dictionary including all these names. I'm not even talking about the task of covering names with lower frequency (less than 20) with such a dictionary. However, the number of different, unique names is somewhat smaller, since Spanish statistics consider not only single names, but also combinations of names like Maria Carmen as independent ones.

As of January 1, 2014 in Spain, the most common male name was Antonio(727,164 people). Next in descending frequency are the names Jose, Manuel, Francisco, Juan, David, Jose Antonio, Jose Luis, Javier, Francisco Javier. The most common name for women is Maria Carmen(672,523 speakers). Further - Maria, Carmen, Josefa, Isabel, Ana Maria, Maria Pilar, Maria Dolores, Maria Teresa, Ana.

The Institute’s materials also show how anthroponymic preferences changed over the decades (lists of the 50 most common names, distributed by date of birth).

Those men born before 1930, in the 30s and 40s, most often have a masculine name Jose. Those born in the 50s and 60s most often have the name Antonio. The most common among those born in the 70s and 80s is David. In the 90s and after 2000, the name was most often given Alejandro. As you can see, the name usually stays among the leaders for two decades.

As for female names, the number of leading names here is poorer than among male ones. Until the 30s, in the 30s the name was in the lead Maria. In the 40s, 50s, 60s and 70s they most often gave double name Maria Carmen. In the 80s the leader was the name Laura. In the 90s and after 2000 - again Maria.

I will give you the 25 most common male and female names born in 2014. Links to pages with data for some more early years are in the drop-down list to the right of the title before the text (see Select year). More full picture every visitor to this page can find it on the website of El Instituto Nacional de Estadística (link at the end of the page).

Boys names

In brackets - Russian spelling

PlaceNameNumber of adverbs
1 Hugo5 121
2 Daniel (Daniel)4 859
3 Pablo (Pablo)4 494
4 Alejandro (Alejandro)4 116
5 Alvaro (Alvaro)3 670
6 Adrian (Adrian)3 463
7 David3 376
8 Martin3 181
9 Mario3 067
10 Diego3 000
11 Javier2 531
12 Manuel2 475
13 Lucas2 446
14 Nicolas (Nicholas)2 319
15 Marcos (Marcos)2 244
16 Leo (Leo)2 162
17 Sergio (Sergio)2 138
18 Mateo (Mateo)2 107
19 Izan (Isan)1 947
20 Alex (Alex)1 935
21 Iker (Iker)1 917
22 Marc (Mark)1 902
23 Jorge1 873
24 Carlos (Carlos)1 772
25 Miguel (Miguel)1 713

Girls names

In brackets - Russian spelling

PlaceNameNumber of adverbs
1 Lucia (Lucia)5 161
2 Maria (Maria)4 951
3 Martina (Martina)4 380
4 Paula (Paula)4 210
5 Daniela (Daniela)3 792
6 Sofia (Sofia)3 568
7 Valeria (Valeria)3 246
8 Carla (Carla)3 138
9 Sara (Sarah)3 116
10 Alba3 111
11 Julia (Hulia)3 107
12 Noa2 744
13 Emma (Emma)2 479
14 Claudia (Claudia)2 456
15 Carmen2 147
16 Marta (Martha)1 998
17 Valentina (Valentina)1 936
18 Irene1 902
19 Adriana (Adriana)1 881
20 Ana1 797
21 Laura (Laura)1 794
22 Elena (Elena)1 781
23 Alejandra (Alejandra)1 552
24 Ainhoa1 485
25 Ines1 410

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Spanish names

Spanish male names and their meanings

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Spanish names. Spanish male names and their meanings

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Spanish law states that every citizen has the right to officially own no more than two given names and surnames. At baptism, they can give the child several names, it all depends on the wishes of the parents. Usually, eldest daughter is named after the mother, and the second daughter is given the name of her maternal grandmother. The main and main source of names in Spain are the Catholic Saints. There are very few unusual names among these people, since Spanish registration legislation very strictly controls this process. Those with unusual names have zero chance of obtaining citizenship in Spain. In the Spanish-language hit parade of names, the first places are almost annually headed by such classic names as Carmen, Camila, Maria...

Simple name Maria

The name Maria is considered a fairly common name in Spain. It is given not only to girls, but also to boys, as a makeweight: Jose Maria, for example. At the same time, most Spanish and Latin American Marias are listed in documents in a completely different way, for example, as Maria de los Mercedes, Maria de los Dolores, but in everyday life girls are called Dolores, Mercedes. Such names come from various titles of Our Lady, for example, Maria de los Mercedes means "Mary of Mercies" and Maria de los Dolores "Mary of Sorrows".

