Pirate party for children attributes. Children's birthday party "pirate party or treasure hunt"

The first associations with the word “PIRATE” that pop up are, of course, ships, flags with skulls, treasure chests, barrels of rum, bandanas and cocked hats, travel and adventure.

If you decide to give your child a real holiday, feel free to choose a party theme - pirate. Children simply love mysteries, adventures and travel, especially when all this happens in a relaxed, friendly and fun atmosphere.

To organize a pirate party, you will need to purchase or make some necessary thematic attributes with your own hands, prepare “pirate” cuisine and, of course, come up with a fascinating story that will be filled with adventures, unexpected surprises and challenges.

The news portal “site” tried to present itself as the organizer of a pirate party, and this is what our editorial team would do.

First, you will need to make the necessary accessories that children attending the party can wear to look like a bunch of real pirates. Pirate accessories: a cocked hat made of cardboard, a hook instead of a hand, a bandana, cardboard or balloon swords.

In order to organize an unforgettable photo shoot at a party, we recommend making mobile pirate masks. Alternatively, it could be a mustache, a cocked hat, or an eye patch on a wooden stick. Children will be able to apply such masks to themselves, make faces and take pictures.

Now you need to decorate the room where the party will take place. Use balloons in black or with the image of skulls, pirate flags, chests with “treasures” (mom’s old jewelry is very useful here), a ship’s steering wheel (it can be cut out of cardboard and painted with paints), wooden barrels, etc.

Hang themed paper garlands, paper anchors and paper skulls cut out on the walls.

Now let's start decorating the main party item - the festive table. You can use pieces of burlap or a fishing net as a tablecloth.

If you still prefer a tablecloth, then choose one with a striped pattern.

The ideal option for decorating a festive table at a pirate party is to create a real ship with sails and pirate flags.

Scatter chocolate gold coins on the holiday table and place bottles of drinks decorated in a pirate style.

Not least important at a pirate party is the menu of “pirate” cuisine. Watermelon in the shape of a ship, an angry shark or a treasure chest. Sandwiches in the shape of skulls, cakes in the shape of shells with pearls.

If you don't have a lot of time to create themed dishes, you can make pirate flags in advance, attach them to toothpicks, and then use them to decorate traditional holiday dishes.

And finally, about the entertainment at the pirate party. As soon as the guests gather at the pirate party, give them a plastic bottle containing a real pirate map indicating where the treasure is.

Arrange all kinds of tests for children, after passing which the little pirates would become one step closer to their treasures.

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Are you having a children's pirate party? The scenario for this event should be fun, interesting and mischievous. This is exactly what we bring to your attention. To make the holiday unforgettable, take care of decorating the room and original invitations for guests.

Regardless of where the pirate-themed party is held, the scenario assumes an adult host. It could be mom, dad or one of the artistic relatives who will dress up as a pirate and hold all the competitions and games.

At the appointed time, the host meets the guests.


The whole team is assembled, which means the pirate party is declared open! We are waiting for the search for real treasures that Captain Flint hid, battles with monsters and a lot of exciting entertainment! But before you set off on your journey, you need to come up with real pirate names and choose a captain!

Children choose pseudonyms for themselves, with the help of adults. If the reason for the party was a child’s birthday, then it is logical to choose him as the main one in the team. In other cases, it can be decided by lot or vote.


Great! Now we need to come up with a name for our ship. After all, whatever you name the boat, that’s how it will float!

Children name their versions and choose the best one.


So, brave crew (ship name)! Many obstacles await us along the way, and one of them is sea motion. Not every pirate can stay on deck when the waves are raging! Each of you will now pass the test and if you pass it with dignity, you will receive a reward.

For entertainment you will need a blanket. Two adults take it by opposite ends, and a child sits in the resulting hammock and swings for a couple of minutes. Believe me, children of any age will like this game.

After the test, all children receive prizes - souvenir medals.


Well, brave pirates, it’s time to go in search of treasure and for this we need a map. But the treacherous Captain Flint tore it into pieces, hid it in bottles and threw it into the sea. To find map fragments, you will have to complete tasks. And the first of them is a test of dexterity!

Competition "Sword Fighting"

Participants are divided into pairs. The first two are given “swords” made of balloons. Players stand on a low bench and fight. The one who loses his balance first and falls on the floor loses.

After the tournament, the team is given a bottle with the first piece of map inside.


