Make a plan for the description of the painting Levitan's Quiet Abode. Description of the painting I

Isaac Ilyich Levitan is a Russian artist, master of “mood landscape”. His painting " Quiet abode"Very interesting for art lovers, and for all people too. It is filled with fresh colors and unusual technique execution gives it a special shape.

The landscape is painted in green and blue tones. Here there is a clear distinction between sky and earth, green and blue colors.

On foreground we see a bridge that stretches along a small greenish river. In the water you can see the reflection of trees and a church that stands near the shore. The interesting thing is that the picture is executed oil paints and, thanks to this, the artist managed to achieve the effect of relief on the canvas. In front of us we see voluminous clouds that seem to be about to jump out of the picture onto us. The sky is made in a rather unusual color scheme, since purple clouds are a unique interpretation of the author. Thanks to the vagueness of what was depicted, Isaac Ilyich managed to achieve a realistic transition of water into earth and vice versa.

In the background we see a huge abundance of trees, perhaps this is some kind of forestry or forest. Among the trees, a small church shines with its golden domes, as if reaching out to the heavenly light. A little further there is another temple, which, due to all this amount of vegetation, is practically invisible, only the tips of the domes peek out from behind the treetops, trying to look around.

In general, we can talk about this picture for a long time. There is no doubt that Levitan is one of the outstanding landscape painters. And his canvas “Quiet Abode” is a wonderful embodiment of the calm and tranquility of nature. Looking at this picture, you can rest your soul, get enough of the calmness and steadfastness that this canvas carries.

Essay on the painting “Quiet Abode” by Levitan

One of the most famous paintings Isaac Ilyich Levitan has a painting “Quiet Abode”. This painting belongs to the so-called church landscape. It brought deafening fame to the author at the exhibition of the Itinerants.

As in all the author’s paintings, here too a beautiful view of the vast nature is revealed to our eyes. Large powerful trees with their lushness and dense greenery create the appearance of an impenetrable forest. A small quiet river divided its banks cold water. And now they are connected only wooden bridge ik located from one trodden path to another. Judging by the trodden paths and the bridge itself, they have been here for a long time. The greenery no longer even tries to break through the trampled ground, and the wooden parts of the bridge are slowly losing their power.

The surface of the water, as if in a huge mirror, reflects the light blue sky with fluffy clouds, dark green trees and bushes of the banks, the domes of the church and some buildings. You can see from the shimmer of colors on the water that it is already evening. Silence and peace fill the circle. Only soon the ringing of the bell tower will break the silence, inviting everyone to the evening service, and will fall silent again, handing over the domain to the evening twilight.

No matter how simple the picture may seem to us, it contains a very important inner world. And for each viewer it has its own notes and sounds. This is her peculiarity and insight. The canvas is worthy of the highest praise.

Essay describing the painting “Quiet Abode”

I. I. Levitan is one of the most famous Russian landscape painters, and his “Quiet Abode” is one of the most famous canvases with a church image. It was this that brought enormous fame to the artist at the exhibition of the Itinerants.

A beautiful and simple picture depicting a summer morning, a calm river with the reflection of small clouds, bright and clear skies. You can see an old, battered bridge that leads to the other side. A small path leads from the river into the thicket of trees. From behind a tall grove of mighty trees you can see the domes of a church and a small monastery, it seems that the bells are about to ring.

The painting “Quiet Abode” was painted by the outstanding Russian artist Isaac Ilyich Levitan in 1890. This masterpiece describes a morning in the forest, which transmits grace to the entire environment. The artist masterfully depicted the wonderful monastery and his worldview.

The beauty of the native land is conveyed on canvas. A clear river flows in front of us, reflecting a small corner of nature. You can get to the opposite bank through an old, patched wooden bridge built by local residents.

In the distance you can see the domes of a small monastery located in the dense vegetation of the forest. You can approach the temple along a narrow path surrounded by bushes. The sky is light with few clouds. Calm, clear weather lifts your spirits.

