Children born in the year names. Strong names for boys in the year of the dog

In the modern world, calendars are so diverse that there are editions for every taste and every hobby. From an early age, we are accustomed to using dates and numbers to make personal plans, but our ancestors tied their thousand-year-old customs to numbers. One of these traditions is to choose a name for the baby in honor of the great martyr, whose birth is commemorated nearby.

This custom is still believed today. It is considered if you pick up boys names according to the 2018 church calendar to your son or girls names according to the 2018 church calendar to his daughter in honor of the martyr of the same name, then this image will accompany the child everywhere in his unconscious childhood. Next, you need to teach the child to turn to his protector.

Some believe that the Guardian Angel, who is given from above at baptism, is the intercessor who accompanies everywhere. But, if you believe the descriptions of the Angel in the Bible and what other data there is about angels, we can say that this is nothing more than conscience. That is, at baptism we receive the Spirit, which prompts us to do the right things, and if we are wrong, our conscience will tell us about it.

In any case, this cannot be stated, because there is no reliable data, but only human assumptions. Angels are God’s helpers, but why can’t they be the souls whom the Almighty took to work for him?

Name days according to the church calendar- this is the memory of the martyr in whose name we were named. As a rule, the name day determines the day of death of the great martyr, who at one time invested a lot of time and effort in Christianity. There may be more than one such day in a year, because often not only days of death are celebrated, but also the reburial of relics or miraculous phenomena after death.

How to recognize your defender?

To get to know your family names by month according to the 2018 church calendar It’s worth contacting any Orthodox church. If you are comfortable with the Internet, you can make a corresponding request in a search engine.

It may happen that you do not find your names according to the church calendar 2018. The entire list contains Greek and Old Slavonic names. If your name is not common, such as Angelica, then your patron saint is identified as Angelina.

Names for girls according to the 2018 church calendar are varied, you can always find, if not the right name, one that is consonant with it. This is a normal practice that works all over the world.

Evdokia is suitable for the name Dina, Fotinia is consonant with Svetlana. Male names according to the church calendar are chosen in the same way as women's.

Often, when baptizing a baby, the holy father immediately baptizes in the name of a certain Saint, whom you choose together, under his control.

When to celebrate the personal day and angels?

Since these are two different events, you can decide to highlight both or just one in your life. Named dates occur several times in a liturgical year (depending on the number of memorials) or in one chosen by you.

Angel Day is strictly your moment of baptism, which reminds you of the gift from God and the salvation of your soul from the devil. Many people remember and also celebrate this event.

Our ancestors traditionally glorified all the days of reverence; they believed that only thanks to the patron saints they live on this earth, are healthy and have the benefits that they have. And this is true, because we are nothing without our creator and it is important for us to constantly turn to Him in prayer through our patrons or directly.

How to celebrate and what to give?

On the day of their name day or the anniversary of baptism, Orthodox Christians go to church, turn to God, confess, take communion, reevaluate their lives, and draw new conclusions. Towards evening, people gather with family or like-minded people for a modest dinner or tea. Since pre-revolutionary times, it has been traditional to treat loved ones with a birthday cake, which the hostess bakes herself. If fasting occurs on this day, you should postpone the celebration or make it modest, for example, bake Lenten cookies and treat guests to tea.

In ancient times, it was a tradition to bake pies and loaves on this day; there is even a corresponding song. In tsarist times, all local people were invited to a feast. They treated us to various pies, sweet and savory, and had a whole lot of fun with performances by acrobats, jesters and dancing.

Angel Day was celebrated by going to church and praying. Today, few people know when he was baptized, so all personal events are celebrated together.

Is prayer to the Patron Saint necessary?

To feel the help of your intercessor, it is important to turn to him in prayer. When we pick up a man or female names according to the church calendar then we must understand which saint we will pray to. For example, the name Anna was very common. There are more than five martyrs with this name in the church calendar. It is better to immediately read about their lives in order to know which of them to mention.

