The world of the Byzantine Empire. The world of Byzantine culture

On this page you will learn about significant and memorable dates autumn day September 18, what famous people were born on this September day, events took place, we will also talk about folk signs And Orthodox holidays this day, public holidays different countries from all over the world.

Today, as on any day, as you will see, events have taken place over the centuries, each of them was remembered for something, and September 18 was no exception, which was also remembered for its own dates and birthdays famous people, as well as holidays and folk signs. You and I should always remember and know about those who left their indelible mark on culture, science, sports, politics, medicine and all other areas of human and social development.

The day of the eighteenth of September left its indelible mark on history, events and memorable dates, as well as those who were born on this autumn day, once again confirm this. Find out what happened on the eighteenth day of September, September 18, what events and significant dates he was noted and what he was remembered for, who was born, folk signs characterizing the day and much more that you should know about, it’s just interesting to know.

Who was born on September 18 (eighteenth)

Alla Borisovna Pokrovskaya. Born on September 18, 1937 in Moscow. Soviet and Russian actress theater and cinema, teacher. People's Artist of the RSFSR (1985).

Anna Yurievna Netrebko. Born on September 18, 1971 in Krasnodar. Russian Opera singer(soprano). People's Artist of Russia (2008).

Greta Garbo, born Greta Lovisa Gustafsson. Born September 18, 1905 in Stockholm - died April 15, 1990 in New York. Swedish and American actress.

Jason Sudeikis. Born September 18, 1975 in Virginia (USA). American actor, comedian, best known for his appearance on the American television show Saturday Night Live.

Nikolai Rukavishnikov (09/18/1932 [Tomsk] - 10/19/2002 [Moscow]) - Soviet cosmonaut;

Jorge Sampaio (18.09.1939 [Lisbon]) - Ex-president Portugal;

Pavel Sadyrin (09/18/1942 [Perm] - 12/01/2001 [Moscow]) - Soviet football player and Russian football coach;

Vera Ivleva (09/18/1943 - 01/08/1999 [Moscow]) - Soviet and Russian actress;

Lance Armstrong (09/18/1971 [Dallas]) - Cyclist, six-time winner of the Tour de France cycling race;

Larisa Blazhko (born 1963) - Russian actress;

Jada Pinkett Smith (born 1971) - American actress; Karen Avanesyan (born 1957) - Honored Artist of Russia;

Kondraty Ryleev (09/18/1795 [Batovo village] - 07/25/1826 [St. Petersburg]) - Decembrist and poet;

Cesare Borgia (09/18/1476 [Rome] - 03/12/1507) - cardinal, military leader;

Nikita Panin (09/18/1718 [Danzig] - 03/31/1783 [St. Petersburg]) - Russian diplomat and statesman from the Panin family;

Jean Foucault (09/18/1819 [Paris] - 02/11/1868 [Paris]) - French physicist, creator of the gyroscope and Foucault pendulum;

Edwin McMillan (09/18/1907 [Redondo Beach] - 09/07/1991 [El Cerrito]) - American physicist, Nobel laureate in chemistry, 1951;

Victor Ambartsumyan (09/18/1908 [Tiflis (now Tbilisi)] - 08/12/1996 [Yerevan]) - Russian astrophysicist, academician (1943) and president (in 1947-93) of the Armenian Academy of Sciences, academician of the USSR Academy of Sciences (1953), twice Hero Socialist Labor (1968, 1978).

