Azerbaijanis in America at a talent competition. “America will fall in love with you”: how foreign audiences reacted to Danelia Tuleshova’s performance in the USA

Baku. 22nd of June. website/ Report's interview with Azerbaijani circus master Uzeyir Novruzov, who earned fame with his performance with a ladder at the famous America's Got Talent competition

- Where do you live?

Now I live in America, in Las Vegas, but I have been on tour for a long time.

- What country are you a citizen of?

I am a citizen of the USA and Russia. Unfortunately, I do not have Azerbaijani citizenship.

- Where were you born?

I was born in Western Azerbaijan, in Goycha Mahali. I lived there until I was 10 years old. We left there in 1987 before refugeehood and moved to the Krasnodar region. They lived there for a long time.

- Do you have a permanent place of work in America?

Yes, I work on a talk show, I show my number alone.

- Is anyone else in your family, besides you, engaged in this profession?

Yes, my brothers are also circus masters. The reason for our love for art is my father. My father was once a wrestler and had a good voice and sang. His dream was for us to do some kind of art. But I would be lying if I said that he wanted us to be circus performers, i.e. we could perform mugham, play some musical instrument. My brothers can play musical instruments. They do comic acrobatics and work in Europe. We can't work together yet. God willing, we will unite in the future.

- Why did you visit Baku?

I will perform a show at Formula 1. Azerbaijan invited me. I was invited for 3 days, and due to the fact that I can’t come often, and the road is long, I took my family and came for three weeks.

-Have you performed on stage in Baku before?

I have never gone on stage in Baku. Participation in Formula 1 is the first performance in my homeland. This was my dream, thank God it came true. I hope it's not the last time. Naturally, I also want to perform on stage in my homeland. I think in the future I will come to Baku again with new works.

- How long ago were you in your homeland last time?

When we were children, mother and father were constantly coming and going. We were children, studying, and therefore could not come so often. After leaving my homeland, I came once with my father, the second time I came in 2000, when my father died. We buried him in Ganja. Mom did not return after that; she has been living in Ganja for 17 years.

The last time I was in my homeland was in 2013. Such rare visits are associated with a lot of work, there are also a lot of tours, and Azerbaijan is located very far away. The children go to school, the opportunity arises only in the summer, and in the summer I have a lot to do.

- How did you get to the America's Got Talent competition, what did this competition change in your life?

For me it was an ordinary performance on stage. I couldn't believe there would be such interest. I have been in this profession for 20 years. I am a circus performer in the region where I live, but there is a lot of competition there, so it is difficult to become famous.

The goal of participating in the competition was to appear on television and become famous. It turned out to be even more successful than I thought; I reached the finals of the competition. You could say I was with them for six months.

In one of the scenes towards the end, I fell and was injured. But despite this, I reached the final because the audience voted for me a lot. It gave me a boost. Despite the injuries to my arm and leg, I tried to perform in front of the audience.

- Have you had many injuries? How dangerous is your job?

Yes, I had a lot of injuries. The most severe injury was ten years ago. I fell at a show in America and was in a coma for three days. Both my wrists were broken.

I didn’t perform on stage much then, I was just starting out. The height of the stairs from which I fell was about 4-4.5 m.

- How tall is your longest staircase?

The longest staircase was up to 6 m. With that staircase I showed the show for about 8 minutes.

- How did it happen that you chose the staircase as the instrument of the show?

I didn’t choose the stairs, it seems the stairs chose me (laughs). I don't know if it's a gift or fate. I'm very strong in balancing my legs, so I can work with stairs.

- What material is your staircase made of, who makes it and where? If it's not a secret, what is the price?

I've had a lot of stairs. I started with simple iron, it is very heavy and hits hard. Then I switched to aluminum, it turns my hands black and sometimes breaks quickly. When the opportunity arose, I switched to titanium. Titanium is expensive, but a strong and lightweight material. Now I only use titanium ladders.

Titanium stairs are expensive. One of these costs 15-20 thousand dollars.

- How many stairs do you have?

Now I have 7 stairs. Two very high, one prefabricated, 3 titanium, one aluminum...

- What kind of staircase did you bring for the show in Baku?

I brought a titanium ladder, it is prefabricated and lightweight.