Choosing a name for a girl begins during the exciting period of pregnancy, after the sex of the baby is determined by ultrasound. Future parents go through hundreds of options in search of the most beautiful one, ideal for their daughter. In this article you will find the most common and most unusual names suitable for girls born in 2019.

What to name a girl in 2019? Name rating

According to Russian registry offices, certain trends are observed when issuing birth certificates. Based on statistics and ratings, the following names will be trending in 2019:

  • Traditional: Anastasia, Alisa, Sofia, Ksenia, Polina, Alexandra, Anna, Alina.
  • Vintage: Agnia, Evdokia, Ustinya.
  • Biblical: Eva, Leah, Dina, Seraphim, Sarah.
  • Cultural(in honor of the heroes of books, TV series and films): Arya, Ellaria, Theona.
  • Historical(in honor of outstanding philosophers, actors, politicians, characters of myths and legends): Juno, Serena, Ophelia, Athena.

According to statistics, girls in Russia were most often called Sofia in 2018. This option has maintained a leading position in our country over the past 10 years. In second place in terms of the number of registrations in 2018 is Maria. Daria takes third place in the ranking. The top ten also includes Alisa, Polina, Anastasia, Victoria, Alexandra, Ekaterina, Ksenia.

According to the press service of the Ministry of Justice, the list of the most popular names of 2018 in Russia included: Sofia, Veronica, Anastasia, Milana, Zlata, Victoria, Eva, Maria, Anna, Polina, Solomiya.

Among the rarest, most unusual names in last year's ranking: Uma, Ophelia, Faustina, Olympiada, Bellatrix, Priscila, Doll, Cinderella, Princess, Aiyar, Eulalia, Madonna, Yapila, Nuh, Tissande, Panna, Osiyohon, Veveya, Caroline, Elizabeth , Francesca, Iris, Zinaida.

  • When deciding what to name a girl born in 2019, you should strive for a consonant combination with the patronymic and surname, in order to protect the child from the ridicule of peers. Nemytova Isabella Ivanovna or Pedalkina Aelita Petrovna will feel like black sheep in modern society. Exotic names are best combined with similar surnames and patronymics. It should be remembered that a woman can change her last name after marriage, but her middle name will remain with her for the rest of her life.
  • In 2019, it’s worth naming your baby a name that won’t make other children tease her. Among the unsuccessful options: Noyabrina, Pear, Pisada, Svenya, Guadeloupe, Gabunia, Conchita, Sosipatra, Khavronia, Gorgonia.
  • When choosing a name for a woman in 2019, some parents are guided by patriotic tendencies, the origins of which are rooted in the Soviet Union (Olympics, Dazdraperma, Gertrude, Vladlena, Tractorina, Kommunara, etc.) In our times, girls live in Russia, Prepuzasta (Putin’s successor is a guarantee stability), Mumeramka (dream man Ramzan Kadyrov), Plapura (Putin’s plan works), Gryzloslisa (Gryzlov and Sliska), Medmiya (in honor of Dmitry Medvedev). The imagination of parents does not stand still, and new unimaginable options appear every month. But still, when determining the fate of your child, it is better to be guided not by patriotic motives, but by common sense. It is unlikely that a mature girl will be grateful for an ugly, albeit unusual name.
  • 2019 is not the best time to name a newborn after one of your relatives: mother, grandmother or aunt. There is some belief that in this case the woman will live the fate of the person whose namesake she is. Many will agree that it is better to have your own special destiny, so they prefer to choose a unique name for the baby.
  • Psychologists do not advise calling girls born in 2019 with masculine sounds (Valeria, Kira, Anatoly, Bogdan, Pavel). It is possible that the girl will be teased, and overly masculine traits will appear in her character.

Fashionable female names of 2019 in Russia

Following modern fashion, parents began to more often choose ancient, rare names for newborns. The desire to stand out and name a child in a special way leads to the fact that on modern playgrounds you are more likely to meet Aurora or Bella, rather than Olya and Katya.