Dates September 18

In Armenia - Astronomy Day

In Chile - National Day of Remembrance of the First Government

Day of Remembrance for Fallen Motorcyclists

By folk calendar this is Zachary and Elizabeth

On this day:

in 1783, Leonhard Euler, a famous scientist who worked for the glory of Russia, died

Jean Foucault, famous for his pendulum and calculation of the speed of light, was born in 1819

Mikhail Zagoskin was born in 1830. who was called the Russian Walter Scott

Otto Schmidt, famous Soviet polar explorer, was born in 1891

Greta Garbo was born in 1905, a sex symbol of the 30-40s of the last century, the famous Lady of the Camellias

in 1911, Pyotr Stolypin, an outstanding reformer who tried to boost the Russian economy, died

Pavel Sadyrin, a famous football coach who worked with Zenit and the national team, was born in 1942

died in 1970 Jimi Hendrix, an outstanding left-handed guitarist who even has a guitar on his grave

Anna Netrebko was born in 1971, an opera singer who sang a duet with Philip Kirkorov

in 2004, Klara Rumyanova, the hare, died.

Events of September 18

September 18, 1852 - the story “Childhood” by the Russian writer Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy was first published in the Sovremennik magazine.

The work of a classic of world literature told about the experiences little boy, the philosophical approach to presentation and the wonderful style of the writer won the hearts of readers.

September 18, 1928 – the Gorky Culture and Leisure Park opened in the center of Moscow

At the time of its opening, the place for recreation for residents and guests of the capital occupied an area of ​​100 hectares. Currently, Gorky Park is a favorite place for millions of people. The large-scale complex has more than a hundred attractions, a children's railway, table tennis tables, a large skating rink in winter and equipment rental.

September 18, 1934 – Soviet Union became a member of the League of Nations, the idea of ​​which he first voiced and reflected in his treatise “To eternal peace" V late XVIII century philosopher Immanuel Kant

Among the main tasks international organization The League of Nations, created as a result of the Versailles-Washington system of the Versailles Agreement, was mass disarmament, world security, and improvement of the quality of life in all countries of the world. The organization ceased to exist in 1946.

September 18, 1938 - in Western Siberia, on the Yamal Peninsula, a strange and unexpected onset of darkness during the day was recorded, scientists call this rare phenomenon “Black Day”, it happens extremely rarely

Many dust particles accumulate in the atmosphere, which temporarily covers the entire space and does not allow a person to see what surrounds him. Similar case were recorded at the end of the 18th century on the American continent, scientists assumed that it was caused by forest fires in neighboring Canada.

September 18, 1990 - in the newspaper “Komsomolskaya Pravda” and “ Literary newspaper“Alexander Solzhenitsyn’s article “How can we develop Russia?” was published, which caused a serious resonance in society

The former dissident expressed his thoughts on the revival of the country. The writer donated the fee for the article to the victims of the Chernobyl accident.

Signs September 18 - the day of Elizabeth the Foreteller and Zechariah, Athanasius of Brest

Day of Athanasius of BrestAccording to folk beliefs, September 18 was considered unlucky. But they said that all fortune-telling and predictions turned out to be true, and therefore they rushed to visit fortune-tellers and healers.

IN Orthodox Church On September 18, the memory of Elizabeth and Zacharias, the parents of John the Baptist, is honored. According to legend, Elizabeth was cousin Mary and lived with her husband in Hebron. Despite long years life together, the couple could not conceive a child until old age.

One day, Zechariah withdrew into the desert, and there an angel appeared to him, who revealed to the elder that very soon they would have a child, who should be named John. The priest did not believe this, and the angel said that Zechariah would be speechless until the birth of his son. And so it happened - Zechariah began to speak again when he took the baby John in his arms.

At that time, persecution was constantly being organized against Christians, and therefore Elizabeth and her child had to flee the city and hide for a long time in the desert. Zachariah was seized and demanded to tell him where his loved ones were. The priest said nothing in response, and he was killed right in the temple.

The legend says that 40 days after this, Elizabeth died, and John was nursed by an angel. By the way, it was Elizabeth who predicted the birth of Jesus by Mary. That is why September 18 was considered suitable for fortune telling. The girls in the village were wondering about their betrothed and wanted to know their fate.

On September 18, it was also customary to drive out kumokha or fever with birch brooms. It was believed that devilry no one will be disturbed in the winter after this ritual. They said that a person born to Zechariah and Elizabeth has supernatural powers, And evil spirits they don't touch him.

