Monument to Minin and Pozharsky on Red Square. Nizhny Novgorod Encyclopedia

Nizhny Novgorod, aka Gorky, aka, with a light youth hand - NiNo or NN. The city, which has earned the title of the Volga capital, is truly original - a little provincial and at the same time rapidly developing, having preserved its historical appearance, it is, at the same time, quickly acquiring modern architecture.

Speaking of attractions Nizhny Novgorod- there are quite a lot of them: over the 8 centuries of existence, no one has ever set foot on the land of the Dyatlov Mountains, who has left their mark on Nizhny Novgorod history.

Nizhny Novgorod - birthplace outstanding people in the field of literature, art, science. And almost every eminent citizen has a monument erected here. As a last resort - Memorial plaque. Monuments to the most famous Nizhny Novgorod residents - Minin and Pozharsky, Gorky and Chkalov - were erected in the very heart of Nizhny Novgorod.

The most famous Nizhny Novgorod landmark, the Kremlin, is also located here. Recently, negotiations have been underway to include it in the List of Objects World Heritage UNESCO in Russia.

Immediately outside the walls of the Kremlin there is Rozhdestvenskaya Street on one side, and the Chkalov Stairs on the other. Walking along these stairs is a reason not only to marvel at the power of engineering, but also to test your endurance. The staircase has no less than 560 steps! This is the most long staircase in Russia.

Numerous churches and cathedrals occupy a special place among the city's attractions. Some are monumental and strict (Old Fair Cathedral, Alexander Nevsky New Fair Cathedral), others are small and intricate (Stroganov Church and Church of the Nativity of John the Baptist in Torg).

But all are incredibly beautiful, with a rich centuries-old history. The Nizhny Novgorod monasteries - Annunciation and Pechersky - are especially famous.

As for the museums of Nizhny Novgorod, their number is not too large, but all of them, without a doubt, deserve attention. Moreover, some of them are unique and exist in Russia in singular- for example, the Dobrolyubov Museum.

The most famous, of course, is the recently restored and therefore amazingly beautiful local history museum- Rukavishnikov estate. What is of great value here is not so much the expositions as the building itself, which amazes with its beauty and combination of styles.

Almost all the most interesting museums are located close to each other: the Art Museum, the Russian Museum of Photography, the museum-apartment of A.M. Gorky.

But still, the main attraction remains the natural beauty and landscapes of Nizhny Novgorod, opening from the Verkhnevolzhskaya embankment. The Nizhny Novgorod Volga Escarpment is a place that UNESCO experts plan to include as a World Heritage Site.

The beauty of Nizhny Novgorod nature can be appreciated not only on the Verkhne-Volzhskaya embankment, but also in one of the city parks: Avtozavodsky Park, Kulibin Park, Pushkin Park, Switzerland Park.

So, in Pushkin Park you can walk along a unique birch alley, and in Switzerland Park you can enjoy the beauty of the river expanses and ride one of the many attractions.

At 22 thousand square meters M. Gorky Square there are about 250 trees of the most different breeds, brought from various parts of the former Soviet Union, and 5 thousand bushes.

Among this botanical riot is the monument to Maxim Gorky, which is the object of federal and regional cultural significance. 13 years before its creation, an All-Union competition for monument designs was announced, the winner of which was V. I. Mukhina. Its implementation was prevented by the Great Patriotic War. After the war, Gorky Square underwent reconstruction - a square was organized on it, where, in turn, a monument was unveiled.

In the recent past, this square was almost destroyed when an application for the construction of a shopping complex was approved. Fortunately, the square was defended. Attempts are now being made to change the status of the park to recreational. Today the square is open to everyone.

Gorky Square

One of the central squares of the city with the Sochi 2014 clock installed

Location of cafes, McDonald's, shops, access to bridges over the Volga, access to the Fedorovsky embankment

Markina Square

Square (Nikolai) Markin (formerly Safronovskaya, Sofronovskaya) - area on Nizhne-Volzhskaya embankment near the River Station. Received its name in honor of the commander of the Volga Flotilla Nikolai Markin. On the square there is a large rectangular fountain and a monument in honor of the Heroes of the Volga Flotilla.

Marshal Zhukov Square

Marshal Zhukov Square is named after the great Russian commander - Marshal Zhukov. IN Soviet times she was named after someone else historical figure- Karl Marx. Today the area is favorite place meetings of Nizhny Novgorod residents and tourists; various entertainment events and mass celebrations for holidays often take place here.

Tourists can see on the square military equipment, which, being located here, is a living reminder of the horrors of the Great Patriotic War. In particular, on Zhukov Square you can see a 122-mm howitzer manufactured in 1938 (known as M-30).

Steles soaring upward white form a circle and thus create a composition of the area.

