How old is Maslyakov senior kvn. Life and family of Alexander Maslyakov Jr.

Since 1964, director and host of the TV show “The Cheerful and Resourceful Club.”

Alexander Maslyakov was born on November 24, 1941 in the city of Yekaterinburg, Sverdlovsk region. Father Vasily Maslyakov served as a military pilot, fought during the Great Patriotic War, and after that was on the General Staff of the Air Force. Sasha’s mother Zinaida Alekseevna was involved in raising Sasha. Interestingly, four generations of the Maslyakovs were called Vasily, and only Zinaida decided to break this tradition by naming her son Alexander.

After graduating from school, the young man entered the Moscow Institute of Transport Engineers, which he successfully graduated in 1966. Further, at first Maslyakov worked in his specialty, but later decided to retrain as a journalist. Since 1969, he worked as a senior editor in the Main Editorial Office of Programs for Youth, and after that as a special correspondent. Since 1981, he worked as a commentator at the Experiment television studio.

Maslyakov came to television quite by accident, as a fourth-year student. As Alexander Vasilyevich recalls, the captain of the institute’s KVN team asked him to become one of the five hosts of a humorous program that was to be filmed by the winning team of the previous game. By chance, it turned out to be the MIIT team.

The humorous TV show “The Cheerful and Resourceful Club” appeared in 1961. Its prototype was Sergei Muratov’s program “Evening of Fun Questions” in 1957, which, in turn, was copied from the Czech analogue “Guess, Guess, Fortune Teller”. At the evening, questions were answered not by the teams, but by TV viewers. The creation of the program was carried out by the first television youth editorial office in the USSR, known as the “Festival Editorial Office of Central Television.” On the third episode of the TV show, due to an unfortunate mistake by the host, the program and the entire editorial office had to be closed.

Four years later, the creators of the “Evening of Fun Questions” released a new humorous program called “KVN”. The decoding of this name was twofold: in addition to the traditional meaning of “The Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful,” the name hinted at the KVN-49 TV brand, which was produced in those years.

The first host of the game was Albert Axelrod. Three years later he was replaced by Alexander Maslyakov. At first, Maslyakov was a co-host, and the Soviet announcer Svetlana Zhiltsova hosted the program with him. Subsequently, Alexander Vasilyevich became the sole presenter, which he remains to this day.

For the first seven years, KVN was broadcast exclusively live. But later, since the teams’ jokes sometimes touched on Soviet ideology and reality, the releases began to be recorded, having previously cut out from them all points that were objectionable to the party leadership.

The head of Central Television, Sergei Lapin, did not like the club for its unpredictability and courage, and at some point the State Security Committee began to closely engage in censorship of the program. The KGB directives were sometimes simply absurd: for example, participants in the program were forbidden to wear beards, since this was a mockery of Karl Marx. And at the end of 1971, KVN was closed completely.

The break lasted for 15 years. But at the beginning of perestroika, in 1986, on the initiative of the captain of the MISI team of the 60s, Andrei Menshikov, KVN again appeared on the screens. Alexander Maslyakov remained the presenter.

The confidence with which the young man held himself in the frame, his competent speech, innate tact and excellent sense of humor made Maslyakov an indispensable presenter. In addition to KVN, Alexander hosted various programs over the years. Among them were the talent show “Hello, we are looking for talents.”

By the way, several times Alexander Maslyakov appeared in very unusual programs for himself. So, in 1976, he held the second edition of the intellectual game “What? Where? When?”, the author and creator of which is Vladimir Voroshilov. And in 1988, the famous TV presenter hosted the April Fool’s edition of Posner’s “Vzglyad” program.

Maslyakov also acted as the host of Sochi song festivals, in the late seventies he hosted the “Song of the Year” program, and also reported from international festivals of youth and students, which were held in Havana, Berlin, Sofia, Moscow and Pyongyang.

