The essay “Depiction of the cruelty of masters towards serfs in I. Turgenev’s story “Mumu”

But also an active defender of the weak, humiliated and disadvantaged. As a small boy, he observed the cruelty and injustice of his imperious landowner mother with the serfs, and there were plenty of other examples around. Having become an adult and having received a good education, I. S. Turgenev devoted himself entirely to literature and on the pages of his works tried to express his attitude towards serfdom as honestly and openly as possible.

Reading the story “Mumu”, we get acquainted with many people - the heroes of the events described. This is the “nice guy” Gerasim,

And the timid washerwoman Tatyana, and the quick-witted butler Gavrila, and the degraded shoemaker Kapiton Klimov, and many others. Each of them experienced a lot of grief and resentment in their lives, but the most amazing thing is that the fates of all these people are completely given into the hands of a capricious, touchy, domineering and stupid lady, any change in whose mood can cost even the life of a serf. Surrounded by flattering and cowardly hangers-on, the lady never thinks that a forced person can have pride and dignity. Treating the serfs like toys, she, in her own way, marries them, moves them from place to place, executes them and pardons them. Adapting to the absurd character of the mistress, the servants become cunning, resourceful, deceitful, or intimidated, cowardly, and unresponsive. The worst thing is that no one is trying to change anything, because this state of affairs is the norm accepted by everyone. And if the life of serfs is gray and monotonous, then the life of a lady is “joyless and stormy.” She did not, does not and never will have friends, loved ones and even truly close ones, because she does not need honesty and frankness, she does not know what it is.

When you read works telling about the cruelty of serfdom, it seems incredible that it was abolished just some 150 years ago. And it was the writers who fearlessly opposed serfdom who did a lot for this. People like Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev.

Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev's story “Mumu” ​​really struck me. When Gerasim killed the dog, I couldn’t

Hold back the tears. And how hard it was for him! After all, he raised Mumu from a small puppy. This is the only creature who loved Gerasim, and he also managed to become attached to the little dog. But Gerasim was a serf and was forced to carry out all the orders and whims of his mistress.

I ask myself the question: “Why didn’t Gerasim go to the village with Mumu?” He did not dare to disobey the lady, but he also did not want to live in a house where cruel and inhuman people were in charge. And the lady again found someone to blame in order to shield herself.

Serfdom humiliated not only the peasants, but also destroyed the landowners themselves, accustoming them to impunity.

In Turgenev’s story “Mumu” ​​we see a lady who thought only about herself, her peace, and other people had to please her, fulfilling her every whim. The writer opposes this order of things. He was an honest man and could not tolerate serfdom.

Essay “Essays based on I. Turgenev’s story “Mumu””

Gerasim is a man who belonged to an old lady. He lived in the village, but then he was taken to the city. He looked gloomy: big, healthy, strong. But he had one very big drawback: he was deaf and dumb. Gerasim worked as a janitor and was very hardworking. He lived in a closet, where he built himself a bed, table and chair.
In Moscow, he liked only one girl, her name was Tatyana. She also worked in the yard as a laundress. But Tatyana was soon married to the drunkard Kapiton. The lady wanted this, not they. Gerasim experienced a great tragedy.
A year later, he was walking along the river and saved a drowning dog. He fell in love with her very much, and he named her Mumu.
Mumu had a good life, but one day a lady saw her. This ended in disaster for Mumu. Gerasim had to drown Mumu. After this, Gerasim left the lady’s courtyard. Gerasim left because he could no longer live among the lady’s people without friends.
I believe that Gerasim’s troubles were due to the fact that he was deaf and dumb and could not live fully among people.

Essay “The dramatic fate of Gerasim in the story “Mumu””

Many of I. S. Turgenev’s stories and short stories embodied the best features of his powerful talent: excellent knowledge of life, deep insight into the essence of reality, the ability to recognize the most characteristic, typical features in the complex phenomena of life and reproduce them in complete, realistic images, a strong conviction in that the basis of a work of art is always a thought, an idea that inspires the author, giving a certain assessment of the depicted phenomena of reality. The story “Mumu” ​​was written by Turgenev in 1852. Talking about the dramatic fate of the deaf-mute hero Gerasim, the author rebelled against those who refused to recognize the serf as a man, he protested against the cruel tyranny of the landowners.
The story of Gerasim's lonely life and his touching love for Mumu, which brightened up his joyless existence, ends with a moving picture when Gerasim drowns a dog in the river with his own hands. Slave humility, the habit of submitting to the master's will developed over centuries - this is what determines Gerasim's behavior in this episode. And only the emotional shock he experienced awakens in him a hidden spark of protest, pushing him to leave without permission for the village. The story “Mumu” ​​not only aroused a feeling of pity for the fate of the enslaved people, but also made, according to A.I. Herzen, “tremble with rage at the depiction of this heavy, inhuman suffering.”
The content of the story “Mumu,” as we know, was based on the true story of the mute janitor Andrei, the serf of Varvara Petrovna Turgeneva (the writer’s mother). And this was not accidental: Turgenev, as a true realist artist, always created his works based on the material of reality, the careful study of which he considered the first duty of a writer. Belinsky was right, who back in 1847 defined Turgenev’s “vocation” as follows: “... To observe real phenomena and convey them, passing them through fantasy; but don’t rely only on fantasy.”