Minin Square

Today, the main square of Novgorod has become the Square of Minin and Pozharsky. It was formed from the previously existing Blagoveshchenskaya and Seminarskaya, so its shape resembles a ladle. It occupies an area of ​​33 thousand square meters.

All the city's ceremonial events take place on this square. The Kremlin, Pedagogical University, Medical Academy are located here, in addition, educational and entertainment centers. The square became the social and cultural center of the city.

There is a monument to Chkalov, a bronze sculpture of the Gorodovs, and a sculpture of a bust of Kuzma Minin. It is clear that the square is named after the heroes of the time - Minin and Pozharsky.

In addition, there are cafes on the square for city guests; stylish design and excellent cuisine will allow you to enjoy all the delights of a walk.


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The central square of Nizhny Novgorod - Minin and Pozharsky - was called Blagoveshchenskaya, as well as Verkhnebazarnaya, representing an irregular polyhedron. On the northern side it is framed by the ancient walls of the Kremlin, and on the other three sides there were private two-story houses and the buildings of the former city gymnasium, post office, and the Main Upper Bazar House of the city society (which now houses the Nizhny Novgorod State exhibition complex) and Bugrov's house. To the east, the square, as in our time, opened with a wide avenue overlooking the Upper Embankment, or the Volga Escarpment. Four streets began in the southern direction from Blagoveshchenskaya Square: Tikhonovskaya (still not renamed Ulyanova), Varvarskaya, Alekseevskaya, and to the west - Bolshaya Pokrovskaya, Zelensky Congress and the so-called Zelenskaya terrace.
According to the famous Nizhny Novgorod local historian of the century before last, Nikolai Khramtsovsky, “it was rare to find provincial cities a similar square: all the buildings surrounding it are stone and very beautiful, especially the gymnasium and public buildings, of which the first one opens, in addition to the square, onto Tikhonovskaya and Varvarskaya streets. It is in the middle of three floors with a belvedere for meteorological observations, its architecture is simple but elegant. Public house located on the square and along Alekseevskaya Street on three floors, and on Pokrovskaya Street - on two: the first and second floors are occupied by shops, and the top floors have living rooms; the second floor is surrounded by a gallery with arches; in the living rooms are located: the chamber of the Civil Court, the Construction Commission, the District and Zemsky courts, and the Crafts Council. In the shops on the side of Pokrovskaya Street they sell tea, sugar, groceries and saddlery goods, porcelain dishes, on the Alekseevskaya side - partly grain goods and the same as on the Pokrovka side. On the side of the shop area, almost everyone is busy stacking goods.”
But Khramtsovsky calls Bugrov’s house (the current House of Labor) the most remarkable building on Blagoveshchenskaya Square and even in the whole city: “It has three floors, with two balconies, one of which is from the side of Pokrovka, the other from the side of the square, under the latter there is an entrance. Both balconies and the entrance are decorated with bronze grilles. The architecture of this house is extremely light and graceful, reminiscent of the style of Count Rastrelli.” This building was built according to the design of the Nizhny Novgorod architect N.I. Uzhumetsky-Gritsevich.
On Blagoveshchenskaya Square, in the house of the merchant Volkov, there was a postal station with a hotel and Ostatoshnikov’s store “with ladies’ goods and some men’s toiletries,” as well as tobacco and cigars. In the house of commerce of the adviser Perepletchikova there was a hotel of the merchant Lopashev and a store “with cloth and gentleman's goods” of the merchant Bryzgalov. Opposite the post office there were passenger cabs.
There were two churches on the square - the Annunciation Cathedral and the Church of Metropolitan Alexei, which filled the space in the center. Here - in the very heart of the city - life was in full swing from morning until late at night. Back in 1812, Konstantin Batyushkov described the life of Nizhny Novgorod residents at that time: “Instead of walking along beautiful boulevards, they crowded in the city square among carriages and peasant carts; having taken refuge, as God had sent, they organized noisy gatherings, balls and masquerades.”
IN late XIX V. on the site of the cafe in the current park there was a bronze monument to Emperor Alexander II. (His pedestal in our time was turned into a monument to those who died from wounds in hospitals during the Great Patriotic War, which is located in the cemetery in Maryina Roshcha.) Next to the monument, also on the territory of the modern square, stood the Church of the Annunciation of the Blessed Virgin Mary, which gave its name main square Nizhny. Old photographs show a small store attached to the left of the church with signs: “Wallpaper”, “Wallpaper and tableware store”. Apparently, this was typical for the square where large regular bazaars were held, which is why the second name is Verkhnebazarnaya Square. On the site of the stone Annunciation Church there once stood a wooden one in the name of the Great Martyr Dmitry of Thessalonica, which was built by Grand Duke Dmitry Konstantinovich back in 1378. In 1866, the worn tiles on the roof and domes of the church were replaced with white sheet iron, and the temple began to look like it had just been built.
In the building of the current Faculty of History of Nizhny Novgorod State University. N.I. Lobachevsky in the last century there was a hotel “Russia”, where, in particular, Vladimir Mayakovsky once stayed. In the building of the current pedagogical university there was a provincial gymnasium, where Lenin’s father taught, among others, and students in different time were famous Nizhny Novgorod public figure and local historian Alexander Gatsisky and terrorist revolutionary Yakov Sverdlov. IN Soviet years The gymnasium building “grew” - two floors were added.
In the place where the fountain is now located, a hundred years ago there was the Alekseevskaya Church, which gave its name to the street running radially from Blagoveshchenskaya Square. The church was built in 1641 in memory of the city’s deliverance from a pestilence “according to the common promise of all Nizhny Novgorod city and merchant people.” Over time, the wooden temple fell into disrepair, and a stone one was later erected in its place.
In 1928, the plenum of the Nizhny Novgorod City Council decided to demolish both churches on the main square of the city. After lengthy proceedings and disputes between the Main Science Department and the then city authorities, a decision was made to demolish it. In 1929, the Alekseevskaya Church was destroyed, and in 1930, the Annunciation Church.