In 2013, he became a member of the jury of the TV show “Sense of Humor” together with Yuli Gusman.

In August 2016, it became known that the creative association “AMiK” submitted documents to the Federal Service for Intellectual Property of the Russian Federation to register the trademark “Alexander Maslyakov”.

Two years later, he was registered as a confidant of Vladimir Putin in the presidential elections on March 18, 2018.

Awards and Prizes of Alexander Maslyakov

Ovation Award (1994).

Honored Artist of the Russian Federation (September 13, 1994) - for services in the field of art.

Certificate of the Commonwealth of Independent States (June 1, 2001) - for active work to strengthen and develop the Commonwealth of Independent States.

The highest award of the Academy of Russian Television - “TEFI” (2002) - “For personal contribution to the development of domestic television.”

Order of Merit for the Fatherland, IV degree (November 21, 2006) - for his great contribution to the development of domestic television and many years of creative activity.

Order of Merit (Ukraine) III degree (December 14, 2006) - for significant personal contribution to the development of cultural relations between Ukraine and the Russian Federation, many years of fruitful creative activity.

Order of Merit for the Fatherland, III degree (November 12, 2011) - for great services in the development of domestic television and many years of fruitful activity.

Order of Alexander Nevsky (2015).

Order of Merit for the Kaliningrad Region (July 8, 2016) - for contribution to the development of the culture of the region and the popularization of the region.

Certificate of honor from the Moscow City Duma (October 19, 2016) - for services to the city community and in connection with the anniversary.

Honorary Worker of Culture of the City of Moscow (November 7, 2016) - for services to the development of culture and many years of conscientious work.

Insignia “For Services to the Sverdlovsk Region”, III degree (November 8, 2016) - for special services in the field of social development of the Sverdlovsk region.

Order of Merit for the Fatherland, II degree (November 24, 2016) - for outstanding contribution to the development of domestic television and many years of fruitful activity.

Order of Merit for the Republic of Dagestan (2016).

People's Artist of the Chechen Republic (January 18, 2017) - for a significant contribution to the development of pop art and cultural ties between peoples, an activity that has become widely known.

Medal “For Strengthening the Military Commonwealth” (Ministry of Defense of the Russian Federation) (January 25, 2017) - for great personal contribution to strengthening the military commonwealth and assistance in solving the tasks assigned to the Armed Forces of the Russian Federation.

Order of Dostuk (November 22, 2017, Kyrgyzstan) - for his great contribution to strengthening friendship between the peoples of Kyrgyzstan and Russia, long-term and fruitful creative activity.

An asteroid (5245 Maslyakov), discovered by the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory, is named in honor of Alexander Vasilyevich Maslyakov.

Filmography of Alexander Maslyakov

2008 - Voices of fish - Maslyakov
1985 - How to become happy - competition host
1982 - I don’t want to be an adult - TV presenter
1975 - Ar-hi-me-dy! - Entertainer
1970 - The mechanical adventures of Tarapunka and Shtepsel

Family of Alexander Maslyakov

Wife - Svetlana Anatolyevna Maslyakova (nee Semenova, born October 11, 1947) - KVN director, came to television as an assistant to the KVN director in 1966. On October 2, 1971, Alexander and Svetlana got married.

Son - Alexander Aleksandrovich Maslyakov (born 1980) - graduate of MGIMO, general director of TTO "AMiK", host of the KVN Premier League.

Daughter-in-law - Angelina Viktorovna Maslyakova (Marmeladova) journalist, publicist, director of the KVN House (born February 14, 1980).

Granddaughter - Taisiya Maslyakova (b. 2006) since 2009, soloist of the group "Fidgets", since 2017, host of children's KVN.

The name of Alexander Maslyakov, the permanent host of KVN, is familiar to all Russian television viewers. But there is one fact in the biography of Alexander Vasilyevich, which he himself stubbornly denies. However, there are persistent rumors that Maslyakov had to serve a prison sentence for currency fraud.