Therefore, such people often worked as shepherds to protect the flock from wild animals. In addition, they believed that if such a person mowed hay, the animals would eat it with special pleasure, and the cows would give tasty milk.

Also on September 18, they celebrate the day of the Venerable Martyr Athanasius of Brest, whose life was spent on Russian lands under the control of the Polish-Lithuanian Commonwealth. He was an adherent of the Orthodox faith, which is why he was arrested and held for a long time in prison and died a martyr's death.

Folk signs on September 18

On September 18, it was customary to heat a bathhouse and take a steam bath in order to be healthy throughout the year

Fortune telling and predictions on this day will certainly come true

The leaves turned yellow ahead of schedule, a sign that autumn will be early and winter will be harsh

There are a lot of berries on the mountain ash - according to signs, there will be a rainy autumn.

We hope you were interested in reading the material on this page and were satisfied with what you read? Agree that it is very useful to know the history of events and dates, as well as those who famous people was born today, on the eighteenth day of September in autumn, September 18, what a mark this man left with his actions and deeds in the history of mankind, our world.

We are also confident that the folk signs of this day helped you understand some of the subtleties and nuances. By the way, with their help, you can check in practice the reliability and truthfulness of folk signs.

Good luck to all of you in life, love and business, read more of what is necessary, important, useful, interesting and educational - reading broadens your horizons and develops your imagination, learn about everything, develop diversified!

Why is Day 1, September 8, interesting and significant in world history, science, sports, culture, politics?

September 18, what events in world history, science and culture make this day famous and interesting?

What holidays can be celebrated and celebrated on September 18?

What national, international and professional holidays celebrated annually on September 18? What religious holidays are celebrated on September 18? What is celebrated on this day according to the Orthodox calendar?

What national day is September 18th according to the calendar?

What folk signs and beliefs are associated with September 18? What is celebrated on this day according to the Orthodox calendar?

What significant events and memorable dates are celebrated on September 18?

What significant historical events Are September 18th and memorable dates in world history celebrated on this summer day? The day of remembrance of which famous and great people is September 18?

Which of the great, famous and famous died on September 18?

September 18, Remembrance Day for which famous, great and famous people of the world, historical figures, actors, entertainers, musicians, politicians, artists, athletes celebrated on this day?

Events of the day September 18, 2017 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of September 18, 2017, find out who was born among famous people, folk signs and other things that are necessary, important and useful to learn about the eighteenth day of September of the month of the seventeenth year.

Events of the day September 18, 2018 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of September 18, 2018, find out who was born among famous people, folk signs, and other things that are necessary, important and useful to learn about the eighteenth day of September of the month of the eighteenth year.

Events of the day September 18, 2019 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of September 18, 2019, find out who was born among famous people, folk signs and other things that are necessary, important and useful to learn about the eighteenth day of September of the month of the nineteenth year.

Events of the day September 18, 2020 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of September 18, 2020, find out who was born among famous people, folk signs and other things that are necessary, important and useful to learn about the eighteenth day of September in the twentieth year.

Events of the day September 18, 2021 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of September 18, 2021, find out who was born among famous people, folk signs and other things that are necessary, important and useful to learn about the eighteenth day of September of the month of the twenty-first year.

Events of the day September 18, 2022 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of September 18, 2022, find out who was born among famous people, folk signs and other things that are necessary, important and useful to learn about the eighteenth day of September of the month of the twenty-second year.

Events of the day September 18, 2023 - dates today

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Events of the day September 18, 2024 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of September 18, 2024, find out who was born among famous people, folk signs and other things that are necessary, important and useful to learn about the eighteenth day of September of the month of the twenty-fourth year.

Events of the day September 18, 2025 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of September 18, 2025, find out who was born among famous people, folk signs and other things that are necessary, important and useful to learn about the eighteenth day of September of the month of the twenty-fifth year.

