Top saddest love songs. Top saddest films that will bring you to tears

There is no longer any debate about the influence of music on the human brain. Hundreds of experiments have confirmed that it can influence people’s moods and even their decisions. What can I say, if with pleasant-sounding melodies even cows give more milk and this is a proven fact!

But if beneficial and cheerful music heals the heart and heals it, then sad melodies have the opposite effect. They touch the deepest strings of the heart and do not leave indifferent even the most strong in spirit.

Therefore, we decided to create a survey to find out what listeners think are the saddest songs in the world. It is not surprising that the opinions of many of them coincided.

First top 10

Listeners were not given any restrictions, but were asked to list the saddest songs in the world that they had heard.

  1. The first song to be named was “Everybody Hurts,” performed by the American rock band R.E.M. During the survey, even some men admitted that while listening to her, they could not hold back their tears. Thus, it is this composition, occupying first place on the list, that deserves the title “The Saddest Song”;
  2. The next place went to the single, once dedicated to Princess Diana. It was performed by Elton John in 1997 and was called “Candle In The Wind”;
  3. And the English closed the top three sad songs with their song “The Living Years” (Mike and the mechanics).
  4. According to statistics, while listening to these songs, only 10% of women hold back their tears, and 70% of men fail to contain their feelings.

  5. In fourth place Whitney Houston(Whitney Houston) with the song "I Will Always" Love You»;
  6. Fifth place was taken by the song “Nothing Compares To You” performed by Prince (Prince) and Sinéad O"Connor (Sinead O"Connor);
  7. Next comes the hit Leonard Cohen (Leonard Cohen) - “Hallelujah”;
  8. Céline Dion's song "My Heart Will Go On" just couldn't get past this poll;
  9. Eighth place went to Coldplay with the song “Fix You”;
  10. On the penultimate step Terry Jacks (Terry Jacks) with his famous song"Seasons In The Sun»;
  11. And finally last place took over Harry Nilsson (Harry Nilsson) with the hit “Without You”.

These are the results of a survey by producer David King, who wanted to find out what the saddest music exists in the world and prove that it can have an impact and cause a deep feeling of sadness.

Second 10

Among other compositions, the following songs were most often named:

  1. "Yesterday" performed by the band The Beatles(The Beatles);
  2. “All by myself”, performed by Eric Cartman;
  3. "My Way" - Francis Sinatra (Frank Sinatra);
  4. “Sound of silence” - Simon and Garfunke (Simon and Garfunkel);
  5. "Aint no sunshine" - Bill Withers (Bill Withers);
  6. “Love will tear us apart” - Joy Division;
  7. “Leaving on a jet plane” - Peter, Paul and Mary (Peter, Paul and Mary);
  8. "Eleanor Rigby" - The Beatles (The Beatles);
  9. “Annie's Song” - John Denver (John Denver);
  10. “Everybody"s got to learn sometimes” – Korgis.
0 February 1, 2012, 5:36 pm

Still from the Everybody Hurts video

British scientists (yes, those same ones) distinguished themselves again: by order of the British theater director David King, they conducted a survey in which they compiled a list of the saddest songs of all time.

The first place in terms of depressiveness was taken by the song Everybody Hurts by the American rock band R.E.M: it turned out that even men cannot hold back tears while listening to it.

In second place is Elton John's soulful single dedicated to Princess Diana, and the composition The Living Years closes the top three. British group Mike and the Mechanics.

Other famous sentimental ballads also received their honorable places on the list: Nothing Compares 2 U by Sinead O Connor, the song from the Titanic soundtrack My Heart Will Go On performed by Celine Dion and, of course, Whitney Houston’s long-standing hit I Will Always Love You.

Eric Clapton

Leonard Cohen

The study showed that these musical works are more capable than others of moving people: out of ten people, every seven men and nine women shed a tear while listening to them.

Well, now we know how to absolutely cause the blues.

