History of the Rammstein group: group, albums, concerts. Rammstein songs: what are they really about? What is the meaning of Rammstein songs

First of all, I would like to say that views on the history of the group are sometimes as controversial as the work of the group itself. Various sources provide a wide variety of information about the group, and usually this information contradicts itself. We tried to bring all this information together, weeding out what is logically fiction, and leaving what, in our humble opinion, is true. Many thanks to those who translated the articles and interviews that served as the basis for the creation of this text.

All this is done to tell you how six ordinary Germans went through more than a ten-year journey from fifteen spectators to fifty thousand crowds of fans, from a tiny Leipzig club to thirty-four countries around the world, from four-track tape recorders to one hundred and twelve thousand watts of sound installations, from several firecrackers and a wooden stage to six-meter pillars of fire and thirty-five tons of steel...

To begin with, let's introduce the immortal composition, noting that no one has a musical career from scratch in " Rammstein"didn't start.


As expected, the news was premature. A few hours after it flew around the world, a refutation was published on the official Rammstein website. The musicians said that they have no secret plans for the “last album.” The group is currently working on new songs.

The legendary rock band Rammstein is ending their musical career, the German tabloid Bild reported. There has been no official statement from the band, but recently Rammstein guitarist Richard Kruspe hinted in an interview with the rock portal Blabbermouth.net that the new album could be their last.

According to Bild's sources, the band will release their latest album no earlier than 2018. Presumably this will be followed by a farewell tour. The previous album, Liebe ist für alle da, was released in 2009.

The news quickly reached Russia, and major publications wrote about it. Social networks reacted painfully to the possible departure of the musicians. For many, Rammstein became the first group that began their passion for rock culture.

At the end of July, the Rammstein vocalist became a guest of the “Heat” music festival in Azerbaijan. But something didn’t go according to plan, and the rocker was attacked by Russian pop singers. They forced me to take pictures and drink vodka.

Evgeny Feldman joked on his Twitter that the news of the group’s departure coincided with Alexei Navalny’s speech at a rally in Murmansk. Photos of the politician, among which there were parodies of Lindemann.

Large publics were not spared the news either.

Ordinary users generally reacted sadly to the news. Many expressed hope that the group would give a farewell tour. Moreover, it cannot be denied that the German newspaper's sources may have been mistaken. One way or another, the sensational statement shook the whole world.

German Rammstein group known all over the world, and in post-Soviet countries in particular. Their heavy and hard music somehow turns people on. Several guitars, a drum kit, keyboards - everything is as it should be! This is not to say that this is a popular group in Ukraine or Russia, but it is still quite widespread. Very often Rammstein can be heard in gyms and fitness studios, because such music invigorates and strengthens the spirit. There is one drawback in foreign music - often we don’t even know what the musicians are singing about. Do you know what Rammstein's songs are about? Today’s article will discuss this in order to orient you, dear reader, to the work of this German rock band. In fact, their work does not relate to rock, but to the so-called new German hardness (in it. Neue Deutsche Harte). Of course, we will not translate all the songs; we will take only a few popular compositions as an example.

  • Song Mutter(Mother). In this song, a lonely child dreams of the maternal warmth that he so lacked throughout his childhood. No one breastfed him, no one gave him light in the morning. The beginning of the song describes rather the crying and hurt feelings of a small child. But then he goes beyond all limits, because he wants to cut off a mole on his forehead with a knife, assuming that his mother has the same one. In addition, he wishes his mother that he was born with a terrible disease, and then finally plans to drown her in the river
  • Song Du hast(You me). In fact, there are not very many words or meaning in this composition - a couple of phrases that they repeat many times. One girl asks a guy if he would be willing to be faithful to her until death do us part. What is he? At first he didn’t answer, but then he decided to say, Nein (No!). Du Hast's song is not as rough as the previous one. The girl is also good, is that what they ask guys? After all, men should take the first step and ask questions like these
  • Song Sonne(Sun). The sun is necessary for all living beings on Earth, but what will happen if one day it simply does not rise? This is what the musicians sing about. Everyone is waiting for dawn to come, but it doesn’t come. And then all the people count to ten: now the sun will appear! This is such sadness

As we see in the example of three songs, they rough, tough and sad! Well, what lyrics would be suitable for such heavy music? Be that as it may, they have many admirers and admirers. They say that in Germany itself the band Rammstein is practically not listened to. Their music is great for sports, where you don't need to feel with your heart or think - on the contrary, become a stone and just continue doing what you started.