From engineers to TV presenters

Alexander Maslyakov was born on November 24, 1941. His father Vasily Maslyakov was a military pilot by profession. After graduating from school, Sasha entered the Moscow Institute of Transport Engineers (MIIT), and after graduating in 1966 he began working in his specialty. But then he realized that he was more interested in television journalism and entered the Higher Courses for Television Workers. After receiving his diploma, from 1969 to 1976 he worked as a senior editor in the Main Editorial Office of Programs for Youth, then as a special correspondent.

Since 1981, he worked as a commentator at the Experiment television studio. He ended up on television completely by accident. Back in 1964, in his fourth year, the captain of the institute KVN team, Pavel Kantor, asked Maslyakov to become one of the five presenters of a humorous program, which was to be filmed by the team that won the last game. The winner that time was the MIIT team.

History of KVN

The TV show “The Cheerful and Resourceful Club” was born in 1961. The name KVN could be deciphered in two ways: in those years the TV brand KVN-49 was produced. The first host of the program was Albert Axelrod. Three years later, he was replaced by Alexander Maslyakov, who hosted the program in tandem with the then experienced announcer Svetlana Zhiltsova. For the first seven years, the program was broadcast live. However, since the jokes of the team players sometimes criticized Soviet reality, they began to transfer it into recordings, removing “objectionable” passages. KVN was subject to strict censorship, not only from television, but also from the KGB. Thus, state security demanded that participants not wear beards, seeing this as... a mockery of the communist ideologist Karl Marx!

"Currency" article

At the end of 1971 the program was closed. This closure gave rise to many rumors. In particular, they said that Maslyakov ended up in prison. The article is “illegal transactions with currency.” It is interesting that very often representatives of bohemia and show business were imprisoned under this article, since they had access to foreign banknotes or had relevant connections. They say that Maslyakov allegedly served his sentence in the Rybinsk colony YN 83/2. There was no official information about this anywhere. Although, when the KVN presenter allegedly arrived in the colony, rumors about it immediately spread throughout the city. They also say that in the colony Maslyakov behaved quietly and was in good standing with his superiors. He was released early after serving several months. Allegedly, they tried to hush up the case and not draw attention to it, so as not to discredit Soviet television.

Does the TV idol have a secret?

According to one version, Maslyakov went to prison not in 1971, but in 1974. Returning to television, he hosted the program “What? Where? When?”, “Hello, we are looking for talents”, “Come on, girls”, “Addresses of the young”, “Sprint for everyone”, “Turn”, “Jolly guys”, “12th floor”, reports from World festivals youth and students, international song festivals in Sochi, the “Song of the Year” program, “Alexander Show” and many others. In 1986, with the beginning of perestroika, KVN was resumed. Moreover, with Alexander Maslyakov, who now led it in the singular!4 In 1990, Maslyakov founded the creative association “Alexander Maslyakov and Company” (“AmiK”), which has since been the official organizer of KVN games and accompanying programs. For his work on television, Alexander Maslyakov received many titles and awards. So, in 1994 he became an Honored Artist of the Russian Federation and laureate of the Ovation Prize, in 2002 - laureate of the Academy of Russian Television TEFI. And in 2006 he was awarded the Order of Merit for the Fatherland. An asteroid (5245 Maslyakov), discovered by the Crimean Astrophysical Observatory, was even named after him. When, during an interview, Alexander Vasilyevich is asked whether he was really convicted, Maslyakov answers in the negative. He claims that with a criminal record, he would not have been allowed to work on television - at least in the Soviet era. Which is really true.

One of the most successful and popular presenters on Soviet and Russian TV. Honored Artist of the Russian Federation (1994). Founder and owner of the television creative association " AMiK", producing the TV show "KVN".