For women born in 2019, the following names are suitable: Natalya, Ulyana, Eva, Milana, Marina, Vasilisa, Victoria, Elizaveta, Margarita, Lada, Clara, Zlata.

The fashion is returning to name children after celebrities: Diana, Ksenia, Emilia, Alla, Linda, Olga, Natalya, Irina. Psychologists assure: by naming a child after a famous person, you automatically program him for success.

In 2019, beautiful foreign names are popular in Russia: Michaela, Dominica, Inessa, Amalia, Yesenia, Bella, Agata, Agnia, Paola, Julia, Juno, Serena, Beatrice.


According to professional psychologists, the name assigned at birth of a person influences his entire life path. It carries a certain energy and sacred meaning. It is believed that the choice of name determines the future fate and dominant character traits, so it is worth paying attention to its characteristics - this will help the girl live in harmony with herself and the outside world.

Lucky female names 2019

Names intended to bring good luck to those born in 2019: Milana, Taisiya, Lilia, Nadezhda. Parents should take a closer look at such options as Anita, Nicole, Camilla.

According to the eastern calendar, 2019 is a period of determination and creativity. The dog symbolizes determination and imparts wisdom. To activate the power of the totem animal, astrologers advise using the letter “R”: Arina, Christina, Ruslana, Margarita, Victoria, Irina, etc.

What not to name your daughter in 2019

Among the unlucky names for girls in the coming year are the following options: Vera, Alexandra, Nadezhda, Inna, Elvira, Lyudmila, Tamara. Their owners may face a difficult fate and many trials.

Orthodox names for girls according to the church calendar for 2019

Since ancient times, it has been customary to call newborns by their church name according to the calendar. Newly-made parents turned to the clergy for help to find out which saints’ name days were celebrated on the feast day of the baby’s birth. Even though this tradition has become less popular now, some parents still follow Orthodox customs. This method is especially convenient in cases where family members cannot decide and come to a unanimous decision on what to name the girl, and turning to the calendar will help to compromise and resolve family disagreements.

Church names by calendar calendar by month 2019

January 2019

Anastasia, Vasilisa, Evgenia, Maria, Antonina, Natalya, Polina, Anna, Elena, Neonila, Akulina, Tatyana, Nina, Ksenia

February 2019

Anna, Ekaterina, Inna, Ksenia, Maria, Vasilisa, Irina, Valentina, Vera, Olga, Svetlana, Galina, Zoya, Sofia

March 2019

Anastasia, Kira, Olga, Nadezhda, Maria, Natalya, Akulina, Anna, Daria, Alexandra, Elena, Marfa, Antonina, Vasilisa, Ksenia, Galina, Ekaterina, Christina

April 2019

Daria, Galina, Marfa, Vasilisa, Maria, Alexandra, Larisa, Taisiya, Irina, Sofia, Anastasia, Alla, Lydia, Nika, Anna

May 2019

Alexandra, Glafira, Tamara, Irina, Maria, Evdokia, Anna, Ulyana, Zoya, Nika, Christina, Valeria, Anastasia, Yulia

June 2019

Antonina, Valeria, Maria, Vera, Sofia, Elena, Anastasia, Anna

July 2019

Anastasia, Alexandra, Veronica, Inna, Angelina, Elizaveta, Anna, Tatyana, Evdokia, Vasilisa, Olga, Elena, Valentina, Yulia

August 2019

Daria, Evgenia, Maria, Tatyana, Anna, Evdokia, Christina, Ksenia, Iraida, Praskovya, Angelina, Anfisa, Elena, Irina, Anastasia, Sofia, Serafima, Eva

September 2019

Tatyana, Anna, Ekaterina, Fekla, Marfa, Natalya, Elizaveta, Vasilisa, Maria, Ksenia, Anfisa, Evdokia, Lyudmila, Natalya, Love, Nadezhda, Vera, Sophia

October 2019

Raisa, Vera, Ustinya, Pelageya, Alexandra, Sophia, Irina, Anna, Veronica, Praskovya, Taisiya, Zinaida

November 2019

Elena, Anna, Anastasia, Marfa, Dominica, Claudia, Maria, Elizaveta, Ulyana, Olga

December 2019

Kira, Anna, Vera, Ariadna, Zoya, Angelina, Tamara, Ekaterina, Anfisa, Sophia.