You've done well in your first test, but there's no time to rest! Let's start the next competition!

  • What does the phrase "Seven feet under the keel" mean? (Wishing you a good voyage. The keel is a longitudinal beam in the middle of the bottom along the entire length of the ship);
  • What is a steering wheel? (ship's steering wheel);
  • What does a guinea pig look like? (This is a small rodent that has nothing to do with water);
  • What is a ladder? (Staircase on a ship);
  • What is a galley? (Kitchen on the ship);
  • Who is the cook? (Ship's cook);
  • What is a kubrick? (Room for sailors);
  • Who is Jack Sparrow? (The hero of the film, the captain of the Black Pearl).

Adult guests can help young pirates.


You are very smart pirates, so you get another map fragment. But what is this? Enemy ships are on the horizon... It's time to fight, brave sea wolves!

Competition "The most accurate shooter"

There are paper or toy boats on the table. Each player has five attempts to "sink" an enemy ship using a tennis ball. The one who shoots down the most ships receives the “Most Accurate Shooter” medal and a map fragment.


Well done! But these are not all dangers on the way to treasures. Directly ahead are piranhas. Everyone get ready to protect yourself from toothy fish!

Competition "Saving a pirate from piranhas"

Several couples participate. One player is blindfolded, and the other has clothespins called “piranhas” attached to his clothes. The blindfolded pirate must remove all the clothespins from his friend. The pair that completes the task faster wins. You can't give advice or help.

The host hands over another part of the treasure map.


To find the treasure, you need two more map fragments. You will receive one of them after you demonstrate the skills of real sailors!

Game "Pirate Knot"

All participants stand in a circle and join hands. Then the resulting “round dance” gets entangled without separating the hands. After the leader’s signal, you need to untangle the knot without letting go of your hands. Game “Black Mark”

The host hands the pirates the last fragment of the map. Together they collect it and find their way to the treasure - a chest with sweets, jewelry and toys.


What a huge chest Captain Flint hid! How many treasures are there! Real pirates always cheerfully celebrate their victories. Therefore, I propose to celebrate the successful completion of our journey by dancing!

The pirate party scenario for children ends with a disco. In addition, at any stage of the event, you can invite the brave sea wolves to eat to regain strength.

The adventurism and courage of pirates has always attracted adventure lovers. And let it be generally accepted that these sea wolves are dangerous and even evil. But their intelligence, code of honor, and love of entertainment will always be the white side of the coin. That's why kids love to imitate pirates, looking for treasures and waving wooden swords during street battles and battles.

So why not give this “pirate gang” a real adventurous children’s pirate party, full of delight, laughter and adventure. After all, this is not so difficult to do if you pay attention to everything, from the invitation and menu, costumes and decoration, to interesting competitions, games, quizzes and, of course, a photo shoot.

Holiday dress code: pirate party for children, DIY costumes

What are pirates without stylized costumes? It is the special clothing and accessories that distinguish these sea rascals from other seafarers.

If your child has been invited to a pirate festival for children or you yourself are the initiator of this original sabantuy, take care of the children's costume and accessories in advance.

For a pirate party, preparing an original costume is not so difficult.

You can use any imitation of clothing worn by real sea wolves in the form of a pirate black bandana, vest, or T-shirts with stripes.

A black eye patch, as well as hoop earrings and wide belts with huge buckles, on which you can attach a dagger, a sword, and a pistol, will also look original.

You can use over-the-knee boots, a vest, and a wide hat. For the leader of a sea gang you will need a smoking pipe and a cane.

Be sure to stock up on an extra set of clothes, in case one of the kids comes to the party without a suit.

He, of course, does not want to look like a black sheep among a cheerful pirate company. To do this, you can simply purchase black film.

Thanks to this material, you can quickly transform a guest into a real brave sailor. To do this, you need to cut out a rectangle from the film, make a hole in it for the head, and cut the edges of this peculiar cloak with scissors to make a fringe.

We attach a skull and crossbones on top, tighten the cape with a belt, give the child a bandana or an eye patch, and the newly-made pirate is ready.

An eye patch can be made from black tape, securing a circle of thick fabric or paper in place of the eye. You can make a skull and crossbones from regular white landscape paper.