A short list of names derived from the titles of the Mother of God:

Maria del Amparo - Mary the Patroness, Mary the Protector

Maria de la Anunciación - Mary of the Blessed

Maria de la Luz - Bright Maria

Maria de los Milagros - Mary the Miraculous

Maria de la Piedad - Mary the Honored

Maria del Socorro - Mary the Helper

Maria de la Cruz - Mary of the Cross

Maria del Consuelo - Mary the Comforter

Maria de la Salud - Maria of Health

Maria del Pilar - Pillar Maria

In real life, girls with such pious names are called Amparo, Luz, Anunciación, Milagros, Socorro, Piedad, Consuelo, Cruz, Salud and Pilar.

A short list of Spanish girl names:

Angela - angelic

Lucia - easy

Alondra - protector

Letitia - joy, happiness

Azucena - chaste

Leticia - joy, happiness

Angelica - angelic

Mercedes is merciful

Alba - dawn

Marita - beloved

Alva is a beauty

Manuela - God is with us

Almira - princess

Marceline - militant

Blanca - blonde

Milagros is a miracle

Benita - blessed one

Marcela - militant

Veronica - bringing victory

Nubia - golden

Valencia - power

Perlite - pearls

Guadeloupe is a saint

Petrona - stone

Gabriela - strong by God

Ramira - wise and famous

Jesus - saved by God

Rosita - rose

Dominga - belongs to the lord

Rosita - rose flower

Dolores - mourning, sad

Teresa the reaper

Dorothea - a gift from God

Theophila - friend of God

Yesenia - God sees

Fortunata - lucky

Isabella is a beauty

Philomena - strong with love

Inessa - sheep

Francisca is free

Consuelo - consolation

Jesuina - God is the savior

Carmelita - vineyard

Julia - sheaf, curly

Carmen - vineyard

Juanita - believer in God

Carmencita - vineyard

Eloisa - very healthy

Leonor - foreign, different

Esmeralda - emerald

What do Spanish names mean: interpretation and history of origin

The formation of the Spanish national language, which belongs to the Romance group of Indo-European, dates back to the 15th century, that is, to the period of the unification of the feudal states located on the Iberian Peninsula. language family. The history of the Spaniards in previous eras explains the presence in their language of Greek, Latin, Old High German, as well as Arabic words. The above fully applies to Spanish anthroponymy.

In the 15th-16th centuries, the Spanish colonization of America began. Spanish colonizers of the South, Central and Southern parts North America mixed with the aborigines - the local Indian population, as well as with blacks and gradually formed the ethnic core of virtually all modern Latin American nations - Argentines, Venezuelans, Colombians, Cubans, Chileans. During the era of colonial expansion and the rise of Spain, the Spanish language spread to Central and South America, except Brazil.

Features of the anthroponymic model

In the Spanish anthroponymic model, we can conditionally highlight the following most typical cases:

1. a simple binary model, that is, a personal name, nombre de pila, and a family name, nombre de apellido, for example Mario Saenz;

2. three-member model, that is, two personal names and one family name, for example Juan Romulo Fernandez;

3. polynomial model:

a) one or more personal names and two family names, where surname number one can be patronymic in nature, and surname number two comes from the name of the place of birth, residence, for example Carlos Sanchez Malaga;

b) one or more personal names and two or more family names, connected using the particles y, de or a combination of the article and the particle de (de la, de los, de las, del), for example: Gustavo Arboleda y Restrepo, fosefa Fernandez de Garay, Rosa Arciniega de la Torre, Maximo Farfan de las Godos,
Antonio Espinosa de los Monteros, Teresa Alvarez del Castillo;

c) one or more personal names and those added to them different ways(a combination of particles and combinations of the article with the particle de) one (two or more) family names, for example: Oscar Quesada in de la Guerra, Teodoro Caballero in Martinez del Camp.

Roots of origin of names

Spanish male and female personal names in origin go back to Greek (Nicomedes, Medea), Roman (Romulo, Cesar), Arabic (Farida, Neguib), Germanic (Amelberga, Ricardo) and Hebrew (Uriel, Maria) sources. Most Spaniards are Catholics, and according to the canons of the Roman Catholic Church, the choice of personal names for baptism is limited to the names of saints from church calendar. The child is given one, two, or (less common) several personal names. For a long time, there was a tradition of naming the first child after the paternal grandfather, and the second - after the maternal one or the name of some outstanding ancestor of the family. Some previously used in Spain and Latin America biblical (Lamec, Bezabel), mythological (Polux, Clitemnestra), historical (Neron) names have disappeared, others belonging to the same categories (Daniel, Lucas, Martin, Bartolome, Saul; Hector, Delia; Anibal, Napoleon) are still used to this day.

