An epic at the Bogatyrskaya outpost. Epics “At the Bogatyrskaya Outpost”


Bogatyrskaya audio tale "At the Bogatyrskaya outpost." 1. "Under the city of Kiev, in the wide steppe of Tsitsarskaya stood heroic outpost. Ataman at the outpost old Ilya Muromets, sub-commander Dobrynya Nikitich, captain Alyosha Popovich. And their warriors are brave: Grishka is the boyar’s son, Vasily Dolgopoly..." They once missed, overlooked a stranger, a mighty hero "from the Kazar land - in their own way, the hooves are shod... The heroes began to judge and decide who should go after someone else's hero... - Vaska’s floors are long, Vaska walks on the ground and braids himself, in battle he will braid himself and die in vain... Grishka is of the boyar family, the boastful boyar family. He will begin to brag in battle and die in vain... Alyosha is of the priest’s family, the priest’s eyes are envious, his hands are raking. Alyosha will see a lot of silver and gold on a foreign land, he will envy and die in vain...
2. Dobrynya got scared, turned his horse, galloped back to the outpost... Ilya was surprised and became thoughtful. He hugged Burushka-Kosmatushka: “Oh, you, my shaggy Burushko (Ilya Muromets’s horse), serve me with faith and truth, so that you don’t cut off my stranger’s head... The heroes came together, hit their clubs, - the handles of the clubs fell off, and each other the heroes were not injured. They hit the sabers - the damask sabers broke, but both were intact. They stabbed with sharp spears - they broke the spears at the top. -Knowledge must fight hand-to-hand!-... The boaster mocks, and Ilya gains strength from the Russian land... how he jumps up, how he throws up the boaster!.. And Ilya did not cut off his head..."