Alexander Maslyakov. Biography

Alexander Maslyakov was born on November 24, 1941 in Sverdlovsk(now – Ekaterinburg) in the family of a military pilot and a housewife. From an early age he was “distinguished by his intelligence and intelligence,” so he graduated from school with honors.

He continued his studies in the capital, at the Faculty of Energy Moscow Institute of Transport Engineers. Thanks to MIIT at Alexander Maslyakov became the host of the most enduring and popular show in the country - KVN.

Alexander Maslyakov. The path to KVN

In 1961, a new group was formed on Soviet TV. youth editorial office. She came up with it KVN – Club of the cheerful and resourceful, funny competitions between teams from USSR universities. The name of the game was specially given to be purely television - KVN om was called (after the names of its creators: Koenigson, Varshavsky, Nikolaevsky) the then most popular brand of Soviet televisions - boxes with a tiny screen and lens.

The game instantly became super popular - when it was broadcast live KVN, the streets were empty.

His future host Alexander Maslyakov Then I was just studying at MIIT. He wasn’t a professional dancer, but he took part in student productions and was not afraid of the stage. And the Miit team KVN step by step she gained weight, appeared throughout the USSR and, finally, in January 1963, won one of the TV games. After which the youth editors decided on a new “trick” - the next game KVN will be led by players from the team KVN MIIT, winners of the last game.

The captain of the Miitovites offered the role of presenter to the charming Alexander Maslyakov. He did not deny it - and after his television debut he woke up famous throughout the country.

On Soviet TV, it was customary for a popular program to be hosted by two people – a man and a woman. Paired with Alexander Maslyakov Svetlana Zhiltsova was approved - unlike him, a presenter with experience and accumulated fame. The couple turned out to be extremely harmonious, complementing each other. They immediately became associated with KVN ohm Maslyakov And Zhiltsova became permanent hosts of the game show and were inextricably present in the frame.

It is not surprising that a rumor spread throughout the country: Zhiltsova And Maslyakov– both colleagues and spouses. This is most likely due to the following coincidence: Maslyakov’s real wife’s name is also Svetlana, she is also a television personality. Came to TV in 1966 as an assistant director KVN oh, and five years later she became the wife of the permanent host of this game.

Alas, in the same year KVN closed. There was a rumor that the then chairman of the USSR State Television and Radio Sergey Lapin imposed a ban on the appearance on air of people with mustaches and beards. A good portion of students are players KVN according to the fashion of the time, she sported facial hair and allegedly refused to shave it off to please Lapin. Nobody believed the rumor: people understood that KVN closed because of his free spirit, jokes on the verge of a showdown with censorship. Not so much moral as political.

Alexander Maslyakov. Other projects

In 1971, disappeared from the screens of the USSR KVN, but not Alexander Maslyakov. By that time he had become a leader paired with Zhiltsova, moreover, the ideal host of a youth program. Not pretty, his face is rustic, but extremely charming. Not an athlete, but well built. Reactive humor with a dash of irony. Rare self-control on the air, wonderful timbre of voice, clear, correct speech without academicism. Such shots are not tossed around.

Therefore no work Alexander Maslyakov didn't stay. Moreover, any youth program that he hosted immediately became super popular.

« Hello, we are looking for talents», « Come on girls" And " Come on guys», « Young people's addresses», « Funny boys"- all these programs were hosted by Maslyakov, and they entered the golden fund of the State Television and Radio Broadcasting Company.

The only program where it didn’t take root was “What? Where? When? " Maslyakov was entrusted with leading the first issue of the intellectual game, he worked it out quite traditionally and did not appear in the game again. The author of the show, Vladimir Voroshilov, considered that the “highlight” of the game would be the absence of the presenter in the frame. And this role is not for Alexandra Maslyakova.

Late 70s Maslyakov disappeared from screens for a while. This period gave rise to a new rumor about him: Maslyakov was imprisoned! For currency fraud! He's in prison in Rybinsk! Even former cellmates showed up: “Together with Shurik they trampled the zone.”