Looking at the picture you feel a state of peace and tranquility. This paradise full of bright, natural colors: white and gold temples, pink and blue sky, dark green forest, transparent clear water. Green grass with white flowers grows by the river.

Clean, Fresh air fills the lungs. Silence and tranquility appear in the soul when you see this corner of nature. Peering at the landscape, you instantly find yourself in the described place.

The artist conveyed with his brush his spiritual affection for native land. How pleasant it is to walk along the path in the morning and go into church for a service. After the prayer service, take a walk through the forest, pick flowers and return home with renewed vigor.

The canvas is painted with oil paints. The picture is so simple and natural that there is nothing to add. People living here perceive the world in all its natural appearance. Visitors may be cured of their illnesses. The temple is the only place for spiritual food.

The painting “Quiet Abode” reflects the entire essence of the Russian person. Levitan wrote it after a trip abroad. Nature is a reflection of life on Earth: a quiet, summer morning with clear weather.

Description of the painting by Levitan

In 1890, Isaac Ilyich Levitan returned from abroad. He was immediately drawn to his native land. So, traveling around the expanses of Russia, he found an excellent landscape, which he later brought to life.

The artist also worked in the “church landscape” genre. He has already created a couple of paintings on this topic. But the work “Quiet Abode” brought enormous success and fame to Levitan in 1891. At that time, an exhibition of the Itinerants was taking place. It was then that the picture was noticed by most critics and simply art lovers.

The canvas depicts nature, a forest among which is a small monastery near the river bank. But looking into the picture, a storm appears positive emotions from the beauty of the surrounding world.

The painting depicts evening. The sky is calm, in pink and blue tones. Snow-white fluffy clouds flash here and there. It’s already sunset and the sky is filled with unusually beautiful colors.

On the very horizon, we see a small monastery, which is hidden in a mighty, green forest.

The greenish roof of the monastery blends a little with the color of the trees, but the yellow brick walls set it off from the overall mass.

And not far from the temple itself there is a small chapel. These buildings are buried in the density of a beautiful green forest. They kind of cover these buildings. If you look closely at the trees, you can see how the artist carefully drew each branch. The last rays of the setting sun fall on the forest. Because of this, the picture is filled with warmth and spirituality.

The river also reflects beautiful sky, which is filled with unusual lightness.

There is an old wooden bridge across the entire river. Through it people get to the monastery. It is clear that the bridge was built a long time ago, as in some places it is already damaged.

When you look at the picture, your soul becomes very light. A feeling of calm and tranquility appears. All bad thoughts and adversity disappear. I want to let go of all the bad things and visit that place, see in real life that indescribable beauty of nature.

Description of the mood of the painting Quiet Abode

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Isaac Levitan. Quiet abode.
1890. Oil on canvas. 87 x 108. Tretyakov Gallery, Moscow, Russia.

Levitan both in 1890 and later, finding himself in the West and speaking highly of European culture and the comforts of everyday life, he soon began to yearn for his beloved Russian nature. So, in the spring of 1894, he wrote to Apollinary Vasnetsov from Nice: “I can imagine how wonderful it is now in Rus' - the rivers have overflowed, everything is coming to life. No better country than Russia... Only in Russia can there be a real landscape painter."

Once, under the influence of Kuvshinnikova, on the day of the Holy Trinity, Levitan, brought up in the traditions of Judaism, went with her for the first or second time to Orthodox church and there, hearing the words of the holiday prayer, he suddenly shed tears. The artist explained that this is not “Orthodox, but some kind of... world prayer”! This is how the landscape “Quiet Abode”, amazing in beauty and major sound, was painted, fraught with deep philosophical reasoning about life.

The monastery is partly hidden in a dense forest, illuminated by the rays of the evening sun. The domes of her church glow gently against the golden-blue sky, which is reflected in the clear water. An old wooden bridge, in some places destroyed and patched up, spans the river. A bright sandy path leads to it, and everything seems to invite you to go and plunge into the cleansing tranquility of the holy monastery. The mood of this picture leaves hope for the possibility of a person’s harmony with himself and his finding quiet happiness.

