Competitor of Dr. Pilyulkin in fabulous. Real medical competition as seen by a rich doctor

Znayka, Avoska, Vintik and Doctor Pilyulkin grabbed Dunno and carried him home. Everyone thought he was already dead.
At home they put him on the bed, and only then Dunno opened his eyes. He looked around and asked:
- Brothers, am I still alive?
“Alive, alive,” answered Doctor Pilyulkin. “Just please lie still, I need to examine you.”
He undressed Dunno and began to examine her. Then he said:
- Marvelous! All the bones are intact, only there are bruises and a few splinters.
“It was my back that got caught on the board,” said Dunno.
“We’ll have to pull out the splinters,” Pilyulkin shook his head.
- Does it hurt? - Dunno was scared.
- No, not at all. Here, let me, I’ll take out the biggest one now.
- A-ah-ah! - Dunno shouted.
- What you? Does it hurt? - Pilyulkin was surprised.
- Of course it hurts!
- Well, be patient, be patient. It only seems so to you.
- No, it doesn’t seem like it! Ah ah ah!
- Why are you screaming as if I’m cutting you? I'm not cutting you.
- Hurt! He himself said that it didn’t hurt, but now it hurts!
- Well, hush, hush... There is only one splinter left to pull out.
- Oh, don't! No need! I'd rather be with a splinter.

- You can’t, it’ll break out.
- Whoa, whoa, whoa!
- Well, that's all already. Now you just need to anoint it with iodine,
- Does it hurt?

- No, iodine doesn’t hurt. Lie still.
- A-ah-ah!

- Don't yell, don't yell! You love to drive a car, but you don’t like to be patient!
- Ay! It stings!
- It will burn and stop. Now I'll put a thermometer on you.

- Oh, no need for a thermometer! No need!
- Why?
- It will hurt!
- Yes, the thermometer doesn’t hurt.

“You keep saying it doesn’t hurt, but then it hurts.”
- What an eccentric! Haven't I ever set a thermometer for you?
- Never.
“Well, now you’ll see that it doesn’t hurt,” Pilyulkin said and went to get a thermometer.
Dunno jumped out of bed and jumped into open window and ran away to his friend Gunka.

Doctor Pilyulkin returned with a thermometer and looked - there is no Dunno.
- So treat such a patient! - Pilyulkin grumbled. - You treat him, treat him, and he jumps out the window and runs away. Where does this fit!

Igor Sechin will involve the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the prosecutor's office in public procurement of medicines.
The government's Council for the Development of the Pharmaceutical and Medical Industry yesterday approved the industry development strategy until 2020. Manufacturers from the Russian Federation are more impressed by another result of the meeting: Deputy Prime Minister Igor Sechin drew the attention of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the prosecutor's office to government procurement of drugs and the share of foreign pharmaceutical manufacturers in them.
The first meeting of the Government Council for the Development of the Pharmaceutical and Medical Industry, led by Deputy Prime Minister Igor Sechin, yesterday approved the industry development strategy until 2020. The main speaker at the meeting was Deputy Head of the Ministry of Industry and Trade Denis Manturov, it was attended by Head of the Ministry of Health Tatyana Golikova, Deputy Head of the Ministry of Economy Andrei Klepach, representatives of the Federal Antimonopoly Service, Roszdravnadzor, and management of the pharmaceutical industry.
One of the main goals of the strategy developed by the Ministry of Industry and Trade back in the spring of this year is import substitution in the pharmaceutical market. The document assumes that by 2020 the share of Russian products in the domestic market will increase to 50%, the number of innovative drugs will increase to 60%, and the volume of exports will increase eightfold. The volume of the Russian pharmaceutical market, according to the document, should grow from 360 billion rubles. in 2008 to 1.5 trillion rubles. in 2020. (For more information about the strategy, see Kommersant dated March 27, 2009).
Market participants, with reservations, are happy that the document was approved, but more so that other issues were raised at the meeting. "Strategy is required document. But the main thing for us is that we finally paid attention to regional procurement,” Viktor Dmitriev, general director of the Association of Russian Pharmaceutical Manufacturers, told Kommersant. According to Roszdravnadzor data for the first half of 2009, the volume of government purchases of domestic drugs decreased to 4.5-5% from 6.5% in the first half of 2008. The share of imported drugs is also growing in the market as a whole: according to DSM Group, sales of such drugs in the first half of 2009 compared to the same period in 2008 increased from 133 to 166 billion rubles. (by 24%). Sales of domestic drugs increased over the same period from 37 to 44 billion rubles. (by 22%).
Government procurement and ousting foreign producers and steel from them main theme meetings. According to Roszdravnadzor estimates, in the first half of 2009, replacing imported drugs with domestic ones was advisable in 5,351 cases. And by replacing imported drugs with Russian ones during government procurement, more than 2.3 billion rubles could be saved. in 2008 - this is the average monthly expenditure of funds under the ONLS program. Pharmacists hope that the introduction into practice of preferences when participating in public procurement competitions for medicines from local manufacturers, approved in the above strategy, will be implemented first. So far, according to the report of Roszdravnadzor, preferences are only declared: the regions “are not particularly zealous” in this matter.
The result of the meeting was a purely forceful solution to the problem: Igor Sechin asked the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the prosecutor’s office to take control of government procurement of drugs in the regions; pharmaceutical manufacturers would be able to contact the council directly regarding violations. “At least now we will have the opportunity to get to the auction - now the tender documentation is built for one manufacturer, usually an imported one,” says Viktor Dmitriev.
Daria Nikolaeva, KOMMERSANT