Essay “Why did Gerasim drown Mumu? (based on the story by I.S. Turgenev)"

Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev’s story “Mumu” ​​really struck me. When Gerasim killed the dog, I couldn’t
hold back the tears. And how hard it was for him! After all, he raised Mumu from a small puppy. This is the only creature who loved Gerasim, and he also managed to become attached to the little dog. But Gerasim was a serf and was forced to carry out all the orders and whims of his mistress.
I ask myself the question: “Why didn’t Gerasim go to the village with Mumu?” He did not dare to disobey the lady, but he also did not want to live in a house where cruel and inhuman people were in charge. And the lady again found someone to blame in order to shield herself.
Serfdom humiliated not only the peasants, but also destroyed the landowners themselves, accustoming them to impunity.
In Turgenev’s story “Mumu” ​​we see a lady who thought only about herself, her peace, and other people had to please her, fulfilling her every whim. The writer opposes this order of things. He was an honest man and could not tolerate serfdom.

Essay “Depiction of the cruelty of masters towards serfs in the story “Mumu” ​​by I. S. Turgenev”

Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev is not only a great Russian writer, but also an active defender of the weak, humiliated and disadvantaged. As a small boy, he observed the cruel and unfair treatment of serfs by his imperious landowner mother, and there were plenty of other examples around. Having become an adult and having received a good education, I. S. Turgenev devoted himself entirely to literature and on the pages of his works tried to express his attitude towards serfdom as honestly and openly as possible.
Reading the story “Mumu”, we get acquainted with many people - the heroes of the events described. This is the “nice man” Gerasim, and the timid washerwoman Tatyana, and the quick-witted butler Gavrila, and the degraded shoemaker Kapiton Klimov, and many others.

Each of them experienced a lot of grief and resentment in their lives, but the most amazing thing is that the fates of all these people are completely given into the hands of a capricious, touchy, domineering and stupid lady, any change in whose mood can cost even the life of a serf. Surrounded by flattering and cowardly hangers-on, the lady never thinks that a forced person can have pride and dignity. Treating the serfs like toys, she, in her own way, marries them, moves them from place to place, executes them and pardons them. Adapting to the absurd character of the mistress, the servants become cunning, resourceful, deceitful, or intimidated, cowardly, and unresponsive. The worst thing is that no one is trying to change anything, because this state of affairs is the norm accepted by everyone. And if the life of serfs is gray and monotonous, then the life of a lady is “joyless and stormy.” She did not, does not and never will have friends, loved ones and even truly close ones, because she does not need honesty and frankness, she does not know what it is.
When you read works telling about the cruelty of serfdom, it seems incredible that it was abolished just some 150 years ago. And it was the writers who fearlessly opposed serfdom, such as Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev, who did a lot for this.

Essay “Brief description of the work “Mumu””

The genre of this work is short story. The beginning. The deaf and mute Gerasim was brought to Moscow from the village. He became the lady's janitor. Development of action. The mistress's tyranny breaks Gerasim's fate. First, the peasant is torn from the land, brought to the city, forced to do work alien to him. Then, at the whim of the lady, Tatyana, who fell in love with Gerasim, is married off to the drunkard Kapiton. In the end, Gerasim is deprived of his only dear creature - Mumu. Climax. The lady ordered the dog to be removed from the yard. Denouement. Gerasim carried out the lady’s order, drowned Mumu in the river and went back to the village.

Before coming to the city, Gerasim lived in the village, doing hard peasant labor. This work not only fed him, but also gave him pleasure. He, “as if by himself, without the help of a horse,” easily plowed the stubborn soil and generally resembled a hero. The lifestyle change is not encouraging. Turgenev, with the help of images of nature, explains how difficult his new position is for Gerasim. Either the hero of the story looks like a bull, which is being taken to an unknown destination, and with all his power and strength he is unable to change his life, then he lies for hours in the courtyard of the manor's house face down, like a captured animal. The description of the interior of his closet also helps to understand Gerasim’s character: a “truly heroic bed” on four blocks, a small but very durable table, a three-legged chair - everything was made by him himself. Gerasim smiles, seeing that the chair does not lose its stability even after hitting the ground.