From memories Alexandra Maslyakova about that period: “I remember taking a taxi to Ostankino.” I don’t really like the public side of the profession, so when I go out, I put on a cap, a scarf, and glasses so that they don’t recognize me. And now it's winter. I, bundled up, stop a taxi. The driver drives you to the television center and asks: “Do you work here?” I nod. He: “What, Shurik is he really sitting? It’s hard to drive me into a dead end, but here I hesitated, muttered something, put in the money, got out of the car... You see, if I had been so guilty that I was imprisoned, I would hardly have found myself on television again. This could not have happened in the then USSR.”

With all the success and recognition by the early 80s Maslyakov still began to fade into the shadows. He hosted festivals, music competitions, and did not disappear from the screens. The era of stagnation did not encourage individuality, but flashy and reactive Maslyakov looked like a black sheep against the background of equally faceless and crackling presenters. And who knows how his fate would have turned out if not for perestroika.

Alexander Maslyakov. Revival of KVN

In 1986, on the initiative Andrey Menshikov(captain KVN MISI of the 1960s), the youth editors of Ostankino decided to revive KVN. The presenters were invited Maslyakova- as a symbol of continuity KVN and the 80s KVN in the 60s. Few people thought that Maslyakov would soon become a symbol of everything KVN A.

Exactly Maslyakov made of KVN and what it has become is an industry for the production of high-quality humorous broadcasts. With headquarters in the face CJSC TTO "AMiK"(Closed joint stock company " Television creative association "Alexander Maslyakov and Company""), with two parent enterprises represented by KVN Supreme and Premier League, with many branches in the form regional, foreign and international leagues.

Exactly " Alexander Maslyakov and Company" created " KVN movement"as a profitable business and headed it. Myaslyakov became at the same time an ideologist, a censor and the main legislative authority of this movement - the president of the International KVN Union. The only and permanent one.

It got to the point where a joke appeared: “Before, you could only get on TV through your bed. Now - only through bed or KVN.” This is confirmed by the VIPs of today's Russian television who have completed the KVN school.

KVN Maslyakova- the only TV show that the President of Russia attended at one time Boris Yeltsin(twice), head of the Russian Federation Vladimir Putin(twice) and President of Russia Dmitry Medvedev(one day).

In 2013, Maslyakov Sr. became a member of the jury of the show “Sense of Humor” together with Yuli Gusman. In the same year, Alexander Vasilievich became the owner of the building with the beautiful name “ Planet KVN».

Alexander Maslyakov about “Planet KVN”: This is a unique room. Its main difference from other sites is that it is ours, our own! Now you don’t need to ask someone else’s uncle: “Please let us play KVN!” These are the original walls. After all, I have been rooting for the idea of ​​the “House of KVN” for many years and even decades. I always wanted us to have the opportunity not only to perform on stage, hold qualifying rounds and concerts, but also to have our own rehearsal rooms, where our “egg-headed” wise authors could sit quietly and come up with something incendiary...

In August 2016, the television creative association “AMiK” filed with the Federal Service for Intellectual Property of the Russian Federation to register the trademark “Alexander Maslyakov”. In November of the same year, Alexander Maslyakov acted as the main character in the anniversary film about himself “ Telebiography. Episodes"on Channel One. The tape was created in honor of the 75th anniversary of the legendary KVN presenter.

Alexander Maslyakov. Titles and awards

Honored Artist of the Russian Federation;
academician Academy of Russian Television;
laureate of the " Ovation"(1994);
laureate prize TEFIFor personal contribution to the development of domestic television", 2002)
order " For services to the Fatherland» IV degreeFor his great contribution to the development of domestic television and many years of creative activity", 2006)
Kazakh order " Dostyk» II degree (2007)
Ukrainian Order " For merit» III degree (2007)

Alexander Maslyakov. Personal life

In 1966, Svetlana Anatolyevna Semenova (born October 11, 1947) came to television to work as an assistant director of KVN, who on October 2, 1971 became the wife of the TV presenter Alexandra Maslyakova and took his last name.

