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It's hard to imagine modern life without computer equipment. Today it is a companion to almost all types professional activity. There are computers in almost every home, as well as smartphones and tablets connected to the Internet. Their application in Everyday life requires a dosage regimen, adherence to certain safety rules that will help avoid health problems in the future. And such recommendations are especially relevant for expectant mothers. So, how can you communicate with a computer during pregnancy? What should pregnant women know about the rules for its safe use?

What harm does working at a computer cause during pregnancy?

Disputes about its effect on health still do not subside. And although modern LCD monitor screens are much safer than older models, they still emit a certain level of electromagnetic radiation. That is why expectant mothers should not neglect such harm. Doctors and scientists consider using a Wi-Fi router or wireless modem to be harmful to anyone’s body. healthy person, and what can we say about expectant mothers?

During pregnancy, a woman's immunity is significantly reduced, and as a result, exacerbations of chronic diseases can develop. If a woman spends 6-8 hours a day at the computer, then visual acuity may deteriorate. After all, the visual apparatus experiences additional stress, and during pregnancy, changes occur in its functioning: disturbances in the condition of the fundus of the eye may occur, and the process of progression of myopia may intensify.

If future mom long time spends time sitting in front of a monitor screen, stagnation occurs in her pelvic organs, including the uterus. The metabolic rate decreases. The fetus may be in a state of hypoxia, which negatively affects its development. In addition, a pregnant woman who sits a lot increases the risk of developing hemorrhoids several times.

If her position at the computer desk is uncomfortable, then the load on the spinal column also increases. This, in turn, increases back pain, which often worries expectant mothers.

The negative effects of electromagnetic radiation should also not be discounted. Especially if the expectant mother spends a long time behind the monitor screen. In this case, headaches may appear and intensify nervous tension, fatigue occurs.

How many hours can you work on a computer while pregnant?

Let us immediately note that specific scientific research No research has been conducted to determine the safe time for expectant mothers to spend in front of a computer monitor. Therefore the woman in interesting position should adhere to the following expert recommendations:

  1. Refuse to work with outdated equipment. It's about about thick cathode ray tube monitors. The use of flat modern screens will minimize the impact of radiation on the female body.
  2. Do not place the laptop on your lap or near your stomach for ease of use.
  3. Give preference to wired Internet, since the effect of wi-fi on the body has not been thoroughly studied.
  4. Maintain a safe distance from the monitor to your eyes. It must be at least 30 centimeters.
  5. Keep your back straight and maintain posture while working.
  6. Try to change your body position more often, and to do this, use a special computer chair with a comfortable backrest on which you can lean your elbows. It is also recommended to lift your heels off the floor, changing the position of your legs, activating blood circulation in the limbs.
  7. Take breaks from work after every 30 minutes - for 5 minutes. At this time you need to stand up, walk around, turn your head and body.
  8. Expectant mothers are prohibited from working with computer equipment for more than three hours a day. This restriction is established by sanitary standards in accordance with the Resolution of the Chief State Sanitary Doctor Russian Federation dated June 13, 2003 No. 118. Guided by this document, a pregnant woman has the right to demand from her employer the creation of safe working conditions. To do this, she must provide the manager with a certificate from the antenatal clinic regarding registration.

IN modern world The vast majority of people can no longer imagine life without a computer. This is not only an attribute for games and entertainment, but also an indispensable assistant at work. But are pregnancy and a computer compatible? This question plagues many women. It is worth considering the most likely consequences of a pregnant woman’s “communication” with an electronic friend.

The influence of computers on pregnancy

It is impossible to say unequivocally that a computer is very harmful to a pregnant woman’s body, since the generation of children conceived and born in conditions technical progress, has not yet grown. But the issue of radiation of electromagnetic waves has not been fully studied. So, we can only speculate, but not confirm.

It is generally accepted that pregnancy and computer work do not go well together. And it’s not just about the radiation that the expectant mother can receive. Moreover, this phenomenon is still considered controversial. But spending a long time at the computer poses a real threat to the organs of vision, joints and blood vessels.

