The battle of psychics on VKontakte is official. Battle of Psychics VKontakte: official group

Secrets of VKontakte is a new series of blog posts in which I will reveal the intricacies of creating communities and groups social network In contact with. I will show you both technical and organizational issues. Together we will learn to create beautiful and popular communities on the largest social network on the RuNet. By the way, if you don’t have a VKontakte community yet, watch this video.

Today I will show you how to create a beautiful single block “Avatar + Menu”. You've probably seen such beautifully designed groups, where the menu and avatar are one picture.

It looks quite beautiful, doesn't it? Despite the apparent difficulty, anyone can make such a block in their group. At the same time you no need to know Photoshop secrets. I'll show you how to do it normally graphic editor Paint, which is on every computer.

So, we will need:

  • a picture from which we will make a group avatar and menu;
  • graphic editor Paint;
  • Rect program for measuring the width and height of the menu.

Open the Paint editor and our prepared image. The image must be no more than 799 px in height and no less than 600 px in width. With arrow No. 1 in the screenshot I indicated the place where you can see the current dimensions of the picture. And arrow No. 2 is a tool that can be used to change these dimensions.

Having received the size of the picture that suits us, we cut out an avatar from it. To do this, use the “Select” tool (arrow No. 3). Select an area 200 px wide (arrow No. 4 shows where you can monitor the width of the selected area). Cut out this part of the picture (arrow No. 5).

Without closing the current Paint, launch another one. We insert our cut out part of the picture into it. This will be the avatar of our VKontakte group. We make attractive inscriptions on it and save it as an image in PNG format.

After this, the avatar can already be uploaded to our VKontakte group.

Now we need to find out the exact size of the menu block. To do this, we will use a useful and simple program for webmasters Rect. The program does not require installation and does not create or modify any files. >>>Download Rect software<<<

We go to our group’s page and measure the distance in pixels from the edge of the field with the title “Discussions” or “Polls” (depending on what comes first after the link to the group menu) to the bottom edge of the avatar. The Rect program will show us the width and height in the middle of the window. By the way, the width of the menu block should be exclusively 388 pixels.

So, needed in in this case height – 295 pixels. By the way, I advise you to prepare a description of your group in advance, because the height of the menu block will depend on its volume.

We return to Paint with the remaining image and cut out a menu block measuring 388*295 pixels from the lower right corner.

We paste the cut out picture into a previously opened new Paint and enter the text of the menu links into it. See for yourself how to format the text. The editor allows you to insert various shapes and markers. I am of the opinion that the secret of good design is minimalism, be it VKontakte or a regular website. For this reason I use regular underlined text. This is exactly how we are used to seeing links.

Now using the “Select” and “Cut” tools we are already familiar with, we select and cut out each menu item. We paste a picture of each item into a new Paint and save it as an image in PNG format.

In total, we should have 5 pictures that make up one whole. Why five if there are 4 links? I cut out the bottom part as a separate picture without a link. We upload these pictures to a separate album of our VKontakte group. We will need them very soon.

Go to the main page of the group and click on the “Edit” link in the menu bar. It should appear there when you hover your mouse over it.

In the menu editor, enable wiki markup mode. And enter the following lines there.

UPD: Attention! Now, in order for everything to be displayed correctly, you need to swap the tag nopadding and picture sizes. Place a semicolon after the size of the picture accordingly.

Each line corresponds to one of the component images of the menu block.

In the code I highlighted:

  • pink – picture id. Where can I get it? In the address bar of your browser when viewing a picture.
  • green – image dimensions and the “nopadding” command, which shows the image without padding.
  • yellow – link to the desired group page.

The presence of such a menu, of course, is not the reason for the popularity of the community. But, in my opinion, they make the group page much more pleasant for participants and guests. By the way, if you are just starting your journey as a VKontakte administrator, the publication Social Network Administrator will be useful to you.

This guide is not relevant for public VKontakte pages. I recommend using this manual for publics -

The main image on your page, group on a social network or on any other site is an avatar (“ava” in colloquial slang). Most people put their photo on their avatar. And this is true, because this will make it easier for people to find you. But if you have a creative streak, this article will be very useful to you.