In 1980, their son Alexander Alexandrovich Maslyakov was born. The son of the permanent KVN presenter graduated from MGIMO and then became the general director of the AMiK TTO and began hosting the KVN Premier League. In 2006, he and his wife Angelina Maslyakova(Nabatnikova) - journalist, publicist, director of the KVN House, gave Alexander Vasilyevich his granddaughter Taisia.

Alexander Maslyakov. Filmography

  • 2016 Telebiography. Episodes (documentary)
  • 2010 Leonid Yakubovich. Without a butterfly (documentary)
  • 2009 Voices of fish (Maslyakov)
  • 1986 Love me as I love you (host of the program “Come on, girls!”)
  • 1985 How to become happy (competition host)
  • 1984 Obstacle Course (correspondent)
  • 1982 I don't want to be an adult (TV presenter)
  • 1975 Ar-hi-me-dy! (entertainer)
  • 1970 The mechanical adventures of Tarapunka and Shtepsel (KVN presenter)
  • 1964 Blue Light. 25 years of Soviet television (film-play)

    Alexander Maslyakov was born on November 24, 1941 - 72 years old today, November 24. will be 73 years old. Alexander Maslyakov’s wife since 1971 is Svetlana Semenova, she worked as an assistant director at KVN, after graduating from Moscow school, they met, this is where their romance began, and a family was created.

    As far as I know, the famous Russian TV presenter Alexander Maslyakov Sr. was born on November 24, 1941 in the city of Sverdlovsk. Thus, in 2015 he should turn 74 years old, however, he does not look his age at all. Most likely, at present, Alexander Maslyakov Sr. is being helped to remain forever young by his very modern sense of humor, as well as by his beloved wife, Svetlana Maslyakova.

  • Age of Alexander Maslyakov

    No matter how strange it may seem, it’s true, Alexander Maslyakov will turn 73 years old!! It’s hard to believe, it’s even impossible to believe, looking at Maslyakov when he leads KVN. It seems to me that he looks better than his son, Alexander Maslyakov Jr. I wonder what he does and does to look so amazing? And yet, that’s not the question. What is known about the popular presenter6

    • Date of Birth - November 24, 1941
    • Place of birth - Russia, Sverdlovsk
    • Marital status: Married
    • Wife - Smirnova Svetlana (1947)
    • Children - son Alexander (1980)
    • Grandchildren - granddaughter Taisiya (2006)

    Sasha met his wife on television back in 1966, when Svetlana was an assistant director of KVN. In 1971 the couple got married. Then Maslyakov had a difficult period of life, from 1974, he served a sentence in the city of Rybinsk, colony YN 83/2, under the article Currency fraud (although he denies this).

    In a word, a rich life with events, a bright personality, an excellent presenter.

  • Alexander Vasilyevich Maslyakov was born in Sverdlovsk on November 24, 1941. To him 72 years old. His wife’s name is Svetlana Anatolyevna Maslyakova, she was born on October 11, 1947. They met on television in 1966, Svetlana was an assistant director of KVN.

    Alexander Maslakov Sr. is already 74 years old:

    He married Svetlana Anatolyevna Maslyakova at the age of 29. Here's a photo of them together:

    Alexander also has a son - Maslakov Jr., also Alexander. His age is 35 years old.

    Our beloved permanent television presenter Alexander Vasilyevich Maslyakov will turn 10 on November 24 this year. 73 years old. It’s impossible to believe it, looking at how he hosts the show Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful. Standing on your feet for 2 hours at his age is a great feat. I wish him good health for many years to come.

    Alexander Vasilyevich’s wife is his colleague, Svetlana Anatolyevna Maslyakova, the permanent director of the KVN program. Born in 1947.

