When did Linkin Park die? Why did lead singer Chester Bennington from Linkin Park hang himself? Diner Talent

He was the idol of millions. Even people very far from the world of music imitated him and looked up to him. At one point, his name became known to almost the whole world, however, it cannot be said that Bennington gained such popularity exclusively after his death. He was known and loved during his lifetime. So who was he, the one whose unexpected death became a real shock for an entire army of fans, causing not only bitterness and sorrow, but also indignation, and sometimes contempt?

Chester Bennington was born in Arizona in 1976. His family had nothing to do with music or art in general. Parents future star The rock scene divorced when the boy was only eleven years old.

My work with musicians future group Linkin Park Bennington started back in 1999. Over the entire existence of the group, these guys have released five albums, and have also been repeatedly recognized as the best US group performing alternative music.

By the way, the history of the creation of the group's name is connected with Bennington's hometown. As a child, little Chester often had to walk in Lincoln Park. Actually, this is exactly what Bennington, as an aspiring musician, wanted to call his band - Lincoln Park. The problem arose when the young team decided to create their own website. It turned out that there was already an Internet page with the same name on the World Wide Web. And then the idea came to call the group Linkin Park.

As for the musician’s personal life, Bennington was officially married twice. Chester has a son from his first marriage. The rock idol entered into a second marriage with a model of a popular male Playboy magazine. The couple had three children and adopted two more.

Death of Chester Bennington

Twentieth July 2017 year, the entire Internet and all media literally exploded with stunning news: the lead singer of one of the most popular rock bands of our time was found dead in own home in Los Angeles. The 41-year-old musician committed suicide, choosing a very symbolic date for this. Bennington decided to take his own life on the 53rd birthday of his late colleague and comrade, Soundgarden lead singer Criss Cornel. The latter had passed away very shortly before this. at will, it happened on the eighteenth of May.

An event such as the death of one of the most popular rock idols modern world, Chester Bennington, caused a huge resonance among the public. Numerous versions have been put forward as to why the rock musician died. We will try to analyze the most basic of them further.

Causes of Chester Bennington's death

Establishing the actual reason why he died Linkin lead singer Park Chester Bennington was a no-brainer for forensic investigators. It was suicide by hanging. Much more interest for the press, the public, fans, friends and in general everyone who has at least once heard something about Bennington’s work, were the musician’s internal reasons that pushed him to this act.

There are many opinions and versions here. Here are a few of the most basic ones.

  • Death of a close friend. Indeed, the suicide of musician Criss Cornel was a huge shock for Bennington. They were very close and Bennington’s subtle emotional attachment to his deceased friend can be understood from his letter to the latter, which the musician published on one of the social networks shortly after the death of his colleague and comrade. In addition, the choice of date for committing suicide seems to hint at some kind of connection with Cornel.
  • Dependencies. It's no secret that rock musicians lead a very specific lifestyle. Bennington was no exception in this regard. Alcohol and drugs were an integral part of his life. Many condemn the musician for this, some forgive " bad habits", speaking about Bennington's enormous talent. Likewise, it is difficult to say whether it is true or not that these harmful things caused the death of a rock star. No one knows about this except Bennington himself.
  • Depression. Many believe that the cause of Bennington’s death was his severe psycho-mental state, namely, a prolonged depression in which the singer and musician had been for many years. There may be several reasons for this condition. Firstly, the burden of responsibility to the fans. On stage, Chester and his band always tried to give their best, but it would never be possible to please all the fans, and the dissatisfaction worried Bennington very much.

Plus, as a child, Chester had to endure an act of sexual violence by an adult man, which also left its mark on the psyche of the future idol of millions.

Which of this is true is the cause of the musician’s death, and which is a lie, perhaps no one will ever know, but now these are the versions.

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Details of the death of Chester Bennington

As for some of the details of this tragic incident, the press learned that shortly before the incident, Bennington and his family were vacationing in Arizona. However, the musician decided to go home to Los Angeles alone.

His dead body The housekeeper found it along with an empty bottle of alcohol.

It is known that the next day Linkin groups Park was scheduled to premiere a new video.

Linkin Park reacts to the death of lead singer Chester Bennington

Bennington's death came as a real shock to everyone, including fellow musicians, members of the band Linkin Park. In the first days after the incident, the guys refused to comment on anything. The group members refused to do Official statement about the death of their colleague, saying that they would report it to the press as soon as they had it.

