"Magic Lantern". Graphics and porcelain

St. Petersburg popular sellers, craftsmen and other common industrialists, depicted with a faithful brush in their real attire and presented talking to each other, according to each person and rank. Monthly publication for 1817. Nos. 1-12. St. Petersburg, in the printing house of V. Plavilshchikov, 1817. [Nos. 11 and 12 were published in 1818]. 187 pp., 1 l. color frontispiece, 40 sheets. color illustrations, 1 sheet. - not painted. There are 42 illustrations in total. In one shagreen binding. Tray style binding mid-19th century. Frontispiece - lithograph, illustrations - engravings - etchings on copper, painted with watercolors at the same time. 25.9x20 cm. The publication was published in notebooks with text by P.P. Vyazemsky and with an appendix on separate sheets of pictures depicting folk types. The first issue of The Lantern was published in January 1817, and last number censored January 11, 1818. The subscription price without postage was 45 rubles on vellum paper, and 30 rubles on Lyubskaya paper! So the copies also differ in paper quality. Title and text in Russian, French and German. The publication is decorated with 42 pictures, of which 41 are engraved with etchings on copper, almost without shadows, and one “Maslenitsa - folk holiday on Nevsky" is lithographed. There were also copies with black and white drawings. As N.V. writes Soloviev in his famous 105 catalogue: “Extremely rare edition, especially complete (42 ill.) and in good shape. In addition to 40 colored engravings, it also contains an additional engraving of “Mountains” and the famous “Maslenitsa”, the first Russian lithograph, as mentioned in the Preface to the publication. This leaf is almost always missing and is a great rarity.” In fact, the first Russian lithograph “Riders” by A. Orlovsky appeared in March 1816. The purpose of the publication is stated in the Preface: “We limit ourselves to a characteristic description of the Russian simple people, in all their original simplicity of morals and dialect itself. In this publication - as if in a magic lantern - venerable readers will see skillfully engraved and painted figures of various people engaged in various crafts in the city, presented in their real attire, talking to each other, similar to their natural position. Their conversation will pleasantly occupy the idle hours of those busy with social affairs; and the image of faces will stop the gaze of the curious, and will give him the pleasure of seeing nice picture». Greatest antique book rarity, especially the painted copy!

Bibliographical sources:

1. Antiquarian book trade Solovyova N.V. Catalog No. 105, St. Petersburg, 1910, “Rare Books”, Livres Rares, No. 363 ... 300 rubles!

2. Ostroglazov I.M. "Book rarities." Moscow, “Russian Archive”, 1891-92, No. 31

3. Gennadi Gr. "Russian book rarities." Bibliography Russians rare books. SPB., 1872, No. 239

4. N.B. "Russian book rarities." Experience of bibliographic description. Parts I-II. Moscow, 1902-03, No. 121

5. Obolyaninov N. “Catalogue of Russian illustrated publications. 1725-1860". St. Petersburg, 1914, No. 409

6. V.A. Vereshchagin “Russian illustrated editions of the XVIII and XIX centuries. (1720-1870)". Bibliographic experience. SPB., 1898, No. 119

7. Vengerovs A.A. and S.A. “Bibliochronika”, vol. I, Moscow, 2004, No. 29

8. Burtsev A.E. "Detailed bibliographic description rare and wonderful books." Volume I, St. Petersburg, 1901, No. 187

9. Materials for the bibliography of Russian illustrated publications. Issues one through four. St. Petersburg, 1908. No. 642

« Magic lantern"(lat. Laterna magica; magic lantern, phantascope, skioptikon, lampascope, foggy pictures, etc.) - an apparatus for projecting images, probably invented in the middle of the 17th century by mathematics professor Athanasius Kircher and very common in the 17th-20th centuries, XIX century - in common use. It is still unknown exactly who exactly invented the Magic Lantern. It is a significant stage in the history of cinema development. The invention of the “magic lantern” is also attributed to the Dutch scientist Christiaan Huygens; Danish mathematician Thomas Walgensten first coined the term Laterna magica and became the main popularizer of the device, traveling with demonstrations in European cities. Initially, the magic lantern was used to entertain princes and nobles. However, he soon became very popular among the common people. IN early period When using the lantern, the organizers of the performances hid the lantern from the eyes of the audience. The images were projected onto puffs of smoke, walls or screens and had a small format due to weak light sources. Often, demonstrators used so-called “optical boxes” on wheels.

