Sholokhov, the fate of man is like war. Journalism of the war years in the works of Sholokhov

Mikhail Sholokhov said: “It is a sacred duty to love the country that gave us drink and nourished us, as birth mother" In times of disaster, every person involuntarily thinks about how important the Motherland is to him. For many people, this is not just a word. And to fight for the Motherland, to defend it, is not an empty duty to fulfill military duty. Wartime is serious test for a person. War brings blood, pain, tears, death.

In his works “Quiet Don” and “The Fate of Man,” Mikhail Sholokhov makes his heroes survive all the horrors of wartime. However, despite the obvious similarity of events, the war is presented here in a completely different form. What is the difference between Civil and Great Patriotic War?

In the story “The Fate of Man,” Sholokhov reveals patriotism, true love people to their homeland. Sokolov is a driver, lost his family during the war, survived all the horrors German captivity, the difficulties of military life. Despite all this, the hero managed to retain great tenderness and love for people. How does a hero perform in battle? During the rapid German offensive, part of our army was left without ammunition.

Sokolov was tasked with delivering the shells, while his path lay under direct German fire. Was the hero afraid? No. “And there was nothing to ask here. My comrades may be dying there, but I’ll be sick here?” Sokolov sacrificed himself to save his colleagues. Once captured, he does not lose faith. Every prisoner of war sincerely worries about the fate of his homeland. The author wanted to convey to us that the Great Patriotic War was a disaster that united every person who had only one goal in life: either to save, or to die saving.

In the epic novel “Quiet Don” the writer reveals to us the true face of the Civil War. What is its meaning? People do not fight to save the country and people. The front line is depicted as a complete hell. People do not care about their Motherland and about the actions of soldiers that cause enormous damage to it: “The ripened bread was trampled by the cavalry,” a hundred “crumpled the bread with iron horseshoes.” The writer emphasizes that for people in a civil war it is a real feat: to kill more opponents, to rob and loot: “And it was like this: people collided on the field of death..., they bumped into each other, were knocked down, struck blindly, mutilated themselves and their horses and fled, scared shot that killed a man, they left morally crippled. They called it a feat." People fight with each other, forgetting about morality and ethics, killing comrades, forgetting about family ties. Many people found it difficult to decide which side they should take. No one understood where the truth was? What to fight for?

Misha Koshevoy killed Pyotr Melekhov, Mitka Korshunov stabbed Koshevoy’s entire family, Grigory Melekhov hacked to death the captured sailors. The author shows us that the Civil War makes a person cruel, heartless, and forces him to kill loved ones. And all for what? Ideology adjusts them to suit itself.

"War is disgusting to the human mind and nature event." However, the Great Patriotic War tempers the soul of an honest, faithful and selfless person. The civil war is cruel and false. Sholokhov himself makes us think about the “monstrous absurdity of war.” IN " Quiet Don“The writer does not show a description of exploits, heroism, military courage, as in works about the Great Patriotic War, in which people did not fight for an ideology and did not destroy hundreds of lives to achieve their goal, to introduce everyone to a single faith. They only showed concern for the country that raised them.

Updated: 2018-03-12

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Regional budget educational institution

"Kursk Basic Medical College"

Academic subject:literature and Russian language

Speciality: Nursing


Individual project

Subject: “The military theme in the works of Mikhail Alexandrovich Sholokhov»

Performed: student 1k. 2m/s

Yakubova Alina Dmitrievna

Checked: literature teacher

And Russian language

Milykh Tatyana Sergeevna

Date "___"_______________2017





1. Main part……………………………………………………..5

1.1. Theoretical part……………………………………5-6

1.2. Practical part………………………………………………………7-10





"...Well, I had to take a sip of hot soup there, brother
up to the nostrils and above..."
"...Sometimes you don't sleep at night, you look into the darkness
empty eyes and you think:
“Why have you, life, maimed me so much?
Why did you distort it like that? "
I have no answer, neither in the dark nor in the clear
the sun...
No, I can’t wait!..”

M.A. Sholokhov “The Fate of Man.”

The epigraph of my project was a quote from M.A. Sholokhov’s story “The Fate of Man.” This quote contains makes a lot of sense. It talks about a person with a difficult fate.

Rationale for the topic:

More than 70 years have passed since the start of the Great Patriotic War, but the great feat of millions of soldiers is still alive in the memory of the people. This is largely due to the writers. The theme of war in Russian literature is the theme of the feat of the Russian people, because all wars in the history of the country, as a rule, were of a people's liberation nature. Among the books written on this topic, the works of Mikhail Alexandrovich Sholokhov are especially close to me, such stories as “They Fought for the Motherland,”“The Fate of Man”, “The Word about the Motherland”.The heroes of his books are warm-hearted, sympathetic people with a pure soul. Some of them behave heroically on the battlefield, bravely fighting for their homeland.