For some forums, avatars have size restrictions (for example, 100x100 pixels). On the website you can upload your image and make it into the desired avatar from 64 pixels to 450. Here you can also create an animated avatar: follow the link “create animation”, on the loaded page select at least 2 images from your computer’s memory ( for example, in one you have a squinted eye, in the second - as usual), set the size and speed, click “Create animation”. When you launch the resulting “*.gif” on the photo, it’s like you’re winking. You can process your image online using the portal. This is exactly where your imagination will run free! The great variety of ways to decorate your avatar is fascinating, and it is quite possible that this will soon become your hobby. On the “photo effects” tab, you can decorate a photo with a frame, make a photo montage, for example, turn a person into a charming animal or monster, add stylization effects, turn your photo into a pencil drawing or painting, and also put yourself on the cover of a magazine or simulate a collage with a celebrity . In this online editor, on the “Portrait Retouching” tab, you can correct uneven skin and red eyes. In general, it’s easy and quick to do what people use Photoshop for. You can create an interesting avatar if you add emotions to a portrait photo or apply a cartoon effect on the “Cartoons” tab. You can choose simple or animated avatars in *.gif format from a large assortment presented on the website It’s very easy to create your own creative ava on The sequence of actions is standard: upload a photo and, while playing, experiment with the proposed effects. If you like games with creating a hero's image (selection of clothes, makeup, hairstyle), you will like this method of creating a non-trivial avatar. On the website, click on “Create”, select the gender of the cartoon character. He can be very similar to you: choose for him your facial features, hair length and color, like yours, figure. At the end of the simulation, click “Save” and enter the data (all fields, except email, can be filled in with arbitrary values). then “Save” again and check your mailbox, a new “multi-avatar” will be waiting for you there.

Today we will find out the current avatar size for the VKontakte group. After reading the article, you will not only get the answer to this question, but you will also be able to download a PSD template for a beautiful avatar and banner, made in the same style.

Taking into account all the latest changes, the maximum displayed avatar size for a VKontakte group is 200x500 px. It is worth noting that to obtain maximum quality you need to upload an image 2-3 times larger in size. Then the loss of picture quality will be less noticeable after uploading it to VK.

The main rule is to maintain the proportion of width to height: 2 to 5, respectively.

You now know the size, all that remains is to figure out when you should use the entire available height, and when you can make your avatar smaller. And this depends on several factors:

  • Topic or niche;
  • Product/service offered;
  • Design

If you have a low-competition niche that is understandable to everyone, then it will be enough to place a logo, company name and sometimes a short explanation of your activities.

Titles Overheard | Ufa" or "Sports News | Ufa" does not need explanation - everything is clear. But the image of the logo with the name of the online store needs an explanation indicating the product that is sold in it: “online children's clothing store.”

Depending on the specifics of the product offered or service provided, additional space for benefits may be needed. By listing conditions that are beneficial to the client, you can stand out from your competitors. But because of them, the size of the avatar will have to be increased.

I don't think this is bad. If something helps increase conversions, you need to use this opportunity.

By playing with the design, you can get a completely beautiful and working version of the avatar of the maximum size, while placing a minimum of details on it.

This approach is acceptable for entertainment communities or groups of private photographers. And highly competitive commercial communities should make the most of the available profile size.

Avatar and banner template

We have created a template that you can download from the link below. With it, it is possible to make a professional avatar yourself, but it will not be unique. While this doesn't mean it won't work, it may be worth considering individuality and reading our bonus offer.


We offer a discount of 200 rubles to everyone who has read the article up to this paragraph and decides with us. When ordering, please include this code in the body of your email: HWC-DEZiGN-200. The code is only valid for one of your orders.

Today, the TV show “Battle of Psychics” has become one of the most popular reality shows in the country. Analogues of the program are filmed in Ukraine, Israel, Bulgaria, Georgia and other countries. Initially, the show was filmed in the UK, and not in the Russian Federation, as many people think. The number of fans of this original mystical project is growing every day. This is why communities dedicated to BE appeared on VKontakte.