Those who do not like the work of this group, please do not read further.

1. Rammstein is probably the only band in the world that can turn a love song into a march.

2. All Rammstein songs have meaning, unlike many similar groups.

3. Most Rammstein songs use puns and/or made-up words.

4. Rammstein draws attention to the problems of society through an exaggerated depiction of these problems, even to the point of awakening feelings of hostility.

5. All Rammstein albums feature playing with listeners in one form or another.

6. Many of Rammstein's songs are based on real events, customs or famous works of fiction.

7. The disc "Reise Reise" shows a black box of an airplane. And the hidden track in the European version of the disc is a recording of the black box of the Japanese Boeing 747, Japan Airlines Flight 123, which crashed on August 12, 1985, crashing in the mountains half an hour after takeoff from Haneda Airport. 520 of the 524 passengers and crew were killed. This is the worst plane crash in history.

8. The song "Dalai Lama" is based on Johan Wolfgang von Goethe's poem "Erlkönig" ("King of the Forest"), and has nothing to do with the Dalai Lama except that the current Dalai Lama is afraid of flying.

9. The song "Mein Teil" ("My part", slang for "My dick") is based on the story when the German programmer Armin Meiwes posted an ad on the Internet in 2001 saying that he wanted to meet a man in order to slaughter him and eat him . Which is what he subsequently did. The first lines of the song are the verbatim text of Armin's announcement.
On January 12, 2006, Armin Meiwes, sentenced to 8 years for "unauthorized euthanasia", sued Rammstein for using his name for commercial purposes.

10. The song "Rosenrot" is based on the poem "Heidenröslein" by Johan Wolfgang von Goethe and the fairy tale "Schneeweißchen und Rosenrot" by the Brothers Grimm.

11. The song "Hilf Mir" is based on the fairy tale "Die gar traurige Geschichte mit dem Feuerzeug" by Heinrich Hoffmann.

12. Song "¡Te Quiero Puta!" is currently the only Rammstein song performed in Spanish, and also the only one in which a trumpet is heard.

13. On the cover of the album "Rosenrot" there is a retouched photo of the icebreaker USS Atka, taken on March 13, 1960 in Antarctica, at McMurdo Station.

14. The album "Rosenrot" was originally supposed to be called "Reise Reise Volume 2".

15. Rammstein's videos express a non-standard vision of the song on which they are filmed.

16. The name of the group is ambiguous - on the one hand it is consonant with the name of the city Ra m stein, in which, during an air show at a NATO base in 1988, two planes collided and crashed into a crowd of spectators. In memory of this tragedy, the group wrote the song "Rammstein". The second "m" in the word "Ra mm stein" turns the band's name into a "bump stop" that demarcates highway lanes.

17. Chorus of the song "Du hast" - quotes from a German wedding ceremony.

18. Initially, the title of the song "Du hast" ("You have") was conceived as "Du hasst" ("You hate"), which introduced an alternative interpretation of the song.

19. The chorus of the song "Rosenrot" consists entirely of quotes from Till Lindemann's folder, in which he keeps interesting phrases that he once heard or read.

20. Initially, the song "Spieluhr" did not have the last verse, but since it was a potential hit, it was necessary to add the last verse in which the child is dug up, and major chords sound in the melody, so that even housewives would buy CDs with the song.

21. The song "Mutter" is Rammstein's word against cloning.

22. The song "Links 234" reflects Rammstein's political leanings.

23. The song "Ein Lied" is dedicated to the fans of the group.

24. The so-called Rammstein-TÜV (Rammstein-technical inspection agency, when Rammstein musicians express their opinion about Till's lyrics) forced Til to throw out one verse from the song "Spring".

25. Till Lindemann: Vocals, lyricist. Born January 4, 1963 in Leipzig (father, Werner Lindemann, poet; mother, Brigitte "Gitta" Lindemann, artist and writer). Height is 191 cm. Before Rammstein he was a musician in the group First Arsch. He worked as a basket knitter. Vice-champion of Europe in swimming.

26. Richard Zven Kruspe-Bernstein: Guitar, backing vocals, keyboards. Born June 24, 1967 in Wittenberg. Height is 180 cm. Before Rammstein he was a musician in the band Orgasm Death Gimmicks. Worked as a salesman. In his youth he was a wrestler.