It is known that at the time of Bennington’s death, the Linkin Park group was planning another round of development. The guys were preparing for the release of a new video, and the group also had a joint photo shoot. This is one of the reasons why the lead singer’s act came as a real shock to the other members of the group.

Also, many other celebrities took to social media to express their shock and surprise at Bennington's death. Many expressed words of grief and admitted that they were longtime fans of Bennington and Linkin Park.

Fans react to Chester Bennington's death

As for Bennington’s fans, their opinion about the musician’s action was sharply divided. Of course, this act made an indelible impression on all of them. However, they expressed it differently. Some expressed words of regret and grief, admitted that they grew up and matured to the songs of Linkin Park, and are connected with the work of the group important stages their lives and they sincerely regret that they talented person left this world.

Others, contrary to the opinion that “it’s either good or nothing about the dead,” condemn and criticize the musician, not understanding how a man who inspired and encouraged millions could turn out to be so weak.

Whether to accept or condemn such an act by Chester Bennington remains a personal matter for everyone.

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Frontman of one of the most popular rock bands in the world Linkin Park found dead on July 20 at his home in Los Angeles. He was only 41 years old.

Bennington's death was confirmed by his colleague, Mike Shinoda:“I’m shocked, heartbroken, but it’s true. An official statement will follow as soon as we have it.” Soon all the leading tabloids began writing about the musician’s death, and the police officially confirmed the information.


The name Chester Bennington is a symbol of the music of the early 2000s. Many of today's 30-year-olds grew up on his work. He was born on March 20, 1976 in a small town in the USA. Chester's childhood cannot be called simple: his parents divorced and divided their children, the boy remained with his father, a police detective. Perhaps for this reason the guy became acquainted with alcohol and drugs very early. But his main hobby was always music.

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At the age of 17, he moved back to his mother, who was horrified by his lifestyle. The mother somehow tried to influence her son, but it didn’t help much. As the musician himself said, by the age of 20 he already had serious problems with alcohol. Music saved me.

First group

His first project was the groupGray Daze, which he formed in 1993 with Sean Dowdell, drummer. They quickly became stars in their state, but they couldn’t reach the national level due to conflicts, so after 4 years the group broke up.


Despite the fact that the group was quite popular, this did not bring it financial success. The musician worked at a popular diner to somehow make ends meet. So, when proposing to his first wife Samantha, Bennington didn’t have money for a ring, so they just got tattoos. But the girl believed in him, because he was really talented.


The beginning of Linkin Park

In 1997, the Xero group, foundedMike Shinoda And Brad Delson, was looking for a new new vocalist, but it was not possible to find a suitable vocalist. Friends recommended Bennington. Shinoda called Chester on his birthday, March 20, and asked him to send him a tape of the recording. He did it right away, which greatly impressed the guys in the group. They asked him to immediately come to Los Angeles, where rehearsals began. Very soon the group overtook the long-awaited fame.


The team tried several names: Xero, Hybrid Theory, Lincoln Park. They transformed last name in Linkin Park - with this name the musicians came to world fame.

The first album Hybrid Theory, released in 2000, blew up all the charts. The album sold 30 million copies and the band received a Grammy for Best Hard Rock Performance. Linkin Park's hits tore up the charts, and the video "In the End", broadcast on MTV, received the award for best video clip of the year.


Everyone tried to copy Linkin Park's style. From an unknown group with their own sound, they became world stars, whose songs were heard in all corners of the planet. The group's commercial success was the envy of the main stars of world pop music.

At the peak of popularity: old habits

Linkin Park became a symbol of the first decades XXI century. The group's songs regularly became soundtracks for games and films. And the musicians managed to get out of poverty: they all became millionaires. However, the past does not always let go so easily: alcohol and drugs have become Chester’s faithful companions in this new life. It became difficult to communicate with him: he had to go on tour separately, as his colleagues found it difficult to tolerate the musician’s behavior.


But still, life gradually became better. The 23-year-old guy became a millionaire, was wildly popular with women, and soon became an exemplary family man. He married for the second time to model Talinda Bentley, they had 4 children. They adopted two children.


It seemed that Bennington had achieved everything that could be desired, but, as it turned out, he was walking on the edge of an abyss. Everything was going great in my career too: my own music project, cameo roles to the cinema. Linkin Park managed to release seven studio albums, the last “One More Light” was released in May 2017. The album was poorly received by critics, but loyal fans still regularly bought records and went to concerts.