It’s strange that it somehow translates into explanatory dictionaries the term "competitor".

They see the words “competition, rivalry” there. But I had a “5” in Latin at the institute and I see a different meaning here.

  • THE REAL meaning of the word "competitor"

Con- means “together”, and the second part of the word from curator is a trustee, leader, guardian, etc. That is, a competitor is a person with whom you lead your market. Yes, one gynecologist is a competitor to another gynecologist. But it’s better when they don’t compete with each other in who can say the most bad things about a competitor, but...

Together they manage similar or overlapping patient populations.

Your competitors, doctor, are

colleagues who also “manage” your patient profile. By the way, aren’t the sellers of alcohol and tobacco our competitors?

Competitors - you supervise together.

When I was looking for medical services sales training in 2005, there were none.

I went to some sales training for dentists in December (which was postponed 2-3 times). And the presenter there was a girl psychologist who... in general, for me and my dentist friend, she simply instilled confidence that “we already know everything.” But I also thought then that I could do it better.

Now there are competitors! Hooray. These are the ones wonderful people, who also teach doctors how to sell. There are few of them, but... “we are wearing vests.” At the same time, I think that for some doctors one of us will be better suited, and for others - the other.

Selling medical services is like sports and physical education. An athletics coach will be more useful to some, and a swimming coach to others. This is not “one is better than the other,” but for some people one is better, for others the other is better, + for some people chess is better.

So here it is. I will gladly tell the doctors and competitors of the Rich Doctor the following.

In American medical marketing it is believed (in Russian there is no such data, but the logic is clear) that in general people either go to doctors or don’t go to doctors. Likewise, people either go to gyms or don’t. If they do, then we’ll go and play football, swim in the pool, and check out the gym. The more we go to one gym, the more likely we are to go to another. Those who don't go anywhere may accidentally wander somewhere... but the probability is less.

The idea is that if a person even goes to the dentist, the pain threshold in the anus, excuse me, will be lower in order to pull this same person to an appointment with a proctologist about hemorrhoids, for example. Compared to someone who doesn’t go to doctors at all, this one will endure longer.

So my task, doctors, is for you to go learn how to sell medical services, at least not to me. But in general. At least they read books on medical marketing that weren’t mine, but read them in general.

My task is to update you on the need to study medical marketing and sales of medical services.

And at least go to someone. At least study the sales of plastic windows or processed cheese. And after that you will earn more money. More money- more freedom of choice. Then there will be enough money for the best teachers.

  • You know who I mean.

So, a note to my competitors. It may not be super valuable information, but I will share... the most popular queries in search engines by which my site is found. It seems that this may not be exactly our target audience, colleague, since such requests are unlikely to be made by doctors... but it’s cool. It might come in handy.

The government's Council for the Development of the Pharmaceutical and Medical Industry yesterday approved the industry development strategy until 2020. Manufacturers from the Russian Federation are more impressed by another result of the meeting: Deputy Prime Minister Igor Sechin drew the attention of the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the prosecutor's office to government procurement of drugs and the share of foreign pharmaceutical manufacturers in them.

The first meeting of the Government Council for the Development of the Pharmaceutical and Medical Industry, led by Deputy Prime Minister Igor Sechin, yesterday approved the industry development strategy until 2020. The main speaker at the meeting was Deputy Head of the Ministry of Industry and Trade Denis Manturov, it was attended by Head of the Ministry of Health Tatyana Golikova, Deputy Head of the Ministry of Economy Andrei Klepach, representatives of the Federal Antimonopoly Service, Roszdravnadzor, and management of the pharmaceutical industry.

One of the main goals of the strategy developed by the Ministry of Industry and Trade back in the spring of this year is import substitution in the pharmaceutical market. The document assumes that by 2020 the share of Russian products in the domestic market will increase to 50%, the number of innovative drugs will increase to 60%, and the volume of exports will increase eightfold. The volume of the Russian pharmaceutical market, according to the document, should grow from 360 billion rubles. in 2008 to 1.5 trillion rubles. in 2020. (For more information about the strategy, see Kommersant, March 27, 2009).

