What feeling unites the heroes of the story gifts. “The Gifts of the Magi”, artistic analysis of the story by O. Henry

Genre works - a short story (short-story). Some researchers define “The Gifts of the Magi” as a short story (largely due to the unexpected ending).

The title of the work is a reminiscence of the Christian, New Testament story of the worship of the Magi and their bringing of gifts to the newborn Savior. There is a roll call with artistic time story - Christmas Eve (day, evening). Another biblical, Old Testament reminiscence is the comparison of two main family heirlooms - Della's brown hair and Jim's gold watch - with the outfits and jewelry of the Queen of Sheba and the treasures of King Solomon (respectively).

The narration is told on behalf of the author. The text periodically contains appeals to the reader (for example, "my friends"). Twice the author takes the reader away from observing actors: the first time at the beginning of the story, in the scene of Della’s crying, when she realizes that she cannot buy a gift worthy of Jim with the money she saved; the second time at the end of the work - during the tender embrace of the young couple. In the first case, the author concentrates the reader’s attention on "the house itself" plunging him into art space works; in the second - it directly says that you need to be "more modest", and suggests focusing on "examination of a foreign object" which becomes main idea story.

Main characters the works - Mr. and Mrs. James Dillingham Young - are initially devoid of age characteristics. In terms of her emotionality (sudden tears, pale face), fragile physique and desire to admire her main treasure (brown hair hanging down to her knees), Della appears to be a young woman. The author does not name the true age of the heroine, but it can be assumed that she is no older than her husband Jim, who, at twenty-two years old, appears before the reader in the second part of the story. In the author's conclusion, Della and Jim are called "kids from the eight dollar apartment", but are compared with the wisest people in the entire history of mankind - the Magi and are placed above them, as those who sacrificed "for each other with their greatest treasures".

The material condition of the heroes, defined by the author as “not exactly crying poverty, but rather eloquently silent poverty”, serves as an excellent backdrop for highlighting the wonderful spiritual qualities of Della and Jim - love and generosity. main character she worries only because, having lost her main treasure, she might not like her husband. Not once does she think that she could buy a gift for one dollar and eighty-seven cents, or that the twenty dollars received from selling her hair could buy something else - for example, a new coat or gloves, which Jim does not have . Della puts a sensual intonation into her gift. She is looking not for a material, but for a spiritually useful object - something "special, rare, precious", "worthy of the high honor of belonging to Jim". It can be assumed that the latter does the same, because he sells his gold watch in order to please his beloved wife with the performance "unfulfilled desire".

“The Gifts of the Magi” is distinguished by its brevity, both in volume and in individual sentences. The author builds his story on short, clear phrases in which there is nothing superfluous. Instead of detailed descriptions we see perfectly chosen adjectives and adverbs, diminutive suffixes and the use of lexical repetitions. With the help of the latter, O. Henry enhances one or another emotional component: for example, Della’s sadness is visible in the way she "sadly" looks at « gray cat walking along a gray fence along a gray house". The author’s style of writing in “The Gifts of the Magi” can be compared to the chain Della bought with a simple and strict design, which captivates with its true qualities, and "not ostentatious". Such, according to O. Henry, "and all good things must be".

  • “The Gifts of the Magi”, a summary of the story by O. Henry
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  • “The Last Leaf”, a summary of the story by O. Henry

It was one of those cozy winter evenings when the perfect weather outside inspired you to read a book, but not a long one, I really wanted something special on this day. winter evening. I looked at my mini-library, where foreground collections of poems by Yesenin and Brodsky were displayed, not allowing the gaze of the inquisitive reader to find out what was hiding behind them. The choice was not an easy one. O. Henry or E. Hemingway?! Well, it was Christmas Eve, and I remembered that O. Henry has a very Touching story O true love, which I decided to plunge into reading.

Life of O. Henry

O. Henry (William Sidney Porter)

The author was born in Greensboro, North Carolina, September 11, 1862. After leaving school, O. Henry (William Sidney Porter) studied pharmacy and worked in his specialty. After working in medicine, William began to build a career in a bank as a cashier and accountant. Future writer worked there for some time, after which he was accused of embezzling funds and put behind bars.

While imprisoned from 1898 to 1901, Porter wrote several literary works. Then he took a pseudonym - O. Henry (sometimes signed as Olivier Henry).

The first story in the biography of the writer O. Henry was published in 1899 (“Dick the Whistler’s Christmas Gift”). The first book, “Kings and Cabbage,” was published in 1904. Among others famous works writer: “Four Million” (1906), “The Heart of the West” (1907), “The Noble Rogue” (1908), “The Paths of Fate” (1909), “Exact Deeds” (1910) and others. O. Henry devoted almost his entire life to writing short stories With unexpected turns plot. Only at the end of his life did O. Henry take up novels.

Died on June 5, 1910. A few years after the writer's death, the O. Henry Prize was founded.

