Wild people are cannibals. Maori are cannibals

Don’t even doubt that hair loss in men is the same tragedy as for us women, with the exception that it is quite difficult for the stronger half to openly admit their problem and, even more so, to use products that prevent “hair loss”! This is where these intricate hairstyles from the series “three hairs in two rows” or throwing precious leftovers from right to left begin... But what should those whose faces are the main employer do, that is, celebrities who simply cannot look bad? After all, it is in in this case even geniuses plastic surgery unable to restore the density to the stars' hair... There is only one way out - to make a trend out of baldness! And now you will see this!

Billy Zane (49 years old)

Alas, this misfortune did not spare the once sultry, dark-skinned handsome man, American actor and producer, known for the films “Titanic”, “Black Knight” and “Phantom” - Billy Zane Jr. But as you can see, the actor quickly dealt with his thinning curls and began searching for a new look with... the shape of his eyebrows.

But in time he corrected the mistake and his view is more than convincing!

Bruce Willis (60 years old)

Fans worried about the loss of every hair of this actor no less than the star himself! But Bruce proved that he is still a “tough nut to crack” and today it is his bald head that inspires Hollywood machos to take drastic measures.

What if you fantasize?...Oh, no!

Agree - his sexuality is just off the charts!

Fyodor Bondarchuk (48 years old)

Remembering Bruce Willis, like it or not, the association is quite obvious - since the actor and director of such film hits as “9th Company”, “ Inhabited island" and "Stalingrad" shaved off the last remnants of hair on his head - he automatically took the position of the sexiest and most stylish domestic star, annually leading such ratings in glossy publications and not even letting their younger colleagues get close to them!

in the photo: Gosha Kutsenko knows what to thank his comrade for)

Woody Harrelson (54 years old)

Woody Harrelson belongs to the category of stars who female half and fell in love with her pretty face. But the actor did not give up, and his “transparent” head did not stop him from declaring his talent even more loudly - Woody Harrelson is an Emmy Award winner, a four-time Golden Globe nominee and twice nominated for an Oscar in the Best category. male role"!

Vin Diesel (48 years old).

The star of all hundred parts of “Fast and the Furious” quickly realized what was what, and even if his hair grows even thicker than before, it’s not a problem! Deft movements of the hands and the razor transform the rustic appearance American actor, director and producer into one of the sexiest Hollywood handsome men!

Mark Strong (52 years old)

Agree that the British actor Italian origin For Mark Strong, the star of such brilliant films as Sherlock Holmes, Robin Hood and the Oscar-winning The Imitation Game, his bald spot suits him better than his pitch-black but thinning locks...

By the way, many actors, whose genes allow them not to be afraid of the problem of hair loss, often agree to experiment with their appearance. In the movie "Heavenly Bosses" actor Colleen Farrell allowed himself to be turned into a balding and flabby man...

And just last week, the paparazzi provided photo frames from the filming of the dramatic film “Gold”, where it is almost impossible to recognize one of the most handsome actors in Hollywood - Matthew McConaughey...Well, let's return to our mini-rating:

Patrick Stewart (75 years old)

The British theater and film actor, one of the main actors of the Royal Shakespeare Company and the star of the “X-Men” films proves that venerable age and baldness are not at all an obstacle to continuing to conquer women’s hearts!

Samuel L. Jackson (age 66)

As you can see, the look of the American actor, who starred in the cult “ Pulp Fiction» Quentin Tarantino inspires that lack of hair growth is a great incentive for career growth!

Dmitry Nagiev (48 years old)

In this case, as they say – no comments! What this " bad guy“Being bald has only been beneficial – no one doubts it. Although for a long time, the actor was panicking over the loss of his precious curly locks: “You know, I resigned myself and simple truths began to dawn on me, like - if water washes away everything bad, that shaving off hair is a kind of complete renewal!”

And of course - Jason Statham (48 years old)

I can’t even believe that this actor can look different...

