Consciousness is beyond time and space. We won't die! Sensational scientific basis for eternal consciousness

Outside the law, outside the protection and protection of laws. Announce who n. outlaw. Outside of time and space, away from reality. He exists outside of time and space. Beside myself in extreme excitement, in extreme... ... Phraseological Dictionary of the Russian Language

Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

OUTSIDE, preposition with gender. Outside, outside. Outside the house. Outside the circle. Outside of society. Stand outside the party. || Without, beyond, without observing anything out of turn. Off plan. Outside of any rules. ❖ Outlaw see law. Without a doubt (colloquial) of course, ... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

OUTSIDE, preposition with gender. Outside, outside. Outside the house. Outside the circle. Outside of society. Stand outside the party. || Without, beyond, without observing anything out of turn. Off plan. Outside of any rules. ❖ Outlaw see law. Without a doubt (colloquial) of course, ... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

OUTSIDE, preposition with gender. Outside, outside. Outside the house. Outside the circle. Outside of society. Stand outside the party. || Without, beyond, without observing anything out of turn. Off plan. Outside of any rules. ❖ Outlaw see law. Without a doubt (colloquial) of course, ... ... Ushakov's Explanatory Dictionary

Pretext. 1. whom what. Beyond what? Live outside the city. Be outside the home. Outside of time and space who l. (without noticing, without taking into account reality). Out of sight (out of sight). The patient's life is not in danger.... ... encyclopedic Dictionary

outside- pretext. 1) whom what Outside what l. Live outside the city. Be outside the home. Outside of time and space who l. (without noticing, not taking into account reality) Out of sight (out of sight) The patient’s life is not in danger.… … Dictionary of many expressions

Preposition with gender n. Beyond what l. Outside the city. □ On the eighteenth our company went on a raid. I spent three days outside the village. L. Tolstoy, Cossacks. At home you couldn’t talk about your love, and outside the house there was no one to talk to. Chekhov, Lady with a Dog. Samsonov... ... Small academic dictionary

REALITIES OF OPEN SPACE-TIME: TOWARDS UNDERSTANDING OUR HISTORICAL SYSTEM- text by I. Wallerstein, published in a number of sources in the mid-1980s. According to Wallerstein, time and space are external realities less dependent on us than geohistorical phenomena created by society. There are numerous... ... Sociology: Encyclopedia

GOST R ISO/IEC 19778-1-2011: Information technology. Training, education and training. Collaboration technology. Shared workspace. Part 1: Shared Workspace Data Model- Terminology GOST R ISO/IEC 19778 1 2011: Information technology. Training, education and training. Collaboration technology. Shared workspace. Part 1: Shared Workspace Data Model original document: 5.4.9 AE CE ID... Dictionary-reference book of terms of normative and technical documentation


  • , T. A. Sadetsky. The purpose of this book is the desire to open interested people to the possibility of receiving information from above and to give impetus to further progress in terms of understanding the deepest justice...
  • To information beyond time and space, Sadetsky T. A.. The purpose of this book is the desire to open interested people to the opportunity to receive information from above and give impetus to further progress in terms of understanding the deepest justice...


"If superstition turns a man into a fool, then
skepticism makes him crazy"
Henry Fieldin

Whatever a person is, whatever religion he professes and whatever social level he stands at, his soul rejoices when he encounters love on the path of life. Therefore, we often want to watch a film or read a book with a story about true love in order to experience these feelings again, albeit not fully, together with the characters.
The story that I learned about, it seems to me, proves the existence of eternal and true love.

Summer. What a wonderful time of year! Nature lives to the fullest, what seemed to have been extinguished forever is reborn and blossoms. These changes are especially noticeable in the northern regions of our country. Maybe that’s why Northerners value more what life gives them and are kinder to others.
In Murmansk, people have always lived in harmony and this was noted by visitors from other parts of the country. Your people are kind and sincere, they said.
And although summer in this northern city is rarely warm, this year was exactly the case when summer here could be called summer.

As I already said, this young man sat down at a table by the window, where there was an old chest on the windowsill. I watched him as he talked to the waiter and did not notice how a girl approached his table.

