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What boy didn’t play pirates as a child? It seems so romantic to capture other people's ships in distant seas, experiencing dizzying adventures. However, not only men, but also women were engaged in the pirate craft. There is historical evidence of this. At the same time, the most successful lady pirates achieved the unofficial status of “queens”.

Such women turned out to be no less brave, cunning, and sometimes cruel than the most famous corsairs of that time. The sea beckoned to give me the opportunity to get rich quickly, to see different countries, and there was no shortage of worthy lovers. But the authorities did not particularly look at the gender of the captured pirates when administering their justice. We will talk about the most famous ladies who chose such a dangerous, but also romantic craft.

Alvilda (5th century). This woman in the history of piracy is one of the first famous representatives the weaker sex. Alvilda carried out robbery in Scandinavian waters back in the days early Middle Ages. This woman's name appears in all popular stories piracy. Legends say that this woman was actually a princess, her father was a king from the island of Gotland. When the monarch decided to marry his daughter to Alf, the son of the powerful king of Denmark, Alvilda decided to run away from home and become a pirate. On her robber voyage, the Amazon recruited a team of young women like herself. The robbers dressed as men, and Alvilda herself became the main robber in local waters. Soon, the raids of the brave female pirate began to seriously threaten merchant ships and residents of the coastal territories of the Danish kingdom, and Prince Alf himself was sent to fight the robbers. He had no idea that he would be pursuing his would-be bride. After the prince killed almost all the pirates, he entered into a duel with their leader. The man was able to defeat the pirate and forced him to surrender. Alf was very surprised when under the helmet he discovered the young face of Alvilda, whom he wanted to marry. The girl appreciated the prince's courage and his fighting skills, agreeing to marry him. The wedding took place right on board a pirate ship. The young people made vows to each other. The prince promised to love his chosen one forever, and Alvilda herself vowed to never go to sea without a husband. The veracity of this story can be questioned. Researchers discovered that the legend of Alvilda was first told to his readers by the monk Saxo Grammaticus, who lived in the 12th century. Mention of a female pirate is found in his “Acts of the Danes.” The image of Alvilda was born either thanks to the myths about the Amazons, or the ancient Scandinavian sagas.

Jeanne de Belleville (1300-1359). If the image of Alvilda is semi-legendary, then the avenger Jeanne de Belleville became the first truly famous corsair from the point of view of history. Around 1335, Jeanne remarried a Brittany nobleman, Olivier Claesson. It was a turbulent time - the Hundred Years' War was going on, and the country was torn apart internal conflicts. Joan's husband turned out to be an accomplice in the conspiracy and was executed by order of King Philip VI. His loving wife decided to avenge her husband, vowing to do everything possible to achieve this. Jeanne took her two sons, the eldest was only fourteen years old, and went to England. There she obtained an audience with King Edward III. The monarch provided the avenger with a small fleet of three ships, it was called the “Retribution Fleet in the English Channel.” This small flotilla robbed merchant ships for several years, even attacking French warships. All the booty received was sent to England, and the sailors who surrendered were simply destroyed. The brave woman personally went to sea on ships in search of prey; Jeanne was one of the first to board and lead the assault on coastal French castles. Eyewitnesses said that the female pirate had excellent command of both a boarding ax and a saber. The fame of Jeanne de Belleville spread throughout France, where she was nicknamed the bloodthirsty lioness. Parliament even passed a special resolution on the expulsion of such a rebellious subject from the country and the confiscation of all her property. The country's fleet received an order to finally clear the English Channel of English pirates. Soon Jeanne's flotilla was surrounded. She herself abandoned the pirates and set off towards England on a small rowing boat with her sons. For six days the sailors tried to row to the island, but the current constantly carried them out to sea. It turned out that the escape was carried out in such a hurry that the pirates forgot to take water and provisions with them. Died six days later younger son de Belleville, and then several sailors. A few days later the unfortunates washed up on the shores of Brittany. Fortunately for Zhanna, she ended up with the comrades-in-arms of her deceased husband. Over time, the brave woman even married again; her chosen one was the nobleman Gautier de Bentley.