Relevance of the topic:

To study the features of writing a military work by M.A. Sholokhov and their significance in literature.

Object of study:

The object of my research is military theme in the story “The Fate of a Man” by M.A. Sholokhov.

Subject of study:

Military theme in the works of Mikhail Aleksandrovich Sholokhov.

Purpose of the study:

Show the contribution of the military creativity of Mikhail Aleksandrovich Sholokhov.

Research objectives:

Study the biography of Mikhail Alexandrovich Sholokhov;

Select one of the stories of Mikhail Alexandrovich Sholokhov and analyze it;

Show the significance of military creativity in literature.

Theoretical part

Creative and life path M.A. Sholokhova.

On June 11 (May 24), 1905, Anastasia Danilovna Kuznetsova and Alexander Mikhailovich Sholokhov had a son, Mikhail. Mother is the daughter of a serf peasant who came to the Don from the Chernigov region. My father, a native of the Ryazan province, sowed grain on rented Cossack land and was a clerk managing a steam mill.

During the First World War, civil war(1914 – 1918) Sholokhov studied in Moscow, in the town of Boguchar, Voronezh province, in the village of Vyoshenskaya, and graduated from the 4th grade of the gymnasium. From 1920 to 1922 he lived with his family in the village of Karaginskaya, worked as a clerk, a teacher, and participated in the population census.

The Great Patriotic War passed through the destinies of millions of Soviet people, leaving behind a difficult memory: pain, anger, suffering, fear. During the war years, many lost their dearest and closest people, many experienced severe hardships. Rethinking of military events and human actions occurs later. Appear in the literature works of art, in which, through the prism of the author’s perception, an assessment of what is happening in difficult times is given war time.
Mikhail Sholokhov could not ignore the topic that concerned everyone and therefore wrote short story“The Fate of Man”, touching on the issue heroic epic. At the center of the story are wartime events that changed the life of Andrei Sokolov, the main character of the work. The writer does not describe military events in detail; this is not the author’s task. The writer's goal is to show key episodes that influenced the development of the hero’s personality. The most important event in the life of Andrei Sokolov there is captivity. It is in the hands of the fascists, in the face of mortal danger, that different sides the character of the character, it is here that the war appears to the reader without embellishment, revealing the essence of people: the vile, vile traitor Kryzhnev; real doctor, who “did his great work both in captivity and in the darkness”; “such a skinny, snub-nosed guy,” platoon commander. Andrei Sokolov had to endure inhuman torment in captivity, but the main thing is that he managed to preserve his honor and dignity. The climax The narrative is the scene at Commandant Muller's, where they brought the exhausted, hungry, tired hero, but even there he showed the enemy the strength of the Russian soldier. Andrei Sokolov’s action (he drank three glasses of vodka without a snack: he didn’t want to choke on a handout) surprised Muller: “That’s it, Sokolov, you are a real Russian soldier. You are a brave soldier." The war appears to the reader without embellishment: after escaping from captivity, already in the hospital, the hero receives terrible news from home about the death of his family: his wife and two daughters. The heavy war machine spares no one: neither women nor children. The final blow of fate was the death of Anatoly’s eldest son on May 9, Victory Day, at the hands of a German sniper.
War takes away the most precious things from people: family, loved ones. In parallel with the life of Andrei Sokolov, story line little boy Vanyusha, whom the war also made an orphan, depriving his relatives of his mother and father.
This is the assessment the writer gives to his two heroes: “Two orphaned people, two grains of sand, thrown into foreign lands by a military hurricane of unprecedented force...”. War condemns people to suffering, but it also develops will, character, when one wants to believe “that this Russian man, a man of unbending will, will endure, and near his father’s shoulder will grow one who, having matured, will be able to endure everything, overcome everything on his way , if his homeland calls for it.”

