Just touch beauty with a careless hand. Place punctuation marks

1. Label grammatical basis in every part of the non-union complex sentence. Number the basics.

2. Set boundaries between parts with the // sign. Determine the type of sentence by structure.

3. Name the main means of connecting parts in a sentence.

4. Determine the syntactic relationships between the parts. Explain the use of punctuation.

5. Draw an outline of the sentence.

6. Determine the type of sentence based on the purpose of the statement and emotional coloring.

Sample parsing:

[Beauty only touch with a careless hand ]- [she will disappear forever]. (Paust.)

1. In the first part the main member touch represented by a verb in the 2nd person form imperative mood in the indicative meaning and conveys an action that can be performed by any person. In the second part the subject is expressed by a personal pronoun she in the shape of nominative case, simple verbal predicate will disappear represented by a verb in the 3rd person form singular future tense indicative.

2. The sentence is complex because it consists of two parts: the first part Just touch beauty with a careless hand //, The second part she will disappear forever.

3. The main means of connecting parts is intonation. Therefore, this sentence is non-union complex.

4. The first part contains a condition under which the event of the second part can occur. This means that this is a non-union complex sentence with the meaning of conditionality. Therefore, a dash should be placed between parts.

5. Sentence outline: - .

6. The sentence is narrative in purpose of the statement, non-exclamatory in emotional coloring.

790. Write it down using punctuation marks. Execute parsing three offers of your choice.

1. We were told that there was no bride in the house. (Sand.) 2. A warm twilight filled the room; yellow, living flowers of wax candles swayed in it. (M.G.) 3. In the Guards Horse Artillery they don’t want to swear an oath, go there. (Tyn.) 4. Taking on everything will not do anything. (Last.) 5. Fly from Odessa to Karelia, you will be amazed at the difference in temperament. (Sand.) 6. It was known in advance that the settlement would be surrendered without a fight. (Shuksh.) 7. When the volleys stopped, Vasya looked around - no groans, no wounded or dead. (Os.) 8. The morning was cool, dewy, the pre-dawn wind sighed, the greenish-pearly sky breathed the smell of apples. (M.G.)

791. Write down the sentences. Determine the semantic relationships between the parts of a non-conjunctive complex sentence, indicating the grammatical means of connecting the parts.

1. The birch forest turns greener and darker and curlier; the bells of lilies of the valley are blooming in the green thicket; At dawn, the valleys are filled with warmth and bird cherry, and the nightingales sing until dawn. (B.) 2. We picked several bunches of frost-caught red rowan - this was the last memory of summer, of autumn. (Paust.) 3. The wide entrance to the street was tightly closed; The windows are covered with curtains. (A.T.) 4. Darkness does not like light - the evil does not tolerate good. (Last.) 5. The flight of birds cut through this sparkling air: it rang from the flapping of bird wings. (Paust.)

Questions and tasks for self-test

1. Prove that non-union complex sentences are special kind complex sentences. How do they differ from compound and complex sentences?

2. With which ones? semantic relations in a non-union complex sentence is there a difference between enumerative, adversative and explanatory intonation?

3. How do we learn about causal and other relationships between parts in a non-union complex sentence?

4. In what cases is a comma placed in a non-union complex sentence? Give examples from works of fiction.

5. Tell us about placing a semicolon in a non-union complex sentence. Give your own examples.

6. Tell us about the placement of a colon in a non-union complex sentence. Give your own examples.

7. Tell us about placing a dash in a non-union complex sentence. Give examples from works of fiction.

Tasks for independent work

792. Which of the following conditions corresponds to the colon in this non-union complex sentence if: a) the second part complements the content of the first part; b) the second part explains the content of the first part; c) the second part names the reason for what is said in the measured part?

Now it is clear: external sound similarity between words is not proof of their relationship and identical origin. (Usp.)

793. Which of the following conditions corresponds to the dash in the non-union complex sentence below, if: a) in the first part the condition is named under which the event of the second part will occur; b) the second part contains the investigation, logical conclusion; c) the content of one part is contrasted with the content of another; d) is the content of the first part compared with the content of the second?

Along the paths, fallen birch leaves lay like red ingots - August was lost as he left. (Sh.)

794 . Write out complex sentences without conjunctions from the text. Select the parts and mark their boundaries. Draw diagrams of these sentences.