Their walls were made of transparent material on which pictures were shown. A small machine that shows various ghosts and scary monsters in the dark on a white wall; thus, one who does not know the secret thinks that it is done with magical art. By hiding the lantern and projecting images onto clouds of smoke, the demonstrators achieved the effect of the presence of luminous phantasmagoria in a darkened hall (from the Greek φάντασμα - ghost and ἀγορεύω - I speak publicly), which caused a fit of fear in the audience of that time and gave the device the name “horror lantern”. This was facilitated by the use of magic lanterns by the Jesuits for religious purposes, showing believers the horrors of the underworld. Against this background, in January 1817, the magazine “Magic Lantern” appeared in St. Petersburg. Engraved pictures "projected" onto its pages depicted street scenes, in which peddlers, janitors, painters, water carriers, chimney sweeps participated...

The so-called "screams". The etchings, illuminated with watercolors, were accompanied by signatures in Russian, French and German. As announced in the preface to the first issue, the publishers set themselves the task of giving “a characteristic description of the Russian common people in all its original simplicity of morals and dialect itself.” If for England, France or Germany genre albums were no longer a rarity at that time, then in Russia “The Magic Lantern” became the first of its kind, and therefore is traditionally perceived as a kind of milestone in the history of Russian book printing. Despite the abundant literature devoted to the publication, with absolute certainty one can name only the names of its printer, V. A. Plavilshchikov, and the censor, I. O. Timkovsky. The author of the lithographed frontispiece of the first notebook “Russian folk festival near Nevsky” is also known - a native Muscovite, a graduate of the Vienna Academy, a famous portrait artist, engraver and lithographer K. K. Gampeln. Being deaf-mute from birth, which he usually indicated in his signature (“Sourd-muet”), he began teaching drawing and engraving at the St. Petersburg School for the Deaf-Mute in 1817. And although his lithograph placed in the “Magic Lantern” is not at all “the first in Russia,” as indicated in the preface, this does not reduce the value of “People's Festival near Nevsky” - one of the earliest multi-figure genre Russian lithographs. As for the authorship of other images and texts to them, this issue still causes controversy among experts. The authors of the etchings are most often named A.G. Venetsianov and much less eminent, but still later became an academician of painting, Captain Alekseevich Zelentsov, known for his imitation of Venetsianov.

Venetsianov, Alexey Gavrilovich (1780 - 1847). Painter, engraver and lithographer, master of genre scenes, caricaturist, teacher. He did painting and drawing on his own. From 1807 he lived in St. Petersburg, studied with V.L. Borovikovsky. Honorary free member of the Imperial Academy of Arts (1810), since 1811 - academician. Member of the Association of Artists, with the assistance of Prince. P.P. Vyazemsky started art school. From 1830 he was the court painter of Emperor Nicholas I. Art historians do not rule out that in this case the master and his follower found themselves in the position of co-authors.

If we talk about the text, then in different time it was attributed to P.A. Vyazemsky, N.I. Grechu, F.N. Glinka, as well as a modest translator at the Imperial Free economic society Pavel Ilyich Petrov. I.M. writes about this. Ostroglazov in his “Book Rarities”. So the Venetsianov-Vyazemsky “pair” is still preferable. “The Magic Lantern” was published monthly with three images with texts in each notebook. Numbers 11 and 12 were a little delayed and appeared only in January 1818. At this point the publication ended its existence. His full set is rare in itself, and painted specimens, as V.A. notes in his monograph. Vereshchagin, come across much less frequently and are valued much more expensive.

/ Competition "Magic Lantern". Graphics and porcelain

A competition of artistic works reflecting in graphics and ceramics the types and characters of the inhabitants of our country for the 200th anniversary of the illustrated magazine “The Magic Lantern” and the release by the Gardner factory of a series of porcelain sculptures of the same name.


