Star hobbies: unusual and strange hobbies of celebrities. Interesting facts about Leonardo DiCaprio

Life of the Stars


11.11.14 09:18

They say that Leonardo DiCaprio is very attracted to the figure of one of Soviet leaders– Joseph Stalin, debunked by the 20th Congress of the Communist Party. The star just dreams of making this happen complex image on the screen! He doesn’t look much like a Georgian, but that’s not what’s stopping him Hollywood celebrity: there is still no worthwhile scenario. Everyone's life famous person overgrown with rumors and legends. We cannot guarantee that all the facts below are true, but, as they say, what we bought for is what we sell for!

In honor of a genius

Enough rare name, which was immortalized by genius High Renaissance, gave it to my son loving mother. Irmelin, being “heavily pregnant,” enjoyed paintings in one of the Italian museums - she believed that everything beautiful was useful for an unborn baby. And when she stood in front of the painting by da Vinci, the child began vigorously kicking his legs and pushing his mother in the stomach. The woman understood: he wants to be called Leonardo!

By the way, one of the young artist’s former agents (Leo was only 10 at the time) suggested that he take the pseudonym “Lenny Williams” - simple and clear. Leonardo did not agree.

Half Russian

Meeting with Vladimir Putin, Leo boasted that he was of half Russian blood (the actor’s grandparents were from Russia; his grandmother used to have a completely “ordinary” and common name and surname: “Elena Smirnova”).

Already at just over two years old future star"Titanic" and "The Departed" tasted glory. His father brought him to a TV show, and then advertisers set their sights on the blond angel. He looked really good on camera!

DiCaprio claims that he hates scrutiny of his personal life and does not want to show his true feelings in front of a crowd. What about numerous photos with your loved ones? He wasn’t very shy about something, apparently he was being disingenuous.

"Animal lover" and fan

One of the longest love stories actor is a romance with outstanding woman and the highly successful model Gisele Bundchen. For almost five years these two were together. But the relationship fizzled out.

It was Giselle who presented Leo with a cute puppy - a French bulldog. The ex-boyfriend didn’t think long and named his new favorite Django. Do you think it’s in honor of the hero of Tarantino’s western, in which the actor starred? No. In honor of the popular jazz performer!

Even before the bulldog, DiCaprio had a huge Rottweiler named Rocky. Leo, a great lover of animals, literally saved this poor fellow - he was tormented by epileptic seizures.

And the artist’s other favorite, the three-colored cat Mixi, was picked up by him in the bushes. He picked up the tramp and brought it to his mother - Irmelin did not object to her son’s next whim.

Leonardo has had a love for four-legged animals since childhood. Another passionate attachment - basketball team Los Angeles Lakers. DiCaprio is just a fan of her! For the sake of his idols, he is ready to do anything. One day he neglected a luxurious "star" reception to go to a game. The organizers were very upset by the absence of a guest, although there were plenty of celebrities at the evening - from Gwen Stefani to Halle Berry.

Shame, success and accolades

The actor’s biggest cinematic shame is his participation in the film Don’s Plum Cafe. In it he starred with best friend, Tobey Maguire. What attracted them to this story is unclear. Of course, Toby was not yet in great demand then (in 2000), but Leonardo had the Titanic looming behind him!

By the way, the fame that fell on him after Cameron’s blockbuster was as stunning as it was unexpected. A real “Leomania” followed, the guy had crowds of female fans. And since then, DiCaprio acquired a kind of mania: from now on it seemed to him that almost every girl who dreamed of meeting him was not chasing him, but his success and money.

Filming this film was difficult for the entire group. But “The Beach” almost became fatal for DiCaprio - the boat with it was covered by a wave, and the actor almost drowned.

One of the most flattering praises came from the British actor, long-time member of the Royal Shakespeare Guild, Sir Ben Kingsley. He said that Leonardo was the best Romeo Kingsley had ever seen (referring to Luhrmann's Romeo + Juliet).

