Description of the landscape with mountain ash. Field ash, Rylov

Arkady Aleksandrovich Rylov is a wonderful and amazing artist twentieth century, whose paintings will always delight and amaze people. The outstanding painter was born in mid-January in the small village of Istobenkoye, which is comfortably and inconspicuously located in the lap of nature in the Vyatka province. In childhood, the future famous painter cared for his father, who was very ill. After his death, he lived with his mother and stepfather, but the loss of his father had an impact big influence a lifelong gifted artist.

Children's and teenage years artist Rylov took place in the most beautiful and picturesque places - on Vyatka. The painter always loved nature, loved to watch it, admired its beauty. Subsequently, all these most beautiful and picturesque landscapes reflected in his paintings. Most of of which is known throughout the world. But a special place in the artist’s picturesque and talented gallery is occupied by a canvas painted by Arkady Alexandrovich in 1922. It's called " field ash».

In his beautiful canvas, the artist Rylov combined all the symbols that were inherent in Russian nature. For example, the painter showed a lot of trees in his painting. These are birches and willows, but great attention he paid attention to the simple and unpretentious rowan tree, which turned out to be so beautiful and charming.

All these elements of nature: trees, and the river, fast and so soft blue, and the purest and clear sky, and the fields are so huge that you can’t see where they start and you can’t see where they end - they have constantly inspired many poets, writers, and artists. In Arkady’s painting, a most beautiful corner of the Russian land appears, which is so sweet and necessarily dear to every Russian person.

A small piece of nature is illuminated with bright sun rays. The summer day is in full swing. The painter placed wildflowers in the foreground of his canvas. They bloom, but their color is modest and bright. Seeing them, any viewer immediately pays attention to them, as they lift the mood. So discreet, but beautiful flowers are called tansy, and popularly they are called field ash. Here and there, among the tansy, a chamomile peeks out, as if trying to add to this wonderful variety. White color and variety.

Tansy baskets bright color scattered throughout a small clearing overgrown with field grass. But the yellow-orange flowers of the field ash stand out like a bright spot in all the diversity of this grass. But these unusual wildflowers look very harmonious in this clearing, since tansy has amazing carved leaves, which with their dark green color are in perfect harmony with the rest of the meadow greenery.

Among the tansy, white flowers stand out as a bright light spot, which give special tenderness to this entire amazing and delightful floral carpet. They seem to illuminate him the most beautiful light and liven it up a little, giving it a special color flavor.

On the left of central images In the artist’s painting there are small and not very dense thickets of rowan. Its heavy and bright red clusters bent low and gracefully over the water, reflecting on the smooth and calm surface of the river.

To the right of the central images is a cozy birch tree, which with its pure white trunk adds to this picture not only a reminder of how beautiful the Russian land is, but also creates a certain coziness and comfort. A fresh light breeze slightly sways its small and fragile leaves, which are of an unusual bright color. The green foliage of the birch reminds every viewer that Russia is not only great country, but also a picturesque corner of the world, where there is so much beauty and unknown.

But not only the white-trunked beauty was depicted by the artist; there is also a weeping willow on the canvas, which grows neatly over the river. As if in close rows, a willow tree was located right on the bank of a bright and clear river. And the river in the picture looks especially beautiful and charming surrounded by such trees, since there are no waves at all on the river surface.

And the clouds are reflected in the mirror surface of the river. In the painting by the artist Arkady Rylov, silvery and white clouds float, which appear curly in the smooth and clear azure sky. The opposite bank of the river is also noticeable, on which there are many small bushes. Foliage of bushes different shades: dark green to light shades the same color. And in the distance you can see endless meadows. On the canvas they are depicted in incredible bright and rich colors.

And all around there are wonderfully blooming fields with an unusual and amazing emerald green color. It can be seen that in one of the distant fields there is a small haystack, which reminds of the freshness of nature and its beauty.

Looking at this picturesque painting by Arkady Rylov, the viewer will involuntarily admire the beauty that the artist conveyed. He himself will become a big part of her, which will cheer you up at any time and make you forget about all the troubles. He calls to love your homeland, protect and protect.

A subtle, soulful artist, a wonderful teacher, Arkady Aleksandrovich Rylov made a significant contribution to the development of Russian Soviet painting. A master of the landscape genre, he left many captivating sketches of wonderful Russian nature, capturing its unassuming beauty and tenderness. For Rylov, nature is not just a background, but a self-sufficient “heroine” with its inherent moods, experiences, and states at one time or another. Let us also touch the creativity of the poet of brushes and paints!