Porcelain workshop Creative Union Russian artists Igor Klimenkov with the support of the State Historical Museum.

Conditions of the competition

Nominations: graphics, small sculpture


February 15, 2018 Exhibition of works. Summing up and announcing the winners. Reception in honor of the winners

December 2018 Show best works in the State historical museum. Address: Moscow, Red Square, 1

First prize 100 thousand rubles, two-week internship in the workshop of I. Klimenkov (with accommodation provided)

Second prize 50 thousand rubles

Third prize 25 thousand rubles

Small sculpture:

Second prize 50 thousand rubles

Third prize 25 thousand rubles

Arts Council

Irina Radikovna Bagdasarova, State Hermitage Museum

Bubchikova Marianna Aleksandrovna, State Historical Museum

Gorbatova Irina Vitalievna, GIKMZ “Moscow Kremlin”

Ibragimov Fidail Mulla-Akhmetovich, corresponding member Russian Academy arts

Kazakova Lyudmila Vasilievna, Russian Academy of Arts

Klimenkova Elena Vladimirovna

Galina Aleksandrovna Korzina, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Arts

Koshlyakov Valery Nikolaevich, artist

Mikitina Violetta Valerievna, State Museum ceramics and “Kuskovo Estate of the 18th century.”

Mozzhukhina Tatyana Aleksandrovna, State Museum of Ceramics and “Kuskovo Estate of the 18th century.”

Nosovich Tamara Nikolaevna, State Historical Museum "Peterhof"

Rozanov Valentin Gelievich, Head of the Ceramics and Porcelain Department of TSCHDPI

Savelyeva Lyubov Ivanovna, academician of the Russian Academy of Arts

Uspensky Vasily Mikhailovich, State Hermitage Museum

Sponsors and patrons


Smirnova Elena Petrovna, State Historical Museum

Enikeeva Tatyana Ivanovna, State Museum of Ceramics and “Kuskovo Estate of the 18th century.”

Itkina Elena Igorevna, State Historical Museum

Sipovskaya Natalia Vladimirovna, State Institute art history

Maloletkov Valery Aleksandrovich, academician of the Russian Academy of Arts

Khudyakov Konstantin Vasilievich, Creative Union of Artists of Russia

To the participant of the competition

The author can take part in all nominations of the competition and present either one or a series of works. To understand the topic, please read the preface to the Magic Lantern magazine. It perfectly describes the spirit of the task. The goal is a reflection of modern types and characters that surround us in Everyday life. The author can turn to types starting from the fifties of the last century, if they are the subject of his personal experiences and experiences.

Each participant must provide the following information:

year of birth

E-mail address


job title

material of execution

time and place of creation of the work

Technical requirements

Paper, size A4, A3

Small sculpture

Porcelain, earthenware, gypsum, polymer materials.

Maximum height - 40 cm

Address for sending work:

Workshop of I. Klimenkov TSHR

109147 Moscow, st. Talalikhina 2/1, building 8

tel. +7 495 670 2626

[email protected]

Works submitted for the competition will not be returned.

About the magazine "Magic Lantern"

The illustrated magazine was published in St. Petersburg in 1817-18.

“The Magic Lantern” or “The spectacle of St. Petersburg street sellers, craftsmen and other common industrialists, depicted with a faithful brush in their real attire and presented talking to each other, according to each person and rank.”


“We offer the respectable public for pleasant reading and to delight the curious gaze of a Magazine of a completely new kind. - A lot of periodicals dedicated to Literature, Politics and even Fashion. Hopefully, the promised Images of overseas outfits, carriages and furniture in the latest taste will also delight the curious. - We limit ourselves to a characteristic description of the Russian common people, in all their original simplicity of morals and the dialect itself. In this Edition - as if in a magic lantern - venerable readers will see skillfully engraved figures of various persons engaged in various crafts in the city, presented in their real attire, talking to each other, similar to their natural position. Their conversation will pleasantly occupy the idle hours of those busy with social affairs; and the image of faces will stop the gaze of a curious person and give him the pleasure of seeing a good picture. For Foreigners who want to have an idea of ​​both the type of urban trades and the industrialists themselves, regarding their external appearance and moral character, we add a translation of Russian conversations into French and German languages. The title, instead of a vignette, depicts a Russian folk festival near Nevsky, drawn and printed on stone, according to a new invention called Lithographie. This invention, useful for art, a new invention in the 19th century, is the first in this publication in Russia to appear in the world.”