Pregnancy is already considered stress for the body, and an immobilized lifestyle is not in the best possible way affects the baby's health. Sitting at the computer for a long time, the expectant mother runs the risk of developing myopia, the development of which is directly proportional to the time spent at the monitor.

The risk of developing or worsening hemorrhoids also increases. This disease is not uncommon during pregnancy, and sedentary work will only speed up the process.

It has been noticed that pregnancy and working at a computer place increased stress on the spine. Therefore, do not be surprised if after working day, you will not be able to straighten your lower back.

Another influence of the computer on pregnancy is sometimes expressed in problems with the gastrointestinal tract and veins. And poor blood circulation prevents the baby from getting enough oxygen.

How much time should you spend on the computer during pregnancy?

Any doctor will answer this question - as little as possible. However, the women themselves disagree. Some argue that it is possible, but not more than 4 hours; others say that you need to remove the computer from the house altogether; still others share their experience of how they spent 16 hours in front of the monitor and gave birth to a healthy child.

So, there is no clear answer to how a computer affects pregnancy. Naturally, if work requires you to spend time at the monitor, you will have to sit as long as necessary. But if the computer is just entertainment and is needed for communication on different forms, then it is worth reducing it to a minimum, replacing it with walks along fresh air and real communication with friends. After all, during pregnancy it is so important not to drop out of society, but, on the contrary, to expand your horizons in search of new ones. positive emotions. And you can find them not only on the Internet.

Safety precautions for expectant mothers

If working at a computer is unavoidable, it is necessary to minimize its impact on the body.

  • First of all, you should abandon a desktop computer with a power supply in favor of a laptop. This will reduce the number of electromagnetic waves.
  • You should also not place the laptop on your lap, where it will be in close proximity with a growing belly and female genital organs.
  • Make sure that the distance from your eyes to the monitor is at least half a meter.
  • keep your back straight during the entire time spent at the computer.
  • Be sure to place your laptop on a special table and sit in a comfortable chair selected according to your height.
  • position the monitor in such a way that you do not have to tilt your head back and look up - this will add strain to your neck and eyes.
  • give your feet complete freedom under the table without cluttering the space with unnecessary junk.
  • install an additional light source to the left of the keyboard.
  • sit with your back to the window - this will provide natural light during the day.
  • give preference to an LCD monitor rather than a beam monitor.
  • While typing, look at the keyboard, thus reducing eye contact with the laptop screen.
  • Working at a computer wearing anti-glare glasses will help avoid headaches.
  • Place your elbows on the armrests of the chair and your wrists on the table. Do not hold your arms up.
  • follow the time formula 1:4. After spending time at work? give time? rest.
  • do not sit in one position, change your center of gravity, or move your limbs.

Pregnancy and a computer - people of the old school believe that they are absolutely incompatible. After all, a computer emits “radiation” that can seriously harm a child. This position somewhat true, but too superficial. In addition to radiation, the expectant mother will also be affected by whole line negative factors. Let's take a closer look at the impact of a computer on pregnancy, whether it can be used and for how long, what are the possible consequences of long-term work at the monitor.

Undoubtedly, most of us have computers, not only at work, but also at home. And if it is still possible not to use this technique often at home, then what to do if the work is closely related to its use? In fact, everything is solvable. Not all employers, and expectant mothers too, know that in 2003 the country’s chief sanitary doctor approved the decree “On the implementation of sanitary and epidemiological rules and regulations Sanpin” And this decree states that pregnant women cannot work at a computer for more than 3 hours a day. Accordingly, every expectant mother has the right to demand from her employer a transfer to a position not related to working at a computer, or a reduction in the length of time spent at the monitor. In addition, Article 254 is applicable to this situation. labor code, which states that pregnant women should be transferred from hazardous work to another job where unfavorable factors are eliminated, without losing their average earnings.

What does it take to receive such “privileges”? Just get a certificate “about transfer to light work.” Issues this document medical commission of the clinic. And the basis is a record from an obstetrician-gynecologist. Neither the doctor nor the employer legally have the right to refuse.