1. REM - Everybody Hurts

2. Elton John - Candle in the Wind

3. Mike and the Mechanics - The Living Years

4. Whitney Houston - I will always love you

5. Prince/Sinead O'Connor - Nothing compares to you

6. Leonard Cohen/Alexandra Burke/Jeff Buckley - Hallelujah

7. Celine Dion - My heart will go on

8. Coldplay - Fix You

9. Terry Jacks - Seasons in the sun

10. Harry Nilsson - Without You

11. The Beatles - Yesterday

12. Eric Carmen - All by myself

13. Frank Sinatra - My Way

14. Simon and Garfunkel - Sound of silence

Everyone gets tired sometimes and becomes depressed for a while. We hope that your sadness will not last longer than a selection of a few sad but good songs.

1 "Someone Like You", Adele

This is probably the most popular modern song about separation and the most famous song Adele, despite the many hits recorded before and after this song. The song is autobiographical, it amazes with its sincerity and evokes immediate sympathy.

2 "Nothing Compares 2U" by Sinead O'Connor

One of the most recognizable songs and the most recognizable video ever filmed. Written by the musician known as Prince and sung by a beautiful Irish woman with short hair, she instantly found herself at the top of the charts. With a face in tears, filmed close-up, Sinead O’Connor seems to speak to everyone personally.

3 "All By Myself", Celine Dion

This song was written in 1975 by the American author and performer Eric Carmen, borrowing the melody from Sergei Rachmaninov, but we know it primarily as performed by the Canadian Celine Dion. The song broadcasts one simple idea- human needs human.

4 "Everybody Hurts", R.E.M.

"Everybody Hurts" is truly the soundtrack to modern life. The editors of note: having become the anthem of many charitable organizations, this song addresses people contemplating suicide. The band's leader, Michael Stipe, said in an interview that for many years he received letters confessing that the song had saved the lives of their listeners many times.

5 "The Sound of Silence", Simon and Garfunkel

These lines are among the most famous songs of the 20th century. Written shortly after the assassination of John F. Kennedy, this song became the soundtrack to the Vietnam War. The author addresses the darkness, and at concerts this song is often performed with the lights off. The combination of vocals and high guitar notes still produces the same effect today. strong impression, just like half a century ago.

The title track from the 1975 album was written by the band's founder Pink Floyd Syd Barrett based on the struggle with mental illness. Each of the songs on the album in one way or another illustrates human loneliness, the inability to become part of something larger. David Gilmour's voice perfectly conveys this melancholy. The whole song flows easily, like one simple sad thought.

7 "Fake Plastic Trees", Radiohead

Kings of melancholy Radiohead and their frontman Thom Yorke are widely known for their harsh views on society. This song combines a depressive mood and criticism of the plastic world of the nineties, from which there is nowhere to escape. The track continues to be relevant today - it’s not for nothing that it ended up in the soundtrack of the TV series “Westworld,” in which the legendary Anthony Hopkins played one of the main roles.

8 "Hurt", Johnny Cash

The song was written by Nine Inch Nails frontman Trent Reznor, but a few years later the legendary country singer made it his own. Seventy-year-old Johnny Cash sang about the ruthlessness of time and about mistakes that cannot be corrected. This song sums up one person's life, but it talks about what will happen to everyone someday. Johnny Cash died seven months after recording "Hurt."

9 "Tears in Heaven", Eric Clapton

After Eric Clapton's four-year-old son Conor died tragically after falling out of a window, Eric for a long time I couldn't pick up a guitar. However, some time later he wrote, perhaps best song in life, because she is as beautiful as she is emotional. "Tears in Heaven" expresses our feelings for those who have passed on and puts into words what everyone would like to say.

10 "Hallelujah" by Jeff Buckley

The song is good with a solid rendition by Leonard Cohen, but young singer Jeff Buckley has recorded a throat-stirring cover version. The song about lost love will be understandable to everyone, and the feeling with which the vocalist sings cannot be faked. The song is now associated with this musician who left the world early.

At any time of the year and no matter what the weather is like outside, sometimes you want to be sad and look sad movies, or maybe read it. Psychologists say that such a mood is useful, but in moderation. After all, without knowing what is bad, we will never know what is good.