If the option you like is not in the calendar, at baptism you can write something similar or consonant into the certificate. Name days are celebrated even if the month of birth does not coincide with the day of remembrance of the saint - according to modern church canons, this is not necessary.

When choosing a name for a newborn, you don’t have to rely entirely on fashion trends or Orthodox calendars. Make sure that it is harmoniously combined with the surname, patronymic and generally suits the child. And most importantly, give your daughter your care and love. Then the baby’s fate will definitely be successful, despite life’s difficulties.

One of the most responsible and very important responsibilities of new parents is choosing a name for the baby. Among a large number of options, they need to choose the option that is not only sonorous, beautiful and fashionable, but also which will act like a guardian angel to protect its wearer. In this article we will talk about what lucky names you can choose for boys and girls in 2018.

The most popular names for boys in 2018

When choosing a name for a boy, parents need to think carefully. It is important that the name brings masculinity, determination, and courage to the child’s character. It is necessary to dwell on such an option so that the name helps to soften the negative character traits of the boy.

The distinctive features of boys born in the year of the Yellow Earth Dog are: a desire for communication, movement, the ability to find a common language with everyone, curiosity, developed intelligence - these qualities will become the main features of your future heir. They will not only have a desire to surround themselves with many friends, but also an incredible ability to unite all people, finding common goals for them. The guiding star of each boy will be his talent, like a magnet, to attract others to himself, arousing their sympathy from the very first minutes of communication.

Consider these features that will be inherent to your child, and also pay attention to:

  • As you know, all men should be courageous, brave, decisive, strong and courageous. Of course, it is impossible to bestow these qualities on a boy with the help of a name alone, but a correctly chosen name will help the child become more self-confident. Courageous popular boy names in 2018 in Russia- This Alexander, Anton, Maxim, Andrey, Dmitry, Vladimir, Mark, Miron and others.
  • The most beautiful name chosen must necessarily be in harmony with the boy’s middle name and surname. It is not advisable to name a child unusual names if his last and patronymic names are quite simple. It is not recommended to choose difficult-to-pronounce combinations for a child, for example, Robert Emmanuilovich, since such options will contribute to the emergence of significant problems both in childhood and in adulthood.
  • ​ All beautiful Russian names for boys published in the Orthodox calendar. Believing parents always pay attention to the recommendations of religion, because by acquiring a Guardian Angel, the baby becomes protected from various evils, evil spirits and enemies. Today you can often find such “old” names as Arkhip, Luka, Gordey, Evdokim, Demid, Fedot, David, Solomon, Seraphim and others. Such names, on the one hand, look quite unusual, but on the other hand, they are not alien to our ears.
  • It is recommended not to name your son the same as your father or grandfather. Parents often name their own sons after relatives, but such options are very undesirable from the psychological standpoint. Psychologists are sure that boys always set their own fathers or grandfathers as examples; they strive to resemble them in appearance and do the same things. In addition, naming sons in the same way as the father’s name often results in an unpronounceable combination, for example, Alexander Alexandrovich. In addition, superstitious parents are not recommended to name their baby after the name of one of their deceased relatives. It is believed that a child named after a deceased person can take over his fate. And if she was not too happy, your parents will reproach themselves for a long time for such a choice of name.

Choosing a name for a boy according to the church calendar by month in 2018

Since ancient times, parents have believed that if they name their baby after a saint, he will receive a strong guardian angel who will protect him from all adversity. But one should be careful with this approach, because it is believed that a child can repeat the fate of the person whose name he is named. Because of this, it is not recommended to give children the names of great martyrs. The list contains the most common boys' names.