Regarding the legislative part, everything is clear. But still, why shouldn’t you use a computer for a long time every day during pregnancy, what are the dangers and what are the recommendations of doctors? Let us list them point by point for clarity.

1. The likelihood of developing myopia. Moreover, this probability increases according to the time spent at the monitor. The stronger Negative influence on the eyes, the closer the monitor is to them. The minimum distance should be 50-60 cm. In addition, you should worry about proper lighting of the workplace. Do eye exercises regularly.

2. The likelihood of occurrence or exacerbation of hemorrhoids(not uncommon during pregnancy). This disease can be caused by venous stagnation of blood.

3. Exposure to electromagnetic radiation. Not radioactive!

4. The load on the back and joints provokes osteochondrosis. The more likely complications are, the longer the pregnancy and the longer you work at the computer every day. Work only while sitting in a comfortable chair in which you can maintain correct posture.

If you have the opportunity, limit your “communication” with this technique to a minimum. This way you will preserve not only your health, but also the health of your child.

The vast majority of people, especially old age believe that the computer has a more than negative effect on the course of pregnancy. Moreover, it causes irreparable harm to the health of the developing fetus. The formation of such an opinion is influenced by information about radiation, which is typical when working with equipment of this category. Of course, there is some truth in this, apart from some additional negative factors, affecting both the pregnant woman and the unborn baby.

Today, a computer is not uncommon in the home. Every family or middle-income person can afford this technology. Many people deal with computers not only at home, but also at work.

Rules for working on a computer for a pregnant woman at work

So what should a pregnant woman do, who must take measures to eliminate factors that could harm her developing child?

Each employer is obliged to respond to the demand of the expectant mother to provide her with work that is not related to the computer, if any, or to reduce the time she works behind the monitor. Indeed, according to the law, a pregnant woman has the right to reduce the time spent at the computer to three hours during the working day. In addition, when transferred to another position, a pregnant woman has the right to demand that she remain wages in the same size. It's another matter if it is higher than the previous board.

In order for the requirements of the expectant mother to be satisfied, appropriate documents are needed, on the basis of which the employer will act. Transfer to light work is carried out upon provision of a certificate, which can be obtained from a special medical commission at the clinic where the pregnancy is observed. The obstetrician-gynecologist signs a certificate, upon presentation of which a working pregnant woman has the right to be transferred from a position that causes any harm to the developing fetus.

Every adequate expectant mother should be interested in having a healthy child more than anyone else. Many experts do not recommend spending a lot of time looking at the monitor, firmly believing that it is harmful.

How does a computer affect the course of pregnancy?

A pregnant woman working on a computer without following certain rules risks acquiring myopia. This depends on the amount of time spent at the monitor and the correct use of it. The point is that you need to monitor the distance between the screen and your eyes. It should be at least fifty to sixty centimeters. In addition, due attention should be paid to the lighting of the room during operation. Working in the dark is strictly prohibited. It is important to periodically perform special gymnastic exercises for eyes.

The next negative consequence of working at a computer for a long time may be hemorrhoids or its aggravation. Most often, this disease develops due to a large number the amount of time a pregnant woman spends sitting. In this case, venous blood stagnates, which causes certain harm to the health of the expectant mother, provoking the development of this type of disease.

During the development of the fetus, a woman gains weight, so the load on the parts of the body that represent the musculoskeletal system increases. The back, joints, etc. are subject to additional stress when spending a long time in one position. When working at a computer, the expectant mother should sit comfortably, which means trying to ensure that her posture is correct. From time to time you need to get up in order to change your body position, walk around a little, doing warm-up exercises, thus significantly reducing the harm to your health and the health of the baby.

Influence of electromagnetic and electrostatic fields

The computer emits electromagnetic and electrostatic fields. Direct evidence that they are capable of causing irreparable harm to a pregnant woman or not born child does not exist. This has more to do with radioactive and ionizing radiation, which have nothing to do with this technology, so we can safely say that working at a computer will not provoke mutation of human cells or change the genetic apparatus of the developing fetus, but becoming a provocateur of headaches, eye pain and quite dizzy.