Show for skull lovers

The jungles of the Indonesian island of Kalimantan (Borneo) are inhabited by the Dayak tribes, who are known as skull hunters and cannibals. They consider such parts to be delicacies human body, like the penis, tongue, cheeks, skin from the chin, brain, mammary glands, meat from the thighs and calves, feet, palms, as well as the heart and liver.
At the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries, the country's government tried to organize the colonization of the island by relocating residents of Java and Madura there. But most of the settlers and the soldiers accompanying them were killed and eaten by the natives.
Tula resident Vladislav Anikeev always dreamed of visiting a tribe of cannibals. One day his dream came true. He went to Kalimantan!
A group of tourists found themselves in a village whose inhabitants were cannibals. Representatives of the local population willingly told the guests the details of the inhumane trade and shared the secrets of the technology for processing skulls. It looked like this. First, the skin was removed from the head of the dead man and kept in hot sand for a long time.
Then came the cosmetic work: the skin was corrected: where necessary, they tightened or removed folds. The exhibits were displayed on stakes. Hospitable aborigines even offered to buy “souvenirs” made from human remains... They explained the need to eat their enemies with an ancient belief: they say, having tasted human meat, you gain everything best qualities sacrifices: strength, intelligence, ingenuity, determination, courage.
Tourists from distant Russia listened in silence and stared at the terrible “souvenirs”. Only Vladislav began to pester the leader of the tribe, who was sitting importantly on a mat in the bungalow, with questions.
Before leaving, he wanted to talk to the leader again and looked into the hut. Imagine Anikeev’s surprise when he found the head of the cannibal tribe pulling on a T-shirt and jeans! Explaining to him in a terrible mixture of English, French and German, but mainly with the help of gestures, the Russian traveler found out facts that greatly disappointed him. It turned out that everything that was recently shown to them was nothing more than a show to attract tourists! Hunting for skulls has been strictly prohibited since 1861. But the tribe, which over the years has become quite civilized, receives good dividends from the bloodthirsty customs of its ancestors. True, according to the leader, in some places in remote villages people are still gobbled up, although this entails severe punishment. However, tourists are not taken there: after all, to eat white man Among the Kalimantan savages it is considered the highest achievement.

Kill Kahua

In the jungles of New Guinea, the Korowai tribe, numbering about 4,000 people, lives in the trees. Often members of the tribe die from various infections, but people think that the deceased were victims of Kahua - mystical creature, which is supposedly capable of receiving human form. Kahua is believed to eat the entrails of its prey while it sleeps.
Before death, a person usually whispers the name of the one under whose guise Kahua is hiding. It is clear that this could be any of the neighbors. After which the friends and relatives of the deceased go to the named, kill him and eat the entire body, with the exception of bones, teeth, hair, nails and genitals.
They are also wary of whites. They are called laleo ("demon ghost").
In 1961, Michael Rockefeller, son of New York Governor Nelson Rockefeller, went to study the Korowai tribe and disappeared. There is a version that he was eaten by savages.

Heartbreakers and Leopards

Most cases of cannibalism occur in Africa. In the Republic of the Congo, such episodes were often recorded during the period civil war 1997-1999. But this continues to happen today. For example, in 2014, a mob stoned, then burned and ate a man who was accused of being an Islamic rebel.

Do you know that…

In northern India, there is a sect of “chosen people of the god Shiva”, the Aghori, who practice eating human entrails. Members of this sect also eat decaying corpses caught from the sacred Ganges River.

Congolese believe that eating the heart of an enemy, cooked with special herbs, gives a person strength, courage and energy.
The most famous tribe of cannibals in western Africa call themselves the Leopards. Members of the tribe dress in leopard skins and arm themselves with animal fangs.
Until the 80s of the last century, human remains were found near the habitats of the Leopards. Perhaps such cases occur today. Savages are convinced that by eating the flesh of another person, you will gain his qualities, you will become faster and stronger.

Cannibalism by order

Until 1960, the Brazilian Wari tribe ate the flesh of the dead, who were distinguished by their religiosity and piety during their lifetime. But it was almost completely destroyed by some missionaries. However, even today in the slums of the municipality of Olinda there are cases of cannibalism. This can be explained extremely low level life, poverty and constant hunger.
In 2012, researchers conducted a survey among the local population, and many reported hearing voices ordering them to kill this or that person and eat him.

Who ate the Indians?

A few years ago in the southwest North America discovered traces of an ancient cannibal feast. The Indian settlement of Cowboy Wash in Colorado was abandoned by its inhabitants around 1150. It consisted of only three earthen huts. During excavations, archaeologists came across seven dismembered skeletons. The bones and skulls were separated from the flesh, scorched in a fire and split, probably to extract the brain matter. Bone fragments were in cooking pots. On the walls of the hearths there were stains that looked like blood; in one of them there was a piece of hardened mass that resembled dried human excrement in appearance.
Laboratory studies revealed that the found artifacts contained a protein chemical composition which corresponds to human. This clearly indicates cannibalism. Thus, researchers received the first indisputable evidence of the existence of cannibalism among the Anasazi Indians, who once inhabited the territories of Colorado, Arizona, New Mexico and Utah.