The hero of the story is a serf peasant, the property of a lady. This fact is very important for its characteristics. He is obliged to bring benefit to his mistress and not bother her with any of his desires. His attention to Tatyana, a laundress from a large household, is not at all interesting to his mistress.

Gerasim distinguishes Tatyana from everyone around him because with his heart he knows how to guess those who may need his help and protection.
Gerasim's love for the unfortunate rescued puppy, found on the day of separation from Tatyana, arises immediately and for a long time. Having arranged his find, Gerasim fell asleep in some very light, happy sleep. Mumu responds to Gerasim with attention and love.

Why does Gerasim still carry out the will of the quarrelsome lady? He is a forced man and, like any serf, must unquestioningly carry out the master’s orders. He cannot even marry according to his choice. Having carried out the order to kill Mumu, he lost the last thing that was dear to him. Gerasim rebels, leaves the city, leaves his lady, and returns to his native village. This is a strong-willed act of a brave and determined person. The image of Gerasim embodies the idea that self-esteem is inherent in a person, regardless of his origin, this image is imbued with the author’s sympathy.

The lady is a quarrelsome, headstrong, domineering woman. Whims, mood swings, and tyranny guide her actions. For the sake of entertainment, she decides to start a wedding between Tatiana and Kapiton, and when she sees that nothing came of this idea, she sends them out of sight. Interest in Mumu gives way to anger and a desire to get rid of her. The lady considers herself to have the right to
control other people's destinies. Any single life means nothing to her. Fortunately for Gerasim, she regarded his departure only as ingratitude and did not search for the fugitive and initiate justice.

Observing the fate of the heroes of the story, one can imagine the life of serfs in Russia at that time. Turgenev shows that serfdom disfigures not only peasants and servants, but also the masters themselves. Gerasim's deaf-muteness is not only his own flaw. This is a sign of the inability to express oneself, to be heard.

Composition “Gerasim and Mumu”

An outstanding realist, master of psychological analysis and landscape painting, Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev had a significant influence on the development of Russian and world literature. His works had a strong anti-serfdom orientation, in which he showed the high spiritual qualities and talent of the Russian peasantry. In the story “Mumu” ​​we read about how the serf peasant Gerasim, on the orders of his lady to remove the dog from her yard, drowned the only living creature close to him. He submitted to the will of the tyrant landowner, but after that he could not live in the lady’s house himself. He was fully aware of the sinfulness of his act, because he violated one of the sacred commandments - “Thou shalt not kill.” No one has the right to take the life of another living being, especially if you are stronger. The defenseless Mumu was devoted to the deaf-mute Gerasim; she was the only one who brightened up his lonely life. And we are all “...responsible for those we have tamed” and it doesn’t matter at all whether it is a person or an animal.

Serfdom made landowners cruel. Their existence was poisoned by the impunity of their actions. They treated the serfs like cattle, work animals, and as if they did not even suspect that any person had a soul. And she is capable of suffering. Gerasim could not bear the violence against his personality and completely withdrew into himself, voluntarily leaving the master's house and returning to the village. He could no longer respond to the lady’s heartless order.

All people's patience comes to an end. And retribution awaits anyone who was unfair to people. In the story “Mumu” ​​this is only implied, but we, who live a century later than Turgenev, know how terrible popular anger can be, and what revolutions it results in.

Essay “The image and characterization of Gerasim in Turgenev’s story “Mumu””

Gerasim is the main character of I. S. Turgenev’s story “Mumu”. I would even say that he is the only hero of this work. The tall, deaf-mute hero not only differs in appearance from those around him. Economical and hard-working, Gerasim retains a kind heart, sensitive to the misfortune of others, a broad Russian soul, a sense of self-esteem unprecedented for the period of serfdom. According to Turgenev, “mighty like a tree... on fertile land,” he loved the land, of which he was not the owner. Everything that this “glorious man” did, he did simply and sincerely, with all his heart. To work is to work, to love is to love.

Tender and touching were the feelings of the giant Gerasim for Tatyana, who, on the orders of the lady, was married to a drunken shoemaker. After a bitter disappointment in love, the deaf-mute became recklessly attached to the dog he found: “no mother cares for her child the way Gerasim looked after his pet.” But even this harmless affection was destroyed by the wayward lady. And yet, sorrows and troubles did not break the mighty hero. Gerasim left the city, which brought him so much grief, and returned to his native village - to the land, village life, to everything that was always dear to his heart. And this is his strength and his victory over the vicissitudes of the fate of the serf.

Forms of work in the lesson:

  1. frontal;
  2. individual.


  1. give a full description of the image of the main character of the story - Gerasim;
  2. show the moral strength of Gerasim, his superiority over other heroes of the story;
  3. to show the ugliness of social relations based on the personal dependence of man on man, to reveal the tragedy of the fate of the serfs.