Events of the day September 18, 2026 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of September 18, 2026, find out who was born among famous people, folk signs and other things that are necessary, important and useful to learn about the eighteenth day of September of the month of the twenty-sixth year.

Events of the day September 18, 2027 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of September 18, 2027, find out who was born among famous people, folk signs and other things that are necessary, important and useful to learn about the eighteenth day of September of the month of the twenty-seventh year.

Events of the day September 18, 2028 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of September 18, 2028, find out who was born among famous people, folk signs and other things that are necessary, important and useful to learn about the eighteenth day of September of the month of the twenty-eighth year.

Events of the day September 18, 2029 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of September 18, 2029, find out who was born among famous people, folk signs, and other things that are necessary, important and useful to learn about the eighteenth day of September of the month of the twenty-ninth year.

Events of the day September 18, 2030 - dates today

Here you will read about the dates and events of September 18, 2030, find out who was born among famous people, folk signs, and other things that are necessary, important and useful to learn about the eighteenth day of September of the month of the thirtieth year.

In 1819, Jean Bernard Leon Foucault was born in Paris, a French experimental physicist, member of the Paris Academy of Sciences, who devoted his life to research in the fields of optics, mechanics and electromagnetism.

It was he who developed in 1850 a method for measuring the speed of light in air and water. And in 1851, with the help of a pendulum, which later received his name, Foucault experimentally proved the rotation of the Earth around its axis. A year later, the scientist invented a gyroscope, which was widely used in technology.

In 1830, the United States hosted a famous competition between the first steam locomotive built in the country, called “Tom Thumb,” with a horse-drawn carriage. It took place three months before the commissioning of the first railway steam-powered. The Iron Horse pulled a car carrying 40 passengers along a nine-mile track from Riley's Tavern to Baltimore, Maryland. Just imagine, the animal won: a mechanical breakdown, a frequent scourge of inanimate transport, disrupted the cooling, the boiler leaked and “Tom Thumb” did not make it to the finish line.

Luckily this one unfortunate incident did not stop the development of the locomotive business. Poems were dedicated to the locomotive, for example, American poet Walt Whitman in his poem “Locomotive in Winter” wrote: “You are the image of modernity! A symbol of movement and strength! The pulse of the continents.” The name “steam locomotive” did not catch on immediately. In Russia, the new and somewhat fantastic machine was called a “steam cart”, “steamboat”, “steam carriage” and even a “formidable giant” and “wild beast”.

In 1914, Viktor Grishin, one of Brezhnev’s closest associates, who headed the Moscow party organization for 18 years, was born in Serpukhov. He was appointed to the post of head of the capital city committee in 1967, and his place as head of the All-Union Central Council of Trade Unions, which Viktor Vasilyevich had held since 1956, was replaced by the disgraced KGB chairman Shelepin.

The Moscow party leader was sometimes tough on reprisals - Grishin ordered the closure of karate sections, put obstacles in the way of Oleg Tabakov’s theater, and responded to the proposal to open lyceums in Moscow like this: “We don’t need lyceums, we know what they lead to,” hinting at the Decembrist uprising.

Grishin was a member of the Politburo of the Central Committee for 15 years. He survived three general secretaries and “stumbled” at Gorbachev, who removed him from his job in December 1985, replacing him with Yeltsin. Grishin died in 1992 right in the social security office where he came to recalculate his pension.

In 1918, Russian pilot Viktor Talalikhin was born.

It is believed that he was the first to use night ram. In that night battle on August 7, 1941, junior lieutenant Talalikhin was wounded in right hand, but managed to destroy a bomber piloted by a lieutenant colonel awarded the Iron Cross. The very next day, Viktor Vasilyevich was awarded the title of Hero of the Soviet Union.

In 1925, signed by the Chairman of the USSR Central Executive Committee Mikhail Ivanovich Kalinin, the first Soviet history law on compulsory military service.