Near the city of Kiev, in the wide Tsitsarskaya steppe, there was a heroic outpost. The ataman at the outpost was old Ilya Muromets, the sub-ataman was Dobrynya Nikitich, and the captain was Alyosha Popovich. And their warriors are brave: Grishka is the boyar’s son, Vasily Dolgopoly, and everyone is good.
The heroes have been standing at the outpost for three years, not allowing anyone on foot or horse to enter Kyiv. Even an animal will not slip past them, and a bird will not fly past them. Once a stoat ran past the outpost, and he even left his fur coat.
A falcon flew by and dropped its feather.
Once, at an unkind hour, the warrior warriors scattered: Alyosha rode off to Kyiv, Dobrynya went hunting, and Ilya Muromets fell asleep in his white tent...
Dobrynya is driving home from hunting and suddenly sees: in the field, behind the outpost, closer to Kyiv, a horse’s hoof mark, and not a small mark, but in half an oven. Dobrynya began to examine the trail: mighty hero from the Kazar land - in their way, the hooves are shod.
Dobrynya galloped to the outpost and gathered his comrades:
- What have we done? What kind of outpost do we have, since someone else’s hero drove past? How did we, brothers, not notice this? We must now go in pursuit of him so that he does not do anything in Rus'. The heroes began to judge and decide who should go after someone else’s hero. They thought about sending Vaska Dolgopoly, but Ilya Muromets does not order Vaska to be sent:
- Vaska’s floors are long, Vaska walks on the ground and gets tangled up, in battle he gets tangled up and dies in vain.
They thought of sending Grishka the boyar. Ataman Ilya Muromets says:
- Something’s wrong, guys, they’ve made up their minds. Grishka is a boyar family, a boastful boyar family. He will begin to boast in battle and die in vain.
Well, they want to send Alyosha Popovich. And Ilya Muromets won’t let him in:
- No offense to him, Alyosha is of the priest’s family, the priest’s envious eyes, raking hands. Alyosha will see a lot of silver and gold on a foreign land, he will envy and die in vain. And we, brothers, would rather send Dobrynya Nikitich.
So they decided - to go to Dobrynyushka, beat the stranger, cut off his head and bring the brave one to the outpost.
Dobrynya did not shirk from work, saddled his horse, took a club, girded himself with a sharp saber, took a silk whip, and rode up Mount Sorochinskaya. Dobrynya looked into the silver tube and saw something turning black in the field. Dobrynya galloped straight towards the hero and shouted to him in a loud voice:
- Why are you passing through our outpost, not hitting Ataman Ilya Muromets with your forehead, not putting taxes into the treasury for Captain Alyosha?!
The hero heard Dobrynya, turned his horse, and galloped towards him. Because of his gallop, the earth shook, water splashed out of rivers and lakes, and Dobrynin’s horse fell to his knees. Dobrynya got scared, turned his horse, and galloped back to the outpost.
He arrives, neither alive nor dead, and tells everything to his comrades.
“It seems that I, the old one, will have to go to the open field myself, since even Dobrynya couldn’t cope,” says Ilya Muromets.
He got dressed, saddled Burushka and rode to Mount Sorochinskaya.
Ilya looked from the valiant fist and saw: a hero was driving around, amusing himself. He throws an iron club weighing ninety pounds into the sky, catches the club in flight with one hand, and twirls it like a feather.
Ilya was surprised and became thoughtful. He hugged Burushka-Kosmatushka:
- Hey you, thief, boaster! Why are you bragging?! Why did you pass the outpost, didn’t impose taxes on our captain, and didn’t hit me, the ataman, with his forehead?!
The boaster heard him, turned his horse, and galloped towards Ilya Muromets. The ground beneath him shook, rivers and lakes splashed out.
10 Ilya Muromets was not afraid. Burushka stands rooted to the spot, Ilya does not move in the saddle.
The heroes came together, hit each other with clubs - the handles of the clubs fell off, but the heroes did not hurt each other.
They hit the sabers, the damask sabers broke, but both were intact. They stabbed with sharp spears - they broke the spears up to the top!
- You know, we really have to fight hand-to-hand! They got off their horses and grabbed chest to chest. They fight all day until the evening, they fight from the evening until midnight, they fight from midnight until the clear dawn - no one gains the upper hand. Suddenly Ilya waved right hand, slipped with his left foot and fell on
damp earth
. The boaster ran up, sat on his chest, took out a sharp knife, and mocked:
- You’re an old man, why did you go to war? Don't you have any heroes in Rus'? It's time for you to retire. You would build yourself a pine hut, collect alms, and thus live and live until your early death.
So the boaster mocks, and Ilya gains strength from the Russian land. Ilya's strength has doubled - he will jump up and throw up the boaster! He flew higher than a standing forest, higher than a walking cloud, fell and sank into the ground up to his waist.
Ilya tells him:
- Well, what a glorious hero you are! I will let you go on all four sides, only you leave Rus' and don’t miss the outpost next time, hit the ataman with your forehead, pay the duties. Don’t wander around Rus' as a boaster.
And Ilya did not cut off his head.

Ilya returned to the outpost to the heroes.

“Well,” he says, “my dear brothers, I’ve been riding across the field for thirty years, fighting with heroes, testing my strength, but I’ve never seen such a hero!”
Near the city of Kiev, in the wide Tsitsarskaya steppe, there stood a heroic outpost. The ataman at the outpost was old Ilya Muromets, the sub-ataman was Dobrynya Nikitich, and the captain was Alyosha Popovich. And their warriors are brave:
Grishka is the boyar’s son, Vasily Dolgopoly, and everyone is good.
For three years the heroes have been standing at the outpost, not allowing anyone on foot or on horseback to enter Kyiv. Even an animal will not slip past them, and a bird will not fly past them.
Dobrynya is driving home from hunting and suddenly sees: in the field, behind the outpost, closer to Kyiv, a trace of a horse’s hoof, and not a small trace, but in half an oven. Dobrynya began to examine the trail:
- This is the footprint of a heroic horse. A heroic horse, but not a Russian one: a mighty hero from the Kazar land rode past our outpost - in their opinion, the hooves were shod. Dobrynya galloped to the outpost and gathered his comrades:
-What have we done? What kind of outpost do we have, since someone else’s hero drove past? How did we, brothers, not notice this? We must now go in pursuit of him so that he does not do anything in Rus'.
The heroes began to judge and decide who should go after someone else’s hero.
They thought about sending Vaska Dolgopoly, but Ilya Muromets does not order Vaska to be sent:
“Vaska’s floors are long, Vaska walks on the ground, gets tangled up, gets tangled up in battle and dies in vain.”
They thought of sending Grishka the boyar.
Ataman Ilya Muromets says:
- Something’s wrong, guys, they’ve made up their minds. Grishka is a boyar family, a boastful boyar family. He will begin to boast in battle and die in vain.
Well, they want to send Alyosha Popovich. And Ilya Muromets won’t let him in:
- No offense to him, Alyosha is of the priest’s family, the priest’s envious eyes, raking hands. Alyosha will see a lot of silver and gold on a foreign land, he will envy and die in vain. And we, brothers, would rather send Dobrynya Nikitich.