How to dress a girl for a pirate party? Girls can use a large vest, which they need to wear instead of a dress for graduation. We complement the suit with a wide belt, fishnet tights and high boots. You will also have to work with your hair, creating a creative mess. Gold chains and huge earrings will help complete the look.

For a pirate party for children, prepare additional accessories. Children's binoculars and spotting scopes are suitable for this. Stock up on sabers, pistols and other children's weapons.

On this holiday it is not forbidden to use body paints. It is thanks to the use of body art techniques that you can create unique images. And the kids will remember this unusual fun for a long time.

Invitations to a pirate party for children: invitation text

Involve your child in decorating an unusual party. For children, joint creativity with their parents has a special meaning and brings them incredibly closer together.

To invite friends to a pirate party, it’s not enough just to call the phone and warn your parents.

Be sure to prepare an original invitation for your friends to a pirate party. These should not just be postcards or letters, but thematic messages.

Such messages can be formatted quite interestingly.

Prepare ancient scrolls. To do this, take plain paper, age it with strong coffee, and carefully burn the edges of such a message from the past.

Apply the text with an ink pen, do not forget to put a couple of blots. Carefully roll the scroll, and the composition will be completed with twine with a wax seal.

Additionally, you can place the message scroll in a bottle, which is closed with a cork.

We cut out original postcards in the shape of a pirate ship. Such a message can be painted or original applications can be made on it.

On the back of the card, write the invitation itself, which will sound something like this:

“Old ______, the crew of the schooner “Flying Dutchman” urgently announces a muster on board. When the bells strike _______, we go out to sea. Having spent the last doubloons, your captain obtained a piece of the map. And let the sharks eat me if he doesn’t help us find the whole map and treasure. I am firmly convinced that you honor the code of pirates and have not forgotten our ancient friendship, and you will definitely take part in our dangerous but exciting journey.”

You can also make a black mark, on the front of which you can place a skull and crossbones or a Jolly Roger. The notification itself must inform the invitee of terrible reprisals if he does not take part in the dangerous fun.

Such invitations can be delivered personally into the hands of a potential victim of pirate revelry, or you can leave it in the mailbox of a fellow seafarer.

Pirate party for children: DIY room decoration

What do you need for a pirate party for kids?

For the original design of the room you will need sea pirate accessories and details. In the rooms, place unusual beautiful bottles, on which do not forget to change the stickers with pirate inscriptions.

You can place wooden or metal-lined boxes and chests that need to be filled with jewelry.

The role of jewelry will be played by sweets in bright wrappers, confetti, multi-colored stones, balls, beads, chocolate medals, and various coins.

Hang pirate sails under the ceiling, which can be made from the same black film. Use a garland to decorate the room. We will make it from black paper triangles-flags, onto which we will apply pirate symbols with gouache.

Black balls will also work. They will depict pirate flags, so they should have skulls and crossbones.

Various accessories in the form of rope ladders, sea shells, fishing nets and ropes will help create a pirate spirit at a pirate-themed children's party.

Place a stylized marine steering wheel in the most visible place.

The curtains are decorated with paper white seagulls. And the walls are filled with pictures, depicting pirates, and old maps. You can hang marine themed posters.

Props in the form of a compass, binoculars, globes, and telescopes are suitable.

Place barrels with taps on the tables that you can borrow from friends. They are suitable for pirate drinks.

If the holiday is not held outdoors, mark all doors and entrances to the premises with signs. These must necessarily be nautical names, such as galley, latrine, captain's bridge, wardroom.

Such simple and affordable accessories and props will help create a pirate atmosphere.

Of course, laughter and enthusiastic screams are the perfect accompaniment for a children's party.

And don't forget about the main reward. The culmination of the holiday, that is, the treasure itself, will be a stylized pirate cake or a gift for the hero of the occasion on his birthday at a pirate party for children. Of course, it will be much more interesting if every child pirate gets his own little prince from the treasure he finds.

Personalized pirate-themed medals or not very expensive toys can serve as holiday souvenirs.

Children will remember such a holiday for a long time, but memorable photography and video will help them enjoy the memories many years later. Therefore, be sure to take care of a photo shoot or event filming.

The role of a home photojournalist can be played by the baby's father, grandfather or older brother or sister. But it will be better if you invite a professional photographer to the holiday.

