Famous athletes, actors, scientists. Athletes turned actors

We all know the aphorism German writer Lion Feuchtwanger: " Talented man talented in everything." True, it sounded a little different in the author’s version, but that doesn’t matter, the essence of what was said has not changed. This truth has been confirmed repeatedly, including by athletes. For example, Soviet sports legend Vsevolod Bobrov achieved outstanding results in both football and hockey; Vinnie Jones became a movie star; and Mickey Rourke’s cinematic career will be the envy of many certified actors. The list can be continued for a long time, in fact, this is what we will do. Rating of the top 10 athletes-musicians in “Sports Day by Day”.

Kind of sport: football

Genre: chanson

The infamous goalkeeper of Spartak Moscow great success did not achieve success on the football field, having played only 12 matches in the Premier League during his career. However, by chance, he still won the title with the red and white: before the 2002/03 Cup final, the main goalkeeper of the Muscovites, Bagi, was injured, and in the match with Rostov, Zuev stood in goal. And I managed to play in the Champions League, again due to injuries to colleagues in the role Wojciech Kowalewski and Dmitry Khomich. After leaving Spartak in 2007, Alexey played in the second division and LFL without much success, and in 2012 he went into beach soccer, after which he ended his sports career.

As a Spartak player, Zuev began writing songs, and in 2010 he released his first disc. Now Alexey is trying to build his own musical career, and, admittedly, very successfully. Of course, it doesn’t sell out stadiums and is unlikely to ever fill out stadiums - it’s a unique genre. But, they say, on his creative evenings There are no empty seats in restaurants and clubs.

9. Maurice Trezor

Kind of sport: football

Genre: reggae

Winner of the French Cup with Marseille, French champion with Bordeaux and Michel Platini's national team partner, Trésor released his vinyl back in 1978. This is Maurice's only album, and there are only a couple of tracks on the record. However, despite such a short musical career, he managed to find his listener. To this day, you can see cheerful and positive tracks from Trezor’s record in various reggae collections.

Kind of sport: skiing

Genre: pop music

A descendant of an aristocratic family, Prince Hubertus Rudolf von Furstenberg zu Hohenlohe-Langenburg is a very versatile man: businessman, skier, photographer, musician and actor. In 1981, the prince founded the Mexican Ski Federation and has been its permanent president since then. Von Hohenlohe is a six-time participant in the Olympic Games and a fifteen-time participant in the World Championships, which is a Guinness Book record. Music is one of the main hobbies of the Mexican-German grandfather; he releases discs with enviable consistency. Hubertus recorded his first album in 1987. However, von Hohenlohe does not make his living from music - he is the owner of numerous entertainment establishments in the resorts of Spain.

Kind of sport: football

Genre: rock

Despite the fact that Lalas was not a super talented footballer, those who watched football in the nineties probably remember him well. The US national team midfielder had a very colorful appearance that even he could envy James Hetfield. It is not surprising that such a brutal guy became interested in rock music. Debut album Alexi recorded it back in 1994, when he was playing for the Italian Padova. At the age of 29, Lalas retired from football, but returned two years later to win his first significant trophies - the MLS Championship and Cup. In 2004, he finally left big sport.

Alexi was the frontman The group Gypsies, with which he recorded two albums and performed on several major rock festivals. He later disbanded the group and began performing solo. Now Lalas works as an analyst for ESPN and ABC, but every couple of years he pleases fans of his work with new singles.

Kind of sport: basketball

Genre: rhythm and blues/soul

Former NBA basketball player Walter McCarthy became a coach after finishing his playing career. IN currently He works as an assistant for the Boston Celtics, but this does not stop him from pursuing music. Walter has already released two very successful albums in the soul genre.

Kind of sport: basketball

Genre: house

The famous American basketball player of Lebanese origin, winner of the title “NBA Most Improved Player” in the 1989/90 season and world champion as a member of the US national team, Rony Seikaly, became interested in DJing at the age of 14, but as a future profession I still chose basketball. Having completed his gaming career, Roni remembered his passion - now he music producer and one of the most popular American DJs.

Kind of sport: sled

Genre: nu metal

Few people know that the leader and vocalist of the Slot group, Igor Cash Lobanov, is a former professional athlete. Now Cash shares the stage with such monsters as Korn and Guano Apes, and in his youth he was a luger. In 1990, Igor, as a member of the USSR national team, won bronze medals in doubles at the World Championships in Calgary, and in 1992 he took 10th place at the Olympics in Albertville, playing for the CIS team.