External well-being can be deceiving. What Chester had to struggle with is known only to those closest to him. On May 18 of this year, his close friend, Chris Cornell, lead singer of Soundgarden, died. His death made a huge impression on the musician. He took his fatal step on July 20, his friend’s birthday. Accident or conscious choice? No one knows.


It is known for sure that Linkin music Park will forever remain in the hearts of fans who now cannot comprehend what happened.

Law enforcement agencies in Los Angeles County, California, have confirmed that Linkin Park lead singer Chester Bennington was found dead at his home in the Palos Verdes area. The county medical examiner said the cause of death was suicide. Bennington was 41 years old and was survived by six children from two marriages. He gained worldwide fame as the frontman of Linkin Park, one of the groups that popularized the genres of alternative metal and nu metal. The group was founded in 1996 under the name Xero and renamed Linkin Park in 2000.

Linkin Park became the best four times alternative group America according to the AMA, was nominated six times and won the Grammy Award twice. The team sold more than 50 million records, 10 million of which were debut album Hybrid Theory. In May the group released their seventh studio album album One More Light and was going on an extended tour around North America, which was supposed to last until the fall.

Bennington's death was confirmed by one of the group's founders, Mike Shinoda.

“Shocked, heartbroken, but it’s true. An official statement will be released as soon as it is available,” Shinoda wrote on Twitter.

Such musical groups as imagine Dragons, Good Charlotte and One Republic.

Linkin Park made a great contribution to the development alternative rock music, so the news of the death of its frontman was commented on by many Russian musicians and show business figures. Yes, according to music producer Victor Drobysh, Linkin Park is one of the most striking musical phenomena of our time.

Linkin Park greatest band our time. It’s so strange, because it seems to me that having achieved such success, all you can do is live and live and be happy. Because this is one of the brightest rock bands of our time,” he said.

Drobysh believes that the leader popular group there was no reason to commit suicide.

“I can’t say anything except regret. In general, such deaths are incomprehensible to me. It's like with Kurt Cobain. When such people leave, who are at the top that everyone dreams of... Horror, just horror,” concluded the producer.

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Alexander Zaldostanov, better known as the Surgeon, in a conversation with RT said that he was a fan of the group Linkin Park and was shocked by the news of Bennington’s suicide.

“I’m shocked, I haven’t realized it yet. I really liked the group, the guys were successful, everything was ahead of them. The suicidal story is very popular in the West,” he noted.

According to Zaldostanov, such famous people By committing suicide, they can set a bad example for their multi-million army of fans.

“He was a talented guy. A lot of people loved him. When you have such a responsibility, you should never commit suicide. This is an indelible sin,” added the Surgeon.

Producer Joseph Prigozhin also expressed regret over the death of the musician in a conversation with RT.

“It’s sad and sad when musicians of such groups take their own lives. And so life is short, and they make it even shorter,” Prigozhin said.

He noted that he did not understand the reasons why the artist committed suicide.

“It’s hard to condemn such guys, but it’s hard for me to understand why they should come into this world and settle scores with it. Life will settle scores with you in all directions. That's how many stories like this happen to musicians - and Amy Winehouse, and many other guys. Outstanding, talented guys, everything is there - live, enjoy. It’s a pity, a pity, that’s all,” the producer added.

Bennington long years fought against alcoholism and drug addiction, which was reflected in many Linkin Park songs. The musician has repeatedly stated that he wanted to commit suicide due to the fact that early childhood was sexually assaulted by a man.

“I managed to take creative energy from all the negative events that happened to me in life, drowning out the pain and then expressing it through my music. I don't worry about people knowing about my past drinking problems. That’s the kind of person I am, and I guess I was lucky that I was able to do something about it,” Bennington said in an interview with Noisecreep magazine in 2009.

Bennington committed suicide on the birthday of his close friend Chris Cornell, leader of the band Soundgarden, who also committed suicide in May of this year due to prolonged depression caused by past problems with drug use.

Soundgarden, along with Nirvana, Pearl Jam and Alice in Chains, had a huge influence on the development of American rock music in the early 1990s, becoming one of the "Seattle Four" groups that brought the grunge genre to the mainstream. After Cornell's death, Chester Bennington posted on his Twitter open letter, in which he thanked a close friend for his support.

On the evening of July 20, the lead singer of Linkin Park died in California. The rock musician died at the age of 42. He was found dead in his home in Palos Verdes, Los Angeles. According to preliminary data, Chester Bennington committed suicide, reports TMZ.