There is evidence that after the appearance of this painting at a traveling exhibition in 1891, Levitan’s name was “on the lips of all intelligent Moscow.” People came to the exhibition just to see once again a painting that spoke something very important to their hearts, and thanked the artist for the “blissful mood, sweet peace of mind, which was caused by this quiet corner Russian land, isolated from the whole world and all our hypocritical affairs."

In the painting “Quiet Abode,” the stillness of the air and the peace of nature are captured in unusually subtle shades and color relationships. Realistic plasticity has reached perfection here. In this picture, Levitan's painting acquired an incomparable quality - accuracy of reproduction objective world, air environment, chiaroscuro, colors. The shadows from the trees are placed impeccably correctly. They are not approximate. The accuracy of the conveyed illumination, tone, pattern, and color gives Levitan’s painting a fullness of artistic expression.

Not by chance, as I remembered Alexander Benois, to the first viewers of the picture “it seemed as if the shutters had been removed from the windows, opened wide, and a stream of fresh, fragrant air poured into the old exhibition hall.” Nikolai Rubtsov dedicated the following poem to this painting:

Contemporaries left many confessions that Levitan helped them see native land. Alexander Benois recalled that “only with the advent of Levitan’s paintings” did he believe in beauty, and not in the “beauties” of Russian nature: “... it turned out that the cold vault of its sky is beautiful, its twilight is beautiful, the scarlet glow of the setting sun and the brown spring river, all the relationships of its special colors are beautiful"

“Levitan understood, like no one else, the gentle, transparent beauty of Russian nature, its sad charm... His painting, which gives the impression of such simplicity and naturalness, is, in essence, unusually sophisticated. But this sophistication was not the fruit of some persistent efforts, and not there was no artifice in it. His sophistication arose by itself - it was just the way he was born. What "hells" of virtuosity he reached in his latest things!.. Its outskirts, piers, monasteries at sunset, touching in mood, written with amazing skill" (Golovin A.Ya.).

For the first time Levitan attracted attention to Traveling exhibition 1891. He had exhibited before, and even for several years, but then he did not differ from our other landscape painters, from their general, gray and sluggish mass. The appearance of the “Quiet Abode” produced, on the contrary, a surprising vivid impression. It seemed as if the shutters had been removed from the windows, as if they had been opened wide, and a stream of fresh, fragrant air poured into the stuffy exhibition hall, where there was such a disgusting smell from the excessive number of sheepskin coats and greased boots.

What could be simpler than this picture? Summer morning. The freezing, full river smoothly bends around a wooded headland. A thin bridge on poles is thrown across it. From behind the birches on the opposite bank, in the cold, pink rays, in a completely bright sky, the domes and bell tower of a small monastery glow. The motif is poetic, sweet, elegant, but, in essence, hackneyed. How many things were written before monasteries in the pink morning or evening light? Are there a lot of clear rivers and birch groves? However, it was clear that here Levitan said a new word, sang a new wonderful song, and this song about long-familiar things enchanted in such a new way that the things themselves seemed unprecedented, just discovered. They simply amazed me with their untouched, fresh poetry. And it immediately became clear that this was not an “accidentally successful sketch,” but a painting by a master, and that from now on this master should be one of the first among all.

Alexander Benois. Article about Levitan from the book "History of Russian Painting in the 19th Century", 1901

Description of Levitan’s painting “Quiet Abode”

Levitan Isaac Ilyich is a famous Russian landscape painter.
The church landscape plays a significant role in his work.
One of the most famous works This genre is his work “Quiet Abode”.