During the classes

I. Teacher's opening speech

Often Turgenev’s story “Mumu” ​​remains in the memory of readers as a terrible story about a drowned dog, causing a puzzling question: “Why didn’t Gerasim go with her to the village?”

At the same time, this story is not so simple for an adult reader. To understand him correctly, today we need to give a complete description of the main character Gerasim, try to understand his actions, and understand the human relationships that took place during Turgenev’s life. This is the purpose of our lesson today.

I know that you know the text well, you liked the story (your drawings show this), and you will actively work in the lesson. So let's begin.

II. Individual task.

The time when the story “Mumu” ​​was written is 1852. What is the historical background of this work? What characterizes this time in Russia? He will tell us about this...

(A short story about the serfdom of a previously prepared student.)

In Russia in the 19th century, people lived under serfdom. This meant that there were rich landowners and poor peasants who were completely subordinate to their masters. One master had a lot of people, but they were just “people”, “servants”, “slaves”. They work all day, they huddle in closets, they get tired, they don’t get enough sleep, and all this in order to please their master, please him, and fulfill his every desire. Some landowners did not even consider their serfs to be people. Regarding serfs, they said: “My thing. I do what I want with her. I am the owner!

That’s why the power of the arbitrariness of the serf owners was terrible, because it was this class that had the opportunity to do whatever they wanted with their serfs. It was under serfdom that the most terrible right existed - the exploitation of one person by another. This is what serfdom is.

III. Work on the topic of the lesson.

Now let’s return to our work and give a full description of Gerasim’s appearance, character and actions.

1. Characteristics of Gerasim (slide 2, 3).

Listen to the audio recording that begins the characterization of Gerasim, and continue the analysis of Gerasim according to the proposed plan, using the textbook material (pp. 209-211).

  1. The extraordinary strength of Gerasim.
  2. Gerasim's new responsibilities.
  3. Relationships with other servants.
  4. An incident in the neighborhood.
  5. Gerasim's character.

2. Working with comparisons.

– When describing Gerasim, Turgenev uses many comparisons - depicting one phenomenon by comparing it with another (slide 4). Find these comparisons in the text and explain their use.

  1. “He grew like a tree grows in fertile soil.”
    Will he have the strength to take root in new soil?
  2. “I was bored and perplexed by how a young healthy bull, which had just been taken from the field, was placed on a railway carriage and was being rushed, and God knows where.”
  3. "Caught Beast"
    – How should a caught animal feel? (Fear, horror of the unknown, near death).
    - So, how do we see Gerasim? (Hardworking, responsible, suffering, feeling uncomfortable).
    – What is the source of his suffering? (The fact that he is a serf, that others control his fate).
    – There is one more comparison that takes one away from thinking about the hard lot of a serf.
  4. "The sedate gander."
    – Why is it compared with a gander? Are there any explanations in the text? (The goose, as you know, is an important and sensible bird. Gerasim felt respect for them).

Conclusion: Strong, dexterous, skillful, resourceful, hardworking, a hero who fulfills his duty - serfdom, a strict and serious disposition, suffering, perplexed, respecting himself and others, a person with self-esteem.

3. The bright spot in Gerasim’s life was Tatyana.

Retelling of Gerasim's relationship with Tatyana.

– Why didn’t Gerasim fight for Tatyana?

Conclusion: One can feel Gerasim’s moral superiority over the people around him. This is a strong and gentle man, generous and capable of maintaining a sense of human dignity, and therefore does not go into conflict, because he understood that he depends on the lady, that he does not solve anything.

4. Gerasim and Mumu.

Having seen off Tatyana, Gerasim walked along the river in serious condition...

This is how Mumu came into his life (slide 5).

- New joyful worries dispersed gloomy thoughts, and Gerasim “was very pleased with his fate.”

– Has Gerasim himself changed with the appearance of Mumu?

- Explain the meaning of the words: “No mother has ever cared for her child the way Gerasim cared for his pet.”

5. Gerasim and the lady.

(Pause - an invitation to the theater to meet the heroine of the story).

But the happiness of Gerasim and Mumu did not last long. One day…

And now I suggest you relax a little and take a trip to the theater. Sit back, listen carefully, because a lady has come to visit us.

Monologue of a student in the role of a lady.

(Please tell me what kind of dog was barking in our yard all night? It didn’t let me sleep! I don’t know if it was the dumb one or someone else, but it didn’t let me sleep. Yes, I’m surprised why there’s such an abyss of dogs! I wish know. After all, we have a yard dog? Well, what else, what else do we need a dog for? Just to cause trouble. The eldest is not in the house - that’s what. And what does a mute need a dog for? Who allowed him to keep dogs in my yard? Yesterday I went to the window, and she was lying in the front garden, she had brought some kind of abomination, she was gnawing - and I had roses planted there... So that she wouldn’t be here today... Do you hear? Today!)