So they decided - to go to Dobrynyushka, beat the stranger, cut off his head and bring the brave one to the outpost.
Dobrynya did not shirk from work, saddled his horse, took a club, girded himself with a sharp saber, took a silk whip, and rode up Mount Sorochinskaya. Dobrynya looked into the silver tube and saw something turning black in the field. Dobrynya galloped straight towards the hero and shouted to him in a loud voice:
“Why are you passing through our outpost, not hitting Ataman Ilya Muromets with your forehead, and not paying taxes to the treasury for Captain Alyosha?!”
The hero heard Dobrynya, turned his horse, and galloped towards him. From his gallop, the earth shook, water splashed out of rivers and lakes, and Dobrynya’s horse fell to his knees. Dobrynya got scared, turned his horse, and galloped back to the outpost. He arrives, neither alive nor dead, and tells everything to his comrades.
“Apparently, I, the old one, will have to go to the open field myself, since even Dobrynya couldn’t cope,” says Ilya Muromets.
He got dressed, saddled Burushka and rode to Mount Sorochinskaya.
Ilya looked from the valiant fist and saw: a hero was driving around, amusing himself. He throws an iron club weighing ninety pounds into the sky, catches the club in flight with one hand, and twirls it like a feather.
Ilya was surprised and became thoughtful. He hugged Burushka Kosmatushka:
- Oh, my shaggy Burushko, serve me faithfully so that someone else’s head doesn’t cut off my head.
Burushka neighed and galloped towards the boaster.
Ilya drove up and shouted:
- Hey you, thief, boaster! Why are you bragging?! Why did you pass the outpost, didn’t impose taxes on our captain, and didn’t hit me, the ataman, with his forehead?!
The boaster heard him, turned his horse, and galloped towards Ilya Muromets. The ground beneath him shook, rivers and lakes splashed out.
Ilya Muromets was not afraid. Burushka stands rooted to the spot, Ilya does not move in the saddle.
The heroes came together, hit each other with clubs, the handles of the clubs fell off, but the heroes did not hurt each other. They hit the sabers - the damask sabers broke, but both were intact. They stabbed with sharp spears - they broke the spears up to the top.
“You know, we really have to fight hand-to-hand!”
They got off their horses and grabbed chest to chest.
They fight all day until the evening, they fight from the evening until midnight, they fight from midnight until the clear dawn - not a single one gains the upper hand.
Suddenly Ilya waved his right hand, slipped with his left foot and fell on the damp ground. The boaster ran up, sat on his chest, took out a sharp knife, and mocked:
“You’re an old man, why did you go to war?” Don't you have any heroes in Rus'? It's time for you to retire. You would build yourself a pine hut, collect alms, and thus live and live until your early death.
So the boaster mocks, and Ilya gains strength from the Russian land. Ilya's strength has doubled - he will jump up and throw up the boaster! He flew higher than a standing forest, higher than a walking cloud, fell and sank into the ground up to his waist.
Ilya tells him:
- Well, what a glorious hero you are! I will let you go on all four sides, only you leave Rus' and don’t miss the outpost next time, hit the ataman with your forehead, pay the duties. Don’t wander around Rus' as a boaster.
And Ilya did not cut off his head.
Ilya returned to the outpost to the heroes.
“Well,” he says, “my dear brothers, I’ve been riding across the field for thirty years, fighting with heroes, testing my strength, but I’ve never seen such a hero!”