- Doesn't transporting a ladder become a problem when traveling?

No, there are no problems. We pack it like regular cargo, I just try to put a label on it that says this is a tool and may break.

-Have you ever had a staircase break?

Naturally, this happens on stage, during a show. When titanium ladders break, they crack like glass and crumble. But I didn't get seriously injured because of it.

- What was the highest fee for the work?

It's a secret, I can't tell you (laughs). However, I can say that I started with very small fees. In general, the price depends on the work, opening hours and show. But after this TV program I became very famous and this certainly affected the cost of my work. Things are going well now. As is our custom, singers raise prices for performing at weddings as soon as they become famous, just like that...

- How do you choose stage outfits?

When I first started, they were sewn. Now I buy in regular stores. I choose clothes that match the outfits of past centuries. They are called Charlie Chaplin clothes. That is, in accordance with my image.

- How did you choose the image of Charlie Chaplin?

I studied at a school in Moscow. While studying in my first year, I went on stage. One of the famous clowns came up to me after the event and said that he really liked my performance. Said I looked like Charlie Chaplin. I didn’t even know who Charlie Chaplin was then. I thought about acrobatics and other things, but he told me that I should be a clown. After this show, everyone started saying that I looked like Charlie Chaplin and that’s how they remembered me.

- Would you like to act in films?

I really, really want to. Glory to Allah, many of my dreams have come true. I hope this one will come true too. I haven't come up with a name yet. My image has already been found. I think you can remix the old and the new and create something interesting.

I got a role in one movie, but it hasn't come out yet and I can't name it.

- Do you read news about Azerbaijan?

- How many countries of the world have you been to?

- Which country will you go to after the Formula 1 competition?

Because I came with my family, I will return home to Las Vegas. I work on a show there, I took three weeks off. There are many invitations, I will negotiate where I will go from there.

- Do you negotiate yourself?

Yes, I manage everything myself.

- You are a family man, how many children do you have? Is your spouse also involved in your profession?

I have twin daughters. My wife is Russian and was once a gymnast. After starting a family, having children, she does not work, she is a housewife.

- What language do your family members speak?

My wife knows the Azerbaijani language and speaks Azerbaijani. The daughters also know the Azerbaijani language and understand it. My mother speaks Azerbaijani to them, and although they understand, they speak Russian.

Their first language is English. They were born in America, citizens of this country. If I ever need help in English, I turn to my daughters.

- Do your daughters have an interest in art, your profession?

They love to watch my performances. I did not direct them to this area and would not want them to work in this area. This is a difficult profession for girls and women. My daughters are getting an education, and they also play tennis well and draw.

- Do your daughters like Azerbaijan?

Of course they love him very much. Now they are in Ganja, with my mother. The culture here is different, they really liked it. They climbed the mountains, the open air, nature, and pets aroused their interest.

Kazakh singer Daneliya Tuleshova at the American talent show The World's Best. In the new episode of the show, Daneliya Tulesheva performed the song Rise up by singer Andra Day.

It is worth noting that our young compatriot captivated the judges of this large-scale show with her performance. Famous actress and jury member Drew Barrymore could not even hold back her emotions and tears.

- You moved me to tears , Ms. Barrymore said.

The singer’s virtual fans, who supported the young singer in every possible way on social networks, did not remain indifferent. It is noteworthy that many of them were foreign listeners.

In this regard, the editors of the media portal found out what Western fans wrote about Danelia Tuleshova’s performance in the USA.

Despite the fact that only a 30-second video from the young singer’s performance was posted online, this short segment was enough for many viewers to be delighted.

« My God, those few seconds of her singing touched me to the core. Why the hell am I crying now?!"- wrote the user Adella Weizman.

These seconds just killed me. Looking forward to the full performance"- wrote Krzystof Mijas.

« I have never heard such an incredible, ideal and mega powerful voice. This sweet young lady is so incredible and very talented. A true phenomenon, the best voice of my life", - admired Jurgen Abraham.

In addition to ordinary admiration and praise for the domestic singer, many foreign fans did not forget to wish Danelia victory in this talent show.

« I hope you make it to the finals or even become the winner of this show! With your incredible talent and uniqueness, you totally deserve it."- wrote the user Martin Sevela.