Dayak tribal leader with spear and shield

Scientists, however, although they acknowledge the fact of cannibalism, believe that the findings at Cowboy Wash do not yet explain who practiced it and why. The fact is that indirect evidence that researchers have so far come across suggests that the Anasazi ate exclusively the meat of their fellow tribesmen and most often during religious rituals. The inhabitants of Cowboy Wash were clearly killed by strangers.
The Anasazi - these include the Hopi, Zuni and other tribes that lived in those places - represent one of the most mysterious Indian cultures. They were by no means primitive savages - they managed to build a network of roads and ritual centers throughout the southwest.
Forty miles east of Cowboy Wash are the ruins of the lost city of Mesa Verde, surrounded by sheer cliffs and aqueducts. Meanwhile, most of the Anasazi lived in huts, growing corn and hunting wild animals. The Cowboy Wash dugouts contain pottery, grinding stones, Jewelry and other items of archaeological value.
Some historians suggest that local Indians were sacrificed as prisoners of war. Others claim that they were burned for witchcraft. And an archaeologist from the University of South Carolina, Brian Billman, hypothesized that the unfortunate Indians were destroyed and eaten by unknown attackers who planned to profit from their goods. What they could not carry with them had to be left in the huts. One way or another, the mystery of those long-ago events in Cowboy Wash has not yet been revealed.

Behind the palisade stood the houses of the residents, covered with thatch. The main building of the village was the marae - the Meeting House, which was the spiritual center. These houses were considered living beings. Their interior was called the belly, the beams were called the spine, and the mask above the roof ridge was the head. These houses were decorated with carvings depicting gods, leaders and events of the past. Near the marae, leaders were buried, magical rites were performed and sacrifices were made. The latter were headed by a leader (arik), who performed the functions of the high priest. In general, the figure of the leader was sacred for the Maori; he was treated like a demigod. After death, the spirit of the deceased leader became a real object of veneration. The leader had a special mana, i.e. a power that is given to people from above, by spirits. The concept of taboo is inextricably linked with the figure of the leader.

Taboo is a concept that means something separated from others, sacred, which they have no right to encroach on. The figure of the leader is taboo for everyone, because he is a demigod. Moreover, everything that came into contact with the leader became taboo. For example, if the chief touched someone's property, it no longer belonged to its previous owners. The latter could lose their housing if the leader entered it. The leader could impose a taboo on fishing and then no one dared to catch it until the ban was lifted. Violation of the taboo entailed immediate and sometimes terrible death. The fear of him was so great that, at times, people died (!) only when they accidentally found out that they had unwittingly broken a taboo. “The taboo covers life... peoples in such a depressing form that from here comes a general oppression, which the priests and leaders knew how to skillfully use for political purposes.” The Maori also had priests, who were divided into two main classes: the first - the tohunga or official priest located at the sanctuary, and the second - the taura, simple fortune-tellers and sorcerers not associated with the sanctuary. After the leaders the priests played main role in the tribe. The Maori believed that after death the souls of leaders and priests, becoming deities or demigods, lived forever, but the souls ordinary people die forever. This unusual doctrine of immortality also reveals the unlimited power that the leaders and priests possessed. New Zealanders had a large pantheon of gods, the main of which were: Tangaroa (god of the sea), Tane (god of the sun), Rongo (god of the moon), Tu (god of war). The main thing in the worship of the gods was sacrifices.

The sinister feature of Maori sacrifices was their cannibalistic nature. Until the 18th century, the concept of cannibal peoples was perceived as nothing more than a fairy tale. However, when Europeans discovered New Zealand, they were convinced that cannibal peoples were not a myth, but a terrible reality, a terrible example of what deviation from the True God leads to. The first European to visit New Zealand was Abel Tasman, who landed on its shores on December 13, 1642. The boats he sent on reconnaissance were attacked by the Maoris, as a result of which four sailors were killed.