A competition of artistic works reflecting in graphics and ceramics the types and characters of the inhabitants of our country was announced to mark the 200th anniversary of the illustrated magazine “The Magic Lantern” and the release by the Gardner factory of a series of porcelain sculptures of the same name. Awards up to 100,000 rubles + exhibition in Moscow at the end.

The author can take part in all nominations of the competition and present either one or a series of works. To understand the topic, please read the preface to Magic Lantern Magazine (see below). It perfectly describes the spirit of the task. The goal is a reflection of modern types and characters that surround us in everyday life. The author can turn to types starting from the fifties of the last century, if they are the subject of his personal experiences and experiences.

Organizers: Porcelain workshop of the Creative Union of Artists of Russia Igor Klimenkov with the support of the State Historical Museum.

Conditions of the competition. Nominations

Graphic arts

Small sculpture


February 15, 2018 - Exhibition of works. Summing up and announcing the winners. Reception in honor of the winners

December 2018 - Display of the best works at the State Historical Museum. Address: Moscow, Red Square, 1


First prize: 100 thousand rubles, two-week internship in the workshop of I. Klimenkov (with accommodation provided)

Small sculpture

Second prize: 50 thousand rubles

Third prize: 25 thousand rubles

Arts Council

Irina Radikovna Bagdasarova, State Hermitage Museum

Bubchikova Marianna Aleksandrovna, State Historical Museum

Gorbatova Irina Vitalievna, GIKMZ “Moscow Kremlin”

Ibragimov Fidail Mulla-Akhmetovich, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Arts

Kazakova Lyudmila Vasilievna, Russian Academy of Arts

Klimenkova Elena Vladimirovna

Galina Aleksandrovna Korzina, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Arts

Koshlyakov Valery Nikolaevich, artist

Mikitina Violetta Valerievna, State Museum of Ceramics and “Kuskovo Estate of the 18th century.”

Mozzhukhina Tatyana Aleksandrovna, State Museum of Ceramics and “Kuskovo Estate of the 18th century”

Nosovich Tamara Nikolaevna, State Historical Museum "Peterhof"

Rozanov Valentin Gelievich, Head of the Ceramics and Porcelain Department of TSCHDPI

Savelyeva Lyubov Ivanovna, academician of the Russian Academy of Arts

Uspensky Vasily Mikhailovich, State Hermitage Museum


Chairman: Elena Petrovna Smirnova, State Historical Museum

Enikeeva Tatyana Ivanovna, State Museum of Ceramics and “Kuskovo Estate of the 18th century.”

Itkina Elena Igorevna, State Historical Museum

Sipovskaya Natalia Vladimirovna, State Institute of Art Studies

Maloletkov Valery Aleksandrovich, academician of the Russian Academy of Arts

Khudyakov Konstantin Vasilievich, Creative Union of Artists of Russia

To the participant of the competition

Each participant must provide the following information:

year of birth

E-mail address


job title

material of execution

time and place of creation of the work

Technical requirements

Paper, size A4, A3

Small sculpture

Porcelain, earthenware, gypsum, polymer materials.

Maximum height - 40 cm

Address for sending work:

Workshop of I. Klimenkov TSHR

109147 Moscow, st. Talalikhina 2/1, building 8

tel. +7 495 670 2626

[email protected]

Works submitted for the competition will not be returned.

About the magazine "Magic Lantern"

The illustrated magazine was published in St. Petersburg in 1817-18.

“The Magic Lantern” or “The spectacle of St. Petersburg street sellers, craftsmen and other common industrialists, depicted with a faithful brush in their real attire and presented talking to each other, according to each person and rank.”