3. Shaquille O'Neal

Kind of sport: basketball

Genre: rap

O'Neal may not be No. 1 in basketball, but he is certainly legendary. There is no point in listing all of his sports awards and titles; suffice it to say that Shaquille is included in the list of “50 Greatest Players in NBA History.”

Shaq - incredible versatile person and during his life he mastered many professions: policeman, film actor, writer, commentator, boxer, doctor of science and, of course, rapper. Big Daddy recorded tracks with legendary MCs, and his discs were a real commercial success.

Kind of sport: basketball

Genre: jazz

Tisdale was not a star on the floor, but he became one of the brightest representatives of the NBA on the court. music scene. This big guy with a kind smile, reminiscent of John Coffey from The Green Mile, for his short life released nine albums and was inducted into the Oklahoma Jazz Hall of Fame. In 2009, basketball player and bass guitarist Wayman Tisdale died of cancer.

1. Till Lindemann

Kind of sport: swimming

Genre: industrial metal

Frontman Rammstein bands, the great and terrible Till Lindemann, in his youth was a promising athlete and represented the GDR team at the European Youth Swimming Championships. Till was also among the candidates for the team for the 1980 Olympics, but he angered the Stasi and was expelled from the team, as well as suspended from international competitions. The fact is that one evening Till and his girlfriend ran away from the hotel where the athletes lived. The next morning he was summoned to the Stasi for interrogation, after which he was declared unreliable. A year later, Lindemann suffered an injury to his abdominal muscles and finally ended his sports career.

How to play in an action movie if you don’t know a single combat technique and don’t know how to hold a weapon in your hands? Training an ordinary actor in martial arts is a long and expensive undertaking. This is why directors prefer to cast real athletes in films with a lot of fight scenes. The actor-fighters, the list of which is presented in this article, always performed all their own stunts on the set. Because with youth they are practicing martial artists.

Talgat Nigmatullin

Actors-fighters in domestic cinema are rare, but in Soviet films- and even more so. However, in the 80s, the Soviet Union had its own action star - the actor of Uzbek origin Talgat Nigmatullin.

Talgat has a difficult fate: his father died in a mine when the boy was only two years old; the mother was unable to pull the family together on her own, so the child was assigned to Orphanage. There Nigmatullin suffered from rickets and for a long time I couldn’t fit into any company of my peers because I was weak and didn’t know how to stand up for myself. Then future actor I promised myself to turn my body into an ideal machine. He started out in athletics and ended up getting a black belt in karate.

When the first Soviet action movie, “Pirates of the 20th Century,” was filmed, Nigmatullin got one of the main roles in the film - the pirate and scoundrel Saleh. Then Talgat took part in the filming of such films as “The Right to Shot”, “ State border", "Alone and without weapons." And in all these films, the actor demonstrated his excellent physical fitness and Unfortunately, the actor was killed in 1985, beaten to death in one of the apartments in Vilnius.

Actors-fighters: photo and biography of Evgeny Sidikhin

Evgeniy Sidikhin is a recognized star, actor-fighters - a unique phenomenon. Perhaps this explains the fact that, from the 90s to the present day, Sidikhin remains a very popular artist: his filmography includes more than 80 works.

Few people know, but Sidikhin became the champion of Leningrad in freestyle wrestling five times. Then the actor walked Afghan war, serving in a tank battalion. He was in Afghanistan for three years and was transferred to the reserve in 1985. Only after that did his professional career in cinema and theater.

In the 90s, when everyone rushed to film action films, Evgeny Sidikhin appeared in almost every one of them. He knew firsthand what war was, what weapons were and how to neutralize his enemy, so he looked very natural, confident and organic in the frame. The most famous movies with the participation of the actor: “Russian Transit”, “Beyond the Last Line”, “Wolf’s Blood”, “Gangster Petersburg” and many others.

Steven Seagal

Martial arts actors have always been in demand in Hollywood. But, perhaps, Steven Seagal surpassed everyone in this regard.

Seagal began practicing karate at the age of seven. At fifteen he began to comprehend the art of aikido, and at 17 he moved to Japan and a few years later received first dan in martial arts. Stephen became the only American allowed to open a dojo (that is, a martial arts school) in Japan.