6 interesting facts about O. Henry

Last family photo O. Henry (1898) with his wife, who soon died, and daughter.

  1. Did you know that O. Henry began his career as a writer under very piquant circumstances - in prison.
  2. O. Henry is the writer's pseudonym. His real name was William Sidney Porter.
  3. The story “The Gifts of the Magi” is autobiographical. In Mexico, while on the run, Porter received a telegram about the hopeless condition of his beloved wife, Estes Atoll. In the absence of her husband, starving and not receiving any treatment, on Christmas Eve she managed to sell a lace cape for $25 and send Bill a gift in Mexico City - a gold watch chain. Alas, just at that moment Porter sold his watch to buy a train ticket to the border. He managed to see and say goodbye to his wife. A few days later she died.
  4. O. Henry earned his fame as a master short story, especially popular in American literature called "short story".
  5. There are still disagreements about O. Henry's guilt in embezzlement, for which he was sentenced to five years in prison. Most researchers are still inclined to believe that the writer was innocent and was simply made a “scapegoat.”
  6. The writer’s funeral resulted in a real “Henry” plot. During the funeral service, a cheerful wedding party burst into the church and did not immediately realize that they would have to wait on the porch.

The main characters of the story “The Gifts of the Magi”

The main characters of the story are Della and Jim

The life of the heroes was not sweet, judging by the description of their apartment “The situation is not exactly blatant poverty, but rather eloquently silent poverty.”

The heroes lived poorly, from hand to mouth. In the story, the material is contrasted with the spiritual on the basis of such artistic technique, as an antithesis. Della and Jim had treasures that many of us can only dream of. Despite poverty, they were able to maintain and increase their love for each other.

Just look at Della’s description, which will not leave any man indifferent.

Beauty Della

“Delle, who was of slight build...”

“She suddenly jumped away from the window and rushed to the mirror. Her eyes sparkled, but the color drained from her face in twenty seconds. With a quick movement, she pulled out the pins and let her hair down. I must tell you that the James Dillingham Young couple had two treasures that were the source of their pride. One is Jim's gold watch that belonged to his father and grandfather, the other is Della's hair."

“And then Della’s beautiful hair fell out, shining and shimmering, like the streams of a chestnut waterfall. They went down below her knees and covered almost her entire figure with a cloak.”

“The chestnut waterfall is flowing again.”

Features of the story “The Gifts of the Magi”

Illustration for the story “The Gifts of the Magi”

The work is not long, it can be read in 10 minutes without stopping. It will appeal to all readers, both lovers of long novels and people who do not bother reading. O. Henry knew a lot about stories and counted on a wide audience, especially thanks to the unusual ending, his works are remembered for a lifetime and you want to reread them again and again, despite the fact that you may already know them almost by heart. The most charming work, associated with Christmas and New Year from a very young age. I recommend it as a must-read, especially during the Christmas weekend. You will be able to appreciate the merits of the work differently by reading it in a cozy home atmosphere, taking your time and reading every sentence.

The story is also interesting because it is autobiographical. William Porter wrote most of his stories based on events that happened in his life.

Quotes by O. Henry

O. Henry walking with a child

I have selected the 10 most, in my opinion, most juicy quotes from O. Henry

  • Money is just trash compared to true love.
  • It's not about the road we choose; it is what is within us that makes us choose the path.
  • For a person to complete his life, he must experience poverty, love and war. But not at once.
  • This is the nature of the female sex - to cry from grief, cry from joy and shed tears in the absence of both.
  • A person can fall into bad company in two situations in life - when he is penniless and when he is rich.
  • Of all those who offer and receive gifts, only those like them are truly wise. Everywhere and everywhere. They are the Magi.
  • Everyone has their own idea of ​​happiness - just like you or me. In your opinion, there is nothing better than rushing around the world on a yacht or car and throwing ducats at various overseas curiosities. And I love to sit in the twilight with a pipe and watch how the prairies fall asleep and all the evil spirits go little by little to rest.
  • No language is difficult for a person if he needs it.
  • A hungry heart should have a grain of happiness at least once a year.
  • There are only two topics that you can talk about, giving free rein to your imagination and without fear of refutation. You can talk about what you saw in your dream and convey what you heard from the parrot.

The deep meaning of the story “The Gift of the Magi” by O. Henry

Christmas Eve)

This story is about what really matters. What every man and every woman dreams of in the depths of their hearts. Even cynics who preach “open” relationships dream about this. Reading the novella, you forget about loneliness, sadness, melancholy and despondency. These feelings are lost and fade into the background, because O. Henry showed life full of simple miracles, true friendship and sincere love.

The world of two people who have love with each other is as filled with happiness and harmony as possible. Seeing the feelings of these lovers, their sacrifice and dedication, you inevitably think about eternal values which should reign in every family.