Federal state educational institution

“Evening (shift) comprehensive school

Main Directorate Federal service execution of punishments according to Primorskyedge"


"At the Bogatyrskaya Outpost"

reading lesson in 9th special (correctional) class

Teacher: Pletskaya V.A.


Explanatory note

(placed in the archive with the material)

Author of the material (full name) *

Pletskaya Veronica Alexandrovna

Position (indicating the subject taught) *

Teacher of Russian language and literature

Educational institution

Federal state educational institution

“Evening (shift) comprehensive school

Main Directorate of the Federal Penitentiary Service for the Primorsky Territory"

Material name *

Reading lesson

Class (age) *

9 special (correctional) class

Academic subject *


Name teaching aid, educational program(UMK) indicating the authors to which the resource belongs

Textbook “Reading” 9th grade for special (correctional) students educational institutions VIII type A.K. Aksyonov, M.I. Shishkova - ed. "Enlightenment", 2013

Type of resource (presentation, video, text document and others) *

Text Document“Epics. At the Bogatyrskaya outpost”, presentation.

Technical equipment (computer, interactive whiteboard, etc.) *



Objectives of the material *

build knowledge about artistic genre and its features:

teach identifying genre differences in epics; reading taking into account archaic vocabulary; choosing the appropriate intonation, tone, tempo and volume of speech;

provide conditions for

Short description working with the resource

(at what stage is it supposed to be used, form of use: individual, group, etc., at the discretion of the author). *

This lesson is intended for work with students of the 9th special (correctional) class and is addressed to teachers of the Russian language and literature. Section “ORAL FOLK ARTS”.

List of used literature.

  1. Dictionary of proverbs, sayings and catchphrases. Editor Zhilinskaya A., Eksmo, 2011.

  2. Internet sources

* - Fields are required.

The topic of the lesson is “Epics. "At the Bogatyrskaya outpost."

9 special (correctional) class

Educational: to develop knowledge about the artistic genre and its features: to teach how to identify genre differences between epics; reading taking into account archaic vocabulary; choosing the appropriate intonation, tone, tempo and volume of speech;

Developmental : promote the development of interest in literary reading, enrichment of vocabulary; provide conditions for development of observation skills, visual memory, creative approach to work.

Educational: to form an idea of ​​the Russian warrior-hero as a defender of the Fatherland; help students perceive the image of a Russian hero, harmoniously combining spiritual and physical strength;

to cultivate love for the native land, its history, a sense of pride in its heroes based on the texts of epics and fairy tales.

During the classes

1. Organizational moment.

2. Formation of the topic and purpose of the lesson.

Today we have to fabulous trip. Where? (solve the puzzle)

To guess the word, you need to name the first sounds of the words - the objects depicted in the pictures. (epics)

Into the world of CNT. In ancient times, works were not written down, but were passed on orally, from generation to generation. These works began to be called oral folk art. And the destination of the journey is Ancient Rus'. You will get acquainted with a new epic, remember also epic heroes.

Who knows what the word epics means?
Epics- these are Russian folk solemn songs. Genre oral folk art. They were composed talented people, but were not written down (B. were passed on by word of mouth). Popular name epics - antiquity, i.e. narration of ancient events. The singing of epics was accompanied by playing the harp.

(Slide with an explanation of the concept of epic)

- How can you imagine Ancient Rus' without a guslar? There were a lot of talents in Rus' and they still haven’t dried up. Where did this name for the instrument come from?

Slide 3 . The thing is that our ancestors used a bowstring to make a gusli, which they pulled onto a bow. This bowstring in ancient times was called gusla . This is where the name comes from - gusli. True, there is another version. Once upon a time our ancestors had a word thicket , that is, to hum on the strings. Hence the harp.

3. Discovery of new knowledge.

BoDnyyar kiNichti, chaletA

PochivoP, YaIl rumotsem.
Slide 4. Guys, guess the names and tell me: what unites them?

(The names of Russian heroes are encrypted here - Dobrynya Nikitich, Alyosha Popovich and Ilya Muromets.)