    Looking at Alexander Vasilyevich, I can’t believe at all that this year he will turn 74 years old, it will happen on November 24th. Well, the permanent host of the popular comedy program looks very young.

    He found his soulmate on television back in 1966. Her name is Svetlana Anatolyevna and she is six years younger than her husband.

    Son - Alexander Jr. followed in his father's footsteps.

    In November 2016, the permanent presenter of KVN, Alexander Vasilyevich Maslyakov, celebrated his 75th anniversary.

    He looks great for his age, it feels like his appearance has not changed at all over the past twenty years.

    His height is 170 centimeters, and his weight fluctuates around 86 kilograms.

    He has been married to Svetlana Maslyakova since 1971, they have a common son, whose name is Alexander Maslyakov (junior), born in 1980.

    Alexander Vasilievich in the photo with his wife:

    Looking at Alexander Maslyakov, you would never say that in a month and a half he will turn 73 years old - he looks much younger than his age. Alexander’s wife’s name is Svetlana, she works with her husband and is a KVN director.

    For as long as I can remember, the presenter at KVN was always Alexander Maslyakov, who then passed the palm to his son Alexander Alexandrovich.

    Now Alexander Maslyakov Sr. is 73 years old. But he copes well in life: not every person his age is capable of broadcasting on his feet for several hours.

    He also chose his wife from the KVN group. His constant companion for many years is Svetlana Anatolyevna, who is the director of the program. Soon Svetlana Anatolyevna will be 70 years old.

    Health to the couple!

    Alexander Maslyakov already celebrated his seventy-fifth birthday this year. Maslyakov Sr. was born in 1941 on the twenty-fourth of November. His hometown is Sverdlovsk.

    Alexander Maslyakov is married to Svetlana Maslyakova. They met back in 1966.

    The couple has a son named Alexander.

    And here is Maslyakov and his wife:

    By the way, my wife works as a director of the famous KVN program.

An excellent family man, whose personal life has no complaints and no dirty stories associated with him, is Alexander Maslyakov, the permanent presenter and president of KVN. Who is that exceptional woman who managed to surround the master with home comfort and care, maintaining the fire of the family hearth for many years?

Alexander Maslyakov’s wife, Svetlana, is a native Muscovite, born in 1947, and has been incredibly active since childhood, the “ringleader” of any group. She is still remembered with love and respect at school and is remembered as one of the most creative and vibrant personalities for whom they managed to open the way to creativity.

She brilliantly graduated from the All-Union Correspondence Law Institute, combining study and work at the Central Television, in the Youth Editorial Office. She began her career as an assistant director at KVN, where she worked for over 20 years.

Alexander Maslyakov with his son

There is nothing surprising in the fact that Alexander Maslyakov met his wife on TV when they were working together on a common project - KVN. Alexander’s amazing charm and spontaneity could not help but attract Svetlana, they quickly found a common language.

The guys became married and a few years later a son was born, named after his father - Alexander. As Svetlana jokes today, when she calls “Sasha!”, her beloved men rush to her. Moreover, perhaps because of the name, the younger Maslyakov continued the tradition of his parents and also takes an active part in the Club of the Cheerful and Resourceful. And this is not surprising, since my mother, being an avid KVN player, sought to arrange the family’s life in such a way that everything revolves around the most important thing in their life.

Therefore, no one is surprised by the atmosphere of good jokes and harmless practical jokes that reigns in the house, bright personalities come here, new concepts of their favorite show were born in the throes of creativity, future stars lit up, who later became real legends, known far beyond the boundaries of the program.
Maslyakov’s wife never went “into the shadow” cast by her famous husband, becoming a real support and support for him, both in family life and professionally. Not just a wife and a loving mother, she is a true like-minded person and ally, whom the whole family can rely on in any situation. The grandmother and little granddaughter, who was given to the happy parents by their son and wife, are happy.