« And the winner...DANELIA TULESHOVA. Sorry, I'm just getting ready in advance.", - supported the performer Lurry Gumm.

« Danelia, you must win and you will win, because you are the best singer in the world. I love your voice. With love from Poland"- wrote the user Alexandra Suchecka.

Despite the fact that there are only a few days left before our singer’s performance, many foreign fans often stated that they could no longer wait for the coveted showing of the show.

« I can't wait for your debut on American television. After watching the first two episodes, I can say that you will be the best. I hope you have fun yourself. With love from Texas", - commented Robert Clark.

“When I saw this announcement, I screamed. Honey, I can't wait to see you. Good luck,” the user signed. Maxxy Rainbow.

« We will be watching your performance from Michigan, USA. Good luck, young talent. America will fall in love with you!" - supported the performer Jeff Goetz.

Some fans even stated that the CBS channel, which will show Danelia’s performance, quite often shows previews of our singer’s performance. For example, one user managed to watch it three times during the Grammy Awards broadcast.

« Guys, guess what, I’ve already watched the announcement of Danelia’s performance three times today while watching the Grammy Awards. For Wednesday's show, advertising will run regularly. And it's so cool"- wrote the user Mark Raskin.

Ms. Tuleshova was also compared with another popular Kazakh performer who also participates in this talent show - Dimash Kudaibergen.

« I'm glad they saved it for last. Dimash's performance was excellent, he did a good job. The only downside is that he had to shorten the song due to time limits. I hope this doesn’t happen to Daneliya", - commented Arthur Walker.

In addition to foreign viewers and fans of Danelia’s work, many eminent compatriots of the young singer also expressed words of praise and good luck. Among them is the Minister of Culture and Sports of the Republic of Kazakhstan Arystanbek Mukhamediuly, who has repeatedly supported Ms. Tuleshova.

For example, before performing at Junior Eurovision, he wished Danelia endurance, patience and called on all Kazakhstanis to vote and support.

And after her victory on the Ukrainian show “The Voice. Children,” the minister personally met with a young Kazakh woman.

- Any achievement both in the field of culture and in the field of sports is very important for Kazakhstan. Daneliya, congratulations. We have been cooperating with Danelia since November. I would like to congratulate Daneliya on behalf of all Kazakhstanis on her high achievement, - said Arystanbek Mukhamediuly, welcoming the winner of the competition.

For several days now, the country's media have been talking and writing about the brothers' sensational performance, and their tricks are being discussed on social networks.

One of the brothers, Huseyn Pahlavanoglu, agreed to give an interview to the correspondent:

- What is “pahlavan”? Can everyone become a pahlavan?

You can play different sports, but still not become a pahlavan. Training alone won't do it. A person must be a pahlavan from the inside. Our father Ali and uncle Gambar were the people's pahlavans of Dagestan. My brother and I are coaches of a sports club named after our father, “Pahlevan Ali”.

- Since what age have you been involved in this business?

As a pahlavan, I have been taking part in various events since I was 13 years old. My brother also started doing this with me. We are three brothers, and we are all pahlavans. One of the brothers lives in Russia. Our father was Pahlavan, and we are the successors of his work. And yet, being a pahlavan is a kind of gift from God.

- How did you end up in America?

Back in 2015, we reached the finals of the talent show in Ukraine, but did not perform there until the end due to the fact that we had to perform in Georgia at the World Records Festival. Our names are included in the Book of World Records. The talent show organizers in America saw our performance on YouTube and liked it.

- Who invited you to America?

First, we sent the organizers a video filmed for casting for the show. We were not directly involved in the casting. They approved our video. Then they sent us a letter and invited us to the show. Based on this invitation, we went to America and took part in the first stage of the show.

- How did they treat you in the USA when they learned that you were Azerbaijanis?

We were received very well there. We performed under the name of Azerbaijan. We tried to represent our country with dignity. We received many offers from foreign countries to participate in their competitions. We didn't accept any of them. We only wanted to represent our country.

- Your performance seriously frightened both the jury members and the audience...

On the first day we verbally described our act, which is clearly visible in the [casting] video. Some of our numbers were not broadcast because they would be too shocking for the public.