Directors act very cunningly; in their dramas they use all our senses and all melodramas can be divided into pain points, which they influence:

Death of a loved one

1. See You (2016)

A sweet girl from an English village loses her job and accidentally finds a well-paid position as a nurse young man(he was in a car accident and cannot move his arms or legs on his own). At first, the relationship does not work out, and then she finds out that in 6 months he was going to die in Switzerland (to undergo euthanasia). Emily Clarke as main character Emily decides to do everything in her power to dissuade him and make him love life again. Will she succeed? Watch one of the saddest films of 2016 - “Me Before You”.

2. The Fault in Our Stars (2014)

Hazel Gray is seriously ill with lung cancer. Her everyday life is similar to one another, and despite the fact that the tests seem to be good, she is not at all happy about it. Until one day she meets the rebel Augustus, who falls head over heels in love with her at first sight. Very sad story from which it simply bursts with tears, but nevertheless, only the most tender feelings remain in my soul after watching it.

3. P.S. I love you

Jerry and Holly are a happy young couple. But at the age of 35, Jerry dies of a brain tumor and Holly is left alone - deeply depressed and having lost the meaning of life. Oddly enough, back to normal life She is helped by letters of instructions that her husband wrote shortly before his death and which come to her once a month. This helps her, a year later, to let go of the past and start living again. Moral: life goes on, no matter what.

4. Extremely loud and extremely close

An 11-year-old boy loses his father in the September 11 tragedy during the terrorist attack on the New York Twin Towers. A difficult film about the grief of people who have lost their loved ones. Recommended viewing for those who are not indifferent to the tragedy of the American people and those who died in this horrific catastrophe.

Unhappy love

5. Diary

The action begins before World War II. Main character from poor family, she is from a wealthy background. Her parents are against their unequal relationship. So they take her as far as possible and pick her up suitable pair. He goes to war. Later they meet by chance and continue beautiful story love. A film with amazing acting (Ryan Gosling and Rachel McAdams) and about true love.

6. Camilla's Honeymoon

The newlyweds go to Honeymoon. She loves him madly, and for him, marrying the sheriff’s daughter is just a way to avoid going to jail. On the way, they get into an accident, but nothing can stop her from continuing on her way - not even her death. A wonderful, mystical and touching film about love with an unpredictable ending and a beautiful acting work Sienna Miller and James Franco.


7. Last feeling

Great performance by Eva Green and Ewan McGregor. An unprecedented epidemic is sweeping the earth and people are losing their senses one after another. Each time, losing another sensation, people try to adapt to a new way of life, which is incredibly difficult and cannot but touch a nerve. A very scary realistic and incredibly sad film with an unhappy ending.

8. Misterious story Benjamin Button

Benjamin (starring Brad Pitt) is born an old man; unlike ordinary children, he becomes younger every year. Sad fate unusual person, initially not needed even by their parents. This is a film about the difficult life path, about what was found and lost love. Based on the story of the inimitable Francis Scott Fitzgerald.

9. Dallas Buyers Club

The film is based on real events. Texan Ron (played by Matthew McConaughey, who received a well-deserved Oscar for this role) did not deny himself anything until he learned that he was suffering from AIDS in the last stage. In the hospital, he meets a sick transsexual, played by Jared Leto. Together they do what they can - look for cures and fight to the end. The film is about an amazing love for life, about people who do not want to put up with a death sentence from doctors, and about the fact that one should never give up.

10. Autumn in New York

A story about love adventure The 48-year-old womanizer (played by Richard Gere) and the 22-year-old girl (played by Winona Ryder) are captivated from the first minutes and kept at the screen throughout the entire film. Autumn, New York, true feelings, sad end...

11. Sweet November

Nelson (Keanu Reeves) is a workaholic who does not notice anything around him. One day he meets an unusual girl Sarah (Charlize Theron, who turned down the lead role in Pearl Harbor for this role), who offers to live together for a month and promises to change his life forever. He agrees only after he was fired from his job. She helps him learn to enjoy life. But after some time, having already fallen in love with Sarah, Nelson learns that she is terminally ill. The point of this amazing film is that in pursuit of a career and money, we don’t have time to stop and think about something else, much more important.