History of a masterpiece

The topic of our conversation with you is a description of Rylov’s painting “Field Rowan”. It is interesting not only in itself, but also in the history of its creation, the environment in which the master worked. Extremely stressful for the young Soviet Russia In 1922, when the Civil War was still in full swing, the country was plunged into the chaos of devastation, hunger and cruel terror, the artist painted a canvas that was amazing in its harmony, kindness and peace. It was received with warm approval and sympathy by fellow artists and spectators. For people tired of social cataclysms, from a small size painting it smelled completely different, so familiar and close. The description of Rylov’s painting “Field Rowan” will help you feel the very special energy that the canvas radiated, which is what captivated the audience with the artist’s work. carefree, peace of mind, relaxed drowsy state of roast summer day, the heady smell of meadow flowers and herbs and the measured splash of the river - this is the setting into which this landscape takes us. Certainly, verbal description Rylov’s painting “Field Rowan” will not replace its living contemplation. But it will help to imagine general character And individual parts. And the main thing is to understand what guided the artist and why he wanted to capture this particular corner of nature. Nowadays the landscape is in one of exhibition halls State Russian Museum in St. Petersburg.


Let’s begin the description of Rylov’s painting “Field Rowan” by considering foreground. It depicts " main character» canvas – blooming tansy. It is interesting that the artist chose not the traditional rowan tree, but a shrub growing in meadows, along the banks of rivers and lakes. Why? Probably because the viewer is already accustomed to the elegant, catchy beauty of trees with flaming beads of berries. And it was the modest but charming field ash that captivated the artist. Rylov, sincerely in love with the discreet Russian nature, wanted to emphasize that even such ordinary landscapes are good in their own way and full of charm. And it’s true! Look how free and spreading the branches of the tansy bushes are, how juicy the dark green of the leaves are and how the yellow inflorescences shine like bright gold against their background! It seems that the sun kissed them, showering them with gold dust. And how vividly the meadow porridge bushes sway next to the mountain ash with their white-headed corollas! In general, the riot of the plant kingdom in the picture is amazing. Thick, tall, untouched grass of all shades of green, soft and fragrant, beckons you to lie down in it and doze off, enjoying the peace.

Side plans

In the picture, not only tansy appears as a kind of identification mark originally Russian rural landscape. The corner chosen by the author is framed by young birch trees. Thin, fragile trees sway sleepily in the midday breeze. It seems that the hot sun also weakened them, plunging them into a sweet slumber. The white trunks look defenseless, and we have a fear: that the naughty wind, roaming freely, might break them! Such a detail, insignificant at first glance, shows us how attentive and accurate Rylov the artist is, how subtly he captures the dynamics of the state of nature.


A small river slowly flows along a bank overgrown with grass and birch trees. Its water is bright blue, as if it has absorbed all the blueness. summer sky. The opposite bank is also clearly visible, on which groups of trees stand alone and grass is also sprouting. Meadow and field expanses extend further. And lush sails of clouds float above them. The wonderful landscape exudes freedom, free air and happiness of being.

Many artists loved to depict Russian nature, because it is impossible to ignore its beauty. Rylov could not pass by either, who in many of his works managed to convey the unsurpassed beauty of our region, the brightness and variety of colors that nature creates. You look at paintings such as Rylov’s painting Field Rowan and you understand that our nature, Russian nature, is truly the most beautiful. And now I’m painting from Rylov’s painting Field Rowan, and my soul is warm, pleasant and some kind of pride from the fact that I was also born and raised among the riot and splendor of colors native nature.

Painting by Rylov Field rowan description

Rylov's painting Field Rowan was painted in 1922. This is one of famous works artist, which conveys to us the author’s admiration for his native lands and the nature of our country. With special trepidation, the author depicts every detail and comes to the fore yellow flowers tansy, which is popularly called field rowan for its certain resemblance to the beautiful rowan. We see in front of us a beautiful bush, which seems to be collected in a bouquet. The yellowness of the flowers is set off by green leaves and white splashes of daisies. But at the same time, tansy and daisy flowers are everywhere. They decorate the green, lush grass with their brightness.

