The message Christian motives of Yuri Zhivago is brief. To help a schoolchild

Boris Pasternak considered the poems that make up a separate, final part of the novel “Doctor Zhivago” as the poems of the main character, the doctor Yuri Zhivago, to be his best poems. Here many images are connected with the Gospel. In the opening of the cycle, “Hamlet,” the poet begs God to pass by the cup of suffering, but realizes that
...The schedule of actions has been thought out,
And the end of the road is inevitable.
I am alone, everything is drowning in pharisaism.
Living life is not a field to cross.
In another poem, “On Passion,” nature mourns the death of Christ:
And the forest is stripped and uncovered
And at the Passion of Christ,
How the line of worshipers stands
A crowd of pine trunks.
And in the city, on a small
In space, like at a meeting,
The trees look naked
Church grilles.
And their gaze is filled with horror.
Their concern is understandable.
Gardens emerge from fences.
The order of the earth is wavering:
They are burying God.
However, according to the poet, the miracle of the Resurrection on Easter night will restore world harmony and overcome death:
But at midnight creation and flesh will fall silent,
Hearing the spring rumor,
Just as long as the weather is clear,
Death can be overcome
With the strength of Sunday.
In one of Pasternak’s most famous poems, in the famous “ winter night", a candle lit on the table, like a candle near an icon, likens a love date to a prayer:
Shadows lay on the illuminated ceiling,
Crossing of arms, crossing of legs,
Crossing fates.
There was a blow on the candle from the corner,
And the heat of temptation
Raised two wings like an angel
At Pasternak's true love guarded by angels.
The “Christmas Star” is dedicated to Christmas. Here Star of Bethlehem“rose like a burning stack of straw and hay in the middle of the whole Universe, alarmed by this new star.” And the Magi:
They stood in the shadows, as if in the darkness of a stable,
They whispered, barely finding words.
Suddenly someone in the dark, a little to the left
He pushed the sorcerer away from the manger with his hand,
And he looked back: from the threshold to the Virgin,
The Christmas star looked on like a guest.
And almost all the verses in the cycle that follow “The Christmas Star” are already dedicated directly to Jesus Christ. In “Dawn” the poet again, after a long break, comes to faith in the Lord:
And after many, many years
Your voice alarmed me again.
All night I read Your Testament
And as if he had fainted, he came to life.
In "Miracle" - last way Christ from Bethany to Jerusalem, and the episode with the fig tree incinerated by lightning:
Find yourself a moment of freedom at this time
At the leaves, branches, and roots, and trunk,
If only the laws of nature could intervene.
But there is a miracle miracle, and miracle there is God.
When we are in confusion, then in the midst of confusion
It hits you instantly, by surprise.
Pasternak puts God's Providence above the laws of nature, miracle above knowledge. In “Earth” he calls “for the secret stream of suffering to warm the cold of existence.” In "Bad Days" to Christ during the solemn entry into Jerusalem
I remember the majestic stingray
In the desert and that steepness,
With which world power
Satan tempted him.
Also, the poet himself had to endure many devilish temptations from those in power in his life, but he did not betray his muse, as Doctor Zhivago proved. In Magdalene, Pasternak hopes
During this terrible interval I will grow to Sunday.
And in the final “Garden of Gethsemane” the gospel landscape, where “gray silver olive trees tried to step into the distance through the air,” conveys state of mind Jesus when
He refused without confrontation,
Like things borrowed
From omnipotence and wonderworking,
And now he was like mortals, like us.
The distance of the night now seemed like an edge
Destruction and non-existence. Space
The universe was uninhabited
And only the garden was a place to live.
Christ addresses his disciples:
...The passage of centuries is like a parable
And it can catch fire while driving.
In the name of her terrible greatness
I will go to the grave in voluntary torment.
I will go down to the grave and on the third day I will rise,
And how rafts are floated down the river,
To Me for judgment, like the barges of a caravan,
Centuries will float out of the darkness.
For Pasternak, the evangelical motifs of “verses from the novel” were necessary to emphasize the Christian ethics underlying Doctor Zhivago. The sermon of Jesus illuminates not only all centuries of subsequent history, but also the images of the heroes of the novel. It glows not only in the Universe, but also in the souls of Yuri Zhivago and Lara. Zhivago, in full accordance with his surname, is alive; in Soviet society he is actually buried alive. It is no coincidence that the novel begins with the funeral of Yuri’s father and the prophetic phrase: “Zhivago is being buried.” And in the finale, Doctor Zhivago is destined to “seriously and completely die” - he literally suffocates in a crowded tram. But he resurrects - in his poems that complete the novel.