-What was the lady like? (slide 6).

– Why did the lady decide to remove the dog at any cost? How did she bother her? (Disobedience)

– Is Gerasim taking any measures to save Mumu?

- Why does Gerasim decide to carry out the lady’s order himself?

Conclusion: The forces are unequal, everyone is against him, he will not be able to save Mumu from the lady’s people. No exit. The only thing he can do is to save the dog from cruelty and insensitive lackeys, to alleviate its suffering, because he understands that it is the lady’s order.

6. Death of Mumu.

Watch an excerpt from the video film of the same name.

– The death of a beloved creature served as an impetus for the hero’s decisive, independent actions.

– What is Gerasim doing?

7. Expressive reading by the teacher of the scene of Gerasim leaving the city for the village (pp. 240-241), (slide 7).

- Why did Gerasim go to the village, disobeying his lady?

– What does the final comparison with the lion add to our idea of ​​the hero?

Conclusion: He is no longer a caught beast, but the lion is the king, the master of the situation. Comparison with a lion helps to feel a powerful surge of strength that makes him invulnerable to dangers. How can a person, who is part of such a beautiful world, be someone’s property, a blind instrument of evil in the wrong hands? And Gerasim, by leaving for the village, protests against the actions of the lady. He can no longer put up with the situation in which he finds himself.

IV. Lesson summary. General conclusion.

1. Gerasim’s prototype (slide 8).

The prototype of the image of Gerasim was the mute janitor Andrei, who lived with Varvara Petrovna Lutovinova, the writer’s mother. He was “a handsome man with light brown hair and blue eyes, of enormous height and with the same strength, he lifted 10 pounds. The insults that Gerasim suffered from his mistress almost completely repeat the insults inflicted on the real janitor Andrey. Andrei, unlike Gerasim, served the lady until the end of his life and retained slavish obedience to her even after the destruction of the dog.

– Why did Turgenev change the end of the story with the deaf-mute?

(The author at the end of the story expresses his triumph - Gerasim’s victory not only over the mistress’s oppression, but also over himself, over the habit of tolerating and obeying, the habit of not having and not daring to have his own decisions).

2. Think about who is to blame for Mumu’s death? Why do you think so? (slide 9)

  1. Gerasim.
  2. Lady.
  3. Stepan, who conveyed the lady's order.
  4. I. S. Turgenev.
  5. Serfdom.

Conclusion: Throughout the course of the narrative, Turgenev proves that it is not so much the mistress who is to blame for Gerasim’s fate, but the existing system, based on the dependence of one person on another, i.e. serfdom. The image of Gerasim shows the best features of the working people: nobility, spiritual purity, depth of feelings, love for their native land, self-esteem, and most importantly, the ability to resist injustice (slide 10).

Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev is not only a great Russian writer, but also an active defender of the weak, humiliated and disadvantaged. As a small boy, he observed the cruel and unfair treatment of serfs by his imperious landowner mother, and there were plenty of other examples around. Having become an adult and having received a good education, I. S. Turgenev devoted himself entirely to literature and on the pages of his works tried to express his attitude towards serfdom as honestly and openly as possible.

Reading the story “Mumu”, we get acquainted with many people - the heroes of the events described. This is the “nice guy” Gerasim,

and the timid washerwoman Tatyana, and the quick-witted butler Gavrila, and the degraded shoemaker Kapiton Klimov, and many others. Each of them experienced a lot of grief and resentment in their lives, but the most amazing thing is that the fates of all these people are completely given into the hands of a capricious, touchy, domineering and stupid lady, any change in whose mood can cost even the life of a serf. Surrounded by flattering and cowardly hangers-on, the lady never thinks that a forced person can have pride and dignity. Treating the serfs like toys, she, in her own way, marries them, moves them from place to place, executes them and pardons them. Adapting to the absurd character of the mistress, the servants become cunning, resourceful, deceitful, or intimidated, cowardly, and unresponsive. The worst thing is that no one is trying to change anything, because this state of affairs is the norm accepted by everyone. And if the life of serfs is gray and monotonous, then the life of a lady is “joyless and stormy.” She did not, does not and never will have friends, loved ones and even truly close ones, because she does not need honesty and frankness, she does not know what it is.

When you read works telling about the cruelty of serfdom, it seems incredible that it was abolished just some 150 years ago. And it was the writers who fearlessly opposed serfdom who did a lot for this. People like Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev.

    Gerasim is the main character of I. S. Turgenev’s story “Mumu”. I would even say that he is the only hero of this work. The tall, deaf-mute hero not only differs in appearance from those around him. Economical and hard-working, Gerasim retains the good in himself...