Shaving young people under the gun, the Bolsheviks referred to international situation. By 1925, the dream of a world revolution was replaced by talk of building socialism in one particular country, which would require a huge army. The pacifist motives characteristic of Lenin and his comrades during the First World War, which in many ways made their path to power easier, were replaced by the militaristic rhetoric familiar to the empire.

As has happened more than once in Russian history, people preferred to fight not by skill, but by numbers. Both in the late 20s and 30s, the level of training of Red Army soldiers remained quite low.

In 1933, Valentina Ponomareva was born, the understudy of Valentina Tereshkova.

Ponomareva was part of the first women's group Soviet cosmonauts. On January 1, 1967, the launch of the Voskhod series ship with an all-female crew was planned, which, along with Ponomareva, was to include Tereshkova’s second backup, Irina Solovyova. But after the Voskhod-2 crew made an emergency landing in the taiga, the flights of the ships of this series were cancelled. Then came the death of Vladimir Komarov, and none of the female cosmonauts from the first group ever went on flight again.

In 1961, Swedish economist, financier and politician Dag Hjalmar Hammarskjöld died in a plane crash in the Congo. For the last eight years of his life he held office Secretary General UN.

Having received an excellent education at the best Swedish university, Hammarskjöld defended his dissertation in economics in 1933 entitled “Stages of the Business Cycle.” In the 30s and 40s he held senior positions in the ministries of finance and foreign affairs, and from 1941 to 1948 he was chairman of the board of the National Bank of Sweden. Hammarskjöld's merits in reforming Sweden's financial policy became famous throughout the world, and in April 1953 he was elected UN Secretary General.

Candidate from neutral Sweden in the years " cold war" suited many, but at the same time created a lot of problems. The West was dissatisfied with Hammarskjöld's cautious position during the Suez crisis of 1956, and Khrushchev scolded him for his indecisiveness during the crisis in the Congo. The Swede honestly tried to resolve most international problems peacefully, for which he was sentenced posthumously the Nobel Peace Prize, but this was not always successful. The fourth trip to the Congo ended in the crash of the plane in which Hammarskjöld was flying. The circumstances of the tragedy have not yet been fully clarified - it is possible that the UN Secretary General was “helped” to die.

IN last years During his life, Arkady Ostrovsky was seriously ill. Stomach ulcers led to frequent hospitalizations. It’s hard to believe that it was during these years that bright, complete sunlight and the optimism of the song.

In September 1967, the first International Pop Song Festival in the USSR opened in Sochi. And Ostrovsky received an invitation to take part in it. But doctors did not advise him to go south. Everyone at home was also against this trip. But Ostrovsky insisted:
- How can I not be present at the first International festival songs held in our country. I am a songwriter, and for me this is my whole life.
And he left for Sochi...

Arkady Ilyich did not return to Moscow. On September 15, 1967, an attack of illness brought the composer to the operating table. The doctors did everything they could. For three days there was a fight for his life. The disease has won. On September 18, in the evening, when little TV viewers, clinging to the screens, listened to Arkady Ilyich’s affectionate song “Sleep tired toys“, the composer’s big, kind and generous heart stopped beating. Later, Lev Oshanin wrote the words to last song Ostrovsky - “Time”. In the soloist's monologue there are lines directly related to the composer:

For him I burned, fought,
And, like God, he created this world -
The world of glass palaces,
And sea blue,
And fire and green grass.
He will come on this festival of lights.
The man of our tomorrows,
And for everything he finds alive on the planet,
He will give his gratitude to you and me!

For many people, Arkady Ostrovsky's songs are childhood, adolescence, youth, first love. People will always be grateful to the composer for moments of joy and lyrical sadness, for fun and light sadness.

Published 09/18/17 00:13

Today, September 18, is HR Manager Day, World Water Monitoring Day and International Babywearing Week.

On September 18, 2017, Christians celebrate the Day of Remembrance of the Prophet Zechariah and the Righteous Elizabeth, parents of St. John the Baptist.