- What numbers were these?

Numbers were filmed in which we lifted weights suspended from our eyes and neck. These stunts were not aired.

- Why were they afraid?

The jury members said that these numbers are too dangerous, and therefore they cannot be shown anywhere. And in fact, we have numbers in which we risk 80%. For example, our number with a shovel in 85% of cases means imminent death.

- To be honest, this act of yours with a shovel is actually very intimidating. I wonder how it is possible for the shovel not to cut the throat?

We ourselves don’t know how the shovel didn’t cut the throat. All items used in the show, including this shovel, are carefully checked before they are brought on stage. I note that the blade of that shovel was very, very sharp.

Our numbers with a shovel were included in the Book of World Records. In addition, his brother’s number was entered into the Book of Records, in which he hammers nails with his head.

- What is the secret of the shovel trick?

There is no big secret about this. We have even cooler, scarier numbers than this. We do not work out any of these numbers in advance. All our performances are born right on stage. We also don’t practice the shovel routine in training.

Let me give you one fact. Many people won’t believe it, but I can drag a load behind me, which is attached to my body through punctures in the skin. And the brother drags behind him a machine attached to him through his pierced eyelids. We do not show these numbers in training, but only perform them on stage.

- And that’s why you say that the shovel could have cut your throat...

When we show our numbers, we never think about such things.

- What about your family, children - are they not afraid when they see your dangerous, truly shocking performances?

Our biggest support is family. My brother and I’s families are always with us at events.

For days now, everyone has been talking about you. People wonder how the nail driven into the head did not dig into the forehead of the pahlavan?

- Of course, this surprises the public, because during the demonstration of the numbers we do not use any protective equipment.

- Have you received any serious injuries during performances?

Yes, there were numbers from which “traces” are still preserved on our bodies.

- Don’t you think it’s a miracle that you come out of such dangerous stunts alive?

Yes, I think it's a miracle. The jury members also said that no one else would have been able to show these numbers. They looked at us not as ordinary people, but as a miracle of God. After these numbers there were no serious injuries on our bodies, not a hint of wounds. This is impossible with an ordinary person.

- Did the jury members approach you after the performance?

Yes, we were literally surrounded from all sides. And the jury members even touched us to make sure that we were “real.” After that, they told each other that we “really are ordinary people.” And American viewers were convinced that all Azerbaijanis were strong men!

- Are there any pahlavans in Azerbaijan who could compete with you?

We have no competitors in our rooms.

- As far as I know, Armenian participants also performed in this episode of the show. How did they treat you?

The Armenians did not hide their envy of us, because so far not a single Armenian has been able to go on stage and repeat at least one of our numbers.

- What changed in your life after performing on the American talent show?

In the region (the brothers are from the Guba region of Azerbaijan - ed.) everyone knows us. They have long been accustomed to us. But before this performance we were not a sensation, but now it’s true that our fame has gone beyond the borders [of the region]. In America, we presented ourselves as brothers not from Guba, but from Azerbaijan. This is a great success for us.

- Will you return to America?

The competition is still ongoing. They themselves will invite us to the next stage.

- What reward awaits the winner of the show?

According to the terms of the contract, we do not have the right to disclose this until the end of the show.

- Would you like to stay and live in America?

The future will tell.

- According to the information we have, you had to invest certain funds to participate in the show? Is it so?

We sponsored ourselves to participate in this show. No one from the outside supported us. We paid all expenses out of our own pocket.

- May I know how much all this cost you?

I won’t say the exact amount, but I can only say that a lot of money was spent on this.

- What does it feel like to be the “conqueror” of America?

This feeling cannot be expressed in words. This is an indescribably wonderful feeling.

- And another question: are you afraid of death?

Why are they afraid of her? A person can die at any moment. In any case, if we were afraid of death, we would not show our numbers.

- Would you like to meet with any US officials? For example, with Donald Trump...

We would like to meet Trump... Who wouldn't want that?!

- Do you know English?

No, we don't know. When we were on stage and behind the scenes, we didn’t understand what they were saying around us. An assistant, a producer, translates for us. When we were on stage, we saw that the audience and jury members were shouting something, but we didn’t understand what. That’s why my brother and I decided to learn English.