January – Ignat, Daniel, Timofey, Ignat, Pavel, Kirill, Anton, Mark, Konstantin, Pavel, Yuri, Nikolai, Nifont, Fadey, Prokop, Fedor, Semyon, Sergey, Nikanor, Anton, Emelyan, Valentin, Veniamin, Peter, Athanasius , Proclus, Ivan, Sevastian, Mikhail, Maxim, Nikita, George, Efim, Naum, Philip, Egor, Theoktist, Vasily, Stepan, Yakov, Trofim, Seraphim, Theodosius, Clement, Elizar, Savva, Adam, Prokhor, Sebastian.

However, one should not draw premature conclusions. It is important to hear the opinion of professional astrologers, psychologists, as well as specialists in the field of onomastics and anthroponymics. All of them unanimously claim that the name given at birth and baptism can influence the entire life path of a person, the formation and predominance of specific characteristic qualities.

Experts also advise taking into account the year and month of birth of the baby, because the animal that rules the year (according to the eastern horoscope) and a specific time period of the year have certain vibrations, which also makes adjustments to the fate of a person, regardless of his name. So, what should you name your daughter who was born in 2018? How not to make a mistake with your choice? To do this, it will be useful to familiarize yourself with the information that we bring to your attention.

General character traits of girls born in the year of the Yellow Earth Dog

Astrologers and specialists in other fields predict the birth of a large number of female indigo children in 2018. From an early age they will amaze adults with their insight, foresight, special worldview and ability to subtly sense the surrounding reality. Moreover, the process of personal development of girls will proceed so harmoniously that all of them from an early age will have balance, emotional stability and calmness.

You will also be pleasantly surprised by the girls’ extraordinary intellectual abilities. As a rule, such children learn to speak, sit, walk, count, read and write earlier than their peers. Girls who were born in 2018 do not tolerate fuss around them, and they also do not accept insincerity on the part of those around them. Therefore, from early childhood they will in every possible way avoid communicating with people who have an explosive, hot-tempered character. Even subconsciously, girls will be more drawn to those who are peaceful and friendly.

Parents will also notice that their daughter(s) are drawn to everything beautiful. And since there is a very high probability that she is an indigo child, mom and dad will note that the daughter shows abilities in drawing, choreography, music, and theater. Often girls are very artistic and already at a young age they decide on their future profession - artist. And here parents are not recommended to interfere with the child’s choice, since he has a well-developed intuition and knows better who he should be in life.

Experts draw your attention to another remarkable nuance: the character of girls born in the dark is somewhat different from the character of girls born in the daytime. The first category of children will inherit a more restless and “fighting” character from their patroness (the Dog). The Mistress of the Year will endow them with enterprise, activity and leadership qualities. Daytime girls have a calmer disposition, are very sensual, and hardworking. But if their interests are unfairly infringed, they can adequately respond to their offender.

Everyone has their own method for choosing a name for their daughter. Some are guided purely by astrological forecasts, some pay attention to the church calendar of names, some name their daughter in honor of some relative, and some even prefer a name that is exclusively fashionable for a given period of time. Experts give advice on methods for choosing a name for your daughter.

If there are heated arguments in the family

Often all household members gather to choose a name, arranging a so-called family council. How to make a choice so that everyone is happy? For example, the grandmother will want her granddaughter to be called Sofia, the grandfather will say that his favorite female name is Anastasia, the father will speak out in favor of the name Evgeniya, and the mother will speak out in favor of the name Angelina. Uncles and aunts, who may be participants in the family council, will also express their opinions.

And what to do in this case? It is necessary to agree on the compilation of an independent rating of names. This is done like this: each family member writes down, for example, 6 female names that he likes best on a piece of paper. Then the leaves need to be exchanged and everyone must cross out three names from the lists of the other participants in the ranking that they absolutely do not like.

Next, each relative, having received his list back, places the three remaining names in such an order that the most attractive name (in his opinion) is in first place, the less attractive name is in second place, and the most unsuitable name is in third place. By comparing all the lists, you can create a single rating, which will determine the winning name. Thus, an option will be chosen that will suit all relatives, and none of them will be offended.