She stood behind him with surprised and at the same time happy eyes, from which beads of tears flowed down her cheeks. Then the waiter noticed her...
- Young woman! - Do you want something?
The guy turned to her and froze.
- This... this! - no, it’s impossible, it can’t be! - God! - Victoria! - it's you!
The guy jumped up and hugged the girl. They stood like that, whispering something to each other for about ten minutes. Then, slowly, without letting go of each other and looking eye to eye, they sat down at the table.
I looked at my watch and realized that all meetings had to be cancelled, I couldn’t leave and not find out what would happen next. Having sent an SMS to everyone who was waiting for me, I strained my hearing aid and completely turned my attention to this couple.
As I understood from their further conversation, they met here, as agreed - 50 years ago!
Absolutely right! It didn't work out for me either. They were both young, he was 30 years old and she was 25.
They talked about some events of their past life, about their daughter and much more. It was clear that, despite their age, they had not seen each other for decades. Much of what I heard in their conversation seemed so strange and at the same time incredibly interesting to me that I began to think about a plan for how to talk to them.
I couldn’t let them go so easily and decided to act brazenly. I stood up and walked over to their table.
- Hello! - I'm sorry for disturbing you, but I had no other choice. I accidentally overheard your conversation and your story intrigued me so much that if I don’t hear the continuation, I’ll die right here.
The girl laughed loudly and turning to the guy said, “Yaroslavchik, we won’t let this citizen die at our table.”
“I wouldn’t want to take such a sin on my soul,” the guy answered.
“My name is Irma, and this is Yaroslav,” the girl said turning to me.
- Very nice, my name is Sergei. “But, it seems, your young man called you Victoria,” I asked.
The girl exchanged glances with the guy - well, let's tell our story. We wanted to tell it to someone.
- Okay Irma, we’ll tell you, but one day is not enough for this, and we still have so much to do here.
- And I will help you, I will take you wherever you say, and along the way you will tell your story.
- Agreed. We shook hands and agreed to meet here in a couple of hours. I promised to take them around the city.

To be continued.

A person is a multidimensional entity that manifests itself simultaneously on several planes of existence, while being outside of time and space.

The development of the ability of clairvoyance comes down to attunement and harmonization of different plans, levels, bodies of this essence with each other.

The physical body, which many consider themselves to be, is only a shell, a machine, a tool, a projection, clothing for this entity, which it uses to enable functioning, cognition, play, reorganization, creative activity on the physical plane, in this case - on the physical plane of planet Earth per year 20xx, conventionally from RX or 75xx from SMZH...., in the frequency range....

Remaining outside of time and space, an entity can simultaneously “live” several such physical incarnations on the physical planes of different lands, different eras, depending on its desires and goals. Physical bodies can be compared to characters from a puppet theater, who are put on hands or fingers and act out various scenes, getting carried away and forgetting about their true nature. If you put your fingers in an aquarium, the fish will see them and perceive them as separate entities, not noticing how beyond their habitat, on the other side of life, all the fingers become one hand, one person.

And these subjects themselves will portray themselves as separate, self-sufficient individuals, each having their own desires, goals, making decisions, expressing emotions, being satisfied or not satisfied with their circumstances. With a sense of their own importance, they will prove the correctness of the ideas that came into their smart heads, consider themselves someone important, and with all their appearance show their irreplaceability, grabbing drawn stars from the drawn sky. But everything in this performance depends on the owner of this celebration of life - the single highest multidimensional entity who tried on fancy dress for a short time.

The character traits and behavior of a multidimensional personality extend into life in physical bodies. Just as a physical person relates to his things, to his clothes, the multidimensional entity also relates to his clothes, to the physical matter in which he dresses as clothing for manifestation on the physical plane.

By the state of things and clothing one can judge the life and fate of a person. If his things are in complete disarray, his clothes are crumpled, wrinkled, then the person himself is in the same rumpled mood, his life is disheveled, his fate is crumpled. And everything falls out of hand, and hands don’t rise to restore order, and the sofa pulls like a magnet, enveloping you in its bliss.

The law of life - as you relate to the world, and the world towards you - has to do with one’s own character, which spreads across all planes of existence: - if in the physical body a person treats others with disdain, then this same character trait will manifest itself in relation to his mental plane to your physical plane.

The first point in the plan for putting things in order in your life is putting things in order in your relationships with the outside world, loved ones, in your things, in your attitude in all directions. “As above, so below, and vice versa” is the law of life, known since the time of Hermes Trismegistus

Remaining outside of time and space, the spiritual essence of a person sees and knows all possible options for the development of situations. Real clairvoyance is a natural state for a person who has not lost his integrity, his C-PART, unity with his spirit and soul. The ability of clairvoyance for a spark of spirit caught by matter and mistakenly considering itself a physical body is the ability to accept information coming from the higher metrics of existence, from its mental plane. The secret of discovering and developing in oneself the gift, channel of clairvoyance and clairvoyance comes down to identifying and removing blocks from consciousness that block free access to information fields and block free contact with one’s mental plane.