Nadezhda Khryashcheva

We already have our first anniversary - 5 years! Every day birth I try to make my children interesting and always compose scenario. Only when my daughter grew up did I for some reason scenarios for her birthdays I didn’t save it and now I really regret it. And now he's grown up son and it’s already interesting to celebrate the days birth in the company of children. I offer my scenario a little fun for kids 4-5 years old" pirate Party".

Hello guys! Do you want adventure? Then let's turn you and me into funny ones pirates! But pirates There can only be brave, dexterous and skillful guys. Now I’ll test your dexterity, whoever can handle it will be the real one pirate.


Everybody dance!

Left hand drive! – everyone must turn to the right and continue dancing;

Right steering wheel! – everyone should turn to the right and continue dancing;

Stern! – the circle expands;

Nose! – the circle narrows;

Raise the sails! – everyone raises their hands up, continuing to dance;

Scrub the deck! – everyone starts rubbing their feet on the floor;

Cannonball! - everyone squats;

The admiral is on board! - everyone stands at attention and salutes

Well done! Now you're ready to get real pirates. Let's dress up. (children wear different costumes pirates, bandanas, hats, etc.)

Names are up for grabs pirates(names are printed on the cards, children choose who gets which). The birthday boy is given the honorary name CAPTAIN JACK SPARROW.

So we have a captain, but where is the treasure? And they were buried by the oldest and most terrible pirate BARBOSSA, and he tore the map into several pieces and scattered it all over the ocean. To find the treasure we need to go through many obstacles and find all the pieces of the map.

So, is the team ready? Then let's go! Go for the treasures! (children board an imaginary ship, come up with a name for it, distribute roles: responsible for the map, for Jolly Roger, captain with a helm, lookout with a telescope, etc. depends on the number of children)

1. The first piece of the map is on the horizon!

To get your first piece you must solve all the riddles. Ready?

HE is the most insidious villain. They scare all the children

He carries a pistol and a knife, he commits robbery.

He is sometimes poor, sometimes rich, and is always looking for treasure.

Answer quickly Who is this...? (BARMALEY)

A block shot up above the water - This is a very angry fish. She showed her fin and disappeared again instantly. (Shark)

A giant swims across the ocean and lets out a fountain. (WHALE)

How beautifully they float -

Very fast and playful!

They show us their backs

From sea water... (dolphins)

Don't you know me?

I live at the bottom of the sea,

Head and eight legs -

That's all I am... (octopus)

She lives in the water, has no beak, but pecks. (FISH)

1. Throws from a distance

2. Throws from behind

3. Blindfolded throws

4. Left hand throws.

Well done, you defeated the octopus and get the second piece of the map. And now we need to swim further.

3. We swim into a cave where sea mummies live and in order for them to give us the third piece of the map, we ourselves must turn into mummies and scare them. (Players are given a roll of paper. Everyone’s task is to stuff this paper into their pockets, down the collar, into trousers, into socks, wherever they can. Whoever does this first will receive a prize and the opportunity to scare away the sea mummies (you can draw mummies or dress up as someone)

Strike me with thunder! Guess I'm hungry. And you? I suggest you swim to the tavern to refresh yourself. (children's buffet)

4. Well, what the pirates refreshed themselves. It's time to go! Here is the next piece of the map. Do you want to receive it? Then let's take a saber fencing lesson. (in pairs they fencing with long sabers made from long balls) Amazing battle! Now we are not afraid of the enemy, we will defeat him!

5. You will receive the next piece of the card if you guess correctly pirate words. Get ready, attention!

1. Rear of the ship (stern)

2. Kitchen on the ship (galley)

3. Front of the ship (nose)

4. Side of the ship (board)

5. Room for sailors (cockpit)

6. Board for launching from the ship (ladder)

7. Ship's steering wheel (steering wheel)

8. Window on a ship (porthole)

9. Floor on the ship (deck)

10. Clock on the ship (flasks)

11. Ship's bell (bell)

12. Toilet on the ship (latrine)

(the words are a little difficult for children, but it’s interesting to listen to their guesses, and then tell them what it is)

6. You did it! You now know the real ones pirate words. We swim further to the last piece of the map. You have to draw your portrait pirate. (color or draw an image pirate) .

Now let's collect the map! (from the 6 pieces obtained, children collect a map)

Hooray! Victory! Let's celebrate our victory and dance. (incendiary music is turned on, and at this time the disguised pirate quietly takes the birthday captain into another room)

Our map is ready... let's go look for the treasure... but what happened, where did Captain Jack Sparrow go? Without it we won't be able to find the treasure. Someone stole it and hid it. Who is this?