Stubborn bachelor!

Leonardo is turning 40 years old, and he still hasn’t taken a single girl to the crown! It’s not clear what’s going on, but we’ll name a couple of reasons. DiCaprio is still the same Sissy. Irmelin is an indisputable authority for him. And if the mother didn’t like the next passion, the son goes with her Serious relationships will not start. This woman is the actor’s closest friend; Leonardo does not feel sorry for anything for her. “I can only give diamonds and other precious things to my mother,” the star admits.

What is the second reason for such a long “bachelorhood”? He is too independent and does not tolerate pressure. To report to someone? No way!

What is the ideal woman for Leo? If you look at his sequence ex-girlfriends, then the trend is: model appearance, blondes, light eyes and long legs. He himself said that he was attracted high growth(the height of the artist himself is slightly higher than 1.80 m), luxurious hair ( long hair) And a slim body. Yeah! And myself in Lately Gained a lot of weight!

Leonardo DiCaprio's portrayal is so good that we tend to ignore the things that make him human.

Leonardo DiCaprio - perhaps main character of our time: a sweet boy who turned into a brutal man, a playboy, a philanthropist and a socialite. Vladimir Putin himself considers him a “real man,” and such recognition from the lips of the “main alpha male,” according to Wikileaks, is worth a lot. There is not a single dark spot in DiCaprio’s biography, only a few murky areas that neither the actor’s fans nor journalists loyal to him like to remember. Not because these facts can discredit Leo, but because they transform him from a character from the cover of a men's glossy magazine into an ordinary man about forty.

Leonardo DiCaprio is capable of brawling.

Leonardo DiCaprio can be aggressive not only in the movies

In 2000, the Phoenix hotel bar in Los Angeles closed its doors to Leo forever. His administration had good reasons to refuse to allow a world-famous celebrity to visit: DiCaprio and two dozen of his friends drank too much and destroyed the establishment. In response to the manager's admonitions, the naughty guests suggested that he go to known direction and by the morning they had turned the fashionable bar into the American branch of Sarajevo after the Balkan conflict.

It would seem that there is nothing special about this incident: bombing drinking establishments in Hollywood is a common thing, even Angelina Jolie’s children do it. But Leo is not one of those - he protects his reputation, and therefore learned a lesson from what happened and has not broken chairs or even toothpicks in the cafe for more than ten years.

Leonardo DiCaprio is fond of gambling.

Leonardo DiCaprio really loves cards

Leonardo DiCaprio does not hide his passion for poker, but it is better not to even know how far it extends. Fans were convinced of this after a single card scandal involving Leo, which happened in 2011.

It all started with a criminal case against the head of the investment fund Ruderman Capital Partners, Brad Ruderman, who stole $25 million from investors. It soon became clear that Ruderman needed the money to pay off his gambling debts. At the same time, the names of the creditors became known. They turned out to be WWF board member Leonardo DiCaprio, an exemplary family man Ben Affleck talented actor Tobey Maguire and the equally talented Matt Damon. These respected gentlemen, just a couple of weeks later, robbed the unlucky financier completely in small underground casinos.

Fortunately for DiCaprio, the scandal around him died down quite quickly; the actor did not even have to return the money he won. Did Leo learn a lesson from this story? Without a doubt. Now he plays poker much more carefully. But we don’t even want to know where and with whom.

Leonardo DiCaprio lives with a man.

Leonardo DiCaprio and Lukas Haas

Rumors that Leonardo DiCaprio is a homosexual did not arise yesterday or even the day before yesterday. About unconventional sexual orientation the actor was whispered after the release of the film “ Full eclipse", in which Leo masterfully played the poet Arthur Rimbaud. He was barely 21 years old, and the reputation of an “undercover gay” was already firmly attached to him. Neither romances with long-legged models, nor the role of a heartthrob hero, nor an interview with Esquire magazine, in which DiCaprio emphasized six times that he was not gay, helped him get rid of her. The latter, perhaps, even got in the way.