    Pasternak's main character is a doctor. Just like Dickens' hero is a doctor. a brief description of Doctor Manette extends in Doctor Zhivago to all situations characterizing medical activity Yuri Zhivago. "Doctor...

    The genre uniqueness of the novel “Doctor Zhivago” lies in the fact that it is a lyrical-epic novel. The first publication of the work was planned in the magazine " New world“, but it dragged on, and Pasternak in 1956 handed over the manuscript, which he worked on intermittently...

  1. New!

    In accordance with the ideological and thematic content, a system of images of the novel is built, in the center of which is main character- Yuri Andreevich Zhivago. He is often called the author’s alter ego and compared to the lyrical hero of poems. On the other side,...

  2. The hum died down. I went on stage. Leaning against the door frame, I catch in a distant echo what will happen in my lifetime. B. Pasternak Boris Pasternak is the greatest Russian writer and poet of the 20th century. On October twenty-third, 1958, he was awarded...

The problem of revolution and civil war in Russia was very important for Pasternak in understanding the fate and future of Russia. The writer believed that after the most difficult events in the history of the country, a spiritual awakening of society would definitely begin: “If God wills it, and I’m not mistaken, there will soon be bright life, exciting new Age».

The writer was looking forward to this time, with which he had all his dreams and hopes. And the first step towards spiritual awakening was one of his best works - Doctor Zhivago.

The novel began in December 1945. Pasternak felt a certain inner duty to his native land, so he sought to create a novel about Russia, about its tragedy.

The awareness that his creation will be a kind of guarantee of immortality, that there is no way to retreat, is most clearly expressed in the poem “Hamlet”, included in the collection of works by Yuri Zhivago:

The hum died down. I went on stage.

Leaning against the door frame,

What will happen in my lifetime.

In my opinion, Pasternak (like Pushkin, Lermontov and many other poets and writers) sees the main goal of creativity as the proclamation of truth and truth. However, this path is very difficult and sometimes cruel.

Pasternak himself once said the following about his novel: “This thing will be an expression of my views on art, on the Gospel, on human life in history and much more...” This novel became a kind of revelation of the author. Indeed, in Doctor Zhivago Pasternak gives his assessment human life. He is especially concerned about the topic of faith in God and Christian motives: “The atmosphere of the thing is my Christianity, in its breadth a little different than Quaker and Tolstoy, coming from other sides of the Gospel in addition to moral ones.”

So what is Pasternak's understanding of Christianity? This question can be answered, in my opinion, if we turn to the scene taking place at the bedside dying Anna Ivanovna Gromeko. Yuri Zhivago says that “I always understood Christ’s words about the living and the dead differently.”

According to young man, resurrection is already in our birth. However, people do not notice this and perceive life as a series of sufferings. The most important, true thing is that “man in other people is the soul of man.” In my opinion, one cannot but agree with this. Memory becomes that amazing power, which makes everyone immortal, alive in those around them: “... this is what your consciousness breathed, fed, got along with all your life. Your soul, your immortality, your life in others. And what? You were in others, you will remain in others.”

Thus, we can say that for Pasternak, a person’s actions are important, because only they will remain in memory. And the rest is perishable and has little meaning.

Although the attitude towards death in the work is also special. Yuri Zhivago claims that death simply does not exist, there is only immortal life. This position, in my opinion, is optimistic and has a basis, since Pasternak himself was also confident in the impossibility of death. It is important to note that the writer initially wanted to call his novel “There is No Death.” But in that case main idea the work would be too transparent. It must have been this argument alone that forced the author to abandon such a name. But this idea can be seen very clearly in the novel.

Despite physical death, the main character still found the “elixir of eternal life.” They become creativity and actions that remain in people’s memory.

Yes, of course, Pasternak believes in some predestination and divine power, which at some moments guides a person. However, in the era revolutionary events During the civil war, for most people, faith in God faded into the background. The writer understands this, but still tries to convey to people the value of striving for beauty, the present as a manifestation of God.