In addition, you should pay Special attention for time spent at the computer. Health, especially the eyes, depends on its quantity. During pregnancy, vision can deteriorate regardless of the influence of the computer, because blood circulation in the body changes, and working with a computer significantly aggravates the situation. Many experts recommend that pregnant women get anti-glare glasses for working on a computer. They help preserve vision and also prevent exposure to fields that are harmful to the health of the expectant mother.

If there is such an opportunity, you can replace the monitor with a cathode ray tube with a liquid crystal one. Its harm is much less compared to the previous one. The light should be directed from the left side. Also, never work in the dark. In such conditions, the load on vision increases significantly.

A sitting position for a pregnant woman is not the most recommended position, especially if it takes a lot of time. The fact is that this situation limits the supply of oxygen to the child. This depends on the blood supply to the uterus and blood flow to it. The child does not receive enough nutrients, which can negatively affect the baby’s development.

Based on all of the above, we can conclude: a pregnant woman’s time spent at the computer should be limited to a minimum. Every mother should take care of the child’s health from the first days of conception.

  • 27.11.1999 23:3:56, ELENA
    Internet moms, share your opinion on the following problem: pregnancy and the computer, a nursing mother and the computer, a child and the computer (not games, but the box itself). This has always been a huge dilemma for me. I bravely survived the first 3 months of pregnancy (despite the fact that my work is not related to pregnancy), but then, tormented by remorse and all sorts of fears, I spent a lot of time in front of the monitor. The baby is now 6 months old. Since birth he has been somewhat excitable, how could this be related? Are there any statistics on this problem?
    • 07/12/2000 10:46:03, Margot
      Future mothers. If you just can’t tear yourself away from the computer, at least stock up on a blanket and pillows made of camel down (Taylock). The wool of only Latin American mountain camels relieves static voltage and does not electrify. And in order to ensure that the child does not have skin and respiratory allergies (and this is most likely an allergy to the secretions of saprophytic dust mites living in down and feather beds), replace the fillings of your pillows with natural latex, and the duvet with a blanket made of pure wool .
    • 3.5.2000 12:27:53, Svetlana K.
      I live in Israel. I’m expecting my 3rd child (18 weeks). I work at the computer, I will work until the birth, as I did with my previous pregnancy. This is how everyone works here, and no one advises you to quit your job. By the way, in my opinion, any radiation for a shorter period is more likely to be more harmful than for a later period.
    • 2.5.2000 16:56:20, Ludmilka
      My job is very closely related to the computer, I went on maternity leave at 30 weeks, the entire pregnancy was normal, I gave birth almost at term (I was a little overdue :-)) The baby was born healthy. I read (I think from Alison McConchie) that studies conducted in England on the connection between a successful pregnancy and working on a computer did not reveal any such connection :-)
    • 01/25/2000 10:15:12 AM, Taxa