12. And the dawns here are quiet

Everyone knows the film, which can be watched many times, about the unequal battle between female anti-aircraft gunners and Germans. A story about women who dreamed of love, family happiness, but who fulfilled their duties on an equal footing with men military duty before the Motherland to the Great Patriotic War, which was very strongly emphasized by the color memories of pre-war life and the black and white battle with the Germans.

13. Schindler's list

Steven Spielberg's film is a heavy drama. Based on real story, a film about Nazi Party member Oskar Schindler's rescue of more than 1,100 Jews who were doomed to extermination. The descendants of these people still come to his grave with gratitude. The theme of humanity among some Nazis was raised by Remarque. All three hours are watched in one breath and make everyone think about the value of life.

Animals are like people

14. Death among the icebergs

The captain kills the female whale and her unborn calf dies along with her. The whale, a male belonging to many species of animals that are monogamous and find a mate once in a lifetime, begins to take revenge on the captain’s relatives and the captain himself, killing them one by one.

The ending makes even men cry.

Loss of a child

15. Substitution

No mother will be able to watch this film, directed by Clint Eastwood, in peace. Main role played by Angelina Jolie. The action, based on real events, begins in the 20s of the 20th century, when the heroine’s child is kidnapped. He is returned to the unfortunate mother and then she realizes that this is not her son. All her life she tried to find her child. Pinching female soul a film about the lack of rights of women at the beginning of the 20th century and the arbitrariness of officials.

The FOODIKA portal expresses gratitude to Irina Melnikova for the materials provided.

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Who doesn't love good film, capable of causing a flood of tears? It doesn't matter whether you're looking for an epic tragedy, life-affirming heroics, or an incredibly tender love story, you can find it all in our top 30 saddest films. Warning: do not open the list without handkerchiefs in quick access.

Good Will Hunting (1997)

Some people will never be able to believe in themselves until someone does it for them.

Cast: Matt Damon, Robin Williams, Ben Affleck, Stellan Skarsgard and others.

About what: Will Hunting (Damon) knows everything about the street, he can be called the real king of the streets. He works as a simple janitor at the university, and no one even realizes that his level intellectual development exceeds the level of the best students. But one day, a mathematics professor (Skarsgård) witnesses how Will easily copes with complex equation, and decides to take him under his wing. On the other side of the barricades is Will's psychotherapist (Williams), who is trying with all his might to prevent the young man from wasting his life in vain.

See You (2016)

Love is a great reason to live

Cast: Emilia Clarke, Sam Claflin and others.

About what: Will (Claflin) is paralyzed after an accident. The next two years passed in agony, and now he decides to go to Switzerland for euthanasia. One fine day, Lou (Clark) becomes a nurse for Will and tries to show the young man all the delights of life.

Boyfriend from the Future (2013)

A timeless love story

Cast: Domhnall Gleeson, Rachel McAdams, Bill Nighy and others.

About what: When Tim turns 21, he learns from his father that he has the ability to travel through time. True, just back. Well, no problem. This should be enough to win the heart of the girl you like.

Ocean Light (2016)

Love requires sacrifices

Cast: Alicia Vikander, Michael Fassbender, Rachel Weisz and others.

About what: The lighthouse keeper (Fassbender) and his beloved wife Isabelle (Vikander) spend their lives on an island in complete isolation from the rest of the world. One day, a boat washes ashore with a child and a dead man on board. Isabelle persuades her husband to leave the girl in order to raise her as his own. And everything is fine with them until they encounter the girl’s real mother.

My Girl (1991)

A story about how sometimes you just need a best friend

Cast: Macaulay Culkin, Anna Chlumsky and others.

About what: Drama about adolescence Vada (Chlumsky) and her best friend Thomas (Culkin), who is always there when Vada needs help.

The Fault in Our Stars (2014)

Another story about how love gives meaning to life

Cast: Shailene Woodley, Ansel Elgort and others.