This picture is simple and at the same time beautiful.
Beautiful summer morning.
The calm surface of the river silently reflects the beauty of nature.
The weather is calm and windless.
In a bright sky, where small clouds float by nowhere.
There is a wooden bridge across the river.
On the other bank, among densely planted green tree trunks, one can see the domes of a church and the bell tower of a small monastery.
There is a feeling of silence and tranquility in the whole picture.
The author admired and enjoyed such a beautiful view.
He so lovingly transferred the beauty he saw onto the canvas.
This can be felt in the small path that leads to the bridge, and then continues to the monastery itself.
In the color of the trees.
They are such a dark green color, like the guards of the shrine are standing on all sides.
Small white flowers can be seen very beautifully against the green background of grass.
They shimmer like pearls in the morning sun.
The whole landscape is somehow fabulous, not even real.
These play of colors of white and gold temples, pink and blue sky, greenish-purple forest.
It is incredible that ordinary people live in such a wonderful place.
That they see such beauty every morning.
If only I could get there for a minute...

The whole picture is filled with freshness, purity, and peace.
Looking at the picture, as if opening a window, you feel the fragrant air of a summer morning.
I just want to walk across that bridge, collect white flowers and take them to the holy church.
Seeing the landscape in the picture lifts your spirits and gives you more vigor and strength.
A quiet and wonderful corner of heaven on earth.

Quiet abode

On this well-known and popular picture Russian nature is depicted in all its glory. With all its values, which are so dear to every Russian person.

This is a dense forest, a church, a river and a bridge across it. Admiring the picture, you seem to be transported into this piece of everything that is most important and necessary for a Russian person.

Looking at the landscape, the river and the rickety old bridge, you want to be there for a minute and walk across this bridge. Go to the other side of the river and run into the forest, breathe in the clean and clear air.

And while walking through the forest, go towards the church and go in to pray, thank God for all this beauty of nature, which characterizes the breadth of the Russian soul.

The picture so realistically and sincerely conveys all the beauty of the forest and the well-trodden path on the other side of the river. It’s as if people still use this bridge, go to the forest to pick mushrooms and berries.

In the foreground of the picture you can also see the path leading to the bridge. People came here, some just came to admire it. Who goes to the forest to pick mushrooms and berries and wash clothes?

Much is expressed in this picture, written in a beautiful Russian style. You can look at the picture for a long time and find all the new details that you had not considered before.

The endless sky above your head, looking at the tone of the colors, you can see that it is evening. In the pure beautiful silence around, all the serenity and tranquility of the human soul is preserved.

The domes of churches and the forest are reflected in the water; it’s so quiet around that there’s not even little breeze. The water is calm and clean, the forest envelops everything with its power and fascinates with its beauty.

Having carefully examined the picture, you understand why the author called it a quiet abode. And for each person this picture is perceived differently, everyone sees in it something close and dear to themselves.

Someone will see a piece of their homeland in it, someone will be reminded of parental home. Everyone who looks at it will find something dear and useful to their soul. Therefore, the picture has been very popular for many years and does not lose its relevance even now.

Essay description of the painting The Quiet Abode of Levitan

I. I. Levitan is one of the most famous Russian landscape painters, and his “Quiet Abode” is one of the most famous canvases with a church image. It was this that brought enormous fame to the artist at the exhibition of the Itinerants.

A beautiful and simple picture depicting a summer morning, a calm river with the reflection of small clouds, a bright and clear sky. You can see an old, battered bridge that leads to the other side. A small path leads from the river into the thicket of trees. From behind a tall grove of mighty trees you can see the domes of a church and a small monastery, it seems that the bells are about to ring.

On this shore you can see snow-white flowers among the lush dark green grass, and you can feel all the freshness and purity of nature. Looking at this picture, I had a desire to pick up fresh fragrant flowers, cross the river with an old bridge and take the bouquet to the church.

The picture exudes silence, tranquility, peace, it is clear how the author appreciated nature, with what precision and love he created this masterpiece. Everything seems somehow fabulous, not at all real.

This piece of paradise, by its very appearance, gives strength and vigor; somewhere in the depths of your soul you can hear the sounds of nature, the singing of birds and the rustling of leaves.

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