      I collected my own statistics on our children student company mathematicians and programmers. And at the University for 5 years we worked on unprotected computers for 3-12 hours a day, and after graduation for 3-5 years before the birth of children - 6-20 hours a day, and in almost all families - both mother and father . Result: out of 8 children, problems began immediately after birth in 3 - increased intracranial pressure, after a year of age in 4 - skin and respiratory allergies. Only child, who until the age of 10 had no big problems with health, was born very early, before mom and dad worked on the computer. I don’t know the cause of my daughter’s illnesses, but if there is even a slight involvement of the computer in them, then I will bear my second child far from him.
    • 2.12.1999 23:8:12, Nastyusha
      Lena, don't worry! I work on computer. I worked 16-18 hours a day throughout my pregnancy. After Zhenya was born, everything was the same. In our one-room apartment we have 2 computers :) And both work around the clock :) the only “deviation” is that he recently realized (1 year and 1 month) what the “reset” and “turn on” buttons are for and he constantly reaches for them . He hits the keyboard - the hacker is growing :) I don’t see any other deviations (doctors too) I was pregnant - I scoured the entire Internet on this topic. On an American website I found an article that convinced me. It was proven (very convincingly with facts and research) that, in general, the TV is even more harmful than the computer :)
    • 29.11.1999 19:4:6, Olga
      Alas, where is the evidence for all this? I sat at the computer a lot both in the early stages (the first 6 months) (I work as a programmer), and at home when I quit (less, but still 4-5 hours almost every day: I wrote my thesis, programs, and generally lived without a computer I can not). She gave birth quite normally. The baby was born healthy, but there were some strange things: the jaundice did not go away by 1 month, but on the contrary, it increased. One cannot say that he is very calm, but one cannot say that he is excitable. Now he is 8 months old. - Everything is fine. As a child, from the age of 13, I sat at the computer for 2-3 hours. Everything seems to be fine with me. The main thing is to play sports and walk more. And, in my opinion, there is no less harm from TV and other household appliances.
    • 11/29/1999 15:7:41, Lena Mikhno
      Although there is radiation, working on a computer does not cause much harm even in the early stages of pregnancy, provided that you took breaks from work every 30-40 minutes and did not work at the computer all day. Of course, it would be nice to take a vacation for this period, at least in the first 6-8 weeks, when the child’s organs are forming. As for the child and the computer, we only recently (the child is now 3 years old) started studying letters, colors, etc. on the computer, no more than 15 minutes. a day, several times a week. I believe that sitting for a long time with a computer is harmful, and in general, when a child is not allowed near the computer, the TV, etc. Everything needs moderation.
    • 11/29/1999 15:1:56, Rita
      In some magazine I read (about five years ago) about research (done by bourgeois) that proves that as a result of the work of a pregnant woman. for which the child has an increased likelihood of congenital heart defects, tumors, etc. I went on vacation at my own expense for about 8-9 weeks, and I minimized communication with K before the vacation. And after reading the magazine (my scoundrel husband slipped it in) I was worried for a long time that I had been sitting at K’s for some time. But the main harm is caused by the electromagnetic field, and, for example, there is more of it near the refrigerator than near K, (and what can we say about microwaves and the food that is prepared in them, no one knows about this at all) Small doses - big troubles A cell phone, a computer, a microwave oven sometimes pose a mortal threat. I recently read this:

      Anatoly VELEDITSKY Grud. Everyone now knows about the lethal doses of radio radiation received by the liquidators of the Chernobyl accident. And it has long been known that coal dust, asbestos, vapors of various gases, even the noise of weaving machines cause occupational diseases. Yulia CHUKOVA, head of the Department of Bioelectromagnetism at the Institute of Human Ecology, talks about the dangers of radiation.
      - First of all, we need to agree on terms. What's happened?
      - Until recently, we did not think about how great the impact of low doses of radiation on the human body is. Meanwhile, all homeopathy is the effect of small doses. Unlike traditional medicine and allopathic doctors, who kill diseases with powerful blows of antibiotics, homeopaths adhere to the principle that the potency of the medicine increases as its dose decreases. It's all about concentration. This is what I'm doing now. Since I am a physicist, I am mainly interested in electromagnetic radiation, which are thousands of times lower than those considered acceptable.
      -That's why you turned your attention to computers?
      - American secretaries sounded the alarm before me. When women who had given birth normally discovered that they were no longer able to do this, they became concerned. And women, when they notice such things, do not remain silent. They begin to find out the reasons. And the American Congress received a request. True, the electronics engineers repulsed the first attack. The created commission stated that computers are harmless, but everything is to blame... stressful conditions. When the bell rang, scientists took up the problem. They provided convincing statistics on the influence of weak magnetic fields, that is, small doses on offspring. Computers have three ranges of harmful radiation, and all of them are normalized taking into account the influence of strong radiation. The weak are not taken into account, although they also pose a health threat. It is enough to place a regular voice recorder next to the computer, and you will hear a crackling sound - evidence of magnetic radiation.
      - Oh, there are protective screens.
      - It protects the one sitting at the keyboard. The main radiation is received by the person sitting next to you. Look at how screens are installed in computer centers, where each operator is usually flanked by two computers, and you will understand who is protected and who is not protected by the screen.
      - What diseases can a computer cause?
      - The range of diseases is very wide. It has been established that computers have a very strong effect on the reproductive function of both men and women (this negative effect has been well studied), as well as on the psyche of children. Nowadays even kids are put in front of the computer. It is believed that what earlier child master the computer, the better. However, both teachers and parents note that after this the children become nervous. WHO statistics have shown that when working on low-quality computers, children's vision deteriorates at a rate of 1 diopter per year. Therefore, if in the 5th-6th grade you put a child in front of a computer, he will graduate from school with glasses. Recent studies show that in a ten-year-old child, changes in the blood and urine appear 15 minutes after starting work. For a 16-year-old - in half an hour. For an adult - after 2 hours. These changes bring the blood composition closer to the blood of cancer patients. True, after stopping work on the computer, the blood composition also quickly normalizes.
      - The personal computer is obviously not the only dangerous device in our house? They say, cellular telephone, is also dangerous to health?
      - America, which was the first to acquire them, experienced a surge in brain cancer cases. And this is not a mystery to me. Until recently, we paid attention only to those thermal processes, in which the impact of electromagnetic radiation is quite noticeable. The magnitude of electromagnetic influence causing one degree of heating of a living organism was measured. All international standards are based on this degree of thermal heating. Isothermal processes taking place at a constant temperature are not taken into account. When you talk on a cell phone, your brain doesn't heat up. Meanwhile, there is a surge in cancer...
      - If the brain, as you say, does not heat up, where does the disease come from?
      - This is the case when a small quantum finds resonance with connections in living tissue, and there is such a large set of energy connections that any quantum can find one. Getting into resonance, it destroys the connection - that’s when the troubles begin. Previously, doctors did not study these processes. Now, since the incidence is growing, they have to be recognized. There are other devices that I would not recommend using. Few people know that microwave ovens were not sold in the USSR for a long time not because we could not make them. It's not that complicated a device. It’s just that the harmful effects of ovens were quickly revealed, and they had opponents among hygienists.
      - Americans widely use microwave ovens; they are found in almost every home.
      - In America, everyone is responsible for their own health. And their manufacturers and hygienists are still at conferences. Doctors believe that this is the most harmful electromagnetic device.
      - What else do you not recommend buying?
      - I do not recommend trying any new products on yourself. However, the danger comes not only from electrical household appliances. The incidence of skin cancer is currently on the rise throughout the world. The reasons for this lie, as they say, on the surface. The skin comes into contact with air and fabric. Therefore, I advise you not to dry your laundry in the loggias. Wet laundry absorbs everything that the wind carries, and the city wind carries a lot of things.