Chester Bennington was born on March 20, 1976 in Arizona. The beginning of it musical career falls on 1993. Then he became a member of the group Gray Daze, which was very popular in the USA at that time. Chester collaborated with this musical group for four years, after which he left due to disagreements.

In 1997, Bennington was invited to become a vocalist in the group Xero, which a year later was renamed Linkin Park. As part of this musical group Chester took part in the recording of seven albums, which sold a total circulation of more than 70 million copies. In 2009, Chester Bennington took up solo project Dead By Sunrise while remaining part of Linkin Park.

On the day of Bennington's death, Linkin Park's official YouTube channel premiered the band's new video for song Talking to Myself. In the first 24 hours after publication, the video was viewed by about 5 million users.

Linkin Park - "Talking to Myself" video (video):

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Lead singer and guitarist of the popular band Linkin Park, American musician Chester Bennington was found dead at his residence. He died at the age of 42.

Lead singer Chester Bennington was found dead at his California residence in Palos Verdes Estates, which is located near Los Angeles. As it turned out, the musician committed suicide. Police officers found his body on the morning of Thursday, July 20. The artist turned 41 this spring.

The Los Angeles County coroner confirmed the musician's death. Coroner's spokesman Brian Elias said Bennington's death is being investigated as "an apparent suicide, but no additional information is available."

Soundgarden's Chris Cornell was Bennington's friend; following Cornell's suicide in May 2017, the musician played at his funeral.

Chester Bennington's death coincided with Cornell's birth date.

Chester Bennington was born in 1976 in Arizona, and has been interested in music since childhood; his favorite bands at the time were Depeche Mode and Stone Temple Pilots - he had a dream of becoming a member of the latter when he became an adult. When Bennington was 11 years old, his parents divorced and he began using drugs, but was able to overcome his addiction - thanks to his mother, who once simply locked him at home - and in later interviews, already famous, he condemned drug addiction.

Chester Bennington began his musical career twice. After graduating from school, he worked briefly at Burger King, then became the vocalist of the band Sean Dowdell and His Friends, recorded 3 tracks with them, and then, together with the founder of this team, created the band Gray Daze, which played in the post-grunge style. Things got better with Gray Daze, the musicians recorded 3 albums, but did not reach any particular heights, and Bennington quit - of his own accord, hoping to meet someone more successful.

And so it happened. Just at that moment, the young Californian band Xero was looking for a new vocalist. Bennington signed up for an audition, the rest of the band liked his vocals, and he was accepted.

True, at the beginning the musician had to go through approximately the same path with his new colleagues as in the previous group - the deal with the record company fell through, and only thanks to the efforts of producer Jeff Blue they were able to come to an agreement with Warner Bros. Records about the release of their debut album.

True, at that time the group was looking not only for a recording contract, but also for a new name for the group. The musicians decided to abandon Xero when the previous soloist left, the option with Hybrid Theory did not work out - the British electronic engineers from the group Hybrid even managed to accuse them of plagiarism, although that was just to the side electronic music ex-Xero didn't look. The new name for the group was invented by newly hired Chester Bennington, who went to the studio through Lincoln Park in Santa Monica. Well, then chance intervened - the domain of the same name on the network was already occupied, the band members played a little with phonetics and the result was Linkin Park. This domain turned out to be free.

Chester Bennington has been a fixture on all of Linkin Park's albums, from their first, 2000's Hybrid Theory, to this May's One More Light.

Together with the group, the musician received awards - 2 Grammys (and 4 more nominations), as well as a dozen prizes from MTV. The artist acted in films - his short filmography includes 2 parts of the action movie “Adrenaline” and the horror film “Saw 3D”. Bennington managed to fulfill his childhood dream - he sang with by Stone Temple Pilots, collaborated with other musicians of the group. The Linkin Park leader confirmed his bandmate's passing and said he was "shocked and heartbroken" and an official statement would be released at a later date.

Musicians expressed their condolences over the death of Chester Bennington Imagine groups Dragons and One Republic, as well as TV show host Jimmy Kimmell. Fans of the group leave notes on in social networks: They can't believe what happened.

Chester Bennington, who joined Linkin Park as the second vocalist, became the link between the grunge era and modern commercial rock for the group. Despite the fact that Linkin Park was a production project, Chester Bennington remained the nerve of the group, behind whom crowds of people came to the group’s concerts. Even while performing pop hits like “Rolling in the Deep”, Chester Bennington continued to be “the guy” People's Artist, which expresses the aspirations of the public in such a way that the bitterness at the end is replaced by pacification.