It is also important to note that Pasternak’s Christianity is inevitably connected with nature. Thus, Jesus appears as “a man-shepherd in a flock of sheep at sunset.” The main character is escorted to another world by flowers, for they are “the kingdom of plants - the closest neighbor to the kingdom of death. In the greenery of the earth is the concentration of the mystery of transformation and the riddle of life.”

Thus, in his perception of Christianity, Pasternak, on the one hand, confirms the basic laws of existence, and on the other, introduces new adjustments that can also be considered true. Moreover, he transfers his worldview into the plot of the novel, once again proving that death does not exist, but there is eternal life. And the content of this life depends on the actions that people perform, on their kindness, sensitivity and spiritual strength.

In the novel, Pasternak does not impose Christian dogmas on others, he overestimates them. The writer gives a new explanation of faith, Christ, love, truth, believing that each of us and our deeds are the power that collectively gives the concept of “God.” The author expressed his point of view in the novel "Doctor Zhivago"

Literature lesson in 11th grade.

"You are the son of the living God"

Christian motives in the novel Doctor Zhivago

Poems by Yuri Zhivago.

1.Draw students’ attention to genre originality novel, the indissoluble dialectical unity of poetry and prose.

2.Help the children understand the meaning of Christian motives in creative idea Pasternak.

3. Determine the role of the poetic cycle in the novel:

Poem "Hamlet"

Poem "Garden of Gethsemane"

Poem "Winter Night"

Lesson type: summarizing the material studied.

Type of lesson: lesson-seminar

During the classes

IOrganizational moment. Determining the goals and objectives of the lesson, its place and significance in the system of lessons based on the novel by B. Pasternak.

Slide “Lesson Topic”

I finished the novel, fulfilled my duty,

bequeathed from God.

(from Pasternak’s letter to V. Shalamov)

II Lesson – seminar.

Slide “Portrait of B. Pasternak. Epigraph"

Discussion, explanation of the epigraph.

Questions for discussion during the lesson:

Slide "Lesson progress"

  1. Themes and problems of the novel.

Man and revolution

Man and the world

Man and history

Human and nature

Man and his relationship with life and death

  1. Christian motives in the novel Doctor Zhivago

Christian ideas


3. Analysis of poems.

a) "Hamlet"

b) “Winter Night”

c) "Garden of Gethsemane"

Teacher's word. Pasternak's hero, Yuri Zhivago, attracts with his openness, ability to love and appreciate life, insecurity, which is not a sign of lack of will, but the ability to think and doubt. Hero-expression moral ideal author: he is talented, smart, kind, sees the world in his own way and does not adapt to anyone. He's a personality. The idea of ​​the novel is the Christian idea of ​​a free individual.

Introductory talk:

Was it by chance that the idea of ​​life became the main one in the novel?

What is the main idea of ​​life in the novel?

In what ways does life manifest itself most vividly?

What is Russia for Zhivago?

So, what is most important for a hero in life? (ideas of Christianity, ideas of free personality and the idea of ​​life as a sacrifice)

Slides "Biblical theme"

Who is the hero's surname associated with? (with the image of Christ)

The symbol contained in the name of the main character? (Yuri is a variant of the name George, George the Victorious)

Teacher. Yu. Zhivago takes almost no direct part in events, but his understanding of life and everything that happens is based on Christian values.

The basis plot - gospel drama of spiritual choice and sacrifice on the cross.

At the center of the hero’s thoughts is the triad: “life-death-resurrection”

Creativity - “God’s Word about Life”

Slides "Jesus Christ"

1 group. Commentary on “Vedenyapin’s sermon” (Part 1, Chapter 5)

- In what works of the 20th century did you encounter a similar understanding of God?

(M. Bulgakov “The Master and Margarita”)

2nd group. What significance does the chronology of events play in the novel? (plot on a scale of eternity)

Group 3. Elements of Church Slavonic vocabulary, references to Holy Scripture, to the Gospel texts and their role.

4th group. The image of Christ and the hero of the novel. Comparison.

Teacher . Does the novel end with the death of Doctor Zhivago? (No, it ends with poetry) Why do you think?