Meanwhile, Seagal continued to train, being taught by the greatest masters, in particular Seiseki Abe, who has a 10th dan in Aikido. Today, Seagal has a 7th dan Aikido Aikikai and his own martial arts schools in several countries.

For the first time on film set Steven Seagal got caught in 1982, it happened in Japan. Then he was invited as a consultant on Japanese fencing. Since then, Seagal has not left the silver screen. To date, his filmography includes more than 50 works.

Chuck Norris

Fighter actors are incredibly in demand in cinema. And Chuck Norris's career is direct proof of this.

Chuck served in the Air Force in South Korea. The young man probably could not have thought then that he would one day be in demand in cinema. It was in South Korea that he became interested in judo and karate. By 1963, Chuck Norris already had a black belt in karate and opened his first martial arts school.

In 1972, Norris accidentally ended up in the film “Way of the Dragon” with the legendary Bruce Lee. Chuck was invited to the shooting by one of Hollywood actors, who trained with him at school.

However, fighting techniques alone were not enough to become famous. At 34, Chuck went to study acting classes. After he received the appropriate education, Norris returned to films and has since played many good roles: For example, the Texas Ranger in the series "Walker". By the way, this series was so popular that it ran from 1993 to 2001 inclusive.

Norris recently celebrated his 75th birthday. But this did not stop him from starring in the films “The Expendables 2” (2012) and The Finisher, which will be released in 2016.

Dolph Lundgren

Actor-fighters usually begin training at the age of 13-15. Dolph Lundgren did the same thing when he was a teenager. In his homeland, Sweden, he studied, like an obsessive, a style of karate called Kyokushinkai. He was pushed to take up martial arts by his poor health, as well as by his father, who considered him a failure. Dolph Lundgren set out to prove the opposite and “rose” to captain of the Swedish karate team.

When Lundgren left Sweden, he was already a 2nd dan black belt in karate and also had a master's degree in chemical engineering. In New York, where she settled future star movie, Dolph was not immediately lucky. He was not accepted into the modeling business, so he had to work as a bouncer in a club. But friends advised Lundgren to try his hand at films.

The young man took photos and a promotional video and handed them over to an acting agent. He soon invited him to audition for the film “Rocky 4”. As a result, the role of the Soviet boxer went to the Swede.

Dolph Lundgren starred in a huge number militants. He remains a sought-after actor to this day: the actor has three premieres planned for 2016 alone.

Jackie Chan

Actors-fighters who perform their own stunts in films always risk their lives. Jackie Chan cannot imagine his life without risk. Since 1962, the actor has starred in more than a hundred films, and each of them contains complex and dangerous stunts that probably no actor in Hollywood would undertake.

Jackie is a kung fu master. He has excellent control of his body and is a specialist in acrobatics. Naturally, he took his first steps in cinema as a stuntman. But having gained some experience in cinema, Chan unexpectedly decides to start making films himself. As a result, a unique film is born comedy genre, in which the most complex tricks are widely demonstrated and at the same time Chan is present and today does not depart from this role. And, to be honest, no one but him can act in similar paintings, since every such film is a dance between life and death: Chan had so many injuries that not a single Insurance Company Mira does not agree to provide him with insurance. Most often, the right ankle was broken, which is why in recent films Chan tries to use his left leg more when jumping.

Fighter Actors (America): Jean-Claude Van Damme

Despite the fact that Jean-Claude Van Damme is from Belgium, he is considered an American actor. In addition to the fact that Van Damme is a professional bodybuilder, in 1979 he became the European champion in kickboxing and karate (by the way, he has a black belt in the latter).

Van Damme received his first role in Hollywood in 1986. If Lundgren played a Soviet boxer at the beginning of his career, then Van Damme played the Russian karateka mafia Ivan Krashinsky. Then there were the films “Bloodsport”, “Kickboxer” and many others.

Jean-Claude is known for his perfect physical shape. In particular, he can do the famous trick: cross-split in real time on two synchronously moving trucks. In 2016, three new films starring the actor will be released.

Mark Dacascos

Mark Dacascos is known to viewers for his roles in films such as “American Samurai”, “Only the Strongest”, “The Crying Killer”, as well as for his roles in the television series “Hawaii Five-0” and “CSI: Crime Scene Investigation”.

Dacascos is a master of martial arts such as karate and kung fu. In Taiwan he studied Chinese judo, and a little later mastered different styles Shaolin, Tai Chi, Chin Na and Shui Jao. That is why Dacascos can be called a universal fighter, which both American and Russian directors(Dacascos starred in two Russian films).

