A new official photo of Kate Middleton and Prince William with their children has been published.

Then people suspected something was wrong: Prince William of England and Katya Middleton were behaving strangely. Everything seems to be fine with them, but something is wrong. It seems like they are hiding something from the public. Judge for yourself, in public they seem to be happy, they love each other, but there is some distance between them.

So they thought in Britain that the prince wouldn’t even hug the princess at all, wouldn’t hold her hand and wouldn’t allow himself any physical contact at all. And Kate every now and then quietly puts her hand on her lover’s knee. Has so-and-so really fallen out of love? It turns out that the answer is as simple as the air you and I breathe.

In a recent interview, court etiquette expert Mika Mayer said what exactly is the reason and why the crowned couple behaves with emphatic restraint. Although there are no specific rules that prohibit monarchs from expressing their feelings in public, it is a matter of decency. Kate and William try to observe these decencies in every possible way.

After all, during official visits in other countries, the prince and his wife represent Britain, that is, in fact, they are at work. And you can’t really flirt at work! Although, of course, in some places they can still be caught hugging, but these are less formal events where William and Kate are not very visible.

46727 May 29, 2017, 2:30 pm

Prince William and Kate Middleton with children

Representatives of Kensington Palace published online a new official photo of the Duke and Duchess of Cambridge with their children. The black-and-white photo shows Prince William posing in the garden with their children, Prince George and Princess Charlotte, and dog Lupo.

The shot, authored by Norman Jean Roy, was taken back in April - as part of a photo shoot for the British edition of GQ magazine, to which William gave frank interview. The reason for the conversation is the approaching 20th anniversary of the death of the prince’s mother, Lady Di.

I wish she could give me some advice. I would like her to meet Katherine and see how our children grow up. It saddens me that this will never happen, that they will never know her. Now I have already learned to live with it, but I couldn’t do it for a long time. I can talk publicly about my mother’s death, remember what she was like... It took me almost 20 years to come to this. Sometimes it still hurts, this wound will never fully heal. And my case is special, I cannot grieve the same way as others, because everyone knows this story, everyone knows it. Other bereaved people may decide for themselves how to grieve - whether to hide their feelings or share their story with others. In my case this is not possible,

- William admitted.

Source GQ

Photo by GQ

From Jessica Craig to Kate Middleton: all the girls Prince William dated before he got married.

Before meeting Kate Middleton and even after meeting her, Prince William was very popular with girls, moreover, he gladly reciprocated their feelings, although he still married Catherine. Who are these failed princesses?

(Total 8 photos)

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Davina Duckworth-Chad

Davina - a representative, of course, of a very wealthy and noble family - was destined for William not by fate, but by relatives. Even when Davina and Will were children, their parents dreamed of a future wedding. But even despite the fact that Davina generally corresponded to the taste preferences of the future monarch - and as experience shows, William always had his eye on blondes - nothing came of it.

Apparently, the young people were connected exclusively platonic relationship. They even went on a yacht cruise in 1999, spent a lot of time alone, but, alas, the miracle never happened - both remained cold-blooded, and their parents' dreams were shattered. Davina got married before William and even invited her unfulfilled lover to the wedding. Now the girl is happily married and has two daughters.

Rose Farquhar

William first saw Rose at a traditional aristocratic event - a fox hunt. Father Farquhar organized an annual pleasure trip for the royal family. It is generally accepted that Rosie was the prince's first strong and by no means platonic hobby. True, the girl herself did not experience serious feelings for the heir to the British throne, even despite the tempting prospects. Rose, who had been singing since childhood, dreamed of becoming a singer and did not at all aspire to join the royal family. Despite having a doll-like appearance, Rose turned out to be very intelligent and quickly realized - either the palace or singing, and chose the second ( modern girl, what really...).

Romance of the Prince and future star lasted only one summer, in 2000 - William had just finished school and, as you might guess, was eager for all sorts of adventures. In September, Rose, having suffered a crushing failure in England, left to pursue a career in America, leaving the heir to the throne to suffer alone.

Arabella Musgrave

Next was Arabella Musgrave, head of the fashion PR department Gucci houses. The prince met her at a polo match in 2001. First of all, William was struck by Arabella's extraordinary erudition, the young people became friends, and only then the heir to the throne discovered that Arabella was also incredibly pretty.

The lovers did not stay together for long - William entered university in another city, where he was to meet his future wife, and Arabella remained in London. By the way, then the girl was invited to the royal wedding. Why, almost all former passions received unique opportunity personally congratulate Katherine.