(appears pirate Zhanka Vredinka: AHA, gotcha, now I will be your captain and I will look for treasures and take all the treasures for myself. HA-HA-HA)

well, I do not pirate girl, we are dexterous, brave pirates, we went through a lot of difficulties and now we will show you. (saber battle; fight on the spot pirate and save the captain.)

Now you can go look for the treasure (find treasure on the map) Hooray! The treasure is in our hands. Let's have fun and celebrate like real people pirates! (disco and sweet table).

R.S. In addition to script don’t forget the cheerful mood, decorations of the table, room, costumes for all guests, don’t forget about the treasure (I had pirate chests with pirate items coins and all sorts of goodies in it) and of course more improvisation and riddles and the children will be delighted!

Boys and girls of almost any age love cartoons and stories about pirates, treasures and adventures. Is your fidget's birthday coming up or any other holiday that you are going to arrange for your child? Why not do it in pirate style? A lot of fun and the happy sparkle of mischievous children's eyes are guaranteed to you.

Party scenario

The event should be hosted by specially hired animators or one of the adults dressed as Captain Jack Sparrow and an Indian. You can make costumes for them yourself or purchase them from a store that sells everything for the holiday.

Such a celebration can be held outdoors, in an apartment or a children's cafe. Captain: Hello, children, why did you come to my ship? You have a holiday? Well, I have plenty of treats for that. I suggest starting with a traditional pirate drink. Do you know what this is? Now I'll give you one little hint: yo-ho-ho and a bottle...? That's right, it's rum. The presenter invites the children to the table, where there are boxes of juice with the words “Rum for real pirates” pasted on them. Captain: Pour a glass and let’s get acquainted. I am Jack Sparrow, Captain Jack Sparrow, what is your name? Eh, no, that won't work. Sasha, Vanya, Anya are, of course, good names, but not pirate-like at all. Let me choose the right one for each of you. The presenter hands out pre-prepared cards to the children with pirate nicknames written on them. For boys, put papers with names in one pile, and for girls - in another. Here is a sample list of them:

For boys

For girls

  • Baby Lo
  • Elizabeth Swan
  • Norrington,
  • Little Jemmy
  • Tia Dalma.

Captain: Well, with names like these you can go sailing with me. You are ready? Great! But before that, I want to treat you to one more pirate treat. It's kept in my treasure chest. He goes into another room and comes running back screaming. Captain: Oh no, strike me with thunder, a thousand sea devils! The chest has been stolen, we must urgently go in pursuit. All aboard! In the meantime, I will determine by smell where the robbers went, you can eat traditional dishes that are included in the diet of real pirates. The presenter invites the children to the table on which plates with refreshments are placed. Near each of them there is a small poster with the name and a funny drawing. Here are their approximate names:

While the children look at the treat and try it, the captain stands at a fake steering wheel installed near the table and pretends to be steering the ship. You can hang binoculars around his neck, into which he should periodically peer thoughtfully.

Captain: Have you gained strength, children? We landed on the island. Damn me if our chest is not here! A pirate's heart feels everything. I know it was the Indians who kidnapped him. We have a serious fight ahead of us. At this moment, the second presenter in an Indian costume comes out to the children. Captain: I salute you, leader of the redskins. Indian: Why did you come, pale-faced ones? What makes you think that you will be welcome here? Usually we take scalps from such people, but first we will listen to you. Captain: It seems to me that you have our treasures. A chest with a real pirate delicacy. Give it back and we'll do without a fight. Indian: We really have the chest, but no one will just give it to you. First, prove your dexterity, courage and ingenuity, then we’ll talk. Now I suggest you go through several serious tests.

Competition "Secret Cipher"

The presenter shows the children a piece of Whatman paper on which a five-letter word is encrypted. After that, he places in front of them a box with five empty bottles of champagne, each of which contains a rolled-up piece of paper with a riddle. All vessels are numbered. The number on the bottle is the letter number of the encrypted word. Children guess the riddle and write the first letter of the answer in the first cell. The message will contain the encrypted word “ Give it back”, motivating the Indians to return the chest to the children and the captain. Here is a list of riddles:

  1. What is the state of the sea called when it is best for a real pirate to launch his ship? (Low tide)
  2. What do you call a pirate who was afraid to go with his comrades to storm a ship? (Coward)
  3. What was the name of the pirate after whom the strait between the Pacific and Atlantic oceans was named? (Drake)
  4. What do pirates shout as they rush to storm someone else's ship? (Boarding)
  5. The most famous pirate saying about a bottle of rum? (Yo-ho-ho and a bottle of rum)

Captain: You see, leader, even in the message the word “give” is encrypted. Return the chest! Indian: Eh, no, I tested your ingenuity and wit, but how brave and dexterous are you? If you prove this to me, then perhaps the chest will be yours.