Of course, not everyone will want to choose a name for a girl using only the method described above. Many people come to try other methods. Among the most popular and frequently used methods for choosing a female name are:

  • euphony. The name must be successfully combined not only with the patronymic, but also with the surname;
  • correspondence to the time of year. Summer, spring, winter and autumn can also influence a person’s fate and, consequently, the choice of a name for him;
  • tribute to fashion. At any time, there are canons of fashion for female names. However, it should be borne in mind that after some time the name may not become as popular as it is now;
  • compliance with the Saints. According to this list, the name days of certain Saints are celebrated every day of every month;
  • choosing two names at once. This is an ancient custom, according to which the first name chosen will be secret, it is intended only for use by those closest to you. The second name will be common knowledge;
  • destiny. This means that parents, when choosing a name for their daughter, will start from its direct meaning. Before settling on a specific option, you can find out what qualities a particular name will endow the baby with;
  • originality. Yes, a very rare name may be suitable for sociable girls. But for girls who are less sociable, it can become an obstacle to communication with peers, because the name will aggravate psychological discomfort and interfere with the child’s normal mental development;
  • in honor of a relative. Some, in the old fashioned way, call their daughters by the same name as some relative in their family was called. And no prejudices that a girl can “take over” the fate of this relative are inappropriate here.

Fashionable female names 2018

Alexandra- has Greek roots and is translated as “protector”, “strong”, “courageous”. All Alexandras are contradictory natures, which is why it is difficult to determine their type. Despite the “masculine” name, these are very feminine people. Sasha loves to amaze others with his mystery, erudition and elegant appearance.

Zhanna- came from France. Translated from Hebrew it means “Divine”, “Gifts of God”, “grace”. Zhanna is kind and generous, but at the same time capricious and stubborn. Knows how to stand up for himself and protect his own interests. Thanks to perseverance, hard work and perseverance, he achieves a lot in life. As a rule, Zhannas are careerists who achieve what they want solely through their work.

Elizabeth- the name is considered Jewish, meaning “Compliance with God’s laws”, “God’s oath within”, “Honouring the Lord”. Despite their loyalty and flexibility of character, the Elizabeths manage to create a small kingdom around themselves, which they lead throughout their lives. This name gives its owners a rare combination of external beauty and outstanding intelligence.

Pauline- there are two versions of the origin of the name - French and ancient Greek. In the first case, the name means “baby”, “affectionate”, “small”. In the second case, the name is translated as “adherent of Apollo”, “solar”. Charming girls who have the ability to literally captivate people. These are sociable people. They are kind, know how to empathize, and are the first to help their friends. Polina is not particularly demanding of people, so it is easier for them to forgive an offender than for women with other names.

Arina- they say that this name is an obsolete form of the more common name Irina. From an early age, Arina shows independence in everything. They always know what they want from life and systematically move towards their goal. Endurance, will, composure, determination are the main character traits. Many Arinas are endowed with hypersensitivity; if this quality is developed, they can become strong psychics, magicians, and seers.

Names for girls 2018 by month

Winter names

During this period, smart and slightly wayward girls are born. They seem to know everything better than adults. Parents are not recommended to keep them strict or punish them for being too independent, as this can lead to the kids starting to withdraw into themselves. Many winter girls are real intellectuals; from a very early age they need daily food for the mind.


Ekaterina, Anna, Marina, Augusta, Varvara, Anfisa, Angelina, Zoya, Olga, Matryona, Zinovia, Cleopatra, Claudia, Maria.


Anastasia, Agafya, Milana, Evgenia, Polina, Nina, Irina, Tatyana, Agrafena, Olga, Fedora, Vasilisa.


Agnia, Ksenia, Vitalia, Efrosinya, Svetlana, Natalya, Marfa, Rimma, Inna, Evdokia, Valentina, Aksinya, Veronica.