Slide 5. Who doesn’t know Vasnetsov’s painting “Bogatyrs”? This picture has become a symbol of the strength of the Russian land.

Slide 6.

Viktor Mikhailovich Vasnetsov ( (1848-1926 )

In 1898, Vasnetsov completed work on the painting “Bogatyrs,” which had lasted for many years. He considered this work his creative duty, an obligation to his native people. If you count from the first sketch (1876), then work on “Bogatyrs” continued (with long breaks) for over twenty years. The “heroes” completed the search for Vasnetsov related to the solution of the historical epic theme. Vasnetsov himself defined the idea of ​​the painting as follows: “ painting “Bogatyrs” - Dobrynya, Ilya and Alyosha Popovich on a heroic outing - they are noticing in the field whether there is an enemy somewhere, whether they are offending anyone somewhere” 1 .

1) Vocabulary work.

Who are these heroes? The meaning of the word “hero” is best given by the Dictionary.

  1. A hero is a hero of Russian epics who performs feats in the name of the Motherland.

  2. A man of immeasurable strength, resilience, and courage.

Teacher. Bogatyrs are people of immeasurable strength, perseverance and courage who perform military exploits. The heroes protected our Motherland from enemies - they stood at the outpost (border), no animal would slip past them unnoticed, no bird would fly by, much less an enemy would pass by.

People have always dreamed of heroes who would defend their native land. And he composed songs and epics about them. The military feats of heroes remain in the memory long after reading epics. Ilya Muromets, Dobrynya Nikitich, Alyosha Popovich - these Russian heroes are sung in fairy tales and songs by artists and poets.

Defense of the Motherland, devoted service to it and one’s compatriots is a sacred duty. The images of epic heroes are extremely generalized and collective, but at the same time, each hero has something of his own, special.

Slide 7 – 12.

Ilya Muromets belongs to working people. To characterize him in epics, the words “kind”, “glorious”, “daring” are used, and the epithet “old” emphasizes his wisdom.

(Slide – Ilya Muromets)

Dobrynya Nikitich is reserved, attentive and educated.

(Slide – Dobrynya Nikitich)

Alyosha Popovich is the youngest, resourceful, mischievous and cheerful.

(Slide – Alyosha Popovich)

They're all protectors native land, the best sons of the Russian people.

(Slide – 3 heroes)

Outpost- a post on the border of the country. (The Russian land is wide and vast. It is rich in forests and rivers. But we had to fight often. Expect attacks from the south, then from the east, then from the west. And for this, the Russian princes built “heroic outposts”).

Ataman- chief, head of the Cossack army.

Podataman- senior assistant of the Cossack army.

Esaul- Ataman's assistant.

Mace – view ancient weapons, a very heavy club, bound with iron; the weight of the club is more than 100 kg.

Chelo – forehead.

Duty – a monetary fee for the export and import of goods from one country to another.

Treasury - money, property, state income.

2) Reading epics.

1. Read the epic slowly, smoothly, melodiously.

2. Answer the questions:

  • How did the heroes perform their service at the outpost? Find and read evidence of this in the text?

  • In what meaning is the word used now? outpost?
What adjective can it go with?

(1. East. A barrier and guard post at the entrance to the city, created to collect road and other taxes, to monitor travelers, etc.; the very point of entry into the city.

2. Military guard detachment, outpost security. Sentry z. Set up horseback. Meet the advanced z.)

3. Border Guard; its location. Border outpost. Receive a message from the outpost. Z. in the mountains.

3. Tell us what happened at the outpost. Why did the enemy manage to penetrate Russian soil?

4. Find in the text and read the description of Dobrynya Nikitich’s preparations for the fight. Why did Dobrynya fail to fight the enemy? Prove your answer with words from the text.

5. Read the description of the battle between Ilya Muromets and the enemy. Note:

  • How did the invader mock Ilya Muromets during the battle?

  • Why did Ilya manage to defeat the enemy?
6. Tell me how the generosity of the Russian hero was manifested.

7. In order to more clearly show the strength of the heroes and the significance of their exploits, the people used many exaggerations in epics. Find and read those expressions in the text. where there are such exaggerations.