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Other writings:

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  3. Sholokhov is one of those writers for whom reality is often revealed in tragic situations and destinies. The story “The Fate of Man” is a true confirmation of this. For Sholokhov it was very important to succinctly and deeply concentrate the experience of the war in the story. Under the pen of Sholokhov this Read More......
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  7. Without a doubt, the work of M. Sholokhov is known all over the world. His role in world literature is enormous, for this man in his works raised the most problematic issues surrounding reality. In my opinion, a feature of Sholokhov’s work is his objectivity and ability to convey events Read More......
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The theme of war in Sholokhov’s story “The Fate of Man”

The Great Patriotic War passed through the destinies of millions of Soviet people, leaving behind a difficult memory: pain, anger, suffering, fear. During the war years, many lost their dearest and closest people, many experienced severe hardships. Rethinking of military events and human actions occurs later. Works of art appear in literature in which, through the prism of the author’s perception, an assessment of what is happening in difficult wartimes is given.

Mikhail Sholokhov could not ignore the topic that worried everyone and therefore wrote a short story “The Fate of a Man”, touching on the issues of the heroic epic. At the center of the story are wartime events that changed the life of Andrei Sokolov, the main character of the work. The writer does not describe military events in detail; this is not the author’s task. The writer’s goal is to show the key episodes that influenced the development of the hero’s personality. The most important event in the life of Andrei Sokolov is captivity. It is in the hands of the fascists, in the face of mortal danger, that various sides of the character’s character are revealed, it is here that the war appears to the reader without embellishment, revealing the essence of people: the vile, vile traitor Kryzhnev; a real doctor who “did his great work both in captivity and in the dark”; “such a skinny, snub-nosed guy,” platoon commander. Andrei Sokolov had to endure inhuman torment in captivity, but the main thing is that he managed to preserve his honor and dignity. The climax of the story is the scene at Commandant Muller's, where the exhausted, hungry, tired hero was brought, but even there he showed the enemy the strength of the Russian soldier. Andrei Sokolov’s action (he drank three glasses of vodka without a snack: he didn’t want to choke on a handout) surprised Muller: “That’s it, Sokolov, you are a real Russian soldier. You are a brave soldier." The war appears to the reader without embellishment: after escaping from captivity, already in the hospital, the hero receives terrible news from home about the death of his family: his wife and two daughters. The heavy war machine spares no one: neither women nor children. The final blow of fate was the death of Anatoly’s eldest son on May 9, Victory Day, at the hands of a German sniper.

War takes away the most precious things from people: family, loved ones. In parallel with the life of Andrei Sokolov, the storyline of the little boy Vanyusha, whom the war also made an orphan, depriving his relatives of his mother and father, also develops.

This is the assessment the writer gives to his two heroes: “Two orphaned people, two grains of sand, thrown into foreign lands by a military hurricane of unprecedented force...”. War condemns people to suffering, but it also develops will, character, when one wants to believe “that this Russian man, a man of unbending will, will endure, and near his father’s shoulder will grow one who, having matured, will be able to endure everything, overcome everything on his way.” , if his homeland calls for it.”