The main argument in favor of the fact that Leo is not completely sincere with his fans was his weird relationship with Lukas Haas. The 37-year-old actor, who starred in the films Witness, Mars Attacks! and “Brick”, has been living in DiCaprio’s house for many years and constantly accompanies the star not only on trips around the world, but also on walks with girls.

Leonardo DiCaprio treats women like objects.

Leonardo DiCaprio on the set of The Wolf of Wall Street

Leonardo DiCaprio and his army of clones - similar friends like two peas in a pod, their model girlfriends managed to become the talk of the town. Leo has not yet broken up with Toni Garrn, and everyone already knows what his next lover will look like. Why doesn't DiCaprio change the type he chose once? There are several possible answers: we don’t even want to think about the first (see point 3), the second is no less sad - the actor treats women as beautiful things. He even hinted at this in an interview with Psychologies magazine in 2011.

Answering a journalist’s question about why he only dates supermodels, DiCaprio cited the example of Howard Hughes, the hero of the film “The Aviator.” The eccentric millionaire only dated A-list movie stars, and Leo believes his love for women was like his love for airplanes. " Beautiful women, airplanes, cars, films, Hughes filled a gaping hole in himself... But I definitely don’t have such a gap. There is something else, but I’m unlikely to formulate it,” the actor noted.

Leonardo DiCaprio is planning to take a career break.

Leonardo DiCaprio is passionate about ecology

In January 2013, Leonardo DiCaprio announced that he was leaving films for a while. This news shocked his fans: no one believed that Leo loved poker, beach holiday and charity more than my career. And rightly so - just a couple of months after the sensational interview, DiCaprio began work on the thriller “The Devil in the White City,” not only as an actor, but also as a producer. He doesn’t even remember the decision to pause filming, and we don’t want to think about the fact that the tireless Leo also needs time for himself.

Leonardo was born into the family of comic book author George DiCaprio and court secretary Irmelin Indenbirken. When the future actor was only a year old, his parents divorced.

Leo graduated primary school Sidd and then studied for four years at the Los Angeles Advanced Science Center.

Thanks to his father, who took Leo to a TV show, DiCaprio first appeared on camera at two and a half years old. At the age of 14, he finally decided to become an actor and even found himself an agent.

In 1988, Leo received his first small role in the television series Roseanne. She was followed by roles in “Santa Barbara” and “The New Adventures of Lassie.”

In 1991 he made his debut on big screen, starring in the comedy-horror film “Critters 3.”

In 1993 I received my first main role in the movie This Boy's Life. In the same year, the drama What's Eating Gilbert Grape was released. For his role in this film, DiCaprio received the first Golden Globe and Oscar nominations in his career.

In subsequent years, he starred in such films as “The Quick and the Dead,” “Total Eclipse,” and “The Basketball Diaries.”

In 1996, the film “Romeo + Juliet” was released, as well as the film “Marvin’s Room”, where DiCaprio played along with Robert De Niro.

Released in 1997 cult movie James Cameron's Titanic, in which Leo played the main role. For his role in this film he received a Golden Globe nomination.

In 1998, the actor received the Golden Raspberry anti-award for his role in the film The Man in the Iron Mask, despite the fact that the film paid off at the box office.

In 2002, Leonardo starred in Steven Spielberg's film Catch Me If You Can. For his role in this film, he received his third Golden Globe nomination. That same year, he worked with director Martin Scorsese for the first time on the set of Gangs of New York. In 2004, the director and actor continued their collaboration on film set paintings "Aviator". For his role in this film, Leo won his first Golden Globe and his second Oscar nomination.

In 2007, he received another Oscar nomination for his role in the film Blood Diamond, but was never awarded the award.

In subsequent years, he starred in such films as Body of Lies, Revolutionary Road, Shutter Island, Inception, J. Edgar, Django Unchained and The Great Gatsby.

In 2014, he received another Golden Globe, as well as an Oscar nomination for his role in the film The Wolf of Wall Street.