About what: Two teenagers with cancer meet in a support group, exchange mutual jabs, fall in love and plan to visit their favorite author together. All this time, they stoically undergo treatment and cope with the side effects.

Marley and Me (2008)

It's good to be a kitty, it's good to be a dog

Cast: Jennifer Aniston, Owen Wilson, etc.

About what: The couple decides to have a mischievous pet as a pet, but at the same time adorable dog, and he becomes part of their little family.

The Land Before Time (1988)

Baby dinosaurs go to big Adventure ready to face all the adversities on their difficult path

The roles were voiced by: Gabriel Damon, Judith Barsi, Candace Hutson and others.

About what: Little Feet the little brontosaurus becomes an orphan. He decides to gather his dinosaur friends and go to the Great Valley in search of food and protection. T-Rex, who killed Little Foot's mom, doesn't intend to sit back either.

My Guardian Angel (2009)

A story about a little girl fighting for her life (and we're not talking about a heroine with leukemia)

Cast: Cameron Diaz, Abigail Breslin, Sofya Vasilyeva, Alec Baldwin and others.

About what: Anna (Breslin) was born to become a donor for her sister (Vasilieva), who had leukemia. Now Anna is 13, and she is going to defend her right to medical independence in court.

The Notebook (2004)

Behind each great love costs big story

Cast: Ryan Gosling, Rachel McAdams and others.

About what: An old man reads from a tattered diary to a lady in a nursing home. He tells her about two lovers, how they were separated by the Second World War, and how after 7 years they were able to reunite.

P.S. I love you (2007)

Sometimes there's only one thing left to say

Cast: Hilary Swank, Gerard Butler and others.

About what: Holly (Swank) is completely devastated after the death of her husband (Butler). But on her 30th birthday, Holly receives a letter from him. It turns out that her husband wrote something like instructions before his death happy life for Holly in 10 letters and arranged for their delivery after he died. In every letter he added at the end “P.S. I love you".

Seven Lives (2008)

They don't know each other. They have different destinies. But they have one secret

Cast: Will Smith, Rosario Dawson and others.

About what: After seven people die due to the fault of the main character Ben (Smith), he decides to atone for his guilt by donating his organs to seven strangers.

Steel Magnolias (1989)

The funniest movie that can make you cry

Cast: Shirley MacLaine, Dolly Parton, Sally Field, Julia Roberts, Olympia Dukakis et al.

About what: Lovestory about female friendship. Group of women different ages gathers to discuss the latest gossip and give each other worldly advice.

Still Alice (2014)

What will remain of a person when illness takes away his most precious thing - his memory?

Cast: Julianne Moore, Alec Baldwin, Kristen Stewart and etc.

About what: A linguistics professor (Moore) is diagnosed with early-stage Alzheimer's disease. And this begins to affect everyone around her.

Tongue of Endearment (1983)

A story about the life of two generations, about mutual understanding and love, care and tenderness towards the people dearest to us

Cast: Shirley MacLaine, Debra Winger, Jack Nicholson, Jeff Daniels and others.

About what: This is history difficult relationships between widow Aurora (MacLaine) and her daughter Emma (Winger). They're both looking for love, with Aurora raising a charismatic former astronaut (Nicholson) and Emma marrying a philanthropic teacher. But in the film it is female relationships that occupy a central place.

The Impossible (2012)

Nothing can break the human spirit

Cast: Naomi Watts, Ewan McGregor and others.

About what: An ordinary British family is on holiday in Thailand. But one not-so-beautiful day a tsunami hits coastline. Mom Maria (Watts) and her eldest son are swept away by the wave in one direction, while the father of the family Henry (McGregor) and their two younger sons takes you to another. They try to survive, not knowing but hoping that the other part of the family is still alive.

The Pursuit of Happyness (2006)

Don't let anyone tell you that you can't do something... You have a dream - protect it

Cast: Will Smith, Thandie Newton, Jaden Smith

About what: Chris (Smith) is a single father. One day he and his little son(plays real son Smith - Jayden) have to move out of their apartment. And now they are forced to live practically on the streets, trying to make ends meet and carve out a better life for themselves.