The author borrowed the title of the story from biblical story, which is based on a story about wise men from the East who followed Star of Bethlehem to worship the baby born to become the Savior! A wonderful star visible from all over globe, shone that night, symbolizing Hope, Faith and Love. She led them on their journey and was an indicator of the birthplace of the Messiah. We become like these sages by reading this touching short story, written for this purpose, so that faith in the most extraordinary gift in the world - Love - will arise in our hearts.

May you be inspired to read the story. You can read it by following this link

The text was prepared by Maria Lukashevich

Other useful texts about books, reading or writers:

  1. - the best satirical poem which I read
  2. - Seems like, best novel Leo Tolstoy, from which you can learn a lot
  3. - comparison of the film and the book.
  4. , which inspires you to write better.
  5. - the last flap of the wings of the “royal butterfly of American literature”

“The Gift of the Magi” - a Christmas story by O. Henry, American writer 19th century masters of miniature, laconic storytelling. Some literary scholars define the genre of the work as a short story.

History of creation

The story was written in a New York tavern in 1905 and a year later published in the collection “Four Million.” Like many other miniatures by O. Henry, also distinguished by ease of style, wit and brevity, this story won the hearts of many readers, regardless of their age and social status.

Analysis of the work

Description of the work

On the eve of the Christmas holidays, a young couple becomes upset from lack of... Money for gifts to each other. Della Dillingham sells her luxurious locks to buy a platinum chain for his pocket watch as a gift to her beloved husband. But loving Della’s plans did not come true - her precious husband sold the watch, for which the gift from his beloved wife was intended. The denouement of the story is as unexpected as it is beautiful - Jim sold his very expensive thing to please his beloved wife with a gift she had long desired - a set of combs for her beautiful brown hair.

Main characters

The images of the main characters - Jimma and Della - are striking in their combination of youth; the author even compares them with children and maturity, expressed in the ability to rise above material values.

The heroine's whole world is wrapped around her beloved husband. The most beautiful moments of her life are dreams of choosing a gift that can bring joy to her dear person. Della is characterized by childish emotionality - tears are replaced by joy, and sadness is illuminated by a smile. She sincerely believes that having lost her beautiful hair My husband may not like her.

Sentimentality is also characteristic of Jim; behind the outer coldness lies a sensitive, loving heart. He, without hesitation, parts with the only family jewel - a gold watch - in order to bring Christmas joy to his beloved. The novella has a happy ending - the main characters receive the most expensive gift in the world - love and sacrifice in the name of each other.

O. Henry's story is characterized by brevity and laconism of presentation, which, however, does not make the story dry - the abundance of diminutive suffixes gives the story a special charm. The emotional component is also enhanced through the use of lexical repetitions. Nevertheless, the author cannot be accused of excessive sentimentalism; the advantage of the story is the absence of pathos and far-fetchedness.

The novella is a unique interpretation gospel story about the wise men who brought gifts to the newborn infant of God, where are the treasures biblical kings(Solomon and the Queen of Sheba), echo the only family jewels of the Dillingham couple. Despite the poverty and wretchedness of the life of the main characters, sacrificial love in its most beautiful manifestation overshadows the difficult conditions of existence and not a trace remains of the feeling of dullness and hopelessness. Thus, the entire story is built on an antithesis - the opposition of material and spiritual world main characters.

Final conclusion

"Gifts of the Magi" - wonderful story about sacrifice in the name of love. The essence of the story expresses the essence of everything Christian teaching, based on the primacy of this great feeling. The reminiscence of the story of the Magi emphasizes the Christmas spirit that permeates O. Henry’s entire story.

People have long been familiar with the wonderful power of love: it heals the sick, makes the unfortunate happy, and gives a person the amazing ability to perform miracles and feats. You don’t have to look far for love, it lives very close to us, sometimes bright and uncontrollable, and sometimes bright and quiet, which you don’t always notice right away. It seems to me that this is precisely the feeling that found peace in the tiny closet of the main characters of O. Henry’s story “The Gift of the Magi.”
The hearts of Jim and Della were connected by a strong, although invisible to outsiders, thread. Even when they parted, it seemed that the lovers were close to each other. That’s why it was so hard for each of them to understand that there was simply no money to buy Christmas gifts. However, how could they ignore the dearest, closest and most beloved person?
Long thoughts and worries, unfortunately, had no effect on the family budget. And then, separately from each other, without warning their loved one, Jim and Della sacrificed their most important treasures. Della cut her wonderful long brown hair to sell it and buy her husband a platinum chain for his family gold watch.
She couldn't have known that her gift would no longer have meaning, because Jim sold his watch to buy a set of wonderful tortoiseshell combs that could amazingly decorate his wife's already amazing hair. However, sacrifices were made and gifts were given. Were they meaningless? Of course not! They, these sacrifices, these signs of care and attention, turned another Christmas into not ordinary holiday, and in the triumph of the soul and loving heart, a holiday for two! Time will pass, and Della's hair will grow back, Jim's affairs will get better, they will buy themselves a warm and cozy home, but they will never forget this magical evening that they gave each other for Christmas.