In 2015, the film “The Revenant” was released, in which Leo played the main role. The actor's performance was highly praised by critics, and DiCaprio received the first Oscar in his career for it.

Currently, Leonardo DiCaprio continues to act in films.

Hobbies : Surfing, charity, collects modern art
Personal life: In the 1990s, Leonardo dated Danish model Helena Christensen.

In 2000, the actor began a relationship romantic relationship with Brazilian model Gisele Bündchen. The couple separated in 2005. After this, DiCaprio dated Israeli model Bar Refaeli for three years. The couple broke up in March 2010, but Leo and Bar resumed their relationship in the summer of 2010 and even planned to get married. The final breakup occurred in May 2011.

In 2011, he dated actress Blake Lively for several months, with whom he managed to maintain friendly relations after breaking up.

In December 2011, the actor began a romantic relationship with model Erin Heatherton, but due to the busy work schedules of both, the couple broke up in November 2012.

From May 2013 to December 2014 he dated model Toni Garrn. Then he had a relationship with model Nina Agdal. The media also attributed him to an affair with model Lorena Ray. In September 2017, tabloids reported that Leo and Toni Garrn had resumed their relationship.

Scandals\interesting facts\charity

Leonardo's grandmother on his mother's side was a Russian emigrant: after October revolution her parents took her from Russia to Germany, and then she and her husband (the actor’s grandfather) moved to the USA.

In 1998, Leonardo DiCaprio founded the Leonardo DiCaprio Foundation, which is dedicated to protecting environment.

In 1998, the actor boycotted the Oscars in protest over his failure to receive a Best Actor nomination for Titanic. That year, more than 200 Leo fans contacted the Academy with complaints.

In September 2014, Leonardo DiCaprio was appointed UN Messenger of Peace on Climate Issues.


The joy of fame wears off pretty quickly and you realize that main award not that every moth on the street suddenly began to recognize you, but that your films will remain after your death

Do you know what I learned playing Gatsby? He had a great gift for hope. I think we all need that - hope. Gatsby probably didn’t quite fit into reality, but many people, including me, don’t quite fit into it.

You can make a fortune in two ways: pumping oil, cutting down forests, melting ice. But for some reason no one thinks about what awaits us when Natural resources will run out. It's time to stop for a second and think about the harm we are causing to the world.

Name: Leonardo DiCaprio

Age: 43 years

Place of birth: Los Angeles, USA

Height: 183 cm

Occupation: actor and producer

marital status: Not maried

Leonardo DiCaprio: biography

Having built a dizzying career and earned a huge fortune, Leo still can’t make a choice future wife, but he’s already 43...

The only child of a judge's assistant and an illustrator was born in the poorest area of ​​Los Angeles. Leo is an American, but Italian, German and Russian blood flows in his veins: Leonardo's maternal grandmother Elena Smirnova was born in pre-revolutionary Russia.

A family legend says: the mother tried to develop the baby even before giving birth - during pregnancy she listened to Mozart, visited art galleries. The woman was admiring a painting by Leonardo da Vinci when she felt the first movement of the fetus. That is why the parents decided to name their son after the great artist.

Childhood, family

When Leo was only a year old, his parents separated, and the boy stayed with his mother, and his father visited him on weekends. He drew comics and early years I instilled in my son the idea: a rich imagination can give you any life you want.

At two and a half years old, Leo performed on a television show, where his father brought him, and at five he participated in another television project - however, he was soon kicked out of it for inappropriate behavior.

Leonardo grew up a loudmouth and an upstart, did not study well, for which his classmates nicknamed him “the brake.” He often ran away from class and retired to a park bench somewhere to daydream. I didn’t want to return to the dirty closet, which he and his mother always didn’t have enough money to pay for.


In their area, boys had only two ways to “rise up”: become a drug dealer and get prison term or rob people and, in the end, also go to jail. Leo swore to himself that he could escape from this criminal environment. At the age of 14, he already went to auditions for commercials and sometimes even got a job, and then he began to look for an agent.