Next, in Rylov’s painting Field Rowan for 5th grade, a river is visible. Its deep Blue colour immediately attracts our attention. The river hid behind a riot of grass, trees and bushes. Here the birches are leaning towards the river, and somewhere in the distance you can see a willow. You look and understand that Rylov’s work uses a lot of Russian symbols, here you have a birch tree, a river, grass, willow, and wildflowers.

And this sky, it is magnificent in its blueness, with these shaggy white wisps, these fluffy clouds, on which you just want to bask. They float along, appearing in the river, and they transport me to the time when summer holidays In the village, at my grandmother’s place with the children, we lay on the grass in the middle of a field and tried to see the familiar images of animals in the same clouds.

In the description of Rylov’s painting Field Rowan, I would like to note its brightness. Probably the author painted the picture in good weather, because although the sun is not visible, the sun’s warmth comes from the picture, and the whole thing is simply filled with sunlight.

In Rylov’s painting “Field Rowan” we are introduced to the idealistic world of living nature, where there is a place only for the beautiful and the good.

The painting depicts a river hidden in dense thickets of grass. Meadow grasses amaze with their variety of colors. I can’t even believe that nature itself could create this. But the most amazing thing in this picture is the mountain ash, which timidly bent over the water. Its heavy clusters hang down and bend under the weight of the berries, so it seems that the mountain ash is treating everyone with its fruits.

It is no coincidence that the artist chose mountain ash for the image. Just in folklore The mountain ash is mentioned as often as the birch.

Rylov’s painting “Field Rowan” captivated me with its beauty and abundance of bright colors. Moreover, this combination does not look vulgar at all, but, on the contrary, touches the very depths of the soul with its amazing touchingness.

Essay on the painting “Field ash” 5th grade

  1. Painting
  2. Warm day
  3. Autumn is approaching
  4. Center of the picture
  5. Conclusion

I am looking at a reproduction of the painting “Field Rowan”. Arkady Rylov created it in 1922. The painter managed to capture the real splendor and brightness of the colors of domestic nature.

The painting depicts a warm summer day. The sun is at its zenith, so everything depicted is lit quite brightly. There are many herbs and flowers all around, stretching far to the horizon. The bright surface of the river, as well as the blue-pink clouds, create a special harmony among this beauty.

The artist also paid attention to the depiction of birch trees, willows, various shrubs and delicate wildflowers. In the distance, across the river, you can see a haystack among an endless meadow, which indicates the imminent approach of autumn.

The central part of the picture is the mountain ash, which is considered one of the symbols of Russian nature. Her heavy brushes contrast and enliven emerald color, reigning all around.

The picture is full of airiness, lightness, and at the same time emphasizes the power of the Russian land.
Arkady Aleksandrovich grew up in the village, and always had a warm attitude towards nature, conveying this through his works. The painting “Field Rowan” involuntarily fascinates with its brightness and completeness, calls on people to appreciate the originality and uniqueness of nature, to protect it and preserve it.

An outstanding artist of the early 20th century, Arkady Aleksandrovich Rylov was born on January 17 (29) in the village of Istobenskoye, Vyatka province. Rylov’s father was seriously ill, so the boy was raised in his stepfather’s family. Rylov spent his childhood and youth in Vyatka. Since childhood, Rylov was very fond of nature and admired its beauty.

Arkady Aleksandrovich Rylov is widely known for his wonderful landscapes: “In the Blue Expanse”, “Green Noise”. His landscape, painted in 1922, “Field Rowan,” is pleasing to the eye and uplifting. This painting by A. A. Rylov seemed to combine all the symbols of truly Russian nature: birches, willows, rowan trees, wildflowers, a blue river and a clear sky, endless meadows and fields that different times admired and inspired the creativity of great Russian poets, writers and artists: S. Yesenin, I. A. Bunin, I. I. Levitan, A. I. Kuindzhi and many others.

In A. A. Rylov’s painting “Field Rowan” we see another corner of our native nature dear to the heart of the Russian person, so familiar and dear, illuminated by the rays of the bright summer sun. In the foreground are modest, but bright and pleasing to the eye wildflowers: tansy, which is popularly called field ash, and chamomile. Yellow-orange tansy baskets scattered throughout the clearing stand out brightly among the general landscape. Its dark green emerald carved leaves contrast with the light green of the meadow grass. White wildflowers add tenderness to the floral carpet, add light and enliven it.