27. Christoph "Doom" Schneider: Drums. Born May 11, 1966 in Berlin. Height is 193 cm. Before Rammstein, he was a musician in the group Die Firma. Worked as a telephone technician.

28. Oliver Riedel: Bass, guitar. Born April 11, 1971 in Schwerin. Height is 198 cm. Before Rammstein, he was a musician in the group The Inchtabokatables. He worked as a plasterer.

29. Paul H. Landers (born Henry Hirsch): Guitar, backing vocals. Born on December 9, 1964 in Belarus. Height is 175 cm. Before Rammstein, he was a musician in the group Feeling B. He worked as a boiler operator.

30. Christian "Flake" Lorenz: Keys, backing vocals, vocals. Born November 16, 1966 in Berlin. Height 201 cm. Before Rammstein, he was a musician in the group Feeling B. He worked as an instrumentalist.

31. Rammstein melodies cannot be played in MIDI version.

32. You can listen to Rammstein for a long time, and their music does not tire you.

33. Snow White in the video for the song “Sonne” was played by Russian actress Yulia Stepanova.

34. Richard Kruspe's daughter, Khira Li Lindemann, is his daughter with the ex-wife of lead singer Till Lindemann.

35. In 2006, Rammstein took the first vacation in its history.

Last update 03/23/2006

On September 18, the German tabloid Bild published news about the demise of the Rammstein group in 2018. The publication referred to anonymous sources from the group’s inner circle. Bild is Germany's largest daily illustrated newspaper and is sold in every kiosk and store. Despite the yellowness of Bild, its reports are usually trusted, so dozens of Russian media outlets immediately reprinted the hot news about the collapse of the legendary rock band. There was a wave of messages on Twitter - Russian fans, who are now over 30, recalled their youth with Rammstein, when they wore fake band merch and periodically fought in the streets with those who did not like the “nefors”.

We hasten to reassure fans of German dance metal - the message about the collapse of Rammstein has received an official denial. The musicians wrote on their website that the group has no secret plans to release a farewell album or conduct a final tour. The rebuttal also mentioned that work is underway on new songs.

There is no smoke without fire

In Germany, even representatives of the tabloid press work responsibly and look for at least three confirmations of information from different sources before presenting it to the reader. The statement that the upcoming studio album could be the last for Rammstein really came out. This is exactly what the band's guitarist Richard Kruspe said in an interview that appeared on the rock portal Blabbermouth.net on September 15.

Kruspe noted that he expressed only his feeling, and he may be wrong, but the thought was released into the public space and caused an inevitable reaction. Now we can only guess why this was done. Perhaps the group is really talking about breaking up and wants to close the project on a friendly note before relations between the musicians deteriorate. Maybe the news was thrown in for the sake of PR, because the level of interest in Rammstein has been steadily falling over the past many years. Yes, the band remains among the patriarchs of the metal scene, but its last album, “Liebe ist fur alle da,” was released back in 2009.

What's happening with Rammstein now?

Since the release of their sixth album, the group has been organizing their own shows, releasing videos and live releases, and gradually expanding into third-party projects. Fans tired of waiting for new hits were given a lot of joy by the metal project Lindemann, which was formed in 2015 by Till Lindemann and Peter Tägtgren, the creator of Pain and the leader of Hypocrisy. Lindemann is responsible for the lyrics and vocals in the band of the same name, Tägtgren is responsible for the musical component. Lindemann released the album “Skills in Pills” in 2015, which, as expected, took first place in the German chart.

The musicians, of course, don’t forget about the main project either. In March 2017, the same Richard Kruspe said that Rammstein already had 35 new songs almost ready. However, when asked about the release date of the seventh album, he could not answer anything concrete. All this confirms the talk about the group’s long-term problems with writing new strong material, although their presence does not allow us to talk about the imminent collapse of the group.

Rammstein are not like most bands, including in their cohesion. The team is already 23 years old, and its composition has never changed during this time. It is obvious that external factors are unlikely to break this colossus. The group members know how to negotiate, and if something happens to it, it will be their common decision.

On July 29 and August 2, concerts will be held in Moscow and St. Petersburg, respectively. On January 16, 2019, it was announced that all tickets for these concerts had been sold out. In January 2019, Richard Kruspe stated that recording was completed in November 2018 and that the album would most likely be released in April 2019, along with 5 new videos that the band plans to shoot for it.