The next European to set foot on its shores was the Frenchman Jacques Surville (December 12, 1769), whose sailors also had a conflict with the aborigines. Almost simultaneously with Surville, it was visited by D. Cook, who stayed here for five months and left very valuable information about the aborigines, with whom he managed not to get involved in a conflict. He also wrote one of their first descriptions: “The inhabitants of this country are strong, thin, well-built, agile, usually above average height, especially men. Their skin is dark brown, their hair is black, their beards are thin and also black, their teeth are white. Those whose faces are not disfigured by tattoos have rather pleasant features. In men usually long hair, combed up and tied at the crown. Some women have their hair loose over their shoulders (especially the older ones), others have it cut short... The locals seem to enjoy excellent health and longevity. Many old people and some middle-aged natives... tattoo their faces with black paint, but we saw several people with tattoos on other parts of the body: thighs, buttocks. Usually intertwined spirals are applied to the body, and the design is very subtle and beautiful... Women inject black paint under the skin on their lips. Both men and women sometimes paint their faces and bodies with red ocher mixed with fish oil... the food is not very varied: fern roots, dog meat, fish, wild fowl are its main types, because yams, thaw and sweet potatoes are not grown here. Local residents prepare food in the same way as the natives of the islands of the southern seas: they fry dogs and large fish in holes dug in the ground, while small fish, poultry, and shellfish are boiled over a fire.”

Only on his second trip did Cook find out exactly what the main and favorite meal of the aborigines was. Description of Captain Cook's second voyage around the world in 1772-1775. left by one of its participants, the wonderful and thoughtful scientist Georg Forster. His book “A Voyage Around the World” is distinguished by deep analysis, truthfulness and objectivity, even when he writes about the clashes between the Aborigines and the British. Let us give the floor to Forster, one of the first Europeans to witness a cannibal meal: “In the afternoon, the captain, along with Mr. Walls and my father, decided to cross to Motu Aro to inspect the garden and collect plants for the ship. Several lieutenants meanwhile went to Indian Cove to trade with the natives. The first thing that caught their eye was human entrails, piled in a heap near the water. They had hardly recovered from this spectacle when the Indians showed them various parts of the body itself and explained by signs and words that the rest they had eaten. Among these remaining parts was the head; as far as one could judge from it, the murdered man was a young man of fifteen or sixteen years old... While we were standing around looking at it, several New Zealanders approached us from the source. Seeing the head, they made it clear with signs that they would like to eat the meat and that it was very tasty... they did not eat the meat raw, but first decided to cook it right there in front of us; They fried it a little over the fire, after which they ate it with great appetite...

Philosophers who studied humanity from their study arrogantly claimed that, despite the information of the authors, cannibals never existed. Even among our companions there were several people who still doubted this, not wanting to believe the unanimous testimony of so many people... Now that we saw everything with our own eyes, there was not the slightest doubt about it.

Oparin A.A. In the kingdom of pygmies and cannibals. Archaeological research books of Ezra and Nehemiah. Part II. In the kingdom of pygmies and cannibals

Cannibalism (from French cannibale, Spanish canibal) is the eating of human flesh by people (the term anthropophagy is also used). In more in a broad sense- animals eating members of their own species. The name “cannibals” comes from “canib” - the name that before Columbus the inhabitants of the Bahamas called the inhabitants of Haiti, terrible cannibals. Subsequently, the name “cannibal” became equivalent to anthropophagus.

There is everyday and religious cannibalism.
Household farming was practiced under the primitive communal system, due to a lack of food, and was preserved as an exception during widespread famine. In contrast to religious cannibalism, which includes a variety of sacrifices, eating enemies or various body parts, dead relatives. Such eating is justified by the belief that strength and all abilities, skills and character traits will pass to the eater. In part, the cannibalism of maniacs can be attributed to religious.



In the Congo, cannibalism has reached the largest number during the Congolese civil war of 1999-2003. The last case was recorded in 2012. They eat people to scare away enemies, believing that in human heart hidden source enormous power and by eating it the cannibal gains this power.

West Africa

In West Africa there was a group of cannibals called "Leopards". That's what they were called appearance, since they dressed themselves in leopard skins and armed themselves with the fangs of these animals. Here and in the 80s of the last century, human remains were found. They explain their passion for human flesh by the fact that this action gives them energy, making them stronger.


Brazil is home to the Huari tribe, which is distinguished by its refined taste. Until 1960, their diet included only religious personalities and all kinds of educators. Only in Lately the need forced them to eat not only the righteous and God's chosen ones, but also ordinary sinners. To this day, outbreaks of cannibalism often occur here.

It is officially recognized that cannibalism flourishes among them due to their needs and high level poverty. But local residents claim to hear inner voice someone to kill and eat.