Bruce Lee

Respect and honor the memory of such famous master martial arts like Bruce Lee. Today he still remains a cult figure. This man is the idol of all those who dream of practicing or are already practicing martial arts.

It wasn't just Chinese and American actor- Bruce was considered a reformer in the field of martial arts, a philosopher. He also produced films, directed and wrote scripts.

Died famous actor unexpectedly for everyone: for unknown reasons, he developed cerebral edema, death occurred instantly. The fighter was only 32 years old. His last film, in which he never finished playing his role, was filmed over five years with the help of stuntmen and doubles.

Sports careers are short, especially in professional sports or sports high achievements. Yesterday's promising juniors reach peak form for a year or two, and by the age of 33-35 they already become veterans. Only one in five athletes high level can count on two Olympics in his career; one in ten Olympians gets to three. And we are talking only about the most prominent representatives sports What to do after the finish? Maybe go to the cinema? This kind of reforging worked out well for some people. We delved into history and remembered several champions who achieved the love of spectators not only on sports grounds.

Let us leave it to the American swimmer Johnny Weissmuller to discover the history of the change from sports victories to cinematic achievements. An emigrant from Austria-Hungary, Johnny, using forged documents, got into the US swimming team and became one of the most outstanding Olympians in history. Five gold awards and 67 world records - Weissmuller had no equal on the surface of the pools in the 20s of the last century. After graduation sports career Johnny traveled around the states with water show, but became truly beloved by the public in 1932 after leading role in the film Tarzan: The Ape Man. The impressive torso of the athlete drove the spectators crazy, and the loud call of Tarzan became business card for a whole series of twelve films!

Weissmuller's example was not the only one. In 1936, from big sport to big screen Another honored athlete, figure skater Sonya Henie, moved. The Norwegian from a sports family became an Olympic champion three times and held the title of world champion in women's single skating for ten years in a row. Henie's main achievement in cinema was the leading role in the famous "Sun Valley Serenade", a film that even in the Soviet Union became one of the most beloved films.

Of course, more modest athletes came to the cinema, but they were orders of magnitude more talented. An example of this is Steve McQueen, who combined his acting career with his passion for auto and motorsports. It is interesting that professional sports (and McQueen participated in quite large competitions) brought him money, but the acting path rather took it away, because big success came to Steve at the age of thirty, when the actor became the star of The Magnificent Seven. Then “The Great Escape” and “Bullitt” finally made McQueen an on-screen superstar, but the memory of the actor’s passion for racing was not erased and was reflected in the Pixar cartoons “Cars”, where main character received the name Lightning McQueen.

Now it’s worth turning your attention to Europe. The sixties and seventies were the heyday of French and Italian cinema, so it is not at all surprising that in these countries there was a significant influx of people from all walks of life into cinema. Take Jean-Paul Belmondo. Even if this Frenchman was not a professional athlete and never entered the ring at international level, but in his youth he boxed quite well, even becoming the champion of Paris in his weight class. But this is more of a choice at the beginning of a career, but Lino Ventura, French actor Italian origin, is quite suitable for our list - in 1950, Ventura became the European champion in Greco-Roman wrestling, but was seriously injured and was forced to end his sports career. Lino Ventura came to cinema in 1954 and over time became one of the most beloved movie stars in Europe, who felt equally comfortable in the skin of a bandit and in a police uniform.

But let's return to Hollywood. In the 70s, American cinema switched to mass production of action films, which required attracting fearsome musclemen to the set. The main supplier of such thugs was the American National football league, which regularly sent the most colorful people into retirement. The list of quarterbacks who appeared in films is endless. Let us just mention that Fred Williamson, familiar to viewers from Starsky and Hutch and From Dusk Till Dawn, Carl Weathers, Stallone’s partner in Rocky and Schwarzenegger in Predator, Bubba Smith - the famous Hightower from Police Academy" and the infamous OJ Simpson, who became famous for "The Naked Gun" before the trial.

Also, do not forget about the Asian side of the issue. To understand all the intricacies of martial arts competitions, you need to spend a lot of effort, so we will have to believe the titles with which the actors adorn themselves. Someone, like Sonny Chiba, familiar to Western viewers from the Kill Bill dilogy, Chuck Norris or Jet Li, has real data, someone like Jean-Claude van Damme, Bruce Lee or Jackie Chan, is only popularizer of martial arts. Be that as it may, Asian athletes and Western followers of karate, wushu or judo deserve mention.