Every person is afraid of death. But do we die along with our body? The outstanding scientist of our time, Robert Lanza, found the answer to this question and proved that our consciousness exists in an infinite number of parallel universes outside of space and time. How is this possible? Read more in our article!

The book “Biocentrism: How Life and Consciousness are the Key to Understanding the True Nature of the Universe” simply blew up the Internet with its loud statement that life does not actually end with the death of the body, but lasts forever.

The author of this book, scientist Robert Lanza, whom the New York Times has hailed as one of the most successful scientists of our time, believes that the theory of eternal consciousness is absolutely sound and at least close to the truth.

Beyond time and space

Lanza is an expert in regenerative medicine and scientific director of the Society for Advanced Cellular Technologies. Before he became famous for his stem cell research, the scientist conducted a number of successful experiments in cloning endangered animal species.

In addition, Lanza recently began to study physics, quantum mechanics and astrophysics. This interesting combination became fertile ground for the creation of the theory of biocentrism, which the professor is currently studying. Biocentrism teaches that life and consciousness are the basis of the Universe, and that it is consciousness that creates the material world, and not vice versa.

By studying the structure of the Universe, its laws and constants of basic forces, Lanza suggests that intelligence existed before matter. He also argues that space and time are not objective and real things. They, in the understanding of the scientist, are only instruments of our animal understanding of life. Lanza argues that we actually carry space and time in our heads, like turtles carry their shell. This means that people exist even outside of time and space. The theory of biocentrism suggests that the death of consciousness is impossible, and that people are mistaken in identifying themselves with their bodies.

We believe that the body will die sooner or later, and that our consciousness will immediately die along with it. This is what would happen if the body created our consciousness. But what if the human body receives consciousness in the same way that it receives a cable TV signal? Then it becomes clear that consciousness continues to exist even after it leaves its physical shell. In fact, consciousness does exist beyond time and space. It can be located anywhere: both in the body and outside it.

Lanza also believes that several parallel Universes exist simultaneously. If in one Universe the body dies, then in another it still exists and absorbs the consciousness that left the first version of the Universe. This means that a person who dies ends up not in heaven or hell, but in a world similar to the one in which he lived. And this happens again and again.

An infinite number of Universes

The interesting and popular theory of parallel Universes today has a huge number of supporters, including many famous scientists who adhere to precisely this view of the structure of life. Among them are physicists and astrophysicists who are absolutely confident in the existence of parallel worlds, which, in their opinion, may indicate the possible existence of an infinite number of Universes. They claim that there are no physical laws that prevent the existence of parallel worlds.

This idea was first described by science fiction writer Herbert Wales in 1895. 62 years later, Dr. Hugh Everett studied it and made the assumption that at any given time the Universe is divided into countless similar parts. In one of these Universes you are now reading this article, and in another you can watch TV.

“The biggest determining factor in breaking the universe apart is our actions,” says Everett. When we make our choices, the Universe is immediately divided into several Universes, each containing different consequences of our actions.

Andrei Linde, a scientist from the Lebedev Physical Institute, developed the theory of the multiplicity of Universes back in the 80s. He currently works at Stanford University. Linde explains that the Universe consists of a large number of spheres, which create similar spheres, which, in turn, then produce new spheres in even greater numbers, and so on ad infinitum. These spheres are completely independent of each other, but they represent different parts of the same physical world.

The fact that our Universe is not unique is confirmed by data obtained with the Planck telescope. Scientists are using this data to create the most accurate map of cosmic radiation that has existed since the beginning of the Universe. They also discovered that there are a lot of black holes in the Universe. Theoretical physicist Laura Mersini-Houghton of the University of North Carolina argues that such anomalies arise because surrounding universes are intensely influencing our universe, and that black holes are the most obvious consequence of such influence.

Scientific explanation of the existence of the soul

Thus, you and I have already learned that there are many places, or many different Universes, into which our soul can be moved after the death of the body, in accordance with the theory of neo-biocentrism. But is there a scientific theory of consciousness that substantiates this claim? Yes, such an explanation exists, and its essence lies in what happens to consciousness during clinical death. According to Dr. Stuart Hameroff, clinical death occurs when quantum information residing in the nervous system leaves the body and dissipates into the universe.

He argues that human consciousness resides in the microtubules of brain cells, which are the main center of quantum information processing. After death, this information leaves the body along with our consciousness. The scientist believes that our soul is the result of quantum gravitational effects occurring in these microtubules.

Thus, our consciousness creates the Universe, and not vice versa. What happens in our head is inextricably linked with what happens in the outside world. A person simultaneously exists in several parallel Universes, and our future depends only on what we do and choose today. And most importantly, our consciousness is eternal!

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