Lady Killigrew (?-1571). This female pirate became the threat of the same English Channel approximately two hundred years after the story of Jeanne de Belleville. Lady Mary Killigrew managed to lead double life. IN secular society the lady was known and respected as the respected wife of the governor, Lord John Killigrew, who lived in the port city of Falmet. On the other hand, she secretly commanded the pirates who robbed merchant ships in Falmet Bay. And such tactics for a long time allowed the lady to act with impunity and secrecy. She simply never left behind living witnesses. One day a Spanish ship entered the bay, heavily laden with goods. The captain and crew did not have time to come to their senses when they were captured by pirates. The leader of the Spaniards managed to hide and was surprised to see that the corsairs were commanded by a young, beautiful, but very cruel woman. The captain managed to escape from the captured ship and reach the shore. In the city of Falmet, he went to the governor to inform him about the pirate attack. Imagine the captain’s surprise when he saw that same beauty sitting next to the governor! But Lord Killigru controlled two fortresses, which were supposed to ensure smooth sailing of merchant ships in the bay. Then the captain decided to remain silent and left for London. There he told strange story to the king, who began his own investigation. Unexpectedly, it turned out that Lady Killigru had piracy in her blood - her father was the famous pirate Philip Wolversten from Sofolk. The woman herself early age began to take part in the robberies of her father. Marriage to a lord helped her achieve a position in society, as well as form her own pirate crew. So Lady Killigru began to rob ships in the English Channel and coastal waters. The investigation found out exactly how some ships disappeared, which were previously considered to have disappeared due to mystical powers. Lord Killigrew was convicted and executed for indulging his wife's interests. And the lady herself received a death sentence, which was later commuted by Queen Elizabeth I to life imprisonment. Interestingly, ten years later, pirates under the command of Lady Killigru appeared in the English Channel again. This time it was the daughter-in-law of the executed lord who acted.

Grain (Granual) O'Malley (1533-1603). This female pirate was, on the one hand, very brave, and on the other, cruel and insensitive towards her enemies. Grain came from an old Irish family, in which there were many pirates, corsairs or simply sailors. The family's ships flew a flag with a white seahorse and the inscription "Strong on Land and Sea." According to legends, Grainne O'Malley was born in the same year (1533) as the English Queen Elizabeth I. They write that the Irishwoman even met her crowned peer a couple of times, although the women fought with each other throughout their lives. Already with early youth Grain showed a belligerent character. When her father refused to take her to sea for the first time, the girl cut off her luxurious hair - a symbol female beauty. This is how her nickname “Bald Graine” came about. IN sea ​​travel the girl also studied languages; she knew Latin perfectly. Soon, the brave girl rallied herself to the most selected pirates and corsairs and began to plunder the lands of people hostile to her clan. Grain decided to get rich this way. Over time, she either defeated her half-brother in battle and became the leader of the clan, or simply married the corsair O’Flaherty, leading his fleet. It must be said that even as a pirate, Grein managed to give birth to three children. After the death of her husband in battle, the widow managed to preserve her war fleet, and besides, her relatives gave her Clare Island for a pirate base. And the woman did not remain inconsolable. At first, Grainne was consoled in the arms of a young aristocrat, Hugh de Lacy, fifteen years younger than herself. After him, Lord Burkey, nicknamed Iron Richard, became the new husband of the brave woman. The fact is that on the Mayo coast only his castle was not captured by her. This marriage lasted only a year. The pirate divorced in a very original way - she simply locked herself in the castle and shouted from the horse to Richard Burke that she was leaving him. Grain showed her rebellious nature even at a meeting with Queen Elizabeth. At first she refused to bow to her, not recognizing her as the Queen of Ireland. And the rebel woman somehow managed to carry the dagger with her. As a result of that meeting, it was possible, if not to attract Greinne to the royal service, then to conclude at least the appearance of a peace agreement. Over time, the pirate began her activities again, still trying not to harm England. Grainne O'Malley died in 1603, the same year as the queen.