Since the 30s of the 20th century in Spain, and then in other countries, names have become widespread among people of Spanish origin, the bases of which relate to the following lexical fields, using the example of female names: abstract (symbolic) names (Encarnacion “incarnation”, Concepcion “knowledge”, Libertad “freedom”), names of flowers (Rosa “rose”, Violeta “violet”, Camelia “camellia”, Flora “vegetation”), names precious stones(Diamante "diamond", Perlas "pearl"), as well as names literary heroes(Ofelia, Graciela).
The Spanish name list currently includes foreign names, which entered the Spanish language as a result of a wide variety of contacts and connections with speakers of other languages, especially Romance ones: for example, english names- Milton, Uladis, French - Josette, Yvonne, Italian - Italo, Menotti.

The formation of Spanish personal names is based on derivation and suppletivism. By means of derivation, affectionate and diminutive forms of names are formed; the most common suffixes are -ito(-ita), -ico(-ica); -illo(-illa). So, for example, from the names Juan, Ana, Ines, the pet names will be Juanito, Anita, Inesita, respectively. If the personal name ends in -s, then this ending is added to the suffix of the diminutive form: Carlos - Carlitos, Dolores - Dolor esitos. Often, when forming derivative forms of personal names, the phenomenon of suppletivism occurs, as, for example, for male names - Rappo and Re-re, Francisco and Jose, or, respectively, for female names - Pancha for the name Francisca, and Pepita for the name Josefa. Instead of female name Dolores often use the diminutive name Lola, instead of Concepcion - Concha, and instead of the male name Refugio - Sisa. For the biblical name Jesus, which is widespread in Spain, the diminutive form Chucho is often found. Sometimes derivatives pet names formed by various truncations, for example Sunta from the feminine name Asuncion.

Most common male names are Alfonso, Andres, Benito, Carlos, Diego, Enrique, Felipe, Fernando, Francisco, Geronimo, Joaquin, Jose, Juan, Manuel, Miguel, Pedro, Ramon, Vicente; and female ones Ana, Catalina, Elena, Enriqueta, Francisca, Ines, Isabel, Josefa, Juana, Manuela, Maria. But along with them there are also arbitrarily created ones that do not have a clear etymology. rare names, such as Anilu, Chamito, Maruchi, Coquis.

Traditions in the use of names

Under the influence of the French language, the particle de appeared in the Spanish anthroponymic model, attaching a personal name to geographical name, from which the surname was subsequently derived. But in French, as is known, the presence of this particle in the surname was a sign noble birth, high social status; in Spanish surnames it has a purely official meaning, for example: Ferdinandez de Cordoba, that is, Ferdinand from Cordoba.

When addressing close friends, relatives and children in Spanish, the 2nd person personal pronoun tu “you” is used. The usual form of polite address Vuestra merced "Your Grace", most often abbreviated in oral form - Usted (plural - Ustedes), and in writing expressed even more briefly - V, Vd for the singular and Vs, Vv, Vds for the plural.

Forms of polite address to strangers are Don (in writing - Dn, D), Senor (abbreviation - Sr) and Excelencia (in writing - Exca) - in relation to men and Dona (in writing - Dn, Da), Senora (in letter - Sra) -in relation to to women. A young girl is addressed using the word senorita (in writing - Srita, Sta), and to young man- senorito. Each of these words has the meaning of “lord” or “madam” respectively.

The most ancient of all the given words used for polite address is Don, the etymology of which goes back to the Latin dominus “lord”, “master”. Initially, this word was used in the sense of a royal title, and then began to indicate aristocratic origin. Currently, such treatment is used to express respect and politeness, and in combination only with personal, and not with family name(Don Pedro); this also applies to the corresponding feminine form. The word senor comes from the Latin word senior (from the Latin senex " an old man"). The addresses senor, senora can also be combined with full name, and only with a surname, but never used with only a personal name. The meaning of “sir” also includes the word caballero, which originally meant “horseman”, “knight”. When using forms of polite address, it matters whether the address is direct (Senor Varas) or indirect, since in the latter case it is necessary definite article- El Senor Varas.
If the surname follows the title, then the title is preceded by the definite article - El General Weyler.

The change in the social system of Cuba has affected the forms of address of Cubans to each other: the words Senor, Don are no longer used. In Cuba, forms of polite address such as Sotrapego “comrade” are widely used, in relation to a woman - Sotrapega. These appeals stand in preposition to individual name or to the surname, or even before the title.

The Spanish language contains many Latin, Greek, and Arabic words. Consequently, this is reflected in Spanish names.

Thus, most male and female Spanish names were borrowed from Latin, Greek, Germanic, Arabic and Hebrew sources. The Rimskaya also played an important role Catholic Church, because According to Catholic canons, the choice of name is made from the names of saints from the church calendar.

Since the 30s of the 20th century, the practice of naming names associated with symbolic images (feminine names: Concepcion “knowledge”, Libertad “freedom”), with the names of precious stones (Diamante “diamond”, Perlas “pearl”) has become widespread among the Spanish peoples "), flowers (Rosa "rose", Flora "vegetation"), names of literary heroes.