Spring names

Incredibly purposeful girls. Their persistence in achieving their goals begins to manifest themselves in literally everything. They never give up, even if they face a lot of difficulties. Deep down in their souls, spring girls are sentimental and dreamy. Growing up, they become faithful and thrifty wives, as well as caring mothers. For babies born in the spring of 2018, it will be very important that throughout their growing up there is a person nearby who can be trusted with their deepest secrets. And the best candidates for this role are, of course, mothers.


Christina, Zhanna, Galina, Marianna, Margarita, Regina, Lyudmila, Irida, Marina, Antonina, Kira, Nika.


Daria, Feodosia, Larisa, Capa, Eva, Susanna, Alexandra, Sofia, Lydia, Ala, Tamara, Akulina.


Elizaveta, Evdokia, Zina, Evgenia, Lyubov, Angelina, Nina, Yulia, Taisiya, Pelageya, Lukerya, Faina.

Summer names

Active, impressionable, excitable girls. It is very important for parents from a very early age to teach their daughters to do some kind of activity that will develop their perseverance and patience. Girls born in the summer of 2018 can be called little know-it-alls. They are constantly interested in something, ask adults a lot of questions, love to read, and are drawn to new knowledge. Since summer girls are overly suspicious and also have a sensitive nervous system, it is not recommended to leave them alone in the dark or jokingly scare them.


Alena, Sofia, Valeria, Kira, Ksenia, Antonina, Elena, Nellie, Marfa, Anna, Akulina, Kaleria.


Sarah, Inna, Olga, Maria, Vera, Aza, Yulia, Rimma, Grunya, Svetlana, Alevtina, Larisa, Evgenia.


Maria, Christina, Seraphima, Evdokia, Susanna, Alla, Valentina, Magdalene, Olympics, Milan, Daria.

Autumn names

These girls are distinguished by a very strong-willed character and stubbornness. These babies cannot be called vulnerable. Like all girls, they love to dress up in beautiful outfits and be the center of attention. Almost all autumn girls are in good health; only in late childhood can they suffer from mild infectious diseases. They are very similar to little princesses, they love and know how to show integrity and good business qualities.


Elizaveta, Antonina, Nadezhda, Victoria, Yulia, Marina, Leah, Vasilisa, Natalya, Tamara.


Tatiana, Amalia, Valentina, Galina, Elena, Ekaterina, Alisa, Kira, Inna, Veronica, Margarita.


Anfisa, Lukerya, Alina, Maria, Claudia, Matryona, Viola, Marina, Christina, Lana, Alexandra, Nadezhda.

lavaki/ Pixabay

As Ilf and Petrov stated: “Statistics knows everything!” It is she who will help you find out which names for newborns were the most popular in 2018. According to the State Statistics Service, in 10 months of 2018, 1.3 million babies were born in Russia. We compiled the rating of the most popular names of the outgoing year based on information from the capital’s civil registry office.

The most popular names for boys

The undisputed favorites among boy names were: Alexander, Mikhail, Artem, Daniil, Maxim. The top ten included: Ivan, Kirill, Andrey, Dmitry, Matvey. It is quite possible that by the end of the year Timofey, Ilya, Matvey will enter the TOP 10, displacing the last three positions. The share of traditional Russian names in 2018 accounts for 65% of the total number.

This year, the interest in unusual, exotic names recorded in the last decade has declined. But still, the share of rare names is 15%. Most often, this is what children born into international families are called: parents make sure that the name sounds the same, or at least similar, in different languages. Among the international names the leaders are: Mark, Herman, Robert, Adam, Marcel, Daniel, Harry, Heinrich, Jan.

But attention to names that are chosen according to the church calendar has increased. Almost half of parents name boys according to Orthodox canons. Among the church names, the already listed popular names also appear, and the share of rare names accounts for 14%. In this category, the main five look like this: Ignat, Demyan, Tikhon, Miron, Seraphim.