Market participants, with reservations, are happy that the document was approved, but more so that other issues were raised at the meeting. “The strategy is a necessary document. But the main thing for us is that we finally paid attention to regional procurement,” Viktor Dmitriev, general director of the Association of Russian Pharmaceutical Manufacturers, told Kommersant. According to Roszdravnadzor data for the first half of 2009, the volume of government purchases of domestic drugs decreased to 4.5-5% from 6.5% in the first half of 2008. The share of imported drugs is also growing in the market as a whole: according to DSM Group, sales of such drugs in the first half of 2009 compared to the same period in 2008 increased from 133 to 166 billion rubles. (by 24%). Sales of domestic drugs increased over the same period from 37 to 44 billion rubles. (by 22%).

Government procurement and the displacement of foreign manufacturers from them became the main topic of the meeting. According to Roszdravnadzor estimates, in the first half of 2009, replacing imported drugs with domestic ones was advisable in 5,351 cases. And by replacing imported drugs with Russian ones during government procurement, more than 2.3 billion rubles could be saved. in 2008 - this is the average monthly expenditure of funds under the ONLS program. Pharmacists hope that the introduction into practice of preferences when participating in public procurement competitions for medicines from local manufacturers, approved in the above strategy, will be implemented first. So far, according to the Roszdravnadzor report, preferences are only declared: the regions “are not particularly zealous” in this matter.

The result of the meeting was a purely forceful solution to the problem: Igor Sechin asked the Ministry of Internal Affairs and the prosecutor’s office to take control of government procurement of drugs in the regions; pharmaceutical manufacturers would be able to contact the council directly regarding violations. “At least now we will have the opportunity to get to the auction - now the tender documentation is built for one manufacturer, usually an imported one,” says Viktor Dmitriev.

Daria Kommersant-Nikolaeva

Dunno, Bobik and Barbos and 8 more funny characters by Nikolai Nosov
In his childhood and youth, Nikolai Nosov was interested in music, chess, theater, photography, dreamed of becoming a chemist and even set up a small laboratory in the attic. But the success of the talented “dreamer” was brought by children’s stories and novellas.
On November 23, 1908, 105 years ago, one of the kindest children's writers was born - Dunno's “father” Nikolai Nosov. Childhood and school years Nosov fell on hard times(First World War and Civil War), the whole family suffered from malnutrition and typhus (both the parents and four children suffered from it). However, in the works of Nikolai Nikolaevich there is not a drop of bitterness - they are always very touching and funny. Several generations have already grown up on Nosov’s stories, novels and novels, but children still adore him, and cartoons are made based on the writer’s books.

The most famous characters Nikolai Nosov - from Dunno to Bobik and Barbos.

Dunno. Trilogy about Dunno. The author wrote 3 books about the adventures of a “short man of average height”. According to Nosov himself, the hero has real prototype- a child “with a restless thirst for activity inherent in his age, an ineradicable thirst for knowledge and at the same time with restlessness, the inability to keep his attention on one subject.”

Vintik and Shpuntik. Trilogy about Dunno. Two cheerful brothers - jacks of all trades, never sit still and constantly come up with something: they are the ones who designed for the short ones balloon, rockets and a miracle vacuum cleaner. The inseparable inventors appear in all books about Dunno, as well as in a separate story (later they also made a cartoon about them).

Donut. Trilogy about Dunno. The life credo of a plump lover of buns and pies: “You can’t break your diet.” In the sublunary world, the short man tried to open his own business - selling salt, but local merchants ruined him.

Znayka. Trilogy about Dunno. A short scientist with a “cucumber head” discovered lunite and anti-lunite, invented a weightlessness device and participated in the Lunar expedition. Znayka’s favorite song is “A grasshopper sat in the grass.”

Pilyulkin. Trilogy about Dunno.Doctor Flower City treats according to the principle: “You need castor oil inside! And outside it’s not honey, but iodine!” He may smear the short guy with iodine “for educational purposes”: for example, so that he doesn’t fight. Wears pince-nez.

Bobik and Barbos. “Bobik visiting Barbos” Charming dogs, the boastful liar Barbos and the gullible Bobik, quite soon “moved” from Nosov’s story into a cartoon, and many of their phrases became catchphrases - for example: “The refrigerator is mine, and everything in the refrigerator is also mine !

Vitya. “Vitya Maleev at school and at home”
Shortly before the release of the story, Konstantin Piskunov summoned the author, Chief Editor"Detgiza". He knew that the book had been nominated for Stalin Prize, and asked Nosov to insert Stalin’s name into the text at least once. He refused to make concessions, but still received the bonus. At the same time, the writer himself was dissatisfied with the story - after publication, he practically rewrote it.