    Gerasim is a janitor who lived with his lady. He is a tall man, very strong, but in addition to these good qualities, he had his own illness that prevented him from living - he was deaf. Gerasim is unsociable and hard-working. He didn't like drunks. As I already said, Gerasim...

    Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev’s story “Mumu” ​​really struck me. When Gerasim killed the dog, I couldn’t hold back my tears. And how hard it was for him! After all, he raised Mumu from a small puppy. This is the only creature who loved Gerasim, and he too...

  1. New!

    Is it possible to talk about Gerasim’s speech characteristics? How did he communicate with others? Gerasim did not have oral speech in our usual understanding. But he communicated with those around him, and they understood him. Gestures, facial expressions, and sounds were used for communication. Even Mumu feels good...

  2. Gerasim is a man who belonged to an old lady. He lived in the village, but then he was taken to the city. He looked gloomy: big, healthy, strong. But he had one very big drawback: he was deaf and dumb. Gerasim worked as a janitor and was very...

Childhood and the beginning of the literary career of Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev. Definition of the concepts “serfdom” and “personality”. The history of writing the story "Mumu". Characteristics of the heroes of the work based on a comparison of verbal and graphic images.

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Municipal educational institution

Ramonskaya secondary school No. 2

Ramonsky municipal district

Voronezh region

Lesson outline

On the topic: Serfdom and personality (based on the story “Mumu” ​​by I.S. Turgenev)

Prepared by:

teacher of Russian language and literature

T.A. Shepelenko

One of the most difficult works to understand, which is included in the 5th grade curriculum, is the story of I.S. Turgenev "Mumu". It can be very difficult for fifth-graders to appreciate the depth and seriousness of a work. The guys, first of all, feel sorry for the unfortunate dog Mumu, they pity and at the same time admire the heroic strength of the deaf-mute Gerasim, someone condemns him for drowning Mumu without trying to resist the lady. That is, first of all, these are emotions. And the whole complexity of this work lies in putting aside emotions and seeing in the deaf-mute Gerasim a symbol of serf Russia - just as strong, powerful and unable to speak or resist.

This lesson is the last in the study of this work. The results are summed up, conclusions are drawn, and the facts of the writer’s biography are recalled.


1) Educational:

To repeat knowledge about the childhood and beginning of I.S. Turgenev’s literary career, plunging into the era in which the writer lived and worked, to develop interest in the writer’s personality and his work;

Recall the history of the creation of the story “Mumu”;

Consider the characters and their actions.

2) Developmental:

To develop the ability to analyze the text of a work of art;

Develop the ability to express one’s thoughts, evaluate the hero’s actions - generalize, draw conclusions;

Form an idea of ​​the characters of the work based on a comparison of verbal and graphic images;

Learn to present a narrative text concisely;

Develop communication skills, enrich vocabulary;

Continue work to develop the speech culture of schoolchildren.

3) Educational:

Education of universal human values;

Ability to work in a group: respect the opinion of a friend, develop a sense of mutual assistance and support.

During the classes

Good afternoon guys. You and I read the story “Mumu” ​​by Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev. In our lesson, we finish talking about this surprisingly interesting, but at the same time very complex work of the great Russian writer of the second half of the 19th century, Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev, “Mumu”. Today we have to solve a difficult problem, which lies in the following concepts: serfdom and personality. Let's write down the topic of the lesson in a notebook.

First, we need to define the meaning of these concepts. At home, our classmates looked up the meaning of these words using S.I. Ozhegov’s explanatory dictionary and wrote them down in their notebooks. Let's read them. (Pre-prepared students read the definitions).

Serfdom is a historical system in Russia, a form of dependence of peasants: their attachment to the land and subordination to the administrative and judicial power of the feudal lord. In Western Europe (where in the Middle Ages the English villans, Catalan remens, French and Italian serfs were in the position of serfs), elements of serfdom disappeared in the 16th-18th centuries. In Central and Eastern Europe, harsh forms of serfdom spread during these same centuries; here serfdom was abolished during the reforms of the late 18th-19th centuries. In Russia, on a national scale, serfdom was formalized by the Code of Laws of 1497, decrees on reserved years and fixed years, and finally by the Council Code of 1649. In the 17th-18th centuries. the entire unfree population merged into the serf peasantry. Abolished by the peasant reform of 1861).

Serf - Serf - 1. Referring to a social system in which the landowner had the right to forced labor, property and personality of the peasants attached to the land and belonging to him. 2. Serf peasant.

Personality is a person as a bearer of some properties.

The story "Mumu" was written in 1851, nine years before 1861, when serfdom was abolished. Let's write in our notebook:

1852 - the story “Mumu”, 1861 - the abolition of serfdom.