Papua New Guinea

The last nationality that constantly consumes human flesh in the 21st century is the Korowai tribe that lives in this area. There is such a scenario that it was here that Michael Rockefeller, the son of a well-known family and the then governor of New York, Nepeson Rockefeller, was eaten. In fact, Michael Rockefeller went on an expedition to Papua in 1961 - New Guinea, to study the life of this tribe, but never returned and a number of search expeditions did not produce results.

People eat after the death of a fellow tribesman who died in the absence of any cause or disease, and in order to avoid future deaths, they eat the deceased. Since death without a reason, in their worldview, is black magic.


Cannibalism in this area reached its greatest scale during the wars in South-East Asia throughout the 1960s - 1970s. Their warriors had a ritual of eating the liver of the enemy. The reasons why local residents consume human flesh are: religious beliefs and the Khmer Rouge famine.


In the Indian sect, "Aghori" eat volunteers who bequeathed their bodies after death to the sect. After being eaten, the bones and skull are used to make various decorations. In 2005, media investigations conducted here revealed that this religious group was eating corpses from the Ganges River. "Aghori" believe that human flesh is the best elixir of youth.

The last cannibals are known to live in Papua New Guinea. People still live here according to the rules adopted 5 thousand years ago: men go naked, and women cut off their fingers. There are only three tribes that still engage in cannibalism, these are the Yali, Vanuatu and Karafai. The Karafai (or tree people) are the most brutal tribe. They eat not only warriors of foreign tribes, lost locals or tourists, but also all their dead relatives. The name “tree people” came from their houses, which stand incredibly high (see the last 3 photos). The Vanuatu tribe is peaceful enough that the photographer is not eaten; several pigs are brought to the leader. Yali are formidable warriors (photos of Yali start with photo 9). The phalanges of the fingers of a woman of the Yali tribe are cut off with a hatchet as a sign of grief for the deceased or deceased relative.

Most main holiday Yali is a holiday of death. Women and men paint their bodies in the form of a skeleton. On the holiday of death before, perhaps they still do it now, they killed a shaman and the leader of the tribe ate his warm brain. This was done in order to satisfy Death and absorb the knowledge of the shaman to the leader. Now Yali people are killed less often than usual, mainly if there was a crop failure or for some other “important” reasons.

Hungry cannibalism, which is preceded by murder, is regarded in psychiatry as a manifestation of the so-called hunger insanity.

Domestic cannibalism is also known, not dictated by the need for survival and not provoked by hunger insanity. In judicial practice, such cases are not classified as intentional murder with particular cruelty.

Apart from these not very common cases, the word "cannibalism" often brings to mind crazy ritual feasts, during which victorious tribes devour parts of the bodies of their enemies in order to gain their strength; or another well-known useful "application" of this phenomenon: the heirs treat the bodies of their fathers in this way in the pious hope that they will be reborn in the body of the eaters of their flesh.

The most "cannibalistic" strange modern world is Indonesia. This state has two famous centers of mass cannibalism - the Indonesian part of the island of New Guinea and the island of Kalimantan (Borneo). The jungles of Kalimantan are inhabited by 7-8 million Dayaks, famous skull hunters and cannibals.

The most delicious parts of their body are considered to be the head - the tongue, cheeks, skin from the chin, the brain removed through the nasal cavity or ear hole, meat from the thighs and calves, heart, palms. The initiators of crowded campaigns for skulls among the Dayaks are women.
The latest surge in cannibalism in Borneo occurred at the turn of the 20th and 21st centuries, when the Indonesian government tried to organize the colonization of the interior of the island by civilized immigrants from Java and Madura. The unfortunate peasant settlers and the soldiers accompanying them were mostly slaughtered and eaten. Until recently, cannibalism persisted on the island of Sumatra, where the Batak tribes ate criminals sentenced to death and incapacitated old people.

The activities of the “father of Indonesian independence” Sukarno and the military dictator Suharto played a major role in the almost complete elimination of cannibalism on Sumatra and some other islands. But even they could not improve the situation in Irian Jaya, Indonesian New Guinea, one iota. The Papuan ethnic groups living there, according to missionaries, are obsessed with a passion for human meat and are characterized by unprecedented cruelty.

They especially prefer human liver with medicinal herbs, penises, noses, tongues, meat from thighs, feet, mammary glands. In the eastern part of the island of New Guinea, in the independent state of Papua New Guinea, much less evidence of cannibalism is recorded.