Having passed through the gates of the Dmitrievskaya tower of the Kremlin, we will find ourselves right on the main square of Nizhny Novgorod, which bears the name of the famous heroes of the people's militia of 1612, Minin and Pozharsky. This ancient square was once the center of Verkhny Posad - land routes led here trade routes, here there was a brisk trade that provided all the needs of the upper part of the city, it was then called Verkhne Posad or Verkhnetorgovaya. After the construction of the Annunciation Cathedral in 1697, the square was renamed Blagoveshchenskaya. Before the appearance of a regular plan for the development of the city in 1770, the houses of the townspeople were located in the area in front of the Dmitrievskaya Tower, but after that the square began to transform. According to the plan, the square was supposed to take the shape of a trapezoid; it was supposed to preserve the historical directions of the streets, but now only stone buildings were allowed to be erected.

After the revolution, Blagoveshchenskaya Square was combined with the nearby Seminarskaya Square, resulting in a fairly large square. unusual shape- in the form of a ladle, they called it Soviet. At the end of the 1930s there appeared general plan“socialist city of Gorky”, the changes were supposed to radically affect Sovetskaya Square, and it was planned to demolish part of the walls and towers of the Kremlin, which supposedly did not at all correspond to the “socialist” appearance - they were even called “a monument to greedy feudalism”, however, it began soon The Great Patriotic War literally saved the Kremlin. In difficult years, to lift the spirit of the residents of Nizhny Novgorod (then Gorky), a monument to Kozma Minin was erected on the central square, since then Soviet began to be called in honor of the hero of the militia, to which the name of Prince Pozharsky was also added. Along the perimeter there are many historical attractions that attract tourists here - the first building of the Medical Academy, the Palace of Labor, the buildings of the Pedagogical University and others, whose age has already exceeded a hundred years.

Minin and Pozharsky Square

Passing through the gates of Dmitriev Kremlin tower, we will be right on the main square of Nizhny Novgorod, bearing the name of famous heroes of 1612 militia Minin and Pozharsky. This ancient square was once the center of the Upper Land - here were the land trade routes, brisk trade, which provided all the needs of the upper part of the city, it was then called Verkhneposadskaya or Verkhnetorgovo. After the construction of Annunciation Cathedral in 1697, the square was renamed Blagoveshchenskaya. Before the appearance of regular urban development plan in 1770 on the territory in front of Dmitrievskaya tower there were houses of local people, but after that the area began to change. According to the plan, the square was supposed to take the form of a trapezoid, it was supposed to preserve the historically developed directions of the streets, but now only stone structures were allowed to be established.

After the revolution, Annunciation Square was combined with nearby Seminar Square, resulting in an area of ​​a rather unusual shape - in the form of a bucket, called it Soviet. In the late 1930s, a general plan for the “socialist city of Gorky” appeared. Changes dramatically affected the Soviet square, and it was supposed to demolish part of the walls and towers of the Kremlin, which allegedly did not correspond to the “socialist” appearance, however, the Great Patriotic War literally saved the Kremlin. In difficult years for uplifting the spirit of Nizhny Novgorod citizens (then Gorky) in the central square was established a monument to Kozma Minin, since then the Soviet began to be named in honor of the hero of the militia, to which they also added the name of Prince Pozharsky. Along the perimeter, many historical sights attract tourists - the first building of Medical Academy, the Palace of Labor, the buildings of Pedagogical University and others.