The professionals laughed at him and advised him to change two things first: his unfashionable haircut and his wonderful name. This angered Leo, but he still found an agent who was quite happy with his hairstyle and name. DiCaprio got roles in several TV series, including Santa Barbara, and at the age of 17 he was invited to a big movie: it was comedy movie horror film "Zubastiki-Z".

The image of a handsome blond was in demand both in advertising and among film directors. But Leonardo craved serious, deep roles. After filming with Robert De Niro in the film This Boy's Life, he was invited to a duet with Johnny Depp in the drama What's Eating Gilbert Grape, where Leo played a rather complex role of a mentally retarded teenager. From that moment on, an endless series of nominations for DiCaprio began - for the Oscar, the prestigious British BAFTA award, the Golden Globe - which gave rise to many jokes in Hollywood. And yet, time after time, he took only second place: there was always someone better.

Over the course of his many-year career, the actor managed to show himself in a variety of film genres, earned a lot of money, achieved world fame, but he became the first only in terms of the number of unreceived awards. Even for the Titanic, which gave him the status of a sex symbol! The creators of the most romantic film experienced an embarrassment: they simply “forgot” to nominate Leo for an Oscar nomination. But after the film “Romeo + Juliet” DiCaprio was called the best Romeo in the history of cinema.

Leonardo took everything that happened with a grain of irony - and again plunged into work. His roles in the films “The Man in the Iron Mask”, “The Beach”, “The Aviator”, “The Great Gatsby”, “The Wolf of Wall Street” and others received different reviews from critics, but were received with a bang by the audience.

Finally, in 2016, Leonardo managed to break through this wall - for the film “The Revenant,” the 42-year-old actor received his first Oscar. His fans rejoiced. Leonardo himself reacted to this event philosophically. Is this a joke or real fact, but there were rumors that he had forgotten his long-awaited golden statuette in the taxi.

For one commercial, Leonardo DiCaprio receives five million, his average fee per film is 20 million, and the star’s entire fortune is estimated at $245 million. Raised in poor family, who barely scraped together money for food, today DiCaprio is buying luxury real estate in Manhattan and an island in the Caribbean - planning to build an eco-resort on it. After all, Leonardo sees his true purpose not as cinematography, but as the protection of the planet. His foundation raises tens of millions of dollars, and DiCaprio personally donated 15 million to protect African animals.

IN ordinary life Leonardo does not look like a millionaire: he wears clothes from non-prestigious brands, walks the streets of New York; he does not have collections of diamonds or cars - there is only one eco-car in the actor's garage. However, Hollywood jokers claim that Leo does have one hobby: he “collects” beautiful models.

Leonardo DiCaprio: biography of personal life

Leo usually chooses women of the same type, long-haired blondes. And although he was never a womanizer, he received the reputation of an eternal bachelor: no matter how long his relationship lasted, the actor never invited his lovers down the aisle. The only love Leonardo was and remains his mother Irmelin. He always consults with her, including on matters of his personal life.

Young DiCaprio's first passion was Danish model Helena Christensen is one of the few brunettes on his list of girlfriends, and she is also five years older than the actor. She was replaced by the Brazilian model Gisele Bündchen, whose relationship lasted five years. Giselle has the status of the highest paid model on the planet, so her relationship with Leo was definitely not mercantile.

After breaking up with her in 2005, “ best Romeo“I fell in love with the Israeli model Bar Refaeli for three years and was even ready to marry her, but... I fell in love with the Russian beauty - model Anna Vyalitsyna. Leonardo honors his Russian grandmother and has a weakness for Russian women, but Anna only managed to interest him for six months. Lasted the same amount of time beautiful novel with actress Blake Lively, who was replaced by Victoria's Secret "angel" Erin Heatherton in 2011, then Toni Garrn, Lorena Rae, Kelly Rohrbach and Sarah Snyder (of course, also models). In response to the jokes of journalists, DiCaprio smiled: “For I don’t have the courage to get married!” And in a private conversation with friends he admitted: he values ​​freedom too much to let someone ring him.