The theme of war in the works of Mikhail Aleksandrovich Sholokhov Completed by: Student of the 11th “b” class Lyudmila Kravchenko Supervisor: Bondareva Natalya Petrovna Taganrog, 2005 Laureate Nobel Prize, Hero of Socialist Labor, Laureate of Lenin and State Prize– Mikhail Sholokhov began his literary path in 1923. He created a galaxy of bright works that rightfully took their rightful place in world literature: “The Fate of Man”, “Virgin Soil Upturned”, “They Fought for the Motherland” and, of course, “Quiet Don”. And his work relentlessly followed the stormy, rapid flow of history. The First World War, the Civil War, collectivization, the Great Patriotic War - all these themes entered Sholokhov’s work as organic impulses of his living mind, which missed nothing, were refracted through the prism of his talent and life experience. In the mouth of Sholokhov, these topics are natural and ordinary, like breathing. The life of the people, the destinies of people - that’s what worried the minds of writers of all generations. And Mikhail Alexandrovich could not remain indifferent to the events taking place in the Fatherland. Just as at one time the Cossacks were divided into whites and reds, so now the population Chechen Republic stood on two sides: “federals” and “Mujahideen”. What about families? Has anyone thought about mothers, wives, children? What should old people do when one brother is a terrorist, and the other is the one who is looking for the first? History returns to normal. War is a serious test for the entire state. Whether it is a battle with foreigners or a civil war, it falls heavily on the shoulders of the people and leaves an indelible mark on the destinies of generations. Sholokhov knew firsthand about the war. While still a 15-year-old boy, he joined the food detachment. And during the Great Patriotic War he went to the front as a military correspondent. His experience, his memories and feelings were especially clearly manifested in “The Fate of a Man.” Sholokhov's style Critics consider the master's approach to creativity to be socialist realism. Here is the opinion of Sholokhov scholar M. Khrapchenko: “Sholokhov is an artist of great insight and high creative integrity. The embodiment of life's truth, no matter how difficult and cruel it may be, is for him a constant and immutable law of creativity. Sholokhova notes genuine fearlessness in the search for truth. He not only does not shy away from the difficult, tragic sides of life, but also persistently and closely examines them, without losing in the slightest degree the historical perspective, faith in man, in his creative, constructive capabilities.” In my opinion, in Sholokhov’s description of the war, three components need to be distinguished: firstly, landscapes and detailed portraits, through which the author conveys the atmosphere of events, actions, secondly, the fate of the main characters, and lastly, crowd scenes where we see horror and mercilessness war. “Melekhovsky yard is on the farm itself. The gates from the cattle base lead north to the Don. A steep eight-fathom descent between mossy, green chalk blocks, and here is the shore: a pearly scattering of shells, a gray, broken border of pebbles kissed by the waves” ... - we read at the very beginning of the novel. Don-Father is beautiful and majestic. He keeps untold riches within himself. The most magnificent greenery grows along the banks, as if asking for a Kazakh farmer “black from work, with flattened fingers” to pluck it with his hand. Don beckons: “near a sunken elm, two carp jumped out at the same time in the bare arms of the branches; the third, smaller one, spinning into the air, persistently beat against the ravine over and over again.” Sholokhov captured the rough imprint of the war in nature. “The earth groaned dully, crucified under many hooves.” The author repeatedly mentions “leaning huts”, speaking about the troubles that the war brought to every farm, every village. * The image of Grigory Melekhov is drawn larger than others. All the convolutions of his complex, contradictory path are traced with extraordinary attention. You really can’t tell right away whether he’s a positive or negative character. He wandered for too long at the crossroads of history, shed a lot of human blood... He fell in love with Aksinya and fell in love with her for the rest of his life. This love reveals one of the best sides of his soul. Having become the commander of the Red Guard division, Melekhov, an experienced front-line soldier, soberly notes how little order there is in the Red Army, how easily it succumbed to panic in Glubokaya, how sluggish the commanders are... “The first post-war spring in the Upper Don was unusually friendly and assertive. At the end of March, warm winds blew from the Azov region, and within two days the sands of the left bank of the Don were completely exposed, snow-filled ravines and gullies in the steppe swelled, breaking the ice, and the steppe rivers began to leap madly”... His path in the war was tragic. Andrei Sokolov is captured under circumstances in which, unfortunately, thousands of people find themselves. Andrei Sokolov, having gone through the crucible of war, lost everything: his family died, his home was destroyed. Has arrived peaceful life, the time has come for spring awakening, the time for hope. And he looks at the world around him with eyes “as if sprinkled with ashes”, “filled with inescapable melancholy”, the words come out of his lips: “Why have you, life, crippled me so much? Why did you distort it like that? I have no answer either in the dark or in the clear sun. No, and I can’t wait!”* An important feature of Sholokhov’s style is the writer’s persistent faith in a bright future, in the humanity and justice of the people. That is why the cold sun “shines” over Grigory and Mishutka. And here are Sholokhov’s words from the story “The Fate of Man”: “What awaits them ahead? And I would like to think that this Russian man, a man of unbending will, will endure, and near his father’s shoulder will grow one who, having matured, will be able to endure everything, overcome everything on his way, if his Motherland calls him to it.” Yes, no matter what terrible situations the war puts a person in, he, according to the writer, will be able to overcome them with dignity. The bloodshed reaches its climax during the battalion scenes. After all, some are guided by Chuboty’s once expressed thought: “Cut a man boldly!..” Most likely, the daily contemplation of blood, violence, and cruelty bears fruit - the Cossacks (and everyone who finds themselves in this “meat grinder”) become less susceptible to human suffering , hearts become hardened. In general, war is a terrible, crazy action, where the main role is assigned to death. A gloomy shadow, she walks among the army, noticing the victim in advance. She chooses human hatred as her weapon. That is why on the faces of those who died in battle one can read the silent question: “For what?!” Anti-humanity, the unnaturalness of war - this is the main thing that Sholokhov’s works convey. A heartfelt “thank you” to him for these lines: “I would like my books to help people become better, to become purer in soul, to awaken love for man, the desire to actively fight for the ideals of humanism and the progress of mankind.” He not only wanted, he nurtured in the hearts and minds of generations the unwritten truth that “life is the most valuable thing a person has.” Probably, this truth flows in each of us thanks to the efforts of Mikhail Alexandrovich Sholokhov.