Otherwise, you’ll order a racing droshky and go into the forest to hunt hazel grouse. It's fun to make your way along the narrow path between two walls of tall rye. Ears of corn quietly hit you in the face, cornflowers cling to your legs, quails scream all around, the horse runs at a lazy trot. Here is the forest. Shadow and silence. Stately aspens babble high above you; the long, hanging branches of the birches barely move; a mighty oak tree stands like a fighter next to a beautiful linden tree. You are driving along a green path dotted with shadows; large yellow flies hang motionless in the golden air and suddenly fly away; midges curl in a column, lighter in the shade, darker in the sun; the birds sing peacefully. The robin's golden voice sounds innocent, chatty joy as he walks toward the scent of lilies of the valley. Further, further, deeper into the forest... The forest becomes deaf... An inexplicable silence sinks into the soul; and everything around is so drowsy and quiet. But then the wind came, and the tops rustled like falling waves. Tall grasses grow here and there through last year's brown leaves; The mushrooms stand separately under their caps. The hare will suddenly jump out, the dog will rush after him with a ringing bark.

I followed Prishvin from afar for a long time; afraid to meet him, with this, as it seemed to me, a healer and a sage. He seemed to smell of melt water, the acrid juice of angelica, the scent of the forest, the evening dawn over the swamps.

He was always hiding somewhere, in some Russian thickets, like a little forest man, incredibly crafty and so insightful that not a single bird’s cunning could elude him.

Then we met, but we didn’t get close. He had that quality that does not always help rapprochement - his own special and sometimes incomprehensible language for expressing his very special thoughts.

There was something of an old gypsy about him, not only in his appearance, but also in that free knowledge of the country that is characteristic of born tramps.

Prishvin once told me that everything he published was mere trifles compared to his diary, his daily entries. He led them all their lives. He mainly wanted to preserve these records for posterity.

After Prishvin's death, some of these recordings were published. Judging by them, it was an amazing and enormous work, full of poetic thought and unexpected short observations. - such that for another writer two or three lines of Prishvin from this diary would be enough, if expanded, for a whole book.

If there is a subtext in literature - a second meaning of things, a secondary vision of them, reflecting like an echo. the main sound and strengthening it in our consciousness - then Prishvin discovered the subtext in Russian nature.

The secret of this subtext was that his personal, very intimate feeling from the small forests, animals, clouds, rivers, deaf chapygs and the secondary flowering of some sea buckthorn merged with nature and gave it a special, Prishvin-like appearance.

Prishvin himself existed as a phenomenon of Russian nature.

He was the owner of our land by the right of love for it, by the right of knowledge, and, like all rulers, he was a little owner, but in special meaning this word.

He pitied and protected the land as an owner, but not for himself, but for art and for generations. He protected it because he knew the ennobling power of virgin land.

Therefore, he was very angry with me for writing the book “The Meshchera Side” and thereby attracting the close and destructive (unfortunately) attention of people to the Meshchera forests with its inevitable grave consequences - crowds of tourists who completely trampled these once fresh places, and teams of practical people who immediately began to adapt this region to extract the greatest benefit from it.

– You know what you have done with your enthusiasm for Meshchera! - he said to me with reproach and condemnation, like a careless boy. – In your quiet Solotcha, hundreds of dachas are already being built for the residents of Ryazan. Now go to the meadows and find at least one blooming spur. Look! There's no way you'll find it! If you touch beauty with a careless hand, it will disappear forever. Your contemporaries may be grateful to you, but your children’s children are unlikely to bow down for it. And how much strength there was in this very Meshchera for the development of a high folk spirit, folk poetry! You are an imprudent person, my dear. They did not save their Berendey kingdom.

Yes, now in Meshchera you probably won’t find a spur-tailer even during the day.

“Day with fire” - what Nice words. For children. Because only a child can believe that some eccentrics wander through the thickets during the day and shine strong flashlights into the thick of the grass, to find in their secluded shadow a blue flower - three times brighter and darker than the sky - a flower.

At first I was stunned by Prishvin's anger. And even a little indignant. Everything, they say, is for oneself, nothing for people. What is good and worthy in hiding beauty from them?

But I soon became convinced that Mikhail Mikhalych spoke this way, caring for the welfare of people, so that their lives would not be deprived. He thought far ahead, but we are used to thinking about today, - this is our selfishness.