What is serfdom?

(Message from a previously prepared student)

The entire population of Russia was divided into several groups called estates: nobility, clergy, merchants, petty bourgeoisie (small merchants, artisans, minor employees), peasantry. A person could move from one class to another in very rare cases. The nobility and clergy were considered privileged classes.

The nobles had the right to own land and people - serfs. More than half of the peasant population of Central Russia were serfs.

What do you know about serfs? (Children's answers)

The nobleman who owned the peasants could impose any punishment on them, could sell the peasants, including dividing families; for example, selling a mother to one landowner and her children to another. Serfs were considered by law to be the complete property of their master. In essence, it was a legalized form of slavery. The peasants had to work for the landowner in his field (corvée) or give him part of the money they earned (quitrent).

Often the nobles lived in the villages that belonged to them, but it also happened that the nobles traveled, lived in the city or abroad, and the manager was in charge of the village. If a noble family lived in its own house in the city, it was served by numerous servants, that is, serfs who lived with their owners in the city.

Guys, to what class did I.S. Turgenev belong?

(Children's answers)

Ivan Sergeevich Turgenev was born in the Oryol province. The village of Spasskoye-Lutovinovo is located several miles from Mtsensk. District city of Oryol province. A huge manorial estate, in a birch grove, with a horseshoe-shaped estate, with a church, with a house of forty rooms, endless services, greenhouses, wine cellars, storerooms, stables, with a park and an orchard.

Spasskoye belonged to the Lutovinovs. The last of the Lutovinovs to own it was the girl Varvara Petrovna, the mother of the future writer. What information do you know about her?

Student: Turgenev's mother, Varvara Petrovna, nee Lutovinova, was a powerful, intelligent and fairly educated woman, but did not shine with beauty. She was short and squat, with a broad face marred by smallpox. And only the eyes were good: large, dark and shiny. Having lost her father early, she was raised in her stepfather’s family, where she felt like a stranger and powerless. She was forced to flee home and found shelter with her uncle, who kept her strictly and threatened to kick her out of the house for the slightest disobedience. But unexpectedly the uncle died, leaving his niece huge estates and almost five thousand serfs.

She was already nearly thirty years old when a young officer Sergei Nikolaevich Turgenev came to Spasskoye to purchase horses from her factory. What information do we know about Ivan Sergeevich’s father?

Student: This was a young officer who came from an old noble family, which by that time had become impoverished. He was handsome, graceful, smart.

Varvara Petrovna immediately fell in love with the young officer. Their wedding took place in 1816. A year later their son Nikolai was born, and then their son Ivan. What does Turgenev remember about his childhood?

Student: Varvara Petrovna was mainly involved in raising children. The suffering she suffered at one time in the house of her stepfather and uncle was reflected in her character. Willful, capricious, she treated her children unevenly. “I have nothing to remember my childhood with,” Turgenev said many years later. - Not a single bright memory. I was afraid of my mother like hell. I was punished for every trifle - in a word, I was drilled like a recruit. Rarely did a day pass without rods, when I dared to ask why I was being punished, my mother categorically declared: “You better know about this, guess.”

Even in childhood, having learned the horror of serfdom, young Turgenev took an oath to Annibal: “I could not breathe the same air, stay close to what I hated... In my eyes, this enemy had a certain image, bore a well-known name: this enemy was serfdom . Under this name I collected and concentrated everything that I decided to fight against to the end - which I vowed never to try on... This was my Hannibal oath.” “Notes of a Hunter”, the story “Mumu” ​​- these are the first works in which the vow given by the young writer is fulfilled.

So let's get to the story. First, we need to remember the atmosphere of the manor's house and its owner - the lady.

What does the lady's house look like? (In one of the remote streets of Moscow, in a gray house with white columns, a mezzanine and a crooked balcony).

Draw a verbal portrait of the lady. (An old woman, wearing a white cap, possibly with pince-nez). Serf rights personality mumu

What did we learn about the lady at the very beginning of the story? (A widow, surrounded by numerous servants. Her sons served in St. Petersburg, her daughters got married; she rarely went out and lived out the last years of her stingy and bored old age in solitude. Her day, joyless and stormy, had long passed; but her evening was blacker than night).

If we summarize our observations, what conclusion can we draw? Who is this lady and what is the atmosphere of the house in which all the events unfold? (The manor’s house is neglected and not well-kept. The old lady, forgotten by everyone, is living out her days. The sons served in St. Petersburg, the daughters got married and probably rarely visited their mother).

Turgenev shows us a domineering and capricious old woman. But she is not the main character of the story. And who is the main character? (Gerasim).

We have to work in groups and answer some questions.