(Poetry - this is something that cannot die)

Poems by Yuri Zhivago.

Teacher's word. Poetry and prose in the novel form a living, indivisible unity, a new genre form. Therefore, we can talk about Pasternak’s genre innovation. So, what significance does the “notebook of Yuryev’s writings” have in the overall context of the novel?

Student's message about Zhivag's poetic cycle.(prepared in advance)

Teacher's word. So, since the ideal of the hero of the novel and its author is projected onto “ eternal image", then it is best to consider it at

"Poems of Yuri Zhivago"

What poem opens the seventeenth, poetic chapter of the work?

Slides "Hamlet". The student reads the poem by heart.

Analysis of the poem Hamlet

Why does the cycle open with this particular poem?

The originality of the poem. “Hamlet” by Pasternak and “I am Hamlet” by A. Blok

How is the poem included in the context of world culture?

What Shakespearean formula does this poem bring to mind?

("All world-theater, and the people in it are actors")

What do the fates of Hamlet and Yuri Zhivago have in common?

Implementation of homework. Comparison of Hamlet's soliloquy

(W. Shakespeare “Hamlet”, act 1.3) with reflections lyrical hero poems. Gospel reminiscence.

Teacher. This address (Let this cup pass from me!) is a paraphrase of Christ’s prayer in the Garden of Gethsemane.

Slides "Garden of Gethsemane". A student reads an excerpt of a poem.

Analysis of the poem "Garden of Gethsemane"

What place does this poem occupy in a poetry notebook?

Give your interpretation of the poem. (For Zhivago, following Jesus Christ means following the chosen path of suffering, gaining Eternity)

Hidden polemic with A. Blok's poem "Twelve".

In what works of 20th century literature did you visit the Garden of Gethsemane with the author? (M. Bulgakov “The Master and Margarita”, scene of the murder of Judas)

Why does this particular poem complete the book of Yuri Zhivago’s lyrics?

Teacher's word. There is an assumption that the poem “Winter Night” is the first poem by Yuri Zhivago. This assumption is interesting and generally corresponds to the spirit of the novel and its symbolism.

A student reads a poem.

Now let's listen to a song based on the words of this poem.

Slides "Winter Night".

- Determine the meaning of the symbol image of a candle based on the novel and the Bible.

(Chapters 9, 10 of the first part - the eve of the Nativity of Christ. It was at this time that Yuri whispers to himself: “The candle was burning on the table. The candle was burning...” He hoped that the continuation would come by itself without coercion. It did not come. The symbolism of the candle goes back to the words in the Sermon on the Mount “... having lit a candle, they do not put it under a bushel, but on a candlestick, and it gives light to everyone in the house” Image-symbol a burning candle runs through the entire narrative, thus, as it were, holding together the corresponding parts of the novel)

What is the second main image present in the poem? (blizzard)

What can a person oppose? hostile world and the feeling of being lost in a cold space? (human feelings)

In what lines does the poet state: the blizzard is powerless? What is the power of the final stanza of the poem?

Philosophical poems and common words. Being and life.

How does sound painting convey the sound of fallen shoes and the slow fall of wax drops?

What paths does the poet use? (epithets, comparisons)

Verbal construction of the text (no verbs denoting the actions of the characters)

Why do critics define this poem as a fusion of philosophical and love lyrics?

Generalization. What is the significance of “The Poems of Yuri Zhivago” in the context of the novel?

Video film “B. Pasternak” (excerpt)

Summing up the lesson.

With what words does the novel end, what is your opinion about the ending?

D.Z.1. Pasternak's lyrics as assessed by critics, give examples of statements by M. Tsvetaeva, R. Yakobson, L. Ozerov, A. Sinyavsky, D. S. Likhachev and others.

2. Think over the topics of essays on the works of B. Pasternak, prepare a thesis plan for one of the topics.



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At the end there was someone's garden, an allotment of land. Leaving the disciples behind the wall, He told them: “The soul grieves to death, Stay here and stay awake with Me”... ...And, looking into these black gaps, Empty, without beginning or end, So that this cup of death would pass, In a bloody sweat He prayed to the Father ...