The holy prophet Zechariah and the holy righteous Elizabeth were the parents of the holy Prophet, Forerunner and Baptist of the Lord John. The righteous priest Zechariah and his wife Elizabeth (sister of Anna, mother Holy Mother of God), “walking blamelessly according to all the commandments of the Lord,” they suffered from infertility, which was considered in Old Testament times to be a great punishment from God.

One day, during service in the temple, Saint Zechariah received news from an Angel that he intkkihs his aged wife will bear him a son, who “will be great before the Lord” and “will go before Him in the spirit and power of Elijah.” Zechariah doubted the possibility of fulfilling this prediction and was punished with muteness for his lack of faith.

When righteous Elizabeth had a son, she, at the inspiration of the Holy Spirit, announced that she would name the baby John, although no one in their family had been given such a name before. They asked the righteous Zechariah, and he also wrote the name John on the tablet. Immediately the gift of speech returned to him, and he, filled with the Holy Spirit, began to prophesy about his son as the Forerunner of the Lord.

Elizabeth managed to avoid the massacre of the infants, but John was captured and killed. One of the legends says that Elizabeth died in the desert after 40 days, and John was suckled by an angel. Elizabeth predicted the birth of the Savior to Mary, and the baby John became John the Baptist.

On this day, girls engage in predictions and divination. When wondering about their betrothed, the girls tried to see their fate. It is also a day to fight fever (kumokha) which is driven out of the house with a broom. It is necessary to heat the bathhouse and steam thoroughly. A person born on this day can resist werewolves and goblins, so they tried to hire him as a shepherd. If cows eat hay with pleasure on this day, then we should expect early and cold winter. Yellow rowan leaves at this time indicate a rainy autumn.

On September 18, personnel management specialists, or HR (human resources) managers, celebrate their holiday. The history of this holiday goes back more than one and a half centuries. On that day in the 19th century, a decree was issued regulating the relationship between employers and workers. This was the first document to officially guarantee workers' rights.

In Russia, they returned to this holiday after the collapse of the USSR, when the range of responsibilities of HR managers became significantly larger. Before this, such issues were resolved by a simple personnel officer, who was engaged exclusively in routine work - processing documents when applying for a job, vacations and sick leave. Today, the list of requirements and work is much larger - managers often look for qualified personnel and lure them to their company.

World Water Monitoring Day

Every year on September 18, since 2003, World Water Monitoring Day, or World Water Quality Monitoring Day, is celebrated. This environmental holiday, established on the initiative of the American Foundation clean water, has now become an information and educational program aimed at increasing public awareness about the problems of the planet's water resources and participation in protection against pollution.

The program allows people to carry out basic monitoring of the condition of local water bodies themselves and is supported by the Water Environment Federation (WEF) and the International Water Association (IWA).

International Babywearing Week

International Babywearing Week is dedicated to the tradition of carrying children on oneself using a fabric device - a sling. Around the world, events dedicated to this event take place in the second week of October. However, in Russia, due to weather conditions, the Association of Babywearing Consultants decided to shift the time of the promotion. Therefore, in Russia and other CIS countries, Babywearing Week takes place earlier - in September.

International non-profit organization Babywearing International first initiated the celebration in 2008. A year later, the idea was picked up in Russian-speaking countries. Every year, International Babywearing Week is held under different mottos, which set the theme for all events during the holiday: “Within a kiss’s distance”, “A world of possibilities”, “Safe babywearing”, “For the benefit of both of us”, “ Simple solutions", "Everything is in our hearts" and so on.

David, Afanasy, Gleb, Efim, Fedor, Zakhar, Iraida, Maxim, Elizaveta, Alexey, Raisa.

1852 - the story “Childhood” by the Russian writer Lev Nikolaevich Tolstoy was first published in the Sovremennik magazine.

1928 - the Gorky Culture and Leisure Park opened in the center of Moscow.

1934 - The Soviet Union joined the League of Nations, the idea of ​​which was first voiced and reflected in his treatise “Towards Eternal Peace” at the end of the 18th century by the philosopher Immanuel Kant.