Official community

This is an official VKontakte group with more than 490 thousand members. The community can be found at this link:

Each new episode of the reality show changes the way viewers view current events and opens their eyes to human capabilities. The participants of the show are faced with different tasks: to find a missing person, unravel a crime, or solve the mystery of some historical event. You can see all this in BE.

The Battle of Psychics group on the VKontakte social network contains about 35 albums with photographs: “Casting”, “Tests of Season 14”, “Psychics Are Investigating” and others. In the “Trying Our Hands” album, each community member can add their photo and ask any question about their past, present and future.

The group also contains more than 760 videos, among which you can find different episodes of the TV show. The group has more than 100 topics for discussion, for example, “What tasks would you like to see?” You can take part in these and other equally interesting topics for discussion. So, the Battle of Psychics is an official VK group that all fans of the TV show should visit. By the way, VKontakte also has .

Public page

Another fascinating community in Contact about TV shows is a public page of the same name, which is located at this address:

There are about 5 albums with photographs published in the public, where you can find photographs of participants in the reality show. Also on the public page there are about 245 video recordings with episodes of TV shows from different seasons. On the community wall you can find new information about castings, latest episodes of reality shows with comments on them, and much more.

Another community

This is another one of the most popular public pages on VKontakte dedicated to reality shows. The community is located at:

Here you can find all the most popular episodes of reality shows, the Ukrainian “Battle”, the latest episodes of the TV show “Psychics Are Investigating”, “Psychics Against Scientists” and other interesting videos.

Photos of TV show participants have been published in the community. Also, more than 40 videos with BE releases have been published on the public page. A post was published on the community wall that the book “Battle of Psychics: How It Works” was recently published, which fans of the show can already purchase. The book will reveal to readers all the secrets of the television show. Subscribe to the public and learn all the latest about your favorite TV show!

Season 19 of the “Battle of Psychics” is called almost the most important event of the television season on TNT. For almost 9 months, viewers waited for the first episode, believing in a miracle and expecting a breathtaking spectacle. Finally it happened yesterday, September 22.

As a result of tough casting, about 200 people passed the tests. They had to do the traditional looking at the black screen, searching for the person in the trunk and unraveling the identity of “Mr. X.” Psychics coped with tasks with varying degrees of success; some tasks were easier, some more difficult. As a result, Marat Basharov presented 12 people who will compete for the main prize of the Battle.

This is what the list of participants in the 19th season of the “Battle of Psychics” looks like:

Manana Marshunova. A clairvoyant from Georgia, living in a remote village. Uses a ball of red thread in his work.

Yuliy Kotov
amazed everyone with his unearthly voice. Claims that 5 years ago he got lost in a deep forest in India. For 5 weeks I chanted mantras and went out to people.

Maria Shweide
I was left an orphan early. Constant humiliation at school made her stronger and revealed supernatural abilities.

Svetlana Nazarova
(or Aunt Sveta). A housewife from Kazan who eats cemetery soil from her native land right during the tests.

Grigory Kuznetsov
- owner of runic magic.

Aida Grifal
. Her grandmother was a gypsy fortune teller. He shies away from society and loves to paint surreal pictures in silence.

Vitaly Bortsov
from Orenburg worked in the police and participated in armed conflicts. He could predict the death of his comrades, for which his colleagues nicknamed him “shaman.”

Natalia Abramovich
calls herself a witch. According to her words, she was born dead, but came to life. After this, he can communicate with higher powers.

Artemy and Vladimir Nikara
- twin brothers. They are looking for one truth in two different ways.

Varvara Panina
- a witch from Belarus. Her magic is not of supernatural origin, and her textbooks are articles on the Internet.

Georgy Malinovsky
– participant of the 16th season of “Battle of Psychics”. He came for revenge, completely changing his image.

Timofey Rudenko
says that after his father’s death, doctors diagnosed him with schizophrenia. However, instead of his own auditory hallucinations, he hears the voices of the dead and spirits who whisper the correct answers to tasks.