On the left in the picture there are thickets of rowan trees. Its heavy branches bent in red clusters over the water surface of the river. On the right you can see a white-trunked Russian beauty - a birch tree. A light summer breeze gently sways its bright green leaves. In addition to the birch tree, the artist depicted weeping willow, bending over the river, which is located along the entire picture like a wide light blue ribbon. There are no waves on the river. The river surface, like a mirror, reflects the white Cumulus clouds and heavenly azure. The opposite bank is decorated with numerous thickets of bushes with foliage in shades from dark to light green. Next, the artist depicted endless meadows of bright green color. In the background you can see emerald green trees and expanses of fields, on one of which there is a haystack. The picture is filled with air, you can feel the summer heat and extraordinary space.

Looking at this simple, modest and, at the same time, wonderful landscape, you involuntarily admire the beauty of your native nature, feel its charm and uniqueness at any time of the year, and the sunny bright colors summers lift your spirits and make you smile, forgetting about all the troubles. With his wonderful landscape “Field Rowan” A. A. Rylov encourages all people to pay attention to the beauty and uniqueness of their native nature, encourages them to appreciate and protect it.

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  5. rylov field rowan essay

A subtle, soulful artist, a wonderful teacher, made a significant contribution to the development of Russian Soviet painting. A master of the landscape genre, he left many captivating sketches of wonderful Russian nature, capturing its unassuming beauty and tenderness. For Rylov, nature is not just a background, but a self-sufficient “heroine” with its inherent moods, experiences, and states at one time or another. Let us also touch the creativity of the poet of brushes and paints!

History of a masterpiece

The topic of our conversation with you is a description of Rylov’s painting “Field Rowan”. It is interesting not only in itself, but also in the history of its creation, the environment in which the master worked. In 1922, an extremely tense year for young Soviet Russia, when the country was still in full swing and plunged into the chaos of devastation, hunger and cruel terror, the artist painted a canvas that was amazing in its harmony, kindness and peace. It was received with warm approval and sympathy by fellow artists and spectators. For people tired of social cataclysms, the small-sized painting smelled completely different, so familiar and close. The description of Rylov’s painting “Field Rowan” will help you feel the very special energy that the canvas radiated, which is what captivated the audience with the artist’s work. Carefreeness, peace of mind, a relaxed, drowsy state of a hot summer day, the heady smell of herbs and the measured splash of the river - this is the environment into which this landscape takes us. Of course, a verbal description of Rylov’s painting “Field Rowan” will not replace its living contemplation. But it will help to present the general character and individual details. And the main thing is to understand what guided the artist and why he wanted to capture this particular corner of nature. Nowadays the landscape is in one of the exhibition halls of the State Russian Museum in St. Petersburg.


Let's start Rylov's “Field Rowan” by looking at the foreground. It depicts the “main character” of the canvas - a blooming tansy. It is interesting that the artist chose not a traditional one, but a bush growing in meadows, along the banks of rivers and lakes. Why? Probably because the viewer is already accustomed to the elegant, catchy beauty of trees with flaming beads of berries. And it was the modest but charming field ash that captivated the artist. Rylov, sincerely in love with the low-key landscape, wanted to emphasize that even such ordinary landscapes are good in their own way and full of charm. And it’s true! Look how free and spreading the branches of the tansy bushes are, how juicy the dark green of the leaves are and how the yellow inflorescences shine like bright gold against their background! It seems that the sun kissed them, showering them with gold dust. And how vividly the meadow porridge bushes sway next to the mountain ash with their white-headed corollas! In general, the riot of the plant kingdom in the picture is amazing. The thick, tall grass, untouched by the scythe, is soft and fragrant, inviting everyone to lie down in it and doze off, enjoying the peace.

Side plans

In the picture, not only tansy acts as a kind of identifying mark of the original Russian rural landscape. The corner chosen by the author is framed by young birch trees. Thin, fragile trees sway sleepily in the midday breeze. It seems that the hot sun also weakened them, plunging them into a sweet slumber. The white trunks look defenseless, and we have a fear: that the naughty wind, roaming freely, might break them! Such a detail, insignificant at first glance, shows us how attentive and accurate Rylov the artist is, how subtly he captures the dynamics of the state of nature.


A small river slowly flows along a bank overgrown with grass and birch trees. Its water is bright blue, as if it had absorbed all the blue of the summer sky. The opposite bank is also clearly visible, on which groups of trees stand alone and grass is also sprouting. Meadow and field expanses extend further. And lush sails of clouds float above them. The wonderful landscape exudes freedom, free air and happiness of being.