Anne Bonny (1700-1782). And this native of Ireland managed to go down in the history of piracy. At the age of five, thanks to her father, lawyer William Cormack, she ended up in North America. This happened in 1705. And already at the age of 18, Anne was known as a beauty with a stormy and unpredictable temperament. She was considered an enviable bride and her father began looking for rich suitors. But the girl met the sailor James Bonney and fell in love with him. The father prevented the relationship, which is why the young people got married and left for the island of New Providence. But the love soon passed and Anne began to live with the captain of the pirate ship, John Rackham. He, in order not to part with his passion, dressed her in men's clothing and took him into his service as a sailor. Anne became a pirate on the sloop Dragon, sailing between the Bahamas and the Antilles. During the moments of boarding merchant ships, Anne amazed even the best pirates with her courage. She was merciless to her enemies, rushing first into the thick of the battle. And after the end of the battle, Anne personally dealt with the prisoners, doing it extremely cruelly. Even battle-hardened pirates were frightened by the sadism of the young sailor, who, with or without reason, grabbed a knife and a pistol. They did not know that their colleague was a woman. After some time, Anne became pregnant, and the captain put her ashore, leaving her in the care of his friend. Having given birth, the woman left her guardian small child and returned to the pirates. There she and the captain decided to tell the pirates the truth. And although the crew remembered what it meant to be a woman on a ship, especially a pirate one, the mutiny did not take place. After all, everyone remembered how bloodthirsty and cruel Anne was. And her behavior and advice often saved pirates. And in one of the attacks, the “Dragon” captured an English ship. Ann liked the young sailor Mac and decided to sleep with him. But he also turned out to be a woman, an Englishwoman, Mary Read. She also became a pirate, no less famous than her friend. In 1720, Anne Bonny and her accomplices were captured. The woman's execution was constantly postponed due to her pregnancy. They say that the father managed to ransom his unlucky daughter and return her home. The once thunderstorm of the seas died in 1782, at a respectable age, having given birth to nine more children in a second, calm marriage.

Jaco Delahaye (XVII century). This lady was active as a French privateer in the 17th century. And she was born in exotic Haiti, although the girl’s father was not a native, but a Frenchman. In the history of piracy, Jaco Delahaye remains a woman of extraordinary beauty. It is believed that she chose the path of a pirate after the death of her father. In fact, he was the only person close to her. The mother died during childbirth, and the older brother was mentally disabled, remaining in the care of his sister. Jaco Delahaye had to board the ship of her sailor father and become a robber. This happened in the 1660s. Over time, in order to hide from her pursuers, the pirate faked her own death. At one time, Jaco changed her name and lived in male guise. Upon her return, she earned the nickname "Red from the Dead", thanks to her beautiful fiery red hair.

Anne Dieu-Le-Vaux (Mary Ann, Marianne) (1650-?). This French female pirate was born in the middle of the 17th century. It is believed that she was taken from Europe to colonial lands as a criminal. A woman appeared in Tortuga in 1665-1675, when Governor Bertrand Dogeron De La Bure ruled there. On this island, a famous haven for pirates, Mary Anne married the corsair Pierre Lengs. In 1683, he died in a duel at the hands of the famous pirate Laurence de Graff. Then Marianne also challenged him to a duel. According to some information, the reason was not the death of the spouse, but personal insults. But the fight did not take place; Lawrence said that he was not going to fight with the woman. But admiring her courage, he invited Marianne to become his wife. In fact, de Graff was already officially married, so Marianne became his partner and mistress. You can really call Anna a pirate, since she followed her husband everywhere and fought next to him. In a similar way Anne Bonny also behaved. However, unlike her, Dieu-Le-Vau did not hide her gender, which is why she attracted attention, causing universal respect and even admiration. It is believed that Marianne was a brave, harsh and merciless pirate. She even got the nickname “Anna - God's will.” And although it is believed that a woman on a ship brings misfortune, this did not concern Marianne. It seemed that the pirates were lucky with her. In 1693, her husband took part in the capture of Jamaica, for which he received the title of Chevalier and the rank of senior lieutenant. But a year later, the British attacked Tortuga - Anna, along with her two daughters, was captured and remained a hostage for three years. The family was reunited only in 1698. The fate of the pirates is then lost; it is said that they even became colonists in Mississippi. But there is one interesting story, dated 1704. There is evidence that it was then Anna, together with her husband Lawrence, who attacked the Spanish ship. The man was killed by a cannonball, then Marianne took command of the pirates. Unfortunately, there were fewer robbers and they lost the battle. All the pirates were sent to hard labor, but the name of their leader turned out to be too famous. The news of Anna's arrest, through the French naval secretary, reached Louis XIV himself, who asked the Spanish king to intervene. As a result, the female pirate was released. And one of her daughters lived in Haiti and became famous for defeating a man in a duel.