Boris Pasternak considered the poems that make up a separate, final part of the novel “Doctor Zhivago” as the poems of the main character, the doctor Yuri Zhivago, to be his best poems. Here many images are connected with the Gospel. In the opening of the cycle, “Hamlet,” the poet begs God to pass by the cup of suffering, but realizes that

The schedule of actions has been thought out,

And the end of the road is inevitable.

I am alone, everything is drowning in pharisaism.

Living life is not a field to cross.

In another poem, “On Passion,” nature mourns the death of Christ:

And the forest is stripped and uncovered

And at the Passion of Christ,

How the line of worshipers stands

A crowd of pine trunks.

And in the city, on a small

In space, like at a meeting,

The trees look naked

In church bars.

And their gaze is filled with horror.

Their concern is understandable.

Gardens emerge from fences.

The order of the earth is wavering:

They are burying God.

However, according to the poet, the miracle of the Resurrection on Easter night will restore world harmony and overcome death:

But at midnight creation and flesh will fall silent,

Hearing the spring rumor,

It's just clearing weather,

Death can be overcome

With the strength of Sunday.

In one of Pasternak’s most famous poems, in the famous “Winter Night,” a candle lit on the table, like a candle near an icon, likens a love encounter to a prayer:

Shadows lay on the illuminated ceiling,

Crossing of arms, crossing of legs,

Crossing fates.

There was a blow on the candle from the corner,

And the heat of temptation

Raised two wings like an angel


For Pasternak, true love is guarded by angels.

The “Christmas Star” is dedicated to Christmas. Here the Star of Bethlehem “rose like a burning stack of straw and hay in the midst of the whole Universe, alarmed by this new star.” And the Magi:

They stood in the shadows, as if in the darkness of a stable,

They whispered, barely finding words.

Suddenly someone in the dark, a little to the left

He pushed the sorcerer away from the manger with his hand,

And he looked back: from the threshold to the Virgin,

The Christmas star looked on like a guest.

And almost all the verses in the cycle that follow “The Christmas Star” are already dedicated directly to Jesus Christ. In “Dawn” the poet again, after a long break, comes to faith in the Lord:

All night I read Your Testament

And as if he had fainted, he came to life.

In the “Miracle” - the last journey of Christ from Bethany to Jerusalem, and the episode with the fig tree incinerated by lightning:

Find yourself a moment of freedom at this time

At the leaves, branches, and roots, and trunk,

If only the laws of nature could intervene.

But a miracle is a miracle, and a miracle is God.

When we are in confusion, then in the midst of confusion

It hits you instantly, by surprise.

Pasternak puts God's Providence above the laws of nature, miracle above knowledge. In “Earth” he calls “for the secret stream of suffering to warm the cold of existence.” In "Bad Days" to Christ during the solemn entry into Jerusalem

I remember the majestic stingray

In the desert and that steepness,

With which world power

Satan tempted him.

Also, the poet himself had to endure many devilish temptations from those in power in his life, but he did not betray his muse, as Doctor Zhivago proved. In Magdalene, Pasternak hopes

During this terrible interval I will grow to Sunday.

And in the final “Garden of Gethsemane,” the gospel landscape, where “gray silver olive trees tried to step into the distance through the air,” conveys the mental state of Jesus when

He refused without confrontation,

Like things borrowed

From omnipotence and wonderworking,

And now he was like mortals, like us.

The distance of the night now seemed like an edge

Destruction and non-existence. Space

The universe was uninhabited

And only the garden was a place to live.

Christ addresses his disciples:

The passage of centuries is like a parable

And it can catch fire while driving.

In the name of her terrible greatness

I will go to the grave in voluntary torment.

I will go down to the grave and on the third day I will rise,

And how rafts are floated down the river,

To Me for judgment, like the barges of a caravan,

Centuries will float out of the darkness.

For Pasternak, the evangelical motifs of “verses from the novel” were necessary to emphasize the Christian ethics underlying Doctor Zhivago. The sermon of Jesus illuminates not only all centuries of subsequent history, but also the images of the heroes of the novel. It glows not only in the Universe, but also in the souls of Yuri Zhivago and Lara. Zhivago, in full accordance with his surname, is alive; in Soviet society he is actually buried alive. It is no coincidence that the novel begins with the funeral of Yuri’s father and the prophetic phrase: “Zhivago is being buried.” And in the finale, Doctor Zhivago is destined to “seriously and completely die” - he literally suffocates in a crowded tram. But he resurrects - in his poems that complete the novel.