Gossips insisted: the actor has developed a phobia towards women - he is afraid that they do not love him, but only his money. However, two years ago, in the midst of an affair with a young supermodel Nina Agdal (17 years younger than Leo), the artist unexpectedly proposed marriage to her - right in a road eatery where they were eating hamburgers. The news spread across all the world's tabloids, but the couple did not announce the wedding date. A year later, during a vacation in Malibu, the bride became jealous of Leo’s next blonde, which was the reason for the separation.

IN recent months Leonardo is seen in a relationship with Camila Morrone, a 20-year-old actress and model from Argentina. They say that the lovers were introduced by Al Pacino himself, who is dating Camila's mother. But, knowing DiCaprio’s habits, it cannot be ruled out that he will go in search of a new lady of his heart. So if you are a young, beautiful and slender blonde, then you may well win the heart of the most eligible bachelor in Hollywood!

Author of biography: Marina Soboleva 409

One of those actors who are not used to losing. Each of his appearances on screen becomes a notable event, and it seems that this will continue to be the case. A rare premiere of a film with his participation ends in failure. “I’m a happy little son of a bitch,” the actor says about himself.

On November 11 he turns 44 years old, and we have collected some interesting facts that will show Leo from a new side.

Chanel handbag

At a charity auction in Cannes, he outbid Paris Hilton, who was trying to buy herself an expensive Chanel handbag. Leonardo then gave this handbag to his mother.

In the Uffizi Gallery in Florence

Leonardo DiCaprio was named after famous artist and inventor Leonardo Da Vinci. The fact is that his mother was just looking at Da Vinci’s painting when her son first moved in her stomach.

A bunch of directors

DiCaprio has worked with many legendary directors: Steven Spielberg , Quentin Tarantino , Martin Scorsese , Ridley Scott , Christopher Nolan And James Cameron.

Spare Robin

frame: Warner Bros. Pictures Co.

His idols

Cine Live

Leo has two favorite actors on his list: Robert DeNiro And Jack Nicholson, and one actress - Meryl Streep.


After the hardest work in the film " The wolf of Wall Street"DiCaprio took a two-year break from filming due to nervous exhaustion. The vacation ended with work in the film " Survivor" The habit of complete dedication led to the fact that Leo, having received an Oscar for this role, again went on a long vacation. He traveled around different countries and worked on documentary film about wild nature and the fact that it must be protected.


DiCaprio only completed the regular high school, higher education he doesn't have. But he can play the organ.

New name

At the beginning acting career, the agent tried to persuade ten-year-old Leo to change his name. Lenny Williams, in his opinion, would sound more American. But the little actor refused.

Sharon Stone

Leonardo was not even eighteen when he met Sharon Stone. She liked Leo so much that she said that she would pay him royalties from her personal funds if the studio did not want to cast him in Sam Raimi’s western. The quick and the dead"(1995).


frame: Annie Leibovitz

Leonardo DiCaprio is very passionate about preserving the environment. He even flew to St. Petersburg for the International Tiger Conservation Forum. Moreover, at some point the flight had to be interrupted because one of the plane’s engines caught fire. But the actor still made it to the forum and donated a million dollars to the World Fund wildlife to create a tiger reserve.

Leo knows everything

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Tom Hardy has a tattoo that says "Leo Knows Everything." She appeared after the announcement of the Oscar nominations in 2015. DiCaprio believed that Hardy would be nominated for an Oscar for his work in the film Survivor", but Hardy insisted that he did not. They made a bet, and since the nomination did happen, the Briton was obliged to fulfill the terms of the bet. He put it off for a long time, explaining that Leo had terrible handwriting and all the sketches he sent were unacceptable. However, in the end I got a tattoo - apparently, they agreed on the last option.

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