Ingela Hammar (1692-1729). This woman served as a privateer for the Swedish King Charles XII during his Northern War. early XVIII century. In 1711, a 19-year-old girl married the pirate Lars Gatenhilm, who officially received permission from the king to plunder enemy merchant ships. But the privateer robbed everything that came his way. And Ingela knew her future husband from childhood; their union had long been approved by their parents. This marriage was happy, five children were born in it. There is every reason to believe that Ingela was not just a beloved wife waiting for her husband on the shore, but also a faithful ally in his activities. Perhaps it was Ingela who was the brain of all Lars’ cunning operations, who stood behind all his activities. Most operations were planned at the Gothenburg base and managed from there. And in 1715 the family had already earned a huge fortune. In 1718, Lars died and his privateering business was inherited by Ingele. During the war, she further expanded her husband's privateering empire. It is no coincidence that the Swede was even nicknamed the queen of navigation. But after the conclusion of a peace agreement with Denmark in 1720 and Russia in 1721, there was no one to fight with. In 1722 former pirate remarried and died in 1729. Ingela Hammar was buried next to her first husband.

Maria Lindsay (1700-1745). This Englishwoman was born in 1700 and her pirate activities are also associated with her husband’s name. Eric Cobham robbed ships in the Gulf of St. Lawrence, and his base was located on the island of Newfoundland. The couple became famous for their cruelty bordering on sadism. The pirates preferred to sink captured ships, and all crew members were either killed or used as targets for shooting exercises. This corsair career lasted for the couple from 1720 to 1740. After this, the couple decided to start new life in France. In Europe, the Cobham couple became respected in society, Eric even managed to get the post of judge. But for Maria, such a sedate life was not to her liking, and she simply went crazy. Either the woman committed suicide, or her husband killed her. And before his death, Eric Cobham told the priest about all his sins, asking him to tell everyone the story of his life. The book came out shameful and incriminating, and descendants even tried to buy back and destroy the entire circulation. But a copy remained in the National Archives of Paris.

Rachel Wall (1760-1789). The death penalty in many American states it has long been abolished. The last person to be hanged in Massachusetts was Rachel Wall. She may be the first American-born woman to become a pirate. And she was born into a family of devout believers in provincial Carlisle, Pennsylvania. Rachel didn't like life on a country farm, which is why she chose to move to the city. One day, a girl was attacked at the port, and a certain George Wall saved her. The guy and the girl fell in love and got married, although Rachel's parents were against it. The young people moved to Boston, where George became a sailor on a fishing schooner and his wife became a maid. The family was constantly short of money, so George Wall suggested to his friends that they become pirates. At first, the crew, together with Rachel, operated on the Island of Shoals, off the coast of New Hampshire. The girl on the deck of the schooner pretended to be a shipwreck victim. When boats with rescuers arrived there, the pirates killed and robbed them. In 1781-1782, the Wall couple and their accomplices captured twelve boats and thus earned 6 thousand dollars and a bunch of valuables. 24 people were killed. But in the end, George Wall, like most of his crew died in a severe storm. Rachel had to return to Boston and resume work there as a servant. But the robber did not forget her past, from time to time robbing boats at the docks. And while trying to rob the young lady Margaret Bender, the bandit was caught. On September 10, 1789, Rachel Wall was convicted of robbery, but she asked to be tried as a pirate. The authorities agreed, although the woman did not kill anyone. On October 8, Rachel was hanged, having lived only 29 years.