“We offer the respectable public for pleasant reading and to delight the curious gaze of a Magazine of a completely new kind. - Many periodicals are devoted to Literature, Politics and even Fashion. Hopefully, the promised Images of overseas outfits, carriages and furniture in the latest taste will also delight the curious. - We limit ourselves to a characteristic description of the Russian common people, in all their original simplicity of morals and the dialect itself. In this Edition - as if in a magic lantern - venerable readers will see skillfully engraved figures of various persons engaged in various crafts in the city, presented in their real attire, talking to each other, similar to their natural position. Their conversation will pleasantly occupy the idle hours of those busy with social affairs; and the image of faces will stop the gaze of a curious person and give him the pleasure of seeing a good picture. For foreigners who want to have an idea of ​​both the type of urban crafts and the industrialists themselves, regarding their external appearance and moral character, we add a translation of Russian conversations into French and German. The title, instead of a vignette, depicts a Russian folk festival near Nevsky, drawn and printed on stone, according to a new invention called Lithographie. This invention, useful for art, a new invention in the 19th century, is the first in this publication in Russia to appear in the world.”

to the 200th anniversary of the illustrated magazine “The Magic Lantern” and the release by the Gardner factory of a series of porcelain sculptures of the same name.

Competition of artistic works that reflect in graphics and ceramics the types and characters of the inhabitants of our country.


Porcelain workshop of the Creative Union of Artists of Russia
Igor Klimenkov with the support of the State Historical Museum.

Conditions of the competition


Graphic arts
Small sculpture


May 30, 2017 Competition announcement
January 31, 2018 End of acceptance of works
February 15, 2018 Exhibition of works. Summing up and announcing the winners. Reception in honor of the winners
December 2018 Display of the best works at the State Historical Museum. Address: Moscow, Red Square, 1


Graphic arts

First prize 100 thousand rubles, two-week internship in the workshop of I. Klimenkov (with accommodation provided)

Small sculpture

Second prize 50 thousand rubles

Third prize 25 thousand rubles

Arts Council

Irina Radikovna Bagdasarova, State Hermitage Museum
Bubchikova Marianna Aleksandrovna, State Historical Museum
Gorbatova Irina Vitalievna, GIKMZ “Moscow Kremlin”
Ibragimov Fidail Mulla-Akhmetovich, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Arts
Kazakova Lyudmila Vasilievna, Russian Academy of Arts
Klimenkova Elena Vladimirovna
Galina Aleksandrovna Korzina, corresponding member of the Russian Academy of Arts
Koshlyakov Valery Nikolaevich, artist
Mikitina Violetta Valerievna, State Museum of Ceramics and “Kuskovo Estate of the 18th century.”
Mozzhukhina Tatyana Aleksandrovna, State Museum of Ceramics and “Kuskovo Estate of the 18th century.”
Nosovich Tamara Nikolaevna, State Historical Museum "Peterhof"
Rozanov Valentin Gelievich, Head of the Ceramics and Porcelain Department of TSCHDPI
Savelyeva Lyubov Ivanovna, academician of the Russian Academy of Arts
Uspensky Vasily Mikhailovich, State Hermitage Museum
Sponsors and patrons


Smirnova Elena Petrovna, State Historical Museum
Enikeeva Tatyana Ivanovna, State Museum of Ceramics and “Kuskovo Estate of the 18th century.”
Itkina Elena Igorevna, State Historical Museum
Sipovskaya Natalia Vladimirovna, State Institute of Art Studies
Maloletkov Valery Aleksandrovich, academician of the Russian Academy of Arts
Khudyakov Konstantin Vasilievich, Creative Union of Artists of Russia

To the participant of the competition

The author can take part in all nominations of the competition and present either one or a series of works. To understand the topic, please read the preface to the Magic Lantern magazine. It perfectly describes the spirit of the task. The goal is a reflection of modern types and characters that surround us in everyday life. The author can turn to types starting from the fifties of the last century, if they are the subject of his personal experiences and experiences.