Having studied the past, it would be good to turn to today. Who is the most athletic we have now? There are plenty to choose from, judge for yourself. Jason Statham successfully combined the beginning of his acting career with sporting achievements - the current action hero was a member of the British diving team and competed at the 1988 Seoul Olympics. Canadian synchronized swimmer Estella Warren became the Canadian champion three times before she traded the pool for the modeling runway and the big screen, with roles in Racer and Planet of the Apes. Mickey Rourke splashed out his energy in the boxing ring, achieved victories infrequently, but what’s even worse was that he combined boxing with drugs, which almost killed himself. Danny Trejo, who once trained Eric Roberts and thus caught the eye of casting directors, was also a state boxing champion. Football bone-breaker Vinnie Jones transferred all his emotions from the green lawn to the screen, now he is one of the directors' favorite supporting actors in action films and thrillers. Javier Bardem was a member of the Spanish Olympic rugby team in his youth, Thomas Kretschmann was a professional swimmer during his time in the GDR, and Gina Carano was a professional Muay Thai fighter before joining Steven Soderbergh's film set. We'll leave it up to your discretion to add Arnold Schwarzenegger and

Famous actors-athletes are shining examples to follow. Physical training helps them in dangerous shootings, and their hardened spirit protects them from "". Athletes who became actors - in the material of the portal.


The star of action films and Internet memes is perhaps the most famous athlete to the cinema. His stepfather instilled in him a love of sports as a child. While serving in South Korea, Chuck took up martial arts and was discharged with a black belt. Having opened a network of karate schools in the USA, Norris became a world champion in this martial art and defended the title for 7 years. Afterwards, Chuck took up cinema and played his first serious role in the film “Way of the Dragon” with.


He started with bodybuilding, becoming an absolute champion in his homeland. Then he switched to karate and kickboxing, receiving a black belt and the title of European champion in 1979. Sports skills helped Van Damme become famous in Bloodsport and opened the way to cinema.

Mickey Rourke

At school I tried my hand at baseball and bodybuilding. Afterwards he took up boxing professionally. But a series of concussions and other injuries cut Mickey's career short of a world title. His career after sports directed Rourke into erotic melodramas. “Nine and a Half Weeks” and “Wild Orchid” brought the title of sex symbol. And in 2008, Rourke adopted the system and amazed the viewer in the sports drama The Wrestler.


The end of his sports career opened the way to cinema. The wild footballer constantly received red cards for rough play and fouls in English Premier League matches. With such a temperament, Vinnie managed to win the FA Cup in 1988, but eventually said goodbye to the sport. The famous "" became a turning point in the life of Jones, who has now starred in a hundred films.


He also made his film debut with director Guy Ritchie, then became famous for his roles in “Transporter”, “Adrenaline” and “The Expendables”. Actors who were former athletes are a special category of stars, who are subject to high workloads on filming. Jason was a member of the British diving team for 12 years, and in 1988 he competed in Olympic Games in Seoul.

Ei nerd

American viewers know more from sporting achievements, rather than in film roles. Wrestling competitions famous overseas earned Dwayne the nickname The Rock. Since 1996, Johnson has won about 20 championship titles of the WWF and WCW associations, and began acting in films in 2001.

The Rock did not become a hostage to action films and played a wide range of roles - from the killer “” and the adventure “Hercules” to the comedic “Tooth Fairy”.


Russian athletes are less likely than foreign athletes to appear in films. A striking example- star " ", started with artistic gymnastics. Having won the category of Candidate Master of Sports of Russia, Christina went against the wishes of her parents and became an actress.

In Europe or overseas, a sports career very often smoothly flows into the career of an actor or TV presenter; there it is in the order of things. Similar cases hundreds. For example, the host of a show on several the most famous channels Ruud Gullit or Vinnie Jones, who played for Chelsea, Leeds and Wimbledon, and then starred in Guy Ritchie in the film Lock, Stock and Two Smoking Barrels and immediately became a megastar. Basketball players Shaquille O'Neal, Charles Barkley- famous presenters, but what about guys like Jason Statham, Arnold Schwarzenegger, Dwayne "The Rock" Jones or Jean-Claude van Damme, and there is no need to say more.