Another 5% falls on Old Church Slavonic names, but this is not a trend yet, but an exception to the rule: Elizar, Velemir, Ladomir. And less than 1% of babies received such exotic names: Nord, Orpheus, Forward, Sherlock, Mycroft.

The most popular names for girls

Among names for newborn girls, Sofia confidently takes first place. In second place is the name Maria, popular at all times. The top five is completed by Anna, Alisa, and Polina. The TOP 10 names for girls included: Alena, Kira, Christina, Veronica, Taisiya. Zlata, Ulyana, and Anastasia came close to the top ten. It is likely that by the end of the year they will be able to rise to higher places in the rankings.

Among the international female names the leaders are: Eva, Diana, Elina, Carolina, Emma, ​​Sabina, Olivia, Margarita.

The girls' parents did not ignore church and Slavic names, but there are not very many of them yet: Seraphim, Evdokia, Glafira, Dorothea, Miroslava, Ladislava, Bozhena.

Among the rarest names are: Iskra, Melody, Eileen.

The percentage of classical, international, church and Slavic names is approximately the same as among boys.

Victoria_Borodinova/ Pixabay

Name selection criteria

From early childhood, and throughout life, a person most often hears his own name. This is not just a set of sounds, but a huge amount of encrypted information. Various sounds lead to excitation of certain parts of the brain, therefore, under the influence of a sound stimulus, certain character traits are formed. Firm-sounding names (Dmitry, Alexander, Georgy, Varvara) form a persistent, decisive character in children. Names that are pronounced melodiously gently create the preconditions for the development of a calm, flexible, balanced child. This can be said about Mikhail, Alexey, Ilya, Natalya, Alena, Svetlana.

Psychologist and researcher of names Boris Khigir believes that one should not name a child in memory of a tragically deceased relative: undesirable moments from the life of the namesake may be reflected in his life. If a baby is named after his father or mother, then he may grow up restless, capricious, and too emotional. It is even possible to develop negative qualities.

The psychologist suggests that parents think carefully before giving a girl a name of male origin: Alexandra, Valeria, Evgenia. They may develop a contradictory character with a predominance of masculine qualities; with age they become nervous, quick-tempered, and irritable. If the choice nevertheless fell on such a name, you will need to pay more attention to the upbringing of the girl, try to develop typically feminine character traits in her.

The specialist suggests paying special attention to the combination of first name and patronymic. The patronymic complements the psychological characteristics of a person: it clarifies, softens, or, conversely, sharpens certain features. It’s good if the name is easy to pronounce both on its own and together with the patronymic: Alexey Mikhailovich, Andrey Nikolaevich, Sergey Pavlovich. Rigid articulation and difficult-to-pronounce combinations of first and middle names create an obstacle to communication and can cause awkwardness for the interlocutor. Examples of such combinations: Georgy Dmitrievich, Alexander Vsevolodovich, Albert Georgievich.

What are modern parents guided by when choosing a name?

When choosing a baby's name, modern parents are guided by the following criteria:

Tribute to tradition- in this case, as a rule, the child is given one of the familiar, long-known, classic names: Alexander, Alexey, Leonid, Sergey, Maria, Sophia, Anna, Elena.

Church calendar– recently, names have been chosen depending on the date of birth. Parents look at the church calendar (saints), in which certain names correspond to each date. It’s like the ones we’re used to: Ivan, Peter, Pavel, Polina, Ulyana. So are the more unusual ones: Naum, Akim, Sevastyan, Glykeria, Praskovya. By choosing a name according to the calendar, parents provide the baby with additional protection in the form of a guardian angel of the same name.

Tribute to fashion– creative parents focus on the beauty, euphony of the name, or name the newborn after a popular personality. Such names include Christian (Cristian), Lionel, Rihanna, Angelina. It happens that some event arouses interest in a certain name: for example, in 2014, after the Winter Olympics in Sochi, many girls received the name Olympics.

5 names of women with the character of a bitch

Ekaterina Petukhova,
specialist in the field of anthroponymy