Carly Massey-Birch

The prince began an affair with the ordinary provincial Carly as soon as he arrived at the university. Since Olivia Hunt immediately followed, this story went almost unnoticed by the press - of course, no one was interested in the simpleton. Meanwhile, just this story could turn out a real fairy tale about Cinderella!

But, unfortunately, at the same time, William wrote passionate letters to his ex-girlfriend Arabella and even managed to visit her several times in the capital. Carly, although simple, was by no means stupid and quickly brought the whole relationship to naught. As you know, reputation is more important than the prospect of connecting your life with a prince.

Olivia Hunt

In September 2001, 19-year-old Prince William arrived in St. Salvador, the campus of the Scottish University of St. Andrews. The new student was greeted with pomp - after all, it’s not every day that the queen’s grandson and direct heir, who is also single and quite handsome, comes to study. A crowd of fans immediately formed around the prince, among whom William singled out one single girl - Olivia, the daughter of a famous London doctor.

By the way, it was Olivia who introduced William to his future to the best friend William van Cutsem, and then started an affair with him. The relationship between the prince and Olivia developed rapidly - for the sake of his beloved, the prince even missed the university beauty contest, where Kate Middleton walked, so fateful meeting might not have happened. Will made up for lost time a few months later at a charity fashion show - the same one where Kate shone in black transparent dress. William was so amazed by what he saw that he even stopped paying attention to Olivia, who was relentlessly following her boyfriend. Actually, after this awkward moment the couple broke up, and William switched to Kate.

Isabella Anstruther-Goch-Kulsorp

Isabella was invisibly present in the prince’s life for quite a long time, leaving unfortunate Kate Middleton an outsider. Catherine even broke up with William due to constant competition, where she was obviously losing - if the future duchess was just pretty, then Isabella with an unpronounceable surname was the happy owner of a model appearance, and was also blonde.

In short, the prince’s personal life was eventful - he rushed from Isabella to Kate, which, by the way, he was very pleased with, until Middleton gave her lover an ultimatum: either I or Isabella. It’s not hard to guess who the prince would choose, but... the blonde Isabella herself refused William, preferring the son of a multimillionaire, and William again had to return to Middleton.

Jessica Craig

But with this girl everything was completely different - she just had every chance to take Katherine’s current place. By the way, Jessica was in the heart of Prince William longer than all the other girls; she is even called the prince’s first love, if, of course, that’s what you can call a short-lived hobby for a 16-year-old boy. But he had an affair with her at about the same time as with Kate and Isabella - he couldn’t decide.

Jecca (as the English press calls her) was much closer to the prince than all the other contenders. The young people had known each other since the age of 16; they first met in Kenya, where William went with his father. Jessica's father is the owner of a huge reserve in Africa and also a friend of Prince Charles. Rumor has it that Will and Jecca even jokingly "got engaged" during their first meeting. But William conveniently forgot about this, immersing himself in numerous novels, barely growing up.

For a short time, Jessica studied at the same university where William and his entire female fan club were: then he remembered her, and the girl quickly got herself a prince, leaving Once again Kate suffers alone. But this romance, despite the seriousness of the prince’s intentions, ended in separation. It turned out that Jecca prefers to live in Africa, far from civilization, and living in a palace under the constant sight of cameras is not for her at all.

The novel had a second part, but with the same ending. In 2008, William and Jessica finally decided to be just friends. According to the prince, he finally realized that he and Jecca were too different to be together. Prince William returned to Kate again.

However, there are those who believe that William and Jackie resumed their relationship after the prince’s marriage, and against the backdrop of these rumors, the most suspicious thing is that Jackie Craig gave birth to a child in 2015, whom she hides from everyone. Of course, a version immediately appeared that his father could be the prince.

Kate Middleton

It seems we know everything about the lucky winner in the fight for the heart of the future king. If we take Kate Middleton's experience as a guide, winning a prince requires patience. Lots of patience. Journalists even gave Kate offensive nickname- Waity Katie, Waiting for Katie.

At first Catherine tolerated Isabella, then Jessica, then she simply tolerated it because William announced his unwillingness to marry before the age of 29. In short, the faithful friend was not going to just give up her intended goal, even agreeing to the position of an eternal bride. They say, however, that Elizabeth II herself put an end to Kate’s torment, urging her grandson to decide on his choice of wife and think about his heirs. Even then, it was no secret to anyone that William would become the next monarch, and it was important for Elizabeth to personally participate in the choice of his wife.

It is curious that, in fact, Middleton became the first commoner who was approved by the Royal Council as a wife for the heir to the throne. Even though the girl was a rich heir to her parents, her humble origins could have recently put an end to her dreams of becoming the wife of a prince. Apparently, Elizabeth II learned lessons from the bitter experience of her family and close relatives: sometimes misalliance is still better than broken destinies, even for the sake of the Crown.