The Time Traveler's Wife (2008)

When your love could come literally any minute

Cast: Eric Bana, Rachel McAdams (her again!)

About what: Henry (Bun) has a rare gift that gives him the ability to travel through time unhindered, which means his wife (McAdams) has to spend most their life together in anticipation of his return and fears for possible incidents during his absence.

Hill Dwellers (1978)

From the pages of a book to an animated creation

The roles were voiced by: John Hurt, Richard Briers, etc.

About what: A group of rabbits are convinced to leave their home after one of them has an apocalyptic vision of their home being destroyed. So they set off on an epic journey.

The Way We Were (1973)

Everything seemed so important then... even love

Cast: Barbra Streisand, Robert Redford and others.

About what: Opposites attract. Katie (Streisand) is independent, liberal, passionate and serious. Hubbell (Redford) is a handsome, charming and talented young man. Of course they will get married.

Titanic (1997)

Nothing on earth can separate them

Cast: Leonardo DiCaprio, Kate Winslet, Billy Zane and others.

About what: The girl from secular society Rose and poor artist Jack are on different social levels. But their worlds collide aboard the doomed ship's maiden voyage.

Bambi (1942)

A delightful story in the style of Walt Disney

The roles were voiced Stars: Hardy Albright, Stan Alexander, Bobette Audrey and others.

About what: Bambi the fawn and his little friends Thumper Rabbit and Flower the skunk go on various adventures. The fawn even meets a friend. And everything is in best traditions Disney.

On the Beach (1988)

A friendship you will forever remember. In a movie you'll never forget

Cast: Bette Midler, Barbara Hershey and others.

About what: The story is about two friends who meet for the first time as children and remain in touch for the next 30 years. Men come and go, there are ups and downs in their careers, but they can always count on each other.

Brokeback Mountain (2005)

Love is a force of nature

Cast: Heath Ledger, Jake Gyllenhaal and others.

About what: Jack (Gyllenhaal) and Ennis (Ledger) are two cowboys who fall in love but are forced to hide their relationship from the outside world.

Extra-Terrestrial (1982)

The story that captivated the world

Cast: Drew Barrymore, Henry Thomas, etc.

About what: A boy and his friends help a small alien return to his home planet after he accidentally ended up on Earth.

Forrest Gump (1994)

The world will never be the same again after you see it through the eyes of Forrest Gump

Cast: Tom Hanks, Robin Wright, Sally Field and others.

About what: Forrest Gump (Hanks) is neither smart nor sophisticated in everyday affairs, but certain moments throughout his life force Forrest to fight and win, winning the heart of everyone he meets along the way.

Ghost (1990)

Will you believe in other world

Cast: Demi Moore, Patrick Swayze, Whoopi Goldberg and others.

About what: Sam (Swayze) was killed. His spirit encounters a strange, untrustworthy medium (Goldberg). He forces her to become a contact between his world and the world of the living in order to be able to interact with his wife (Moore).

Hachiko: The Most Faithful Friend (2008)

True story faith, devotion and eternal love

Cast: Richard Gere, Joan Allen and others.

About what: A college professor (Gere) rescues an adorable puppy on a snowy night and the two become best friends.

Sentimental rating: Another cute doggie! And by the way, it’s based on true story which happened in the 1920s in Tokyo. The dog waited for its owner near the train station every day for ten years after his death. Do you see where this leads?

Love Story (1970)

Love means never saying you're sorry

Cast: Ali MacGraw, Ryan O'Neal and others.

About what: Jenny (McGraw) and Oliver (O'Neill) marry despite class boundaries and family objections. Jenny is then diagnosed with a terminal illness.

It's a Wonderful Life (1946)

Steadily straight to the heart!

Cast: James Stewart, Donna Reed, Henry Travers and others.

About what: Failed businessman George Bailey (Stewart) is on the verge of suicide. One day his guardian angel appears and shows him how people would live if he had never existed.