Charlotte Badger (1778 -1816). There were female pirates in the history of Australia. The very first is considered to be Charlotte Badger, who was born in Worcestershire, England. She also made history by becoming one of the first two white female settlers in New Zealand. An Englishwoman was born in poor family In order to feed herself, she began to engage in petty theft. In 1796, a girl was caught trying to steal a silk scarf and several coins. For this she was sentenced to seven years of hard labor in New South Wales, Australia. There she began working at a women's factory and even gave birth to a daughter. Together with her child, Charlotte boarded the Venus in 1806, planning to find work in the colonies. The captain of the ship, Samuel Chase, turned out to be a cruel man and liked to beat women with a whip just for fun. Badger, along with his friend, also an exile, Catherine Hagerty, did not want to tolerate the sadist’s bullying and persuaded the passengers to start a riot. Having captured the ship, the women and their lovers headed to New Zealand, choosing the difficult fate of the pioneers. There is information that the rebels from the Venus, together with two women and their lovers, took up piracy. However, this idea quickly failed, because the rebels did not understand anything about navigation. There is a story that the ship was captured by Maori natives. They burned the ship, eating or killing the crew. Catherine Hagerty died of a fever, but the fate of Charlotte Badger, a failed pirate, remained unknown. It is believed that she managed to hide on the island and then join the crew of an American whaling ship.

Nothing sounds better to the ear than a firm, stern, and quickly memorable pirate name. When people became sea robbers, they often changed their names in order to make it difficult for the authorities to identify them. For others, the name change was purely symbolic: the newly minted pirates mastered not only new activity, but also a completely new life, which some preferred to enter with a new name.

In addition to the many pirate names, there are also many recognizable pirate nicknames. Nicknames have always been an integral part of gang culture, and pirates were no exception in this regard. We will talk about the most common pirate nicknames, analyze their origins and provide a list of the most popular ones.

  • Blackbeard. The origin of the nickname is very trivial. had a thick black beard, and, according to legend, before battle he wove burning wicks into it, the smoke of which made him look like the devil himself from the underworld.
  • Calico Jack. Nickname pirate, so he was dubbed for his love for various decorations made of chintz fabric.
  • Spaniard Killer. This is what they called the famous man who was cruel and ruthless towards the Spaniards.
  • Red, Bloody Henry. Two nicknames that belonged to the famous pirate. The first nickname has a direct relation to the color of his hair, and the second - to his far from merciful deeds.
  • Gentleman Pirates. A nickname given to him due to his aristocratic origins.
  • Vulture. Nickname of a French pirate. It is not entirely clear why this nickname stuck to him; apparently, it somehow better reflected his character and temper.
  • Lanky John. Pirate nickname of a fictional pirate. In addition to this nickname, he had one more - Ham.
  • Black Corsair. The main character's nickname novel of the same name Emilio Salgari.

These were the nicknames of the most famous real and fictional pirates. If you need unique thematic names, then in the Corsairs Online game, when creating a character, you have at your disposal a pirate nickname generator, you can try to pick up something interesting for yourself.

Pirate nicknames for a party

If you are having a party in pirate style and you need to somehow name everyone present, then the list presented below should help you with this.

Most people associate the word “pirate” with the image of a bearded sea ​​robber or a one-legged old man and names such as Edward Teach, Urouge Barbarossa and Calico Jack. However, among those who attacked ships and merchant ships, there were not only men, but also women, even more merciless, brave and fearless. This article will introduce you to the nine legendary robbers of the seven seas. 1. Anne Bonnie Anne Cormack (her maiden name) was born in a small Irish town in 1698. This red-haired beauty with a violent temperament...

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All from the Internet))) On the sea or pirate day birthday fun for little ones it will be simple game “Water-land”: a circle-island is drawn on the floor, inside it is land, outside is water. Children stand inside the circle on land, and then follow the commands of the leader, who says either “Water!” or “Land!” At the same time, the children either jump out of the circle or jump in again. The presenter can constantly confuse them by repeating the same command.