What Christian motifs are present in Pasternak’s novel “Doctor Zhivago”?

The problem of revolution and civil war in Russia was very important for Pasternak in understanding the fate and future of Russia. The writer believed that after the most difficult events in the history of the country, a spiritual awakening of society would definitely begin: “If God wills it, and I’m not mistaken, there will soon be a vibrant life in Russia, exciting a new century.”

The writer was looking forward to this time, with which he had all his dreams and hopes. And the first step towards spiritual awakening was one of his best works - Doctor Zhivago.

The novel began in December 1945. Pasternak felt a certain inner duty to his native land, so he sought to create a novel about Russia, about its tragedy.

The awareness that his creation will be a kind of guarantee of immortality, that there is no way to retreat, is most clearly expressed in the poem “Hamlet”, included in the collection of works by Yuri Zhivago:

The hum died down. I went on stage.

Leaning against the door frame,

What will happen in my lifetime.

In my opinion, Pasternak (like Pushkin, Lermontov and many other poets and writers) sees the main goal of creativity as the proclamation of truth and truth. However, this path is very difficult and sometimes cruel.

Pasternak himself once said the following about his novel: “This thing will be an expression of my views on art, on the Gospel, on human life in history and much more...” This novel became a kind of revelation of the author. Indeed, in Doctor Zhivago Pasternak gives his assessment of human life. He is especially concerned about the topic of faith in God and Christian motives: “The atmosphere of the thing is my Christianity, in its breadth a little different than Quaker and Tolstoy, coming from other sides of the Gospel in addition to moral ones.”

So what is Pasternak's understanding of Christianity? This question can be answered, in my opinion, if we turn to the scene taking place at the bedside of the dying Anna Ivanovna Gromeko. Yuri Zhivago says that “I always understood Christ’s words about the living and the dead differently.”

According to the young man, resurrection is already in our birth. However, people do not notice this and perceive life as a series of sufferings. The most important, true thing is that “man in other people is the soul of man.” In my opinion, one cannot but agree with this. Memory becomes that amazing force that makes everyone immortal, alive in those around them: “... this is what your consciousness breathed, fed, got along with all your life. Your soul, your immortality, your life in others. And what? You were in others, you will remain in others.”

Thus, we can say that for Pasternak, a person’s actions are important, because only they will remain in memory. And the rest is perishable and has little meaning.

Although the attitude towards death in the work is also special. Yuri Zhivago claims that death simply does not exist, there is only eternal life. This position, in my opinion, is optimistic and has a basis, since Pasternak himself was also confident in the impossibility of death. It is important to note that the writer initially wanted to call his novel “There is No Death.” But in this case, the main idea of ​​the work would be too transparent. It must have been this argument alone that forced the author to abandon such a name. But this idea can be seen very clearly in the novel.

Despite physical death, the main character still found the “elixir of eternal life.” They become creativity and actions that remain in people’s memory.

Yes, of course, Pasternak believes in some predestination and divine power, which at some moments guides a person. However, during the era of the revolutionary events of the civil war, for most people, faith in God faded into the background. The writer understands this, but still tries to convey to people the value of striving for beauty, the present as a manifestation of God.

It is also important to note that Pasternak’s Christianity is inevitably connected with nature. Thus, Jesus appears as “a man-shepherd in a flock of sheep at sunset.” The main character is escorted to another world by flowers, for they are “the kingdom of plants - the closest neighbor to the kingdom of death. In the greenery of the earth is the concentration of the mystery of transformation and the riddle of life.”

Thus, in his perception of Christianity, Pasternak, on the one hand, confirms the basic laws of existence, and on the other, introduces new adjustments that can also be considered true. Moreover, he transfers his worldview into the plot of the novel, once again proving that death does not exist, but there is eternal life. And the content of this life depends on the actions that people perform, on their kindness, sensitivity and spiritual strength.

In the novel, Pasternak does not impose Christian dogmas on others, he overestimates them. The writer gives a new explanation of faith, Christ, love, truth, believing that each of us and our deeds are the power that collectively gives the concept of “God.” The author expressed his point of view in the novel "Doctor Zhivago"