Almost everyone was invited to the wedding ex-girlfriends prince. Katherine was even able to have sex with some of them friendly relations: perhaps because “it’s better to keep the enemy in sight,” as some journalists joke venomously. True, her main rival, Jecca Craig, is not included in this list. Katherine deliberately prefers not to intersect with her. However, Kate, in principle, does not favor her husband’s friends.

Kate Middleton, who is named after her, and her husband Prince William have lost their housekeeper. Sadie Rice (35) left her position due to too much work and low wages, the site reports with reference to InoSMI.

Working for the Duke and Duchess

For about two years the woman has been working with the Cambridge family in country house in Norfolk, from where very soon the royal couple will move to Kensington Palace. The maid was paid 35 thousand pounds a year for her work, which is just over 1.1 million hryvnia. This amount is not considered the highest in the UK.

Work experience

Sadie Rice worked for 5 years for the Norwegian Crown Prince Haakon and his wife Mette Marit and for the British Queen Elizabeth II at Buckingham Palace.

A woman was required to clean, do laundry, buy groceries, and rarely cook dinners for ten people. According to a source close to royal family, a housekeeper and hardworking woman, but when the Cambridges asked her to move with them to Kensington Palace, she politely refused.

Reasons for leaving office

It is noted that the main reason for her departure was many new responsibilities and low wage. Rice will work for the Royal Family until this fall.

Kate Middleton and Prince William are very upset, as it is difficult to find a reliable person, and the children have become attached to the maid.

JoeInfo journalist Anna Ash recalls that the fashion blogger also recognized James Matthews as the best. The critic also appreciated the outfits of the other guests, noting whose style you can follow and whose style it’s better not to even look at.

On April 29, 2011, the grandson of Queen Elizabeth II of England, Prince William and his bride Kate Middleton, were married in the ancient Westminster Abbey of London.

1900 people were invited to the wedding ceremony.

First meeting

Their first meeting took place in 2001 at a university fashion show, in which Kate took part, and Prince William was present as a spectator.


Prince William and Kate Middleton, according to some sources, are related to each other in the 12th generation.

He younger than his wife for half a year. The young couple were 29 years old on their wedding day. Princess Catherine is the oldest bride in British history.

Kate Middleton's mother was a flight attendant, her father was an airline pilot. They later founded the parcel company Party Pieces and became millionaires.

Prince William's father is Prince Charles, the son of Queen Elizabeth II, and his mother is Diana, Princess of Wales.

Civil marriage

For the first time in the entire existence of the English monarchy, Crown Prince William was given permission to live in a civil marriage with his low-born friend Kate Middleton.

Wedding dresses and bride's bouquet

Kate's ivory and lace dress top part and sleeves, with a three-meter train, were decorated with magnificent flowers, symbolizing the parts
United Kingdom - daffodils, roses, thistles and clover leaves.
Princess Catherine actively participated in its creation. A light, long veil made of French silk and lace, made according to her wishes. The style of the dress is similar to wedding dress American actress G. Kelly: accentuated waist, long sleeves, graceful lace, the presence of a train.

Prince William wore the red uniform of the Irish Guards with the rank of Colonel, on which the Golden Jubilee Medal, star, and Order of the Garter stood out.

The flowers that made up the bride's bouquet were selected with a certain meaning: snowdrop - fearlessness, lily of the valley - prosperity, myrtle - family and love, ivy and hyacinth - constancy and devotion, carnations - flowers of royalty.
Kate laid this bouquet at the monument unknown soldier, which changed the tradition: throwing it to a crowd of unmarried girls.


Prince William put a magnificent ring made of Welsh gold on his beloved's finger at the wedding. A rich platinum tiara with diamonds, lent by the Queen herself on this special day, adorned Kate's hair.

Platinum earrings with iridescent diamonds were an effective addition to the tiara. The earrings emphasized the aristocratic style of the bride.


Williams and Kate brought out their best on their wedding day human qualities, not forgetting about children in need of support, gifted youth and widows. The spouses stated that the best gift for their wedding - financial assistance to the charitable societies that they patronize.

On those high goals guests raised around £5 million.


The multi-tiered cakes were distinguished by their originality. There were two of them: one was made from high-quality chocolate with McVities sponge cake, ordered by Prince William, the second was an English classic cake with candied fruits, ordered by Kate.


The wedding ceremony of Prince William and Kate Middleton was broadcast on many television channels not only in the UK, but also far beyond its borders. Everything happened on high level, solemn and at the same time sentimental.

IN currently the couple has two children: a son, Prince George, one and a half years old, and a recently born daughter, Charlotte.