Each participant must provide the following information:

Full name
year of birth
E-mail address
website or page in social network
job title
material of execution
time and place of creation of the work

Technical requirements

Graphic arts
Paper, size A4, A3

Small sculpture
Porcelain, earthenware, gypsum, polymer materials.
Maximum height - 40 cm
Accompanying texts on behalf of the author and characters are welcome.

Address for sending work:
Workshop of I. Klimenkov TSHR
109147 Moscow, st. Talalikhina 2/1, building 8
tel. +7 495 670 2626
[email protected]

Works submitted for the competition will not be returned.

About the magazine "Magic Lantern"

The illustrated magazine was published in St. Petersburg in 1817-18.

“The Magic Lantern” or “The spectacle of St. Petersburg street sellers, craftsmen and other common industrialists, depicted with a faithful brush in their real attire and presented talking to each other, according to each person and rank.”

“We offer the respectable public for pleasant reading and to delight the curious gaze of a Magazine of a completely new kind. - Many periodicals are devoted to Literature, Politics and even Fashion. Hopefully, the promised Images of overseas outfits, carriages and furniture in the latest taste will also delight the curious. - We limit ourselves to a characteristic description of the Russian common people, in all their original simplicity of morals and the dialect itself. In this Edition - as if in a magic lantern - venerable readers will see skillfully engraved figures of various persons engaged in various crafts in the city, presented in their real attire, talking to each other, similar to their natural position. Their conversation will pleasantly occupy the idle hours of those busy with social affairs; and the image of faces will stop the gaze of a curious person and give him the pleasure of seeing a good picture. For foreigners who want to have an idea of ​​both the type of urban crafts and the industrialists themselves, regarding their external appearance and moral character, we add a translation of Russian conversations into French and German. The title, instead of a vignette, depicts a Russian folk festival near Nevsky, drawn and printed on stone, according to a new invention called Lithographie. This invention, useful for art, a new invention in the 19th century, is the first in this publication in Russia to appear in the world.”

All-Russian announced creative competition"Magic lantern. Graphics and porcelain." Deadline January 31, 2018.

Organizers: Porcelain workshop of the Creative Union of Artists of Russia Igor Klimenkov with the support of the State Historical Museum.

Everyone is invited to participate.

The competition is dedicated to the 200th anniversary of the illustrated magazine “Magic Lantern” and the release by the Gardner factory of a series of porcelain sculptures of the same name. The goal is to reflect modern types and characters that surround us in everyday life. The author can turn to types starting from the fifties of the last century, if they are the subject of his personal experiences and experiences. To understand the topic, please read the preface to the Magic Lantern magazine.

Competition nominations:

  • Graphic arts
  • Small sculpture

The competition is accepted works of art, reflecting in graphics and ceramics the types and characters of the inhabitants of our country. The author can take part in all nominations of the competition and present either one or a series of works. Technical requirements for graphics: paper, size A4, A3. Technical requirements for small sculpture: porcelain, faience, plaster, polymer materials, maximum height - 40 cm. In both categories, accompanying texts on behalf of the author and characters are welcome.

Our official group In contact with: https://vk.com/vsekonkursyru, our telegram, classmates ,

Competition work accompanied by the following information: full name of the author, year of birth, gender, address, telephone, email address, website or page on a social network, occupation, title of the work, material of execution, time and place of creation of the work.

Competition works are sent to the postal address: Workshop of I. Klimenkov TSHR, 109147 Moscow, st. Talalikhina 2/1, building 8.

  • First prize - 100,000 rubles, two-week internship in the workshop of I. Klimenkov (with accommodation provided)
  • Second prize - 50,000 rubles
  • Third prize - 25,000 rubles

Small sculpture

  • First prize - 100,000 rubles, 3 author's copies from a limited edition of a sculpture made according to the winner's model, two-week internship in the workshop of I. Klimenkov (with accommodation provided)
  • Second prize - 50,000 rubles
  • Third prize - 25,000 rubles

The best works will be exhibited at the State Historical Museum

Contacts: +7 495 670 2626, [email protected]