8. Try to explain the meaning of the expressions from the first column. Choose words from the second column for this:

hit the forehead look with a hand to the forehead

prowess brave to go show off

wander around Rus' with praise, courage, bravery

look from the fist give a bow

it's time to rest it's time to rest

9. Explain the meaning of proverbs.

Cheek brings success.

He loves courage and fight.

Houses and walls help.

There are two wills in the field: whose is stronger.

Do they fit the content of the epic? Prove the correctness of your answer.

10. Tell me why all the heroes value their Motherland so much. What did the people want to tell us with their epic?

11. Prepare a retelling of the epic according to plan.

plan -

  1. Life at the outpost.

  2. Enemy on home soil.

  3. Dobrynya's failure.

  4. Victory of Ilya Muromets.
4. Consolidation of the studied material.

1) Blitz tournament

What does blitz mean? (Quick, lightning-fast response).

1. Glorious defender of Rus', Motherki. This Russian hero embodied best qualities person: courage, honesty, loyalty, selfless love for the Motherland.(Ilya Muromets.)

2. Why was he called Muromets?(Grew up near the city of Murom invillage Karacharovo. Now this is the Vladimirov region.)

3. What does the name Ilya mean?(Force,power, strength, stone.)

4. What does the name Dobrynya mean?(Kind, kindness.)

5. He often got the better of himenemy thanks to his prowessge and tricks?(Alesha Popovich.)

6. What does the name Alexey mean?(Behindstink bug.)

8. Why was Alyosha nicknamed Popovi?how?(Father was a clergymantele, priest)

9. Who was the faithful assistant of the heroes in battles? (horse)

(The heroes of epics are many times stronger ordinary person. Even a heroic horse gallops higher than a standing tree, slightly lower than a walking cloud).

Slide 7. Exercise

Look at the picture again and make a small dictionary of words denoting the equipment of heroes

"Bogatyr Dictionary"

  • Quiver - case for arrows

  • Chainmail - ancient military armor in the form of a shirt made of steel rings

  • Mace - an ancient weapon, a heavy club with a thickened end

  • Scabbard - a case for a sword or dagger

  • Helmet - military armor that protects the head

  • Harness - accessory for harness

  • Shield - a rounded metal board that protects from arrows in battle
2) Independent work(differentiated tasks)
Level 1

Complete the definition.

Epic is a genre……………. folk art. These are Russians folk tales about ………….., who defended Russian lands from enemies. The popular name for epics is………….., that is, a story about ancient events. The singing of epics was accompanied by playing the…………..

Level 2

Complete the definition using reference words.

Epic is a genre……………. folk art. These are Russian folk tales about ………….., which defended Russian lands from enemies.

The epic is similar to ……………… in its melodiousness, but differs from it in the imagery of its language.
Words for reference: heroes, poem, oral .

4) Game for attention: “Do you know the first part of the epic?”

Teacher. Now, to check how attentive you were during the lesson, let’s solve a crossword puzzle based on the first part of the fairy tale. If you answer all the questions correctly, then in the highlighted column you will read the answer to the question:











































  1. Border fortification, defensive structure.

  2. Dobrynya was the sub-dataman...

  3. Wonderful, strong, brave warriors.

  4. Location of the heroic outpost.

  5. The name is Captain Popovich.

  6. About Grishka, Ilya Muromets said: “He will start in battle... and die in vain.”
Teacher: Well done! What happened in the highlighted column? ( The word YOU KNOW).
5. Summing up. Reflection.

Teacher: It's time to sum up. And we will do this using syncwine. There is a reminder on the screen for writing a syncwine.

The French came up with a poem called " syncwine"They say that, loosely translated, this means "five inspirations" or "five lucks."
1st line – header, which contains keyword, concept, theme of syncwine, expressed in the form of a noun.
Line 2 – two adjectives.
Line 3 – three verbs.
Line 4 is a phrase that carries a certain meaning.
Line 5 – summary, conclusion, one word, noun.

Brave, courageous.

Fights, guards, protects.

There are no shortage of heroes in Rus'!


7. Reading syncwines.