In Russia, not everything is so obvious. Even athletes who managed to become national heroes, it is extremely rare to achieve such impressive success in show business. Maybe, Olympic champion Anna Chicherova, who announced that she would miss the winter part of the starting season, will be able to conquer exorbitant heights even as a TV personality. The athlete herself, however, assures that she does not and cannot have any thoughts about ending her career in athletics, and the first step towards conquering “showbiz” may well remain the only one. “Championship” believes in Anna, and at the same time remembers Russian athletes who managed to find their place on the other side of the blue screen.

"Russian Bear" in Hollywood

The winner of the sixth World Championship in Ultimate Fighting immediately attracted the attention of eagle-eyed Hollywood directors and producers. Proposals for filming rained down on him as if from a cornucopia, and even though the “Russian bear,” as Oleg called himself in the “octagon,” was not given the main roles, Taktarov gradually took the number. To date, his track record includes four dozen films and TV series, including work with Harrison Ford in Air Force One, Nicolas Cage in "National Treasure" and Will Smith in Bad Boys 2. Last picture, in which Taktarov played, “Viy” by Oleg Stepchenko, but there is no doubt that creative career Oleg's career - the most impressive among Russian athletes - is not over yet.

“Me, me again with and without Iglesias”

Anna Kournikova They predicted a great tennis future, and the young athlete initially justified the advances given out, quickly climbing up the ranking ladder. However, gradually her rise slowed down, and then stopped altogether: Kournikova could not win at least one serious singles title and they gradually began to laugh at her. But the attractive Russian blonde was wildly popular with fashion magazines, through filming in which she managed to get to the heart of Enrique Iglesias. There was no longer any need to talk about any sports career: the podium and gloss came to replace hard and clay. Of course, Anna dreamed of Hollywood and even starred in cameo role in the film "Me, Myself and Irene" with Jim Carrey. But this was the end of her “film” career, and just a few days ago Iglesias announced his separation from Kournikova after 12 years of living together in a civil marriage.

"Stone Head", give me some pie

The world heavyweight boxing champion has such outstanding credentials that he simply could not get lost in the crowd of athletes who have completed their sports careers. Of course, he was invited to act. Valuev began modestly - with the program “Town”, but now he is the host of the popular show “Fort Boyard” on federal channel And . In addition, Valuev has nine various works in films, TV series and even documentaries. Nikolai is also a political figure and participant in many commercials, where he is invited with great pleasure.

The figure skater who became "Brilliant"

In 1996 Anna Semenovich, who has just become the winner of the Finlandia Trophy Figure Skating Grand Prix stage paired with Vladimir Fedorov, could hardly have imagined that very soon she would become a Russian pop idol, and then a film star. A meniscus injury deprived the country of figure skater Semenovich, but gave it a star of the “Brilliant” group and an original actress. As of 2014, her collection includes work in 19 films and TV series, as well as voice acting. And even though most of them are unfamiliar to a wide range of viewers, and those that are familiar are usually subjected to caustic statements from critics, for example, “Hitler, kaput!”, “Rzhevsky against Napoleon” or “The Big Laugh,” the filmography is growing. True, Anna has not acted for two whole years, but the army of fans of her talent believes in the actress’s return to the big stage.

A good presenter instead of a bad actress

European champion in rhythmic gymnastics Laysan Utyasheva An injury prevented him from continuing to strive for Olympic heights. Probably, the beauty could have found herself more than one role in dubious films and TV series, but the girl made a different decision. She chose television: working in a show on NTV. It turned out well, and now Laysan, who managed to try herself in the ballet “Bolero”, and in the solo part, is a recognizable presenter who has worked on several channels. Her programs and shows are mainly related to sports. In 2014, Laysan Utyasheva, who tied the knot with the showman Pavel Volya, became the host of the show “Dancing” on the TNT channel.

"August. The sixteenth?

Film career of Olympic wrestling champion Hasan Baroeva began synchronously with the decline of his sports career. Baroev starred in the acclaimed film Janika Fayzieva"August. Eighth” simultaneously with preparations for the Olympics in London, which our heavyweight spectacularly failed, losing in the first fight. A year later, coach of the Russian Greco-Roman wrestling team Gogi Koguashvili, hinting that he does not see him on the national team, but the wrestler himself called the coach’s words hasty and noted that he continues to train. Will Baroev have it? personal painting entitled "August" We don’t know about the sixteenth” with filming in Rio de Janeiro. In cinema, as in life, everything is possible.