Competition "The most accurate shooter"

For this test, each child participating in the holiday is given five cannonballs. You can make them from crumpled sheets of paper or newspapers and, if necessary, weigh them down with tape. You need to install a waste basket at some distance from children. The guys should take turns throwing cannonballs at it, and the presenters should record the number of hits. The winner is given a sweet prize or toy. Indian: I see that you guys are accurate, even our most dexterous shooter “Sharp Eye” would be jealous. Now let's check your speed. We've got a big problem here. Captain: Yes, the crocodile pinched her paw and cannot move the eggs from one place to another on her own. And it is very harmful for them to be under the scorching sun. Let's help her, guys, and move the eggs. Indian: You just need to do this as quickly as possible, because the sun is almost at its zenith. On one side of the room in which the holiday is taking place, there is a table with boiled eggs in bowls on it. On the other side there is an inflatable crocodile on the table, and next to it there are two baskets with river sand. Children are divided into two teams. Their task is to quickly transfer all the eggs to the nests. This must be done without using your hands, holding a spoon in your mouth. The team that completes the task faster than its opponents will win. Chicken eggs can be replaced with chocolate ones and distributed to the children at the end of the test. Captain: Well, our guys helped the crocodile. Now her children are safe. Maybe it's time to return the treat chest? Indian: No, I have one more task for the guys. Now I will ask them questions, and they will need to give the correct answers. This is the only way I can understand that in front of me there are real pirates who are worthy of this delicacy!

Quiz about pirates

Children are divided into two teams, and the leader asks them questions about pirates. Those who know the correct answer raise their hands.

Here is a sample list of questions for the quiz:

  • What is the name of the staircase on a real pirate ship? (Ladder)
  • The name of urgent and urgent work, which, as a rule, is occupied by the entire pirate crew, except the captain? (Emergency)
  • What is the lower end of a pirate ship's mast called? (Spurs)
  • What is the correct name for the bow of a pirate ship? (Tank)
  • What is called a trysail in ship terminology? (Additional sail)

Captain: Well, Indian, my pirates easily coped with this task. How will you get away now? Or will you still give up our treasured treasure chest? Indian: Now the most important test awaits you. It will show how you can work in a team. Only the most dexterous and fearless will win the main prize. But remember: there are real dangers and reefs along the way! Maybe you'll give up the treasure after all? No? Then let's move on to the final test.

Competition "To Victory Through Reefs"

The essence of the competition is as follows: teams choose a captain, who will have to fight for the treasure chest. In the center of the hall, the Indian places empty lemonade bottles; at the end of the dangerous path, he places a treasure chest. The captains are given some time to remember the path to the treasure. After this, the captains are blindfolded, and at the command of the leader they set off. Team members are allowed to suggest where to go. The first child to find the treasure chest takes it and goes to the team. Jack Sparrow consoles the losing team. Captain: Don’t worry, guys, there’s enough treats for everyone. How well done you all are, how hard you tried, and we managed to get the chest! He opens a chest containing Raffaello cakes. Indian: It's time to say goodbye. Thanks for your help guys! Pirates, good luck! Captain: All aboard! You, Indian, have seven feet under the keel, and we have a fair wind! The host invites the guys to the table to drink a glass of real pirate rum. Children who are hungry during the tests will happily continue their meal while the captain takes the helm and steers the ship to the home bay.

You can end the pirate party with cheerful dancing to music from adventure films and cartoons.

Don't forget about party invitations either. They should be given to guests in advance. Be sure to write in the postcard that the holiday will be held in the style of a pirate party, so that the guys have time to stock up on the appropriate outfits. And in conclusion, we bring to your attention a video in which you can watch one of the options for celebrating a children's pirate party http://www.youtube.com/watch?v=rgFX8G-eEkU