(Work in groups)

Approximate answer from children of group 1: Turgenev calls Gerasim “the most wonderful person” among all the servants. Gerasim was a tall man of heroic build, deaf and dumb from birth. The author writes: “Gifted with extraordinary strength, he worked for four - the work was in his hands, and it was fun to watch him when he was plowing and, leaning his huge palms on the plow, it seemed that alone, without the help of a horse, he was tearing into the elastic chest of the earth , either on Peter's Day he acted so crushingly with his scythe that he could even sweep away a young birch forest from its roots, or he deftly and non-stop threshed with a three-yard flail, and like a lever the elongated and hard muscles of his shoulders lowered and rose. The constant silence gave solemn importance to his tireless work. He was a nice guy, and if it weren’t for his misfortune, every girl would willingly marry him...”

From this description one can judge the author’s attitude towards his hero: Turgenev admires Gerasim, his strength and greed for work. Turgenev speaks of his tirelessness and hard work.

Group 2: “What is comparison? Find comparisons in the description of Gerasim’s work.”

An approximate answer from children in group 2: Comparison - depicting one phenomenon by comparing it with another. Examples of comparisons: “... like a lever, the elongated and hard muscles of his shoulders went down and up”; Turgenev compares Gerasim to a young, healthy bull, “who had just been taken from the field, where lush grass grew up to his belly”; Gerasim feels “like a captured animal” in the city; Gerasim “looked like a sedate gander”; when Gerasim worked, “the ax rang like glass, and fragments and logs flew in all directions...”

Group 3: “What is a hyperbole? Find examples of hyperboles in the text. What features of Gerasim make the greatest impression on you?

Approximate answer from children in group 3: Hyperbole is a strong exaggeration.Describing the strength of Gerasim, Turgenev uses hyperbole. The writer says about the bed: “you could have put a hundred pounds on it - it wouldn’t have bent.” When Gerasim mowed, he could “sweep the young birch forest away from its roots.” He knocked two cows’ foreheads against each other so “at least don’t take them to the police later.” Gerasim is strong, he loves to work, he is neat, he always does everything thoroughly.

Group 4: “Find in the text a description of Gerasim’s closet. Why do you think the author describes the hero’s home in such detail?”

An approximate answer from children in group 4: Gerasim’s closet was small and located above the kitchen. “...He arranged it for himself, according to his own taste: he built a bed in it from oak boards on four logs, a truly heroic bed; a hundred pounds could have been put on it - it wouldn’t have bent; under the bed there was a hefty chest; in the corner there was a table of the same strong quality, and next to the table there was a chair on three legs, so strong and squat that Gerasim himself used to pick it up, drop it and grin. The closet was locked with a lock that resembled a kalach, only black; Gerasim always carried the key to this lock with him on his belt. He didn’t like people visiting him.” Turgenev describes Gerasim's closet in such detail in order to use this description to show in more detail the character of the hero: unsociable, strong.

Let's look at the illustrations you prepared. (Work with students’ illustrations. Many students depicted Gerasim. They give reasons for their answers).

What impression do you have about Gerasim? What kind of person was he? Gerasim is like a Russian epic hero. Nature gifted him with beauty, health, intelligence, and a kind heart, but forgot to give him speech and hearing. Gerasim loves peasant work and knows how to work on the land. But working in the garden - with a broom and a barrel - seems ridiculous to him, but he persistently carries out the assigned task. Gerasim loves order and neatness in everything. He is one of those who knew his place well, the place of a serf, ready to “exactly” carry out the orders of his mistress.

Having read the story to the end, we will see that not all of the lady’s orders will be carried out by Gerasim. One day he will leave her. Could Gerasim return to the lady’s house after fulfilling her cruel order? (No. Gerasim could not forgive the lady and return to her house. He carries out her cruel orders, but does not forgive her).

The lady, knowing how attached Gerasim is to Mumu, gives a cruel order, without thinking about how Gerasim will feel. But she didn't care about that. After all, he was an ordinary serf for her, which means she could do whatever she wanted with him and his fate.

Let's return to the topic of our lesson and try to answer the question: are the concepts of “personality” and “serfdom” compatible? (No. Serfdom is dependence, and personality is freedom. Gerasim chooses freedom).

Turgenev portrays Gerasim as mute from birth for a reason. In the person of Gerasim, he personifies the Russian people, a powerless, silent people under serfdom. But Gerasim, with his departure, proves that even silent people can protest and have their own opinion.

Imagine that we have to create a “staircase” and place the heroes on it. On what level will we place the lady, and on what level will we put Gerasima? (We will place Gerasim on a higher level than the lady).

Tell me, what conclusions did you draw for yourself? (In any situation, you must remain human. Strive to improve yourself, love others, help them).

Grading. Summing up the lesson.

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