1938 - in Western Siberia, on the Yamal Peninsula, a strange and unexpected onset of darkness during the day was recorded; scientists call this rare phenomenon “Black Day”; it happens extremely rarely.

1990 - the newspaper “Komsomolskaya Pravda” and “Literaturnaya Gazeta” published an article by Alexander Solzhenitsyn “How can we develop Russia?”, which caused a serious resonance in society.

1905 - Greta Garbo (d. 1990), Swedish film actress.

1906 - Semyon Isaakovich Kirsanov (d. 1972), Russian poet. 1907 - Edwin Matheson MacMillan (d. 1991), American physicist, laureate Nobel Prize (1951).

1918 - Viktor Talalikhin (died in 1941), military pilot, Hero of the Soviet Union.

1932 - Nikolai Rukavishnikov (d. 2002), Soviet cosmonaut.

1933 – Robert Bennett, American politician.

1949 – Peter Leslie Shilton, English footballer.

1971 - Lance Armstrong, American cyclist; the only athlete to finish first in the overall Tour de France 7 times.

1971 - Anna Netrebko, opera singer, People's Artist Russia.

1973 – James Marsden, American actor.

1698. - A mysterious prisoner known as the “Iron Mask” has been transferred to the Bastille. The history of the “Iron Mask,” which has been exciting the imagination of scientists, writers and film directors for three centuries, began back in the 80s of the 17th century. Voltaire was the first to touch upon this topic in 1732 in his “The Age of Louis XIV.” A century later, Alexandre Dumas the father turned to the mystery of the “iron mask”.

1700- Near Kuznetskaya, detachments of the Kyrgyz princes Tagkytka Tain-Irkin, Korzhinko Erenyakov and the envoy of the Dzungar contaishi named Kichik suddenly appear. “... people were chopped up in the fields, ... herds ... and cattle were driven away ... and they stood near the city for a week,” 17 men, 16 women and white Kalmyks (modern Altaians) 7 people were killed, and taken away completely of the latter, 43 were men and 4 were women.

In October, the same detachment attacked again: “on the Chulym River they devastated the village of Seredinina, beat about 30 people to death, and cut others’ noses and ears.”

Meanwhile, the war between Russian settlers and the Yenisei Kyrgyz continued.

1739- Through the mediation of the Frenchman Marquis de Villeneuve, a peace treaty between Russia and Turkey is signed in Belgrade. Under the terms of peace, Russia acquired Azov, small territories in Right Bank Ukraine along the middle reaches of the Dnieper, and the right to build a fortress on the Don island of Cherkassy.

At the same time, Greater and Lesser Kabarda were declared independent, Russia was also prohibited from having a navy in the Azov and Black Seas.

1852- The first publication in print by L. N. Tolstoy (the story “Childhood”, Sovremennik magazine, No. 9).

1885- On this day, Uzeyir Abdul-Huseyn oglu Hajibeyov, a famous Azerbaijani composer and conductor, publicist, playwright and teacher, was born. Author of two anthems of the Azerbaijan SSR and the anthem of the already independent Azerbaijan. He became the first Muslim in history to write an opera.

1932. - King Abdul Aziz ibn Saud of Hejaz and Najd united both kingdoms into one. The country became known as the Kingdom of Saudi Arabia.

1934. - The USSR joined the League of Nations.

1947. - Created by the US CIA. In the same day Air Force USA allocated to separate species armed forces.

1954- The Kamskaya hydroelectric power station was put into operation.

1986. - In Krasnoyarsk, M. Gorbachev first uttered the phrase catchphrase“Democracy is not permissiveness.”

1990. - Komsomolskaya Pravda published an article by A. I. Solzhenitsyn “How can we develop Russia?”

2009. - At least 33 people were killed in a terrorist attack 150 km from Islamabad,

more than fifty were injured.

2009- In Japan, a persistent antiseptic was invented that destroys viruses, including swine flu.