    • 1.12.1999 13:30:36, Tata
      Rita, regarding the part of your letter about heart defects, I want to share. I worked throughout my pregnancy. From 10.00 to 18.00 all the time at the computer and plus another 2-3 hours at home. She was an optimist. I felt great. I went to work until May 1st, and on the 12th I gave birth without special effort baby with 9 points on the Apgar scale. I was incredibly happy. But on day 3, the physiological noise in the heart area did not disappear. And I should have. A more detailed examination revealed a heart defect. True, small, but still. Then I remembered about the computer. I am absolutely healthy, I didn’t get sick during pregnancy. What is this? So it's better not to take risks. During my second pregnancy I will behave completely differently.
    • 29.11.1999 14:46:23, wrz
      The harmful effects of using monitors during pregnancy have not been proven. The dose of radiation a woman can receive is too low to increase the risk of fetal abnormalities. Research in this direction continues.
    • 11/28/1999 9:59:3, EA
      Directly related...Mothers who spend a lot of time sitting at the computer during pregnancy (accountants, designers...etc.) Children are born early (premature), and if full-term, then as a rule they are immature (that is, more often exposed to all misfortunes...((() Observations have been carried out since 1991...According to statistics, 770-740 people pass through each year...
    • 2.12.1999 23:13:10, Nastyusha
      EA AND WHO is conducting these studies? In America, these studies are being conducted by several centers - and so far they DO NOT SEE any threats to the health of the child. I sat at the computer non-stop throughout my pregnancy. And after giving birth (7 days without a computer - in the maternity hospital, and even then they brought me a laptop there)... So what? Nothing. Healthy and normal child. And an immature child is MORPHOLOGICALLY (I assume) immature? So it doesn’t depend on the computer again. And they are susceptible to adversity only in the first months of life, since “morphological immaturity” means that any of the child’s organs do not correspond to his physical age. but only. :)
    • 11/29/1999 15:30:35, Lena K.
      Well, I don’t know about statistics, but mine was even born post-term (3-4 days). I spent almost my entire pregnancy working at the computer; by the way, monitors 5 years ago still had weak protection. The problems with the child are exactly the same as my sister’s with her eldest son, and she didn’t even come close to the computer (Can you imagine that cousins absolutely the same problems, both have dysplasia on the same joint, complications after the flu are the same (there was reactive arthritis), speech problems are the same, dysbacteriosis was small, the age difference is 8 years, and my illnesses appear at exactly the same age, same as Olezhka’s).
    • 11/28/1999 15:40:24, Svetlana
      Elena, don’t suffer and don’t be tormented, in countries pregnant women don’t have maternity leave at all, and they continue to work, including on the computer, just until the moment of birth. Of course, if it can be avoided - good, but if not - you need a GOOD monitor (if this is not possible - a protective screen), absolutely correct posture when working, ideally, good ergonomics workplace. My work involves a computer; on Wednesday it works out to be 10 hours per working day; my husband’s work is almost 20 hours (working night at home :)). As soon as they found out about the child, they installed a decent computer. I worked throughout my pregnancy (a dozen of my friends did the same), and there were no consequences. Now about excitability - it very often arises from the sedentary work of a mother, and here it is not necessary to be afraid of the computer, but to walk and move more in your free time from work. I wish you success.
    • 2.12.1999 23:15:36, Nastyusha
      To sum up, the only danger from working with a computer for a pregnant mother (and for everyone) is the danger of blood stagnation in the pelvic organs and hymorrhoids - all from sitting for a long time :)))))
    • 8.1.2000 15:4:10, Anna!
      By the way, I have taxicosis, and maybe that’s why I can’t sit at the computer for a long time. And once I didn’t approach him for a week - he’s disgusted. I myself am a radio journalist and a pregnant woman worked under the tower (every evening there was a temperature), but baby pah-pah, now I’m waiting for the second one and the same story.
    • 7.1.2000 19:26:45, Elena
      I spent almost the entire pregnancy at the computer and nothing happened, my daughter was born healthy, cheerful and very active.
    • 7.1.2000 14:34:47, Nastyusha
      My experience is the entire pregnancy, 10-12 hours a day at the computer with a oooooo old monitor. The result is an excellent baby. In 1.2 years we only got sick with a cold once :)))) Although it is very cold in the apartment. :)
    • 8.1.2000 0:47:9, Lyudmila
      I worked during pregnancy for up to 7 months as a system administrator in a large television company. There is a large fleet of cars, and plenty of other equipment as well. There is enough radiation. I didn’t experience any problems either during pregnancy or after. The daughter was born healthy. (Pah-pah).
    • 10.1.2000 0:52:30, Ekaterina
      Gentlemen! What are you writing about!? What smoking means the computer is not harmful!? Who checked this? I don’t want to say that the children of such “progressive” mothers have worse health, but I don’t dare to say the opposite, as is done in the conference with a huge degree of confidence. Wait until at least the first crisis age - 3 years, not to mention the puberty period, and then you can judge the child’s health. In any case, two of my friends, having given birth to babies with PEP, ask themselves the question: what is the reason for the hypoxia they suffered? And, considering themselves responsible for the little people they brought into the world, they scold themselves for not “taking care” during pregnancy, including from working on the computer.