Currently, the list of Spanish names includes primarily names of Romance languages: English (Milton, Gladis), French (Josette, Yvonne), Italian (Italo, Menotti), etc.

The most common male names are: Alfonso, Andres, Benito, Carlos, Diego, Enrique, Felipe, Fernando, Francisco, Geronimo, Joaquin, Jose, Juan, Manuel, Miguel, Pedro, Ramon, Vicente; and among female names, such names as Ana, Catalina, Elena, Enriqueta, Francisca, Ines, Isabel, Josefa, Juana, Manuela, Maria. But there are also rare names, such as Anilu, Chamito, Maruchi, Coquis, etc.

Unfortunately, I don’t know any rare and beautiful ones, but I’ll list those that I remember, maybe they will come in handy...
Aurelia, Soledad, Esperanza, Dolores, Felicidad, Gracia, Maria Luisa, Paquita, Xiomara, Yesenia, Carmen, Pilar, Charo, Veronica, Aurora, Eva...
And the men... Angel, Alejandro, Francisco, Rodrigo, Julio, Carlos, Miguel Angel, Javier, Jesus, Luis, Diego, Blas, Vicente...

Natalia Krasnova

Paula (Spanish: Paula)
Veronica (Spanish Verónica) - Veronica
Barbara (Spanish: Barbara) - Barbara
Catalina (Spanish: Catalina) - Catherine
Daniel (Spanish Daniel) - Daniel.
Thomas (Spanish Tomás) - Thomas.
Adan (Spanish Adán) - Adam.
Jaime (Spanish Jaime) - Jacob.
Elias (Spanish Elías) - Ilya.
Spanish names and surnames.


Aaron - high mountain
Abraham - father of many
Abraham - father of many
Agustin - venerable
Agepeto - favorite
Agepito - favorite
Adan - wind
Adolfo - noble wolf
Adrian - from Hadria
Adelberto - bright nobility
Alberto - bright nobility
Alvaro - protection of all
Aleyo - defender
Aleyandro - defender of humanity
Alonso - noble and ready
Alfonso - noble and ready
Alfredo - elf meeting
Aleno - generous
Alerico - omnipotent, ruler of all
Amadis - loves God
Amado - favorite
Ambrosio - immortal
Amidayo - demigod
Amilcare - friend
Amenkayo ​​- love
Anbessa - lion
Andres - man, warrior
Anibal - grace
Anselmo - God's Defense
Antonio - invaluable
Anzleto - summoned
Anestas - recovery
Apolinar - destroyer
Armando is a brave, resilient man
Arsenio - mature
Arturo - from the legend of King Arthur
Asdrubel - helps
Atilio - Atilius
Augusto - venerable
Aureliano - golden
Aurelio - golden
Basilio is the king
Baldomero - famous
Balduino - brave friend
Bartholome - son of Talmay
Bautista - Baptist
Beltran - bright raven
Benigno - kind
Benito - blessed one
Berengar - bear's spear Abigail - father's joy
Agata is good
Agota is good
Agueda is good
Adelaide - noble look
Adeline - noble
Adelita - noble
Adonsia - sweet
Adora - adored
Adoria - adored
Adoración - adored
Adriana - from Hadria
Adeline - noble
Aina - benefit, grace
Aleyandra - protector of humanity
Alicia - noble look
Alita - noble
Allods - foreign wealth
Almudena - city
Alondra - defender of humanity
Alba - dawn
Alta - high
Ampero - protection, refuge
Ameda - beloved
Amerenta - permanent, non-disappearing
Ana - benefit, grace
Anankiekayon - announced
Angelita - little angel, messenger
Angela - angel, messenger
Angelica - angelic
Anita - benefit, grace
Antiya - invaluable
Antonita - invaluable
Antonia - invaluable
Areseli - altar of heaven
Ariedna - completely pure
Arcelia - altar of heaven
Areseli - altar of heaven
Areselis - altar of heaven
Asucena - Madonna Lily
Askenkayon - rise
Assampkayo - speculated
Asuncion - assumed
Beatrice - traveler
Belem - the house of bread
Benigna - kind
Benita - blessed one
Berengaria - bear spear
Bernardita - brave as a bear
Betenia - home of the fig tree
Bibiena - alive
Binvenida - welcome
Blanca - white
Bonita - quite
Brunilda - armored woman - warrior
Basilia is the queen
Valencia - power
Veronica - the bringer of victories
Visitacion - visited
Gertrudis - spear strength
Grekila - pleased, pleasant
Grakiena - pleased, pleasant
Gracia - pleased, pleasant
Deborah - bee
Deiphilia - daughter of God
Delfina - woman from Delphi
Jacinta - hyacinth flower
Jesusa - god - saved